Java tutorial
package com.socrata.datasync.job; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import com.socrata.api.Soda2Producer; import com.socrata.api.SodaDdl; import com.socrata.api.SodaWorkflow; import com.socrata.datasync.*; import com.socrata.datasync.config.userpreferences.UserPreferences; import com.socrata.datasync.config.userpreferences.UserPreferencesFile; import com.socrata.datasync.config.userpreferences.UserPreferencesJava; import com.socrata.exceptions.SodaError; import com.socrata.model.importer.DatasetInfo; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty; import; @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) public class MetadataJob extends Job { /** * @author Brian Williamson * * Stores a single metadata job that can be opened/run in the GUI * or in command-line mode. */ static AtomicInteger jobCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); int jobNum = jobCounter.getAndIncrement(); private String defaultJobName = "Unsaved Metadata Job" + " (" + jobNum + ")"; private UserPreferences userPrefs; private static final int DATASET_ID_LENGTH = 9; // Anytime a @JsonProperty is added/removed/updated in this class add 1 to this value private static final long fileVersionUID = 1L; private String datasetID = ""; private String title = ""; private String description = ""; private String category = ""; private List<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>(); private LicenseType licenseType = LicenseType.no_license; private String dataProvidedBy = ""; private String sourceLink = ""; private String contactInfo = ""; private static final String DEFAULT_JOB_NAME = "Untitled Metadata Job"; public static final List<String> allowedFileToPublishExtensions = Arrays.asList("csv", "tsv"); public MetadataJob() { userPrefs = new UserPreferencesJava(); } /* * This is a method that enables DataSync preferences to be loaded from * a .json file instead of Java Preferences class */ public MetadataJob(File preferencesConfigFile) throws IOException { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { userPrefs = mapper.readValue(preferencesConfigFile, UserPreferencesFile.class); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO add log entry??? throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public MetadataJob(UserPreferences userPreferences) { userPrefs = userPreferences; } /** * Loads metadata job data from a file and * uses the saved data to populate the fields * of this object */ public MetadataJob(String pathToFile) throws IOException { userPrefs = new UserPreferencesJava(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { MetadataJob loadedJob = mapper.readValue(new File(pathToFile), MetadataJob.class); setDatasetID(loadedJob.getDatasetID()); setTitle(loadedJob.getTitle()); setDescription(loadedJob.getDescription()); setCategory(loadedJob.getCategory()); setKeywords(loadedJob.getKeywords()); setLicenseType(LicenseType.getLicenseTypeForValue(loadedJob.getLicenseTypeId())); setDataProvidedBy(loadedJob.getDataProvidedBy()); setSourceLink(loadedJob.getSourceLink()); setContactInfo(loadedJob.getContactInfo()); setPathToSavedFile(pathToFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public String getDefaultJobName() { return defaultJobName; } public void configure(CommandLine cmd) { //TODO when a metadata job can work from the cmd line, not just a job file } public boolean validateArgs(CommandLine cmd) { //TODO when a metadata job can work from the cmd line, not just a job file return true; } /** * * @return an error JobStatus if any input is invalid, otherwise JobStatus.VALID */ //TODO: Need to get info on max sizes on fields and validate here. public JobStatus validate(SocrataConnectionInfo connectionInfo) { if (!(connectionInfo.getUrl().startsWith("http://") || connectionInfo.getUrl().startsWith("https://"))) { return JobStatus.INVALID_DOMAIN; } if (datasetID.length() != DATASET_ID_LENGTH) { return JobStatus.INVALID_DATASET_ID; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { return JobStatus.MISSING_METADATA_TITLE; } return JobStatus.VALID; } public JobStatus run() { SocrataConnectionInfo connectionInfo = userPrefs.getConnectionInfo(); JobStatus runStatus = JobStatus.SUCCESS; String runErrorMessage = null; JobStatus validationStatus = validate(connectionInfo); //boolean workingCopyCreated = false; String workingCopyDatasetId = null; if (validationStatus.isError()) { runStatus = validationStatus; } else { final SodaDdl updater = SodaDdl.newDdl(connectionInfo.getUrl(), connectionInfo.getUser(), connectionInfo.getPassword(), connectionInfo.getToken()); final SodaWorkflow workflower = SodaWorkflow.newWorkflow(connectionInfo.getUrl(), connectionInfo.getUser(), connectionInfo.getPassword(), connectionInfo.getToken()); boolean noExceptions = false; try { DatasetInfo datasetInfo = updater.loadDatasetInfo(datasetID); if (datasetInfo == null) { runErrorMessage = "Dataset with that ID does not exist or you do not have permission to publish to it"; runStatus = JobStatus.PUBLISH_ERROR; } else { if (datasetInfo.PUBLISHED.equals(datasetInfo.getPublicationStage())) { DatasetInfo workingCopyDatasetInfo = workflower.createWorkingCopy(datasetInfo.getId()); datasetInfo = updater.loadDatasetInfo(workingCopyDatasetInfo.getId()); workingCopyDatasetId = datasetInfo.getId(); } datasetInfo.setName(title); datasetInfo.setDescription(description); datasetInfo.setCategory(category); if (keywords != null && !keywords.isEmpty()) { datasetInfo.setTags(keywords); } else { datasetInfo.setTags(new ArrayList<String>()); } if (licenseType != null) { //TODO: Once issue with setting no license via api is resolved, update below to handle if (licenseType == LicenseType.no_license) { datasetInfo.setLicenseId(""); //null, "", "''", "\"\"", Tried all of these, no luck, validation errors on all, so } else { datasetInfo.setLicenseId(licenseType.getValue()); } } datasetInfo.setAttribution(dataProvidedBy); datasetInfo.setAttributionLink(sourceLink); Map<String, Object> privateMetadata = datasetInfo.getPrivateMetadata(); if (privateMetadata == null) { privateMetadata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } privateMetadata.put("contactEmail", contactInfo); updater.updateDatasetInfo(datasetInfo); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(workingCopyDatasetId)) { workflower.publish(datasetInfo.getId()); workingCopyDatasetId = null; } noExceptions = true; } } catch (SodaError sodaError) { runErrorMessage = sodaError.getMessage(); runStatus = JobStatus.PUBLISH_ERROR; } catch (InterruptedException intrruptException) { runErrorMessage = intrruptException.getMessage(); runStatus = JobStatus.PUBLISH_ERROR; } catch (Exception other) { runErrorMessage = other.toString() + ": " + other.getMessage() + " \r\n " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(other); runStatus = JobStatus.PUBLISH_ERROR; } finally { try { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(workingCopyDatasetId)) { workflower.publish(workingCopyDatasetId); } } catch (Exception e) { runErrorMessage += " | Unable to publish dataset after updates"; runStatus = JobStatus.PUBLISH_ERROR; } } } String adminEmail = userPrefs.getAdminEmail(); String logDatasetID = userPrefs.getLogDatasetID(); JobStatus logStatus = JobStatus.SUCCESS; if (!logDatasetID.equals("")) { if (runErrorMessage != null) runStatus.setMessage(runErrorMessage); logStatus = addLogEntry(logDatasetID, connectionInfo, this, runStatus); } //Send email if there was an error updating log or target dataset if (userPrefs.emailUponError() && !adminEmail.equals("")) { String errorEmailMessage = ""; String urlToLogDataset = connectionInfo.getUrl() + "/d/" + logDatasetID; if (runStatus.isError()) { errorEmailMessage += "There was an error updating dataset metadata.\n" + "\nDataset: " + connectionInfo.getUrl() + "/d/" + getDatasetID() + "\nJob File: " + pathToSavedJobFile + "\nError message: " + runErrorMessage + "\nLog dataset: " + urlToLogDataset + "\n\n"; } if (logStatus.isError()) { errorEmailMessage += "There was an error updating the log dataset: " + urlToLogDataset + "\n" + "Error message: " + logStatus.getMessage() + "\n\n"; } if (runStatus.isError() || logStatus.isError()) { try { SMTPMailer.send(adminEmail, "Socrata DataSync Error", errorEmailMessage); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error sending email to: " + adminEmail + "\n" + e.getMessage()); } } } // IMPORTANT because setMessage from Logging dataset interferes with enum if (runErrorMessage != null) runStatus.setMessage(runErrorMessage); return runStatus; } public String loadCurrentMetadata() { try { SocrataConnectionInfo connectionInfo = userPrefs.getConnectionInfo(); final SodaDdl sodaDdl = SodaDdl.newDdl(connectionInfo.getUrl(), connectionInfo.getUser(), connectionInfo.getPassword(), connectionInfo.getToken()); readDatasetInfo(sodaDdl.loadDatasetInfo(datasetID)); return ""; } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } } //Probably makes sense to make one generic addLogEntry() for all job types public static JobStatus addLogEntry(String logDatasetID, SocrataConnectionInfo connectionInfo, MetadataJob job, JobStatus status) { final Soda2Producer producer = Soda2Producer.newProducer(connectionInfo.getUrl(), connectionInfo.getUser(), connectionInfo.getPassword(), connectionInfo.getToken()); List<Map<String, Object>> upsertObjects = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> newCols = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // add standard log data Date currentDateTime = new Date(); newCols.put("Date", (Object) currentDateTime); newCols.put("DatasetID", (Object) job.getDatasetID()); newCols.put("JobFile", (Object) job.getPathToSavedFile()); if (status.isError()) { newCols.put("Errors", (Object) status.getMessage()); } else { newCols.put("Success", (Object) true); } upsertObjects.add(ImmutableMap.copyOf(newCols)); JobStatus logStatus = JobStatus.SUCCESS; String errorMessage = ""; boolean noPublishExceptions = false; try { producer.upsert(logDatasetID, upsertObjects); noPublishExceptions = true; } catch (SodaError sodaError) { errorMessage = sodaError.getMessage(); } catch (InterruptedException intrruptException) { errorMessage = intrruptException.getMessage(); } catch (Exception other) { errorMessage = other.toString() + ": " + other.getMessage(); } finally { if (!noPublishExceptions) { logStatus = JobStatus.PUBLISH_ERROR; logStatus.setMessage(errorMessage); } } return logStatus; } @JsonProperty("fileVersionUID") public long getFileVersionUID() { return fileVersionUID; } @JsonProperty("datasetID") public void setDatasetID(String newDatasetID) { datasetID = newDatasetID; } @JsonProperty("datasetID") public String getDatasetID() { return datasetID; } @JsonProperty("title") public String getTitle() { return title; } @JsonProperty("title") public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } @JsonProperty("description") public String getDescription() { return description; } @JsonProperty("description") public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } @JsonProperty("category") public String getCategory() { return category; } @JsonProperty("category") public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category; } @JsonProperty("keywords") public List<String> getKeywords() { return keywords; } @JsonProperty("keywords") public void setKeywords(List<String> keywords) { this.keywords = keywords; } @JsonProperty("license_type_id") public String getLicenseTypeId() { if (licenseType != null) { return licenseType.getValue(); } return licenseType.no_license.getValue(); } @JsonProperty("license_type_id") public void setLicenseTypeId(String licenseTypeId) { this.licenseType = LicenseType.getLicenseTypeForValue(licenseTypeId); } public LicenseType getLicenseType() { return this.licenseType; } public void setLicenseType(LicenseType licenseType) { this.licenseType = licenseType; } @JsonProperty("data_provided_by") public String getDataProvidedBy() { return dataProvidedBy; } @JsonProperty("data_provided_by") public void setDataProvidedBy(String dataProvidedBy) { this.dataProvidedBy = dataProvidedBy; } @JsonProperty("source_link") public String getSourceLink() { return sourceLink; } @JsonProperty("source_link") public void setSourceLink(String sourceLink) { this.sourceLink = sourceLink; } @JsonProperty("contact_info") public String getContactInfo() { return contactInfo; } @JsonProperty("contact_info") public void setContactInfo(String contactInfo) { this.contactInfo = contactInfo; } private void readDatasetInfo(DatasetInfo datasetInfo) { if (datasetInfo == null) { return; } this.datasetID = datasetInfo.getId(); this.title = datasetInfo.getName(); this.description = datasetInfo.getDescription(); this.category = datasetInfo.getCategory(); this.keywords = datasetInfo.getTags(); this.licenseType = LicenseType.getLicenseTypeForValue(datasetInfo.getLicenseId()); this.dataProvidedBy = datasetInfo.getAttribution(); this.sourceLink = datasetInfo.getAttributionLink(); Map<String, Object> privateMetadata = datasetInfo.getPrivateMetadata(); if (privateMetadata != null) { Object contactInfoObj = privateMetadata.get("contactEmail"); if (contactInfoObj instanceof String) { this.contactInfo = (String) contactInfoObj; } } } }