Java tutorial
/* * WebTop Services is a Web Application framework developed by Sonicle S.r.l. * Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SONICLE, SONICLE DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Sonicle S.r.l. at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * Sonicle logo and Sonicle copyright notice. If the display of the logo is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l.". */ package com.sonicle.webtop.core; import com.sonicle.commons.EnumUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.InternetAddressUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.LangUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.beans.VirtualAddress; import com.sonicle.commons.db.DbUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.CompositeId; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.VCausal; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OActivity; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OAutosave; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OCausal; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.ODomain; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OGroup; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OIMChat; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OIMMessage; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OMasterData; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OSnoozedReminder; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.ORolePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OServiceStoreEntry; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OShare; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OShareData; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OUser; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.js.JsSimple; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.ServicePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.ServiceSharePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.SharePermsElements; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.SharePermsFolder; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.IncomingShareRoot; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.Recipient; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.Role; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.Sharing; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.SharePermsRoot; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.SyncDevice; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.UserOptionsServiceData; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ActivityDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.AutosaveDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.CausalDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.DAOException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.IMChatDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.IMMessageDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.MasterDataDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.SnoozedReminderDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.RolePermissionDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ServiceStoreEntryDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ShareDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ShareDataDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.UserDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.Activity; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.Causal; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.CausalExt; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.IMChat; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.IMMessage; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.MasterData; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.MasterDataLookup; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.PublicImage; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.RecipientFieldType; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.AuthException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.BaseManager; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.ReminderInApp; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.ServiceManifest; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfile; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfileId; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.interfaces.IRecipientsProvidersSource; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.util.ZPushManager; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * @author malbinola */ public class CoreManager extends BaseManager { private static final Logger logger = WT.getLogger(CoreManager.class); private WebTopApp wta = null; public static final String RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID = "auto"; public static final String RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_WEBTOP_SOURCE_ID = "webtop"; private final HashSet<String> cacheReady = new HashSet<>(); private final ArrayList<String> cacheAllowedServices = new ArrayList<>(); private final LinkedHashMap<String, RecipientsProviderBase> cacheProfileRecipientsProvider = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private PbxProvider pbx = null; private SmsProvider sms = null; public CoreManager(WebTopApp wta, boolean fastInit, UserProfileId targetProfileId) { super(fastInit, targetProfileId); this.wta = wta; if (!fastInit) { //initAllowedServices(); } } /* private void initAllowedServices() { synchronized(cacheAllowedServices) { cacheAllowedServices.addAll(doListAllowedServices()); cacheReady.add("cacheAllowedServices"); } } */ private void initPbx() { if (pbx == null) { UserProfileId pid = getTargetProfileId(); CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, pid.getDomainId()); String provider = css.getPbxProvider(); if (provider != null) { pbx = PbxProvider.getInstance(provider, pid); } } } private void initSms() { if (sms == null) { UserProfileId pid = getTargetProfileId(); CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, pid.getDomainId()); String provider = css.getSmsProvider(); if (provider != null) { sms = SmsProvider.getInstance(getLocale(), provider, pid); } } } public ServiceManager getServiceManager() { ensureCallerService(SERVICE_ID, "getServiceManager"); return wta.getServiceManager(); } public OTPManager getOTPManager() { ensureCallerService(SERVICE_ID, "getOTPManager"); return wta.getOTPManager(); } public List<JsSimple> listThemes() throws WTException { ArrayList<JsSimple> items = new ArrayList<>(); //TODO: gestire i temi dinamicamente items.add(new JsSimple("crisp", "Crisp")); //items.add(new JsSimple("crisp-touch", "Crisp Touch")); //items.add(new JsSimple("triton", "Triton")); items.add(new JsSimple("neptune", "Neptune")); //items.add(new JsSimple("neptune-touch", "Neptune Touch")); items.add(new JsSimple("neptune", "Neptune")); //items.add(new JsSimple("aria", "Aria")); items.add(new JsSimple("classic", "Classic")); items.add(new JsSimple("gray", "Gray")); return items; } public List<JsSimple> listLayouts() throws WTException { return Arrays.asList(new JsSimple("default", lookupResource(getLocale(), "layout.default")), new JsSimple("compact", lookupResource(getLocale(), "layout.compact"))); } public List<JsSimple> listLAFs() throws WTException { ArrayList<JsSimple> items = new ArrayList<>(); //TODO: gestire i look&feel (lafs) dinamicamente items.add(new JsSimple("default", WT.getPlatformName())); return items; } /** * Returns target domain's authentication Directory. * @return The authentication Directory * @throws WTException */ public AbstractDirectory getAuthDirectory() throws WTException { // We can skip right check, an error will be returned here in getDomain() ODomain domain = getDomain(); return (domain != null) ? wta.getWebTopManager().getAuthDirectory(domain.getDirUri()) : null; } public String getAuthDirectoryScheme() throws WTException { AbstractDirectory dir = getAuthDirectory(); return (dir != null) ? dir.getScheme() : null; } @Deprecated public AbstractDirectory getAuthDirectory(String domainId) throws WTException { ODomain domain = getDomain(domainId); if (domain == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{0}]", domainId); return getAuthDirectory(domain); } @Deprecated public AbstractDirectory getAuthDirectory(ODomain domain) throws WTException { if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wta.getWebTopManager().getAuthDirectory(domain.getDirUri()); } else { ensureUserDomain(domain.getDomainId()); return wta.getWebTopManager().getAuthDirectory(domain.getDirUri()); } } public List<ODomain> listDomains(boolean enabledOnly) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wtmgr.listDomains(enabledOnly); } else { ODomain domain = wtmgr.getDomain(RunContext.getRunProfileId().getDomain()); return domain.getEnabled() ? Arrays.asList(domain) : new ArrayList<ODomain>(); } } public ODomain getDomain() throws WTException { return getDomain(getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); } public ODomain getDomain(String domainId) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wtmgr.getDomain(domainId); } else { ensureUserDomain(domainId); return wtmgr.getDomain(domainId); } } public List<PublicImage> listDomainPublicImages() throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); String domainId = getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(); try { return wtmgr.listDomainPublicImages(domainId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list domain's public images [{0}]", domainId); } } /** * Lists domain real roles (those defined as indipendent role). * Target domain ID is taken from manager targetProfile's domain ID. * @return The role list. * @throws WTException If something go wrong. */ public List<Role> listRoles() throws WTException { String domainId = getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(); //TODO: permettere la chiamata per l'admin di dominio (admin@dominio) ensureUserDomain(domainId); WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); try { return wtmgr.listRoles(domainId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list roles [{0}]", domainId); } } /** * Lists domain users roles (those coming from a user). * Target domain ID is taken from manager targetProfile's domain ID. * @return The role list. * @throws WTException If something go wrong. */ public List<Role> listUsersRoles() throws WTException { String domainId = getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(); //TODO: permettere la chiamata per l'admin di dominio (admin@dominio) ensureUserDomain(domainId); WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); try { return wtmgr.listUsersRoles(domainId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list users roles [{0}]", domainId); } } /** * Lists domain groups roles (those coming from a group). * Target domain ID is taken from manager targetProfile's domain ID. * @return The role list. * @throws WTException If something go wrong. */ public List<Role> listGroupsRoles() throws WTException { String domainId = getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(); //TODO: permettere la chiamata per l'admin di dominio (admin@dominio) ensureUserDomain(domainId); WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); try { return wtmgr.listGroupsRoles(domainId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list groups roles [{0}]", domainId); } } public List<OUser> listUsers(boolean enabledOnly) throws WTException { String domainId = getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(); WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); try { return wtmgr.listUsers(domainId, enabledOnly); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list users [{0}]", domainId); } } public List<UserProfileId> listUserIdsByEmail(String emailAddress) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); return wtmgr.listUserProfileIdsByEmail(emailAddress); } public OUser getUser() throws WTException { return getUser(getTargetProfileId()); } public OUser getUser(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wtmgr.getUser(pid); } else { //TODO: permettere la chiamata per l'admin di dominio (admin@dominio) ensureUserDomain(pid.getDomainId()); return wtmgr.getUser(pid); } } public UserProfile.Data getUserData() throws WTException { return wta.getWebTopManager().userData(getTargetProfileId()); } public String getUserUid(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { return wta.getWebTopManager().userToUid(pid, false); } public UserProfile.PersonalInfo getUserPersonalInfo() throws WTException { return getUserPersonalInfo(getTargetProfileId()); } public UserProfile.PersonalInfo getUserPersonalInfo(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wtmgr.getUserPersonalInfo(pid); } else { ensureUserDomain(pid.getDomainId()); return wtmgr.getUserPersonalInfo(pid); } } public boolean updateUserDisplayName(String displayName) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wtmgr.updateUserDisplayName(getTargetProfileId(), displayName); } else { //TODO: permettere la chiamata per l'admin di dominio (admin@dominio) ensureUser(); return wtmgr.updateUserDisplayName(getTargetProfileId(), displayName); } } public boolean updateUserPersonalInfo(UserProfile.PersonalInfo userPersonalInfo) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { return wtmgr.updateUserPersonalInfo(getTargetProfileId(), userPersonalInfo); } else { //TODO: permettere la chiamata per l'admin di dominio (admin@dominio) ensureProfile(); return wtmgr.updateUserPersonalInfo(getTargetProfileId(), userPersonalInfo); } } public void updateUserPassword(char[] oldPassword, char[] newPassword) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); try { ensureProfile(); if (oldPassword == null) throw new WTException("Old password must be provided"); wtmgr.updateUserPassword(getTargetProfileId(), oldPassword, newPassword); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new WTException(t, "Unable to change user password [{0}]", getTargetProfileId().toString()); } } public void cleanUserProfileCache() { ensureCallerService(SERVICE_ID, "cleanupUserProfileCache"); wta.getWebTopManager().cleanUserProfileCache(getTargetProfileId()); } public List<OGroup> listGroups() throws WTException { String domainId = getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(); WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); try { return wtmgr.listGroups(domainId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list groups [{0}]", domainId); } } public List<String> listWTInstalledServices() { ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); return svcm.listRegisteredServices(); } public List<ServicePermission> listServicePermissions(String serviceId) throws WTException { ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); List<ServicePermission> perms = svcm.getDeclaredPermissions(serviceId); if (perms == null) throw new WTException("Service not found [{0}]", serviceId); return perms; } public Set<String> listAllowedServices() { LinkedHashSet<String> ids = new LinkedHashSet<>(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); for (String id : svcm.listRegisteredServices()) { if (RunContext.isPermitted(true, targetPid, SERVICE_ID, "SERVICE", "ACCESS", id)) ids.add(id); } return ids; } /** * Returns UserOption services data for current target user. */ public List<UserOptionsServiceData> getAllowedUserOptionServices() { ArrayList<UserOptionsServiceData> items = new ArrayList<>(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); for (String serviceId : svcm.listUserOptionServices()) { if (RunContext.isPermitted(true, targetPid, SERVICE_ID, "SERVICE", "ACCESS", serviceId)) { UserOptionsServiceData uosd = new UserOptionsServiceData(svcm.getManifest(serviceId)); = wta.lookupResource(serviceId, getLocale(), CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_NAME); items.add(uosd); } } return items; } private void buildProfileRecipientsProviderCache() { for (String serviceId : listAllowedServices()) { BaseManager manager = WT.getServiceManager(serviceId, true, getTargetProfileId()); if (manager instanceof IRecipientsProvidersSource) { List<RecipientsProviderBase> providers = ((IRecipientsProvidersSource) manager) .returnRecipientsProviders(); if (providers == null) continue; for (RecipientsProviderBase provider : providers) { final CompositeId cid = new CompositeId().setTokens(serviceId, provider.getId()); cacheProfileRecipientsProvider.put(cid.toString(), provider); } } } } private LinkedHashMap<String, RecipientsProviderBase> getProfileRecipientsProviders() { synchronized (cacheProfileRecipientsProvider) { if (!cacheReady.contains("cacheProfileRecipientsProvider")) { buildProfileRecipientsProviderCache(); cacheReady.add("cacheProfileRecipientsProvider"); } return cacheProfileRecipientsProvider; } } /* public boolean writeLog(String action, String remoteIp, String userAgent, String sessionId, String data) { //TODO: trovare modo di completare serviceId (ora a "") return wta.getLogManager().write(RunContext.getProfileId(), "", action, getSoftwareName(), remoteIp, userAgent, sessionId, data); } public boolean writeLog(String action, String data) { //TODO: trovare modo di completare serviceId (ora a "") return wta.getLogManager().write(RunContext.getProfileId(), "", action, getSoftwareName(), null, null, null, data); } */ public UserProfileId userUidToProfileId(String userUid) { return wta.getWebTopManager().uidToUser(userUid); } public String getInternetUserId(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { return wta.getWebTopManager().getInternetUserId(pid); } /* public String getUserCompleteEmailAddress(UserProfileId pid) throws Exception { String address = getUserEmailAddress(pid); String displayName = getUserDisplayName(pid); return new InternetAddress(address, displayName).toUnicodeString(); } */ public List<UserProfileId> listProfilesWithSetting(String serviceId, String key, Object value) throws WTException { SettingsManager setm = wta.getSettingsManager(); return setm.listProfilesWith(serviceId, key, value); } public List<Activity> listAllLiveActivities() throws WTException { ActivityDAO actDao = ActivityDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Activity> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); for (OActivity oact : actDao.selectLiveByDomain(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId())) { items.add(createActivity(oact)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<Activity> listLiveActivities() throws WTException { ActivityDAO actDao = ActivityDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Activity> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); for (OActivity oact : actDao.selectLiveByDomainUser(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), getTargetProfileId().getUserId())) { items.add(createActivity(oact)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Activity getActivity(int activityId) throws WTException { ActivityDAO dao = ActivityDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OActivity oact =, activityId); return createActivity(oact); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Activity addActivity(Activity activity) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { ensureProfileDomain(activity.getDomainId()); RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(false, SERVICE_ID, "ACTIVITIES", "MANAGE"); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); activity = doActivityUpdate(true, con, activity); writeLog("ACTIVITY_INSERT", String.valueOf(activity.getActivityId())); return activity; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Activity updateActivity(Activity activity) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { ensureProfileDomain(activity.getDomainId()); RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(false, SERVICE_ID, "ACTIVITIES", "MANAGE"); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); activity = doActivityUpdate(false, con, activity); writeLog("ACTIVITY_UPDATE", String.valueOf(activity.getActivityId())); return activity; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public int deleteActivity(int activityId) throws WTException { ActivityDAO dao = ActivityDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { Activity act = getActivity(activityId); if (act == null) return -1; ensureProfileDomain(act.getDomainId()); RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(false, SERVICE_ID, "ACTIVITIES", "MANAGE"); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); int ret = dao.logicDelete(con, activityId); writeLog("ACTIVITY_DELETE", String.valueOf(activityId)); return ret; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<CausalExt> listAllLiveCausals() throws WTException { CausalDAO dao = CausalDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<CausalExt> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); List<VCausal> vcaus = dao.viewLiveByDomain(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); for (VCausal vcai : vcaus) { items.add(createCausalExt(vcai)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<Causal> listLiveCausals(String masterDataId) throws WTException { CausalDAO dao = CausalDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Causal> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); List<OCausal> ocaus = null; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(masterDataId)) { ocaus = dao.selectLiveByDomainUserMasterData(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), getTargetProfileId().getUserId(), masterDataId); } else { ocaus = dao.selectLiveByDomainUser(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), getTargetProfileId().getUserId()); } for (OCausal ocau : ocaus) { items.add(createCausal(ocau)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Causal getCausal(int causalId) throws WTException { CausalDAO dao = CausalDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OCausal ocal =, causalId); return createCausal(ocal); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Causal addCausal(Causal causal) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { ensureProfileDomain(causal.getDomainId()); RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(false, SERVICE_ID, "CAUSALS", "MANAGE"); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); causal = doCausalUpdate(true, con, causal); writeLog("CAUSAL_INSERT", String.valueOf(causal.getCausalId())); return causal; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Causal updateCausal(Causal causal) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { ensureProfileDomain(causal.getDomainId()); RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(false, SERVICE_ID, "CAUSALS", "MANAGE"); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); causal = doCausalUpdate(false, con, causal); writeLog("CAUSAL_UPDATE", String.valueOf(causal.getCausalId())); return causal; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public int deleteCausal(int causalId) throws WTException { CausalDAO dao = CausalDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { Causal cau = getCausal(causalId); if (cau == null) return -1; ensureProfileDomain(cau.getDomainId()); RunContext.ensureIsPermitted(false, SERVICE_ID, "CAUSALS", "MANAGE"); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); int ret = dao.logicDelete(con, causalId); writeLog("CAUSAL_DELETE", String.valueOf(causalId)); return ret; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Map<String, MasterDataLookup> lookupMasterData(Collection<String> masterDataIds) throws WTException { MasterDataDAO masDao = MasterDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); LinkedHashMap<String, MasterDataLookup> items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (OMasterData omd : masDao.viewByDomainIn(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), masterDataIds)) { items.put(omd.getMasterDataId(), ManagerUtils.createMasterDataLookup(omd)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Map<String, MasterData> listMasterDataIn(Collection<String> masterDataIds) throws WTException { MasterDataDAO masDao = MasterDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); LinkedHashMap<String, MasterData> items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (OMasterData omd : masDao.viewByIdsDomain(con, masterDataIds, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId())) { items.put(omd.getMasterDataId(), ManagerUtils.createMasterData(omd)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Map<String, MasterData> listMasterData(Collection<String> masterDataTypes) throws WTException { return listMasterData(masterDataTypes, null); } public Map<String, MasterData> listMasterData(Collection<String> masterDataTypes, String pattern) throws WTException { MasterDataDAO masDao = MasterDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); LinkedHashMap<String, MasterData> items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (OMasterData omd : masDao.viewParentsByDomainTypePattern(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), masterDataTypes, pattern)) { items.put(omd.getMasterDataId(), ManagerUtils.createMasterData(omd)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Map<String, MasterData> listChildrenMasterData(Collection<String> masterDataTypes) throws WTException { MasterDataDAO masDao = MasterDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); LinkedHashMap<String, MasterData> items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (OMasterData omd : masDao.viewChildrenByDomainType(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), masterDataTypes)) { items.put(omd.getMasterDataId(), ManagerUtils.createMasterData(omd)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<MasterData> listChildrenMasterData(String parentId, Collection<String> masterDataTypes) throws WTException { return listChildrenMasterData(parentId, masterDataTypes, null); } public List<MasterData> listChildrenMasterData(String parentId, Collection<String> masterDataTypes, String pattern) throws WTException { MasterDataDAO masDao = MasterDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); ArrayList<MasterData> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (OMasterData omas : masDao.viewChildrenByDomainParentTypePattern(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), parentId, masterDataTypes, pattern)) { items.add(ManagerUtils.createMasterData(omas)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public MasterData getMasterData(String masterDataId) throws WTException { MasterDataDAO masDao = MasterDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OMasterData omas = masDao.selectByDomainId(con, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId(), masterDataId); return ManagerUtils.createMasterData(omas); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<IMChat> listIMChats(boolean skipUnavailable) throws WTException { IMChatDAO dao = IMChatDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<IMChat> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); List<String> revStatuses = null; if (skipUnavailable) { revStatuses = Arrays.asList(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(IMChat.RevisionStatus.MODIFIED)); } else { revStatuses = Arrays.asList(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(IMChat.RevisionStatus.MODIFIED), EnumUtils.toSerializedName(IMChat.RevisionStatus.UNAVAILABLE)); } List<OIMChat> ochats = dao.selectByProfileRevStatus(con, getTargetProfileId(), revStatuses); for (OIMChat ocha : ochats) { items.add(createIMChat(ocha)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public IMChat getIMChat(String chatJid) throws WTException { IMChatDAO dao = IMChatDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OIMChat ocha = dao.selectAliveByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid); return (ocha != null) ? createIMChat(ocha) : null; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public IMChat addIMChat(IMChat chat) throws WTException { IMChatDAO dao = IMChatDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OIMChat ocha = createOIMChat(chat); ocha.setId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); ocha.setDomainId(getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); ocha.setUserId(getTargetProfileId().getUserId()); dao.insert(con, ocha, createRevisionTimestamp()); return createIMChat(ocha); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean updateIMChatLastSeenActivity(String chatJid) throws WTException { return updateIMChatLastSeenActivity(chatJid, createRevisionTimestamp()); } public boolean updateIMChatLastSeenActivity(String chatJid, DateTime lastSeenActivity) throws WTException { IMChatDAO dao = IMChatDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); return dao.updateLastActivityByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid, lastSeenActivity, createRevisionTimestamp()) == 1; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean updateIMChatAvailablity(String chatJid, boolean available) throws WTException { IMChatDAO dao = IMChatDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); IMChat.RevisionStatus revisionStatus = available ? IMChat.RevisionStatus.MODIFIED : IMChat.RevisionStatus.UNAVAILABLE; return dao.updateRevisionStatusByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid, createRevisionTimestamp(), revisionStatus) == 1; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public int deleteIMChat(String chatJid) throws WTException { IMChatDAO chaDao = IMChatDAO.getInstance(); IMMessageDAO mesDao = IMMessageDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(false); int ret = chaDao.logicDeleteByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid, createRevisionTimestamp()); mesDao.deleteByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); return ret; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<LocalDate> listIMMessageDates(String chatJid, int year, DateTimeZone timezone) throws WTException { IMMessageDAO imesDao = IMMessageDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<LocalDate> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); List<DateTime> dts = imesDao.selectDatesByProfileChatYear(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid, year, timezone); for (DateTime dt : dts) { items.add(dt.withZone(timezone).toLocalDate()); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<IMMessage> listIMMessages(String chatJid, LocalDate date, DateTimeZone timezone, boolean byDelivery) throws WTException { IMMessageDAO imesDao = IMMessageDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<IMMessage> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); List<OIMMessage> omess = imesDao.selectByProfileChatDate(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid, date, timezone, byDelivery); for (OIMMessage omes : omess) { items.add(createIMMessage(omes)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<IMMessage> findIMMessagesByQuery(String chatJid, String query, DateTimeZone timezone) throws WTException { IMMessageDAO imesDao = IMMessageDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<IMMessage> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); List<OIMMessage> omess = null; if (query == null) { omess = imesDao.findByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid); } else { omess = imesDao.findByProfileChatLike(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid, query); } for (OIMMessage omes : omess) { items.add(createIMMessage(omes)); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<String> listIMMessageStanzaIDs(String chatJid) throws WTException { IMMessageDAO imesDao = IMMessageDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); return imesDao.selectStanzaIDsByProfileChat(con, getTargetProfileId(), chatJid); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void addIMMessage(IMMessage message) throws WTException { IMMessageDAO imesDao = IMMessageDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OIMMessage omes = createOIMMessage(message); omes.setId(imesDao.getSequence(con).intValue()); omes.setDomainId(getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); omes.setUserId(getTargetProfileId().getUserId()); imesDao.insert(con, omes); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public OTPManager.EmailConfig otpConfigureUsingEmail(String emailAddress) throws WTException { //TODO: controllo accessi ensureUser(); OTPManager otp = getOTPManager(); return otp.configureEmail(getTargetProfileId(), emailAddress); } public OTPManager.GoogleAuthConfig otpConfigureUsingGoogleAuth(int qrCodeSize) throws WTException { //TODO: controllo accessi ensureUser(); OTPManager otp = getOTPManager(); return otp.configureGoogleAuth(getTargetProfileId(), qrCodeSize); } public boolean otpActivate(OTPManager.Config config, int code) throws WTException { //TODO: controllo accessi ensureUser(); OTPManager otp = getOTPManager(); return otp.activate(getTargetProfileId(), config, code); } public void otpDeactivate() throws WTException { //TODO: controllo accessi ensureUser(); OTPManager otp = getOTPManager(); otp.deactivate(getTargetProfileId()); } public OTPManager.Config otpPrepareVerifyCode() throws WTException { ensureCallerService(SERVICE_ID, "otpPrepareVerifyCode"); OTPManager otp = getOTPManager(); return otp.prepareCheckCode(getTargetProfileId()); } public boolean otpVerifyCode(OTPManager.Config params, int code) throws WTException { ensureCallerService(SERVICE_ID, "otpVerifyCode"); OTPManager otp = getOTPManager(); return otp.checkCode(getTargetProfileId(), params, code); } public List<IncomingShareRoot> listIncomingShareRoots(String serviceId, String groupName) throws WTException { WebTopManager wtmgr = wta.getWebTopManager(); ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); UserDAO usedao = UserDAO.getInstance(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { String profileUid = wtmgr.userToUid(targetPid); List<String> roleUids = wtmgr.getComputedRolesAsStringByUser(targetPid, true, true); String rootKey = OShare.buildRootKey(groupName); String folderKey = OShare.buildFolderKey(groupName); String rootPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildRootPermissionKey(groupName); String folderPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildFolderPermissionKey(groupName); String elementsPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildElementsPermissionKey(groupName); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); // In order to find incoming root, we need to pass through folders // that have at least a permission, getting incoming uids. // We look into permission returning each share instance that have // "*@SHARE_FOLDER" as key and satisfies a set of roles. Then we can // get a list of unique uids (from shares table) that owns the share. List<String> permissionKeys = Arrays.asList(rootPermissionKey, folderPermissionKey, elementsPermissionKey); List<String> originUids = shadao.viewOriginByRoleServiceKey(con, roleUids, serviceId, folderKey, permissionKeys); ArrayList<IncomingShareRoot> roots = new ArrayList<>(); for (String uid : originUids) { if (uid.equals(profileUid)) continue; // Skip self role // Foreach incoming uid we have to find the root share and then // test if READ right is allowed OShare root = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, uid, serviceId, rootKey, OShare.INSTANCE_ROOT); if (root == null) continue; OUser user = usedao.selectByUid(con, uid); if (user == null) continue; roots.add(new IncomingShareRoot(root.getShareId().toString(), wtmgr.uidToUser(root.getUserUid()), user.getDisplayName())); } Collections.sort(roots, (IncomingShareRoot ish1, IncomingShareRoot ish2) -> ish1.getDescription() .compareTo(ish2.getDescription())); return roots; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to list share roots for {0}", targetPid.toString()); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } /** * Check if an SMS provider has been configured. * @return true if the SMS instance has been configured, false otherwise */ public boolean smsConfigured() { initSms(); return sms != null; } public SmsProvider smsGetProvider() { initSms(); return sms; } /** * Send SMS through the configured SMS provider. * @param number The destination number * @param text The SMS text * @return true if the SMS was accpeted by the provider, false otherwise */ public void smsSend(String number, String text) throws WTException { initSms(); if (sms == null) { throw new WTException("SMS not initialized"); } UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, targetPid.getDomainId()); CoreUserSettings us = new CoreUserSettings(targetPid); //use common service settings or webtop username/password String username = css.getSmsWebrestUser(); if (username == null) username = targetPid.getUserId(); String spassword = css.getSmsWebrestPassword(); char[] password = spassword != null ? spassword.toCharArray() : RunContext.getPrincipal().getPassword(); String sender = css.getSmsSender(); String userSender = us.getSmsSender(); if (userSender != null && userSender.trim().length() > 0) sender = userSender; if (sender == null) sender = wta.getPlatformName(); boolean isAlpha = StringUtils.isAlpha(sender); String fromMobile = isAlpha ? null : sender; String fromName = isAlpha ? sender : null; sms.send(fromName, fromMobile, number, text, username, password); } /** * Check if a PBX has been configured. * @return true if the PBX instance has been configured, false otherwise */ public boolean pbxConfigured() { initPbx(); return pbx != null; } /** * Get the configured PBX provider instance. * @return The PBX provider instance */ public PbxProvider pbxGetProvider() { initPbx(); return pbx; } /** * Run PBX call through the configured PBX provider. * @param number The number to call * @return true if the call was accpeted by the provider, false otherwise */ public void pbxCall(String number) throws WTException { initPbx(); if (pbx == null) { throw new WTException("Pbx not initialized"); } UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); CoreUserSettings us = new CoreUserSettings(targetPid); //use webtop username/password or from user settings String username = us.getPbxUsername(); if (username == null) username = targetPid.getUserId(); String spassword = us.getPbxPassword(); char[] password = spassword != null ? spassword.toCharArray() : RunContext.getPrincipal().getPassword();, username, password); } /** * Lists incoming share folders (level 1, eg: Calendars, Categories, etc) * for the targetProfile. * @param rootShareId The root share ID * @param groupName The permission groupName * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<OShare> listIncomingShareFolders(String rootShareId, String groupName) throws WTException { ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OShare rootShare = shadao.selectById(con, Integer.valueOf(rootShareId)); if (rootShare == null) throw new WTException("Unable to find root share [{0}]", rootShareId); String folderShareKey = OShare.buildFolderKey(groupName); String folderPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildFolderPermissionKey(groupName); ArrayList<OShare> folders = new ArrayList<>(); List<OShare> shares = shadao.selectByUserServiceKey(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), rootShare.getServiceId(), folderShareKey); for (OShare share : shares) { if (RunContext.isPermitted(true, getTargetProfileId(), rootShare.getServiceId(), folderPermissionKey, ServicePermission.ACTION_READ, share.getShareId().toString())) { folders.add(share); } } return folders; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public <T> T getIncomingShareFolderData(String shareId, Class<T> type) throws WTException { WebTopManager usrm = wta.getWebTopManager(); ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); ShareDataDAO shddao = ShareDataDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { String profileUid = usrm.userToUid(getTargetProfileId()); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OShare share = shadao.selectById(con, Integer.valueOf(shareId)); if (share == null) throw new WTException("Unable to find share [{0}]", shareId); if (!areActionsPermittedOnShare(share, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_FOLDER, new String[] { ServicePermission.ACTION_READ })[0]) { throw new WTException("Share not accessible [{0}]", shareId); } OShareData data = shddao.selectByShareUser(con, Integer.valueOf(shareId), profileUid); if (data != null) { return LangUtils.value(data.getValue(), null, type); } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean[] areActionsPermittedOnShare(String shareId, String permissionTarget, String[] actions) throws WTException { ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OShare share = shadao.selectById(con, Integer.valueOf(shareId)); if (share == null) throw new WTException("Unable to find share [{0}]", shareId); return areActionsPermittedOnShare(share, permissionTarget, actions); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean[] areActionsPermittedOnShare(OShare share, String permissionTarget, String[] actions) throws WTException { String instance = String.valueOf(share.getShareId()); String groupName = OShare.extractGroupNameFromKey(share.getKey()); String permKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildPermissionKey(permissionTarget, groupName); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); boolean[] perms = new boolean[actions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { perms[i] = RunContext.isPermitted(true, targetPid, share.getServiceId(), permKey, actions[i], instance); } return perms; } public boolean isShareRootPermitted(String shareId, String action) throws WTException { return areActionsPermittedOnShare(shareId, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_ROOT, new String[] { action })[0]; } public boolean isShareFolderPermitted(String shareId, String action) throws WTException { return areActionsPermittedOnShare(shareId, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_FOLDER, new String[] { action })[0]; } public boolean isShareElementsPermitted(String shareId, String action) throws WTException { return areActionsPermittedOnShare(shareId, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_ELEMENTS, new String[] { action })[0]; } public SharePermsRoot getShareRootPermissions(String shareId) throws WTException { boolean[] bools = areActionsPermittedOnShare(shareId, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_ROOT, SharePermsRoot.ACTIONS); return new SharePermsRoot(SharePermsRoot.ACTIONS, bools); } public SharePermsFolder getShareFolderPermissions(String shareId) throws WTException { boolean[] bools = areActionsPermittedOnShare(shareId, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_FOLDER, SharePermsFolder.ACTIONS); return new SharePermsFolder(SharePermsFolder.ACTIONS, bools); } public SharePermsElements getShareElementsPermissions(String shareId) throws WTException { boolean[] bools = areActionsPermittedOnShare(shareId, ServiceSharePermission.TARGET_ELEMENTS, SharePermsElements.ACTIONS); return new SharePermsElements(SharePermsElements.ACTIONS, bools); } public Sharing getSharing(String serviceId, String groupName, String shareId) throws WTException { WebTopManager usrm = wta.getWebTopManager(); ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rpedao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; String rootShareKey = OShare.buildRootKey(groupName); String folderShareKey = OShare.buildFolderKey(groupName); String rootPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildRootPermissionKey(groupName); String folderPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildFolderPermissionKey(groupName); String elementsPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildElementsPermissionKey(groupName); try { CompositeId cid = new CompositeId().parse(shareId); int level = cid.getSize() - 1; String rootId = cid.getToken(0); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); // Retrieves the root share OShare rootShare = null; if (rootId.equals("0")) { String puid = usrm.userToUid(getTargetProfileId()); rootShare = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, puid, serviceId, rootShareKey, OShare.INSTANCE_ROOT); } else { rootShare = shadao.selectById(con, Integer.valueOf(rootId)); } Sharing outshare = new Sharing(); outshare.setId(shareId); outshare.setLevel(level); if (rootShare != null) { // A rootShare must be defined in order to continue... if (level == 0) { LinkedHashSet<String> roleUids = new LinkedHashSet<>(); roleUids.addAll(listRoles(serviceId, rootPermissionKey, rootShare.getShareId().toString())); OShare folderShare = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), serviceId, folderShareKey, OShare.INSTANCE_WILDCARD); if (folderShare != null) roleUids.addAll( listRoles(serviceId, folderPermissionKey, folderShare.getShareId().toString())); for (String roleUid : roleUids) { // Root... SharePermsRoot rperms = new SharePermsRoot(); for (ORolePermission perm : rpedao.selectByRoleServiceKeyInstance(con, roleUid, serviceId, rootPermissionKey, rootShare.getShareId().toString())) { rperms.parse(perm.getAction()); } // Folder... SharePermsFolder fperms = new SharePermsFolder(); if (folderShare != null) { for (ORolePermission perm : rpedao.selectByRoleServiceKeyInstance(con, roleUid, serviceId, folderPermissionKey, folderShare.getShareId().toString())) { fperms.parse(perm.getAction()); } } // Elements... SharePermsElements eperms = new SharePermsElements(); if (folderShare != null) { for (ORolePermission perm : rpedao.selectByRoleServiceKeyInstance(con, roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermissionKey, folderShare.getShareId().toString())) { eperms.parse(perm.getAction()); } } outshare.getRights().add(new Sharing.RoleRights(roleUid, rperms, fperms, eperms)); } } else if (level == 1) { String folderId = cid.getToken(1); OShare folderShare = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), serviceId, folderShareKey, folderId); if (folderShare != null) { List<String> roleUids = listRoles(serviceId, folderPermissionKey, folderShare.getShareId().toString()); for (String roleUid : roleUids) { // Folder... SharePermsFolder fperms = new SharePermsFolder(); for (ORolePermission perm : rpedao.selectByRoleServiceKeyInstance(con, roleUid, serviceId, folderPermissionKey, folderShare.getShareId().toString())) { fperms.parse(perm.getAction()); } // Elements... SharePermsElements eperms = new SharePermsElements(); for (ORolePermission perm : rpedao.selectByRoleServiceKeyInstance(con, roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermissionKey, folderShare.getShareId().toString())) { eperms.parse(perm.getAction()); } outshare.getRights().add(new Sharing.RoleRights(roleUid, null, fperms, eperms)); } } } } return outshare; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void updateSharing(String serviceId, String groupName, Sharing sharing) throws WTException { WebTopManager usrm = wta.getWebTopManager(); ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; // Sharing is handled at two levels: root(0) and folder(1). // The first level tracks permissions associated to any instances // of items in the groupName; the second tracks permissions related to // a specific item instance instead. // If for example we are talking about addressbook contacts we can // define the contact category as a groupName. // Of course we can have many categories: Work, Home, Prospect, etc. // So, looking at sharing, the root level register permissions valid // for any items of the groupName (Work, Home, ...). // At next level, we have permissions for only the Work category. try { String puid = usrm.userToUid(getTargetProfileId()); // Parses the sharing ID as a composite key: // - "0" for root share // - "0|{id}" for folder share CompositeId cid = new CompositeId().parse(sharing.getId()); int level = cid.getSize() - 1; String rootId = cid.getToken(0); String rootKey = OShare.buildRootKey(groupName); String folderKey = OShare.buildFolderKey(groupName); String rootPermRes = ServiceSharePermission.buildRootPermissionKey(groupName); String folderPermRes = ServiceSharePermission.buildFolderPermissionKey(groupName); String elementsPermRes = ServiceSharePermission.buildElementsPermissionKey(groupName); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); // Retrieves the root share OShare rootShare = null; if (rootId.equals("0")) { rootShare = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, puid, serviceId, rootKey, OShare.INSTANCE_ROOT); } else { rootShare = shadao.selectById(con, Integer.valueOf(rootId)); } if (rootShare == null) rootShare = addRootShare(con, puid, serviceId, rootKey); if (level == 0) { OShare folderShare = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), serviceId, folderKey, OShare.INSTANCE_WILDCARD); if (!sharing.getRights().isEmpty()) { removeRootSharePermissions(con, rootShare.getShareId().toString(), serviceId, groupName); if (folderShare == null) { folderShare = addFolderShare(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), serviceId, folderKey, OShare.INSTANCE_WILDCARD); } else { // Folder isn't new (and we have some rights)... // Removes all rights belonging to this folder share removeFolderSharePermissions(con, folderShare.getShareId().toString(), serviceId, groupName); } // Adds permissions according to specified rights... for (Sharing.RoleRights rr : sharing.getRights()) { if (rr.rootManage) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, rootPermRes, "MANAGE", rootShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.folderRead) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, folderPermRes, "READ", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.folderUpdate) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, folderPermRes, "UPDATE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.folderDelete) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, folderPermRes, "DELETE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.elementsCreate) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermRes, "CREATE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.elementsUpdate) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermRes, "UPDATE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.elementsDelete) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermRes, "DELETE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); } } else { // If defines, removes folder share and its rights if (folderShare != null) removeFolderShare(con, folderShare.getShareId().toString(), serviceId, groupName); } } else if (level == 1) { String folderId = cid.getToken(1); OShare folderShare = shadao.selectByUserServiceKeyInstance(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), serviceId, folderKey, folderId); if (!sharing.getRights().isEmpty()) { if (folderShare == null) { folderShare = addFolderShare(con, rootShare.getUserUid(), serviceId, folderKey, folderId); } else { // Folder isn't new (and we have some rights)... // Removes all rights belonging to this folder share removeFolderSharePermissions(con, folderShare.getShareId().toString(), serviceId, groupName); } // Adds permissions according to specified rights... for (Sharing.RoleRights rr : sharing.getRights()) { //if(rr.rootManage) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, rootPermRes, "MANAGE", rootShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.folderRead) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, folderPermRes, "READ", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.folderUpdate) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, folderPermRes, "UPDATE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.folderDelete) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, folderPermRes, "DELETE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.elementsCreate) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermRes, "CREATE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.elementsUpdate) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermRes, "UPDATE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); if (rr.elementsDelete) addSharePermission(con, rr.roleUid, serviceId, elementsPermRes, "DELETE", folderShare.getShareId().toString()); } } else { // No rights specified for any role... // If defines, removes folder share and its rights if (folderShare != null) removeFolderShare(con, folderShare.getShareId().toString(), serviceId, groupName); } } DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to update share rights"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private ORolePermission addSharePermission(Connection con, String roleUid, String service, String key, String action, String instance) throws DAOException { RolePermissionDAO rpedao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); ORolePermission rp = new ORolePermission(); rp.setRoleUid(roleUid); rp.setServiceId(service); rp.setKey(key); rp.setAction(action); rp.setInstance(instance); rp.setRolePermissionId(rpedao.getSequence(con).intValue()); rpedao.insert(con, rp); return rp; } private void removeRootSharePermissions(Connection con, String shareId, String serviceId, String groupName) throws DAOException { String rootPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildRootPermissionKey(groupName); RolePermissionDAO rpedao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); rpedao.deleteByServiceKeyInstance(con, serviceId, rootPermissionKey, shareId); } private void removeFolderShare(Connection con, String shareId, String serviceId, String groupName) throws DAOException { ShareDAO shadao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); // 1 - Deletes main folder share record shadao.deleteById(con, Integer.valueOf(shareId)); // 2 - Deletes any permission related to folder share removeFolderSharePermissions(con, shareId, serviceId, groupName); } private void removeFolderSharePermissions(Connection con, String shareId, String serviceId, String groupName) throws DAOException { String folderPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildFolderPermissionKey(groupName); String elementsPermissionKey = ServiceSharePermission.buildElementsPermissionKey(groupName); RolePermissionDAO rpedao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); rpedao.deleteByServiceKeyInstance(con, serviceId, folderPermissionKey, shareId); rpedao.deleteByServiceKeyInstance(con, serviceId, elementsPermissionKey, shareId); } private OShare addRootShare(Connection con, String userUid, String serviceId, String shareKey) throws DAOException { ShareDAO dao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); OShare share = new OShare(); share.setUserUid(userUid); share.setServiceId(serviceId); share.setKey(shareKey); share.setInstance(OShare.INSTANCE_ROOT); share.setShareId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); dao.insert(con, share); return share; } private OShare addFolderShare(Connection con, String userUid, String serviceId, String shareKey, String instance) throws DAOException { ShareDAO dao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); OShare share = new OShare(); share.setUserUid(userUid); share.setServiceId(serviceId); share.setKey(shareKey); share.setInstance(instance); share.setShareId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); dao.insert(con, share); return share; } public List<OShare> listShareByOwner(UserProfileId pid, String serviceId, String shareKey) throws WTException { WebTopManager usrm = wta.getWebTopManager(); ShareDAO dao = ShareDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); String uuid = usrm.userToUid(pid); return dao.selectByUserServiceKey(con, uuid, serviceId, shareKey); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<String> listRoles(String serviceId, String permissionKey, String instance) throws WTException { RolePermissionDAO dao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); return dao.selectRolesByServiceKeyInstance(con, serviceId, permissionKey, instance); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public OSnoozedReminder snoozeReminder(ReminderInApp reminder, DateTime remindOn) throws WTException { SnoozedReminderDAO dao = SnoozedReminderDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); OSnoozedReminder item = new OSnoozedReminder(); item.setDomainId(reminder.getProfileId().getDomain()); item.setUserId(reminder.getProfileId().getUserId()); item.setServiceId(reminder.getServiceId()); item.setType(reminder.getType()); item.setInstanceId(reminder.getInstanceId()); item.setRemindOn(remindOn); item.setTitle(reminder.getTitle()); item.setDate(reminder.getDate()); item.setTimezone(reminder.getTimezone()); item.setSnoozedReminderId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); dao.insert(con, item); return item; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB Error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<OSnoozedReminder> listExpiredSnoozedReminders(DateTime greaterInstant) throws WTException { SnoozedReminderDAO dao = SnoozedReminderDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); List<OSnoozedReminder> items = dao.selectExpiredForUpdateByInstant(con, greaterInstant); for (OSnoozedReminder item : items) { dao.delete(con, item.getSnoozedReminderId()); } DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB Error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<OServiceStoreEntry> listServiceStoreEntriesByQuery(String serviceId, String context, String query, int max) { ServiceStoreEntryDAO sseDao = ServiceStoreEntryDAO.getInstance(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) { return sseDao.selectKeyValueByLimit(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), serviceId, context, max); } else { String newQuery = StringUtils.upperCase(StringUtils.trim(query)); return sseDao.selectKeyValueByLikeKeyLimit(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), serviceId, context, "%" + newQuery + "%", max); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error querying servicestore entry [{}, {}, {}, {}]", targetPid, serviceId, context, query, ex); return new ArrayList<>(); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void addServiceStoreEntry(String serviceId, String context, String key, String value) { ServiceStoreEntryDAO sseDao = ServiceStoreEntryDAO.getInstance(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); OServiceStoreEntry osse = null; Connection con = null; try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) return; con = WT.getCoreConnection(); osse =, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), serviceId, context, key); if (osse != null) { sseDao.update(con, osse.getDomainId(), osse.getUserId(), osse.getServiceId(), osse.getContext(), key, value); } else { osse = new OServiceStoreEntry(); osse.setDomainId(targetPid.getDomainId()); osse.setUserId(targetPid.getUserId()); osse.setServiceId(serviceId); osse.setContext(context); osse.setKey(key); osse.setValue(value); osse.setFrequency(1); sseDao.insert(con, osse); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error adding servicestore entry [{}, {}, {}, {}]", targetPid, serviceId, context, OServiceStoreEntry.sanitizeKey(key), ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteServiceStoreEntry() { ServiceStoreEntryDAO sseDao = ServiceStoreEntryDAO.getInstance(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); sseDao.deleteByDomainUser(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting servicestore entry [{}]", targetPid, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteServiceStoreEntry(String serviceId) { ServiceStoreEntryDAO sseDao = ServiceStoreEntryDAO.getInstance(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); sseDao.deleteByDomainUserService(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), serviceId); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting servicestore entry [{}, {}]", targetPid, serviceId, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteServiceStoreEntry(String serviceId, String context, String key) { ServiceStoreEntryDAO sseDao = ServiceStoreEntryDAO.getInstance(); UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); sseDao.delete(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), serviceId, context, key); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting servicestore entry [{}, {}, {}, {}]", targetPid, serviceId, context, key, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void updateMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId, String serviceId, String context, String key, String value) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); OAutosave data =, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId, serviceId, context, key); if (data != null) { data.setValue(value); asdao.update(con, data); } else { data = new OAutosave(); data.setDomainId(targetPid.getDomainId()); data.setUserId(targetPid.getUserId()); data.setWebtopClientId(webtopClientId); data.setServiceId(serviceId); data.setContext(context); data.setKey(StringUtils.upperCase(key)); data.setValue(value); asdao.insert(con, data); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error adding autosave entry [{}, {}, {}, {}]", targetPid, serviceId, context, key, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteOfflineOthersAutosaveData(String notWebtopClientId) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); List<OAutosave> items = listOfflineOthersAutosaveData(notWebtopClientId); for (OAutosave item : items) { asdao.deleteByKey(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), item.getWebtopClientId(), item.getServiceId(), item.getContext(), item.getKey()); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting autosave entry [{}, !{}]", targetPid, notWebtopClientId, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); asdao.deleteByWebtopClientId(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting autosave entry [{}, {}]", targetPid, webtopClientId, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId, String serviceId) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); asdao.deleteByService(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId, serviceId); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting autosave entry [{}, {}, {}]", targetPid, webtopClientId, serviceId, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId, String serviceId, String context) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); asdao.deleteByContext(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId, serviceId, context); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting autosave entry [{}, {}, {}, {}]", targetPid, webtopClientId, serviceId, context, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId, String serviceId, String context, String key) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); asdao.deleteByKey(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId, serviceId, context, key); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error deleting autosave entry [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]", targetPid, webtopClientId, serviceId, context, key, ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<OAutosave> listMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); return asdao.selectMineByUserServices(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId, listAllowedServices()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error selecting autosave entry [{}]", targetPid, ex); return new ArrayList<>(); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean hasMyAutosaveData(String webtopClientId) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); return asdao.countMineByUserServices(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), webtopClientId, listAllowedServices()) > 0; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error selecting autosave entry [{}]", targetPid, ex); return false; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<OAutosave> listOfflineOthersAutosaveData(String notWebtopClientId) { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); Connection con = null; try { SessionManager sm = wta.getSessionManager(); //wta.getSessionManager().isOnline(targetPid, notWebtopClientId); con = WT.getCoreConnection(); AutosaveDAO asdao = AutosaveDAO.getInstance(); List<OAutosave> data = asdao.selectOthersByUserServices(con, targetPid.getDomainId(), targetPid.getUserId(), notWebtopClientId, listAllowedServices()); List<OAutosave> rdata = new ArrayList<>(); for (OAutosave as : data) { if (!sm.isOnline(new UserProfileId(as.getDomainId(), as.getUserId()), as.getWebtopClientId())) rdata.add(as); } return rdata; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error("Error selecting autosave entry [{}]", targetPid, ex); return null; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void autoLearnInternetRecipient(String email) { addServiceStoreEntry(SERVICE_ID, "recipients", email, email); } public RecipientsProviderBase getProfileRecipientsProvider(String sourceId) { return getProfileRecipientsProviders().get(sourceId); } /** * Returns the available source IDs. * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<String> listRecipientProviderSourceIds() throws WTException { return new ArrayList<>(getProfileRecipientsProviders().keySet()); } /** * Returns a list of recipients beloging to a specified type. * The search will include all available sources; including also the * automatic ({@link #RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID}) one used to store * the auto-learn texts, and the ({@link #RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_WEBTOP_SOURCE_ID}) * one containing internal webtop users * @param fieldType The desired recipient type. * @param queryText A text to filter out returned results. * @param max Max number of results. * @param builtInProvidersAtTheEnd True add built-in providers (AUTO and WEBTOP) results at the end, false otherwise. * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<Recipient> listProviderRecipients(RecipientFieldType fieldType, String queryText, int max, boolean builtInProvidersAtTheEnd) throws WTException { final ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); if (!builtInProvidersAtTheEnd) { ids.add(RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID); ids.add(RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_WEBTOP_SOURCE_ID); } ids.addAll(listRecipientProviderSourceIds()); if (builtInProvidersAtTheEnd) { ids.add(RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID); ids.add(RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_WEBTOP_SOURCE_ID); } return listProviderRecipients(fieldType, ids, queryText, max); } /** * Returns a list of recipients beloging to a specified type. * @param fieldType The desired recipient type. * @param sourceIds A collection of sources in which look for. * @param queryText A text to filter out returned results. * @param max Max number of results. * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<Recipient> listProviderRecipients(RecipientFieldType fieldType, Collection<String> sourceIds, String queryText, int max) throws WTException { CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); ArrayList<Recipient> items = new ArrayList<>(); boolean autoProviderEnabled = css.getRecipientAutoProviderEnabled(); int remaining = max; for (String soId : sourceIds) { List<Recipient> recipients = null; if (StringUtils.equals(soId, RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID)) { if (!autoProviderEnabled) continue; if (!fieldType.equals(RecipientFieldType.LIST)) { recipients = new ArrayList<>(); //TODO: Find a way to handle other RecipientFieldTypes if (fieldType.equals(RecipientFieldType.EMAIL)) { final List<OServiceStoreEntry> entries = listServiceStoreEntriesByQuery(SERVICE_ID, "recipients", queryText, remaining); for (OServiceStoreEntry entry : entries) { final InternetAddress ia = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(entry.getValue()); if (ia != null) recipients.add(new Recipient(RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID, lookupResource(getLocale(), CoreLocaleKey.INTERNETRECIPIENT_AUTO), RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID, ia.getPersonal(), ia.getAddress())); } } } } else if (StringUtils.equals(soId, RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_WEBTOP_SOURCE_ID)) { if (!fieldType.equals(RecipientFieldType.LIST)) { recipients = new ArrayList<>(); //TODO: Find a way to handle other RecipientFieldTypes if (fieldType.equals(RecipientFieldType.EMAIL)) { List<OUser> users = listUsers(true); for (OUser user : users) { UserProfile.Data userData = WT .getUserData(new UserProfileId(user.getDomainId(), user.getUserId())); if (userData != null) { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(user.getDisplayName(), queryText) || StringUtils .containsIgnoreCase(userData.getPersonalEmailAddress(), queryText)) recipients.add(new Recipient(RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_WEBTOP_SOURCE_ID, lookupResource(getLocale(), CoreLocaleKey.INTERNETRECIPIENT_WEBTOP), RECIPIENT_PROVIDER_AUTO_SOURCE_ID, user.getDisplayName(), userData.getPersonalEmailAddress())); } } } } } else { final RecipientsProviderBase provider = getProfileRecipientsProviders().get(soId); if (provider == null) continue; try { recipients = provider.getRecipients(fieldType, queryText, remaining); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error calling RecipientProvider [{}]", t, soId); } if (recipients == null) continue; } if (recipients != null) for (Recipient recipient : recipients) { remaining--; if (remaining < 0) break; recipient.setSource(soId); // Force composed id! items.add(recipient); } if (remaining <= 0) break; } return items; } /** * Expands a virtualRecipient address into a real set of recipients. * @param virtualRecipientAddress * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<Recipient> expandVirtualProviderRecipient(String virtualRecipientAddress) throws WTException { ArrayList<Recipient> items = new ArrayList<>(); VirtualAddress va = new VirtualAddress(virtualRecipientAddress); for (String soId : listRecipientProviderSourceIds()) { final RecipientsProviderBase provider = getProfileRecipientsProviders().get(soId); if (provider == null) continue; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(va.getDomain()) && !StringUtils.startsWith(soId, va.getDomain())) { continue; } List<Recipient> recipients = null; try { recipients = provider.expandToRecipients(va.getLocal()); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error calling RecipientProvider [{}]", t, soId); } if (recipients == null) continue; for (Recipient recipient : recipients) { recipient.setSource(soId); items.add(recipient); } } return items; } public List<SyncDevice> listZPushDevices() throws WTException { try { ZPushManager zpush = createZPushManager(); boolean noFilter = false, domainMatch = false; String match = null; UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { if (UserProfileId.isWildcardUser(targetPid)) { domainMatch = true; match = "@" + wta.getWebTopManager().getDomainInternetName(targetPid.getDomainId()); } else { match = getInternetUserId(targetPid); } } else { match = getInternetUserId(targetPid); } ArrayList<SyncDevice> devices = new ArrayList<>(); List<ZPushManager.LastsyncRecord> recs = zpush.listDevices(); for (ZPushManager.LastsyncRecord rec : recs) { if (noFilter || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(rec.synchronizedUser, match) || (domainMatch && StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(rec.synchronizedUser, match))) { devices.add(new SyncDevice(rec.device, rec.synchronizedUser, rec.lastSyncTime)); } } return devices; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error listing zpush devices", ex); throw new WTException(ex); } } public void deleteZPushDevice(String deviceId) throws WTException { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); try { ZPushManager zpush = createZPushManager(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { if (UserProfileId.isWildcardUser(targetPid)) { zpush.removeDevice(deviceId); } else { zpush.removeUserDevice(getInternetUserId(targetPid), deviceId); } } else { zpush.removeUserDevice(getInternetUserId(targetPid), deviceId); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex); } } public String getZPushDetailedInfo(String deviceId, String lineSep) throws WTException { UserProfileId targetPid = getTargetProfileId(); try { ZPushManager zpush = createZPushManager(); ensureProfile(true); return zpush.getDetailedInfo(deviceId, getInternetUserId(targetPid), lineSep); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WTException(ex); } } private ZPushManager createZPushManager() throws WTException { CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, "*"); try { URI uri = new URI(css.getDevicesSyncShellUri()); return new ZPushManager(css.getPhpPath(), css.getZPushPath(), uri); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid URI"); } } private Activity doActivityUpdate(boolean insert, Connection con, Activity act) throws WTException { ActivityDAO dao = ActivityDAO.getInstance(); OActivity oact = createOActivity(act); if (oact.getDomainId() == null) oact.setDomainId(getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); if (insert) { oact.setActivityId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); oact.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(Activity.RevisionStatus.MODIFIED)); dao.insert(con, oact); } else { dao.update(con, oact); } return createActivity(oact); } private Causal doCausalUpdate(boolean insert, Connection con, Causal cau) throws WTException { CausalDAO dao = CausalDAO.getInstance(); OCausal ocau = createOCausal(cau); if (ocau.getDomainId() == null) ocau.setDomainId(getTargetProfileId().getDomainId()); if (insert) { ocau.setCausalId(dao.getSequence(con).intValue()); ocau.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(Causal.RevisionStatus.MODIFIED)); dao.insert(con, ocau); } else { dao.update(con, ocau); } return createCausal(ocau); } private OActivity createOActivity(Activity cau) { if (cau == null) return null; OActivity ocau = new OActivity(); ocau.setActivityId(cau.getActivityId()); ocau.setDomainId(cau.getDomainId()); ocau.setUserId(cau.getUserId()); ocau.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(cau.getRevisionStatus())); ocau.setDescription(cau.getDescription()); ocau.setReadOnly(cau.getReadOnly()); ocau.setExternalId(cau.getExternalId()); return ocau; } private Activity createActivity(OActivity oact) { if (oact == null) return null; Activity act = new Activity(); act.setActivityId(oact.getActivityId()); act.setDomainId(oact.getDomainId()); act.setUserId(oact.getUserId()); act.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.forSerializedName(oact.getRevisionStatus(), Activity.RevisionStatus.class)); act.setDescription(oact.getDescription()); act.setReadOnly(oact.getReadOnly()); act.setExternalId(oact.getExternalId()); return act; } private OCausal createOCausal(Causal cau) { if (cau == null) return null; OCausal ocau = new OCausal(); ocau.setCausalId(cau.getCausalId()); ocau.setDomainId(cau.getDomainId()); ocau.setUserId(cau.getUserId()); ocau.setMasterDataId(cau.getMasterDataId()); ocau.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(cau.getRevisionStatus())); ocau.setDescription(cau.getDescription()); ocau.setReadOnly(cau.getReadOnly()); ocau.setExternalId(cau.getExternalId()); return ocau; } private Causal createCausal(OCausal ocau) { if (ocau == null) return null; Causal cau = new Causal(); cau.setCausalId(ocau.getCausalId()); cau.setDomainId(ocau.getDomainId()); cau.setUserId(ocau.getUserId()); cau.setMasterDataId(ocau.getMasterDataId()); cau.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.forSerializedName(ocau.getRevisionStatus(), Causal.RevisionStatus.class)); cau.setDescription(ocau.getDescription()); cau.setReadOnly(ocau.getReadOnly()); cau.setExternalId(ocau.getExternalId()); return cau; } private CausalExt createCausalExt(VCausal vcau) { if (vcau == null) return null; CausalExt cau = new CausalExt(); cau.setCausalId(vcau.getCausalId()); cau.setDomainId(vcau.getDomainId()); cau.setUserId(vcau.getUserId()); cau.setMasterDataId(vcau.getMasterDataId()); cau.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.forSerializedName(vcau.getRevisionStatus(), Causal.RevisionStatus.class)); cau.setDescription(vcau.getDescription()); cau.setReadOnly(vcau.getReadOnly()); cau.setExternalId(vcau.getExternalId()); cau.setMasterDataDescription(vcau.getMasterDataDescription()); return cau; } private OIMChat createOIMChat(IMChat cha) { if (cha == null) return null; OIMChat ocha = new OIMChat(); ocha.setId(cha.getId()); ocha.setDomainId(cha.getDomainId()); ocha.setUserId(cha.getUserId()); ocha.setChatJid(cha.getChatJid()); ocha.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(cha.getRevisionStatus())); ocha.setRevisionTimestamp(cha.getRevisionTimestamp()); ocha.setOwnerJid(cha.getOwnerJid()); ocha.setName(cha.getName()); ocha.setIsGroupChat(cha.getIsGroupChat()); ocha.setLastSeenActivity(cha.getLastSeenActivity()); ocha.setWithJid(cha.getWithJid()); return ocha; } private IMChat createIMChat(OIMChat ocha) { if (ocha == null) return null; IMChat cha = new IMChat(); cha.setId(ocha.getId()); cha.setDomainId(ocha.getDomainId()); cha.setUserId(ocha.getUserId()); cha.setRevisionStatus(EnumUtils.forSerializedName(ocha.getRevisionStatus(), IMChat.RevisionStatus.class)); cha.setRevisionTimestamp(ocha.getRevisionTimestamp()); cha.setChatJid(ocha.getChatJid()); cha.setOwnerJid(ocha.getOwnerJid()); cha.setName(ocha.getName()); cha.setIsGroupChat(ocha.getIsGroupChat()); cha.setLastSeenActivity(ocha.getLastSeenActivity()); cha.setWithJid(ocha.getWithJid()); return cha; } private OIMMessage createOIMMessage(IMMessage mes) { if (mes == null) return null; OIMMessage omes = new OIMMessage(); omes.setId(mes.getId()); omes.setDomainId(mes.getDomainId()); omes.setUserId(mes.getUserId()); omes.setChatJid(mes.getChatJid()); omes.setSenderJid(mes.getSenderJid()); omes.setSenderResource(mes.getSenderResource()); omes.setTimestamp(mes.getTimestamp()); omes.setDeliveryTimestamp(mes.getDeliveryTimestamp()); omes.setAction(EnumUtils.toSerializedName(mes.getAction())); omes.setText(mes.getText()); omes.setData(mes.getData()); omes.setMessageUid(mes.getMessageUid()); omes.setStanzaId(mes.getStanzaId()); return omes; } private IMMessage createIMMessage(OIMMessage omes) { if (omes == null) return null; IMMessage mes = new IMMessage(); mes.setId(omes.getId()); mes.setDomainId(omes.getDomainId()); mes.setUserId(omes.getUserId()); mes.setChatJid(omes.getChatJid()); mes.setSenderJid(omes.getSenderJid()); mes.setSenderResource(omes.getSenderResource()); mes.setTimestamp(omes.getTimestamp()); mes.setDeliveryTimestamp(omes.getDeliveryTimestamp()); mes.setAction(EnumUtils.forSerializedName(omes.getAction(), IMMessage.Action.class)); mes.setText(omes.getText()); mes.setData(omes.getData()); mes.setMessageUid(omes.getMessageUid()); mes.setStanzaId(omes.getStanzaId()); return mes; } private DateTime createRevisionTimestamp() { return; } }