Source code

Java tutorial


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 *                             Sun Public License
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version
 * 1.0 (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is the SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Neil A. Wilson.
 * Portions created by Neil A. Wilson are Copyright (C) 2004-2010.
 * Some preexisting portions Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):  Neil A. Wilson
package com.slamd.admin;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.DefaultFileItemFactory;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUpload;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException;

import com.slamd.common.Constants;

 * This class defines a set of variables that are used to hold variables used
 * in the process of handling an individual request in the admin interface.
 * @author   Neil A. Wilson
public class RequestInfo {
    // Indicates whether the servlet is currently should generate extra HTML that
    // can be used for debugging purposes.
    protected boolean debugHTML;

    // Indicates whether the doPost method should generate the response that gets
    // sent back to the client or if it has already been sent in the course of
    // processing.
    protected boolean generateHTML;

    // Indicates whether the sidebar containing link information should be
    // generated.
    protected boolean generateSidebar;

    // Indicates whether the user has full access to the SLAMD admin interface.
    protected boolean hasFullAccess;

    // Indicates whether the user may add job class definitions.
    protected boolean mayAddJobClass;

    // Indicates whether the user may cancel scheduled jobs.
    protected boolean mayCancelJob;

    // Indicates whether the user may delete completed job info.
    protected boolean mayDeleteJob;

    // Indicates whether the user may delete job class definitions.
    protected boolean mayDeleteJobClass;

    // Indicates whether the user may disconnect clients.
    protected boolean mayDisconnectClients;

    // Indicates whether the user may edit servlet config info.
    protected boolean mayEditServletConfig;

    // Indicates whether the user may edit SLAMD config info.
    protected boolean mayEditSLAMDConfig;

    // Indicates whether the user may export job data.
    protected boolean mayExportJobData;

    // Indicates whether the user may manage real and virtual job folders.
    protected boolean mayManageFolders;

    // Indicates whether the user may schedule jobs for execution.
    protected boolean mayScheduleJob;

    // Indicates whether the user may start or stop the access control manager.
    protected boolean mayStartStopAccessManager;

    // Indicates whether the user may start or stop SLAMD.
    protected boolean mayStartStopSLAMD;

    // Indicates whether the user may view job class definitions.
    protected boolean mayViewJobClass;

    // Indicates whether the user may view job information.
    protected boolean mayViewJob;

    // Indicates whether the user may view the servlet config info.
    protected boolean mayViewServletConfig;

    // Indicates whether the user may view the SLAMD server config info.
    protected boolean mayViewSLAMDConfig;

    // Indicates whether the user may view the server status info.
    protected boolean mayViewStatus;

    // The structure with information regarding the servlet request.
    protected final HttpServletRequest request;

    // The structure with information regarding the servlet response.
    protected final HttpServletResponse response;

    // The unique ID assigned to this request.  It will appear as an HTML comment
    // at the top of the response page generated, and will also appear at the
    // beginning of any messages logged using the admin interface debugging log
    // level.
    protected int requestID;

    // The list of fields provided in the multipart request form, if it was a
    // multipart request.
    protected List multipartFieldList;

    // The string representation of the URL that may be used to generate the
    // current page using an HTTP GET.
    protected String getURL;

    // The name of the administration section with which this request is
    // associated.
    protected String section;

    // The base URI for the servlet request.
    protected String servletBaseURI;

    // The name of the administrative subsection with which this request is
    // associated.
    protected String subsection;

    // The user ID
    protected String userIdentifier;

    // A set of debug information that will be included as comments in the HTML
    // that is generated.  Any message that would be logged to the SLAMD server
    // log file will also be written here.
    protected StringBuilder debugInfo;

    // The main body of the HTML page to generate.
    protected StringBuilder htmlBody;

    // A message that should be displayed at the top of the main frame.
    protected StringBuilder infoMessage;

     * Creates a new set of request state information using the provided request
     * and response.
     * @param  request   Information about the HTTP request issued by the client.
     * @param  response  Information about the HTTP response that will be returned
     *                   to the client.
    public RequestInfo(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        this.request = request;
        this.response = response;

        generateHTML = true;
        debugInfo = new StringBuilder();
        htmlBody = new StringBuilder();
        infoMessage = new StringBuilder();

        if (request != null) {
            servletBaseURI = request.getRequestURI();
            userIdentifier = request.getRemoteUser();

            if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
                try {
                    FileUpload fileUpload = new FileUpload(new DefaultFileItemFactory());
                    multipartFieldList = fileUpload.parseRequest(request);
                    Iterator iterator = multipartFieldList.iterator();

                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        FileItem fileItem = (FileItem);
                        String name = fileItem.getFieldName();
                        if (name.equals(Constants.SERVLET_PARAM_SECTION)) {
                            section = new String(fileItem.get());
                        } else if (name.equals(Constants.SERVLET_PARAM_SUBSECTION)) {
                            subsection = new String(fileItem.get());
                } catch (FileUploadException fue) {
            } else {
                section = request.getParameter(Constants.SERVLET_PARAM_SECTION);
                subsection = request.getParameter(Constants.SERVLET_PARAM_SUBSECTION);

        if (section == null) {
            section = "";

        if (subsection == null) {
            subsection = "";

     * Retrieves information about the request received from the end user.
     * @return  Information about the request received from the end user.
    public HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
        return request;

     * Retrieves information about the response to send to the end user.
     * @return  Information about the response to send to the end user.
    public HttpServletResponse getResponse() {
        return response;

     * Retrieves the base URI for the request.
     * @return  The base URI for the request.
    public String getServletBaseURI() {
        return servletBaseURI;

     * Retrieves the HTTP GET URL that could be used to reproduce the current
     * page.
     * @return  The HTTP GET URL that could be used to reproduce the current page.
    public String getGETURL() {
        return getURL;

     * Specifies the HTTP GET URL that could be used to reproduce the current
     * page.
     * @param  getURL  The HTTP GET URL that could be used to reproduce the
     *                 current page.
    public void setGETURL(final String getURL) {
        this.getURL = getURL;

     * Retrieves the user identifier associated with the current user.
     * @return  The user identifier associated with the current user, or
     *          <CODE>null</CODE> if that is not available.
    public String getUserIdentifier() {
        return userIdentifier;

     * Indicates whether the response to the end user will be generated from the
     * information in the HTML body string buffer.
     * @return  <CODE>true</CODE> if the response to the end user will be
     *          generated from the information in the HTML body string buffer, or
     *          <CODE>false</CODE> if the response will be generated by directly
     *          accessing the servlet response.
    public boolean generateHTML() {
        return generateHTML;

     * Specifies whether the response to the end user should be generated from the
     * information in the HTML body string buffer.
     * @param  generateHTML  Specifies whether the response to the end user should
     *                       be generated from the information in the HTML body
     *                       string buffer.
    public void setGenerateHTML(boolean generateHTML) {
        this.generateHTML = generateHTML;

     * Indicates whether the response generated based on the information in the
     * HTML body string buffer will include the navigation sidebar.  This is only
     * applicable if <CODE>generateHTML()</CODE> returns <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @return  <CODE>true</CODE> if the response generated will include the
     *          navigation sidebar, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it will not.
    public boolean generateSidebar() {
        return generateSidebar;

     * Specifies whether the response generated based on the information in the
     * HTML body string buffer should include the navigation sidebar.
     * @param  generateSidebar  Specifies whether the response generated should
     *                          include the navigation sidebar.
    public void setGenerateSidebar(boolean generateSidebar) {
        this.generateSidebar = generateSidebar;

     * Retrieves the string buffer containing the main content that will be
     * included in the HTML page generated and returned to the end user.
     * Additional content may be included by appending to this string buffer.
     * @return  The string buffer containing the main content that will be
     *          included in the HTML page generated and returned to the end user.
    public StringBuilder getHTMLBody() {
        return htmlBody;

     * Retrieves the string buffer containing the informational message that will
     * be displayed at the top of the page to provide a warning, error, or notice
     * to the end user in a prominent form.  Additional content may be included by
     * appending to this string buffer.
     * @return  The string buffer containing the informational message that will
     *          be displayed at the top of the page.
    public StringBuilder getInfoMessage() {
        return infoMessage;