Java tutorial
/* * This file is distributed as part of the MariaDB Manager. It is free * software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Copyright 2012-2014 SkySQL Corporation Ab */ package com.skysql.manager.ui; import; import com.skysql.manager.ClusterComponent; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent; /** * The Class TabbedPanel. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class TabbedPanel implements Serializable { private Component currentTab; private TabSheet tabsheet; private PanelInfo panelInfo; private PanelControl panelControl; private PanelBackup panelBackup; private PanelTools panelTools; private VaadinSession session; /** * Instantiates a new tabbed panel. * * @param session the session */ public TabbedPanel(VaadinSession session) { this.session = session; // Set another root layout for the middle panels section. tabsheet = new TabSheet(); tabsheet.setImmediate(true); tabsheet.setSizeFull(); // INFO TAB panelInfo = new PanelInfo(); tabsheet.addTab(panelInfo).setCaption("Info"); currentTab = panelInfo; // CONTROL TAB panelControl = new PanelControl(); tabsheet.addTab(panelControl).setCaption("Control"); // BACKUP TAB panelBackup = new PanelBackup(); panelBackup.setImmediate(true); tabsheet.addTab(panelBackup).setCaption("Backups"); // TOOLS TAB // SystemInfo systemInfo = session.getAttribute(SystemInfo.class); // LinkedHashMap<String, String> properties = systemInfo.getCurrentSystem().getProperties(); // String EIP = properties.get(SystemInfo.PROPERTY_EIP); // String MONyog = properties.get(SystemInfo.PROPERTY_MONYOG); // String phpUrl = properties.get(SystemInfo.PROPERTY_PHPMYADMIN); // if ((EIP != null && MONyog != null) || phpUrl != null) { // panelTools = new PanelTools(); // panelTools.setImmediate(true); // tabsheet.addTab(panelTools).setCaption("Tools"); // } // ADD LISTENERS TO TABS tabsheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(new TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener() { public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) { final TabSheet source = (TabSheet) event.getSource(); if (source == tabsheet) { Component selectedTab = source.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedTab != currentTab) { if (currentTab instanceof PanelInfo) { ((PanelInfo) currentTab).stopRefresh(); } currentTab = selectedTab; refresh(); } } } }); } /** * Gets the tab sheet. * * @return the tab sheet */ public TabSheet getTabSheet() { return this.tabsheet; } /** * Refresh. */ public void refresh() { ClusterComponent componentInfo = session.getAttribute(ClusterComponent.class); if (componentInfo == null || (componentInfo.getType() == ClusterComponent.CCType.system && componentInfo.getParentID() == null)) { currentTab.setVisible(false); tabsheet.setSelectedTab(currentTab); tabsheet.setEnabled(false); return; } else { tabsheet.setEnabled(true); currentTab.setVisible(true); } tabsheet.getTab(panelBackup) .setVisible(componentInfo.getType() == ClusterComponent.CCType.system ? true : false); tabsheet.getTab(panelControl) .setVisible(componentInfo.getType() == ClusterComponent.CCType.system ? false : true); if (currentTab == panelInfo) { panelInfo.refresh(); } else if (currentTab == panelControl) { panelControl.refresh(); } else if (currentTab == panelBackup) { panelBackup.refresh(); } else if (currentTab == panelTools) { panelTools.refresh(); } } }