Java tutorial
/* * WebTop Services is a Web Application framework developed by Sonicle S.r.l. * Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SONICLE, SONICLE DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Sonicle S.r.l. at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * Sonicle logo and Sonicle copyright notice. If the display of the logo is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l.". */ package; import; import com.sonicle.commons.time.DateTimeUtils; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfile; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreLocaleKey; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreManager; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreServiceSettings; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreUserSettings; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.admin.CoreAdminManager; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.msg.AutosaveMessage; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OAutosave; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.js.JsWTS; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.js.JsWTSPrivate; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.js.JsWTSPublic; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.ServicePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.ServiceSharePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.BaseManager; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.BasePublicService; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.BaseService; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.ServiceManifest; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.ServiceMessage; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfileId; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTRuntimeException; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.util.IdentifierUtils; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.util.LoggerUtils; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.Authenticator; import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory; import net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils; import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * @author malbinola */ public class WebTopSession { private static final Logger logger = WT.getLogger(WebTopSession.class); public static final String PROP_REQUEST_DUMP = "REQUESTDUMP"; private final WebTopApp wta; private HttpSession session; private final String csrfToken; private Boolean jsDebugEnabled; private final Object lock0 = new Object(); private ReadableUserAgent readableUserAgent = null; private final PropertyBag propsBag = new PropertyBag(); private int initLevel = 0; private UserProfile profile = null; private PrivateEnvironment privateEnv = null; private CorePrivateEnvironment privateCoreEnv = null; private PublicEnvironment publicEnv = null; private final HashMap<String, BaseManager> managers = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> allowedServices = null; private final LinkedHashMap<String, BaseService> privateServices = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final LinkedHashMap<String, BasePublicService> publicServices = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, UploadedFile> uploads = new HashMap<>(); private final Object lock1 = new Object(); private javax.mail.Session mailSession = null; public WebTopSession(HttpSession session) { this(WebTopApp.getInstance(), session); } WebTopSession(WebTopApp wta, HttpSession session) { this.wta = wta; this.session = session; this.csrfToken = IdentifierUtils.getCRSFToken(); this.jsDebugEnabled = WebTopProps.getJsDebug(); } synchronized void cleanup() throws Exception { initLevel = -1; emptyPrivateServices(); emptyPublicServices(); emptyServiceManagers(); // Cleanup uploads String domainId = getProfileDomainId(); if (domainId != null) { synchronized (uploads) { for (UploadedFile upf : uploads.values()) { if (!upf.isVirtual()) wta.deleteTempFile(domainId, upf.getUploadId()); } uploads.clear(); } } DocEditorManager docEdMgr = wta.getDocEditorManager(); if (docEdMgr != null) docEdMgr.cleanupOnSessionDestroy(session.getId()); } // TODO: rimuovere metodi deprecati /** * @deprecated use {@link #getClientRemoteIP()} instead. * @return */ @Deprecated public String getRemoteIP() { return getClientRemoteIP(); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #getClientPlainUserAgent()} instead. * @return */ @Deprecated public String getPlainUserAgent() { return getClientPlainUserAgent(); } /** * Returns the associated user session. * @return Session object */ public HttpSession getSession() { return session; } /** * Convenience method to get genenated CSRF token. * @return Generated CSRF token */ public String getCSRFToken() { return csrfToken; } /** * Convenience method to get WebTop genenated client identifier. * @return WebTop client identifier */ public String getClientTrackingID() { return SessionContext.getWebTopClientID(session); } /** * Convenience method to get client's IP address. * @return The network address */ public String getClientRemoteIP() { return SessionContext.getClientRemoteIP(session); } /** * Convenience method to get client's browser URL. * @return The network address */ public String getClientUrl() { return SessionContext.getClientUrl(session); } /** * Convenience method to get client's plain user-agent info. * @return user-agent info */ public String getClientPlainUserAgent() { return SessionContext.getClientPlainUserAgent(session); } /** * Convenience method to get client's parsed user-agent info. * @return A readable ReadableUserAgent object. */ public ReadableUserAgent getClientUserAgent() { synchronized (lock0) { if (readableUserAgent == null) { String plainUa = getClientPlainUserAgent(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(plainUa)) { readableUserAgent = WebTopApp.getUserAgentInfo(plainUa); } } return readableUserAgent; } } /** * Convenience method to get the referer-uri. * @return The referer-uri */ public String getRefererUri() { return SessionContext.getRefererUri(session); } /** * Returns the session ID. * @return Session unique identifier */ public String getId() { return session.getId().toString(); } /** * Returns current configuration for js debug. * @return */ public boolean isJsDebugEnabled() { return jsDebugEnabled; } /** * Return current locale. * It can be the UserProfile's locale or the locale specified during * the initial HTTP request to the server. * @return The locale. */ public Locale getLocale() { if (profile != null) { return profile.getLocale(); } else { return SessionContext.getClientLocale(session); } } /** * Associates an object to this session, using the key specified. * @param serviceId The service ID to which the object is bound. * @param key The key to which the object is mapped. * @param value The object to be mapped. * @return The object just associated. */ public Object setProperty(String serviceId, String key, Object value) { synchronized (propsBag) { propsBag.set(serviceId + "@" + key, value); return value; } } /** * Returns the object to which the specified key is mapped, or null if no object is mapped under the key. * @param serviceId The service ID to which the object is mapped. * @param key The key to which the object is mapped. * @return If found, the object to which the specified key is mapped. */ public Object getProperty(String serviceId, String key) { synchronized (propsBag) { return propsBag.get(serviceId + "@" + key); } } /** * Returns the object to which the specified key is mapped, or null if no object is mapped under the key. * Mapping will be cleared when the object is returned. * @param serviceId The service ID to which the object is mapped. * @param key The key to which the object is mapped. * @return If found, the object to which the specified key is mapped. */ public Object popProperty(String serviceId, String key) { synchronized (propsBag) { if (hasProperty(serviceId, key)) { Object value = propsBag.get(serviceId + "@" + key); clearProperty(serviceId, key); return value; } else { return null; } } } /** * Clears the object mapped to the specified key. * @param serviceId The service ID to which the object is mapped. * @param key The key to which the object is mapped. */ public void clearProperty(String serviceId, String key) { synchronized (propsBag) { propsBag.clear(serviceId + "@" + key); } } /** * Checks if this session contains a mapping for the specified key. * @param serviceId The service ID to which the object is mapped. * @param key The key to which the object is mapped. * @return True if a mapping is found, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasProperty(String serviceId, String key) { synchronized (propsBag) { return propsBag.has(serviceId + "@" + key); } } /** * Checks if this session contains a mapping for the specified key, * otherwise throws an exception. * @param serviceId The service ID to which the object is mapped. * @param key The key to which the object is mapped. * @throws WTException */ public void hasPropertyOrThrow(String serviceId, String key) throws WTException { if (!hasProperty(serviceId, key)) throw new WTException("Missing session property [{0}, {1}]", serviceId, key); } public boolean isReady() { return initLevel == 2; } /** * Gets the user profile associated to the session. * @return The UserProfile. */ public UserProfile getUserProfile() { return profile; } /** * Gets the UserProfile's ID. * Note that this can be null if the user is not authenticated. (eg. public area) * @return The UserProfile's ID */ public UserProfileId getProfileId() { return (profile == null) ? null : profile.getId(); } /** * Gets Profile's Domain ID. * Note that if the user is not authenticated the virtual domain ID is returned instead. * @return The profile's domain ID */ public String getProfileDomainId() { if (profile == null) { //TODO: restituire l'id del dominio decodificato dall'host return null; } else { return profile.getDomainId(); } } /** * Gets Profile's User ID. * Note that this can be null if the user is not authenticated. (eg. public area) * @return The profile's user ID */ public String getProfileUserId() { return (profile == null) ? null : profile.getUserId(); } public synchronized void initPrivate(HttpServletRequest request) throws WTException { if (initLevel < 0) return; if (initLevel == 0) internalInitPrivate(request); } public synchronized void initPrivateEnvironment(HttpServletRequest request) throws WTException { if (initLevel < 0) return; if (initLevel == 0) throw new WTException("You need to call initPrivate() before calling this method!"); if (initLevel == 1) internalInitPrivateEnvironment(request); } private void internalInitPrivate(HttpServletRequest request) throws WTException { // Synchronization on caller method! ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); Principal principal = (Principal) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipal(); Subject subject = RunContext.getSubject(); UserProfileId profileId = RunContext.getRunProfileId(subject); session.setAttribute(SessionManager.ATTRIBUTE_GUESSING_USERNAME, profileId.toString()); emptyServiceManagers(); CoreManager core = svcm.instantiateCoreManager(false, profileId); cacheServiceManager(CoreManifest.ID, core); CoreAdminManager coreadmin = svcm.instantiateCoreAdminManager(false, profileId); cacheServiceManager(CoreAdminManifest.ID, coreadmin); // Defines useful instances (NB: keep code assignment order!!!) profile = new UserProfile(core, principal); boolean passwordChangeNeeded = wta.getWebTopManager().isUserPasswordChangeNeeded(profileId, principal.getPassword()); if (passwordChangeNeeded && !principal.isImpersonated()) setProperty(CoreManifest.ID, UIPrivate.WTSPROP_PASSWORD_CHANGEUPONLOGIN, true); boolean otpEnabled = wta.getOTPManager().isEnabled(profile.getId()); if (!otpEnabled || principal.isImpersonated()) setProperty(CoreManifest.ID, Otp.WTSPROP_OTP_VERIFIED, true); initLevel = 1; } public void internalCleanupPrivateEnvironment() { // Synchronization on caller method! allowedServices = null; privateCoreEnv = null; privateEnv = null; } private Set<String> listAllowedPrivateServices(ServiceManager svcm) { LinkedHashSet<String> ids = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (RunContext.isSysAdmin()) { ids.add(CoreManifest.ID); ids.add(CoreAdminManifest.ID); ids.add("com.sonicle.webtop.vfs"); } else { for (String id : svcm.listRegisteredServices()) { if (RunContext.isPermitted(true, CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", "ACCESS", id)) ids.add(id); } } return ids; } private void internalInitPrivateEnvironment(HttpServletRequest request) throws WTException { // Synchronization on caller method! ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); SessionManager sesm = wta.getSessionManager(); CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(profile.getId()); privateCoreEnv = new CorePrivateEnvironment(wta, this); privateEnv = new PrivateEnvironment(this); wta.getLogManager().write(profile.getId(), CoreManifest.ID, "AUTHENTICATED", null, request, getId(), null); sesm.registerWebTopSession(this); allowedServices = listAllowedPrivateServices(svcm); BaseManager managerInst = null; for (String serviceId : allowedServices) { ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(serviceId); // Manager // Skip core service... its manager has already been instantiated above (see: internalInitPrivate) if (!serviceId.equals(CoreManifest.ID) && !serviceId.equals(CoreAdminManifest.ID)) { if (descriptor.hasManager() && !isServiceManagerCached(serviceId)) { managerInst = svcm.instantiateServiceManager(serviceId, false, profile.getId()); if (managerInst != null) { cacheServiceManager(serviceId, managerInst); } } } } BaseService privateInst = null; for (String serviceId : allowedServices) { ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(serviceId); // Service initialization svcm.prepareProfile(serviceId, profile.getId()); // PrivateService if (descriptor.hasPrivateService()) { // Creates new instance if (svcm.hasFullRights(serviceId)) { privateInst = svcm.instantiatePrivateService(serviceId, privateCoreEnv); } else { privateInst = svcm.instantiatePrivateService(serviceId, privateEnv); } if (privateInst != null) { cachePrivateService(privateInst); } } } logger.debug("Instantiated {} managers", managers.size()); logger.debug("Instantiated {} private services", privateServices.size()); /* // Instantiates services BaseService instance = null; List<String> serviceIds = core.listPrivateServices(); int count = 0; // TODO: ordinamento lista servizi (scelta dall'utente?) for(String serviceId : serviceIds) { // Creates new instance if(svcm.hasFullRights(serviceId)) { instance = svcm.instantiatePrivateService(serviceId, sessionId, new CoreEnvironment(wta, this)); } else { instance = svcm.instantiatePrivateService(serviceId, sessionId, new Environment(this)); } if(instance != null) { registerPrivateService(instance); count++; } } logger.debug("Instantiated {} services", count); */ initLevel = 2; String cid = getClientTrackingID(); boolean mine = core.hasMyAutosaveData(cid); List<OAutosave> odata = core.listOfflineOthersAutosaveData(cid); boolean others = (odata == null) ? false : odata.size() > 0; if (mine || others) { this.notify(new AutosaveMessage(core.SERVICE_ID, mine, others)); } } public synchronized void initPublicEnvironment(HttpServletRequest request, String publicServiceId) throws WTException { internalInitPublicEnvironment(request, publicServiceId); } public void internalCleanupPublicEnvironment() { // Synchronization on caller method! emptyPublicServices(); publicEnv = null; } private void internalInitPublicEnvironment(HttpServletRequest request, String publicServiceId) throws WTException { // Synchronization on caller method! if (isPublicServiceCached(publicServiceId)) return; ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); if (!isServiceManagerCached(CoreManifest.ID)) { CoreManager core = svcm.instantiateCoreManager(true, RunContext.getRunProfileId()); cacheServiceManager(CoreManifest.ID, core); } if (publicEnv == null) publicEnv = new PublicEnvironment(this); int managersCount = 0, publicCount = 0; String[] serviceIds = new String[] { CoreManifest.ID, publicServiceId }; BaseManager managerInst = null; for (String serviceId : serviceIds) { ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(serviceId); // Manager (skip core) if (!serviceId.equals(CoreManifest.ID)) { if (descriptor.hasManager() && !isServiceManagerCached(serviceId)) { managerInst = svcm.instantiateServiceManager(serviceId, true, RunContext.getRunProfileId()); if (managerInst != null) { cacheServiceManager(serviceId, managerInst); managersCount++; } } } } BasePublicService publicInst = null; for (String serviceId : serviceIds) { ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(serviceId); // PublicService if (descriptor.hasPublicService() && !isPublicServiceCached(serviceId)) { publicInst = svcm.instantiatePublicService(serviceId, publicEnv); if (publicInst != null) { cachePublicService(publicInst); publicCount++; } } } logger.debug("Instantiated {} managers", managersCount); logger.debug("Instantiated {} public services", publicCount); } public boolean isServiceAllowed(String serviceId) { return allowedServices.contains(serviceId); } private void cacheServiceManager(String serviceId, BaseManager manager) { synchronized (managers) { if (managers.containsKey(serviceId)) throw new WTRuntimeException("Cannot add manager twice"); managers.put(serviceId, manager); } } public boolean isServiceManagerCached(String serviceId) { synchronized (managers) { return managers.containsKey(serviceId); } } public BaseManager getServiceManager(String serviceId) { synchronized (managers) { if (!managers.containsKey(serviceId)) return null; return managers.get(serviceId); } } private void emptyServiceManagers() { synchronized (managers) { managers.clear(); } } public javax.mail.Session getMailSession() { synchronized (lock1) { UserProfileId pid = getProfileId(); if (pid != null && mailSession == null) { CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, pid.getDomainId()); String smtphost = css.getSMTPHost(); int smtpport = css.getSMTPPort(); boolean starttls = css.isSMTPStartTLS(); boolean auth = css.isSMTPAuthentication(); Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties()); //props.setProperty("mail.socket.debug", "true"); //props.setProperty("mail.imap.parse.debug", "true"); props.setProperty("", smtphost); props.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "" + smtpport); if (starttls) { props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); props.put("", "*"); props.put("mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity", "false"); } props.setProperty("", "*"); props.setProperty("mail.imap.folder.class", "com.sonicle.mail.imap.SonicleIMAPFolder"); props.setProperty("mail.imaps.folder.class", "com.sonicle.mail.imap.SonicleIMAPFolder"); props.setProperty("mail.imap.enableimapevents", "true"); // Support idle events Authenticator authenticator = null; if (auth) { props.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); authenticator = new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { Principal principal = (Principal) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipal(); String login = principal.getFullInternetName(); String password = new String(principal.getPassword()); //"getPasswordAuthentication: "+login+" / *****"); return new PasswordAuthentication(login, password); } }; } mailSession = javax.mail.Session.getInstance(props, authenticator); } } return mailSession; } /** * Stores private service instance into this session. * @param service */ private void cachePrivateService(BaseService service) { String serviceId = service.getManifest().getId(); synchronized (privateServices) { if (privateServices.containsKey(serviceId)) throw new WTRuntimeException("Cannot add private service twice"); privateServices.put(serviceId, service); } } /** * Gets a private service instance by ID. * @param serviceId The service ID. * @return The service instance, if found. */ public BaseService getPrivateServiceById(String serviceId) { if (!isReady()) return null; synchronized (privateServices) { if (!privateServices.containsKey(serviceId)) throw new WTRuntimeException("No private service with ID [{0}]", serviceId); return privateServices.get(serviceId); } } public List<String> getPrivateServices() { return getPrivateServices(false); } /** * Gets instantiated services list. * @param sortByOrder True to sort the list using chosen order * @return A list of service ids. */ public List<String> getPrivateServices(boolean sortByOrder) { if (!isReady()) return null; synchronized (privateServices) { List<String> ids = Arrays.asList(privateServices.keySet().toArray(new String[privateServices.size()])); if (sortByOrder) { CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, getUserProfile().getDomainId()); sortServiceIdsByOrder(css.getServicesOrder(), ids); } return ids; } } private void emptyPrivateServices() { ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); synchronized (privateServices) { for (BaseService instance : privateServices.values()) { svcm.cleanupPrivateService(instance); } privateServices.clear(); } } /** * Stores public service instance into this session. * @param service */ private void cachePublicService(BasePublicService service) { String serviceId = service.getManifest().getId(); synchronized (publicServices) { if (publicServices.containsKey(serviceId)) throw new WTRuntimeException("Cannot add public service twice"); publicServices.put(serviceId, service); } } /** * Checks if a public service instance exists. * @param serviceId The service ID. * @return True if instance is present, false otherwise. */ private boolean isPublicServiceCached(String serviceId) { return publicServices.containsKey(serviceId); } /** * Gets a public service instance by ID. * @param serviceId The service ID. * @return The service instance, if found. */ public BasePublicService getPublicServiceById(String serviceId) { synchronized (publicServices) { if (!publicServices.containsKey(serviceId)) throw new WTRuntimeException("No public service with ID [{0}]", serviceId); return publicServices.get(serviceId); } } /** * Gets instantiated public services list. * @return A list of service ids. */ public List<String> getPublicServices() { synchronized (publicServices) { return Arrays.asList(publicServices.keySet().toArray(new String[publicServices.size()])); } } private void emptyPublicServices() { ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); synchronized (publicServices) { for (BasePublicService instance : publicServices.values()) { svcm.cleanupPublicService(instance); } publicServices.clear(); } } public void fillStartup(JsWTSPrivate js) { if (!isReady()) return; ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); ServiceManifest coreManifest = svcm.getManifest(CoreManifest.ID); CoreUserSettings cus = new CoreUserSettings(CoreManifest.ID, profile.getId()); String theme = cus.getTheme(), layout = cus.getLayout(), lookAndFeel = cus.getLookAndFeel(); ReadableDeviceCategory.Category deviceCategory = getClientUserAgent().getDeviceCategory().getCategory(); if (ReadableDeviceCategory.Category.SMARTPHONE.equals(deviceCategory) || ReadableDeviceCategory.Category.TABLET.equals(deviceCategory)) { if (theme.equals("crisp") || theme.equals("neptune")) { theme += "-touch"; } else { theme = "crisp-touch"; } } Locale locale = getLocale(); fillAppReferences(js, locale, theme, false); js.layoutClassName = StringUtils.capitalize(layout); List<String> privateSids = getPrivateServices(true); // Include Core references // = coreManifest.getJsPackageName(); fillServiceManifest(js, coreManifest, locale, svcm.isInMaintenance(coreManifest.getId())); fillCoreServiceJsReferences(svcm.isInDevMode(CoreManifest.ID), "private", js, coreManifest, locale); fillServiceCssReferences(js, coreManifest, theme, lookAndFeel); // Include other services references if (RunContext.isWebTopAdmin()) { for (String sid : svcm.listRegisteredServices()) { if (sid.equals(CoreManifest.ID)) continue; ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(sid); fillServiceReferences(svcm, js, descriptor, locale, theme, lookAndFeel); } } else { for (String sid : privateSids) { if (sid.equals(CoreManifest.ID)) continue; ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(sid); fillServiceReferences(svcm, js, descriptor, locale, theme, lookAndFeel); } } fillRolesMap(js.roles); // Evaluate services for (String sid : privateSids) { ServiceDescriptor descriptor = svcm.getDescriptor(sid); //fillServiceReferences(svcm, js, descriptor, locale, theme, lookAndFeel); fillStartupForService(svcm, js, descriptor, locale); } } private void fillRolesMap(HashSet<String> roles) { Subject subject = RunContext.getSubject(); pushIfSubjectHasRole(roles, subject, WebTopManager.ROLEUID_SYSADMIN); pushIfSubjectHasRole(roles, subject, WebTopManager.ROLEUID_WTADMIN); pushIfSubjectHasRole(roles, subject, WebTopManager.ROLEUID_IMPERSONATED_USER); } private void fillServiceReferences(ServiceManager svcm, JsWTS js, ServiceDescriptor descriptor, Locale locale, String theme, String lookAndFeel) { ServiceManifest manifest = descriptor.getManifest(); if (manifest.getId().equals(CoreManifest.ID)) throw new WTRuntimeException("Core service's references should not be added in this way"); fillServiceManifest(js, manifest, locale, svcm.isInMaintenance(manifest.getId())); // Includes service references fillServiceJsReferences(svcm.isInDevMode(manifest.getId()), js, manifest, locale); // Includes service stylesheet references fillServiceCssReferences(js, manifest, theme, lookAndFeel); } private void fillStartupForService(ServiceManager svcm, JsWTSPrivate js, ServiceDescriptor descriptor, Locale locale) { ServiceManifest manifest = descriptor.getManifest(); Subject subject = RunContext.getSubject(); // Generates service auth permissions JsWTSPrivate.Permissions perms = new JsWTSPrivate.Permissions(); for (ServicePermission perm : manifest.getDeclaredPermissions()) { if (perm instanceof ServiceSharePermission) continue; JsWTSPrivate.Actions acts = new JsWTSPrivate.Actions(); for (String act : perm.getActions()) { if (RunContext.isPermitted(true, subject, manifest.getId(), perm.getGroupName(), act)) { acts.put(act, true); } } if (!acts.isEmpty()) perms.put(perm.getGroupName(), acts); } JsWTSPrivate.PrivateService jssvc2 = (JsWTSPrivate.PrivateService) js.createServiceInstance(); = manifest.getId(); jssvc2.serviceCN = manifest.getPrivateServiceJsClassName(true); jssvc2.serviceVarsCN = manifest.getPrivateServiceVarsModelJsClassName(true); if (descriptor.hasUserOptionsService()) { jssvc2.userOptions = new JsWTSPrivate.ServiceUserOptions(manifest.getUserOptionsViewJsClassName(true), manifest.getUserOptionsModelJsClassName(true)); } for (ServiceManifest.Portlet portlet : manifest.getPortlets()) { jssvc2.portletCNs.add(portlet.jsClassName); }; js.servicesVars.add(getServiceVars(manifest.getId())); js.servicesPerms.add(perms); } private JsWTSPrivate.Vars getServiceVars(String serviceId) { BaseService svc = getPrivateServiceById(serviceId); BaseService.ServiceVars vars = null; // Retrieves initial vars from instantiated service try { LoggerUtils.setContextDC(serviceId); vars = svc.returnServiceVars(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("returnServiceVars method returns errors", ex); } finally { LoggerUtils.clearContextServiceDC(); } JsWTSPrivate.Vars is = new JsWTSPrivate.Vars(); if (vars != null) is.putAll(vars); // Built-in settings if (serviceId.equals(CoreManifest.ID)) { //is.put("authTicket", generateAuthTicket()); is.put("isWhatsnewNeeded", isWhatsnewNeeded()); } else { CoreUserSettings cus = new CoreUserSettings(serviceId, profile.getId()); is.put("viewportToolWidth", cus.getViewportToolWidth()); } return is; } public void fillStartup(JsWTSPublic js, String publicServiceId) { Locale locale = getLocale(); ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); ServiceManifest coreManifest = svcm.getManifest(CoreManifest.ID); String theme = "crisp"; ReadableDeviceCategory.Category deviceCategory = getClientUserAgent().getDeviceCategory().getCategory(); if (ReadableDeviceCategory.Category.SMARTPHONE.equals(deviceCategory) || ReadableDeviceCategory.Category.TABLET.equals(deviceCategory)) { theme += "-touch"; } fillAppReferences(js, locale, theme, false); // Include Core references // = coreManifest.getJsPackageName(); fillServiceManifest(js, coreManifest, locale, svcm.isInMaintenance(coreManifest.getId())); fillCoreServiceJsReferences(true/*svcm.isInDevMode(CoreManifest.ID)*/, "public", js, coreManifest, locale); fillServiceCssReferences(js, coreManifest, theme, "default"); fillStartupForPublicService(js, CoreManifest.ID, locale); fillStartupForPublicService(js, publicServiceId, locale); } private void fillStartupForPublicService(JsWTSPublic js, String serviceId, Locale locale) { ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); ServiceDescriptor sdesc = svcm.getDescriptor(serviceId); ServiceManifest manifest = sdesc.getManifest(); // Fill application manifest with service references (NOTE: core service is skipped here!) if (!serviceId.equals(CoreManifest.ID)) { fillServiceManifest(js, manifest, locale, svcm.isInMaintenance(serviceId)); // Includes service references fillServiceJsReferences(true/*svcm.isInDevMode(serviceId)*/, js, manifest, locale); // Includes service stylesheet references fillServiceCssReferences(js, manifest, "crisp", "default"); } JsWTSPublic.PublicService jssvc2 = (JsWTSPublic.PublicService) js.createServiceInstance(); = manifest.getId(); jssvc2.serviceCN = manifest.getPublicServiceJsClassName(true); jssvc2.serviceVarsCN = manifest.getPublicServiceVarsModelJsClassName(true);; js.servicesVars.add(getPublicServiceVars(serviceId)); } private JsWTSPublic.Vars getPublicServiceVars(String serviceId) { BasePublicService svc = getPublicServiceById(serviceId); BasePublicService.ServiceVars vars = null; // Retrieves initial vars from instantiated service if (svc != null) { try { LoggerUtils.setContextDC(serviceId); vars = svc.returnServiceVars(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("returnServiceVars method returns errors", ex); } finally { LoggerUtils.clearContextServiceDC(); } } JsWTSPublic.Vars is = new JsWTSPublic.Vars(); if (vars != null) is.putAll(vars); return is; } private void fillAppReferences(JsWTS js, Locale locale, String theme, boolean rtl) { = ""; = "5ae25afe-182c-466c-a6ad-0a3af0ee74b5"; js.appManifest.theme = theme; js.themeName = theme; js.platformName = wta.getPlatformName(); js.fileTypes = wta.getFileTypes().toString(); fillExtJsReferences(js, locale, theme, rtl); } private void fillExtJsReferences(JsWTS js, Locale locale, String theme, boolean rtl) { js.appManifest.framework = "ext"; js.appManifest.toolkit = "classic"; //TODO: rendere dinamico il caricamento delle librerie, permettendo ai servizi di aggiungere le loro // Do not replace 0.0.0 with the real version, it limits server traffic. final String VENDOR_PATH = "resources/com.sonicle.webtop.core/0.0.0/resources/vendor"; final String LIBS_PATH = "resources/com.sonicle.webtop.core/0.0.0/resources/libs"; // Include external libraries references js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/jquery/3.3.1/" + "jquery.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/spark-md5/3.0.0/" + "spark-md5.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/js-emoji/3.4.1/" + "emoji.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/ion.sound/3.0.7/" + "ion.sound.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/linkify/2.1.6/" + "linkify.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/linkify/2.1.6/" + "linkify-string.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/screenfull/3.3.2/" + "screenfull.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/atmosphere/2.3.5/" + "atmosphere.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/jsxc/3.4.0/" + "jsxc.dep.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/tinymce/4.3.12/" + "tinymce.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/plupload/2.3.6/" + "plupload.full.min.js"); // Remember to update paths in Factory.js js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/rrule/2.1.0/" + "rrule.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/markjs/8.11.1/" + "mark.min.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/search-string/3.1.0/" + "search-string.min.js"); // Uncomment these lines to load debug versions of the libraries -----> //js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/jsxc/3.4.0/" + "jsxc.dep.js"); //js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/tinymce/4.3.12/" + "tinymce.js"); //js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/plupload/2.3.6/" + "moxie.js"); //js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/plupload/2.3.6/" + ""); // <------------------------------------------------------------------- //js.appManifest.addJs(VENDOR_PATH + "/ckeditor/" + "ckeditor.js"); // Include ExtJs references final String EXTJS_PATH = "resources/client/extjs/"; String extRtl = rtl ? "-rtl" : ""; String extDebug = WebTopProps.getExtJsDebug() ? "-debug" : ""; String extTheme = theme; String extBaseTheme = StringUtils.removeEnd(theme, "-touch"); String extLang = "-" + locale.getLanguage(); js.appManifest.addJs(EXTJS_PATH + "ext-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".js"); js.appManifest .addJs(EXTJS_PATH + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/locale/" + "locale" + extLang + extDebug + ".js"); //js.appManifest.addJs(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/ext-locale/build/" + "ext-locale" + extLang + extDebug + ".js"); // ExtJs library localization js.appManifest.addJs(EXTJS_PATH + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/" + "theme-" + extTheme + "/" + "theme-" + extTheme + extDebug + ".js"); js.appManifest.addCss(EXTJS_PATH + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/" + "theme-" + extTheme + "/resources/" + "theme-" + extTheme + "-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".css"); //js.appManifest.addJs(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/" + "ext-theme-" + extTheme + "/build/" + "ext-theme-" + extTheme + extDebug + ".js"); // ExtJs theme overrides //js.appManifest.addCss(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/" + "ext-theme-" + extTheme + "/build/resources/" + "ext-theme-" + extTheme + "-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".css"); js.appManifest.addJs( EXTJS_PATH + "packages/charts/" + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/" + "charts" + extDebug + ".js"); js.appManifest.addCss(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/charts/" + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/" + extBaseTheme + "/resources/" + "charts-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".css"); //js.appManifest.addCss(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/sencha-charts/build/" + extBaseTheme + "/resources/" + "sencha-charts-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".css"); js.appManifest.addJs(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/ux/" + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/" + "ux" + extDebug + ".js"); js.appManifest.addCss(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/ux/" + js.appManifest.toolkit + "/" + extBaseTheme + "/resources/" + "ux-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".css"); // Include Sonicle ExtJs Extensions references if (WebTopProps.getSoExtJsExtensionsDevMode()) { js.appManifest.addPath("Sonicle", EXTJS_PATH + "packages/sonicle-extensions/src"); } else { js.appManifest .addJs(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/sonicle-extensions/" + "sonicle-extensions" + extDebug + ".js"); } js.appManifest.addCss(EXTJS_PATH + "packages/sonicle-extensions/" + extBaseTheme + "/resources/" + "sonicle-extensions-all" + extRtl + extDebug + ".css"); // Override default Ext error handling in order to avoid application hang. // NB: This is only necessary when using ExtJs debug file! if (WebTopProps.getExtJsDebug()) js.appManifest.addJs(LIBS_PATH + "/" + "ext-override-errors.js"); } private void fillCoreServiceJsReferences(boolean devMode, String target, JsWTS js, ServiceManifest manifest, Locale locale) { String targetSuffix = "-" + target; if (devMode) { String jsFileName = (js instanceof JsWTSPublic) ? manifest.getPrivateServiceJsFileName() : manifest.getPrivateServiceJsFileName(); js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageSrcUrl() + "/app/WT.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageSrcUrl() + "/app/Factory.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageSrcUrl() + "/app/Util.js"); js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/src/app" + targetSuffix + ".js"); // App file (private or public) js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageSrcUrl() + "/" + jsFileName); // Service js class js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/" + manifest.getLocaleJsFileName(locale)); // Service's locale js class js.appManifest.paths.put(manifest.getJsPackageName(), manifest.getPackageSrcUrl()); // Namespace -> url path mapping js.appManifest.paths.put("WTA", manifest.getPackageSrcUrl()); // Short namespace (WTA) -> url path mapping } else { js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/" + manifest.getId() + targetSuffix + ".js"); // Service concatenated js js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/" + manifest.getLocaleJsFileName(locale)); // Service's locale js class } js.locales.add(new JsWTS.XLocale(manifest.getId(), manifest.getLocaleJsClassName(locale, true))); } private void fillServiceManifest(JsWTS js, ServiceManifest manifest, Locale locale, boolean maintenance) { JsWTS.Manifest jsman = js.createManifestInstance(); jsman.xid = manifest.getXId(); jsman.ns = manifest.getJsPackageName(); jsman.path = manifest.getJsBaseUrl(false); = StringEscapeUtils .escapeJson(wta.lookupResource(manifest.getId(), locale, CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_NAME)); jsman.description = StringEscapeUtils .escapeJson(wta.lookupResource(manifest.getId(), locale, CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION)); = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(manifest.getCompany()); jsman.localeCN = manifest.getLocaleJsClassName(locale, true); jsman.maintenance = maintenance; if (jsman instanceof JsWTSPrivate.PrivateManifest) { ((JsWTSPrivate.PrivateManifest) jsman).version = manifest.getVersion().toString(); ((JsWTSPrivate.PrivateManifest) jsman).build = manifest.getBuildDate(); } js.manifests.put(manifest.getId(), jsman); //JsWTS.Manifest jsman = new JsWTS.Manifest(); //jsman.xid = manifest.getXId(); //jsman.ns = manifest.getJsPackageName(); //jsman.path = manifest.getJsBaseUrl(false); // = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(wta.lookupResource(manifest.getId(), locale, CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_NAME)); //jsman.description = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(wta.lookupResource(manifest.getId(), locale, CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION)); //jsman.version = manifest.getVersion().toString(); // = manifest.getBuildDate(); // = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(manifest.getCompany()); //jsman.localeClassName = manifest.getLocaleJsClassName(locale, true); //js.manifests.put(manifest.getId(), jsman); //String localizedName = wta.lookupResource(manifest.getId(), locale, CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_NAME); //String localizedDescription = wta.lookupResource(manifest.getId(), locale, CoreLocaleKey.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION); //js.manifests.put(manifest.getId(), new JsWTS.Manifest(manifest, localizedName, localizedDescription, manifest.getLocaleJsClassName(locale, true))); } private void fillServiceJsReferences(boolean devMode, JsWTS js, ServiceManifest manifest, Locale locale) { if (devMode) { String jsFileName = (js instanceof JsWTSPublic) ? manifest.getPrivateServiceJsFileName() : manifest.getPrivateServiceJsFileName(); js.appManifest.paths.put(manifest.getJsPackageName(), manifest.getPackageSrcUrl()); // Namespace -> url path mapping js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageSrcUrl() + "/" + jsFileName); // Service js class js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/" + manifest.getLocaleJsFileName(locale)); // Service's locale js class } else { js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/" + manifest.getBundleJsFileName()); // Service concatenated js js.appManifest.addJs(manifest.getPackageBaseUrl() + "/" + manifest.getLocaleJsFileName(locale)); // Service's locale js class } js.locales.add(new JsWTS.XLocale(manifest.getId(), manifest.getLocaleJsClassName(locale, true))); } private void fillServiceCssReferences(JsWTS js, ServiceManifest manifest, String theme, String lookAndFeel) { js.appManifest.addCss(manifest.getPackageLookAndFeelUrl(lookAndFeel) + "/" + "service.css"); js.appManifest.addCss(manifest.getPackageLookAndFeelUrl(lookAndFeel) + "/" + "service-override.css"); js.appManifest.addCss(manifest.getPackageLookAndFeelUrl(lookAndFeel) + "/" + "service-" + theme + ".css"); js.appManifest.addCss( manifest.getPackageLookAndFeelUrl(lookAndFeel) + "/" + "service-override-" + theme + ".css"); } private List<String> sortServiceIdsByOrder(final CoreServiceSettings.ServicesOrder so, List<String> ids) { Collections.sort(ids, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { int i1 = serviceIdToOrderIndex(so, o1); int i2 = serviceIdToOrderIndex(so, o2); if (i1 < i2) { return -1; } else if (i1 > i2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }); return ids; } private int serviceIdToOrderIndex(CoreServiceSettings.ServicesOrder so, String serviceId) { if (StringUtils.equals(serviceId, CoreManifest.ID)) { return -2; } else if (StringUtils.equals(serviceId, CoreAdminManifest.ID)) { return -1; } else { int i = so.indexOf(serviceId); return (i != -1) ? i : 99; } } private void pushIfSubjectHasRole(HashSet<String> roles, Subject subject, String hasRole) { if (RunContext.hasRole(subject, hasRole)) roles.add(hasRole); } private boolean isWhatsnewNeeded() { ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); boolean needWhatsnew = false; for (String serviceId : getPrivateServices()) { needWhatsnew = needWhatsnew | svcm.needWhatsnew(serviceId, profile); } return needWhatsnew; } public boolean needWhatsnew(String serviceId, UserProfile profile) { if (!isReady()) return false; ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); return svcm.needWhatsnew(serviceId, profile); } public String getWhatsnewHtml(String serviceId, UserProfile profile, boolean full) { if (!isReady()) return null; ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); return svcm.getWhatsnew(serviceId, profile, full); } public void resetWhatsnew(String serviceId, UserProfile profile) { if (!isReady()) return; ServiceManager svcm = wta.getServiceManager(); svcm.resetWhatsnew(serviceId, profile.getId()); } public void notify(ServiceMessage message) { if (!isReady()) return; wta.getSessionManager().push(getId(), message); } public void notify(List<ServiceMessage> messages) { if (!isReady()) return; wta.getSessionManager().push(getId(), messages); } public void addUploadedFile(UploadedFile uploadedFile) { if (!isReady()) return; synchronized (uploads) { uploads.put(uploadedFile.getUploadId(), uploadedFile); } } public UploadedFile getUploadedFile(String uploadId) { if (!isReady()) return null; synchronized (uploads) { return uploads.get(uploadId); } } /** * Checks if there is an uploaded file entry with specified ID. * @param uploadId Uploaded file ID * @return True if present, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasUploadedFile(String uploadId) { if (!isReady()) return false; synchronized (uploads) { return uploads.containsKey(uploadId); } } /** * Removes the uploaded file entry from the storage. * @param uploadedFile The entry to remove * @param deleteTempFile True to remove also corresponding fisical file from Temp */ public void removeUploadedFile(UploadedFile uploadedFile, boolean deleteTempFile) { removeUploadedFile(uploadedFile.getUploadId(), deleteTempFile); } /** * Removes the uploaded file entry from the storage. * @param uploadId Uploaded file ID * @param deleteTempFile True to remove also corresponding physical file from Temp */ public void removeUploadedFile(String uploadId, boolean deleteTempFile) { if (!isReady()) return; synchronized (uploads) { UploadedFile upf = uploads.get(uploadId); if (upf != null) { if (deleteTempFile && !upf.isVirtual()) { String domainId = getProfileDomainId(); try { wta.deleteTempFile(domainId, uploadId); } catch (WTException ex) { /* Do nothing... */ } } uploads.remove(uploadId); } } } /** * Remove uploaded files by tag value. * Files will be also deleted from Temp directory. * @param tag */ public void removeUploadedFileByTag(String tag) { if (!isReady()) return; synchronized (uploads) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, UploadedFile>> it = uploads.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, UploadedFile> entry =; if (StringUtils.equals(entry.getValue().getTag(), tag)) { if (!entry.getValue().isVirtual()) { String domainId = getProfileDomainId(); try { wta.deleteTempFile(domainId, entry.getValue().getUploadId()); } catch (WTException ex) { /* Do nothing... */ } } it.remove(); } } } } public DocEditorManager.DocumentConfig prepareDocumentEditing(BaseDocEditorDocumentHandler docHandler, String filename, long lastModifiedTime) throws WTException { return wta.getDocEditorManager().registerDocumentHandler(getId(), docHandler, filename, lastModifiedTime); } public void finalizeDocumentEditing(String editingId) { wta.getDocEditorManager().unregisterDocumentHandler(editingId); } public static class UploadedFile { private final boolean virtual; private final String serviceId; private final String uploadId; private final String tag; private final String filename; private final long size; private final String mediaType; private final DateTime uploadedOn; private HashMap<String, Object> properties = null; public UploadedFile(boolean virtual, String serviceId, String uploadId, String tag, String filename, long size, String mediaType) { this.virtual = virtual; this.serviceId = serviceId; this.uploadId = uploadId; this.tag = tag; this.filename = filename; this.size = size; this.mediaType = mediaType; this.uploadedOn =; } public boolean isVirtual() { return virtual; } public String getServiceId() { return serviceId; } public String getUploadId() { return uploadId; } public String getTag() { return tag; } public String getFilename() { return filename; } public Long getSize() { return size; } public String getMediaType() { return mediaType; } public DateTime getUploadedOn() { return uploadedOn; } public File getFile() throws WTException { return new File(WT.getTempFolder(), getUploadId()); } public void setProperty(String key, Object value) { if (properties == null) properties = new HashMap(); properties.put(key, value); } public Object getProperty(String key) { if (properties == null) return null; return properties.get(key); } } }