Java tutorial
/* * This is a utility project for wide range of applications * * Copyright (C) 2010 Imran M Yousuf ( * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 10-1 USA */ package; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.Builder; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * An abstract resource representation on client side for a client to a RESTful Web Service. It is designed to have one * configuration application wide and one Apache Http Client application wide by default. It uses the Jersey Cacheable * Client which uses HTTPCache4J and thus if the configuration is changed for username/password it will reflect on next * request. But it is possible to change the client, config by simply specifying your own {@link ClientFactory} * @author imyousuf * @since 0.2 */ public abstract class AbstractClientResource<T, P extends Resource> implements Resource<T>, WritableResource<T>, PaginatedResource<P>, ConfigProcessor { protected static final URI BASE_URI; protected static final ConnectionConfig CONNECTION_CONFIG; static { CONNECTION_CONFIG = ConfigFactory.getInstance().getConnectionConfig(); if (CONNECTION_CONFIG != null) { BASE_URI = UriBuilder.fromUri(CONNECTION_CONFIG.getContextPath()).path(CONNECTION_CONFIG.getBasicUri()) .host(CONNECTION_CONFIG.getHost()).port(CONNECTION_CONFIG.getPort()).scheme("http").build(); } else { BASE_URI = null; } } protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private Resource referrer; private URI thisResourceUri; private URI absoluteThisResourceUri; private String representationType; private Class<? extends T> entityClass; private T lastReadStateOfEntity; private MultivaluedMap<String, ResourceLink> relatedResourceUris; private ClientUtil clientUtil; private ClientFactory clientFactory; private int getInvocationCount; private boolean followRedirectionEnabled; private boolean invokeGet; private final Map<String, Resource> nestedResources; private final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> cachedHeaders; protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, ResourceLink resouceLink) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, resouceLink, null); } protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, ResourceLink resouceLink, Class<? extends T> entityClass) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, resouceLink, entityClass, ClientUtilFactory.getInstance().getClientUtil(entityClass)); } protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, ResourceLink resouceLink, Class<? extends T> entityClass, ClientUtil clientUtil) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, resouceLink, entityClass, clientUtil, true); } protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, ResourceLink resouceLink, Class<? extends T> entityClass, ClientUtil clientUtil, boolean invokeGet) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, resouceLink, entityClass, clientUtil, invokeGet, null); } protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, ResourceLink resouceLink, Class<? extends T> entityClass, ClientUtil clientUtil, boolean invokeGet, ClientFactory clientFactory) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, resouceLink.getUri(), resouceLink.getMimeType(), entityClass, clientUtil, invokeGet, clientFactory, true); } protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, URI thisResourceUri, String representationType, Class<? extends T> entityClass) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, thisResourceUri, representationType, entityClass, ClientUtilFactory.getInstance().getClientUtil(entityClass)); } protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, URI thisResourceUri, String representationType, Class<? extends T> entityClass, ClientUtil clientUtil) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { this(referrer, thisResourceUri, representationType, entityClass, clientUtil, true, null, true); } /** * Construct a generic HTTP client resource's super class with necessary information for it to work properly * @param referrer The resource from which one arrived to this resource * @param thisResourceUri The URI, could be absolute or relative, of this resource. * @param representationType The MIME Type to expect for this resource, a.k.a., Accept HTTP header * @param entityClass The Entity class to ask Jersey to de-serialize the GET entity to. * @param clientUtil The client util instance to parse linked resources for this representation entity. * @param invokeGet If true GET will be issued during construction synchronously. It also means that on GET nested * resources will also be GET so synchronize them. By default its true. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If thisResourceUri or representationType or entityClass is null * @throws UniformInterfaceException If status is anything but < 300 or 304. */ protected AbstractClientResource(Resource referrer, URI thisResourceUri, String representationType, Class<? extends T> entityClass, ClientUtil clientUtil, boolean invokeGet, ClientFactory clientFactory, boolean followRedirection) throws IllegalArgumentException, UniformInterfaceException { if (thisResourceUri == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI to current resource can not be null"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(representationType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Accept header value can not be null!"); } if (entityClass == null) { entityClass = initializeEntityClassFromGenerics(); if (entityClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity class can not be null!"); } } if (clientUtil == null && entityClass != null) { clientUtil = ClientUtilFactory.getInstance().getClientUtil(entityClass); } if (clientFactory == null) { if (referrer == null) { clientFactory = ApplicationWideClientFactoryImpl.getClientFactory(CONNECTION_CONFIG, this); } else { clientFactory = referrer.getClientFactory(); } } this.clientFactory = clientFactory; this.referrer = referrer; this.thisResourceUri = thisResourceUri; this.representationType = representationType; this.entityClass = entityClass; this.relatedResourceUris = new ConcurrentMultivalueMap<String, ResourceLink>(); this.clientUtil = clientUtil; this.absoluteThisResourceUri = generateAbsoluteUri(); this.followRedirectionEnabled = followRedirection; this.nestedResources = new HashMap<String, Resource>(); this.cachedHeaders = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); if (invokeGet) { get(); } } protected final Class<? extends T> initializeEntityClassFromGenerics() { Class<? extends T> extractedEntityClass = null; try { Type paramType = ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (paramType instanceof ParameterizedType) { paramType = ((ParameterizedType) paramType).getRawType(); } Class<T> pesistenceRegistryClass = paramType instanceof Class ? (Class<T>) paramType : null; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Entity class predicted to: " + pesistenceRegistryClass.toString()); } extractedEntityClass = pesistenceRegistryClass; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Could not predict entity class ", ex); } return extractedEntityClass; } protected boolean isFollowRedirectionEnabled() { return followRedirectionEnabled; } protected void setFollowRedirectionEnabled(boolean followRedirectionEnabled) { this.followRedirectionEnabled = followRedirectionEnabled; } protected boolean isInvokeGet() { return invokeGet; } protected void setInvokeGet(boolean invokeGet) { this.invokeGet = invokeGet; } protected void addNestedResource(String key, Resource resource) { nestedResources.put(key, resource); } protected void removeNestedResource(String key) { nestedResources.remove(key); } protected <K> Resource<K> getNestedResource(String key) { return nestedResources.get(key); } protected Map<String, Resource> getNestedResources() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(nestedResources); } protected final URI generateAbsoluteUri() { final URI thisUri = this.thisResourceUri; final URI referrerUri = getReferrerUri(); return getHttpClient().getAbsoluteUri(thisUri, referrerUri); } protected final URI getReferrerUri() { return this.referrer == null ? null : this.referrer.getUri(); } protected void getIfFirstTimeRequest() { if (getGetInvocationCount() <= 0) { get(); } } protected int getGetInvocationCount() { return getInvocationCount; } protected ClientUtil getClientUtil() { return clientUtil; } protected MultivaluedMap<String, ResourceLink> getRelatedResourceUris() { return relatedResourceUris; } @Override public Class<? extends T> getEntityClass() { return entityClass; } @Override public String getResourceRepresentationType() { return representationType; } @Override public final T get() { return get(getUri()); } protected T get(URI uri) { ClientResponse response = ClientUtil.readEntity(uri, getHttpClient(), getResourceRepresentationType(), ClientResponse.class); response.bufferEntity(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Request Accept header: " + getResourceRepresentationType()); logger.debug("Response header: " + response.getType()); } final int status = response.getStatus(); if (followRedirectionEnabled && status == ClientResponse.Status.MOVED_PERMANENTLY.getStatusCode()) { final URI location = response.getLocation(); if (location != null) { this.thisResourceUri = location; this.absoluteThisResourceUri = generateAbsoluteUri(); return get(); } } if (followRedirectionEnabled && (status == ClientResponse.Status.FOUND.getStatusCode() || status == ClientResponse.Status.SEE_OTHER.getStatusCode())) { final URI location = response.getLocation(); if (location != null) { URI absolutionLocation = getHttpClient().getAbsoluteUri(location, getReferrerUri()); return get(absolutionLocation); } } if (status < 300 || (status == ClientResponse.Status.NOT_MODIFIED.getStatusCode())) { if (response.hasEntity() && response.getStatus() != ClientResponse.Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { lastReadStateOfEntity = response.getEntity(getEntityClass()); if (getClientUtil() != null) { try { getClientUtil().parseLinks(lastReadStateOfEntity, getRelatedResourceUris()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (invokeGet) { invokeGETOnNestedResources(); } } else { lastReadStateOfEntity = null; } getInvocationCount++; Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); EntityTag tag = response.getEntityTag(); if (tag != null) { headers.put(HttpHeaders.ETAG, tag); } Date date = response.getLastModified(); if (date != null) { headers.put(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED, date); } cachedHeaders.put(uri.toString(), headers); return lastReadStateOfEntity; } throw new UniformInterfaceException(response, true); } protected void invokeGETOnNestedResources() { final Collection<Resource> values = nestedResources.values(); for (Resource resource : values) { resource.get(); } } @Override public T getLastReadStateOfEntity() { getIfFirstTimeRequest(); return lastReadStateOfEntity; } @Override public URI getUri() { return getAbsoluteThisResourceUri(); } @Override public ClientResponse delete(Status... status) { WebResource webResource = getHttpClient().getWebResource(getUri()); Builder builder = addNecessaryHeaders(getUri(), webResource); final ClientResponse response = builder.delete(ClientResponse.class); response.bufferEntity(); checkStatus(response, status); return response; } @Override public <P> ClientResponse put(String contentType, P param, Status... status) { WebResource webResource = getHttpClient().getWebResource(getUri()); Builder builder = addNecessaryHeaders(getUri(), webResource); builder.type(contentType); final ClientResponse response = builder.put(ClientResponse.class, param); response.bufferEntity(); checkStatus(response, status); return response; } @Override public <P> ClientResponse post(String contentType, P param, Status... status) { WebResource webResource = getHttpClient().getWebResource(getUri()); Builder builder = addNecessaryHeaders(getUri(), webResource); builder.type(contentType); final ClientResponse response =, param); response.bufferEntity(); checkStatus(response, status); return response; } @Override public <V> Resource<V> getReferrer() { return referrer; } @Deprecated public URI getBaseUri() { return BASE_URI; } protected URI getThisResourceUri() { return thisResourceUri; } protected URI getAbsoluteThisResourceUri() { return absoluteThisResourceUri; } @Deprecated protected UriBuilder getBaseUriBuilder() { return UriBuilder.fromUri(BASE_URI.toString()); } protected UriBuilder getCurrentUriBuilder() { return UriBuilder.fromUri(getAbsoluteThisResourceUri()); } protected final Client getClient() { return clientFactory.getClient(); } protected final ClientConfig getClientConfig() { return clientFactory.getClientConfig(); } protected final HttpClient getHttpClient() { return clientFactory.getHttpClient(); } protected abstract void processClientConfig(ClientConfig clientConfig); @Override public final void process(ClientConfig clientConfig) { processClientConfig(clientConfig); } @Override public ResourceLink nextUri() { return getNextUri(); } @Override public ResourceLink previousUri() { return getPreviousUri(); } @Override public P next() { return getPageableResource(nextUri()); } @Override public P previous() { return getPageableResource(previousUri()); } @Override public ClientFactory getClientFactory() { return clientFactory; } protected abstract ResourceLink getNextUri(); protected abstract ResourceLink getPreviousUri(); protected P getPageableResource(ResourceLink link) { if (link == null) { return null; } return instantiatePageableResource(link); } protected abstract P instantiatePageableResource(ResourceLink link); protected void checkStatus(ClientResponse response, Status... status) { if (status == null || status.length == 0) { return; } if (Arrays.<Status>asList(status).contains(response.getClientResponseStatus())) { return; } throw new UniformInterfaceException(response); } protected Builder addNecessaryHeaders(URI uri, WebResource resource) { Map<String, Object> headers = cachedHeaders.get(uri.toString()); Builder builder = resource.getRequestBuilder(); if (headers != null) { final Object etag = headers.get(HttpHeaders.ETAG); if (etag != null) { builder.header(HttpHeaders.IF_MATCH, etag); } final Object lastModified = headers.get(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED); if (lastModified != null) { builder.header(HttpHeaders.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, lastModified); } } return builder; } }