Java tutorial
/* * webtop-vfs is a WebTop Service developed by Sonicle S.r.l. * Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SONICLE, SONICLE DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Sonicle S.r.l. at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Sonicle WebTop" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Sonicle WebTop". */ package com.sonicle.webtop.vfs; import com.sonicle.commons.PathUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.db.DbUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.time.DateTimeUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.CompositeId; import com.sonicle.vfs2.FileSelector; import com.sonicle.vfs2.TypeNameComparator; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreManager; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OShare; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.Owner; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.IncomingShareRoot; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.SharePermsElements; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.SharePermsFolder; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.SharePermsRoot; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.Sharing; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.DAOException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.AuthException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.BaseManager; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfile; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTRuntimeException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.util.NotificationHelper; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.OSharingLink; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.OStore; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.model.SharingLink; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.model.Store; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.model.StoreFileType; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.model.StoreShareFolder; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.bol.model.StoreShareRoot; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.dal.SharingLinkDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.dal.StoreDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.DefaultSFS; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.StoreFileSystem; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.DropboxSFS; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.FtpSFS; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.FtpsSFS; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.GoogleDriveSFS; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.sfs.SftpSFS; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.Selectors; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.UriParser; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * @author malbinola */ public class VfsManager extends BaseManager { private static final Logger logger = WT.getLogger(VfsManager.class); private static final String GROUPNAME_STORE = "STORE"; private final HashMap<Integer, UserProfile.Id> cacheOwnerByStore = new HashMap<>(); private final Object shareCacheLock = new Object(); private final HashMap<UserProfile.Id, String> cacheShareRootByOwner = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<UserProfile.Id, String> cacheWildcardShareFolderByOwner = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<Integer, String> cacheShareFolderByStore = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, StoreFileSystem> storeFileSystems = new HashMap<>(); public VfsManager(boolean fastInit, UserProfile.Id targetProfileId) throws WTException { super(fastInit, targetProfileId); if (!fastInit) initFileSystems(); } private void initFileSystems() throws WTException { synchronized (storeFileSystems) { List<Store> myStores = listStores(); for (Store store : myStores) { addStoreFileSystemToCache(store); /* StoreFileSystem sfs = null; try { sfs = createFileSystem(store); } catch(URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to parse URI"); } storeFileSystems.put(String.valueOf(store.getStoreId()), sfs); */ } List<StoreShareRoot> roots = listIncomingStoreRoots(); for (StoreShareRoot root : roots) { HashMap<Integer, StoreShareFolder> folders = listIncomingStoreFolders(root.getShareId()); for (StoreShareFolder folder : folders.values()) { addStoreFileSystemToCache(folder.getStore()); /* StoreFileSystem sfs = null; try { sfs = createFileSystem(folder.getStore()); } catch(URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to parse URI"); } storeFileSystems.put(String.valueOf(folder.getStore().getStoreId()), sfs); */ } } } } private StoreFileSystem createFileSystem(Store store) throws URISyntaxException { String uri = null; if (store.getBuiltIn()) { VfsSettings.MyDocumentsUriTemplateValues tpl = new VfsSettings.MyDocumentsUriTemplateValues(); //tpl.HOME_PATH = WT.getHomePath(); //TODO: gestire variabili per HOME_PATH, SERVICE_HOME_PATH tpl.SERVICE_ID = SERVICE_ID; tpl.DOMAIN_ID = store.getDomainId(); tpl.USER_ID = store.getUserId(); VfsServiceSettings vus = new VfsServiceSettings(SERVICE_ID, store.getDomainId()); uri = vus.getMyDocumentsUri(tpl); if (StringUtils.isBlank(uri)) { uri = WT.getServiceHomePath(SERVICE_ID) + "mydocuments/" + store.getUserId() + "/"; } return new DefaultSFS(uri, null, true); } else { uri = store.getUri(); String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(uri); switch (scheme) { case "ftp": return new FtpSFS(uri, store.getParameters()); case "sftp": return new SftpSFS(uri, store.getParameters()); case "ftps": return new FtpsSFS(uri, store.getParameters()); case "dropbox": return new DropboxSFS(uri, store.getParameters()); case "googledrive": return new GoogleDriveSFS(uri, store.getParameters()); default: return new DefaultSFS(uri, store.getParameters()); } } } private void addStoreFileSystemToCache(Store store) throws WTException { synchronized (storeFileSystems) { StoreFileSystem sfs = null; try { sfs = createFileSystem(store); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to parse URI"); } storeFileSystems.put(String.valueOf(store.getStoreId()), sfs); } } private void removeStoreFileSystemFromCache(int storeId) throws WTException { synchronized (storeFileSystems) { storeFileSystems.remove(String.valueOf(storeId)); } } private StoreFileSystem getStoreFileSystemFromCache(int storeId) throws WTException { String key = String.valueOf(storeId); synchronized (storeFileSystems) { if (!storeFileSystems.containsKey(key)) { Store store = getStore(storeId); if (store == null) throw new WTException("Store not found [{0}]", storeId); addStoreFileSystemToCache(store); } return storeFileSystems.get(key); } } public List<StoreShareRoot> listIncomingStoreRoots() throws WTException { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(getTargetProfileId()); ArrayList<StoreShareRoot> roots = new ArrayList(); HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<>(); List<IncomingShareRoot> shares = core.listIncomingShareRoots(SERVICE_ID, GROUPNAME_STORE); for (IncomingShareRoot share : shares) { SharePermsRoot perms = core.getShareRootPermissions(share.getShareId()); StoreShareRoot root = new StoreShareRoot(share, perms); if (hs.contains(root.getShareId())) continue; // Avoid duplicates ?????????????????????? hs.add(root.getShareId()); roots.add(root); } return roots; } public HashMap<Integer, StoreShareFolder> listIncomingStoreFolders(String rootShareId) throws WTException { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(getTargetProfileId()); LinkedHashMap<Integer, StoreShareFolder> folders = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Retrieves incoming folders (from sharing). This lookup already // returns readable shares (we don't need to test READ permission) List<OShare> shares = core.listIncomingShareFolders(rootShareId, GROUPNAME_STORE); for (OShare share : shares) { UserProfile.Id ownerId = core.userUidToProfileId(share.getUserUid()); List<Store> stores = null; if (share.hasWildcard()) { stores = listStores(ownerId); } else { stores = Arrays.asList(getStore(Integer.valueOf(share.getInstance()))); } for (Store store : stores) { SharePermsFolder fperms = core.getShareFolderPermissions(share.getShareId().toString()); SharePermsElements eperms = core.getShareElementsPermissions(share.getShareId().toString()); if (folders.containsKey(store.getStoreId())) { StoreShareFolder folder = folders.get(store.getStoreId()); folder.getPerms().merge(fperms); folder.getElementsPerms().merge(eperms); } else { folders.put(store.getStoreId(), new StoreShareFolder(share.getShareId().toString(), ownerId, fperms, eperms, store)); } } } return folders; } public Sharing getSharing(String shareId) throws WTException { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); return core.getSharing(SERVICE_ID, GROUPNAME_STORE, shareId); } public void updateSharing(Sharing sharing) throws WTException { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); core.updateSharing(SERVICE_ID, GROUPNAME_STORE, sharing); } public List<Store> listStores() throws WTException { return listStores(getTargetProfileId()); } private List<Store> listStores(UserProfile.Id pid) throws WTException { StoreDAO dao = StoreDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Store> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID); for (OStore store : dao.selectByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId())) { items.add(new Store(store)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Store getStore(int storeId) throws WTException { StoreDAO dao = StoreDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreFolder(storeId, "READ"); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID); return new Store(dao.selectById(con, storeId)); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Store addStore(Store item) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreRoot(item.getProfileId(), "MANAGE"); // Rights check! checkRightsOnStoreSchema(item.getUri()); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); item.setBuiltIn(false); item = new Store(doStoreUpdate(true, con, item)); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("STORE_INSERT", item.getStoreId().toString()); addStoreFileSystemToCache(item); return item; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Store addBuiltInStore(Store item) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreRoot(item.getProfileId(), "MANAGE"); // Rights check! checkRightsOnStoreSchema(item.getUri()); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); item.setBuiltIn(true); item.setUri("file:///this/is/an/automatic/path"); item = new Store(doStoreUpdate(true, con, item)); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("STORE_INSERT", item.getStoreId().toString()); addStoreFileSystemToCache(item); return item; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Store updateStore(Store item) throws Exception { Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreFolder(item.getStoreId(), "UPDATE"); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); doStoreUpdate(false, con, item); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("STORE_UPDATE", String.valueOf(item.getStoreId())); return item; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteStore(int storeId) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreFolder(storeId, "DELETE"); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); doStoreDelete(con, storeId); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("STORE_DELETE", String.valueOf(storeId)); removeStoreFileSystemFromCache(storeId); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public StoreFileSystem getStoreFileSystem(int storeId) throws WTException { return getStoreFileSystemFromCache(storeId); } public String generateStoreFileHash(int storeId, String path) { return DigestUtils.md5Hex(new CompositeId(storeId, path).toString()); } public FileObject[] listStoreFiles(StoreFileType fileType, int storeId, String path) throws FileSystemException, WTException { FileObject tfo = null; try { tfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, path); FileSelector selector = null; if (fileType.equals(StoreFileType.FILE)) { selector = new FileSelector(false, true); } else if (fileType.equals(StoreFileType.FOLDER)) { selector = new FileSelector(true, false); } else { selector = new FileSelector(true, true); } FileObject[] fos = tfo.findFiles(selector); Arrays.sort(fos, new TypeNameComparator()); return fos; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(tfo); } } public FileObject getStoreFile(int storeId, String path) throws FileSystemException, WTException { try { checkRightsOnStoreFolder(storeId, "READ"); // Rights check! return getTargetFileObject(storeId, path); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Error getting store file", ex); throw ex; } } public String createStoreFileFromStream(int storeId, String parentPath, String name, InputStream is) throws IOException, FileSystemException, WTException { return createStoreFileFromStream(storeId, parentPath, name, is, false); } public String createStoreFileFromStream(int storeId, String parentPath, String name, InputStream is, boolean overwrite) throws IOException, FileSystemException, WTException { FileObject tfo = null; NewTargetFile ntf = null; OutputStream os = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreElements(storeId, "UPDATE"); // Rights check! tfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, parentPath); if (!tfo.isFolder()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please provide a valid parentPath"); ntf = getNewTargetFileObject(storeId, parentPath, name, overwrite); logger.debug("Creating store file from stream [{}, {}]", storeId, ntf.path); ntf.tfo.createFile(); try { os = ntf.tfo.getContent().getOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(is, os); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(os); } return ntf.path; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Error creating store file from stream", ex); throw ex; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(tfo); if (ntf != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(ntf.tfo); } } public String createStoreFile(StoreFileType fileType, int storeId, String parentPath, String name) throws FileSystemException, WTException { FileObject tfo = null, ntfo = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreElements(storeId, "UPDATE"); // Rights check! tfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, parentPath); if (!tfo.isFolder()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please provide a valid parentPath"); String newPath = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.concat(parentPath, name)); ntfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, newPath); logger.debug("Creating store file [{}, {}]", storeId, newPath); if (fileType.equals(StoreFileType.FOLDER)) { ntfo.createFolder(); } else { ntfo.createFile(); } return newPath; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Error creating store file", ex); throw ex; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(tfo); IOUtils.closeQuietly(ntfo); } } public String renameStoreFile(int storeId, String path, String newName) throws FileSystemException, WTException { try { checkRightsOnStoreElements(storeId, "UPDATE"); // Rights check! return doRenameStoreFile(storeId, path, newName); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } } public void deleteStoreFile(int storeId, String path) throws FileSystemException, WTException { try { checkRightsOnStoreElements(storeId, "DELETE"); // Rights check! doDeleteStoreFile(storeId, path); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } } public String generateSharingLinkId(String type, int storeId, String path) { return generateLinkId(getTargetProfileId(), type, storeId, path); } public LinkedHashMap<String, SharingLink> listDownloadLinks(int storeId, String path) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); LinkedHashMap<String, SharingLink> items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Connection con = null; try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) return items; ensureUser(); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); logger.debug("path starts with {}", path); List<OSharingLink> links = dao.selectByProfileTypeStorePath(con, getTargetProfileId(), SharingLink.TYPE_DOWNLOAD, storeId, path); for (OSharingLink link : links) { final SharingLink dl = new SharingLink(link); items.put(dl.getFileHash(), dl); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public LinkedHashMap<String, SharingLink> listUploadLinks(int storeId, String path) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); LinkedHashMap<String, SharingLink> items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Connection con = null; try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) return items; ensureUser(); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); List<OSharingLink> uls = dao.selectByProfileTypeStorePath(con, getTargetProfileId(), SharingLink.TYPE_UPLOAD, storeId, path); for (OSharingLink link : uls) { final SharingLink ul = new SharingLink(link); items.put(ul.getFileHash(), ul); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public SharingLink getSharingLink(String linkId) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); OSharingLink olink = dao.selectById(con, linkId); if (olink == null) return null; checkRightsOnStoreElements(olink.getStoreId(), "READ"); // Rights check! return new SharingLink(olink); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public SharingLink addDownloadLink(SharingLink link) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreElements(link.getStoreId(), "CREATE"); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); link.setType(SharingLink.TYPE_DOWNLOAD); link = new SharingLink(doSharingLinkUpdate(true, con, link)); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("DOWNLOADLINK_INSERT", link.getLinkId()); return link; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public SharingLink addUploadLink(SharingLink link) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { checkRightsOnStoreElements(link.getStoreId(), "CREATE"); // Rights check! con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); link.setType(SharingLink.TYPE_UPLOAD); link = new SharingLink(doSharingLinkUpdate(true, con, link)); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("UPLOADLINK_INSERT", link.getLinkId()); return link; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void updateSharingLink(SharingLink link) throws Exception { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); OSharingLink olink = dao.selectById(con, link.getLinkId()); if (olink == null) throw new WTException("Unable to retrieve sharing link [{0}]", link.getLinkId()); checkRightsOnStoreElements(olink.getStoreId(), "READ"); // Rights check! doSharingLinkUpdate(false, con, link); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("SHARINGLINK_UPDATE", link.getLinkId()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteSharingLink(String linkId) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); OSharingLink olink = dao.selectById(con, linkId); if (olink == null) throw new WTException("Unable to retrieve sharing link [{0}]", linkId); checkRightsOnStoreElements(olink.getStoreId(), "READ"); // Rights check! doSharingLinkDelete(con, linkId); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); writeLog("SHARINGLINK_DELETE", linkId); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void notifySharingLinkUsage(String linkId, String path, String ipAddress, String userAgent) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID); OSharingLink olink = dao.selectById(con, linkId); if (olink == null) throw new WTException("Unable to retrieve sharing link [{0}]", linkId); if (olink.getLinkType().equals(SharingLink.TYPE_DOWNLOAD)) { checkRightsOnStoreFolder(olink.getStoreId(), "READ"); // Rights check! sendLinkUsageEmail(olink, path, ipAddress, userAgent); } else if (olink.getLinkType().equals(SharingLink.TYPE_UPLOAD)) { checkRightsOnStoreElements(olink.getStoreId(), "UPDATE"); // Rights check! sendLinkUsageEmail(olink, path, ipAddress, userAgent); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private void buildShareCache() { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); try { cacheShareRootByOwner.clear(); cacheWildcardShareFolderByOwner.clear(); cacheShareFolderByStore.clear(); for (StoreShareRoot root : listIncomingStoreRoots()) { cacheShareRootByOwner.put(root.getOwnerProfileId(), root.getShareId()); for (OShare folder : core.listIncomingShareFolders(root.getShareId(), GROUPNAME_STORE)) { if (folder.hasWildcard()) { UserProfile.Id ownerId = core.userUidToProfileId(folder.getUserUid()); cacheWildcardShareFolderByOwner.put(ownerId, folder.getShareId().toString()); } else { cacheShareFolderByStore.put(Integer.valueOf(folder.getInstance()), folder.getShareId().toString()); } } } } catch (WTException ex) { throw new WTRuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } private String ownerToRootShareId(UserProfile.Id owner) { synchronized (shareCacheLock) { if (!cacheShareRootByOwner.containsKey(owner)) buildShareCache(); return cacheShareRootByOwner.get(owner); } } private String ownerToWildcardFolderShareId(UserProfile.Id ownerPid) { synchronized (shareCacheLock) { if (!cacheWildcardShareFolderByOwner.containsKey(ownerPid) && cacheShareRootByOwner.isEmpty()) buildShareCache(); return cacheWildcardShareFolderByOwner.get(ownerPid); } } private String storeToFolderShareId(int storeId) { synchronized (shareCacheLock) { if (!cacheShareFolderByStore.containsKey(storeId)) buildShareCache(); return cacheShareFolderByStore.get(storeId); } } private UserProfile.Id storeToOwner(int storeId) { synchronized (cacheOwnerByStore) { if (cacheOwnerByStore.containsKey(storeId)) { return cacheOwnerByStore.get(storeId); } else { try { UserProfile.Id owner = findStoreOwner(storeId); cacheOwnerByStore.put(storeId, owner); return owner; } catch (WTException ex) { throw new WTRuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } } } private UserProfile.Id findStoreOwner(int storeId) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID); StoreDAO dao = StoreDAO.getInstance(); Owner owner = dao.selectOwnerById(con, storeId); if (owner == null) throw new WTException("Store not found [{0}]", storeId); return new UserProfile.Id(owner.getDomainId(), owner.getUserId()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private void checkRightsOnStoreSchema(String uri) { String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(uri); switch (scheme) { case "file": RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(SERVICE_ID, "STORE_FILE", "CREATE"); break; case "dropbox": case "googledrive": RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(SERVICE_ID, "STORE_CLOUD", "CREATE"); break; default: RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(SERVICE_ID, "STORE_OTHER", "CREATE"); } } private void checkRightsOnStoreRoot(UserProfile.Id ownerPid, String action) throws WTException { UserProfile.Id targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); if (RunContext.isWebTopAdmin()) return; if (ownerPid.equals(targetPid)) return; String shareId = ownerToRootShareId(ownerPid); if (shareId == null) throw new WTException("ownerToRootShareId({0}) -> null", ownerPid); CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(targetPid); if (core.isShareRootPermitted(shareId, action)) return; throw new AuthException("Action not allowed on root share [{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", shareId, action, GROUPNAME_STORE, targetPid.toString()); } private void checkRightsOnStoreFolder(int storeId, String action) throws WTException { if (RunContext.isWebTopAdmin()) return; UserProfile.Id targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); // Skip rights check if running user is resource's owner UserProfile.Id ownerPid = storeToOwner(storeId); if (ownerPid.equals(targetPid)) return; // Checks rights on the wildcard instance (if present) CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(targetPid); String wildcardShareId = ownerToWildcardFolderShareId(ownerPid); if (wildcardShareId != null) { if (core.isShareFolderPermitted(wildcardShareId, action)) return; } // Checks rights on store instance String shareId = storeToFolderShareId(storeId); if (shareId == null) throw new WTException("storeToFolderShareId({0}) -> null", storeId); if (core.isShareFolderPermitted(shareId, action)) return; throw new AuthException("Action not allowed on folder share [{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", shareId, action, GROUPNAME_STORE, targetPid.toString()); } private void checkRightsOnStoreElements(int storeId, String action) throws WTException { UserProfile.Id targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); if (RunContext.isWebTopAdmin()) return; // Skip rights check if running user is resource's owner UserProfile.Id ownerPid = storeToOwner(storeId); if (ownerPid.equals(getTargetProfileId())) return; // Checks rights on the wildcard instance (if present) CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(targetPid); String wildcardShareId = ownerToWildcardFolderShareId(ownerPid); if (wildcardShareId != null) { if (core.isShareElementsPermitted(wildcardShareId, action)) return; //if(core.isShareElementsPermitted(SERVICE_ID, RESOURCE_CATEGORY, action, wildcardShareId)) return; } // Checks rights on calendar instance String shareId = storeToFolderShareId(storeId); if (shareId == null) throw new WTException("storeToLeafShareId({0}) -> null", storeId); if (core.isShareElementsPermitted(shareId, action)) return; //if(core.isShareElementsPermitted(SERVICE_ID, RESOURCE_CATEGORY, action, shareId)) return; throw new AuthException("Action not allowed on folderEls share [{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", shareId, action, GROUPNAME_STORE, targetPid.toString()); } private String prependFileBasePath(URI uri) { VfsSettings.StoreFileBasepathTemplateValues tpl = new VfsSettings.StoreFileBasepathTemplateValues(); tpl.SERVICE_ID = SERVICE_ID; tpl.DOMAIN_ID = getTargetProfileId().getDomain(); VfsServiceSettings vus = new VfsServiceSettings(SERVICE_ID, getTargetProfileId().getDomain()); return PathUtils.concatPaths(vus.getStoreFileBasepath(tpl), uri.getPath()); } private OStore doStoreUpdate(boolean insert, Connection con, Store store) throws WTException { StoreDAO dao = StoreDAO.getInstance(); OStore item = new OStore(store); if (item.getDomainId() == null) item.setDomainId(getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); if (item.getUserId() == null) item.setUserId(getTargetProfileId().getUserId()); try { URI uri = new URI(store.getUri()); if (store.getBuiltIn() && uri.getScheme().equals("file")) { item.setUri(prependFileBasePath(uri)); } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException("Provided uri is not valid", ex); } if (insert) { item.setStoreId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); dao.insert(con, item); } else { dao.update(con, item); } return item; } private void doStoreDelete(Connection con, int storeId) throws WTException { StoreDAO stdao = StoreDAO.getInstance(); SharingLinkDAO shdao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); stdao.deleteById(con, storeId); shdao.deleteByStore(con, storeId); } private FileObject getTargetFileObject(int storeId, String path) throws FileSystemException, WTException { StoreFileSystem sfs = getStoreFileSystemFromCache(storeId); if (sfs == null) throw new WTException("Unable to get store fileSystem"); FileObject tfo = null; if (path.equals("/")) { tfo = sfs.getRootFileObject(); } else { tfo = sfs.getRelativeFileObject(path); } if (tfo == null) throw new WTException("Cannot resolve target path"); return tfo; } private NewTargetFile getNewTargetFileObject(int storeId, String parentPath, String name, boolean overwrite) throws FileSystemException, WTException { String newPath = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.concat(parentPath, name)); if (overwrite) { return new NewTargetFile(newPath, getTargetFileObject(storeId, newPath)); } else { FileObject newFo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, newPath); if (!newFo.exists()) { return new NewTargetFile(newPath, newFo); } else { String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(name); String suffix = StringUtils.isBlank(ext) ? "" : "." + ext; String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(name); int i = 0; do { i++; final String newName = baseName + " (" + i + ")" + suffix; newPath = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.concat(parentPath, newName)); newFo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, newPath); } while (newFo.exists()); return new NewTargetFile(newPath, newFo); } } } private String doRenameStoreFile(int storeId, String path, String newName) throws FileSystemException, SQLException, DAOException, WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); FileObject tfo = null, ntfo = null; Connection con = null; try { tfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, path); String newPath = FilenameUtils .separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.concat(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(path), newName)); ntfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, newPath); logger.debug("Renaming store file [{}, {} -> {}]", storeId, path, newPath); try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); dao.deleteByStorePath(con, storeId, path); tfo.moveTo(ntfo); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (FileSystemException ex1) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex1; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return newPath; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(tfo); IOUtils.closeQuietly(ntfo); } } private void doDeleteStoreFile(int storeId, String path) throws FileSystemException, SQLException, DAOException, WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); FileObject tfo = null; Connection con = null; try { tfo = getTargetFileObject(storeId, path); logger.debug("Deleting store file [{}, {}]", storeId, path); try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID, false); dao.deleteByStorePath(con, storeId, path); tfo.delete(Selectors.SELECT_ALL); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (FileSystemException ex1) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw ex1; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(tfo); } } private String generateLinkId(UserProfile.Id profileId, String linkType, int storeId, String path) { return DigestUtils .md5Hex(new CompositeId(profileId.getDomainId(), profileId.getUserId(), linkType, storeId, path) .toString()); } private OSharingLink doSharingLinkUpdate(boolean insert, Connection con, SharingLink sl) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); UserProfile.Id pid = getTargetProfileId(); sl.validate(insert); OSharingLink o = new OSharingLink(sl); if (o.getDomainId() == null) o.setDomainId(pid.getDomainId()); if (o.getUserId() == null) o.setUserId(pid.getUserId()); if (insert) { o.setSharingLinkId(generateLinkId(pid, sl.getType(), o.getStoreId(), o.getFilePath())); o.setFileHash(generateStoreFileHash(o.getStoreId(), o.getFilePath())); o.setCreatedOn(; dao.insert(con, o); } else { dao.update(con, o); } return o; } /* private OSharingLink doSharingLinkInsert(Connection con, SharingLink sl) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); UserProfile.Id pid = getTargetProfileId(); sl.validate(); OSharingLink o = new OSharingLink(sl); o.setSharingLinkId(generateLinkId(pid, sl.getType(), o.getStoreId(), o.getFilePath())); o.setDomainId(pid.getDomainId()); o.setUserId(pid.getUserId()); o.setFileHash(generateStoreFileHash(o.getStoreId(), o.getFilePath())); o.setCreatedOn(; dao.insert(con, o); return o; } */ private void doSharingLinkDelete(Connection con, String linkId) throws WTException { SharingLinkDAO dao = SharingLinkDAO.getInstance(); dao.deleteById(con, linkId); //TODO: cancellare collegati } private void sendLinkUsageEmail(OSharingLink olink, String path, String ipAddress, String userAgent) throws WTException { final String BHD_KEY = (olink.getLinkType().equals(SharingLink.TYPE_DOWNLOAD)) ? VfsLocale.TPL_EMAIL_SHARINGLINKUSAGE_BODY_HEADER_DL : VfsLocale.TPL_EMAIL_SHARINGLINKUSAGE_BODY_HEADER_UL; UserProfile.Id pid = olink.getProfileId(); //TODO: rendere relativa la path del file rispetto allo Store??? try { UserProfile.Data userData = WT.getCoreManager().getUserData(olink.getProfileId()); String bodyHeader = lookupResource(userData.getLocale(), BHD_KEY); String source = NotificationHelper.buildSource(userData.getLocale(), SERVICE_ID); String subject = TplHelper.buildLinkUsageEmailSubject(userData.getLocale(), bodyHeader); String customBody = TplHelper.buildLinkUsageBodyTpl(userData.getLocale(), olink.getSharingLinkId(), PathUtils.getFileName(olink.getFilePath()), path, ipAddress, userAgent); String html = NotificationHelper.buildCustomBodyTplForNoReplay(userData.getLocale(), source, bodyHeader, customBody); //InternetAddress from = WT.buildDomainInternetAddress(pid.getDomainId(), "webtop-notification", null); //if(from == null) throw new WTException("Error building sender address"); InternetAddress from = WT.getNotificationAddress(pid.getDomainId()); InternetAddress to = userData.getEmail(); if (to == null) throw new WTException("Error building destination address"); WT.sendEmail(pid, true, from, to, subject, html); } catch (IOException | TemplateException ex) { logger.error("Unable to build email template", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Unable to send email", ex); } } public static String[] generateLinkPublicURLs(String publicBaseUrl, SharingLink link) { if (link.getType().equals(SharingLink.TYPE_DOWNLOAD)) { String url = null, durl = null; if (PathUtils.isFolder(link.getFilePath())) { url = buildLinkPublicUrl(publicBaseUrl, link, false); //TODO: implementare nel pubblico la gestione link diretti per le cartelle } else { //TODO: implementare nel pubblico l'anteprima dei file durl = buildLinkPublicUrl(publicBaseUrl, link, true); } return new String[] { url, durl }; } else { String url = buildLinkPublicUrl(publicBaseUrl, link, false); return new String[] { url, null }; } } /** * Builds an URL suitable for links that point to shared file. * @param publicBaseUrl The base URL up to the public servlet path (eg. http://localhost/webtop/public/cloud) * @param link Shared link * @param direct True to point directly to binary file (not suitable for folders) * @return Generated URL */ public static String buildLinkPublicUrl(String publicBaseUrl, SharingLink link, boolean direct) { String s = PublicService.PUBPATH_CONTEXT_LINK + "/" + link.getLinkId() + (direct ? "?raw=1" : ""); return PathUtils.concatPaths(publicBaseUrl, s); } /** * Builds an URL suitable for redirecting to public file download stream. * @param publicBaseUrl The base URL up to the public servlet path (eg. http://localhost/webtop/public/cloud) * @param link Shared link * @return Generated URL */ public static String buildLinkPublicGetUrl(String publicBaseUrl, SharingLink link) { String s = PublicService.PUBPATH_CONTEXT_LINK + "/" + link.getLinkId() + "/get/" + PathUtils.getFileName(link.getFilePath()); return PathUtils.concatPaths(publicBaseUrl, s); } private class NewTargetFile { public String path; public FileObject tfo; public NewTargetFile(String path, FileObject tfo) { this.path = path; this.tfo = tfo; } } }