Java tutorial
/* * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package. */ package com.sonie.web.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import; import; import; import; import com.sonie.web.resources.config.ApplicationConfiguration; import com.sonie.web.resources.hue.HueAddNewUserRequest; import com.sonie.web.resources.hue.HueAddNewUserResponse; import com.sonie.web.resources.hue.HueCreateGroupRequest; import com.sonie.web.resources.hue.HueIP; import com.sonie.web.resources.hue.HueLight; import com.sonie.web.resources.hue.HueSetSceneRequest; import com.sonie.web.resources.view.hue.HueGroup; public class HueUtil { private HueUtil() { } public static void putGroupRequest(HueSetSceneRequest request, String ip, String user) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); restTemplate.put(ip + "/api/" + user + "/groups/" + request.getGroup() + "/action", request); } public static void blinkLights(String ip, String user, String group) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); HueSetSceneRequest request = new HueSetSceneRequest(); request.setAlert("select"); String url = "http://" + ip + "/api/" + user + "/groups/" + group + "/action"; restTemplate.put(url, request); } /** * Get the IP address of the Hue Bridge. * * @return */ public static String getIpRequest() { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); ResponseEntity<List<HueIP>> hueIPResponse ="", HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<HueIP>>() { }); List<HueIP> results = hueIPResponse.getBody(); return results.get(0).getInternalipaddress(); } public static String getNewUser(String ip) throws NullPointerException { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); HueAddNewUserRequest request = new HueAddNewUserRequest(); request.setDevicetype("hueserver"); HueAddNewUserResponse[] response = restTemplate.postForObject("http://" + ip + "/api", request, HueAddNewUserResponse[].class); return response[0].getSuccess().getUsername(); } public static Map<String, String> getScenesWithId(ApplicationConfiguration config) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); Map<String, String> scenes = new HashMap<>(); String url = "http://" + config.getHue().getIp() + "/api/" + config.getHue().getUser() + "/scenes"; ResponseEntity<String> hueScenesResponse =, HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>() { }); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonObject = parser.parse(hueScenesResponse.getBody()).getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) { scenes.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("name").toString()); } return scenes; } public static Map<String, HueGroup> getGroupsWithId(ApplicationConfiguration config) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); Map<String, HueGroup> groups = new HashMap<>(); String url = "http://" + config.getHue().getIp() + "/api/" + config.getHue().getUser() + "/groups"; ResponseEntity<String> hueGroupsResponse =, HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>() { }); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonObject = parser.parse(hueGroupsResponse.getBody()).getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); HueGroup group = new HueGroup(); List<String> lights = new ArrayList<>(); group.setName(entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("name").toString()); JsonArray jsonArray = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("lights").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement obj : jsonArray) { lights.add(obj.toString()); } group.setLights(lights); groups.put(id, group); } return groups; } public static Map<String, HueLight> getLightsWithId(ApplicationConfiguration config) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); Map<String, HueLight> lights = new HashMap<>(); String url = "http://" + config.getHue().getIp() + "/api/" + config.getHue().getUser() + "/lights"; ResponseEntity<String> hueGroupsResponse =, HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>() { }); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonObject = parser.parse(hueGroupsResponse.getBody()).getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); HueLight light = new HueLight(); light.setName(entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("name").toString()); light.setType(entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("type").toString()); lights.put(id, light); } return lights; } public static void deleteSceneWithId(String id, ApplicationConfiguration config) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); String url = "http://" + config.getHue().getIp() + "/api/" + config.getHue().getUser() + "/scenes/" + id; restTemplate.delete(url); } public static void deleteGroupWithId(String id, ApplicationConfiguration config) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); String url = "http://" + config.getHue().getIp() + "/api/" + config.getHue().getUser() + "/groups/" + id; restTemplate.delete(url); } public static void createGroupWithId(String name, String lights, ApplicationConfiguration config) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); HueCreateGroupRequest request = new HueCreateGroupRequest(); request.setName(name); request.setLights(StringUtil.stringToList(lights)); request.setType("LightGroup"); restTemplate.postForObject( "http://" + config.getHue().getIp() + "/api/" + config.getHue().getUser() + "/groups", request, String.class); // TODO: handle response } }