Java tutorial
package; /*- * #%L * Think Machine (Core) * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 Softwaremagico * %% * This software is designed by Jorge Hortelano Otero. Jorge Hortelano Otero * <> Valencia (Spain). * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CompleteSkillsTable extends SkillsTable { private final static int ROWS = 30; private static Integer totalSkillsToShow = null; private final static String SKILL_VALUE_GAP = "____"; private final static int OCCULTISM_ROWS = 5; private final static int MAX_SKILL_COLUMN_WIDTH = 115; public static PdfPTable getSkillsTable(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, String language) throws InvalidXmlElementException { float[] widths = { 1f, 1f, 1f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); setTablePropierties(table); Stack<PdfPCell> learnedSkillsRows = createLearnedSkillsRows(ROWS - (2 * TITLE_ROWSPAN) - SkillsDefinitionsFactory.getInstance().getNaturalSkills(language).size() + ROWS + ROWS - OCCULTISM_ROWS, characterPlayer, language); table.addCell(getFirstColumnTable(characterPlayer, language, learnedSkillsRows)); table.addCell(getSecondColumnTable(characterPlayer, language, learnedSkillsRows)); table.addCell(getThirdColumnTable(characterPlayer, language, learnedSkillsRows)); return table; } private static PdfPCell getFirstColumnTable(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, String language, Stack<PdfPCell> learnedSkillsRows) throws InvalidXmlElementException { float[] widths = { 4f, 1f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); setTablePropierties(table); table.addCell(createTitle(getTranslator().getTranslatedText("naturalSkills"), FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_TITLE_FONT_SIZE)); if (characterPlayer == null) { for (AvailableSkill skill : AvailableSkillsFactory.getInstance().getNaturalSkills(language)) { table.addCell(createSkillElement(characterPlayer, skill, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE, MAX_SKILL_COLUMN_WIDTH)); table.addCell(createSkillLine(SKILL_VALUE_GAP, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); } } else { for (AvailableSkill skill : characterPlayer.getNaturalSkills()) { table.addCell(createSkillElement(characterPlayer, skill, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE, MAX_SKILL_COLUMN_WIDTH)); table.addCell(createSkillValue(characterPlayer.getSkillTotalRanks(skill), characterPlayer.isSkillSpecial(skill) || characterPlayer.hasSkillTemporalModificator(skill), characterPlayer.hasSkillModificator(skill), FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); } } table.addCell(createTitle(getTranslator().getTranslatedText("learnedSkills"), FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_TITLE_FONT_SIZE)); int totalRows = Math.min(getTotalLearnedSkillsToShow(language), ROWS - (2 * TITLE_ROWSPAN) - SkillsDefinitionsFactory.getInstance().getNaturalSkills(language).size()); for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) { // Two columns: skill and value. table.addCell(learnedSkillsRows.pop()); table.addCell(learnedSkillsRows.pop()); } PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); setCellProperties(cell); cell.addElement(table); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); return cell; } private static PdfPCell getSecondColumnTable(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, String language, Stack<PdfPCell> learnedSkillsRows) throws InvalidXmlElementException { float[] widths = { 4f, 1f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); setTablePropierties(table); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); setCellProperties(cell); for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { // Two columns: skill and value. table.addCell(learnedSkillsRows.pop()); table.addCell(learnedSkillsRows.pop()); } cell.addElement(table); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); return cell; } private static PdfPCell getThirdColumnTable(CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, String language, Stack<PdfPCell> learnedSkillsRows) throws InvalidXmlElementException { float[] widths = { 4f, 1f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); setTablePropierties(table); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); setCellProperties(cell); for (int i = 0; i < ROWS - OCCULTISM_ROWS; i++) { // Two columns: skill and value. table.addCell(learnedSkillsRows.pop()); table.addCell(learnedSkillsRows.pop()); } // Add Occultism table PdfPTable occultismTable = new OccultismTable(characterPlayer, language); PdfPCell occulstimCell = new PdfPCell(); // setCellProperties(occulstimCell); // occulstimCell.setRowspan(widths.length); occulstimCell.setRowspan(OCCULTISM_ROWS); occulstimCell.setColspan(2); occulstimCell.addElement(occultismTable); occulstimCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM); occulstimCell.setPadding(0); table.addCell(occulstimCell); cell.addElement(table); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); return cell; } private static int getTotalLearnedSkillsToShow(String language) throws InvalidXmlElementException { if (totalSkillsToShow != null) { return totalSkillsToShow; } int total = 0; for (SkillDefinition skillDefinition : SkillsDefinitionsFactory.getInstance().getLearnedSkills(language)) { total += skillDefinition.getNumberToShow(); } totalSkillsToShow = total; return total; } /** * Creates a stack of skills and values in order. * * @param totalRows * Rows to be filled up. * @param characterPlayer * Character data. * @param language * Language of the skills. * @return The stack * @throws InvalidXmlElementException * If content files cannot be read. */ private static Stack<PdfPCell> createLearnedSkillsRows(int totalRows, CharacterPlayer characterPlayer, String language) throws InvalidXmlElementException { Stack<PdfPCell> rows = new Stack<>(); int rowsAdded = 0; for (SkillDefinition skillDefinition : SkillsDefinitionsFactory.getInstance().getLearnedSkills(language)) { // We need to put empty specialized skills, but not all possible // specializations. try { int addedAvailableSkill = 0; // But first the already defined in a character. List<AvailableSkill> availableSkillsByDefinition = AvailableSkillsFactory.getInstance() .getAvailableSkills(skillDefinition, language); for (AvailableSkill availableSkill : availableSkillsByDefinition) { // Only specializations if they have ranks. if (!skillDefinition.isSpecializable() || (characterPlayer != null && characterPlayer.getSkillTotalRanks(availableSkill) > 0)) { rows.add(createSkillElement(characterPlayer, availableSkill, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE, MAX_SKILL_COLUMN_WIDTH)); if (characterPlayer == null) { rows.add(createSkillLine(SKILL_VALUE_GAP, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); } else { rows.add(createSkillValue(characterPlayer.getSkillTotalRanks(availableSkill), characterPlayer.isSkillSpecial(availableSkill) || characterPlayer.hasSkillTemporalModificator(availableSkill), characterPlayer.hasSkillModificator(availableSkill), FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); } addedAvailableSkill++; rowsAdded++; } } // We want some empty specializations into the chart. for (int j = addedAvailableSkill; j < skillDefinition.getNumberToShow() && rowsAdded < totalRows; j++) { rows.add(createSkillElement(skillDefinition, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE, MAX_SKILL_COLUMN_WIDTH)); rows.add(createSkillLine(SKILL_VALUE_GAP, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); rowsAdded++; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe) { break; } } // Complete with empty skills the end of the column. for (int row = rowsAdded; row < totalRows; row++) { rows.add(createSkillLine("________________________", FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); rows.add(createSkillLine(SKILL_VALUE_GAP, FadingSunsTheme.SKILLS_LINE_FONT_SIZE)); } // Reverse stack due to we need to start from the first skill. Collections.reverse(rows); return rows; } }