Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; /** * * @author wleenavo */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class MonitorGalileo extends MonitorScheduler { private DirectoryWatch directoryWatch; private MGalileoService mGalileoService; private MAirticketService mAirticketService; private BookingAirticketService bookingAirticketService; private final static Charset ENCODING = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; private List<MGalileo> listGalileo; private String monitorDirectory = null; private String archivedDirectory = null; private String errorDirectory = null; Map retrievedList = null; private final static String GDS = "GALILEO"; private final static String SECTION_PATTERN = "^[A]\\d\\d.*"; private MultiMap sectionData; private List<String> lineData; private Map<String, MGalileo> galileoMap; private Boolean initFlag = false; MonitorGalileo(String monitorDirectory) { this.monitorDirectory = monitorDirectory; } MonitorGalileo(String inDir, String archDir, String errDir) { this.monitorDirectory = inDir; this.archivedDirectory = archDir; this.errorDirectory = errDir; } public void run() { String fileList = null; int result = 0; if (!initFlag) { init(); return; } try { System.out.println(MonitorGalileo.class.getName() + " - Directory (" + this.monitorDirectory + ")"); fileList = directoryWatch.processEvents(); // System.out.println("file found " + fileList); if (fileList != null) { buildMap(); String list[] = fileList.split(","); for (String file : list) { try { result = processDataFile(file); System.out.println("Completed processing file " + file + "..."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.out.println("Archivig file " + file + "...[" + result + "]"); archiveDataFile(file, result); } } } } catch (UnregisterDirectoryException ue) { initFlag = false; Logger.getLogger(MonitorGalileo.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, null, ue); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void init() { File input = new File(this.monitorDirectory); File archived = new File(this.archivedDirectory); File error = new File(this.errorDirectory); if (input.exists() && archived.exists() && error.exists()) { initFlag = true; System.out.println( "Init " + MonitorGalileo.class.getName() + " , service directory is" + this.monitorDirectory); try { directoryWatch = new DirectoryWatch(this.monitorDirectory, "1"); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MonitorGalileo.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Service directory must be gone.", ex); } } else { System.err.println(MonitorGalileo.class.getName() + " configuration folders doesnot exist!"); initFlag = false; } } public DirectoryWatch getDirectoryWatch() { return directoryWatch; } public void setDirectoryWatch(DirectoryWatch directoryWatch) { this.directoryWatch = directoryWatch; } public MGalileoService getmGalileoService() { return mGalileoService; } public void setmGalileoService(MGalileoService mGalileoService) { this.mGalileoService = mGalileoService; } public MAirticketService getmAirticketService() { return mAirticketService; } public void setmAirticketService(MAirticketService mAirticketService) { this.mAirticketService = mAirticketService; } @Override void buildContentList(String file) { String galiFile = this.monitorDirectory + file; Path fFilePath; fFilePath = Paths.get(galiFile); lineData = new ArrayList<String>(); lineData.add(""); sectionData = new MultiValueMap(); Scanner scanner = null; try { scanner = new Scanner(fFilePath,; while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); // System.out.println(line); if (line.matches(MonitorGalileo.SECTION_PATTERN)) { String key = line.substring(0, 3); // System.out.println("Key " + key + " ** Line " + line); sectionData.put(key, line); } else { lineData.add(line); } } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } } } @Override BookingPnr buildBookingPnr(String filename) { //Extract PNR data Iterator<MGalileo> iterator = listGalileo.listIterator(); String pnr = null; String currency = null; //Get PNR Data MGalileo gali = galileoMap.get("pnr"); int lineNo = Integer.parseInt(gali.getLine()); String line = lineData.get(lineNo); pnr = line.substring(gali.getStartlength() - 1, gali.getStartlength() - 1 + gali.getLength()); //A21 should have a row. gali = galileoMap.get("currency"); ArrayList<String> lines = (ArrayList<String>) sectionData.get(gali.getSection()); line = lines.get(0); currency = line.substring(gali.getStartlength() - 1, gali.getStartlength() - 1 + gali.getLength()); BookingPnr bPnr = new BookingPnr(GDS, pnr, filename); bPnr.setCurrency(currency); // System.out.println("BookingPnr - " + bPnr.toString()); return bPnr; } @Override BookingAirline buildBookingAirline() { String airlineCode = null; String ticketDateS = null; //Get PNR Data MGalileo gali = galileoMap.get("airline code"); int lineNo = Integer.parseInt(gali.getLine()); String line = lineData.get(lineNo); airlineCode = line.substring(gali.getStartlength() - 1, gali.getStartlength() - 1 + gali.getLength()); MAirline mAir = new MAirline(); mAir.setCode(airlineCode); List<MAirline> res = mAirticketService.searchAirline(mAir, 1); MAirline mAirReturn = res.get(0); String airlineName = mAirReturn.getName(); gali = galileoMap.get("ticket date"); lineNo = Integer.parseInt(gali.getLine()); line = lineData.get(lineNo); ticketDateS = line.substring(gali.getStartlength() - 1, gali.getStartlength() - 1 + gali.getLength()); Date ticketDate = convertStringToDate(ticketDateS); BookingAirline bAir = new BookingAirline(airlineCode, airlineName, ticketDate); // System.out.println("Build bookingAirline - " + bAir.toString()); return bAir; } @Override void buildBookingFlight(BookingAirline bAir) { MGalileo flightNumber = galileoMap.get("flight number"); String section = flightNumber.getSection(); MGalileo source = galileoMap.get("source"); MGalileo destination = galileoMap.get("destination"); MGalileo departureDate = galileoMap.get("departure date"); MGalileo arrivalDate = galileoMap.get("arrive date"); MGalileo ticketDate = galileoMap.get("ticket date"); MGalileo deptTime = galileoMap.get("departure time"); MGalileo arrvTime = galileoMap.get("arrive time"); int lineNo = Integer.parseInt(ticketDate.getLine()); String lineT = lineData.get(lineNo); String ticketDateS = lineT.substring(ticketDate.getStartlength() - 1, ticketDate.getStartlength() - 1 + ticketDate.getLength()); String year = ticketDateS.substring(5); //Check how many rows there is. ArrayList<String> lines = (ArrayList<String>) sectionData.get(section); ListIterator<String> iterator = lines.listIterator(); BookingFlight bf = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { String line =; System.out.println("BookingFlingt input line[" + line + "]"); String flightNo = bAir.getAirlineCode() + getField("flight number", line).trim(); // String flightNo = line.substring(flightNumber.getStartlength() - 1, flightNumber.getStartlength() - 1 + flightNumber.getLength()); String sourceCode = line.substring(source.getStartlength() - 1, source.getStartlength() - 1 + source.getLength()); String desCode = line.substring(destination.getStartlength() - 1, destination.getStartlength() - 1 + destination.getLength()); String deptDateS = line.substring(departureDate.getStartlength() - 1, departureDate.getStartlength() - 1 + departureDate.getLength()); String arrivalDateS = line.substring(arrivalDate.getStartlength() - 1, arrivalDate.getStartlength() - 1 + arrivalDate.getLength()); // String deptTimeS = line.substring(deptTime.getStartlength() - 1, deptTime.getStartlength() - 1 + deptTime.getLength()); String deptTimeS = getField("departure time", line); String arrvTimeS = line.substring(arrvTime.getStartlength() - 1, arrvTime.getStartlength() - 1 + arrvTime.getLength()); Date deptDate = convertStringToDate(deptDateS + year); Date arrvDate = convertStringToDate(deptDateS + year, Integer.parseInt(arrivalDateS)); String flightClass = getField("flight class", line); bf = new BookingFlight(flightNo, sourceCode, desCode, deptDate, arrvDate, flightClass); bf.setDepartTime(deptTimeS); bf.setArriveTime(arrvTimeS); bf.setAdCost(0); bf.setAdPrice(0); bf.setAdTax(0); bf.setChCost(0); bf.setChPrice(0); bf.setChTax(0); bf.setInCost(0); bf.setInPrice(0); bf.setInTax(0); bf.setOtCost(0); bf.setOtPrice(0); bf.setOtTax(0); bAir.getBookingFlights().add(bf); bf.setBookingAirline(bAir); // System.out.println("Build BookingFlight - " + bf.toString()); } return; } @Override void buildBookingPassenger(BookingAirline bAir) { String passengerTypes = new String(""); int costRefIndex = 0; String section = galileoMap.get("passenger name").getSection(); MGalileo airNo = galileoMap.get("airline number"); int lineNo = Integer.parseInt(airNo.getLine()); String line = lineData.get(lineNo); String ticketNoS1 = line.substring(airNo.getStartlength() - 1, airNo.getStartlength() - 1 + airNo.getLength()); MGalileo type = galileoMap.get("ticket type"); lineNo = Integer.parseInt(type.getLine()); line = lineData.get(lineNo); String ticketType = line.substring(type.getStartlength() - 1, type.getStartlength() - 1 + type.getLength()); ArrayList<String> lines = (ArrayList<String>) sectionData.get(section); // System.out.println("Passenger " + lines.size()); ListIterator<String> iterator = lines.listIterator(); BookingPassenger bp = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { line =; System.out.println("line-> " + line); String passengerName = getField("passenger name", line).trim(); String passengerType = getField("passenger type", line); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(passengerType) || (!("ADT".equalsIgnoreCase(passengerType)) && !("CHD".equalsIgnoreCase(passengerType)) && !("INF".equalsIgnoreCase(passengerType)))) { passengerType = "NON"; } String[] splitName = passengerName.split("/"); String lastName = splitName[0]; String firstName = splitName[1].substring(0, splitName[1].length() - 2); String initial = splitName[1].substring(splitName[1].length() - 2); String ticketSerial2 = getField("ticket serial2", line); String ticketSerial3 = getField("ticket serial3", line); String fareNo = getField("fare reference", line); String fareSection = galileoMap.get("ticket fare").getSection(); ArrayList<String> fareLines = (ArrayList<String>) sectionData.get(fareSection); String fareLine = fareLines.get(Integer.parseInt(fareNo) - 1); String currency = getField("currency", fareLine); String ticketFare = getTicketFare(currency, fareLine); String ticketTotalS = getField("ticket total", fareLine); ticketTotalS = stripNumberDecimalString(ticketTotalS); ticketFare = stripNumberDecimalString(ticketFare); int tax = Integer.parseInt(ticketTotalS.trim()) - Integer.parseInt(ticketFare.trim()); bp = new BookingPassenger(); bp.setFirstName(firstName); bp.setLastName(lastName); bp.setInitialName(initial); bp.setPassengerType(passengerType); bp.setTicketType(ticketType); bp.setTicketnoS1(ticketNoS1); bp.setTicketnoS2(ticketSerial2); bp.setTicketnoS3(ticketSerial3); bp.setTicketFare(Integer.valueOf(ticketFare.trim())); bp.setTicketTax(Integer.valueOf(tax)); bAir.getBookingPassengers().add(bp); bp.setBookingAirline(bAir); if (!passengerTypes.contains(passengerType)) { passengerTypes = passengerTypes + "," + passengerType; String costS = getField("cost", costRefIndex).trim(); String priceS = getField("price", costRefIndex).trim(); Integer cost = Integer.valueOf(costS); Integer price = Integer.valueOf(priceS); costRefIndex++; //Update cost,price,tax according to passengertype BookingFlight bf = this.getMostEarlyFlight(bAir.getBookingPnr()); if ("ADT".equalsIgnoreCase(passengerType)) { bf.setAdCost(cost); bf.setAdPrice(price); bf.setAdTax(tax); } else if ("CHD".equalsIgnoreCase(passengerType)) { bf.setChCost(cost); bf.setChPrice(price); bf.setChTax(tax); } else if ("INF".equalsIgnoreCase(passengerType)) { bf.setInCost(cost); bf.setInPrice(price); bf.setInTax(tax); } else { bf.setAdCost(cost); bf.setAdPrice(price); bf.setAdTax(tax); } // } } } return; } private String getTicketFare(String currency, String line) { String ticketFare; if (!"THB".equalsIgnoreCase(currency)) { ticketFare = getField("ticket fare2", line).trim(); } else { ticketFare = getField("ticket fare", line).trim(); } return ticketFare; } public String getField(String fldName, int lineIndex) { MGalileo mGali = galileoMap.get(fldName); if (mGali == null) { System.err.println(fldName + " doesnot exist in map/database."); return null; } int lineNo = Integer.valueOf(mGali.getLine()); String targetLine = null; if (lineNo == 0) { ArrayList<String> lines = (ArrayList<String>) sectionData.get(mGali.getSection()); if (lines == null) { return null; } targetLine = lines.get(lineIndex); } else { targetLine = lineData.get(lineNo); } return getField(fldName, targetLine); } public String getField(String fldName) { MGalileo mGali = galileoMap.get(fldName); if (mGali == null) { System.err.println(fldName + " doesnot exist in map/database."); return null; } int lineNo = Integer.valueOf(mGali.getLine()); String targetLine = null; if (lineNo == 0) { ArrayList<String> lines = (ArrayList<String>) sectionData.get(mGali.getSection()); if (lines == null) { return null; } targetLine = lines.get(0); } else { targetLine = lineData.get(lineNo); } return getField(fldName, targetLine); } public String getField(String fldName, String targetLine) { MGalileo mGali = galileoMap.get(fldName); if (mGali == null) { System.err.println(fldName + " doesnot exist in map/database."); return null; } String value = targetLine.substring(mGali.getStartlength() - 1, mGali.getStartlength() - 1 + mGali.getLength()); return value; } private void buildMap() { listGalileo = mGalileoService.getGalileoList(); ListIterator<MGalileo> iterator = listGalileo.listIterator(); galileoMap = new HashMap(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MGalileo gali =; galileoMap.put(gali.getName(), gali); } } @Override protected int processDataFile(String file) { int result = 1; // System.out.println("*** Found " + file); try { buildContentList(file); BookingPnr bPnr = buildBookingPnr(file); BookingAirline bAir = buildBookingAirline(); bPnr.getBookingAirlines().add(bAir); bAir.setBookingPnr(bPnr); buildBookingFlight(bAir); buildBookingPassenger(bAir); BookingPnr dbBookingPnr = bookingAirticketService.getBookingPnr(bPnr.getPnr()); if (dbBookingPnr == null) { bookingAirticketService.insertBookingPnr(bPnr); } else { System.out.println("BookPnr[" + bPnr.getPnr() + "] is existed."); bookingAirticketService.updateBookingPnr(bPnr); } } catch (Exception e) { result = 0; e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } @Override int archiveDataFile(String file, int option) { try { Path sourceFile = Paths.get(this.monitorDirectory + file); Path destFile = Paths.get(this.archivedDirectory + file); Path errFile = Paths.get(this.errorDirectory + file); if (option == 1) { System.out.println("Archiving file " + destFile); Files.move(sourceFile, destFile, REPLACE_EXISTING); } else { System.out.println("Archiving to error folder for file " + errFile); Files.move(sourceFile, errFile, REPLACE_EXISTING); } return 1; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MonitorAmadeus.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return 0; } public BookingAirticketService getBookingAirticketService() { return bookingAirticketService; } public void setBookingAirticketService(BookingAirticketService bookingAirticketService) { this.bookingAirticketService = bookingAirticketService; } }