Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Socialize Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.socialize.provider; import android.content.Context; import; import com.socialize.api.*; import com.socialize.api.action.ActionType; import com.socialize.auth.*; import com.socialize.config.SocializeConfig; import com.socialize.entity.*; import com.socialize.error.SocializeApiError; import com.socialize.error.SocializeException; import com.socialize.log.SocializeLogger; import; import com.socialize.util.HttpUtils; import com.socialize.util.IOUtils; import com.socialize.util.JSONParser; import com.socialize.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * @author Jason Polites * * @param <T> */ public abstract class BaseSocializeProvider<T extends SocializeObject> implements SocializeProvider<T> { public static final String JSON_ATTR_ERRORS = "errors"; public static final String JSON_ATTR_ITEMS = "items"; public static final String JSON_ATTR_COUNT = "total_count"; private SocializeObjectFactory<User> userFactory; private IBeanFactory<AuthProviderData> authProviderDataFactory; private AuthProviderInfoBuilder authProviderInfoBuilder; private ErrorFactory errorFactory; private HttpClientFactory clientFactory; private SocializeSessionFactory sessionFactory; private SocializeRequestFactory<T> requestFactory; private JSONParser jsonParser; private SocializeLogger logger; private HttpUtils httpUtils; private IOUtils ioUtils; private SocializeSessionPersister sessionPersister; private SocializeConfig config; private WeakReference<Context> context; public BaseSocializeProvider() { super(); } @Override public void init(Context context) { this.context = new WeakReference<Context>(context); } public void setUserFactory(SocializeObjectFactory<User> userFactory) { this.userFactory = userFactory; } public void setClientFactory(HttpClientFactory clientFactory) { this.clientFactory = clientFactory; } public void setRequestFactory(SocializeRequestFactory<T> requestFactory) { this.requestFactory = requestFactory; } public void setJsonParser(JSONParser jsonParser) { this.jsonParser = jsonParser; } public void setHttpUtils(HttpUtils httpUtils) { this.httpUtils = httpUtils; } public void setIoUtils(IOUtils ioUtils) { this.ioUtils = ioUtils; } public void setConfig(SocializeConfig config) { this.config = config; } public void setErrorFactory(ErrorFactory errorFactory) { this.errorFactory = errorFactory; } public void setSessionFactory(SocializeSessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } @Override public SocializeSession authenticate(String endpoint, String key, String secret, String uuid, String advertiserId) throws SocializeException { if (authProviderDataFactory == null) { throw new SocializeException("Socialize not initialized"); } AuthProviderData data = authProviderDataFactory.getBean(); if (data == null) { throw new SocializeException("Socialize not initialized"); } data.setAuthProviderInfo( authProviderInfoBuilder.getFactory(AuthProviderType.SOCIALIZE).getInstanceForRead()); return authenticate(endpoint, key, secret, data, uuid, advertiserId); } @Override public WritableSession loadSession(String endpoint, String key, String secret) throws SocializeException { if (sessionPersister != null) { WritableSession loaded = sessionPersister.load(context.get()); // Verify that the key/secret matches if (loaded != null) { String loadedKey = loaded.getConsumerKey(); String loadedSecret = loaded.getConsumerSecret(); String loadedHost = loaded.getHost(); String host = config.getProperty(SocializeConfig.API_HOST); if (loadedKey != null && loadedKey.equals(key) && loadedSecret != null && loadedSecret.equals(secret) && loadedHost != null && loadedHost.equals(host)) { return loaded; } } } return null; } @Override public boolean validateSession(SocializeSession session, AuthProviderData data) { AuthProviderInfo info = data.getAuthProviderInfo(); if (info != null) { if (info.getType().equals(AuthProviderType.SOCIALIZE)) { return true; } return validateSessionAuthData(session, data, info); } else { return false; } } public boolean validateSessionAuthData(SocializeSession loaded, AuthProviderData data, AuthProviderInfo info) { UserProviderCredentialsMap userProviderCredentialsMap = loaded.getUserProviderCredentials(); if (userProviderCredentialsMap != null) { UserProviderCredentials userProviderCredentials = userProviderCredentialsMap.get(info.getType()); if (userProviderCredentials != null && userProviderCredentials.getAuthProviderInfo().matches(info)) { boolean ok = true; String token3rdParty = data.getToken3rdParty(); String secret3rdParty = data.getSecret3rdParty(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(token3rdParty)) { ok = userProviderCredentials.getAccessToken().equals(token3rdParty); } if (ok && !StringUtils.isEmpty(secret3rdParty)) { ok = userProviderCredentials.getTokenSecret().equals(secret3rdParty); } return ok; } } return false; } // Mockable protected AuthProviderData newAuthProviderData() { return new AuthProviderData(); } @Override public void clearSession(AuthProviderType type) { if (sessionPersister != null) { sessionPersister.delete(context.get(), type); } } @Override public void clearSession() { if (sessionPersister != null) { sessionPersister.delete(context.get()); } } public void saveSession(SocializeSession session) { if (sessionPersister != null) {, session); } } @Override public SocializeSession authenticate(String endpoint, String key, String secret, AuthProviderData data, String uuid, String advertiserId) throws SocializeException { try { SessionLock.lock(); WritableSession session = loadSession(endpoint, key, secret); if (session != null) { if (validateSession(session, data)) { return session; } else { session = setProviderCredentialsForUser(data, session); } } if (session == null) { session = sessionFactory.create(key, secret, data); } endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint, true); if (!clientFactory.isDestroyed()) { HttpClient client = clientFactory.getClient(); HttpEntity entity = null; try { HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getAuthRequest(session, endpoint, uuid, advertiserId, data); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calling authenticate endpoint for device [" + uuid + "]"); } HttpResponse response = executeRequest(client, request); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("RESPONSE CODE: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } entity = response.getEntity(); if (httpUtils.isHttpError(response)) { if (sessionPersister != null && httpUtils.isAuthError(response)) { sessionPersister.delete(context.get()); } String msg = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); throw new SocializeApiError(httpUtils, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), msg); } else { String responseData = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("RESPONSE: " + responseData); } JSONObject json = jsonParser.parseObject(responseData); User user = userFactory.fromJSON(json.getJSONObject("user")); String oauth_token = json.getString("oauth_token"); String oauth_token_secret = json.getString("oauth_token_secret"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oauth_token)) { throw new SocializeException("oauth_token was empty in response from server"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oauth_token_secret)) { throw new SocializeException("oauth_token_secret was empty in response from server"); } session.setConsumerToken(oauth_token); session.setConsumerTokenSecret(oauth_token_secret); session.setUser(user); setProviderCredentialsForUser(data, session); // Ensure the user credentials match the user auth data returned from the server verifyProviderCredentialsForUser(session, user); saveSession(session); } } catch (Exception e) { throw SocializeException.wrap(e); } finally { closeEntity(entity); } } else { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Attempt to access HttpClientFactory that was already destroyed"); } } return session; } finally { SessionLock.unlock(); } } protected WritableSession setProviderCredentialsForUser(AuthProviderData data, WritableSession session) { AuthProviderInfo info = data.getAuthProviderInfo(); if (info != null) { DefaultUserProviderCredentials userProviderCredentials = new DefaultUserProviderCredentials(); userProviderCredentials.setAccessToken(data.getToken3rdParty()); userProviderCredentials.setTokenSecret(data.getSecret3rdParty()); userProviderCredentials.setUserId(data.getUserId3rdParty()); UserProviderCredentials current = session.getUserProviderCredentials().get(info.getType()); if (current != null) { AuthProviderInfo authProviderInfo = current.getAuthProviderInfo(); if (authProviderInfo != null) { authProviderInfo.merge(data.getAuthProviderInfo()); } userProviderCredentials.setAuthProviderInfo(authProviderInfo); } else { userProviderCredentials.setAuthProviderInfo(data.getAuthProviderInfo()); } session.getUserProviderCredentials().put(info.getType(), userProviderCredentials); } else { // Legacy session = null; } return session; } protected void verifyProviderCredentialsForUser(WritableSession session, User user) { List<UserAuthData> authData = user.getAuthData(); UserProviderCredentialsMap credentials = session.getUserProviderCredentials(); if (credentials != null) { if (authData != null) { Map<AuthProviderType, UserProviderCredentials> validCreds = new LinkedHashMap<AuthProviderType, UserProviderCredentials>(); for (UserAuthData userAuthData : authData) { UserProviderCredentials creds = credentials.get(userAuthData.getAuthProviderType()); if (creds != null) { validCreds.put(userAuthData.getAuthProviderType(), creds); } } // Clear and reset credentials.removeAll(); Set<Entry<AuthProviderType, UserProviderCredentials>> entrySet = validCreds.entrySet(); for (Entry<AuthProviderType, UserProviderCredentials> entry : entrySet) { credentials.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } else { credentials.removeAll(); } // Set back to session session.setUserProviderCredentials(credentials); } } @Override public T get(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, String id, ActionType type) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest get = requestFactory.getGetRequest(session, endpoint, id); return doGetTypeRequest(get, type); } @Override public T get(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, String id) throws SocializeException { return get(session, endpoint, id, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public void delete(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, String id) throws SocializeException { HttpEntity entity = null; if (!clientFactory.isDestroyed()) { try { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpClient client = clientFactory.getClient(); HttpUriRequest del = requestFactory.getDeleteRequest(session, endpoint, id); HttpResponse response = client.execute(del); entity = response.getEntity(); if (httpUtils.isHttpError(response)) { if (sessionPersister != null && httpUtils.isAuthError(response)) { sessionPersister.delete(context.get()); } String msg = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); throw new SocializeApiError(httpUtils, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), msg); } } catch (Exception e) { throw SocializeException.wrap(e); } finally { closeEntity(entity); } } else { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Attempt to access HttpClientFactory that was already destroyed"); } } } @Override public ListResult<T> list(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, int startIndex, int endIndex) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getListRequest(session, endpoint, startIndex, endIndex); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public ListResult<T> list(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, String key, String[] ids, String idKey, Map<String, String> extraParams, int startIndex, int endIndex) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getListRequest(session, endpoint, key, ids, idKey, extraParams, startIndex, endIndex); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public ListResult<T> list(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, String key, String[] ids, int startIndex, int endIndex) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getListRequest(session, endpoint, key, ids, startIndex, endIndex); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public ListResult<T> put(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, T object) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getPutRequest(session, endpoint, object); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public ListResult<T> put(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, Collection<T> objects) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getPutRequest(session, endpoint, objects); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public ListResult<T> post(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, T object, boolean jsonResponse) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getPostRequest(session, endpoint, object); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN, jsonResponse); } @Override public T putAsPost(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, T object) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getPostRequest(session, endpoint, object); return doGetTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } @Override public ListResult<T> post(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, Collection<T> objects, boolean isJSONResponse) throws SocializeException { endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint); HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getPostRequest(session, endpoint, objects); return doListTypeRequest(request, ActionType.UNKNOWN); } private T doGetTypeRequest(HttpUriRequest request, ActionType actionType) throws SocializeException { HttpEntity entity = null; if (!clientFactory.isDestroyed()) { try { HttpClient client = clientFactory.getClient(); HttpResponse response = executeRequest(client, request); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("RESPONSE CODE: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } entity = response.getEntity(); if (httpUtils.isHttpError(response)) { if (sessionPersister != null && httpUtils.isAuthError(response)) { sessionPersister.delete(context.get()); } String msg = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); throw new SocializeApiError(httpUtils, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), msg); } else { String responseData = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("RESPONSE: " + responseData); } JSONObject json = jsonParser.parseObject(responseData); return fromJSON(json, actionType); } } catch (Exception e) { throw SocializeException.wrap(e); } finally { closeEntity(entity); } } else { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Attempt to access HttpClientFactory that was already destroyed"); } return null; } } private HttpResponse executeRequest(HttpClient client, HttpUriRequest request) throws IOException { if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Header[] allHeaders = request.getAllHeaders(); for (Header header : allHeaders) { builder.append(header.getName()); builder.append(":"); builder.append(header.getValue()); builder.append("\n"); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "REQUEST \nurl:[" + request.getURI().toString() + "] \nheaders:\n" + builder.toString()); } if (request instanceof HttpPost) { HttpPost post = (HttpPost) request; HttpEntity entity = post.getEntity(); String requestData = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("REQUEST \ndata:[" + requestData + "]"); } } } return client.execute(request); } private ListResult<T> doListTypeRequest(HttpUriRequest request, ActionType type) throws SocializeException { return doListTypeRequest(request, type, true); } private ListResult<T> doListTypeRequest(HttpUriRequest request, ActionType type, boolean isJSONResponse) throws SocializeException { List<T> results = null; List<ActionError> errors = null; HttpEntity entity = null; ListResult<T> result = null; if (!clientFactory.isDestroyed()) { try { HttpClient client = clientFactory.getClient(); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Request: " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestLine().getUri()); } HttpResponse response = executeRequest(client, request); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("RESPONSE CODE: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } entity = response.getEntity(); if (httpUtils.isHttpError(response)) { if (sessionPersister != null && httpUtils.isAuthError(response)) { sessionPersister.delete(context.get()); } String msg = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); throw new SocializeApiError(httpUtils, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), msg); } else { result = new ListResult<T>(); if (isJSONResponse) { // Read the json just for logging String json = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("RESPONSE: " + json); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(json)) { JSONObject object; try { object = jsonParser.parseObject(json); } catch (JSONException je) { throw new SocializeException("Failed to parse response as JSON [" + json + "]", je); } if (object.has(JSON_ATTR_ERRORS) && !object.isNull(JSON_ATTR_ERRORS)) { JSONArray errorList = object.getJSONArray(JSON_ATTR_ERRORS); int length = errorList.length(); errors = new ArrayList<ActionError>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = errorList.getJSONObject(i); ActionError error = errorFactory.fromJSON(jsonObject); errors.add(error); } result.setErrors(errors); } if (object.has(JSON_ATTR_ITEMS) && !object.isNull(JSON_ATTR_ITEMS)) { JSONArray list = object.getJSONArray(JSON_ATTR_ITEMS); int length = list.length(); results = new ArrayList<T>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { results.add(fromJSON(list.getJSONObject(i), type)); } result.setItems(results); } if (object.has(JSON_ATTR_COUNT) && !object.isNull(JSON_ATTR_COUNT)) { result.setTotalCount(object.getInt(JSON_ATTR_COUNT)); } } } } } catch (Throwable e) { throw SocializeException.wrap(e); } finally { closeEntity(entity); } return result; } else { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Attempt to access HttpClientFactory that was already destroyed"); } return null; } } public void setLogger(SocializeLogger logger) { this.logger = logger; } public void setSessionPersister(SocializeSessionPersister sessionPersister) { this.sessionPersister = sessionPersister; } public void setAuthProviderDataFactory(IBeanFactory<AuthProviderData> authProviderDataFactory) { this.authProviderDataFactory = authProviderDataFactory; } public void setAuthProviderInfoBuilder(AuthProviderInfoBuilder authProviderInfoBuilder) { this.authProviderInfoBuilder = authProviderInfoBuilder; } private final String prepareEndpoint(SocializeSession session, String endpoint) { return prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint, false); } private final String prepareEndpoint(SocializeSession session, String endpoint, boolean secure) { return prepareEndpoint(session.getHost(), endpoint, secure); } private final String prepareEndpoint(String host, String endpoint, boolean secure) { endpoint = endpoint.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(host)) { logger.warn("The session did not have a host configured, using the config"); host = config.getProperty(SocializeConfig.API_HOST); } if (host != null) { if (!host.startsWith("http")) { if (secure) { host = "https://" + host; } else { host = "http://" + host; } } if (!host.endsWith("/")) { if (!endpoint.startsWith("/")) { host += "/"; } } else if (endpoint.startsWith("/")) { endpoint = endpoint.substring(1, endpoint.length()); } endpoint = host + endpoint; } else { logger.error("Could not locate host property in session or config!"); } if (!endpoint.endsWith("/")) { endpoint += "/"; } return endpoint; } private final void closeEntity(HttpEntity entity) { if (entity != null) { try { entity.consumeContent(); } catch (IOException e) { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Failed to fully consume http response content", e); } } } } public SocializeSessionPersister getSessionPersister() { return sessionPersister; } public abstract T fromJSON(JSONObject json, ActionType type) throws JSONException; }