Java tutorial
package; /*- * #%L * Think Machine (Core) * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 Softwaremagico * %% * This software is designed by Jorge Hortelano Otero. Jorge Hortelano Otero * <> Valencia (Spain). * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; If not, see <>. * #L% */ import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SkillsTable extends BaseElement { private final static int ROWS = 30; protected final static int TITLE_ROWSPAN = 2; private final static String DEFAULT_NATURAL_SKILL_VALUE = " (3)"; private final static String DEFAULT_WHITE_SPACES = " "; public final static String SKILL_VALUE_GAP = "____"; protected static PdfPCell createTitle(String text, int fontSize) { PdfPCell cell = createCompactTitle(text, fontSize); cell.setMinimumHeight(MainSkillsTableFactory.HEIGHT / (ROWS / TITLE_ROWSPAN) + 1); return cell; } protected static PdfPCell createCompactTitle(String text, int fontSize) { PdfPCell cell = getCell(text, 0, 2, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, BaseColor.WHITE, FadingSunsTheme.getTitleFont(), fontSize); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); return cell; } protected static PdfPCell createSkillElement(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, AvailableSkill skill, int fontSize, int maxColumnWidth) { PdfPCell cell = getCell(createSkillSufix(characterPlayer, skill, fontSize, maxColumnWidth), 0, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, BaseColor.WHITE); cell.setMinimumHeight((MainSkillsTableFactory.HEIGHT / ROWS)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); return cell; } protected static PdfPCell createSkillElement(SkillDefinition skill, int fontSize, int maxColumnWidth) { PdfPCell cell = getCell(createSkillSufix(skill, fontSize, maxColumnWidth), 0, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, BaseColor.WHITE); cell.setMinimumHeight((MainSkillsTableFactory.HEIGHT / ROWS)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); return cell; } protected static PdfPCell createSkillLine(String text, int fontSize) { PdfPCell cell = getCell(text, 0, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, BaseColor.WHITE, FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize); cell.setMinimumHeight((MainSkillsTableFactory.HEIGHT / ROWS)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); return cell; } protected static PdfPCell createSkillValue(Integer value, boolean special, boolean modified, int fontSize) { if (value == null) { return createSkillLine(SKILL_VALUE_GAP, fontSize); } PdfPCell cell = getCell(value + (special ? "*" : "") + (modified && value > 0 ? "!" : ""), 0, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, BaseColor.WHITE, FadingSunsTheme.getHandwrittingFont(), FadingSunsTheme.getHandWrittingFontSize(fontSize)); cell.setMinimumHeight((MainSkillsTableFactory.HEIGHT / ROWS)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); return cell; } private static Paragraph createSkillSufix(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, AvailableSkill availableSkill, int fontSize, int maxColumnWidth) { if (availableSkill == null) { return new Paragraph(" "); } Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); // Add number first to calculate length. if (availableSkill.getSpecialization() != null // This two skills are special. || availableSkill.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(SkillDefinition.PLANETARY_LORE_ID) || availableSkill.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(SkillDefinition.FACTORION_LORE_ID)) { if (availableSkill.getSkillDefinition().isLimitedToFaction()) { paragraph.add(createSpecializedSkill(characterPlayer, availableSkill, FadingSunsTheme.getLineItalicFont(), fontSize, maxColumnWidth)); } else { paragraph.add(createSpecializedSkill(characterPlayer, availableSkill, FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize, maxColumnWidth)); } } else { if (availableSkill.getSkillDefinition().isLimitedToFaction()) { paragraph.add(new Paragraph(availableSkill.getName(), new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getLineItalicFont(), fontSize))); } else { paragraph.add( new Paragraph(availableSkill.getName(), new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize))); } } // Put number at the end. if (availableSkill.getSkillDefinition().isNatural()) { paragraph.add( new Paragraph(DEFAULT_NATURAL_SKILL_VALUE, new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize))); } return paragraph; } private static Paragraph createSpecializedSkill(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, AvailableSkill availableSkill, BaseFont font, int fontSize, int maxColumnWidth) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); float usedWidth = font.getWidthPoint( availableSkill.getName() + " []" + (availableSkill.getSkillDefinition().isNatural() ? DEFAULT_NATURAL_SKILL_VALUE : ""), fontSize); paragraph.add(new Paragraph(availableSkill.getName() + " [", new Font(font, fontSize))); if (characterPlayer != null && characterPlayer.getSelectedSkill(availableSkill) == null) { if (availableSkill.getSpecialization() != null && availableSkill.getSpecialization().getName() != null) { paragraph.add(new Paragraph( CellUtils.getSubStringFitsIn(availableSkill.getSpecialization().getName(), FadingSunsTheme.getHandwrittingFont(), FadingSunsTheme.getHandWrittingFontSize(fontSize), maxColumnWidth - usedWidth), new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getHandwrittingFont(), FadingSunsTheme.getHandWrittingFontSize(fontSize)))); } else { paragraph.add(new Paragraph(CellUtils.getSubStringFitsIn(DEFAULT_WHITE_SPACES, font, fontSize, maxColumnWidth - usedWidth), new Font(font, fontSize))); } } else { paragraph.add(new Paragraph( CellUtils.getSubStringFitsIn( characterPlayer != null ? characterPlayer.getSelectedSkill(availableSkill).getName() .replace(availableSkill.getName(), "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").trim() : DEFAULT_WHITE_SPACES, FadingSunsTheme.getHandwrittingFont(), FadingSunsTheme.getHandWrittingFontSize(fontSize), maxColumnWidth - usedWidth), new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getHandwrittingFont(), FadingSunsTheme.getHandWrittingFontSize(fontSize)))); } paragraph.add(new Paragraph("]", new Font(font, fontSize))); return paragraph; } private static Paragraph createSkillSufix(SkillDefinition skillDefinition, int fontSize, int maxColumnWidth) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); // Add number first to calculate length. if (skillDefinition.isSpecializable()) { if (skillDefinition.isLimitedToFaction()) { paragraph.add(createSpecializedSkill(skillDefinition, FadingSunsTheme.getLineItalicFont(), fontSize, maxColumnWidth)); } else { paragraph.add(createSpecializedSkill(skillDefinition, FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize, maxColumnWidth)); } } else { if (skillDefinition.isLimitedToFaction()) { paragraph.add(new Paragraph(skillDefinition.getName(), new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getLineItalicFont(), fontSize))); } else { paragraph.add(new Paragraph(skillDefinition.getName(), new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize))); } } // Put number at the end. if (skillDefinition.isNatural()) { paragraph.add( new Paragraph(DEFAULT_NATURAL_SKILL_VALUE, new Font(FadingSunsTheme.getLineFont(), fontSize))); } return paragraph; } private static Paragraph createSpecializedSkill(SkillDefinition skillDefinition, BaseFont font, int fontSize, int maxColumnWidth) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); float usedWidth = font.getWidthPoint(skillDefinition.getName() + " []" + (skillDefinition.isNatural() ? DEFAULT_NATURAL_SKILL_VALUE : ""), fontSize); paragraph.add(new Paragraph(skillDefinition.getName() + " [", new Font(font, fontSize))); paragraph.add(new Paragraph( CellUtils.getSubStringFitsIn(DEFAULT_WHITE_SPACES, font, fontSize, maxColumnWidth - usedWidth), new Font(font, fontSize))); paragraph.add(new Paragraph("]", new Font(font, fontSize))); return paragraph; } }