Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright 2012-2015 Viant. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import*; import; import; import voldemort.utils.Pair; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import static; public class RemoteScanStore extends RemoteStore implements ScanPersistence { protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RemoteScanStore.class); protected AtomicLong seqno = new AtomicLong(1); protected ConcurrentMap<Long, Cursor> cursorMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Cursor>(119); private CleanUpCursor cleanUpCursor; public RemoteScanStore(String filename, Serializer serializer, int mode) { this(filename, serializer, false, mode); } public RemoteScanStore(String filename, Serializer serializer, String path, boolean delay, BlockSize blockSize, int mode) { this(filename, serializer, path, delay, blockSize, mode, false); } public RemoteScanStore(String filename, Serializer serializer, String path, boolean delay, BlockSize blockSize, int mode, boolean isSorted) { //super(filename, serializer, path, delay, blockSize, mode, isSorted); this.path = path; this.filename = filename; this.serializer = serializer; this.delay = delay; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.mode = mode; this.isSorted = isSorted; init(); } public RemoteScanStore(String filename, Serializer serializer, boolean delay, int mode) { this(filename, serializer, delay, mode, false); } public RemoteScanStore(String filename, Serializer serializer, boolean delay, int mode, boolean isSorted) { String[] names = checkPath(filename); this.filename = names[1]; this.serializer = serializer; this.path = names[0]; this.delay = delay; this.mode = mode; this.isSorted = isSorted; init(); } protected void init() { super.init();"Starting clean up cursor thread"); this.cleanUpCursor = new CleanUpCursor(6000); } public boolean isSorted() { return isSorted; } @Override public List<KeyValue> scan(Key from, Key to) { try { List<KeyValue> list = getSortedStore().scan(from, to); if (list == null) return new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); else return list; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); return new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); } } public List<KeyValue> scan(Key from) { return scan(from, from); } public SortedCacheStore getSortedStore() { if (isSorted) return (SortedCacheStore) getStore(); else throw new StoreException("cache store did not support scan, make sure stores.xml sorted=true"); } public void nextCursor(CursorPara cursorPara) { Cursor serverCursor = null; try { if (cursorPara.isStop()) { serverCursor = cursorMap.get(cursorPara.getCursorId()); if (serverCursor == null) logger.warn("try to close cursor but " + cursorPara.getCursorId() + " not in the map"); else {"close cursor for " + cursorPara.getCursorId()); cursorMap.remove(cursorPara.getCursorId()); } } else if (cursorPara.isStart()) { if (cursorMap.containsKey(cursorPara.getCursorId())) { // get Cursor which has iterator from serverCursor = cursorMap.get(cursorPara.getCursorId()); } else { logger.warn("isStart true but " + cursorPara.getCursorId() + " not in the map"); throw new StoreException(cursorPara.getCursorId() + " is not in map"); } } else { serverCursor = new Cursor(cursorPara.getStore(), seqno.getAndIncrement(), cursorPara.getBatchSize(), cursorPara.getFrom(), cursorPara.getTo()); Cursor tmp = cursorMap.putIfAbsent(serverCursor.getCursorId(), serverCursor); if (tmp != null) serverCursor = tmp; else { if (cursorPara.getCursorType() == CursorPara.CursorType.SelectQuery) serverCursor.setIterator(createQueryIterator(cursorPara.getQueryStr())); else serverCursor.setIterator(getIterator(cursorPara)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); //set CursorPara to emptyList, end to true and return to caller cursorPara.setKeyValueList(new ArrayList<KeyValue>()); cursorPara.setEnd(true); return; } synchronized (serverCursor) { cursorPara.setCursorId(serverCursor.getCursorId()); if (cursorPara.getCursorType() == CursorPara.CursorType.SelectQuery) cursorPara.setKeyValueList(nextBatchQuery(serverCursor, cursorPara)); else cursorPara.setKeyValueList(nextBatch(serverCursor, cursorPara /*.getCursorType()*/ )); cursorPara.setStart(serverCursor.isStart()); cursorPara.setEnd(serverCursor.isEnd()); } } private QueryIterator createQueryIterator(String queryStr) { QueryListenerImpl queryListener = new QueryListenerImpl(queryStr); queryListener.walkTree(); return new QueryIterator(queryListener.getPredicateStack(), queryListener.isTableScan(), this); } protected Iterator getIterator(CursorPara cursorPara) { if (cursorPara.getCursorType() == CursorPara.CursorType.Scan) { Key floor = getSortedStore().findFloorKey(getSortedStore().getSkipListMap(), cursorPara.getFrom()); Key ceil = getSortedStore().findCeilKey(getSortedStore().getSkipListMap(), cursorPara.getTo()); //empty map return null if (floor == null || ceil == null) { return null; } ConcurrentNavigableMap<Key, CacheBlock> subMap = getSortedStore().getSkipListMap().subMap(floor, true, ceil, true); return subMap.keySet().iterator(); } else { if (isSorted) return getSortedStore().getSkipListMap().keySet().iterator(); else return getStore().getMap().keySet().iterator(); } } protected List<KeyValue> nextBatchQuery(Cursor cursor, CursorPara cursorPara) { List<KeyValue> list = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(cursor.getBatchSize()); //check empty map if (cursor.getIterator() == null) { cursor.setEnd(true); return list; } QueryIterator iterator = (QueryIterator) cursor.getIterator(); QueryVisitorImpl visitor = new QueryVisitorImpl(cursorPara.getQueryStr()); int i = 0; for (; i < cursor.getBatchSize(); /*i++*/) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { try { Pair<Key, Value> pair =; if (pair.getSecond() != null && pair.getSecond().getData() != null) { Object source = serializer.toObject((byte[]) pair.getSecond().getData()); visitor.setKey(pair.getFirst()); Object result = visitor.runQuery(source); if (result != null) { i++; if (visitor.getStatementType() == QueryVisitorImpl.StatementType.Select) { //need to create a new instance of Value, but use RemoteValue, not CacheValue Value value = new RemoteValue(result, pair.getSecond().getVersion(), pair.getSecond().getNode()); list.add(new KeyValue(pair.getFirst(), value)); } else { //deserialize the data and increment version pair.getSecond().setData(serializer.toBytes(visitor.getSource())); pair.getSecond().setVersion(pair.getSecond().getVersion() + 1); store.put(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //swallow exception logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } else { cursor.setEnd(true); break; } } //update currentRecord and set LastTime cursor.setCurrentRecord(cursor.getCurrentRecord() + i); cursor.setLastTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); return list; } protected List<KeyValue> nextBatch(Cursor cursor, CursorPara cursorPara) { List<KeyValue> toReturn = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(cursor.getBatchSize()); //check empty map if (cursor.getIterator() == null) { cursor.setEnd(true); return toReturn; } int i = 0; for (; i < cursor.getBatchSize(); /*i++*/) { if (cursor.getIterator().hasNext()) { Key key = (Key) cursor.getIterator().next(); if (key != null && !skipKey(key, cursorPara.getFrom(), cursorPara.getTo(), cursorPara.getCursorType())) { Value value = get(key); // check cursorType and increment when it find value if (value != null) { i++; if (cursorPara.getCursorType() == CursorPara.CursorType.KeySet) toReturn.add(new KeyValue(key, null)); else toReturn.add(new KeyValue(key, value)); } else"iterator cursor id " + cursor.getCursorId() + " key " + key.toString() + " not in the map"); } } else { cursor.setEnd(true); ; break; } } //update currentRecord and set LastTime cursor.setCurrentRecord(cursor.getCurrentRecord() + i); cursor.setLastTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); return toReturn; } // if key < from or key > to //return false if it want to bypass skip function for not scan type private boolean skipKey(Key key, Key from, Key to, CursorPara.CursorType type) { if (type != CursorPara.CursorType.Scan) return false; else return ((Comparable) from.getKey()).compareTo((Comparable) key.getKey()) > 0 || ((Comparable) to.getKey()).compareTo((Comparable) key.getKey()) < 0; } public class CleanUpCursor { private Long interval = 30 * 60 * 1000L; private Timer timer = new Timer(); //time to live, cursor ideal more than 60 minutes private long toLive = 60 * 60 * 1000; public CleanUpCursor(long intervalMiniSeconds) { if (intervalMiniSeconds > 5 * 60 * 1000) this.interval = intervalMiniSeconds; timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { if (cursorMap != null && cursorMap.size() > 0) { Iterator iterator = cursorMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Long, Cursor> entrySet = (Map.Entry<Long, Cursor>); Cursor cursor = entrySet.getValue(); synchronized (cursor) { if (cursor.isStart() && cursor.getLastTime() + toLive < System.currentTimeMillis()) {"expire cursor " + cursor.getCursorId() + " last access " + new Date(cursor.getLastTime()).toString() + " remove from map"); cursor.setEnd(true); cursorMap.remove(entrySet.getKey()); } } } } else"cursorMap size is zero"); } catch (Throwable th) { logger.error(th.getMessage(), th); } } }, this.interval, this.interval); } } }