Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Sony Mobile Communications Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ISOBMFFParser extends MediaParser { private static final boolean LOGS_ENABLED = Configuration.DEBUG || false; private static final String TAG = "ISOBMFFParser"; protected static final int BOX_ID_FTYP = fourCC('f', 't', 'y', 'p'); protected static final int BOX_ID_UUID = fourCC('u', 'u', 'i', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MOOV = fourCC('m', 'o', 'o', 'v'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MVHD = fourCC('m', 'v', 'h', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TRAK = fourCC('t', 'r', 'a', 'k'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TKHD = fourCC('t', 'k', 'h', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MDIA = fourCC('m', 'd', 'i', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MDHD = fourCC('m', 'd', 'h', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_HDLR = fourCC('h', 'd', 'l', 'r'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MINF = fourCC('m', 'i', 'n', 'f'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STBL = fourCC('s', 't', 'b', 'l'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STSD = fourCC('s', 't', 's', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_AVC1 = fourCC('a', 'v', 'c', '1'); protected static final int BOX_ID_AVC3 = fourCC('a', 'v', 'c', '3'); protected static final int BOX_ID_AVCC = fourCC('a', 'v', 'c', 'C'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STTS = fourCC('s', 't', 't', 's'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STSZ = fourCC('s', 't', 's', 'z'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STCO = fourCC('s', 't', 'c', 'o'); protected static final int BOX_ID_CO64 = fourCC('c', 'o', '6', '4'); protected static final int BOX_ID_CTTS = fourCC('c', 't', 't', 's'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STSC = fourCC('s', 't', 's', 'c'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STSS = fourCC('s', 't', 's', 's'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MP4V = fourCC('m', 'p', '4', 'v'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MP4A = fourCC('m', 'p', '4', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_ESDS = fourCC('e', 's', 'd', 's'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MDAT = fourCC('m', 'd', 'a', 't'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MVEX = fourCC('m', 'v', 'e', 'x'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TREX = fourCC('t', 'r', 'e', 'x'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MEHD = fourCC('m', 'e', 'h', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MOOF = fourCC('m', 'o', 'o', 'f'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TFHD = fourCC('t', 'f', 'h', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TRAF = fourCC('t', 'r', 'a', 'f'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TRUN = fourCC('t', 'r', 'u', 'n'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SBGP = fourCC('s', 'b', 'g', 'p'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SGPD = fourCC('s', 'g', 'p', 'd'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SUBS = fourCC('s', 'u', 'b', 's'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SAIZ = fourCC('s', 'a', 'i', 'z'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SAIO = fourCC('s', 'a', 'i', 'o'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TFTD = fourCC('t', 'f', 'd', 't'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SDTP = fourCC('s', 'd', 't', 'p'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MFRA = fourCC('m', 'f', 'r', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TFRA = fourCC('t', 'f', 'r', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_MFRO = fourCC('m', 'f', 'r', 'o'); protected static final int BOX_ID_ENCV = fourCC('e', 'n', 'c', 'v'); protected static final int BOX_ID_ENCA = fourCC('e', 'n', 'c', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SINF = fourCC('s', 'i', 'n', 'f'); protected static final int BOX_ID_FRMA = fourCC('f', 'r', 'm', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SCHM = fourCC('s', 'c', 'h', 'm'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SCHI = fourCC('s', 'c', 'h', 'i'); protected static final int BOX_ID_EDTS = fourCC('e', 'd', 't', 's'); protected static final int BOX_ID_ELST = fourCC('e', 'l', 's', 't'); protected static final int BOX_ID_PSSH = fourCC('p', 's', 's', 'h'); protected static final int BOX_ID_TENC = fourCC('t', 'e', 'n', 'c'); protected static final int BOX_ID_STPP = fourCC('s', 't', 'p', 'p'); protected static final int BOX_ID_SENC = fourCC('s', 'e', 'n', 'c'); protected static final int BOX_ID_HVCC = fourCC('h', 'v', 'c', 'C'); protected static final int BOX_ID_HVC1 = fourCC('h', 'v', 'c', '1'); protected static final int BOX_ID_HEV1 = fourCC('h', 'e', 'v', '1'); protected static final int BOX_ID_UDTA = fourCC('u', 'd', 't', 'a'); protected static final int BOX_ID_META = fourCC('m', 'e', 't', 'a'); // iTunes metadata protected static final int BOX_ID_ILST = fourCC('i', 'l', 's', 't'); protected static final int BOX_ID_ATNAM = fourCC((char) 0xA9, 'n', 'a', 'm'); // title protected static final int BOX_ID_ATALB = fourCC((char) 0xA9, 'a', 'l', 'b'); // album protected static final int BOX_ID_ATART = fourCC((char) 0xA9, 'A', 'R', 'T'); // artist protected static final int BOX_ID_AART = fourCC('a', 'A', 'R', 'T'); // albumartist protected static final int BOX_ID_ATDAY = fourCC((char) 0xA9, 'd', 'a', 'y'); // year protected static final int BOX_ID_TRKN = fourCC('t', 'r', 'k', 'n'); // tracknumber protected static final int BOX_ID_ATGEN = fourCC((char) 0xA9, 'g', 'e', 'n'); // genre protected static final int BOX_ID_GNRE = fourCC('g', 'n', 'r', 'e'); // genre protected static final int BOX_ID_CPIL = fourCC('c', 'p', 'i', 'l'); // compilation protected static final int BOX_ID_ATWRT = fourCC((char) 0xA9, 'w', 'r', 't'); // writer protected static final int BOX_ID_DISK = fourCC('d', 'i', 's', 'k'); // disknumber protected static final int BOX_ID_DATA = fourCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a'); // 3GPP metadata protected static final int BOX_ID_TITL = fourCC('t', 'i', 't', 'l'); // title protected static final int BOX_ID_PERF = fourCC('p', 'e', 'r', 'f'); // artist protected static final int BOX_ID_AUTH = fourCC('a', 'u', 't', 'h'); // writer protected static final int BOX_ID_ALBM = fourCC('a', 'l', 'b', 'm'); // album // title // and // tracknumber protected static final int BOX_ID_YRRC = fourCC('y', 'r', 'r', 'c'); // year // ID3v2 metadata protected static final int BOX_ID_ID32 = fourCC('I', 'D', '3', '2'); protected static final int ID3_KEY_COMPILATION = fourCC('T', 'C', 'M', 'P'); protected static final int ID3_KEY_AUTHOR = fourCC('T', 'E', 'X', 'T'); protected static final int ID3_KEY_COMPOSER = fourCC('T', 'C', 'O', 'M'); protected static final int ID3_KEY_DISC_NUMBER = fourCC('T', 'P', 'O', 'S'); protected static final int HANDLER_TYPE_VIDEO = fourCC('v', 'i', 'd', 'e'); protected static final int HANDLER_TYPE_AUDIO = fourCC('s', 'o', 'u', 'n'); protected static final int HANDLER_TYPE_SUBTITLE = fourCC('s', 'u', 'b', 't'); protected static final int HANDLER_TYPE_HMMP_SUBTITLE = fourCC('G', 'R', 'A', 'P'); protected static final int HANDLER_TYPE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR = fourCC('o', 'd', 's', 'm'); protected static final int sNALHeaderSize = 4; protected static final int AVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE = 5; protected static final int AVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_SPS = 7; protected static final int HEVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE_W_RADL = 19; protected static final int HEVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE_N_LP = 20; protected static final int HEVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_CRA_PICTURE = 21; protected IsoTrack mCurrentAudioTrack; protected IsoTrack mCurrentVideoTrack; protected IsoTrack mCurrentSubtitleTrack; protected boolean mIsParsingTrack = false; protected boolean mIsFragmented = false; protected IsoTrack mCurrentTrack; protected long mFileTimescale = 1; protected Traf mCurrentTrackFragment; protected long mFirstMoofOffset = -1; protected long mCurrentMoofOffset = 0; protected long mPrevTrunDataSize = 0; protected ArrayList<IsoTrack> mMfraTracks; protected boolean mHasSampleTable = false; protected ArrayDeque<BoxHeader> mCurrentBoxSequence; protected boolean mIsPlayReadyProtected = false; protected boolean mParseODSMData = false; protected MediaFormat mCurrentMediaFormat; protected String mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; private long mMoofDataSize; protected int mCurrentMoofTrackId = -1; protected int mCurrentTrackId = -1; protected boolean mSkipInsertSamples = false; protected boolean mDesiredTrackIdFound = false; protected boolean mFoundMfra = false; protected boolean mMdatFound = false; protected boolean mParsedSencData = false; protected int mNALLengthSize; private static final int[] ISOBMFF_COMPATIBLE_BRANDS = { fourCC('i', 's', 'o', 'm'), fourCC('m', 'p', '4', '1'), fourCC('m', 'p', '4', '2'), fourCC('a', 'v', 'c', '1'), fourCC('3', 'g', 'p', '5'), fourCC('h', 'v', 'c', '1') }; public ISOBMFFParser(DataSource source) { super(source); if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "create ISOBMFFParser from source"); } public ISOBMFFParser(String path, int maxBufferSize) { super(path, maxBufferSize); if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "create ISOBMFFParser from path"); } public ISOBMFFParser(String path, long offset, long length, int maxBufferSize) { super(path, offset, length, maxBufferSize); if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "create ISOBMFFParser from path with length " + length); } public ISOBMFFParser(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length) { super(fd, offset, length); if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "create ISOBMFFParser from FileDescriptor"); } protected static int fourCC(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4) { return c1 << 24 | c2 << 16 | c3 << 8 | c4; } protected String ccruof(long id) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4); sb.append((char) ((id & 0x00000000FF000000) >> 24)); sb.append((char) ((id & 0x0000000000FF0000) >> 16)); sb.append((char) ((id & 0x000000000000FF00) >> 8)); sb.append((char) (id & 0x00000000000000FF)); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean parse() { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "ISOBMFFParser parse"); boolean parseOK = true; initParsing(); try { long sourceLength = mDataSource.length(); BoxHeader nextHeader; mCurrentOffset = 0; while (mInitDone == false && (mCurrentOffset < sourceLength || sourceLength == -1) && parseOK) { nextHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); if (nextHeader == null) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Could not read next box header"); parseOK = false; } else { parseOK = parseBox(nextHeader); } } if (!mInitDone && mMdatFound && mTracks.size() > 0 && !mIsFragmented) { mInitDone = true; } parseOK = mInitDone; if (parseOK && mIsFragmented && !mFoundMfra && sourceLength != -1) { long curOffset = mCurrentOffset; // read mfra at end of file mCurrentOffset = sourceLength - 16; nextHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); if (nextHeader != null && nextHeader.boxType == BOX_ID_MFRO) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; mDataSource.readAt(sourceLength - buffer.length, buffer, buffer.length); int mfraLength = ((buffer[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (buffer[1] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buffer[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[3] & 0xFF); mCurrentOffset = sourceLength - mfraLength; nextHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); if (nextHeader.boxType == BOX_ID_MFRA) { parseOK = parseBox(nextHeader); } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "No mfra at end of file"); } } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "No mfro at end of file"); } mCurrentOffset = curOffset; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing content", e); return false; } if (mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { mMetaDataValues.put(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.MP4_VIDEO); } else { mMetaDataValues.put(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.MP4_AUDIO); } mMetaDataValues.put(MetaData.KEY_PAUSE_AVAILABLE, 1); mMetaDataValues.put(MetaData.KEY_SEEK_AVAILABLE, 1); mMetaDataValues.put(MetaData.KEY_NUM_TRACKS, mTracks.size()); updateAspectRatio(); if (mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { mCurrentAudioTrack.buildSampleTable(); } if (mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { mCurrentVideoTrack.buildSampleTable(); } if (mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { mCurrentSubtitleTrack.buildSampleTable(); } return parseOK; } protected void updateAspectRatio() { if (mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { MediaFormat videoFormat = mCurrentVideoTrack.getMediaFormat(); if (videoFormat.containsKey(MetaData.KEY_SAR_WIDTH) && videoFormat.containsKey(MetaData.KEY_SAR_HEIGHT)) { int sarWidth = videoFormat.getInteger(MetaData.KEY_SAR_WIDTH); int sarHeight = videoFormat.getInteger(MetaData.KEY_SAR_HEIGHT); int adjustedWidth = (int) Math .round(((double) videoFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH) * sarWidth) / sarHeight); addMetaDataValue(KEY_WIDTH, adjustedWidth); mCurrentVideoTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_WIDTH, adjustedWidth); } } } protected void initParsing() { mCurrentOffset = 0; mCurrentBoxSequence = new ArrayDeque<BoxHeader>(10); } @Override public MediaFormat getTrackMediaFormat(int trackIndex) { if (trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex >= mTracks.size()) { return null; } return ((IsoTrack) mTracks.get(trackIndex)).getMediaFormat(); } @Override public synchronized AccessUnit dequeueAccessUnit(TrackType type) { IsoTrack currentTrack; if (type == TrackType.AUDIO && mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { currentTrack = mCurrentAudioTrack; } else if (type == TrackType.VIDEO && mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { currentTrack = mCurrentVideoTrack; } else if (type == TrackType.SUBTITLE && mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { currentTrack = mCurrentSubtitleTrack; } else { return null; } return currentTrack.dequeueAccessUnit(mIsFragmented); } protected BoxHeader getNextBoxHeader() { long startOffset = mCurrentOffset; byte[] buffer = new byte[8]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, buffer, 8) != 8) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "could not read 8 bytes for header"); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error reading next header from source", e); return null; } mCurrentOffset += 8; if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "boxSize bytes = " + buffer[0] + " " + buffer[1] + " " + buffer[2] + " " + buffer[3] + " "); long boxSize = (buffer[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (buffer[1] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buffer[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[3] & 0xFF; int boxType = (buffer[4] & 0xFF) << 24 | (buffer[5] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buffer[6] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[7] & 0xFF; int boxHeaderSize = 8; if (boxSize == 1) { try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, buffer, 8) != 8) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "could not read 8 bytes for extended size"); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error while reading extended box size", e); } mCurrentOffset += 8; boxSize = ((long) (buffer[0] & 0xFF) << 56 | (long) (buffer[1] & 0xFF) << 48 | (long) (buffer[2] & 0xFF) << 40 | (long) (buffer[3] & 0xFF) << 32 | (buffer[4] & 0xFF) << 24 | (buffer[5] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buffer[6] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[7] & 0xFF); boxSize -= 8; boxHeaderSize += 8; } boxSize -= 8; BoxHeader boxHeader = new BoxHeader(); boxHeader.boxHeaderSize = boxHeaderSize; boxHeader.boxDataSize = boxSize; boxHeader.boxType = boxType; boxHeader.startOffset = startOffset; if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "read box " + ccruof(boxHeader.boxType) + " with size " + boxSize + " from offset " + startOffset); return boxHeader; } protected boolean parseBox(BoxHeader header) { if (header == null) { return false; } mCurrentBoxSequence.add(header); if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "parse box " + ccruof(header.boxType) + " with size " + header.boxDataSize); boolean parseOK = true; long boxEndOffset = mCurrentOffset + header.boxDataSize; if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_FTYP) { } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MOOV) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } // Merge tracks from moov and mfra if (mMfraTracks != null) { int numTracks = mTracks.size(); int numMfraTracks = mMfraTracks.size(); if (numMfraTracks > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { IsoTrack track = (IsoTrack) mTracks.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < numMfraTracks; j++) { IsoTrack t = mMfraTracks.get(j); if (t.getTrackId() == track.getTrackId()) { track.setTfraList(t.getTfraList()); mMfraTracks.remove(j); break; } } } } mMfraTracks = null; } // Check for unsupported tracks int numTracks = mTracks.size(); if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, numTracks + " tracks, " + "Video track " + getSelectedTrackIndex(TrackType.VIDEO) + " Audio track " + getSelectedTrackIndex(TrackType.AUDIO) + " Subtitle track " + getSelectedTrackIndex(TrackType.SUBTITLE)); for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { IsoTrack track = (IsoTrack) mTracks.get(i); if (track.getMediaFormat() == null) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "Track " + i + " is unhandled, type " + track.getTrackType()); track.setTrackType(TrackType.UNKNOWN); } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "Track " + i + " of type " + track.getTrackType() + " is OK"); track.setTrackIndex(i); } } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MVHD) { parseOK = parseMvhd(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TRAK) { mIsParsingTrack = true; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } if (mParseODSMData) { if (!parseODSMData(mCurrentTrack)) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error while parsing ODSM track"); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mParseODSMData = false; } mIsParsingTrack = false; } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TKHD) { parseOK = readTkhd(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MDIA) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MDHD) { parseOK = parseMdhd(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_HDLR) { parseOK = parseHdlr(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MINF) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } if (parseOK) { if (mCurrentTrack.getTrackType() == TrackType.AUDIO && mCurrentAudioTrack == null) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "Setting audio track to " + mCurrentTrack.getTrackId()); mCurrentAudioTrack = mCurrentTrack; } else if (mCurrentTrack.getTrackType() == TrackType.VIDEO && mCurrentVideoTrack == null) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "Setting video track to " + mCurrentTrack.getTrackId()); mCurrentVideoTrack = mCurrentTrack; } } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing minf boxes"); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STBL) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } if (parseOK) { IsoTrack currentTrack = (IsoTrack) mTracks.get(mTracks.size() - 1); SampleTable sampleTable = currentTrack.getSampleTable(); sampleTable.setTimescale(currentTrack.getTimeScale()); if (sampleTable.calculateSampleCountAndDuration() == false) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "Error while calculating sample count and duration"); } int sampleCount = sampleTable.getSampleCount(); if (sampleCount > 0) { mHasSampleTable = true; } long trackDurationUs = currentTrack.getDurationUs(); if (trackDurationUs > 0) { float frameRate = (sampleCount * 1000000.0f / trackDurationUs); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_FRAME_RATE, frameRate); } else { mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_FRAME_RATE, 0f); } } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STSD) { // skip 4 for version and flags // skip 4 for entry_count mCurrentOffset += 8; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } if (mCurrentTrack.getMediaFormat() == null) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "Error parsing handler in 'stsd' box"); mCurrentTrack.setTrackType(TrackType.UNKNOWN); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_AVC1 || header.boxType == BOX_ID_AVC3) { byte[] data = new byte[78]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error while parsing 'avc1' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); parseVisualSampleEntry(data); mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.AVC); // TODO: Update this when we add support for nalSize other than 4 mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger("nal-size", 4); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.AVC); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_AVCC) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error while parsing 'avcc' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } AvccData avccData = parseAvcc(data); if (avccData == null) { return false; } ByteBuffer csd0 = ByteBuffer.wrap(avccData.spsBuffer.array()); ByteBuffer csd1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(avccData.ppsBuffer.array()); mCurrentMediaFormat.setByteBuffer("csd-0", csd0); mCurrentMediaFormat.setByteBuffer("csd-1", csd1); mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger("nal-length-size", mNALLengthSize); parseSPS(avccData.spsBuffer.array()); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STTS) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'stts' box", e); } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setSttsData(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STSZ) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'stsz' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setStszData(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_CTTS) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'ctts' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setCttsData(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STSC) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'stsc' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setStscData(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STSS) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'stss' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setStssData(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STCO) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'stco' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setStcoData(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_CO64) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'co64' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentTrack.getSampleTable().setCo64Data(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MP4V) { byte[] data = new byte[78]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'mp4v' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); // mp4v is a type of VisualSampleEntry parseVisualSampleEntry(data); mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.MPEG4_VISUAL); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.MPEG4_VISUAL); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MP4A) { byte[] data = new byte[28]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'mp4a' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); parseAudioSampleEntry(data); mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.AAC); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.AAC); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ESDS) { // skip 4 for version and flags mCurrentOffset += 4; byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize - 4]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'esds' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } parseOK = parseESDS(data); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_STPP) { mCurrentOffset += header.boxDataSize; mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.TTML); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.TTML); mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MVEX) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "found 'mvex', setting fragmented to true"); mIsFragmented = true; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MEHD) { int versionFlags = 0; try { versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); int version = (versionFlags >> 24) & 0xFF; long durationTicks = 0; if (version == 1) { durationTicks = mDataSource.readLong(); } else { durationTicks = mDataSource.readInt(); } addMetaDataValue(KEY_DURATION, durationTicks * 1000 / mFileTimescale); } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "EOFException while parsing 'mvex' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'mehd' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TREX) { try { Trex newTrex = new Trex(); mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // version and flags int trackId = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // Skip Default Sample Description Index newTrex.defaultSampleDuration = mDataSource.readInt(); newTrex.defaultSampleSize = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // Skip Default Sample Flags IsoTrack track = null; int numTracks = mTracks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { IsoTrack t = (IsoTrack) (mTracks.get(i)); if (t.getTrackId() == trackId) { track = t; break; } } if (track == null) { track = (IsoTrack) createTrack(); track.setTrackId(trackId); mTracks.add(track); } if (track != null) { track.setTrex(newTrex); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'trex' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MOOF) { if (mFirstMoofOffset == -1) { mIsFragmented = true; mInitDone = true; mFirstMoofOffset = header.startOffset; mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return true; } mCurrentMoofOffset = header.startOffset; mMoofDataSize = 0; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TRAF) { mParsedSencData = false; mCurrentTrackFragment = new Traf(); mPrevTrunDataSize = 0; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TFHD) { parseOK = parseTfhd(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TRUN) { parseOK = parseTrun(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MFRA) { if (!mFoundMfra) { mMfraTracks = new ArrayList<ISOBMFFParser.IsoTrack>(2); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mFoundMfra = true; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TFRA) { parseOK = parseTfra(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ENCA) { byte[] data = new byte[28]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'enca' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); parseAudioSampleEntry(data); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ENCV) { byte[] data = new byte[78]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'encv' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); parseVisualSampleEntry(data); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_FRMA) { try { int dataFormat = mDataSource.readInt(); if (dataFormat == BOX_ID_AVC1) { mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.AVC); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.AVC); } else if (dataFormat == BOX_ID_HVC1) { mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.HEVC); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.HEVC); } else if (dataFormat == BOX_ID_MP4V) { mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.MPEG4_VISUAL); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.MPEG4_VISUAL); } else if (dataFormat == BOX_ID_MP4A) { mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.AAC); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.AAC); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Exception while parsing 'frma' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_SCHM) { try { int versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(8); // scheme_type and scheme_version if ((versionFlags & 0x01) != 0) { // TODO read scheme_uri if we're interested // byte[] data = new byte[(int)header.boxDataSize - 12]; //; mDataSource.skipBytes(header.boxDataSize - 12); } } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing 'schm' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); parseOK = false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing 'schm' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); parseOK = false; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_SCHI) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_EDTS) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ELST) { parseOK = parseElst(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_PSSH) { parseOK = parsePsshData(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TENC) { try { // Skip version, flags and algorithm id mDataSource.skipBytes(7); int ivSize = mDataSource.readByte(); byte[] kID = new byte[16];; mCurrentTrack.setDefaultEncryptionData(ivSize, kID); parseOK = true; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'tenc' box", e); parseOK = false; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_SENC) { if (mCurrentMoofTrackId == mCurrentTrackId && !mSkipInsertSamples && !mParsedSencData) { mParsedSencData = true; try { int versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); int sampleCount = mDataSource.readInt(); ArrayList<CryptoInfo> cryptoInfos = new ArrayList<CryptoInfo>(sampleCount); for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { CryptoInfo info = new CryptoInfo(); info.mode = MediaCodec.CRYPTO_MODE_AES_CTR; info.iv = new byte[16]; if (mCurrentTrack.mDefaultIVSize == 16) {; } else { // pad IV data to 128 bits byte[] iv = new byte[8];; System.arraycopy(iv, 0, info.iv, 0, 8); } if ((versionFlags & 0x00000002) > 0) { short subSampleCount = mDataSource.readShort(); info.numSubSamples = subSampleCount; info.numBytesOfClearData = new int[subSampleCount]; info.numBytesOfEncryptedData = new int[subSampleCount]; for (int j = 0; j < subSampleCount; j++) { info.numBytesOfClearData[j] = mDataSource.readShort(); info.numBytesOfEncryptedData[j] = mDataSource.readInt(); } } else { info.numSubSamples = 1; info.numBytesOfClearData = new int[1]; info.numBytesOfClearData[0] = 0; info.numBytesOfEncryptedData = new int[1]; info.numBytesOfEncryptedData[0] = -1; } if (info.numBytesOfClearData[0] == 0 && mCurrentTrack.getTrackType() == TrackType.VIDEO) { info.iv[15] = (byte) mNALLengthSize; } cryptoInfos.add(info); } mCurrentTrack.addCryptoInfos(cryptoInfos); } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing 'senc' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); parseOK = false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing 'senc' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); parseOK = false; } } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_SINF) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_HVC1 || header.boxType == BOX_ID_HEV1) { byte[] data = new byte[78]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'hvc1' box", e); return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat = new MediaFormat(); mCurrentMediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MimeType.HEVC); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_MIME_TYPE, MimeType.HEVC); parseVisualSampleEntry(data); while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentTrack.addSampleDescriptionEntry(mCurrentMediaFormat); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_HVCC) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'hvcc' box", e); return false; } byte[] hvccData = parseHvcc(data); if (hvccData == null) { return false; } ByteBuffer csd0 = ByteBuffer.wrap(hvccData); mCurrentMediaFormat.setByteBuffer("csd-0", csd0); mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger("nal-length-size", mNALLengthSize); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_UDTA) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_META) { mCurrentOffset += 4; // skip version and flags while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ILST) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ATNAM) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_TITLE; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ATALB) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_ALBUM; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ATART) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_ARTIST; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_AART) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_ALBUM_ARTIST; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ATDAY) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_YEAR; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TRKN) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_TRACK_NUMBER; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ATGEN || header.boxType == BOX_ID_GNRE) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_GENRE; if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } } else { // 3gpp metadata value try { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip version and flags mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip language code byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) (header.boxDataSize - 6)];; String metaDataValue = null; if ((0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFF && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFE || (0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFE && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFF) { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } else { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 1, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } addMetaDataValue(mCurrentMetaDataKey, metaDataValue); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException parsing 'gnre' box", e); parseOK = false; } } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_CPIL) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_COMPILATION; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ATWRT) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_WRITER; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_DISK) { if (boxIsUnder(BOX_ID_ILST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_DISC_NUMBER; while (mCurrentOffset < boxEndOffset && parseOK) { BoxHeader nextBoxHeader = getNextBoxHeader(); parseOK = parseBox(nextBoxHeader); } mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_DATA) { parseOK = parseDataBox(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ID32) { parseOK = parseID3(header); } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_TITL) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_TITLE)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_TITLE; parseOK = parse3GPPMetaDataString(header); mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_PERF) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_ARTIST)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_ARTIST; parseOK = parse3GPPMetaDataString(header); mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_AUTH) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_AUTHOR)) { mCurrentMetaDataKey = KEY_AUTHOR; parseOK = parse3GPPMetaDataString(header); mCurrentMetaDataKey = null; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_ALBM) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_ALBUM)) { try { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip version and flags mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip language code byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) (header.boxDataSize - 6)];; String metaDataValue = null; if ((0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFF && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFE) { if (buffer[buffer.length - 3] == 0 && buffer[buffer.length - 2] == 0) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_TRACK_NUMBER)) { String trackNumber = Byte.toString(buffer[buffer.length - 1]); addMetaDataValue(KEY_TRACK_NUMBER, trackNumber); } metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 3, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } else { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } } else if ((0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFE && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFF) { if (buffer[buffer.length - 3] == 0 && buffer[buffer.length - 2] == 0) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_TRACK_NUMBER)) { String trackNumber = Byte.toString(buffer[buffer.length - 1]); addMetaDataValue(KEY_TRACK_NUMBER, trackNumber); } metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 3, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } else { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } } else { if (buffer[buffer.length - 2] == 0) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_TRACK_NUMBER)) { String trackNumber = Byte.toString(buffer[buffer.length - 1]); addMetaDataValue(KEY_TRACK_NUMBER, trackNumber); } metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 1, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } } addMetaDataValue(KEY_ALBUM, metaDataValue); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException parsing 'albm' box", e); parseOK = false; } } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_YRRC) { try { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip version and flags if (header.boxDataSize > 6) { // This should be a 16 bit int according to spec, but some // files have this as a string mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip language code byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) (header.boxDataSize - 6)];; String metaDataValue = null; if ((0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFF && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFE || (0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFE && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFF) { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } else { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 1, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } addMetaDataValue(KEY_YEAR, metaDataValue); } else { int year = mDataSource.readShort(); String metaDataValue = Integer.toString(year); addMetaDataValue(KEY_YEAR, metaDataValue); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException parsing 'yrrc' box", e); parseOK = false; } } else if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MDAT) { if (mTracks.size() > 0 && !mIsFragmented) { mInitDone = true; } else if (mIsFragmented && mFirstMoofOffset != -1) { mInitDone = true; } else { mMdatFound = true; } } else { long skipSize = header.boxDataSize; try { while (skipSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { mDataSource.skipBytes(Integer.MAX_VALUE); skipSize -= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (skipSize > 0) { mDataSource.skipBytes(skipSize); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "could not skip box"); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); parseOK = false; } } mCurrentOffset = boxEndOffset; mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return parseOK; } protected boolean boxIsUnder(int boxType) { Iterator<BoxHeader> iterator = mCurrentBoxSequence.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { BoxHeader header =; if (header.boxType == boxType) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean parseID3(BoxHeader header) { long id3size = header.boxDataSize; long currentOffset = 0; try { mDataSource.skipBytes(6); // skip version, flags and language byte[] id3header = new byte[3];; if (id3header[0] == 0x49 && // 'I' id3header[1] == 0x44 && // 'D' id3header[2] == 0x33 // '3' ) { mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip major version and revision int flags = mDataSource.readByte(); mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // padding currentOffset += 16; if ((flags & (1 << 6)) > 0) { // Extended ID3 header int extendedHeaderSize = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(extendedHeaderSize); currentOffset += 4 + extendedHeaderSize; } while (currentOffset + 10 < id3size) { int frameId = mDataSource.readInt(); int frameSize = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip flags currentOffset += 10 + frameSize; if (frameId == ID3_KEY_COMPILATION) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_COMPILATION)) { String id3String = readID3String(frameSize); addMetaDataValue(KEY_COMPILATION, id3String); } else { mDataSource.skipBytes(frameSize); } } else if (frameId == ID3_KEY_AUTHOR) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_AUTHOR)) { String id3String = readID3String(frameSize); addMetaDataValue(KEY_AUTHOR, id3String); } else { mDataSource.skipBytes(frameSize); } } else if (frameId == ID3_KEY_COMPOSER) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_COMPOSER)) { String id3String = readID3String(frameSize); addMetaDataValue(KEY_COMPOSER, id3String); } else { mDataSource.skipBytes(frameSize); } } else if (frameId == ID3_KEY_DISC_NUMBER) { if (!mMetaDataValues.containsKey(KEY_DISC_NUMBER)) { String id3String = readID3String(frameSize); addMetaDataValue(KEY_DISC_NUMBER, id3String); } else { mDataSource.skipBytes(frameSize); } } else { mDataSource.skipBytes(frameSize); } } } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException parsing id3 box", e); return false; } return true; } private String readID3String(int frameSize) { String metadataString = null; try { int encoding = mDataSource.readByte(); if (frameSize > 1) { if (encoding == 0) { // ISO 8859-1 byte[] buffer = new byte[frameSize - 1];; metadataString = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); } else if (encoding == 2) { // UTF-16 int bom = mDataSource.readShort(); byte[] buffer = new byte[frameSize - 3]; short little_endian = (short) 0xFFFE;; if (bom == little_endian) { metadataString = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE); } else { metadataString = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_16BE); } } else if (encoding == 3) { // UTF-8 byte[] buffer = new byte[frameSize - 1];; metadataString = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { // UCS-2 int bom = mDataSource.readShort(); byte[] buffer = new byte[frameSize - 3];; short little_endian = (short) 0xFFFE; if (bom == little_endian) { for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += 2) { byte tempByte = buffer[i]; buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1]; buffer[i + 1] = tempByte; } } metadataString = new String(buffer, "UCS-2"); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOEception reading ID3 string", e); } return metadataString; } private boolean parse3GPPMetaDataString(BoxHeader header) { try { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip version and flags mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip language code byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) (header.boxDataSize - 6)];; String metaDataValue = null; if ((0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFF && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFE || (0xFF & buffer[0]) == 0xFE && (0xFF & buffer[1]) == 0xFF) { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_16); } else { metaDataValue = new String(buffer, 0, buffer.length - 1, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } addMetaDataValue(mCurrentMetaDataKey, metaDataValue); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException parsing 'titl' box", e); return false; } return true; } protected boolean parseODSMData(IsoTrack odsmTrack) { // empty implementation, interested subclasses should implement it return true; } protected boolean parsePsshData(BoxHeader header) { try { byte[] psshData = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize];; String systemIDString = Util.bytesToHex(psshData, 4, 16); byte[] systemId = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(psshData, 4, systemId, 0, 16); if (systemIDString.equals(MARLIN_SYSTEM_ID)) { int boxSize = (int) (header.boxHeaderSize + header.boxDataSize); byte[] psshBox = new byte[(int) (header.boxHeaderSize + header.boxDataSize) + 4]; psshBox[0] = (byte) ((boxSize & 0xFF000000) >> 24); psshBox[1] = (byte) ((boxSize & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); psshBox[2] = (byte) ((boxSize & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); psshBox[3] = (byte) (boxSize & 0x000000FF); psshBox[4] = (byte) ((boxSize & 0xFF000000) >> 24); psshBox[5] = (byte) ((boxSize & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); psshBox[6] = (byte) ((boxSize & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); psshBox[7] = (byte) (boxSize & 0x000000FF); psshBox[8] = (byte) ((header.boxType & 0xFF000000) >> 24); psshBox[9] = (byte) ((header.boxType & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); psshBox[10] = (byte) ((header.boxType & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); psshBox[11] = (byte) (header.boxType & 0x000000FF); System.arraycopy(psshData, 0, psshBox, 12, psshData.length); byte[][] kids = new byte[mTracks.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < mTracks.size(); i++) { kids[i] = ((IsoTrack) mTracks.get(i)).mKID; } String psshJson = Util.getMarlinPSSHTable(psshBox, kids); for (int j = 0; j < mTracks.size(); j++) { mTracks.get(j).getMediaFormat().setString(KEY_MARLIN_JSON, psshJson); } } byte[] rawPssh = new byte[psshData.length - 24]; System.arraycopy(psshData, 24, rawPssh, 0, rawPssh.length); addMetaDataValue(KEY_DRM_UUID, systemId); addMetaDataValue(KEY_DRM_PSSH_DATA, rawPssh); return true; } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing pssh data", e); return false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing pssh data", e); return false; } catch (JSONException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing pssh data", e); return false; } } private boolean parseElst(BoxHeader header) { try { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // version and flags int entryCount = mDataSource.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { long segmentDurationTicks = 0; long mediaTimeTicks = 0; // if (((versionFlags >> 24) & 0xFF) == 1){ // segmentDuration = mDataSource.readLong(); // mediaTime = mDataSource.readLong(); // } else { segmentDurationTicks = mDataSource.readInt(); mediaTimeTicks = mDataSource.readInt(); // } short mediaRateInteger = mDataSource.readShort(); short mediaRateFraction = mDataSource.readShort(); long segmentDurationUs = segmentDurationTicks * 1000000 / mFileTimescale; long mediaTimeUs = mediaTimeTicks * 1000000 / mFileTimescale; // TODO: Do something useful with this information } } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing 'elst' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing 'elst' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } return true; } private boolean parseTfra(BoxHeader header) { try { int versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); int version = (versionFlags >> 24) & 0xFF; int trackId = mDataSource.readInt(); int lengths = mDataSource.readInt(); int lengthSizeOfTrafNum = ((lengths >> 4) & 0x00000003) + 1; int lengthSizeOfTrunNum = ((lengths >> 2) & 0x00000003) + 1; int lengthSizeOfSampleNum = (lengths & 0x00000003) + 1; int numberOfEntry = mDataSource.readInt(); ArrayList<Tfra> tfraList = new ArrayList<Tfra>(numberOfEntry); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntry; i++) { long timeTicks = 0; long moofOffset = 0; if (version == 1) { timeTicks = mDataSource.readLong(); moofOffset = mDataSource.readLong(); } else { timeTicks = mDataSource.readInt(); moofOffset = mDataSource.readInt(); } byte[] lengthsData = new byte[lengthSizeOfTrafNum + lengthSizeOfTrunNum + lengthSizeOfSampleNum];; long sampleNumber = 0; for (int j = lengthSizeOfTrafNum + lengthSizeOfTrunNum; j < lengthsData.length; j++) { sampleNumber = sampleNumber << 8 & (lengthsData[j] & 0xFF); } Tfra tfra = new Tfra(); tfra.timeTicks = timeTicks; tfra.moofOffset = moofOffset; tfra.sampleNumber = sampleNumber; tfraList.add(tfra); } IsoTrack track = null; int numTracks = mTracks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { IsoTrack t = (IsoTrack) (mTracks.get(i)); if (t.getTrackId() == trackId) { track = t; break; } } if (track != null) { track.setTfraList(tfraList); } else { track = (IsoTrack) createTrack(); track.setTrackId(trackId); track.setTfraList(tfraList); mMfraTracks.add(track); } } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "EOFException while parsing 'tfra' box", e); return false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'tfra' box", e); return false; } return true; } private boolean parseTrun(BoxHeader header) { if (mCurrentMoofTrackId != mCurrentTrackId || mSkipInsertSamples) { return true; } try { int versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); int sampleCount = mDataSource.readInt(); int dataOffset = 0; ArrayList<FragmentSample> fragmentSamples = new ArrayList<FragmentSample>(sampleCount); if ((versionFlags & 0x000001) != 0) { dataOffset = mDataSource.readInt(); } if ((versionFlags & 0x000004) != 0) { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); } long sumSampleSizes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { FragmentSample sample = new FragmentSample(); if ((versionFlags & 0x000100) != 0) { sample.durationTicks = mDataSource.readInt(); } else if (mCurrentTrackFragment.defaultSampleDuration != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { sample.durationTicks = mCurrentTrackFragment.defaultSampleDuration; } else { Trex trex = mCurrentTrack.getTrex(); if (trex != null) { sample.durationTicks = trex.defaultSampleDuration; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "no applicable values for fragment sample duration available"); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } if ((versionFlags & 0x000200) != 0) { sample.size = mDataSource.readInt(); } else if (mCurrentTrackFragment.defaultSampleSize != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { sample.size = mCurrentTrackFragment.defaultSampleSize; } else { Trex trex = mCurrentTrack.getTrex(); if (trex != null) { sample.size = trex.defaultSampleSize; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "no applicable values for fragment sample size available"); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } if ((versionFlags & 0x000400) != 0) { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); } if ((versionFlags & 0x000800) != 0) { sample.compositionTimeOffset = mDataSource.readInt(); } if ((versionFlags & 0x000001) != 0) { sample.dataOffset = mCurrentTrackFragment.baseDataOffset + dataOffset + sumSampleSizes; } else { sample.dataOffset = mCurrentTrackFragment.baseDataOffset + mPrevTrunDataSize + sumSampleSizes; } sumSampleSizes += sample.size; fragmentSamples.add(sample); } mPrevTrunDataSize += sumSampleSizes; mMoofDataSize += sumSampleSizes; mCurrentTrack.addFragmentSamples(fragmentSamples); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'trun' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } return true; } protected boolean parseTfhd(BoxHeader header) { try { int versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); int trackId = mDataSource.readInt(); mCurrentMoofTrackId = trackId; if (trackId == mCurrentTrackId || mCurrentTrackId == -1) { if (mSkipInsertSamples) { mDesiredTrackIdFound = true; return true; } } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.i(TAG, "parse tfhd for track " + trackId + ", but we're looking for track " + mCurrentTrackId); return true; } IsoTrack track = null; int numTracks = mTracks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { IsoTrack t = (IsoTrack) (mTracks.get(i)); if (t.getTrackId() == trackId) { track = t; break; } } if (track != null) { mCurrentTrack = track; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "track id " + trackId + " in current 'trun' box does not exist in list of tracks"); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } if ((versionFlags & 0x000001) != 0) { mCurrentTrackFragment.baseDataOffset = mDataSource.readLong(); } else { mCurrentTrackFragment.baseDataOffset = mCurrentMoofOffset; } if ((versionFlags & 0x000002) != 0) { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); } if ((versionFlags & 0x000008) != 0) { mCurrentTrackFragment.defaultSampleDuration = mDataSource.readInt(); } if ((versionFlags & 0x000010) != 0) { mCurrentTrackFragment.defaultSampleSize = mDataSource.readInt(); } if ((versionFlags & 0x000020) != 0) { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'tfhd' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } return true; } private boolean parseHdlr(BoxHeader header) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'hdlr' box", e); return false; } // skip 4 for version and flags // skip 4 for pre_defined int handlerType = (data[8] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[9] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[10] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[11] & 0xFF; TrackType trackType = TrackType.UNKNOWN; if (handlerType == HANDLER_TYPE_AUDIO) { trackType = TrackType.AUDIO; } else if (handlerType == HANDLER_TYPE_VIDEO) { trackType = TrackType.VIDEO; } else if (handlerType == HANDLER_TYPE_HMMP_SUBTITLE || handlerType == HANDLER_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { trackType = TrackType.SUBTITLE; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED && mIsParsingTrack) Log.d(TAG, "Track " + mCurrentTrack.getTrackId() + " is unknown"); } // skip 12 for reserved // skip remaining bytes for name if (mIsParsingTrack) { mCurrentTrack.setTrackType(trackType); if (handlerType == HANDLER_TYPE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR) { mParseODSMData = true; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "unknown handler type 0x" + Util.bytesToHex(data, 8, 4)); } } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "Not parsing track, this is meta hdlr box"); } return true; } private boolean parseMvhd(BoxHeader header) { int versionFlags = 0; try { versionFlags = mDataSource.readInt(); int version = versionFlags >> 24; // long creationTime = 0; // long modificationTime = 0; long durationTicks = 0; if (version == 1) { // creationTime = mDataSource.readLong(); // modificationTime = mDataSource.readLong(); mDataSource.skipBytes(16); mFileTimescale = mDataSource.readInt(); durationTicks = mDataSource.readLong(); } else { // creationTime = mDataSource.readInt(); // modificationTime = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(8); mFileTimescale = mDataSource.readInt(); durationTicks = mDataSource.readInt(); } addMetaDataValue(KEY_DURATION, durationTicks * 1000 / mFileTimescale); // Skip rest of box int skipCount = 4 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 36 + 24 + 4; mDataSource.skipBytes(skipCount); } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "EOFException while parsing 'mvhd' box", e); return false; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'mvhd' box", e); return false; } return true; } private boolean parseMdhd(BoxHeader header) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'mdhd' box", e); } int version = data[0]; int timescale = 0; long durationTicks = 0; short lang; String language; if (version == 1) { // skip 8 for creation_time // skip 8 for modification_time timescale = (data[20] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[21] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[22] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[23] & 0xFF; durationTicks = (long) (data[24] & 0xFF) << 56 | (long) (data[25] & 0xFF) << 48 | (long) (data[26] & 0xFF) << 40 | (long) (data[27] & 0xFF) << 32 | (data[28] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[29] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[30] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[31] & 0xFF; lang = (short) ((data[32] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[33] & 0xFF); } else { // version 0 // skip 4 for creation_time // skip 4 for modification_time timescale = (data[12] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[13] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[14] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[15] & 0xFF; durationTicks = (data[16] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[17] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[18] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[19] & 0xFF; lang = (short) ((data[20] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[21] & 0xFF); } char c1 = (char) ((lang >> 10) + 0x60); char c2 = (char) (((lang >> 5) & 31) + 0x60); char c3 = (char) ((lang & 31) + 0x60); language = "" + c1 + c2 + c3; mCurrentTrack.setLanguage(language); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_LANGUAGE, language); mCurrentTrack.setTimeScale(timescale); long trackDurationMs = durationTicks * 1000 / timescale; mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_DURATION, trackDurationMs); return true; } private boolean readTkhd(BoxHeader header) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize]; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(mCurrentOffset, data, data.length) != data.length) { mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while parsing 'tkhd' box", e); mCurrentBoxSequence.removeLast(); return false; } return parseTkhd(data); } protected boolean parseTkhd(byte[] data) { int trackId = 0; // long duration = 0; boolean trackEnabled = false; int flags = (data[1] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[3] & 0xFF; if (data[0] == 1) { // version 1 // skip 8 for creation_time // skip 8 for modification_time trackId = (data[20] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[21] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[22] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[23] & 0xFF; // skip 4 for reserved // duration = (data[28] & 0xFF) << 56 | (data[29] & 0xFF) << 48 | // (data[30] & 0xFF) << 40 | (data[31] & 0xFF) << 32 | // (data[32] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[33] & 0xFF) << 16 | // (data[34] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[35] & 0xFF; } else { // version 0 // skip 4 for creation_time // skip 4 for modification_time trackId = (data[12] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[13] & 0xFF) << 16 | (data[14] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[15] & 0xFF; // skip 4 for reserved // duration = (data[20] & 0xFF) << 24 | (data[21] & 0xFF) << 16 | // (data[22] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[23] & 0xFF; } if ((flags & 1) == 1) { trackEnabled = true; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "track not enabled"); } boolean foundTrack = false; for (Track track : mTracks) { if (((IsoTrack) track).getTrackId() == trackId) { mCurrentTrack = (IsoTrack) track; foundTrack = true; } } if (!foundTrack) { mCurrentTrack = (IsoTrack) createTrack(); mCurrentTrack.setTrackId(trackId); mTracks.add(mCurrentTrack); } return true; } protected void parseVisualSampleEntry(byte[] data) { /* * VisualSampleEntry extends SampleEntry in ISO/IEC 14496 part 12, see * section for structure */ mCurrentOffset += data.length; // SampleEntry // skip 6 for reserved // skip 2 for data_reference_index // VisualSampleEntry // skip 2 for pre_defined // skip 2 for reserved // skip 12 for pre_defined int width = ((data[24] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[25] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; int height = ((data[26] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[27] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; // skip 4 for horizresolution // skip 4 for vertresolution // skip 4 for reserved // skip 2 for frame_count // skip 32 for compressorname // skip 2 for depth // skip 2 for pre_defined mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH, width); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_WIDTH, width); mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT, height); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(KEY_HEIGHT, height); int maxSize = ((width + 15) / 16) * ((height + 15) / 16) * 192; mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, maxSize); addMetaDataValue(KEY_WIDTH, width); addMetaDataValue(KEY_HEIGHT, height); } protected void parseAudioSampleEntry(byte[] data) { mCurrentOffset += data.length; // skip 6 for reserved // skip 2 for data_reference_index // skip 8 for reserved int channelCount = ((data[16] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[17] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; // skip 2 for samplesize // skip 2 for pre_defined // skip 2 for reserved int sampleRate = ((data[24] & 0xFF) << 8 | data[25] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; // skip 2 for sampleRate lower mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, channelCount); mCurrentTrack.getMetaData().addValue(MetaData.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, channelCount); mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, sampleRate); int maxSize = 8192 * 4; // aac max size mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, maxSize); } protected AvccData parseAvcc(byte[] buffer) { AvccData avccData = new AvccData(); avccData.spsBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); avccData.ppsBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); int currentBufferOffset = 0; if (buffer[0] != 1) { // configurationVersion return null; } mNALLengthSize = (buffer[4] & 3) + 1; // lengthSizeMinusOne; int numSPS = buffer[5] & 31; // numOfSequenceParameterSets currentBufferOffset = 6; for (int i = 0; i < numSPS; i++) { int spsLength = (((buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) << 8) | buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; byte[] spsUnit = new byte[spsLength + 4]; spsUnit[0] = 0; spsUnit[1] = 0; spsUnit[2] = 0; spsUnit[3] = 1; for (int j = 0; j < spsLength; j++) { spsUnit[j + 4] = buffer[currentBufferOffset + j]; } avccData.spsBuffer.put(spsUnit); currentBufferOffset += spsLength; } int numPPS = buffer[currentBufferOffset++]; // numOfPictureParameterSets for (int i = 0; i < numPPS; i++) { int ppsLength = ((buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; byte[] ppsUnit = new byte[ppsLength + 4]; ppsUnit[0] = 0; ppsUnit[1] = 0; ppsUnit[2] = 0; ppsUnit[3] = 1; for (int j = 0; j < ppsLength; j++) { ppsUnit[j + 4] = buffer[currentBufferOffset + j]; } avccData.ppsBuffer.put(ppsUnit); currentBufferOffset += ppsLength; } return avccData; } protected byte[] parseHvcc(byte[] buffer) { byte[] hvccData = null; if (buffer[0] != 1) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "HVCC Version " + buffer[0] + " not supported"); return null; } mNALLengthSize = (buffer[21] & 3) + 1; // lengthSizeMinusOne; int numArrays = buffer[22]; int currentBufferOffset = 23; for (int i = 0; i < numArrays; i++) { currentBufferOffset++; // skip arrayedCompleteness, reserved, // nalUnitType int numNalUnits = ((buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; for (int j = 0; j < numNalUnits; j++) { int nalUnitLength = ((buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) << 8 | buffer[currentBufferOffset++] & 0xFF) & 0x0000FFFF; if (hvccData == null) { hvccData = new byte[nalUnitLength + 4]; hvccData[0] = 0x00; hvccData[1] = 0x00; hvccData[2] = 0x00; hvccData[3] = 0x01; System.arraycopy(buffer, currentBufferOffset, hvccData, 4, nalUnitLength); } else { byte[] newArray = new byte[hvccData.length + nalUnitLength + 4]; System.arraycopy(hvccData, 0, newArray, 0, hvccData.length); newArray[hvccData.length] = 0x00; newArray[hvccData.length + 1] = 0x00; newArray[hvccData.length + 2] = 0x00; newArray[hvccData.length + 3] = 0x01; System.arraycopy(buffer, currentBufferOffset, newArray, hvccData.length + 4, nalUnitLength); hvccData = newArray; } currentBufferOffset += nalUnitLength; } } return hvccData; } private boolean parseESDS(byte[] esds) { if (esds[0] != 0x03) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "ESDS wrong tag, expected 0x03"); return false; } int offset = 1; int dataSize = 0; boolean more; do { int x = esds[offset++]; dataSize = (dataSize << 7) | (x & 0x7f); more = (x & 0x80) != 0; } while (more); if (offset + dataSize > esds.length) { return false; } offset += 2; boolean streamDependenceFlag = (esds[offset] & 0x80) > 0; boolean URL_Flag = (esds[offset] & 0x40) > 0; boolean OCRstreamFlag = (esds[offset] & 0x20) > 0; offset++; if (streamDependenceFlag) { offset += 2; } if (URL_Flag) { int URLlength = esds[offset++]; offset += URLlength; } if (OCRstreamFlag) { offset += 2; } if (esds[offset++] != 0x04) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "ESDS wrong tag, expected 0x04"); return false; } dataSize = 0; do { int x = esds[offset++]; dataSize = (dataSize << 7) | (x & 0x7f); more = (x & 0x80) != 0; } while (more); if (offset + dataSize > esds.length) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "buffer too small"); return false; } offset += 13; if (esds[offset++] != 0x05) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "wrong tag expected 0x05"); return false; } dataSize = 0; do { int x = esds[offset++]; dataSize = (dataSize << 7) | (x & 0x7f); more = (x & 0x80) != 0; } while (more); if (offset + dataSize > esds.length) { return false; } mCurrentMediaFormat.setByteBuffer("csd-0", ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(esds, offset, offset + dataSize))); return true; } private boolean parseDataBox(BoxHeader header) { try { if (mCurrentMetaDataKey != null) { String metaDataValue; if (mCurrentMetaDataKey == KEY_DISC_NUMBER) { mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip type mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip locale mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip album id type // and album id len int diskNumber = mDataSource.readShort(); mDataSource.skipBytes(2); // skip total number of disks metaDataValue = Integer.toString(diskNumber); } else { byte[] typefield = new byte[4];; int type = typefield[0]; int flag = (typefield[1] | typefield[2] | typefield[3]); Charset encoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; if (type == 2) { encoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_16BE; } mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // skip locale for now byte[] data = new byte[(int) header.boxDataSize - 8];; if (mCurrentMetaDataKey == KEY_TRACK_NUMBER) { int trackNumber = (data[2] << 8) & 0xFF | data[3]; int trackTotalNumber = (data[4] << 8) & 0xFF | data[5]; metaDataValue = trackNumber + "/" + trackTotalNumber; } else if (mCurrentMetaDataKey == KEY_COMPILATION) { metaDataValue = Byte.toString(data[0]); } else if (mCurrentMetaDataKey == KEY_GENRE) { if (type == 0 && flag == 1) { metaDataValue = new String(data, encoding); } else { int genre = data[data.length - 1]; genre--; if (genre < 0) { genre = 255; } metaDataValue = Integer.toString(genre); } } else { metaDataValue = new String(data, encoding); } } mMetaDataValues.put(mCurrentMetaDataKey, metaDataValue); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "could not read data", e); return false; } return true; } protected static class BoxHeader { public long startOffset = 0; public long boxDataSize = 0; public int boxHeaderSize = 0; public int boxType = 0; } protected static class AvccData { ByteBuffer spsBuffer; ByteBuffer ppsBuffer; } public class IsoTrack implements Track { protected MetaDataImpl mMetaData; protected SampleTable mSampleTable; protected int mTimeScale = 0; protected int mTrackId = -1; protected int mTrackIndex = -1; protected MediaFormat mMediaFormat; protected TrackType mType; protected int mCurrentSampleIndex = 0; protected Trex mTrex; protected String mLanguage; protected ArrayList<Tfra> mTfraList; protected ArrayDeque<FragmentSample> mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue; protected ArrayDeque<CryptoInfo> mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue; public long mTimeTicks = 0; protected byte[] mKID; protected long mEditMediaTimeTicks = 0; protected int mDefaultIVSize = 0; protected byte[] mDefaultKID; protected int mCurrentSampleDescriptionIndex = -1; protected ArrayList<MediaFormat> mSampleDescriptionList; protected long mNextMoofOffset = 0; protected long mLastTimestampUs = 0; public IsoTrack() { mMetaData = new MetaDataImpl(); mSampleTable = new SampleTable(); mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue = null; mSampleDescriptionList = new ArrayList<MediaFormat>(1); } public boolean buildSampleTable() { return mSampleTable.buildSampleTable(); } public void releaseSampleTable() { mSampleTable.releaseSampleTable(); } public void addSampleDescriptionEntry(MediaFormat mediaFormat) { if (mMediaFormat == null) { mMediaFormat = mediaFormat; } mSampleDescriptionList.add(mediaFormat); } public ArrayList<Tfra> getTfraList() { return mTfraList; } public void addFragmentSamples(ArrayList<FragmentSample> fragmentSamples) { int numNewSamples = fragmentSamples.size(); if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue == null) { mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue = new ArrayDeque<FragmentSample>(numNewSamples); } for (int i = 0; i < numNewSamples; i++) { mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.add(fragmentSamples.get(i)); } } public void addCryptoInfos(ArrayList<CryptoInfo> cryptoInfos) { int numNewSamples = cryptoInfos.size(); if (mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue == null) { mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue = new ArrayDeque<CryptoInfo>(numNewSamples); } for (int i = 0; i < numNewSamples; i++) { mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue.add(cryptoInfos.get(i)); } } public void setTfraList(ArrayList<Tfra> tfraEntryList) { mTfraList = tfraEntryList; } public AccessUnit dequeueAccessUnit(boolean readFragmented) { /* * if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "dequeueAccessUnit track " + * mTrackId + " sample " + mCurrentSampleIndex); */ if (readFragmented && mCurrentSampleIndex >= mSampleTable.getSampleCount()) { return dequeueAccessUnitFragmented(); } AccessUnit accessUnit = new AccessUnit(); if (mCurrentSampleIndex >= mSampleTable.getSampleCount()) { accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.END_OF_STREAM; return accessUnit; } if (mCurrentSampleIndex >= mSampleTable.getSampleCount()) { accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } int sampleDescriptionIndex = mSampleTable.getSampleDescriptionIndex(mCurrentSampleIndex); if (mCurrentSampleDescriptionIndex == -1) { mCurrentSampleDescriptionIndex = sampleDescriptionIndex; } else if (sampleDescriptionIndex != mCurrentSampleDescriptionIndex) { mCurrentSampleDescriptionIndex = sampleDescriptionIndex; MediaFormat mediaFormat = mSampleDescriptionList.get(mCurrentSampleDescriptionIndex); // TODO Send new format to codec } accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.OK; accessUnit.trackIndex = mTrackIndex; accessUnit.timeUs = mSampleTable.getTimestampUs(mCurrentSampleIndex) - mEditMediaTimeTicks * 1000000 / mTimeScale; accessUnit.durationUs = mSampleTable.getDurationUs(mCurrentSampleIndex); long dataOffset = mSampleTable.getOffset(mCurrentSampleIndex); int dataSize = mSampleTable.getSize(mCurrentSampleIndex); if ( == null || < dataSize) { = null; = new byte[dataSize]; } accessUnit.size = dataSize; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(dataOffset,, dataSize) != dataSize) { accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while reading accessunit from source"); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } if (mMediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME).equals(MimeType.AVC) || mMediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME).equals(MimeType.HEVC)) { // add NAL Header int srcOffset = 0; int dstOffset = 0; int nalLengthSize = 4; // TODO: Support files with nalLengthSize other than 4 while (srcOffset < dataSize) { if ((srcOffset + nalLengthSize) > dataSize) { accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } int nalLength = ([srcOffset++] & 0xff) << 24 | ([srcOffset++] & 0xff) << 16 | ([srcOffset++] & 0xff) << 8 | ([srcOffset++] & 0xff); if (srcOffset + nalLength > dataSize) { accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; }[dstOffset++] = 0;[dstOffset++] = 0;[dstOffset++] = 0;[dstOffset++] = 1; srcOffset += nalLength; dstOffset += nalLength; } } accessUnit.isSyncSample = mSampleTable.isSyncSample(mCurrentSampleIndex); mLastTimestampUs = accessUnit.timeUs; mCurrentSampleIndex++; return accessUnit; } protected AccessUnit dequeueAccessUnitFragmented() { // if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.v(TAG, "dequeueAccessUnitFragmented track " // + mTrackId); AccessUnit accessUnit = new AccessUnit(); // load moof box when necessary if (!fillFragmentQueue()) { accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue == null || mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.isEmpty()) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.i(TAG, "No more fragments in queue, end of stream"); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.END_OF_STREAM; return accessUnit; } FragmentSample sample = mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.removeFirst(); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.OK; accessUnit.timeUs = (mTimeTicks + sample.compositionTimeOffset - mEditMediaTimeTicks) * 1000000 / mTimeScale; accessUnit.timeUs += mSampleTable.getDurationUs(); if (accessUnit.timeUs < 0) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "Negative sampletime!"); accessUnit.timeUs = 0; } accessUnit.durationUs = (long) sample.durationTicks * 1000000L / mTimeScale; mTimeTicks += sample.durationTicks; long dataOffset = sample.dataOffset; int dataSize = sample.size; if ( == null || < dataSize) { = null; = new byte[dataSize]; } accessUnit.size = dataSize; try { if (mDataSource.readAt(dataOffset,, dataSize) != dataSize) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "could not read sample data"); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException while reading accessunit from source"); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } if (mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue != null) { accessUnit.cryptoInfo = mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue.removeFirst(); if (accessUnit.cryptoInfo != null && accessUnit.cryptoInfo.numSubSamples == 1 && accessUnit.cryptoInfo.numBytesOfEncryptedData[0] == -1) { accessUnit.cryptoInfo.numBytesOfEncryptedData[0] = dataSize; } } boolean isAVC = mMediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME).equals(MimeType.AVC); boolean isHEVC = mMediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME).equals(MimeType.HEVC); // Add NAL header. If we have no clearbytes, we need to // let the platform set NAL header if ((isAVC || isHEVC) && (accessUnit.cryptoInfo == null || accessUnit.cryptoInfo.numBytesOfClearData[0] > 0)) { int srcOffset = 0; int dstOffset = 0; while (srcOffset < dataSize) { if ((srcOffset + mNALLengthSize) > dataSize) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "no room to add nal length"); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } int nalLength = 0; if (mNALLengthSize == 1 || mNALLengthSize == 2) { if (mNALLengthSize == 1) { nalLength =[srcOffset]; } else if (mNALLengthSize == 2) { nalLength = (([srcOffset] & 0xff) << 8 | ([srcOffset + 1] & 0xff)); } byte[] tmpData = new byte[dataSize + (sNALHeaderSize - mNALLengthSize)]; if (srcOffset > 0) { System.arraycopy(, 0, tmpData, 0, srcOffset); } System.arraycopy(, srcOffset, tmpData, (sNALHeaderSize - mNALLengthSize) + srcOffset, - srcOffset); = tmpData; dataSize =; accessUnit.size = dataSize; } else if (mNALLengthSize == 4) { nalLength = (([srcOffset] & 0xff) << 24 | ([srcOffset + 1] & 0xff) << 16 | ([srcOffset + 2] & 0xff) << 8 | ([srcOffset + 3] & 0xff)); } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "unsupported nal length size" + mNALLengthSize); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; } srcOffset += sNALHeaderSize; if (accessUnit.cryptoInfo != null) { accessUnit.cryptoInfo.numBytesOfClearData[0] += (sNALHeaderSize - mNALLengthSize); } if (srcOffset + nalLength > dataSize) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "error writing nal length"); accessUnit.status = AccessUnit.ERROR; return accessUnit; }[dstOffset++] = 0;[dstOffset++] = 0;[dstOffset++] = 0;[dstOffset++] = 1; if (isAVC && ([srcOffset] & 0x1f) == AVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE) { accessUnit.isSyncSample = true; } else if (isHEVC) { int nalType = ([srcOffset] & 0x7e) >> 1; if (nalType == HEVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE_W_RADL || nalType == HEVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE_N_LP || nalType == HEVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_CRA_PICTURE) { accessUnit.isSyncSample = true; } } srcOffset += nalLength; dstOffset += nalLength; } } else if ((isAVC || isHEVC) && accessUnit.cryptoInfo != null && accessUnit.cryptoInfo.numBytesOfClearData[0] == 0) { // nalType is encrypted, so we assume it is as sync sample accessUnit.isSyncSample = true; } mLastTimestampUs = accessUnit.timeUs; return accessUnit; } public void setTrackType(TrackType trackType) { mType = trackType; } @Override public TrackType getTrackType() { return mType; } public long getDurationUs() { if (mIsFragmented && mTfraList != null && mTimeScale > 0) { Tfra lastTfra = mTfraList.get(mTfraList.size() - 1); return lastTfra.timeTicks * 1000000 / mTimeScale; } return mSampleTable.getDurationUs(); } public void setLanguage(String language) { mLanguage = language; } public String getLanguage() { return mLanguage; } public void setTrackId(int id) { mTrackId = id; } public int getTrackId() { return mTrackId; } public void setTrackIndex(int index) { mTrackIndex = index; } public int getTrackIndex() { return mTrackIndex; } @Override public MetaDataImpl getMetaData() { return mMetaData; } public SampleTable getSampleTable() { return mSampleTable; } public void setTimeScale(int timeScale) { mTimeScale = timeScale; } public int getTimeScale() { return mTimeScale; } public void setMediaFormat(MediaFormat format) { mMediaFormat = format; } @Override public MediaFormat getMediaFormat() { return mMediaFormat; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); sb.append("TrackID = " + mTrackId + ","); // sb.append("Track type = '"+ccruof(mType)+"'"); return sb.toString(); } public long seekTo(long seekTimeUs, boolean isFragmented) { if (mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue != null) { mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue.clear(); } if (!isFragmented || (mSampleTable != null && seekTimeUs < mSampleTable.getDurationUs())) { if (mSampleTable == null) { return 0; } mCurrentSampleIndex = mSampleTable.findSampleIndex(seekTimeUs); // Fix until findSampleIndex can not return negative values if (mCurrentSampleIndex < 0) { mCurrentSampleIndex = 0; } if (isFragmented) { // Need to reset next moof offset Tfra tfra = mTfraList.get(0); mNextMoofOffset = tfra.moofOffset; if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue != null) { mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.clear(); } mTimeTicks = 0; } return mSampleTable.getTimeOfSample(mCurrentSampleIndex); } else { if (mTfraList == null) { mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue = null; mNextMoofOffset = 0; mTimeTicks = 0; return 0; } // need to set this so we actually get into // dequeueAccessUnitFragmented mCurrentSampleIndex = mSampleTable.getSampleCount(); int numTfra = mTfraList.size(); Tfra tfra = mTfraList.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < numTfra; i++) { tfra = mTfraList.get(i); long tfratimeUs = (tfra.timeTicks * 1000000 / mTimeScale); if (tfratimeUs == seekTimeUs) { break; } if (tfratimeUs > seekTimeUs) { if (i > 0) { tfra = mTfraList.get(i - 1); } break; } } if (LOGS_ENABLED) { Log.v(TAG, "Seek fragmented file track " + mType + " to " + (tfra.timeTicks * 1000000 / mTimeScale) + " at offset " + tfra.moofOffset); } if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue != null) { mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.clear(); } long contentLength = 0; try { contentLength = mDataSource.length(); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException when retrieving content length", e); } if (tfra.moofOffset > 0 && (tfra.moofOffset < contentLength || contentLength == -1)) { mCurrentOffset = tfra.moofOffset; BoxHeader header = getNextBoxHeader(); mCurrentTrackId = mTrackId; if (header != null) { if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MOOF && parseBox(header)) { // skip mdat to get next moof offset mCurrentOffset = header.startOffset + header.boxHeaderSize + header.boxDataSize; mNextMoofOffset = findNextMoofForTrack(mTrackId); } } else { return 0; } } mTimeTicks = tfra.timeTicks + mEditMediaTimeTicks - (mSampleTable.getDurationUs() * mTimeScale / 1000000); if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue != null) { long sampleNumber = tfra.sampleNumber; if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.size() >= sampleNumber) { while (sampleNumber > 1) { mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.removeFirst(); sampleNumber--; } FragmentSample sample = mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.peekFirst(); if (sample != null) { mTimeTicks -= sample.compositionTimeOffset; } } if (mType != TrackType.VIDEO) { while (!mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.isEmpty()) { FragmentSample sample = mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.peekFirst(); if (seekTimeUs * mTimeScale / 1000000L > mTimeTicks + sample.compositionTimeOffset - mEditMediaTimeTicks + sample.durationTicks) { mTimeTicks += sample.durationTicks; mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.removeFirst(); if (mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue != null) { mCurrentCryptoInfoQueue.removeFirst(); } } else { break; } } } } return (tfra.timeTicks * 1000000 / mTimeScale); } } public void setTrex(Trex t) { mTrex = t; } public Trex getTrex() { return mTrex; } public void setDefaultEncryptionData(int defaultIVSize, byte[] kID) { mDefaultIVSize = defaultIVSize; mDefaultKID = new byte[kID.length]; mDefaultKID = Arrays.copyOf(kID, kID.length); mKID = new byte[kID.length]; mKID = Arrays.copyOf(kID, kID.length); } public void setEditMediaTimeTicks(long mediaTimeTicks) { mEditMediaTimeTicks = mediaTimeTicks; } public long getLastTimestampUs() { return mLastTimestampUs; } public boolean hasDataAvailable(boolean isFragmented) throws IOException { if (isFragmented && mCurrentSampleIndex >= mSampleTable.getSampleCount()) { if (!fillFragmentQueue()) { return false; } if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue == null) { return false; } if (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.isEmpty()) { if (mNextMoofOffset < 0) { // End of stream, return true so other tracks can run to // completion return true; } else { return false; } } FragmentSample sample = mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.peek(); DataAvailability hasData = mDataSource.hasDataAvailable(sample.dataOffset, sample.size); if (hasData == DataAvailability.NOT_AVAILABLE) {; } return hasData != DataAvailability.IN_FUTURE; } else { if (mCurrentSampleIndex >= mSampleTable.getSampleCount()) { // End of stream, return true so other tracks can run to // completion return true; } DataAvailability hasData = mDataSource.hasDataAvailable(mSampleTable.getOffset(mCurrentSampleIndex), mSampleTable.getSize(mCurrentSampleIndex)); if (hasData == DataAvailability.NOT_AVAILABLE) {; } return hasData != DataAvailability.IN_FUTURE; } } private boolean fillFragmentQueue() { long contentLength = 0; try { contentLength = mDataSource.length(); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException when retrieving content length", e); } while (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue == null || (mCurrentFragmentSampleQueue.isEmpty() && mNextMoofOffset > 0 && (mNextMoofOffset < contentLength || contentLength == -1))) { mCurrentTrackId = mTrackId; if (mNextMoofOffset == 0) { // Find initial moof for this track mCurrentOffset = mFirstMoofOffset; mNextMoofOffset = findNextMoofForTrack(mTrackId); } if (mNextMoofOffset < 0) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.i(TAG, "Could not find any more moof boxes for this track"); break; } mCurrentOffset = mNextMoofOffset; BoxHeader header = getNextBoxHeader(); if (header == null || header.boxType != BOX_ID_MOOF) { // We have read all moof boxes, no more data if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.i(TAG, "no more moof boxes, all available data queued"); break; } boolean parseOk = parseBox(header); if (!parseOk) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "error parsing next 'moof' box"); return false; } mCurrentOffset = header.startOffset + header.boxHeaderSize + header.boxDataSize; mNextMoofOffset = findNextMoofForTrack(mTrackId); } return true; } } static class Trex { public int defaultSampleDuration = 0; public int defaultSampleSize = 0; } public static class Traf { public long baseDataOffset = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public int defaultSampleDuration = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public int defaultSampleSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } static class FragmentSample { public int durationTicks = 0; public int size = 0; public int compositionTimeOffset = 0; public long dataOffset = 0; public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("offset = " + dataOffset); sb.append(", size = " + size); sb.append(", duration = " + durationTicks); return sb.toString(); } } static class Tfra { long timeTicks = 0; long moofOffset = 0; long sampleNumber = 0; } @Override public long getDurationUs() { long durationUs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mTracks.size(); i++) { long trackDurationUs = ((IsoTrack) mTracks.get(i)).getDurationUs(); if (trackDurationUs > durationUs) { durationUs = trackDurationUs; } long fileDurationUs = getLong(KEY_DURATION); fileDurationUs *= 1000; if (fileDurationUs > durationUs) { durationUs = fileDurationUs; } } return durationUs; } @Override public MediaFormat getFormat(TrackType type) { if (type == TrackType.AUDIO && mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { return mCurrentAudioTrack.getMediaFormat(); } else if (type == TrackType.VIDEO && mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { return mCurrentVideoTrack.getMediaFormat(); } else if (type == TrackType.SUBTITLE && mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { return mCurrentSubtitleTrack.getMediaFormat(); } return null; } @Override public TrackInfo[] getTrackInfo() { int numTracks = mTracks.size(); TrackInfo[] trackInfos = new TrackInfo[numTracks]; for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { IsoTrack track = (IsoTrack) mTracks.get(i); TrackType trackType = track.getTrackType(); if (trackType != TrackType.UNKNOWN) { MediaFormat mediaFormat = track.getMediaFormat(); String mimeType = mediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); long durationUs = track.getDurationUs(); String language = track.getLanguage(); TrackRepresentation representation = null; if (trackType == TrackType.AUDIO) { int channelCount = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT); int sampleRate = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE); representation = new AudioTrackRepresentation(-1, channelCount, "", sampleRate); } else if (trackType == TrackType.VIDEO) { int width = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH); int height = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT); representation = new VideoTrackRepresentation(-1, width, height, -1f); } else { // SUBTITLE, UNKNOWN representation = new TrackRepresentation(-1); } TrackInfo trackInfo = new TrackInfo(trackType, mimeType, durationUs, language); TrackRepresentation[] representations = new TrackRepresentation[1]; representations[0] = representation; trackInfo.setRepresentations(representations); trackInfos[i] = trackInfo; } else { trackInfos[i] = new TrackInfo(TrackType.UNKNOWN, "", 0, ""); } } return trackInfos; } @Override public synchronized void seekTo(long seekTimeUs) { // Seek video to nearest previous sync sample // Then use timestamp of that sample to seek audio long timeUs = seekTimeUs; if (mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { timeUs = mCurrentVideoTrack.seekTo(seekTimeUs, mIsFragmented); } if (timeUs >= 0) { if (mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { mCurrentAudioTrack.seekTo(timeUs, mIsFragmented); } if (mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { mCurrentSubtitleTrack.seekTo(timeUs, mIsFragmented); } } } @Override public TrackType selectTrack(boolean select, int index) { if (index < 0 || index > mTracks.size()) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "Invalid track: " + index); return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } IsoTrack track = (IsoTrack) mTracks.get(index); TrackType trackType = track.getTrackType(); if (trackType == TrackType.AUDIO) { if (select) { if (mCurrentAudioTrack == track) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "track " + index + " is already selected"); return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } long timeUs = 0; if (mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { mCurrentAudioTrack.releaseSampleTable(); timeUs = mCurrentAudioTrack.getLastTimestampUs(); } else if (mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { timeUs = mCurrentVideoTrack.getLastTimestampUs(); } else if (mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { timeUs = mCurrentSubtitleTrack.getLastTimestampUs(); } mCurrentAudioTrack = track; mCurrentAudioTrack.buildSampleTable(); mCurrentAudioTrack.seekTo(timeUs, mIsFragmented); return TrackType.AUDIO; } else { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "Audio tracks can't be deselected"); return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } } else if (trackType == TrackType.SUBTITLE) { if (select) { if (mCurrentSubtitleTrack == track) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "track " + index + " is already selected"); return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } long timeUs = 0; if (mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { mCurrentSubtitleTrack.releaseSampleTable(); timeUs = mCurrentSubtitleTrack.getLastTimestampUs(); } else if (mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { timeUs = mCurrentAudioTrack.getLastTimestampUs(); } else if (mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { timeUs = mCurrentVideoTrack.getLastTimestampUs(); } mCurrentSubtitleTrack = track; mCurrentSubtitleTrack.buildSampleTable(); mCurrentSubtitleTrack.seekTo(timeUs, mIsFragmented); return TrackType.SUBTITLE; } else { if (mCurrentSubtitleTrack != track) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "track " + index + " is not selected"); return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } mCurrentSubtitleTrack.releaseSampleTable(); mCurrentSubtitleTrack = null; return TrackType.SUBTITLE; } } else if (trackType == TrackType.VIDEO) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "Video tracks can't be changed"); return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } return TrackType.UNKNOWN; } @Override public int getSelectedTrackIndex(TrackType type) { if (type == TrackType.AUDIO && mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { return mCurrentAudioTrack.getTrackIndex(); } else if (type == TrackType.VIDEO && mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { return mCurrentVideoTrack.getTrackIndex(); } else if (type == TrackType.SUBTITLE && mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { return mCurrentSubtitleTrack.getTrackIndex(); } return -1; } @Override public boolean canParse() { BoxHeader header = getNextBoxHeader(); if (header == null || header.boxType != BOX_ID_FTYP) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.w(TAG, "ftyp box not found at start of file, assume not ISO compatible for now"); return false; } try { int majorBrand = mDataSource.readInt(); mDataSource.skipBytes(4); // minor_version int numCompatibilityBrands = (int) ((header.boxDataSize - 8) / 4); if (numCompatibilityBrands == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < ISOBMFF_COMPATIBLE_BRANDS.length; j++) { if (ISOBMFF_COMPATIBLE_BRANDS[j] == majorBrand) { return true; } } } for (int i = 0; i < numCompatibilityBrands; i++) { int brand = mDataSource.readInt(); for (int j = 0; j < ISOBMFF_COMPATIBLE_BRANDS.length; j++) { if (ISOBMFF_COMPATIBLE_BRANDS[j] == brand) { return true; } } } } catch (EOFException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "EOFException in canParse()", e); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "IOException in canParse()", e); } return false; } /* MetaData interface functions */ @Override public int getInteger(String key) { if (mMetaDataValues.containsKey(key)) { Integer val = (Integer) mMetaDataValues.get(key); return val.intValue(); } return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } @Override public long getLong(String key) { if (mMetaDataValues.containsKey(key)) { Long val = (Long) (mMetaDataValues.get(key)); return val.longValue(); } return Long.MIN_VALUE; } @Override public float getFloat(String key) { if (mMetaDataValues.containsKey(key)) { Float val = (Float) (mMetaDataValues.get(key)); return val.floatValue(); } return Float.MIN_VALUE; } @Override public String getString(String key) { Object value = mMetaDataValues.get(key); if (value == null) { return null; } return value.toString(); } @Override public String getString(String key1, String key2) { // not applicable for this class return null; } @Override public byte[] getByteBuffer(String key) { return (byte[]) (mMetaDataValues.get(key)); } @Override public byte[] getByteBuffer(String key1, String key2) { // not applicable for this class return null; } @Override public String[] getStringArray(String key) { if (mMetaDataValues.containsKey(key)) { Object[] values = (Object[]) mMetaDataValues.get(key); String[] strings = new String[values.length]; System.arraycopy(values, 0, strings, 0, values.length); return strings; } return null; } @Override public boolean containsKey(String key) { return mMetaDataValues.containsKey(key); } @Override protected Track createTrack() { return new IsoTrack(); } public long getMoofDataSize() { return mMoofDataSize; } private long findNextMoofForTrack(int trackId) { BoxHeader header; long moofOffset = Integer.MIN_VALUE; boolean parseOk = true; long sourceLength = -1; try { sourceLength = mDataSource.length(); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.e(TAG, "could not read length of data source", e); return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } mDesiredTrackIdFound = false; mSkipInsertSamples = true; do { mCurrentMoofTrackId = -1; header = getNextBoxHeader(); if (header == null) { return -1; } parseOk = parseBox(header); if (header.boxType == BOX_ID_MOOF) { moofOffset = header.startOffset; } } while (!mDesiredTrackIdFound && parseOk && (mCurrentOffset < sourceLength || sourceLength == -1)); if (!parseOk || (mCurrentOffset >= sourceLength && sourceLength != -1)) { if (LOGS_ENABLED) Log.i(TAG, "Did not find any later moof for track " + trackId); moofOffset = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } mSkipInsertSamples = false; return moofOffset; } private int parseUE(BitReader br) { int leadingZeroBits = 0; while (br.getBits(1) == 0) { leadingZeroBits++; } int codeNum = (1 << leadingZeroBits) - 1 + br.getBits(leadingZeroBits); return codeNum; } protected void parseSPS(byte[] spsData) { BitReader br = new BitReader(spsData); br.skipBits(4 * 8); // NAL marker 00 00 00 01 br.skipBits(3); // NAL Header - forbidden_zero_bit(1) + nal_ref_idc(2) int nal_unit_type = br.getBits(5); if (nal_unit_type != AVC_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_SPS) { return; } int profile_idc = br.getBits(8); br.skipBits(8); // constraint_set0_flag ... constraint_set5 _flag + // reserved_zero_2bits br.getBits(8); // level_idc parseUE(br); // seq_parameter_set_id if (profile_idc == 100 || profile_idc == 110 || profile_idc == 122 || profile_idc == 244 || profile_idc == 44 || profile_idc == 83 || profile_idc == 86 || profile_idc == 118 || profile_idc == 128 || profile_idc == 138) { int chroma_format_idc = parseUE(br); if (chroma_format_idc == 3) { br.getBits(1); // separate_colour_plane_flag } parseUE(br); // bit_depth_luma_minus8 parseUE(br); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8 br.getBits(1); // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag int seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag = br.getBits(1); if (seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag == 1) { int nbrScaling = 8; if (chroma_format_idc == 3) { nbrScaling = 12; } for (int i = 0; i < nbrScaling; ++i) { br.getBits(1); // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ] } } } parseUE(br); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4 int pic_order_cnt_type = parseUE(br); if (pic_order_cnt_type == 0) { parseUE(br); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 } else if (pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { br.getBits(1); // delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag parseUE(br); // offset_for_non_ref_pic TODO: parseSE parseUE(br); // offset_for_top_to_bottom_field TODO: parseSE int num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle = parseUE(br); for (int i = 0; i < num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle; ++i) { parseUE(br); // offset_for_ref_frame[ i ] TODO: parseSE } } parseUE(br); // max_num_ref_frames br.getBits(1); // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag parseUE(br); // pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 parseUE(br); // pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 int frame_mbs_only_flag = br.getBits(1); if (frame_mbs_only_flag == 0) { br.getBits(1); // mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag } br.getBits(1); // direct_8x8_inference_flag int frame_cropping_flag = br.getBits(1); if (frame_cropping_flag == 1) { parseUE(br); // frame_crop_left_offset parseUE(br); // frame_crop_right_offset parseUE(br); // frame_crop_top_offset parseUE(br); // frame_crop_bottom_offset } int vui_parameters_present_flag = br.getBits(1); if (vui_parameters_present_flag == 1) { int aspect_ratio_info_present_flag = br.getBits(1); if (aspect_ratio_info_present_flag == 1) { int aspect_ratio_idc = br.getBits(8); int sar_width = 0; int sar_height = 0; if (aspect_ratio_idc > 0 && aspect_ratio_idc < 17) { int[] width = { 1, 12, 10, 16, 40, 24, 20, 32, 80, 18, 15, 64, 160, 4, 3, 2 }; int[] height = { 1, 11, 11, 11, 33, 11, 11, 11, 33, 11, 11, 33, 99, 3, 2, 1 }; sar_width = width[aspect_ratio_idc - 1]; sar_height = height[aspect_ratio_idc - 1]; } else if (aspect_ratio_idc == 255) { sar_width = br.getBits(16); sar_height = br.getBits(16); } if (mCurrentMediaFormat != null && sar_width > 0 && sar_height > 0) { mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(KEY_SAR_WIDTH, sar_width); mCurrentMediaFormat.setInteger(KEY_SAR_HEIGHT, sar_height); } } } // TODO: parse the rest of vui_parameters } @Override public synchronized boolean hasDataAvailable(TrackType type) throws IOException { boolean hasData = true; if (type == TrackType.AUDIO && mCurrentAudioTrack != null) { hasData = mCurrentAudioTrack.hasDataAvailable(mIsFragmented); } else if (type == TrackType.VIDEO && mCurrentVideoTrack != null) { hasData = mCurrentVideoTrack.hasDataAvailable(mIsFragmented); } else if (type == TrackType.SUBTITLE && mCurrentSubtitleTrack != null) { hasData = mCurrentSubtitleTrack.hasDataAvailable(mIsFragmented); } return hasData; } }