Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * * @author Surachai */ public class AJAXBean extends AbstractBean implements AbstractAJAXServices { private static final String BOOKDETAIL = "BookDetailServlet"; private static final String BOOKOTHER = "BookOtherServlet"; private static final String BOOKLAND = "BookLandServlet"; private static final String BOOK = "BookServlet"; private static final String BILLABLE = "BillableServlet"; private static final String BOOKDAYTOUR = "BookDaytourServlet"; private static final String TRANSFERJOB = "TransferJobServlet"; private static final String DAYTOURCOMM = "DaytourCommissionServlet"; private static final String DAYTOUR = "DaytourServlet"; private static final String AIRTICKET = "AirTicketServlet"; private static final String PASSENGER = "PassengerServlet"; private static final String MAIL = "MailServlet"; private static final String BOOKINGSTATUS = "BookingStatusServlet"; private static final String TICKETFAREAIRLINE = "TicketFareAirlineServlet"; private static final String PAYMENTAIRTICKET = "PaymentAirTicketServlet"; private static final String INVOICE = "InvoiceServlet"; private static final String REFUNDAIRLINE = "RefundAirlineServlet"; private CustomerDao customerdao; private ProductDetailDao productDetailDao; private BookingSummaryDao bookingsummarydao; private CustomerAgentInfoDao customerAgentInfoDao; private DaytourBookingDao daytourBookingdao; private DaytourDao daytourdao; private TransferJobDao transferJobdao; private PackageTourDao packagedao; private DaytourComissionDao daytourComdao; private MAirportDao airportdao; private Mail sendMail; private MasterDao masterdao; private OtherBookingDao otherBookingDao; private TicketFareAirlineDao ticketFareAirlineDao; private PaymentAirTicketDao paymentairticketdao; private BillableDao billableDao; private RefundAirticketDao refundAirticketDao; public AJAXBean(List queryList) { super(queryList); if (queryList != null && queryList.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < queryList.size(); i++) { Object obj = queryList.get(i); if (obj instanceof CustomerDao) { customerdao = (CustomerDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof ProductDetailDao) { productDetailDao = (ProductDetailDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof BookingSummaryDao) { bookingsummarydao = (BookingSummaryDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof CustomerAgentInfoDao) { customerAgentInfoDao = (CustomerAgentInfoDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof DaytourBookingDao) { daytourBookingdao = (DaytourBookingDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof DaytourDao) { daytourdao = (DaytourDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof TransferJobDao) { transferJobdao = (TransferJobDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof PackageTourDao) { packagedao = (PackageTourDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof DaytourComissionDao) { daytourComdao = (DaytourComissionDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof MAirportDao) { airportdao = (MAirportDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof Mail) { sendMail = (Mail) obj; } else if (obj instanceof MasterDao) { masterdao = (MasterDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof OtherBookingDao) { otherBookingDao = (OtherBookingDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof TicketFareAirlineDao) { ticketFareAirlineDao = (TicketFareAirlineDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof PaymentAirTicketDao) { paymentairticketdao = (PaymentAirTicketDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof BillableDao) { billableDao = (BillableDao) obj; } else if (obj instanceof RefundAirticketDao) { refundAirticketDao = (RefundAirticketDao) obj; } } } } @Override public List load(Map map) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public List loadMulti(Map map) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public Object loadSingle(Map map) { Object result = new Object(); String servletName = String.valueOf(map.get("servletName")); String type = String.valueOf(map.get("type")); String sendTo = String.valueOf(map.get("sendTo")); String sendCc = String.valueOf(map.get("sendCc")); String subject = String.valueOf(map.get("subject")); String content = String.valueOf(map.get("content")); String attachfile = String.valueOf(map.get("attachfile")); String refNo = String.valueOf(map.get("refNo")); String selectStatus = String.valueOf(map.get("selectStatus")); String flagAir = String.valueOf(map.get("flagAir")); String flagHotel = String.valueOf(map.get("flagHotel")); String flagDaytour = String.valueOf(map.get("flagDaytour")); String flagLand = String.valueOf(map.get("flagLand")); String flagOther = String.valueOf(map.get("flagOther")); if (BOOKDETAIL.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("checkExistCustomer".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String initialID = map.get("initialID").toString(); String first = map.get("first").toString(); String last = map.get("last").toString(); result = customerdao.isExistCustomer(initialID, first, last); System.out.println("result : " + result.toString()); } else if ("saveCustomer".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Customer customer = new Customer(); String initialID = map.get("initialID").toString(); customer.setFirstName(map.get("first").toString()); customer.setLastName(map.get("last").toString()); customer.setAddress(map.get("address").toString()); if (map.get("initialID") != null) { MInitialname initialname = new MInitialname(); initialname.setId(initialID); customer.setMInitialname(initialname); } customer.setTel(map.get("tel").toString()); result = customerdao.insertCustomerAjax(customer); //result = 1; } else if ("getCustomerList".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Customer customer = new Customer(); String name = map.get("name").toString(); String[] pathname = name.trim().split("/"); int filter = 0; if (pathname.length == 1) { customer.setFirstName(pathname[0]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0]); filter = 1; } else { filter = 0; customer.setFirstName(pathname[1]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0] + pathname[1]); } List<Customer> customerList = customerdao.FiterCustomer(customer, filter); result = this.buildCustomerListHTML(customerList); // System.out.println("result : " + result);O } else if ("getCustomerAutoList".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); Customer customer = new Customer(); String[] pathname = name.trim().split("/"); int filter = 0; if (pathname.length == 1) { customer.setFirstName(pathname[0]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0]); filter = 1; } else { filter = 0; customer.setFirstName(pathname[1]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0] + pathname[1]); } result = buildCustomerListJSON(customerdao.FiterCustomer(customer, filter)); } } else if (BOOKOTHER.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { //result = customerdao.isExistCustomer(initialID, first, last); System.out.println("ajax : " + BOOKOTHER); if ("getvalueProduct".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String productID = map.get("productid").toString(); String otherdate = map.get("otherdate").toString(); if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(productID) || "".equalsIgnoreCase(otherdate)) { result = "0,0,0,0,0,0"; } else { ProductDetail product = productDetailDao.getValueFromProduct(productID, otherdate); if (product == null) { result = "0,0,0,0,0,0"; } else { result = product.getAdCost() + "," + product.getChCost() + "," + product.getInCost() + "," + product.getAdPrice() + "," + product.getChPrice() + "," + product.getInPrice(); } } System.out.println("result :" + result); } if ("getCouponCheck".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String couponId = map.get("couponId").toString(); boolean coupons = otherBookingDao.CheckUsabilityCoupon(couponId); if (coupons) { result = "true"; } else { result = "false"; } System.out.println("result :" + result); } if ("getOtherBookList".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); Customer customer = new Customer(); String[] pathname = name.trim().split("/"); int filter = 0; if (pathname.length == 1) { customer.setFirstName(pathname[0]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0]); filter = 1; } else { filter = 0; customer.setFirstName(pathname[1]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0] + pathname[1]); } result = otherBookingDao.searchOtherBooking(customer, filter); } } else if (BOOKLAND.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { //result = customerdao.isExistCustomer(initialID, first, last); System.out.println("ajax : " + BOOKLAND); if ("getvaluePackage".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { System.out.println("getvaluePackage : " + BOOKLAND); String packageID = map.get("packageid").toString(); String departDate = map.get("departdate").toString(); PackagePrice price = new PackagePrice(); price = packagedao.getValueFromPackage(packageID, departDate); if (price == null) { result = "0,0,0,0,0,0"; } else { result = price.getAdCost() + "," + price.getChCost() + "," + price.getInCost() + "," + price.getAdPrice() + "," + price.getChPrice() + "," + price.getInPrice(); } System.out.println("result :" + result); } else if ("getListItinerary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String packageID = map.get("packageid").toString(); UtilityFunction util = new UtilityFunction(); String Iti = ""; PackageTour pa = packagedao.getPackageFromID(packageID); List<PackageItinerary> packItinerary = pa.getPackageItineraries(); for (int i = 0; i < packItinerary.size(); i++) { PackageItinerary ItiList = packItinerary.get(i); Iti += ItiList.getOrderNo() + "&=" + util.convertTimeToString(ItiList.getTime()) + "&=" + ItiList.getDetail(); Iti += "*="; } if (Iti.length() != 0) { Iti = Iti.substring(0, Iti.length() - 2); } System.out.println("Iti : " + Iti); result = Iti; } } else if (BOOK.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { try { if ("summaryBook".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { result = ""; String refno = map.get("refno").toString(); List<BookSummary> summaryList = bookingsummarydao.getListBookSummary(refno); if (summaryList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < summaryList.size(); i++) { String tourdate = ""; BookSummary bookDetail = summaryList.get(i); if (bookDetail.getDateTour() != null) { tourdate = bookDetail.getDateTour().toString(); } result += "<tr>" + "<td class='tdcenter'>" + bookDetail.getBookdate() + "</td>" + "<td class='tdcenter'>" + bookDetail.getType() + "</td>" + "<td>" + bookDetail.getDescription() + "</td>" + "<td class='tdcenter'>" + tourdate + "</td>" + "<td class='moneyformat tdright'>" + bookDetail.getPrice() + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } System.out.println("result : " + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (BILLABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("getListBillto".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); List<CustomerAgentInfo> data = customerAgentInfoDao.SearchListCustomerAgentInfo(name); String tabledata = ""; if (data != null) { for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { CustomerAgentInfo row = data.get(i); tabledata += "<tr onclick=\"setBillValue('" + row.getBillTo() + "','" + ReplaceEnterKey(row.getBillName()) + "','" + ReplaceEnterKey(row.getAddress()) + "','" + row.getTerm() + "','" + row.getPay() + "');\">"; tabledata += "<td class='item-billto'>" + row.getBillTo() + "</td>"; tabledata += "<td class='item-name'>" + ReplaceEnterKey(row.getBillName()) + "</td>"; tabledata += "<td class='item-address hidden'>" + ReplaceEnterKey(row.getAddress()) + "</td>"; tabledata += "<td class='item-tel hidden'>" + row.getTel() + "</td>"; tabledata += "</tr>"; } } System.out.println("tabledata : " + tabledata); result = tabledata; } else if ("getAutoListBillto".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); result = buildBillListJSON(customerAgentInfoDao.SearchListCustomerAgentInfo(name)); } } else if (BOOKDAYTOUR.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { String TourID = null; String TourDate = null; if ("TourReference".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourID = map.get("tourid").toString(); TourDate = map.get("date").toString(); System.out.println("start ajax service : TourReference"); List<DaytourBooking> ListBook = daytourBookingdao.getTourReference(TourID, TourDate); result = buildTourReferenceListHTML(ListBook); } else if ("DaytourPrice".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourID = map.get("tourid").toString(); List<DaytourPrice> pricelist = daytourdao.getDaytourPrice(TourID); result = buildTourPriceListHTML(pricelist); } } else if (TRANSFERJOB.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { String TourID = null; String TourCode = null; String TourDate = null; String Place = null; String Other = null; if ("filterTour".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourDate = map.get("date").toString(); List<DaytourBooking> ListBook = transferJobdao.filterTourFromDate(TourDate); result = buildTourListHTML(ListBook); } else if ("filterPlace".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourID = map.get("tourid").toString(); TourDate = map.get("date").toString(); List<Place> ListPlace = transferJobdao.filterPlaceFromDateAndTour(TourDate, TourID); result = buildTourPlaceListHTML(ListPlace); } else if ("filterOther".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourID = map.get("tourid").toString(); TourDate = map.get("date").toString(); List<String> ListOther = transferJobdao.filterPlaceOtherFromDateAndTour(TourDate, TourID); result = buildTourPlaceOtherListHTML(ListOther); } else if ("getjobDetail".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourCode = map.get("tourcode").toString(); TourDate = map.get("date").toString(); Place = map.get("place").toString(); Other = map.get("other").toString(); List<DaytourBooking> Booklist = transferJobdao.getTransferjobData(TourCode, TourDate, Place, Other); result = buildJobDetailHTML(Booklist); } } else if (DAYTOURCOMM.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { String TourCode = null; String TourDate = null; String Price = null; String AgentId = null; if ("getguidecom".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourCode = map.get("tourcode").toString(); result = String.valueOf(daytourComdao.GetGuideComissionFromTour(TourCode)); System.out.println("result guide commission : " + result); } else if ("getagentcom".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { TourCode = map.get("tourcode").toString(); TourDate = map.get("tourdate").toString(); Price = map.get("price").toString(); AgentId = map.get("agentid").toString(); System.out.println("test ajax"); System.out.println(TourCode); System.out.println(TourDate); System.out.println(Price); System.out.println(AgentId); if (daytourdao == null) { System.out.println(" id null"); } double commission = daytourComdao.GetAgentComissionFromTour(AgentId, TourCode, TourDate); double output = (Double.parseDouble(Price) * commission / 100); System.out.println("commission : " + commission + " price : " + output); result = String.valueOf(output); } } else if (DAYTOUR.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); if ("savestaff".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { result = daytourdao.saveStafftour(name); } } else if (AIRTICKET.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); if ("searchairportDeparture".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { result = buildAirportListHTMLDeparture(airportdao.searchAirport(name)); } else if ("searchairportArrive".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { result = buildAirportListHTMLArrive(airportdao.searchAirport(name)); } else if ("getautoairport".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {//winit result = buildAirportListJSON(airportdao.searchAirport(name)); } else if ("getairportname".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { List<MAirport> data = airportdao.searchAirport(name); String result2 = ""; if (data == null) { result = ""; } else { result2 = data.get(0).getId() + "," + data.get(0).getName(); result = result2; } System.out.println("result2 =" + result2); System.out.println(result); } } else if (PASSENGER.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { String name = map.get("name").toString(); if ("searchPassenger".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Customer customer = new Customer(); String[] pathname = name.trim().split("/"); int filter = 0; if (pathname.length == 1) { customer.setFirstName(pathname[0]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0]); filter = 1; } else { System.out.println("First : " + pathname[1]); System.out.println("Last : " + pathname[0]); filter = 0; customer.setFirstName(pathname[1]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0] + pathname[1]); } List<Customer> customerList = customerdao.FiterCustomer(customer, filter); result = buildPassengerListHTML(customerList); System.out.println("result passenger: " + result); } else if ("searchAutoPassenger".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Customer customer = new Customer(); String[] pathname = name.trim().split("/"); int filter = 0; if (pathname.length == 1) { customer.setFirstName(pathname[0]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0]); filter = 1; } else { System.out.println("First : " + pathname[1]); System.out.println("Last : " + pathname[0]); filter = 0; customer.setFirstName(pathname[1]); customer.setLastName(pathname[0]); customer.setCode(pathname[0] + pathname[1]); } result = buildPassengerListJSON(customerdao.FiterCustomer(customer, filter)); } } else if (MAIL.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("sendMail".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { try { result = sendMail.main(sendTo, subject, content, attachfile, sendCc); } catch (EmailException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AJAXBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AJAXBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else if (BOOKINGSTATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("search".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (refNo == null) { System.out.print("refno is null"); } else { int[] bookStatus = masterdao.getBookStatusFromRefno(refNo); if (bookStatus == null) { result = "0,0,0,0,0,0"; } else { result = bookStatus[0] + "," + bookStatus[1] + "," + bookStatus[2] + "," + bookStatus[3] + "," + bookStatus[4] + "," + bookStatus[5]; } } System.out.println("result :" + result); } if ("save".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (refNo == null) { System.out.print("refno is null"); } else { MBookingstatus mbookstatus = new MBookingstatus(); mbookstatus.setId(String.valueOf(selectStatus)); Master masterlist = masterdao.getBookingFromRefno(refNo); Master master = new Master(); master.setId(masterlist.getId()); master.setReferenceNo(masterlist.getReferenceNo()); master.setStaff(masterlist.getStaff()); master.setAgent(masterlist.getAgent()); master.setCustomer(masterlist.getCustomer()); master.setAdult(masterlist.getAdult()); master.setChild(masterlist.getChild()); master.setInfant(masterlist.getInfant()); master.setIsPackage(masterlist.getIsPackage()); master.setAgentRef(masterlist.getAgentRef()); master.setRevisedBy(masterlist.getRevisedBy()); master.setRevisedDate(masterlist.getRevisedDate()); master.setBookingType(masterlist.getBookingType()); master.setCreateBy(masterlist.getCreateBy()); master.setCreateDate(masterlist.getCreateDate()); master.setCurrency(masterlist.getCurrency()); master.setMBookingstatus(mbookstatus); master.setFlagAir(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(flagAir))); master.setFlagHotel(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(flagHotel))); master.setFlagDaytour(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(flagDaytour))); master.setFlagLand(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(flagLand))); master.setFlagOther(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(flagOther))); int savesuccess = masterdao.LockAndUnLockBooking(master); result = selectStatus + "," + flagAir + "," + flagHotel + "," + flagDaytour + "," + flagLand + "," + flagOther + "," + savesuccess; } System.out.println("result save:" + result); } } else if (TICKETFAREAIRLINE.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("getTicketList".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String referNo = map.get("referNo").toString(); System.out.println("referNo" + referNo); result = ticketFareAirlineDao.getListTicketFareFromRefno(referNo); if (result == null) { result = "null"; } } } else if (PAYMENTAIRTICKET.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("addRefund".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String refundNo = map.get("refundNo").toString(); String rowCount = map.get("rowCount").toString(); System.out.println("rowCount ::: " + rowCount); result = paymentairticketdao.addRefundAirTicket(refundNo, rowCount); if (result == null) { result = "null"; } } } else if (INVOICE.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("searchInvoice".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String searchRefNo = map.get("refNo").toString(); Billable bill = billableDao.getBillableBooking(searchRefNo); result = getListInvoice(bill); } else if ("searchInvoiceDescription".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String searchRefNo = map.get("refNo").toString(); String typeId = map.get("typeId").toString(); String typeName = billableDao.getMBillTypeName(typeId); if (typeName != null) { if ("Air Ticket".equals(typeName)) { result += "|Air Ticket|"; result += billableDao.getDescriptionInvoiceAirTicket(searchRefNo); } else if ("Others".equals(typeName)) { result += "|Others|"; result += billableDao.getDescriptionInvoiceOthers(searchRefNo); } else if ("Land".equals(typeName)) { result += "|Land|"; result += billableDao.getDescriptionInvoiceLand(searchRefNo); } else if ("Hotel".equals(typeName)) { result += "|Hotel|"; result += billableDao.getDescriptionInvoiceHotel(searchRefNo); } else if ("Day Tour".equals(typeName)) { result += "|Day Tour|"; result += billableDao.getDescriptionInvoiceDayTour(searchRefNo); } } } } else if (REFUNDAIRLINE.equalsIgnoreCase(servletName)) { if ("getTicketFare".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String ticketNo = map.get("ticketNo").toString(); HashMap<String, Object> ticketFare = ticketFareAirlineDao.getDetailTicketFareAirline(ticketNo); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); ticketFare.put("TicketDate", sdf.format(ticketFare.get("TicketDate"))); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(ticketFare); result = obj.toJSONString(); } else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { result = false; String detailId = map.get("detailId").toString(); if (refundAirticketDao.checkPaymentAirticketRefund(detailId)) { result = refundAirticketDao.DeleteRefundAirticketDetail(detailId); } } } return result; } public String buildPassengerListHTML(List<Customer> passList) { String passenger = ""; String MInitialname = ""; String MInitialID = ""; for (int i = 0; i < passList.size(); i++) { Customer cus = passList.get(i); if (cus.getMInitialname() != null) { MInitialname = cus.getMInitialname().getName(); MInitialID = cus.getMInitialname().getId(); } passenger += "<tr>" + "<td class='customer-id hidden'>" + cus.getId() + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-code '>" + cus.getCode() + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-initial '>" + MInitialname + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-initialId hidden'>" + MInitialID + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-lastname '>" + cus.getLastName() + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-firstname '>" + cus.getFirstName() + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-sex hidden'>" + (cus.getSex() == null ? "" : cus.getSex()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-address hidden'>" + (cus.getAddress() == null ? "" : cus.getAddress()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-tel hidden'>" + (cus.getTel() == null ? "" : cus.getTel()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-phone hidden'>" + (cus.getPhone() == null ? "" : cus.getPhone()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-postal hidden'>" + (cus.getPostalCode() == null ? "" : cus.getPostalCode()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-email hidden'>" + (cus.getEmail() == null ? "" : cus.getEmail()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-japanfirstname hidden'>" + cus.getFirstNameJapan() + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-japanlastname hidden'>" + cus.getLastNameJapan() + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-remark hidden'>" + (cus.getRemark() == null ? "" : cus.getRemark()) + "</td>" + "<td class='customer-passportno hidden'>" + (cus.getPassportNo() == null ? "" : cus.getPassportNo()) + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } return passenger; } public JSONArray buildAirportListJSON(List<MAirport> listAirport) { JSONArray record = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < listAirport.size(); i++) { MAirport airport = listAirport.get(i); JSONObject field = new JSONObject(); field.put("id", airport.getId()); field.put("code", airport.getCode()); field.put("name", airport.getName()); record.add(field); } return record; } public JSONArray buildPassengerListJSON(List<Customer> listCutomer) { JSONArray record = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < listCutomer.size(); i++) { Customer customer = listCutomer.get(i); JSONObject field = new JSONObject(); field.put("id", customer.getId()); field.put("code", customer.getCode()); field.put("initialname", customer.getMInitialname().getId()); field.put("firstname", customer.getFirstName()); field.put("lastname", customer.getLastName()); field.put("sex", customer.getSex()); field.put("address", customer.getAddress()); field.put("tel", customer.getTel()); field.put("phone", customer.getPhone()); field.put("email", customer.getEmail()); field.put("remark", customer.getRemark()); field.put("passportno", customer.getPassportNo()); field.put("firstnamejapan", customer.getFirstNameJapan()); field.put("lastnamejapan", customer.getLastNameJapan()); record.add(field); } return record; } public JSONArray buildBillListJSON(List<CustomerAgentInfo> listCutomerInfo) { JSONArray record = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < listCutomerInfo.size(); i++) { CustomerAgentInfo customer = listCutomerInfo.get(i); JSONObject field = new JSONObject(); field.put("id", customer.getBillTo()); field.put("name", customer.getBillName()); field.put("address", customer.getAddress()); record.add(field); } return record; } public JSONArray buildCustomerListJSON(List<Customer> listCutomer) { JSONArray record = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < listCutomer.size(); i++) { Customer customer = listCutomer.get(i); JSONObject field = new JSONObject(); field.put("id", customer.getId()); field.put("code", customer.getCode()); field.put("initialname", customer.getMInitialname().getName()); field.put("firstname", customer.getFirstName()); field.put("lastname", customer.getLastName()); field.put("tel", customer.getTel()); field.put("address", customer.getAddress()); record.add(field); } return record; } public String buildAirportListHTMLDeparture(List<MAirport> listAirport) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < listAirport.size(); i++) { MAirport airport = listAirport.get(i); result += " <tr class='departure-tr'>" + " <td class='departure-id hidden'>" + airport.getId() + "</td>" + " <td class='departure-code'>" + airport.getCode() + "</td>" + " <td class='departure-name'>" + airport.getName() + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } return result; } public String buildAirportListHTMLArrive(List<MAirport> listAirport) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < listAirport.size(); i++) { MAirport airport = listAirport.get(i); result += " <tr class='arrival-tr'>" + " <td class='arrival-id hidden'>" + airport.getId() + "</td>" + " <td class='arrival-code'>" + airport.getCode() + "</td>" + " <td class='arrival-name'>" + airport.getName() + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } return result; } public String buildTourReferenceListHTML(List<DaytourBooking> ListBook) { String result = ""; if (ListBook == null) { System.out.println("DaytourBooking null"); return result; } System.out.println("DaytourBooking size " + ListBook.size()); for (int i = 0; i < ListBook.size(); i++) { DaytourBooking book = ListBook.get(i); Customer cus = book.getMaster().getCustomer(); List<DaytourBookingPrice> prices = new ArrayList<DaytourBookingPrice>(book.getDaytourBookingPrices()); String[] AllQty = calculatePassengerDaytour(prices); Integer sumPrice = 0; if (prices != null) { for (DaytourBookingPrice price : prices) { Integer p = (price.getPrice() == null ? 0 : price.getPrice()) * (price.getQty() == null ? 0 : price.getQty()); sumPrice += p; } } String picktime = ""; if (book.getPickupTime() != null) { picktime = book.getPickupTime().toString().substring(0, 5); } result += "<tr>" + "<td>" + book.getMaster().getReferenceNo() + "</td>" + "<td>" + cus.getMInitialname().getName() + " " + cus.getLastName() + " " + cus.getFirstName() + "</td>" + "<td>" + AllQty[0] + "</td>" + "<td>" + AllQty[1] + "</td>" + "<td>" + AllQty[2] + "</td>" + "<td class='money'>" + sumPrice + "</td>" // + "<td>" + prices.get(0).getPrice() + "</td>" + "<td>" + book.getPlace().getPlace() + "</td>" + "<td>" + picktime + "</td>" + "<td>" + book.getMItemstatus().getName() + "</td>" + "<td>" + book.getMaster().getCreateBy() + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } return result; } public String buildTourListHTML(List<DaytourBooking> ListBook) { String result = ""; if (ListBook == null) { result = "<input type='hidden' id='tourSize' name='tourSize' value='0'>"; return result; } for (int i = 0; i < ListBook.size(); i++) { DaytourBooking daytourbooking = ListBook.get(i); result += "<tr id='trTourId" + daytourbooking.getDaytour().getId() + "'>" + "<td class='tourid hide'>" + daytourbooking.getDaytour().getId() + "</td>" + "<td class='tourplaceid hide '>" + daytourbooking.getPlace().getId() + "</td>" + "<td class='tourplacename hide '>" + daytourbooking.getPlace().getPlace() + "</td>" + "<td class='tourcode'>" + daytourbooking.getDaytour().getCode() + "</td>" + "<td class='tourname'>" + daytourbooking.getDaytour().getName() + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' class='action' id='row-" + daytourbooking.getDaytour().getId() + "-tour' ></td>" + "</tr>"; } result += "<input type='hidden' id='tourSize' name='tourSize' value='" + ListBook.size() + "'/>"; return result; } public String buildTourPlaceListHTML(List<Place> ListPlace) { String result = ""; if (ListPlace == null) { result = "<input type='hidden' id='placeSize' name='placeSize' value='0'>"; return result; } for (int i = 0; i < ListPlace.size(); i++) { Place place = ListPlace.get(i); result += "<tr id='trPlaceId" + place.getId() + "'>" + "<td class='placeid hidden '>" + place.getId() + "</td>" + "<td class='placename'>" + place.getPlace() + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' id='row-" + place.getId() + "-place'</td>" + "</tr>"; } result += "<input type='hidden' id='placeSize' name='placeSize' value='" + ListPlace.size() + "'/>"; return result; } public String buildJobDetailHTML(List<DaytourBooking> bookingList) { String result = ""; if (bookingList == null) { System.out.println("Empty JobDetail"); return result; } result = "<tbody>"; int row = 1; for (DaytourBooking daytour : bookingList) { try { String pickupPlace = ""; Customer cus = daytour.getMaster().getCustomer(); String Initialname = (cus.getMInitialname() == null ? "" : cus.getMInitialname().getName()); if (daytour.getPlace() != null) { if (daytour.getPlace().getPlace().equalsIgnoreCase("Others")) { pickupPlace = daytour.getPickupDetail(); } else { pickupPlace = daytour.getPlace().getPlace(); } } List<DaytourBookingPrice> PriceList = new ArrayList<DaytourBookingPrice>( daytour.getDaytourBookingPrices()); String[] passenger = calculatePassengerDaytour(PriceList); result += "<tr>" + "<td>" + row + "</td>" + "<td>" + pickupPlace + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'>" + (daytour.getPickupRoom() == null ? "" : daytour.getPickupRoom()) + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'>" + (daytour.getPickupTime() == null ? "" : daytour.getPickupTime()) + "</td>" + "<td>" + Initialname + " " + cus.getLastName() + " " + cus.getFirstName() + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'>" + passenger[0] + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'>" + passenger[1] + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'>" + passenger[2] + "</td>" + "<td style='text-align: right' >" + calculatePriceDaytour(PriceList) + "</td>" + "<td>" + (daytour.getGuide() == null ? "" : daytour.getGuide().getName()) + "</td>" + "</tr>"; row += 1; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } result += "</tbody>"; System.out.println("JobDetail size(" + bookingList.size() + ")"); return result; } public String[] calculatePassengerDaytour(List<DaytourBookingPrice> DriverList) { String result[] = new String[3]; int adult = 0; int child = 0; int infant = 0; UtilityFunction util = new UtilityFunction(); int Pricesum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DriverList.size(); i++) { DaytourBookingPrice price = DriverList.get(i); if (price.getMPricecategory() != null) { String passType = price.getMPricecategory().getName(); if ("ADULT".equalsIgnoreCase(passType)) { adult += (price.getQty() == null ? 0 : price.getQty()); } else if ("CHILD".equalsIgnoreCase(passType)) { child += (price.getQty() == null ? 0 : price.getQty()); } else if ("INFANT".equalsIgnoreCase(passType)) { infant += (price.getQty() == null ? 0 : price.getQty()); } } } result[0] = String.valueOf(adult); result[1] = String.valueOf(child); result[2] = String.valueOf(infant); return result; } public String calculatePriceDaytour(List<DaytourBookingPrice> DriverList) { String result = ""; UtilityFunction util = new UtilityFunction(); int Pricesum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DriverList.size(); i++) { DaytourBookingPrice price = DriverList.get(i); Pricesum += util.ConvertInt(price.getQty()) * util.ConvertInt(price.getPrice()); } return String.valueOf(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(Pricesum)); } public String buildTourPlaceOtherListHTML(List<String> ListOther) { String result = ""; if (ListOther == null) { return result; } for (int i = 0; i < ListOther.size(); i++) { String other = ListOther.get(i); if ((other != null) && (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(other))) { result += "<tr id='trOtherId" + i + "'>" + "<td class='otherid hidden'>" + i + "</td>" + "<td class='othername'>" + other + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' id='row-" + i + "-other'></td>" + "</tr>"; } } return result; } public String buildTourPriceListHTML(List<DaytourPrice> pricelist) { String result = ""; if (pricelist == null) { return result; } for (int i = 0; i < pricelist.size(); i++) { DaytourPrice price = pricelist.get(i); if (i % 2 == 0) { result += "<tr id='trpriceid" + price.getId() + "' style=background-color:#FFF >"; } else { result += "<tr id='trpriceid" + price.getId() + "' style=background-color:#F2F2F2 >"; } result += "<td class='bookingPriceId hidden'></td>" + "<td class='priceId hidden'>" + price.getId() + "</td>" + "<td class='priceCategoryId hidden'>" + price.getMPricecategory().getId() + "</td>" + "<td class='priceCategoryName '>" + price.getMPricecategory().getName() + "</td>" + "<td class='tourCode hidden'>" + price.getDaytour().getCode() + "</td>" + "<td class='priceDetail'>" + price.getDetail() + "</td>" + "<td class='priceAmount money'>" + price.getPrice() + "</td>" + "<td class='priceCurrency text-center'>" + price.getCurrency() + "</td>" + "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' id='row-" + i + "-check'></td>" + "</tr>"; } return result; } public String buildCustomerListHTML(List<Customer> customerList) { StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); if (customerList == null || customerList.size() == 0) { return html.toString(); } Iterator<Customer> iter = customerList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Customer c =; String id = c.getId(); String code = c.getCode(); String Initialname = ""; if (c.getMInitialname() != null) { Initialname = c.getMInitialname().getName(); } String first = c.getFirstName(); String last = c.getLastName(); String address = c.getAddress(); String tel = ""; if (c.getTel() != null) { tel = c.getTel(); } String newrow = "<tr onclick=\"setCustomerDetail('" + id + "','" + code + "','" + Initialname + "','" + first + "','" + last + "','" + ReplaceEnterKey(address) + "','" + tel + "')\">" + "<td class='hidden'>" + id + "</td>" + "<td>" + code + "</td>" + "<td class='hidden'>" + Initialname + "</td>" + "<td >" + last + "</td>" + "<td >" + first + "</td>" + "<td class='hidden'>" + address + "</td>" + "<td>" + tel + "</td>" + "</tr>"; html.append(newrow); } return html.toString(); } public String ReplaceEnterKey(String input) { String data = input; if (input == null) { return ""; } data = data.replaceAll("\n", ""); data = data.replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"), ""); data = data.replaceAll("\\r|\\n", ""); return data; } public String getListInvoice(Billable bill) { String result = ""; result += bill.getBillTo() + "," + bill.getBillName() + "," + bill.getBillAddress() + "," + bill.getMAccterm().getId() + "," + bill.getMaster().getStaff().getId() + "," + bill.getMaster().getStaff().getName() + "," + bill.getMaster().getStaff().getUsername() + "||"; List<BillableDesc> billdeescList = bill.getBillableDescs(); for (int i = 0; i < billdeescList.size(); i++) { if (billdeescList.get(i).getCurrency() == null) { billdeescList.get(i).setCurrency(""); } if (billdeescList.get(i).getDetail() == null) { billdeescList.get(i).setDetail(""); } result += "<tr>" + "<td align=\"center\">" + (i + 1) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"hidden\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"invoiceIdSearch" + (i + 1) + "\" name=\"invoiceIdSearch" + (i + 1) + "\" value=" + billdeescList.get(i).getId() + "></td>" + "<td class=\"hidden\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"invoiceIdType" + (i + 1) + "\" name=\"invoiceIdType" + (i + 1) + "\" value=" + billdeescList.get(i).getMBilltype().getId() + "></td>" + "<td>" + billdeescList.get(i).getMBilltype().getName() + "</td>" + "<td>" + billdeescList.get(i).getDetail() + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\">" + billdeescList.get(i).getCost() + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\">" + billdeescList.get(i).getPrice() + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\">" + billdeescList.get(i).getCurrency() + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\"><center><a href=\"\" onclick=\"addInvoiceDetail(" + (i + 1) + ")\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span></a></center></td>" + "<td class=\"hidden\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"RefItemId" + (i + 1) + "\" name=\"RefItemId" + (i + 1) + "\" value=" + billdeescList.get(i).getRefItemId() + "></td>" + "</tr>"; } return result; } public Mail getSendMail() { return sendMail; } public void setSendMail(Mail sendMail) { this.sendMail = sendMail; } public PaymentAirTicketDao getPaymentairticketdao() { return paymentairticketdao; } public void setPaymentairticketdao(PaymentAirTicketDao paymentairticketdao) { this.paymentairticketdao = paymentairticketdao; } }