Java tutorial
/* * SnapLogic - Data Integration * * Copyright (C) 2014, SnapLogic, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is licensed under the terms of * the SnapLogic Commercial Subscription agreement. * * "SnapLogic" is a trademark of SnapLogic, Inc. */ package com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree; import; import com.snaplogic.api.ConfigurationException; import com.snaplogic.api.ExecutionException; import; import; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.EditorSuggestionProvider; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.ExpressionProperty; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.soap.HttpContextProvider; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.soap.SoapEditorSuggestionsProviderImpl; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.soap.node.visit.SOAPMessageTemplatizer; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.soap.node.visit.SOAPMessageTemplatizerImpl; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.soap.node.visit.TemplatizerConstants; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.soap.util.InputFactory; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.util.DOMUtil; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.xsd.Types; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.xsd.TypesFactory; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.xsd.schema.SchemaConstants; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.xsd.schema.SchemaVisitor; import com.snaplogic.snap.api.xsd.schema.SchemaVisitorImpl; import com.snaplogic.util.HttpHeaderUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Interceptor; import org.apache.cxf.message.Message; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.api.Description; import org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.api.Input; import org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.api.Operation; import org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.api.Part; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Singleton; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.ERROR_WHILE_READING_OPERATION_SCHEMA; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.OPERATION_BINDING_NOT_SUPPORTED; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.PLEASE_SPECIFY_REQUEST_SCHEMA; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.REQUEST_SCHEMA_NOT_AVAILABLE; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.WSDL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.WSDL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON; import static com.snaplogic.snaps.checkfree.Messages.WSDL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_RES; /** * Utility class for SOAP snaps * * @author svatada */ @Singleton public class SoapUtils { private static final String BINDING = "binding"; private static final String SOAP_11_NS = ""; private static final String SOAP_12_NS = ""; private static final String CXF_SCOPES = "org.apache.cxf.jaxws.context" + ".WrappedMessageContext.CXF_SCOPES"; @Inject private EditorSuggestionProvider editorSuggestionProvider; @Inject private IntrospectionService introspectionService; @Inject private DOMUtil domUtil; @Inject private TypesFactory typesFactory; @Inject private InputFactory inputFactory; /** * Initializes the suggestion provider. Will create the templatizer, * extract the operation element and set the http context provider to be able to suggest the * template later on. * * @param wsdlUrl the WSDL url * @param serviceQName the service QName * @param endpointQName the endpoint QName * @param operationQName the operation QName * @param shouldEncodeAttr the flag to encode the attributes * @param clientBuilder the client builder * @param httpContextProvider the auth contedxt * * @return the editor suggestion provider */ public EditorSuggestionProvider initializeSuggestionProvider(String wsdlUrl, QName serviceQName, QName endpointQName, QName operationQName, Boolean shouldEncodeAttr, ClientBuilder clientBuilder, HttpContextProvider httpContextProvider) { URL wsdlURL = introspectionService.urlObjectFor(wsdlUrl); Description description = introspectionService.parseWsdl(wsdlURL, httpContextProvider); org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.api.Binding operationBinding = description.getService(serviceQName) .getEndpoint(endpointQName.getLocalPart()).getBinding(); Operation operation = operationBinding.getBindingOperation(operationQName.getLocalPart()).getOperation(); Input input = operation.getInput(); List<SOAPMessageTemplatizer.Input> inputs; switch (description.getVersion()) { case WSDL11: List<Part> parts = input.getParts(); if (parts == null || parts.isEmpty()) { throw new ConfigurationException(ERROR_WHILE_READING_OPERATION_SCHEMA) .withReason(REQUEST_SCHEMA_NOT_AVAILABLE).withResolution(PLEASE_SPECIFY_REQUEST_SCHEMA); } inputs = inputFactory.createTemplatizerInputListFrom(operationQName, parts); break; case WSDL20: // NOTE: The wsdl 2.0 grammar says that there can be 0 or more inputs in an // operation but there doesn't seem to be any methods which can return all of them inputs = new ArrayList<>(1); inputs.add(inputFactory.createTemplatizerInputFrom(operationQName, input.getElement())); break; default: throw new ConfigurationException(WSDL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED) .withReason(WSDL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON).withResolution(WSDL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_RES); } /*Part part = parts.get(0); Element element = part.getElement(); // XXX: Hack - don't know what to do with other parts QName elemQName; QName typeQName; if (element == null) { // no element means the part does not define the XSD schema as an element with a // proper qname, instead we attempt to get the type Type type = part.getType(); if (type != null) { elemQName = type.getQName(); } else { // no type means some crappy defined WSDL, we attempt to get the type through the // part qname elemQName = part.getPartQName(); } typeQName = elemQName; } else { // well defined WSDL, we have an element and a type of the element elemQName = element.getQName(); typeQName = element.getType().getQName(); if (typeQName == null) { typeQName = element.getQName(); } } ((SoapEditorSuggestionsProviderImpl) editorSuggestionProvider) .withClientBuilder(clientBuilder) .withElementTypeQName(typeQName) .withTemplatizer(templatizer) .withHttpContextProvider(httpContextProvider);*/ SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol soapProtocol = null; try { switch (operationBinding.getTypeOfBinding()) { case SOAP_BINDING4WSDL20: case SOAP11_BINDING4WSDL11: soapProtocol = SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_11; break; case SOAP12_BINDING4WSDL11: soapProtocol = SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_12; break; default: throw new ExecutionException(OPERATION_BINDING_NOT_SUPPORTED) .formatWith(operationBinding.getTypeOfBinding()); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { // XXX: Hack switch (description.getVersion()) { case WSDL11: org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.impl.wsdl11.BindingImpl bindingImpl11 = (org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.impl.wsdl11.BindingImpl) operationBinding; List<Object> anyList = bindingImpl11.getModel().getAny(); for (Object any : anyList) { if (any instanceof JAXBElement && (BINDING.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getLocalPart())) && (SOAP_11_NS.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getNamespaceURI()))) { soapProtocol = SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_11; break; } else if (any instanceof JAXBElement && (BINDING.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getLocalPart())) && (SOAP_12_NS.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getNamespaceURI()))) { soapProtocol = SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_12; break; } } break; case WSDL20: org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.impl.wsdl20.BindingImpl binding20 = (org.ow2.easywsdl.wsdl.impl.wsdl20.BindingImpl) operationBinding; anyList = binding20.getModel().getOperationOrFaultOrAny(); for (Object any : anyList) { if (any instanceof JAXBElement && (BINDING.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getLocalPart())) && (SOAP_11_NS.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getLocalPart()))) { soapProtocol = SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_11; break; } else if (any instanceof JAXBElement && (BINDING.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getLocalPart())) && (SOAP_12_NS.equals(((JAXBElement) any).getName().getLocalPart()))) { soapProtocol = SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_12; break; } } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } Document wsdlDocument = domUtil.getResourceAsDocument(wsdlURL, httpContextProvider); Types types = typesFactory.generateTypes(wsdlDocument); SchemaVisitor schemaVisitor = new SchemaVisitorImpl(); schemaVisitor.setProperty(SchemaConstants.ENCODE_ATTRIBUTE, shouldEncodeAttr); SOAPMessageTemplatizerImpl templatizer = new SOAPMessageTemplatizerImpl(types, schemaVisitor); templatizer.setProperty(TemplatizerConstants.ENCODE_ATTRIBUTE, shouldEncodeAttr); ((SoapEditorSuggestionsProviderImpl) editorSuggestionProvider).withClientBuilder(clientBuilder) .withInputs(inputs) .withSoapProtocol(soapProtocol == null ? SOAPMessageTemplatizer.SoapProtocol.SOAP_11 : soapProtocol) .shouldEncodeAttr(shouldEncodeAttr).withTemplatizer(templatizer) .withHttpContextProvider(httpContextProvider); return editorSuggestionProvider; } /** * Creates the header list. * * @param httpHeaders the http headers property * * @return the list of http headers */ protected List<Header> buildHeaderList(List<Pair<ExpressionProperty, ExpressionProperty>> httpHeaders) { return buildHeaderList(null, null, httpHeaders); } /** * Creates the header list. * * @param document the document if any * @param documentData the data of the document if any * @param httpHeaders the http headers property * * @return the list of http headers */ protected List<Header> buildHeaderList(@Nullable com.snaplogic.snap.api.Document document, @Nullable Object documentData, List<Pair<ExpressionProperty, ExpressionProperty>> httpHeaders) { return HttpHeaderUtils.buildHeaders(httpHeaders, document, documentData, null); } /** * Ensure we can serialize headers during preview * * @param headers the headers to be serialized * @param serializedHeaders the serialized headers which can be written as part of the error * document */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void serializeHeader(Map<?, Object> headers, Map<String, Object> serializedHeaders) { for (Map.Entry<?, Object> items : headers.entrySet()) { String name = String.valueOf(items.getKey()); // scope headers are not good for consumption, // some internal crap being stored for cxf. if (name != null && !name.equalsIgnoreCase(CXF_SCOPES)) { Object value = items.getValue(); if (value instanceof Map) { serializeHeader((Map<?, Object>) value, serializedHeaders); } else if (value instanceof Collection && !((Collection) value).isEmpty()) { // lets take the first entry to keep it simple, // all headers encountered really only have one value in the list. value = ((Collection) value).iterator().next(); serializedHeaders.put(name, String.valueOf(value)); } else { serializedHeaders.put(name, String.valueOf(value)); } } } } /** * Resets the interceptors for the given class on the bus. The bus is static and would * accumulate the interceptors for the given class everytime they are added. * * @param interceptors the list of interceptors, either in or out. * @param klass the class of interceptor being reset */ public void resetInterceptors(List<Interceptor<? extends Message>> interceptors, Class klass) { int i = 0; for (Interceptor<? extends Message> interceptor : interceptors) { if (interceptor.getClass().equals(klass)) { interceptors.remove(i); } i++; } } }