Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2011 Sony Mobile Communications Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpMethod; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequestSettings; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlAnchor; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlForm; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlOption; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSelect; import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.nodes.JobRestrictionProperty; import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.restrictions.job.RegexNameRestriction; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.Slave; import hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher; import hudson.slaves.DumbSlave; import hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty; import hudson.slaves.NodeProperty; import hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.HudsonTestCase; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.ADD_LABELS; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.AVAILABILITY; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.DESCRIPTION; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.LAUNCH_METHOD; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.NBR_OF_EXECUTORS; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.REMOTE_FS; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.REMOVE_LABELS; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.SET_LABELS; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.Change.USAGE_MODE; import static hudson.model.Node.Mode.EXCLUSIVE; import static hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.Entry; //CS IGNORE MagicNumber FOR NEXT 1000 LINES. REASON: Tests. /** * Tests the UI of the plugin, mostly by using HTMLUnit. * @author Fredrik Persson <> * @author Nicklas Nilsson <> */ public class UIHudsonTest extends HudsonTestCase { static final String CONFIGURE = "Configure slaves"; static final String DELETE = "Delete slaves"; static final String ADD = "Add slaves"; static final String MANAGE = "Manage slaves"; WebClient webClient; HtmlPage currentPage; DumbSlave slave0; DumbSlave slave1; DumbSlave slave2; DumbSlave slave3; /** * Sets up the tests. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); webClient = createWebClient(); currentPage = webClient.goTo(NodeManageLink.getInstance().getUrlName()); webClient.setThrowExceptionOnScriptError(false); webClient.setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(false); slave0 = createSlave(); slave1 = createSlave(); slave2 = new DumbSlave("slave2", "This is the description on dumbSlave1", "HOME/slave2", "2", null, "LABEL1 LABEL3", null, null, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); slave3 = new DumbSlave("slave3", "This is the description on dumbSlave2", "home/slave3", "4", null, "label1", null, null, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); hudson.addNode(slave2); hudson.addNode(slave3); } /** * Testing the help links on the various pages affected by multislave. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testAllHelpLinksFound() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "manageoptions"-page after selecting slaves. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); List<?> helpButtons = currentPage.selectNodes("//a[@class='help-button']"); assertNotNull(helpButtons); assertFalse(helpButtons.isEmpty()); // The click() results in an Ajax call. If it fails, the test will fail for (HtmlAnchor helpButton : (List<HtmlAnchor>) helpButtons) {; } } /** * Test setting properties for a number of nodes. * The tests mocks a form containing the desired changes. * This was done since HTMLUNIT's javascript support isn't good enough. * @throws Exception on failure. */ public void testSetNodeProperties() throws Exception { setUpNodeProperties(); List<Node> registeredNodes = hudson.getNodes(); List<NodeProperty<?>> list = registeredNodes.get(0).getNodeProperties().toList(); EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty env = (EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty) list.get(0); assertTrue(env.getEnvVars().containsKey("FOODPREF")); assertTrue(env.getEnvVars().containsValue("BURGERS")); } /** * Tests that the settings selector page is auto populated with common * node properties. * @throws Exception on failure. */ public void testNodePropertiesAutoPopulation() throws Exception { setUpNodeProperties(); currentPage = webClient.goTo(NodeManageLink.getInstance().getUrlName()); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); assertTrue("The settings page should contain BURGERS (common key)", currentPage.asText().contains("BURGERS")); } /** * Test removing properties for a number of nodes. * The tests mocks a form containing the desired changes. * This was done since HTMLUNIT's javascript support isn't good enough. * @throws Exception on failure. */ public void testRemoveNodeProperties() throws Exception { //First make sure the nodes have some random properties: for (Node node : jenkins.getNodes()) { Entry entry = new Entry(RandomStringUtils.random(5), RandomStringUtils.random(5)); node.getNodeProperties().add(new EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(entry)); } //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); // Instead of requesting the page directly we create a WebRequestSettings object WebRequestSettings requestSettings = new WebRequestSettings( webClient.createCrumbedUrl(NodeManageLink.URL + "/apply"), HttpMethod.POST); // Then we set the request parameters List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new NameValuePair("json", "{\"removeProperties\": " + "{\"stapler-class\": \"hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty$DescriptorImpl\",\"kind\": " + "\"hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty$DescriptorImpl\"}}")); params.add(new NameValuePair("Submit", "Save")); requestSettings.setRequestParameters(params); webClient.getPage(requestSettings); for (Node node : jenkins.getNodes()) { assertTrue("Slave should not have any node properties", node.getNodeProperties().isEmpty()); } } /** * This test tries to configure the job restrictions plugin with help from multislave. * @throws Exception on failure. */ public void testConfigureJobRestrictionsNodeProperty() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); // Instead of requesting the page directly we create a WebRequestSettings object WebRequestSettings requestSettings = new WebRequestSettings( webClient.createCrumbedUrl(NodeManageLink.URL + "/apply"), HttpMethod.POST); // Then we set the request parameters List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new NameValuePair("json", "{\"addOrChangeProperties\": { \"\": \"5\", \"jobRestriction\": " + "{ \"stapler-class\": \"com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions." + "restrictions.job.RegexNameRestriction\", \"regexExpression\": \"testtest\", " + "\"checkShortName\": false }, \"stapler-class\": \"com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci." + "plugins.jobrestrictions.nodes.JobRestrictionProperty\", \"kind\": \"com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci." + "plugins.jobrestrictions.nodes.JobRestrictionProperty\" }}")); params.add(new NameValuePair("Submit", "Save")); requestSettings.setRequestParameters(params); webClient.getPage(requestSettings); List<Node> registeredNodes = hudson.getNodes(); List<NodeProperty<?>> list = ((Slave) registeredNodes.get(0)).getNodeProperties().toList(); JobRestrictionProperty jobRestrictionProperty = (JobRestrictionProperty) list.get(0); RegexNameRestriction restriction = (RegexNameRestriction) jobRestrictionProperty.getJobRestriction(); assertEquals(restriction.getRegexExpression(), "testtest"); } /** * Test for taking several nodes offline by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testTakeNodesOffline() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(MANAGE); //Takes the web client to "manageoptions"-page after selecting slaves. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlElement offlineReason = currentPage.getElementById("offlineReason"); HtmlElement takeOffline = currentPage.getElementById("takeOffline"); offlineReason.setTextContent("Testing..."); takeOffline.fireEvent("click"); assertTrue(slave0.toComputer().isTemporarilyOffline()); assertTrue(slave1.toComputer().isTemporarilyOffline()); } /** * Test for taking several nodes online by using the UI. * Online in this context means not temporarily offline. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testBringNodesOnline() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(MANAGE); slave0.toComputer().setTemporarilyOffline(true); slave1.toComputer().setTemporarilyOffline(true); //Takes the web client to "manageoptions"-page after selecting slaves. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlElement takeOnline = currentPage.getElementById("takeOnline"); takeOnline.fireEvent("click"); assertFalse(slave0.toComputer().isTemporarilyOffline()); assertFalse(slave1.toComputer().isTemporarilyOffline()); } /** * Test for connecting to several nodes from the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConnectToNodes() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(MANAGE); //Takes the web client to "manageoptions"-page after selecting slaves. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlElement connect = currentPage.getElementById("connectSlaves"); connect.fireEvent("click"); assertNotNull(slave0.toComputer().getChannel()); assertNotNull(slave1.toComputer().getChannel()); } /** * Test for disconnecting several nodes from the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testDisconnectFromNodes() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(MANAGE); //Takes the web client to "manageoptions"-page after selecting slaves. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlElement disconnect = currentPage.getElementById("disconnectSlaves"); disconnect.fireEvent("click"); assertNull(slave0.toComputer().getChannel()); assertNull(slave1.toComputer().getChannel()); } /** * Looks up the argument link text on currentPage and clicks on the link. * @param linkText the link text to look for. * @throws IOException if so. */ private void clickLinkOnCurrentPage(String linkText) throws IOException { currentPage = currentPage.getAnchorByText(linkText).click(); } /** * Selecting all slaves and and submitting the form by using the UI. * This method requires currentPage to be the "slave filter"-page * @throws Exception if so. */ private void searchForAndSelectAllSlaves() throws Exception { HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); currentPage = submit(form); } /** * Test for changing the description of several slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureDescriptionChain() throws Exception { final String changedDescription = "This description is more describable..."; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_description").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("description").setValueAttribute(changedDescription); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. //submitForm(form); currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed description assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(changedDescription)); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.DESCRIPTION); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed for (int i = 0; i < expectedListSize; i++) { assertEquals(changedDescription, hudson.getNodes().get(i).getNodeDescription()); } } /** * Test for changing the # of executors for several slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureExecutorsChain() throws Exception { final int changedExecutors = 2; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_numExecutors").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("numExecutors").setValueAttribute(String.valueOf(changedExecutors)); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed # of executors assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(changedExecutors))); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.NBR_OF_EXECUTORS); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedListSize; i++) { assertEquals(changedExecutors, hudson.getNodes().get(i).getNumExecutors()); } } /** * Test for changing the remote FS for several slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureRemoteFSChain() throws Exception { final String changedRemoteFS = "/newHome"; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_remoteFS").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("remoteFS").setValueAttribute(changedRemoteFS); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed remote fs assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(changedRemoteFS)); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.REMOTE_FS); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedListSize; i++) { assertEquals(changedRemoteFS, ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(i)).getRemoteFS()); } } /** * Test for setting new labels for two slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureSetLabelsChain() throws Exception { final String newLabels = "LABEL1 LABEL2"; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_labelString").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("labelString").setValueAttribute(newLabels); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed label string assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(newLabels)); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.SET_LABELS); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedListSize; i++) { assertEquals(newLabels, hudson.getNodes().get(i).getLabelString()); } } /** * Test for adding new labels for slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureAddLabelsChain() throws Exception { final String labelsToAdd = "LABEL1 LABEL2"; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_addLabelString").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("addLabelString").setValueAttribute(labelsToAdd); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed label string assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(labelsToAdd)); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.ADD_LABELS); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); assertEquals("LABEL1 LABEL2", hudson.getNodes().get(0).getLabelString()); assertEquals("LABEL1 LABEL3 LABEL2", hudson.getNodes().get(2).getLabelString()); } /** * Test for removing labels from slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureRemoveLabelsChain() throws Exception { final String labelsToRemove = "LABEL1 LABEL2"; createSlave("LABEL1 LABEL2 LABEL3 LABEL4", null); final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_removeLabelString").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("removeLabelString").setValueAttribute(labelsToRemove); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed label string assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(labelsToRemove)); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.REMOVE_LABELS); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); assertEquals("LABEL3 LABEL4", hudson.getNodes().get(4).getLabelString()); } /** * Test for changing usage mode for slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureModeChain() throws Exception { final Node.Mode newMode = EXCLUSIVE; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_mode").setChecked(true); HtmlSelect modeSelect = (HtmlSelect) currentPage.getElementById("mode"); HtmlOption newModeOption = modeSelect.getOptionByValue(String.valueOf(newMode)); modeSelect.setSelectedAttribute(newModeOption, true); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed mode assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(newMode))); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.USAGE_MODE); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(newMode, hudson.getNodes().get(0).getMode()); assertEquals(newMode, hudson.getNodes().get(1).getMode()); } /** * Test for changing computer launcher on slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureLauncherChain() throws Exception { final String launchCommand = "$"; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_launcher").setChecked(true); HtmlSelect launcherSelect = (HtmlSelect) currentPage.getElementById("launcherId"); HtmlOption commandLauncherOption = launcherSelect.getOptionByValue("hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher"); launcherSelect.setSelectedAttribute(commandLauncherOption, true); form.getInputByName("_.command").setValueAttribute(launchCommand); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed launcher assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(launchCommand)); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.LAUNCH_METHOD); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); assertEquals("", ((CommandLauncher) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getLauncher()).getCommand()); assertEquals("", ((CommandLauncher) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(1)).getLauncher()).getCommand()); } /** * Test for changing retention strategy on slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureRetentionStrategyChain() throws Exception { final int inDemandDelay = 10; final int idleDelay = 20; final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_retentionStrategy").setChecked(true); HtmlSelect strategySelect = (HtmlSelect) currentPage.getElementById("retentionStrategyId"); HtmlOption onDemandOption = strategySelect.getOptionByValue("hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Demand"); strategySelect.setSelectedAttribute(onDemandOption, true); form.getInputByName("retentionStrategy.inDemandDelay").setValueAttribute(String.valueOf(inDemandDelay)); form.getInputByName("retentionStrategy.idleDelay").setValueAttribute(String.valueOf(idleDelay)); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed retention strategy settings assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(inDemandDelay))); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(idleDelay))); //Checks that the page does not contain confirmation for other settings checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Change.AVAILABILITY); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their setting has changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(inDemandDelay, ((RetentionStrategy.Demand) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getRetentionStrategy()) .getInDemandDelay()); assertEquals(idleDelay, ((RetentionStrategy.Demand) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getRetentionStrategy()) .getIdleDelay()); assertEquals(inDemandDelay, ((RetentionStrategy.Demand) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(1)).getRetentionStrategy()) .getInDemandDelay()); assertEquals(idleDelay, ((RetentionStrategy.Demand) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(1)).getRetentionStrategy()) .getIdleDelay()); } /** * Test for changing all settings at the same time on slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testConfigureAllSettingsChain() throws Exception { final int expectedListSize = hudson.getNodes().size(); final String changedDescription = "This description is more describable..."; final int changedExecutors = 2; final String changedRemoteFS = "/newHome"; final String newLabels = "LABEL1 LABEL2"; final Node.Mode newMode = EXCLUSIVE; final String launchCommand = "$"; final int inDemandDelay = 10; final int idleDelay = 20; //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); form.getInputByName("_description").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("_numExecutors").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("_remoteFS").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("_labelString").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("_mode").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("_launcher").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("_retentionStrategy").setChecked(true); form.getInputByName("description").setValueAttribute(changedDescription); form.getInputByName("numExecutors").setValueAttribute(String.valueOf(changedExecutors)); form.getInputByName("remoteFS").setValueAttribute(changedRemoteFS); form.getInputByName("labelString").setValueAttribute(newLabels); HtmlSelect modeSelect = (HtmlSelect) currentPage.getElementById("mode"); HtmlOption exclusiveOption = modeSelect.getOptionByValue(String.valueOf(newMode)); modeSelect.setSelectedAttribute(exclusiveOption, true); HtmlSelect launcherSelect = (HtmlSelect) currentPage.getElementById("launcherId"); HtmlOption commandLauncherOption = launcherSelect.getOptionByValue("hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher"); launcherSelect.setSelectedAttribute(commandLauncherOption, true); form.getInputByName("_.command").setValueAttribute(launchCommand); HtmlSelect strategySelect = (HtmlSelect) currentPage.getElementById("retentionStrategyId"); HtmlOption onDemandOption = strategySelect.getOptionByValue("hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Demand"); strategySelect.setSelectedAttribute(onDemandOption, true); form.getInputByName("retentionStrategy.inDemandDelay").setValueAttribute(String.valueOf(inDemandDelay)); form.getInputByName("retentionStrategy.idleDelay").setValueAttribute(String.valueOf(idleDelay)); //Takes the web client to "applied settings"-page. currentPage = submit(form); String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); //Checks that the page contains a confirmation with the changed settings assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(changedDescription)); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(changedExecutors))); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(changedRemoteFS)); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(newLabels)); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(newMode))); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(inDemandDelay))); assertTrue(pageAsText.contains(String.valueOf(idleDelay))); //Checks that the slaves still exist and that their settings have changed assertEquals(expectedListSize, hudson.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(changedDescription, hudson.getNodes().get(0).getNodeDescription()); assertEquals(changedExecutors, hudson.getNodes().get(0).getNumExecutors()); assertEquals(changedRemoteFS, ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getRemoteFS()); assertEquals(newLabels, hudson.getNodes().get(0).getLabelString()); assertEquals(newMode, hudson.getNodes().get(0).getMode()); assertEquals("", ((CommandLauncher) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getLauncher()).getCommand()); assertEquals(inDemandDelay, ((RetentionStrategy.Demand) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getRetentionStrategy()) .getInDemandDelay()); assertEquals(idleDelay, ((RetentionStrategy.Demand) ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNodes().get(0)).getRetentionStrategy()) .getIdleDelay()); } /** * Test for deleting all slaves by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testDeleteAllChainSelectYes() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); //Takes the web client to "delete confirmation"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); //Are you sure you want to delete these slaves? pressing yes. currentPage.getElementByName("deleteSlavesInput").click(); //checks that the slaves is successfully deleted. assertTrue(hudson.getNodes().isEmpty()); } /** * Tests that no slaves are being deleted if you press no on the delete confirmation page by using the UI. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testDeleteAllChainSelectNo() throws Exception { final int slaveCountsBefore = hudson.getNodes().size(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); //Takes the web client to "delete confirmation"-page. searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); //Are you sure you want to delete these slaves? pressing no. currentPage.getElementByName("homeRedirectInput").click(); //Checks that nothing is deleted. assertEquals(slaveCountsBefore, hudson.getNodes().size()); } /** * Tests that the user can search by all search fields and that right slave is returned. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testSearchByAll() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); NodeManageLink link = NodeManageLink.getInstance(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); form.getInputByName("name").setValueAttribute("slave2"); form.getInputByName("description").setValueAttribute("This is the description on dumbSlave1"); form.getInputByName("remoteFS").setValueAttribute("HOME/slave2"); form.getInputByName("executors").setValueAttribute("2"); form.getInputByName("label").setValueAttribute("LABEL1"); //Search. currentPage = submit(form); String currentSessionId = link.userMode.keySet().iterator().next(); assertEquals(1, link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).size()); assertEquals("slave2", link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(0).getNodeName()); } /** * Tests that the user can search by label and that right slaves are listed. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testSearchByName() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); NodeManageLink link = NodeManageLink.getInstance(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); form.getInputByName("name").setValueAttribute("slave2"); //Search. currentPage = submit(form); String currentSessionId = link.userMode.keySet().iterator().next(); assertEquals(1, link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).size()); assertEquals("slave2", link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(0).getNodeName()); } /** * Tests that the user can search by label and that right slaves are listed. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testSearchByLabel() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); NodeManageLink link = NodeManageLink.getInstance(); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); form.getInputByName("label").setValueAttribute("label1"); //Search. currentPage = submit(form); String currentSessionId = link.userMode.keySet().iterator().next(); assertEquals(2, link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).size()); assertEquals("LABEL1 LABEL3", link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(0).getLabelString()); assertEquals("label1", link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(1).getLabelString()); } /** * Tests that the user can search by description and that right slaves are listed. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testSearchByDescription() throws Exception { NodeManageLink link = NodeManageLink.getInstance(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); form.getInputByName("description").setValueAttribute("DUMBSLAVE1"); //Search. currentPage = submit(form); String currentSessionId = link.userMode.keySet().iterator().next(); assertEquals(1, link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).size()); assertEquals("This is the description on dumbSlave1", link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(0).getNodeDescription()); } /** * Tests that the user can search by FS root and that right slaves are listed. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testSearchByFSRoot() throws Exception { NodeManageLink link = NodeManageLink.getInstance(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); form.getInputByName("remoteFS").setValueAttribute("home/slave2"); //Search. currentPage = submit(form); String currentSessionId = link.userMode.keySet().iterator().next(); assertEquals(1, link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).size()); assertEquals("HOME/slave2", ((DumbSlave) link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(0)).getRemoteFS()); } /** * Tests that the user can search by FS root and that right slaves are listed. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testSearchByNbrOfExecutors() throws Exception { NodeManageLink link = NodeManageLink.getInstance(); //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(DELETE); HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("viewerForm"); form.getInputByName("executors").setValueAttribute("2"); //Search. currentPage = submit(form); String currentSessionId = link.userMode.keySet().iterator().next(); assertEquals(1, link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).size()); assertEquals(2, (link.getNodeList(currentSessionId).get(0)).getNumExecutors()); } /** * Tests that the user can create new slaves in an interval. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testAddSlavesBySpan() throws Exception { final int slaveCountsAfter = hudson.getNodes().size() + 3; //Takes the web client to "add slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(ADD); //Fill in information about the new slaves. HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("createSlavesForm"); form.getInputByName("mode").setValueAttribute("newSlave"); form.getInputByName("slaveName").setValueAttribute("slave"); form.getInputByName("first").setValueAttribute("06"); form.getInputByName("last").setValueAttribute("08"); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. currentPage = submit(form); //Creating the slaves. form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); currentPage = submit(form); //Checks that the slaves are added and nothing more. assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave06")); assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave07")); assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave08")); assertEquals(slaveCountsAfter, hudson.getNodes().size()); } /** * Tests that the user can create new slaves in an interval.. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testAddSlavesUniqueNames() throws Exception { int slaveCountsAfter = hudson.getNodes().size() + 3; clickLinkOnCurrentPage(ADD); //Fill in information about the new slaves. HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("createSlavesForm"); form.getInputByName("slaveNames").setValueAttribute("slave10 slave11 slave12"); form.getInputByName("mode").setValueAttribute("newSlave"); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. currentPage = submit(form); //Creating the slaves. form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); currentPage = submit(form); //Checks that the slaves are added and nothing more. assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave10")); assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave11")); assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave12")); assertEquals(slaveCountsAfter, hudson.getNodes().size()); } /** * Tests that user can't create two or more slaves with same name. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testAddRedundantNames() throws Exception { int slaveCountsAfter = hudson.getNodes().size() + 1; clickLinkOnCurrentPage(ADD); //Fill in information about the new slaves. HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("createSlavesForm"); form.getInputByName("slaveNames").setValueAttribute("slave10 slave10"); form.getInputByName("mode").setValueAttribute("newSlave"); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. currentPage = submit(form); //Creating the slaves. form = currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); currentPage = submit(form); //Checks that the single slave is added and nothing more. assertNotNull(hudson.getNode("slave10")); assertEquals(slaveCountsAfter, hudson.getNodes().size()); } /** * Tests that the user can copy the settings from one slave to some new ones. * @throws Exception if so. */ public void testAddSlavesCopy() throws Exception { int expectedSlaveCount = hudson.getNodes().size() + 3; submit(prepareCopySlaves()); //Checks that the slaves are added and that nothing more happens. assertEquals(2, hudson.getNode("slave13").getNumExecutors()); assertEquals("This is the description on dumbSlave1", hudson.getNode("slave14").getNodeDescription()); assertEquals("HOME/slave15", ((DumbSlave) hudson.getNode("slave15")).getRemoteFS()); assertEquals(expectedSlaveCount, hudson.getNodes().size()); } /** * Makes sure that {@link hudson.slaves.NodeProperty}s are copied to the new slave * when cloning slaves if they are not manually removed. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void testCopiedSlavesKeepNodeProperties() throws Exception { Node originalSlave = hudson.getNode("slave2"); Entry propertyEntry = new Entry("key", "value"); EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty property = new EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(propertyEntry); originalSlave.getNodeProperties().add(property); submit(prepareCopySlaves()); assertEquals("value", ((EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty) hudson.getNode("slave13").getNodeProperties().get(0)) .getEnvVars().get("key")); } /** * Makes sure that {@link hudson.slaves.NodeProperty}s are not copied to the new slave * when cloning slaves if they are manually removed. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void testCopySlavesRemoveNodeProperties() throws Exception { Node originalSlave = hudson.getNode("slave2"); Entry propertyEntry = new Entry("key", "value"); EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty property = new EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(propertyEntry); originalSlave.getNodeProperties().add(property); HtmlForm settings = prepareCopySlaves(); //Clear all Node Property settings: settings.getElementsByAttribute("div", "name", "addOrChangeProperties").get(0).remove(); submit(settings); assertTrue(hudson.getNode("slave13").getNodeProperties().isEmpty()); } /** * Prepares copying of slaves. * @return settings form that can be submitted to execute the copying * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private HtmlForm prepareCopySlaves() throws Exception { clickLinkOnCurrentPage(ADD); //Fill in information about the new slaves. HtmlForm form = currentPage.getFormByName("createSlavesForm"); form.getInputByName("slaveNames").setValueAttribute("slave13 slave14 slave15"); form.getInputByName("mode").setValueAttribute("copySlave"); form.getInputByName("copyFrom").setValueAttribute("slave2"); //Takes the web client to "settings selector"-page. currentPage = submit(form); return currentPage.getFormByName("settingsForm"); } /** * Checks that only the setting that been changed is listed on the applied settings page. * @param change the setting to look for. */ private void checkOnlyAppliedSetting(Enum change) { String pageAsText = currentPage.asText(); if (change != DESCRIPTION) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Description")); } if (change != NBR_OF_EXECUTORS) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("# of executors")); } if (change != REMOTE_FS) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Remote FS root")); } if (change != SET_LABELS) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Set labels")); } if (change != ADD_LABELS) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Add labels")); } if (change != REMOVE_LABELS) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Remove labels")); } if (change != USAGE_MODE) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Usage mode")); } if (change != LAUNCH_METHOD) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Launch method")); } if (change != AVAILABILITY) { assertFalse(pageAsText.contains("Availability")); } } /** * Sets up a common {@link NodeProperty} for all slaves. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private void setUpNodeProperties() throws Exception { //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page. clickLinkOnCurrentPage(CONFIGURE); searchForAndSelectAllSlaves(); // Instead of requesting the page directly we create a WebRequestSettings object WebRequestSettings requestSettings = new WebRequestSettings( webClient.createCrumbedUrl(NodeManageLink.URL + "/apply"), HttpMethod.POST); // Then we set the request parameters List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new NameValuePair("json", "{\"addOrChangeProperties\": {\"env\": { \"key\": \"FOODPREF\",\"value\": " + "\"BURGERS\"},\"stapler-class\": \"hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty\",\"kind\": " + "\"hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty\"}}")); params.add(new NameValuePair("Submit", "Save")); requestSettings.setRequestParameters(params); webClient.getPage(requestSettings); } /** * These match the settings that can be changed. */ public enum Change { /** *The description setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ DESCRIPTION, /** *The nbr of executors setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ NBR_OF_EXECUTORS, /** *The remote FS setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ REMOTE_FS, /** *The set labels setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ SET_LABELS, /** *The add labels setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ ADD_LABELS, /** *The remove labels setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ REMOVE_LABELS, /** *The usage mode setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ USAGE_MODE, /** *The launch method setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ LAUNCH_METHOD, /** *The availability setting that can be changed with this plugin. */ AVAILABILITY } }