Java tutorial
/* @VaadinAddonLicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.gwt.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.DateTimeService; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.LocaleNotLoadedException; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Paintable; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.UIDL; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VConsole; /** * VEventTimelineWidget, based on original version from vaadin-timeline * * @author Thomas Neidhart / Space Applications Services NV/SA * @author Florian Pirchner (add / remove bands) * @author Peter Lehto / IT Mill Oy Ltd * @author John Ahlroos / IT Mill Oy Ltd */ public class VEventTimelineWidget extends Composite implements Paintable { // Style names public static final String TAGNAME = "eventtimeline-widget"; public static final String CLASSNAME = "v-" + TAGNAME; public static final String DISPLAY_CLASSNAME = CLASSNAME + "-display"; public static final String BROWSER_CLASSNAME = CLASSNAME + "-browser"; public static final String CAPTION_CLASSNAME = CLASSNAME + "-caption"; private static final String CLASSNAME_TOPBAR = CLASSNAME + "-topbar"; private static final String CLASSNAME_ZOOMBAR = CLASSNAME + "-zoombar"; private static final String CLASSNAME_ZOOMBARLABEL = CLASSNAME + "-label"; private static final String CLASSNAME_DATEFIELD = CLASSNAME + "-datefield"; private static final String CLASSNAME_DATEFIELDEDIT = CLASSNAME_DATEFIELD + "-edit"; private static final String CLASSNAME_DATERANGE = CLASSNAME + "-daterange"; private static final String CLASSNAME_LEGEND = CLASSNAME + "-legend"; private static final String CLASSNAME_MODELEGEND_ROW = CLASSNAME + "-modelegend"; private static final String CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE = CLASSNAME + "-pagenavigation"; private static final String CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_LABEL = CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE + "-label"; private static final String CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_NEXT = CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE + "-next"; private static final String CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_PREVIOUS = CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE + "-previous"; private static final String CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_PAGENUMBER = CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE + "-pagenumber"; public static final String ATTR_DATE = "date"; public static final String ATTR_STYLE = "css"; public static final String ATTR_DESCRIPTION = "desc"; public static final String ATTR_TIMETO = "tto"; public static final String ATTR_TIMEFROM = "tfrom"; public static final String ATTR_DATETO = "dto"; public static final String ATTR_DATEFROM = "dfrom"; public static final String ATTR_CAPTION = "caption"; public static final String ATTR_ID = "id"; public static final String ATTR_EVENT = "event"; public static final String ATTR_BANDID = "bandid"; public static final String ATTR_BAND = "band"; public static final String ATTR_BAND_PAGE_SIZE = "bandPageSize"; public static final String ATTR_END = "end"; public static final String ATTR_START = "start"; public static final String ATTR_EVENTS = "events"; public static final String ATTR_BAND_CAPTION = "bcaption"; public static final String ATTR_OPERATION = "operation"; public static final String ATTR_BANDS = "bands"; public static final String OPERATION_REMOVE = "remove"; public static final String OPERATION_ADD = "add"; private final ClickHandler zoomClickHandler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { zoomLevelClicked(event); } }; private final ClickHandler pageNavigationClickHandler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { pageNavigationClicked(event); } }; // Panels private final HorizontalPanel topBar; private final HorizontalPanel zoomBar; private final HorizontalPanel dateRangeBar; private final HorizontalPanel modeLegendBar; // Legend private final HorizontalPanel legend; private final List<Label> legendValues = new ArrayList<Label>(); // Bands private final VEventTimelineBandArea bandArea; // Date selection private final TextBox dateFrom; private final TextBox dateTo; private Date intervalStartDate, intervalEndDate; // if true, then the current date ranges has to be set to the display and browser private boolean uiRequiresRangeRefresh; // Default UIDL stuff private ApplicationConnection client; private String uidlId; // Initialization private boolean initStage1Done = false; private boolean initDone = false; private boolean noDataAvailable = false; private Date selectedStartDate, selectedEndDate; // Components private VEventTimelineDisplay display; private VEventTimelineBrowser browser; // Base private final VerticalPanel root = new VerticalPanel(); private final Label caption; private boolean isIdle = true; private String initGridColor = "rgb(200,200,200)"; private boolean selectionLock = true; private String currentLocale; private DateTimeService dts; // Event specific properties private Date startDate = null; private Date endDate = null; // Band height property private int bandHeight = -1; // Zoom levels private final Map<Anchor, Long> zoomLevels = new HashMap<Anchor, Long>(); // Component visibilities private boolean browserIsVisible = true; private boolean zoomIsVisible = true; private boolean dateSelectVisible = true; private boolean dateSelectEnabled = true; private boolean legendVisible = false; private boolean bandPagingVisible = false; // Date formats private DateTimeFormat displayFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("MMM d, y"); private DateTimeFormat editFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); private final DateTimeFormat dateformat_date = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // Data Cache private VClientCache cache = new VClientCache(this); private boolean runningDataRequest = false; // Band Navigation private HorizontalPanel pageNavigationBar; private Anchor previousPage; private Label pageNumberText; private Anchor nextPage; public VEventTimelineWidget() { dts = new DateTimeService(); root.setStyleName(CLASSNAME); initWidget(root); caption = new Label(""); caption.setStyleName(CAPTION_CLASSNAME); caption.setVisible(false); root.add(caption); endDate = new Date(); startDate = new Date(endDate.getTime() - VEventTimelineDisplay.MONTH); topBar = new HorizontalPanel(); topBar.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_TOPBAR); topBar.setVisible(zoomIsVisible || dateSelectVisible || bandPagingVisible); root.add(topBar); zoomBar = new HorizontalPanel(); zoomBar.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_ZOOMBAR); zoomBar.setVisible(zoomIsVisible); Label zoomLbl = new Label("Zoom:"); zoomLbl.addStyleName(CLASSNAME_ZOOMBARLABEL); zoomBar.add(zoomLbl); topBar.add(zoomBar); dateRangeBar = new HorizontalPanel(); dateRangeBar.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATERANGE); dateRangeBar.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); dateRangeBar.setVisible(dateSelectVisible); dateFrom = new TextBox(); dateFrom.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { try { Date newDate = dts.parseDate(event.getValue(), editFormat.getPattern(), true); if ((newDate.equals(startDate) || newDate.after(startDate)) && (newDate.equals(endDate) || newDate.before(endDate))) { intervalStartDate = newDate; setBrowserRange(intervalStartDate, intervalEndDate); setDisplayRange(intervalStartDate, intervalEndDate); dateFrom.setFocus(false); } else { dateFrom.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalStartDate, editFormat.getPattern())); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { dateFrom.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalStartDate, editFormat.getPattern())); } } }); dateFrom.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { dateFrom.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATEFIELDEDIT); dateFrom.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalStartDate, editFormat.getPattern())); dateFrom.selectAll(); } }); dateFrom.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { dateFrom.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATEFIELD); dateFrom.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalStartDate, displayFormat.getPattern())); } }); dateFrom.setReadOnly(!dateSelectEnabled); dateFrom.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATEFIELD); dateRangeBar.add(dateFrom); Label dash = new Label(); dash.setText("-"); dateRangeBar.add(dash); dateTo = new TextBox(); dateTo.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { try { Date newDate = dts.parseDate(event.getValue(), editFormat.getPattern(), true); if ((newDate.equals(startDate) || newDate.after(startDate)) && (newDate.equals(endDate) || newDate.before(endDate))) { intervalEndDate = newDate; setBrowserRange(intervalStartDate, intervalEndDate); setDisplayRange(intervalStartDate, intervalEndDate); dateTo.setFocus(false); } else { dateTo.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalEndDate, editFormat.getPattern())); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { dateTo.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalEndDate, editFormat.getPattern())); } } }); dateTo.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { dateTo.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATEFIELDEDIT); dateTo.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalEndDate, editFormat.getPattern())); dateTo.selectAll(); } }); dateTo.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { dateTo.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATEFIELD); dateTo.setText(dts.formatDate(intervalEndDate, displayFormat.getPattern())); } }); dateTo.setReadOnly(!dateSelectEnabled); dateTo.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_DATEFIELD); dateRangeBar.add(dateTo); topBar.add(dateRangeBar); topBar.setCellHorizontalAlignment(dateRangeBar, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); // // band navigation area // pageNavigationBar = new HorizontalPanel(); pageNavigationBar.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); pageNavigationBar.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE); pageNavigationBar.setVisible(bandPagingVisible); pageNavigationBar.setHeight("31px"); topBar.add(pageNavigationBar); topBar.setCellHorizontalAlignment(pageNavigationBar, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); Label navigationLbl = new Label("Navigation:"); navigationLbl.addStyleName(CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_LABEL); pageNavigationBar.add(navigationLbl); previousPage = new Anchor("Previous page"); pageNavigationBar.add(previousPage); previousPage.addStyleName(CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_PREVIOUS); previousPage.addClickHandler(pageNavigationClickHandler); pageNumberText = new Label(); pageNavigationBar.add(pageNumberText); pageNumberText.addStyleName(CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_PAGENUMBER); pageNumberText.setText("1"); nextPage = new Anchor("Next page"); pageNavigationBar.add(nextPage); nextPage.addStyleName(CLASSNAME_BANDPAGE_NEXT); nextPage.addClickHandler(pageNavigationClickHandler); legend = new HorizontalPanel(); legend.setVisible(legendVisible); legend.setHeight("30px"); legend.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_LEGEND); modeLegendBar = new HorizontalPanel(); modeLegendBar.setVisible(legendVisible); modeLegendBar.setWidth("100%"); modeLegendBar.setHeight("31px"); modeLegendBar.setStyleName(CLASSNAME_MODELEGEND_ROW); modeLegendBar.add(legend); modeLegendBar.setCellHorizontalAlignment(legend, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); root.add(modeLegendBar); // // the band area // HorizontalPanel layout = new HorizontalPanel(); bandArea = new VEventTimelineBandArea(this); bandArea.setWidth("100px"); layout.add(bandArea); VerticalPanel main = new VerticalPanel(); // Add the display display = new VEventTimelineDisplay(this); main.add(display); // Add the browser browser = new VEventTimelineBrowser(this); browser.setVisible(browserIsVisible); main.add(browser); layout.add(main); root.add(layout); } public DateTimeService getDateTimeService() { return dts; } private String currentHeight = null; @Override public void setHeight(String height) { super.setHeight(height); if (!height.equals(currentHeight)) { // Reduce the amount of redraws caused by resizing currentHeight = height; recalculateHeights(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } } private void recalculateHeights() { int captionHeight = getCaptionHeight(); int topBarHeight = topBar.isVisible() ? 28 : 0; int modeLegendBarHeight = modeLegendBar.isVisible() ? 31 : 0; int browserHeight = browser.isVisible() ? 64 : 0; int displayHeight = getWidgetHeight() - captionHeight - topBarHeight - modeLegendBarHeight - browserHeight; display.setHeight(displayHeight + "px"); } private String currentWidth = null; @Override public void setWidth(String width) { super.setWidth(width); if (!width.equals(currentWidth) && width.contains("px")) { currentWidth = width; recalculateWidths(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } } private void recalculateWidths() { int width = getWidgetWidth(); topBar.setWidth(width + "px"); caption.setWidth((width - 5) + "px"); modeLegendBar.setWidth(width + "px"); display.setWidth(width - bandArea.getOffsetWidth() + "px"); browser.setWidth(width - bandArea.getOffsetWidth() + "px"); } /** * Adds a zoom level to the zoom bar * * @param caption * The caption of the zoom level * @param time * The time in milliseconds of the zoom level */ private void addZoomLevel(String caption, Long time) { Anchor level = new Anchor(caption); level.addClickHandler(zoomClickHandler); zoomLevels.put(level, time); zoomBar.add(level); } /** * A page navigation button was clicked * * @param evt * The click event */ private void pageNavigationClicked(ClickEvent evt) { boolean redraw = false; int bandPage = bandArea.getVisiblePage(); if (evt.getSource() == nextPage) { if (bandPage < bandArea.getPageCount() - 1) { bandPage++; bandArea.setVisiblePage(bandPage); redraw = true; } } else { if (bandPage > 0) { bandPage--; bandArea.setVisiblePage(bandPage); redraw = true; } } if (redraw) { refreshPageNumber(); display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); fireBandNavigationClickEvent(); } } /** * Initializes the widget */ private boolean init1(UIDL uidl) { // Set initial data setStartDate(uidl); setEndDate(uidl); setCaption(uidl); setZoomCaption(uidl); setPageNavigationCaptions(uidl); setBandSelectionEnabled(uidl); setSelectionLock(uidl); setDateFormatInfo(uidl); setLocale(uidl); setBandHeight(uidl); return true; } private void setStartDate(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("startDate")) { startDate = new Date(uidl.getLongAttribute("startDate")); uiRequiresRangeRefresh = true; } } private void setEndDate(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("endDate")) { endDate = new Date(uidl.getLongAttribute("endDate")); uiRequiresRangeRefresh = true; } } private void setCaption(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("caption")) { String captionText = uidl.getStringAttribute("caption"); if (!captionText.equals(caption.getText())) { boolean captionWasVisible = caption.isVisible(); if (captionText.equals("")) { caption.setText(""); caption.setVisible(false); } else { caption.setText(captionText); caption.setVisible(true); } if (captionWasVisible != caption.isVisible()) { recalculateHeights(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } } } } private void setSelectionLock(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("lock")) { selectionLock = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("lock"); } else { selectionLock = false; } } private void setZoomLevels(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("zoomLevels")) { String[] levels = uidl.getStringArrayAttribute("zoomLevels"); if (zoomBar != null) { for (Anchor lvl : zoomLevels.keySet()) { zoomBar.remove(lvl); } } zoomLevels.clear(); for (String level : levels) { String[] levelArray = level.split(","); if (levelArray.length == 2) { String caption = levelArray[0]; Long time = Long.parseLong(levelArray[1]); addZoomLevel(caption, time); } } } } private void setZoomVisibility(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("zoomVisibility")) { zoomIsVisible = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("zoomVisibility"); if (zoomBar != null) { zoomBar.setVisible(zoomIsVisible); setTopBarVisibility(zoomIsVisible || dateSelectVisible || bandPagingVisible); } } } private void setZoomCaption(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("zlvlcaption")) { String caption = uidl.getStringAttribute("zlvlcaption"); Label lbl = (Label) zoomBar.getWidget(0); lbl.setText(caption); } } private void setBandHeight(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("bandheight")) { bandHeight = uidl.getIntAttribute("bandheight"); } } protected int getBandHeight() { return bandHeight; } private void setPageNavigationVisibility(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("bandPagingVisible")) { bandPagingVisible = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("bandPagingVisible"); if (pageNavigationBar != null) { pageNavigationBar.setVisible(bandPagingVisible); setTopBarVisibility(zoomIsVisible || dateSelectVisible || bandPagingVisible); } } } private void setPageNavigationCaptions(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("bpgingCaption")) { String caption = uidl.getStringAttribute("bpgingCaption"); Label lbl = (Label) pageNavigationBar.getWidget(0); lbl.setText(caption); } if (uidl.hasAttribute("bpgingCptPrevious")) { String caption = uidl.getStringAttribute("bpgingCptPrevious"); previousPage.setText(caption); } if (uidl.hasAttribute("bpgingCptNext")) { String caption = uidl.getStringAttribute("bpgingCptNext"); nextPage.setText(caption); } } private void setBandSelectionEnabled(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("bandSelectionEnabled")) { boolean bandSelectionEnabled = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("bandSelectionEnabled"); boolean oldValue = bandArea.isBandSelectionEnabled(); if (oldValue != bandSelectionEnabled) { bandArea.setBandSelectionEnabled(bandSelectionEnabled); } } } private void setModeLegendBarVisibility(boolean visibility) { boolean isVisible = modeLegendBar.isVisible(); if (isVisible != visibility) { modeLegendBar.setVisible(visibility); recalculateHeights(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } } private void setTopBarVisibility(boolean visibility) { boolean isVisible = topBar.isVisible(); if (isVisible != visibility) { topBar.setVisible(visibility); recalculateHeights(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } } private Timer refreshTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { // Render the browser canvas (refreshes the selection after loading the data) browser.refresh(); if (selectionLock) { /* * Update the selection manually. If the selection lock is not * on the browser will update the display once it has finished * loading and recalculated the new selection */ display.setRange(browser.getSelectedStartDate(), browser.getSelectedEndDate()); } } }; public boolean isSelectionLocked() { return selectionLock; } private void setDirty(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.getBooleanAttribute("dirty") && initDone) { refreshTimer.cancel(); refreshTimer.schedule(500); } } private void setSelectionRange(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasVariable("selectStart") && uidl.hasVariable("selectEnd")) { selectedStartDate = new Date(uidl.getLongVariable("selectStart")); selectedEndDate = new Date(uidl.getLongVariable("selectEnd")); uiRequiresRangeRefresh = true; } } private void setGridColor(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("gridColor")) { String color = uidl.getStringAttribute("gridColor"); if (color == null || color.equals("")) { initGridColor = null; } else { initGridColor = color; } if (initStage1Done) { display.setGridColor(initGridColor); } } } private void setDateSelectEnabled(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("dateSelectEnabled")) { dateSelectEnabled = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("dateSelectEnabled"); dateFrom.setReadOnly(!dateSelectEnabled); dateTo.setReadOnly(!dateSelectEnabled); } } private void setDateSelectVisibility(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("dateSelectVisibility")) { dateSelectVisible = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("dateSelectVisibility"); if (dateRangeBar != null) { dateRangeBar.setVisible(dateSelectVisible); setTopBarVisibility(zoomIsVisible || dateSelectVisible || bandPagingVisible); } } } private void setLegendVisibility(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("legendVisibility")) { legendVisible = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("legendVisibility"); if (legend != null) { legend.setVisible(legendVisible); setModeLegendBarVisibility(legendVisible); } } } private void setBrowserVisibility(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("browserVisibility")) { boolean browserWasVisible = browserIsVisible; browserIsVisible = uidl.getBooleanAttribute("browserVisibility"); if (browser != null && browserWasVisible != browserIsVisible) { browser.setVisible(browserIsVisible); recalculateHeights(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } } } private void setLocale(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("locale")) { final String locale = uidl.getStringAttribute("locale"); try { dts.setLocale(locale); currentLocale = locale; } catch (final LocaleNotLoadedException e) { currentLocale = dts.getLocale(); VConsole.error("Tried to use an unloaded locale \"" + locale + "\". Using default locale (" + currentLocale + ")."); VConsole.error(e); } } } /** * Sets the bands that should be shown. The uidl contains information * whether bands are added or removed. * * @param uidl */ private void setBands(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute(ATTR_BAND_PAGE_SIZE)) { int pageSize = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTR_BAND_PAGE_SIZE); bandArea.setPageSize(pageSize); } boolean hasContent = bandArea.getBandCount() != 0; List<Integer> removedBands = new ArrayList<Integer>(); UIDL bands = uidl.getChildByTagName(ATTR_BANDS); if (bands != null) { Iterator<Object> it = bands.getChildIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { UIDL child = (UIDL); if (child != null && ATTR_BAND.equals(child.getTag())) { Integer id = child.getIntAttribute(ATTR_BANDID); String operation = child.getStringAttribute("operation"); if (operation.equals(OPERATION_ADD)) { String caption = child.getStringAttribute(ATTR_BAND_CAPTION); bandArea.addBand(id, caption); if (hasContent) { bandArea.navigateToBand(id); } } else if (operation.equals(OPERATION_REMOVE)) { bandArea.removeBand(id); removedBands.add(id); } } } } if (removedBands.size() > 0) { Integer[] bandIds = removedBands.toArray(new Integer[removedBands.size()]); display.dataRemoved(bandIds); browser.dataRemoved(bandIds); } if (!hasContent) { bandArea.navigateToPage(0); } refreshPageNumber(); if (initDone) { display.redraw(); browser.redraw(); } } /** * Refreshes the page number. */ private void refreshPageNumber() { pageNumberText.setText(Integer.toString(bandArea.getVisiblePage() + 1)); } protected int getBandHeight(int band) { return bandArea.getBandHeight(band); } private void handleOnePointGraph() { if (startDate.equals(endDate)) { long halfDay = VEventTimelineDisplay.DAY / 2L; startDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() - halfDay); endDate = new Date(endDate.getTime() + halfDay); selectedStartDate = startDate; selectedEndDate = endDate; browser.setRange(selectedStartDate, selectedEndDate); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Paintable#updateFromUIDL(com.vaadin.terminal * .gwt.client.UIDL, com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection) */ public void updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client) { // Check parent components if (client.updateComponent(this, uidl, true)) { return; } // Store reference variables for later usage this.client = client; uidlId = uidl.getId(); // Initialization stage 1 if (!initStage1Done) { initStage1Done = init1(uidl); // Send init flag back to server along with the canvas width client.updateVariable(uidlId, "init", true, false); client.updateVariable(uidlId, "canvasWidth", getOffsetWidth(), true); return; // Initialization done } setBandHeight(uidl); setCaption(uidl); setBands(uidl); setLocale(uidl); setNoData(uidl); setSelectionLock(uidl); setStartDate(uidl); setEndDate(uidl); handleOnePointGraph(); setSelectionRange(uidl); setBrowserVisibility(uidl); setZoomVisibility(uidl); setDateSelectVisibility(uidl); setDateSelectEnabled(uidl); setLegendVisibility(uidl); setPageNavigationVisibility(uidl); setZoomLevels(uidl); setGridColor(uidl); setZoomCaption(uidl); setPageNavigationCaptions(uidl); setBandSelectionEnabled(uidl); setDateFormatInfo(uidl); // Data received List<VEvent> events = null; UIDL bands = uidl.getChildByTagName("events"); if (bands != null) { Long startTime = bands.getLongAttribute("start"); Long endTime = bands.getLongAttribute("end"); Iterator<Object> it = bands.getChildIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { UIDL child = (UIDL); if (child != null && "band".equals(child.getTag())) { Integer id = child.getIntAttribute("bandid"); // TODO Thomas cache.removeFromCache(id); events = getEvents(child); cache.addToCache(id, new Date(startTime), new Date(endTime), events); display.dataReceived(id, events); browser.dataReceived(id, events); } } runningDataRequest = false; display.redraw(); } if (!initDone) { initDone = true; } if (isInitDone() && uiRequiresRangeRefresh) { uiRequiresRangeRefresh = false; browser.setRange(selectedStartDate, selectedEndDate); display.setRange(selectedStartDate, selectedEndDate); } if (isInitDone()) { if (browserIsVisible) { browser.refresh(); } } setDirty(uidl); } private void setNoData(UIDL uidl) { // Disable component since no data source has been defined on the server if (uidl.hasAttribute("nodata")) { setWidgetNoData(uidl.getBooleanAttribute("nodata")); } else { setWidgetNoData(false); } } /** Transforms uidl to list of TimelineEvents */ protected List<VEvent> getEvents(UIDL childUIDL) { int eventCount = childUIDL.getChildCount(); List<VEvent> events = new ArrayList<VEvent>(); for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { UIDL eventUIDL = childUIDL.getChildUIDL(i); String id = eventUIDL.getStringAttribute(ATTR_ID); String caption = eventUIDL.getStringAttribute(ATTR_CAPTION); String datefrom = eventUIDL.getStringAttribute(ATTR_DATEFROM); String dateto = eventUIDL.getStringAttribute(ATTR_DATETO); Long timefrom = eventUIDL.getLongAttribute(ATTR_TIMEFROM); Long timeto = eventUIDL.getLongAttribute(ATTR_TIMETO); String desc = eventUIDL.getStringAttribute(ATTR_DESCRIPTION); String style = eventUIDL.getStringAttribute(ATTR_STYLE); VEvent e = new VEvent(); e.setID(id); e.setCaption(caption); e.setDescription(desc); e.setEnd(dateformat_date.parse(dateto)); e.setStart(dateformat_date.parse(datefrom)); e.setStartTime(timefrom); e.setEndTime(timeto); e.setStyleName(style); events.add(e); } return events; } protected List<VEvent> getEventsFromStringArray(final String[] array) { List<VEvent> events = new ArrayList<VEvent>(); for (String str : array) { String[] vals = str.split(";"); VEvent e = new VEvent(); e.setID(vals[0]); e.setCaption(vals[1]); e.setStart(dateformat_date.parse(vals[2])); e.setEnd(dateformat_date.parse(vals[3])); e.setStartTime(Long.valueOf(vals[4])); e.setEndTime(Long.valueOf(vals[5])); e.setDescription(vals[6]); e.setStyleName(vals[7]); events.add(e); } return events; } /** * Set the not data state * * @param enabled */ private void setWidgetNoData(boolean enabled) { noDataAvailable = enabled; display.displayNoDataMessage(enabled); display.setEnabled(!enabled); browser.setEnabled(!enabled); dateFrom.setEnabled(!enabled); dateTo.setEnabled(!enabled); for (Anchor lvl : zoomLevels.keySet()) { lvl.setEnabled(!enabled); } } /** * Get data from server. * * @param component * The component which need the events * @param startDate * The start date of the events * @param endDate * The end date of the events * @return Was the data fetched from the cache */ public boolean getEvents(VDataListener component, Date startDate, Date endDate, boolean useCache) { if (!component.isVisible()) { return true; } isIdle = false; GWT.log("trying to retrieve events: start=" + startDate.toString() + ", end=" + endDate.toString()); if (useCache) { boolean gotFromCache = true; for (VEventTimelineBand band : bandArea.getAllBands()) { List<VEvent> events = cache.getFromCache(band.getId(), startDate, endDate); if (events == null) { gotFromCache = false; break; } else { component.dataReceived(band.getId(), events); } } component.dataReceivedAll(); if (gotFromCache) { return true; } } if (!runningDataRequest) { GWT.log("retrieve from server"); // if the data could not be found in the cache, get it from the server client.updateVariable(uidlId, "events", new Object[] { Long.valueOf(startDate.getTime()), Long.valueOf(endDate.getTime()) }, false); getFromServer(); } return false; } /** * Set the displayed date range * * @param start * The start date * @param end * The end date */ public void setDisplayRange(Date start, Date end) { display.setRange(start, end); } /** * Set the selected date range * * @param start * The start date * @param end * The end date */ public void setBrowserRange(Date start, Date end) { browser.setRange(start, end); } /** * Calculates the maximum value of a list of values * * @param values * The list of values * @return The maximum value */ public static float getMaxValue(List<Float> values) { if (values == null || values.size() == 0) { return 0; } float max = values.get(0); for (Float value : values) { max = max < value.floatValue() ? value.floatValue() : max; } return max; } /** * Returns the start date * * @return The start date */ public Date getStartDate() { return startDate; } /** * Returns the end date * * @return The end date */ public Date getEndDate() { return endDate; } /** * Issues a get request to fetch the requested data points */ public void getFromServer() { runningDataRequest = true; client.updateVariable(uidlId, "send", true, true); } /** * Set the starting date text field * * @param date * The date */ public void setFromDateTextField(Date date) { intervalStartDate = date; if (date != null) { dateFrom.setText(dts.formatDate(date, displayFormat.getPattern())); } else { dateFrom.setText(""); } } /** * Set the ending date text field * * @param date * The date */ public void setToDateTextField(Date date) { intervalEndDate = date; if (date != null) { dateTo.setText(dts.formatDate(date, displayFormat.getPattern())); } else { dateTo.setText(""); } } /** * The top bar height * * @return Height in pixels */ public int getTopBarHeight() { if (topBar.isVisible()) { return topBar.getOffsetHeight(); } else { return 0; } } /** * The caption height * * @return Height in pixels */ public int getCaptionHeight() { if (caption.isVisible()) { return caption.getOffsetHeight(); } else { return 0; } } /** * The legend height * * @return height in pixels */ public int getLegendHeight() { if (modeLegendBar.isVisible()) { return modeLegendBar.getOffsetHeight(); } else { return 0; } } /** * A zoom level was clicked * * @param evt * The click event */ private void zoomLevelClicked(ClickEvent evt) { evt.preventDefault(); // If we have no data do nothing if (noDataAvailable) { return; } // Was a zoom level clicked Long time = zoomLevels.get(evt.getSource()); Long totalTime = getEndDate().getTime() - getStartDate().getTime(); if (totalTime >= time) { // Calculate the center Date center; if (browserIsVisible) { Long selectedTime = browser.getSelectedEndDate().getTime() - browser.getSelectedStartDate().getTime(); center = new Date(browser.getSelectedStartDate().getTime() + selectedTime / 2L); } else { center = new Date(display.getSelectionStartDate().getTime() + time / 2L); } // Calculate start date Date start = new Date(center.getTime() - time / 2L); if (start.before(getStartDate())) { start = getStartDate(); } // Calculate end date Date end = new Date(start.getTime() + time); if (end.after(getEndDate())) { end = getEndDate(); } // Set the browser if (browserIsVisible) { setBrowserRange(start, end); } // Set the display setDisplayRange(start, end); } else { if (browserIsVisible) { setBrowserRange(getStartDate(), getEndDate()); } setDisplayRange(getStartDate(), getEndDate()); } } /** * Fire a date range change event */ public void fireDateRangeChangedEvent() { if (display.getSelectionStartDate() != null && display.getSelectionEndDate() != null) { Object[] values = new Object[] { display.getSelectionStartDate().getTime(), display.getSelectionEndDate().getTime(), }; client.updateVariable(uidlId, "drce", values, true); } } /** * Fire a event button click event * * @param indexes */ public void fireEventButtonClickEvent(String id) { client.updateVariable(uidlId, "ebce", id, true); } /** * Fires a event band navigation click event */ public void fireBandNavigationClickEvent() { client.updateVariable(uidlId, "bandPage", bandArea.getVisiblePage(), true); } /** * Fires a band selected event. * * @param bandId */ public void fireBandSelected(int bandId) { client.updateVariable(uidlId, "bandSel", bandId, true); } /** * Returns the height of the widget in pixels * * @return A pixel height */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public int getWidgetHeight() { try { int height = Integer.parseInt(DOM.getAttribute(root.getElement(), "height").replaceAll("px", "")); return height; } catch (Exception e) { try { int height = Integer .parseInt(DOM.getStyleAttribute(root.getElement(), "height").replaceAll("px", "")); return height; } catch (Exception f) { return root.getOffsetHeight(); } } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public int getWidgetWidth() { try { int width = Integer.parseInt(DOM.getAttribute(root.getElement(), "width").replaceAll("px", "")); return width; } catch (Exception e) { try { int width = Integer .parseInt(DOM.getStyleAttribute(root.getElement(), "width").replaceAll("px", "")); return width; } catch (Exception f) { return root.getOffsetWidth(); } } } /** * Get the browser height * * @return The height in pixels */ public int getBrowserHeight() { if (browserIsVisible) { return browser.getOffsetHeight(); } else { return 0; } } /** * The idle state of the widget * * @return If the widget is idle true is returned else false */ public boolean isIdle() { return isIdle; } /** * Sets the legend value * * @param graph * The graph the value is from * @param value * The value */ public void setLegendValue(int graph, String value) { if (legendValues.size() > graph) { Label lbl = legendValues.get(graph); if (lbl != null) { lbl.setText(value); } } } /** * Has the widget been properly initialized * * @return */ public boolean isInitDone() { return initDone; } public Date getSelectedStartDate() { return selectedStartDate; } public Date getSelectedEndDate() { return selectedEndDate; } private void setDateFormatInfo(UIDL uidl) { if (uidl.hasAttribute("dateformats")) { String[] formats = uidl.getStringAttribute("dateformats").split("\\|"); DateTimeFormat dateSelectDisplaySimpleDateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[0]); setSelectDisplayFormat(dateSelectDisplaySimpleDateFormat); DateTimeFormat dateSelectEditSimpleDateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[1]); setSelectEditFormat(dateSelectEditSimpleDateFormat); DateTimeFormat shortYearFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[2]); display.setYearFormatShort(shortYearFormat); DateTimeFormat longYearFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[3]); display.setYearFormatLong(longYearFormat); DateTimeFormat shortMonthFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[4]); display.setMonthFormatShort(shortMonthFormat); DateTimeFormat longMonthFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[5]); display.setMonthFormatLong(longMonthFormat); DateTimeFormat shortDayFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[6]); display.setDayFormatShort(shortDayFormat); DateTimeFormat longDayFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[7]); display.setDayFormatLong(longDayFormat); DateTimeFormat shortTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[8]); display.setTimeFormatShort(shortTimeFormat); DateTimeFormat longTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(formats[9]); display.setTimeFormatLong(longTimeFormat); // Update scales by redrawing if (initDone) { display.redraw(); } } } private void setSelectDisplayFormat(DateTimeFormat format) { displayFormat = format; setToDateTextField(intervalEndDate); setFromDateTextField(intervalStartDate); } private void setSelectEditFormat(DateTimeFormat format) { editFormat = format; } public void redrawDisplay() { display.redraw(); } }