Java tutorial
/* * This file is distributed as part of the MariaDB Manager. It is free * software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Copyright 2012-2014 SkySQL Corporation Ab */ package com.skysql.manager; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import org.vaadin.jouni.animator.AnimatorProxy; import; import com.skysql.manager.AppData.Debug; import com.skysql.manager.api.APIrestful; import com.skysql.manager.api.CachedData; import com.skysql.manager.api.SystemInfo; import com.skysql.manager.api.UserInfo; import com.skysql.manager.api.UserObject; import com.skysql.manager.api.Versions; import com.skysql.manager.ui.ErrorDialog; import com.skysql.manager.ui.ErrorView; import com.skysql.manager.ui.GeneralSettings; import com.skysql.manager.ui.LoginView; import com.skysql.manager.ui.OverviewPanel; import com.skysql.manager.ui.SetupDialog; import com.skysql.manager.ui.TabbedPanel; import com.skysql.manager.ui.TopPanel; import com.vaadin.annotations.PreserveOnRefresh; import com.vaadin.annotations.Push; import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme; import com.vaadin.annotations.Title; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.Transport; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; /** * The Class ManagerUI. Application's main class. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Theme("skystyle1") @Title("MariaDB Manager") @Push(transport = Transport.STREAMING) @PreserveOnRefresh public class ManagerUI extends UI { public static final String GUI_RELEASE = "1.0.2"; public static final String GUI_VERSION = "1.1-101"; /** The main timer future. */ private ScheduledFuture<?> mainTimerFuture; /** The overview panel. */ private OverviewPanel overviewPanel; /** The tabbed panel. */ private TabbedPanel tabbedPanel; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.vaadin.ui.UI#init(com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest) */ @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { VaadinSession session = getSession(); Logging.setComponent("WebUI"); try { do { session.setAttribute(ManagerUI.class, this); AppData appData = AppData.newInstance(); if (appData == null) { setContent(new ErrorView(Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE, null)); return; } session.setAttribute(AppData.class, appData); log("init session: - " + session + " UI: " + this.toString()); APIrestful api = APIrestful.newInstance(appData.getApiURI(), appData.getAppID(), appData.getApiKey()); if (api == null) { setContent(new ErrorView(Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE, null)); return; } session.setAttribute(APIrestful.class, api); UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(null); if (userInfo.getUsersList() == null || userInfo.getUsersList().isEmpty()) { break; } session.setAttribute(UserInfo.class, userInfo); session.setAttribute(CachedData.class, new CachedData()); } while (false); refreshContentBasedOnSessionData(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { ManagerUI.error("RunTime error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); close(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.vaadin.ui.UI#close() */ @Override public void close() { log("close"); ExecutorFactory.removeTimer(mainTimerFuture); super.close(); } /** * Refresh content based on session data. */ public void refreshContentBasedOnSessionData() { /* * As the UI is regenerated upon browser refresh, we should always check in the init what content to set to our UI. * * To force our application to reuse the same UI instance, we can add the @PreserveOnRefresh-annotation to our UI class */ VaadinSession session = getSession(); AppData appData = session.getAttribute(AppData.class); if (appData == null) { setContent(new ErrorView(Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot find configuration file")); return; } APIrestful api = session.getAttribute(APIrestful.class); if (api == null) { setContent(new ErrorView(Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE, null)); return; } new Versions("gui", "MariaDB-Manager-WebUI", GUI_VERSION + (Debug.ON ? " DEBUG" : ""), GUI_RELEASE, null); SystemInfo systemInfo = new SystemInfo(SystemInfo.SYSTEM_ROOT); session.setAttribute(SystemInfo.class, systemInfo); UserInfo userInfo = session.getAttribute(UserInfo.class); if (userInfo == null || userInfo.getUsersList() == null || userInfo.getUsersList().isEmpty()) { setContent(new ErrorView(Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE, "Initial System Setup - Please provide your configuration information.")); new SetupDialog(); return; } UserObject userObject = session.getAttribute(UserObject.class); if (userObject == null) { setContent(new LoginView()); } else { String adjust = userObject.getProperty(UserObject.PROPERTY_TIME_ADJUST); DateConversion dateConversion = new DateConversion( (adjust == null ? GeneralSettings.DEFAULT_TIME_ADJUST : Boolean.valueOf(adjust)), userObject.getProperty(UserObject.PROPERTY_TIME_FORMAT)); session.setAttribute(DateConversion.class, dateConversion); session.setAttribute("isChartsEditing", false); initLayout(); initExecutor(); } } /** * Inits the layout. */ private void initLayout() { VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout(); main.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, true, false, true)); main.setSpacing(true); main.setSizeFull(); setContent(main); VaadinSession session = getSession(); AnimatorProxy proxy = new AnimatorProxy(); main.addComponent(proxy); session.setAttribute(AnimatorProxy.class, proxy); VerticalLayout topMiddleLayout = new VerticalLayout(); main.addComponent(topMiddleLayout); session.setAttribute(VerticalLayout.class, topMiddleLayout); TopPanel topPanel = new TopPanel(); topMiddleLayout.addComponent(topPanel); session.setAttribute(TopPanel.class, topPanel); overviewPanel = new OverviewPanel(); topMiddleLayout.addComponent(overviewPanel); session.setAttribute(OverviewPanel.class, overviewPanel); tabbedPanel = new TabbedPanel(session); main.addComponent(tabbedPanel.getTabSheet()); main.setExpandRatio(tabbedPanel.getTabSheet(), 1f); session.setAttribute(TabbedPanel.class, tabbedPanel); overviewPanel.refresh(); } /** * Inits the executor. */ private void initExecutor() { // setup scheduler that will keep refreshing the UI until the end of the session log("timer - init"); final long fDelayBetweenRuns = 20; Runnable runTimerTask = new RunMainTimerTask(); mainTimerFuture = ExecutorFactory.addTimer(runTimerTask, fDelayBetweenRuns); } /** * The Class RunMainTimerTask. */ private final class RunMainTimerTask implements Runnable { /** The count. */ private long count = 0; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { VaadinSession session = getSession(); if (session == null) { log("Vaadin session is null"); close(); return; } log(""); log("Heartbeat: " + count++); Boolean isChartsRefreshing; if ((isChartsRefreshing = (Boolean) session.getAttribute("ChartsRefresh")) != null && isChartsRefreshing == true) { log("Charts is still refreshing: skipping heartbeat"); return; } OverviewPanel overviewPanel = session.getAttribute(OverviewPanel.class); try { overviewPanel.refresh(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { new ErrorDialog(e, null); } catch (Exception e) { new ErrorDialog(e, null); } } } /** * Log debug messages. * * @param msg the msg */ public static void log(String msg) { if (Debug.ON) { System.out.println(msg); } if (AppData.verbose != null && AppData.verbose.equals("true")) { Logging.debug(msg); } } /** * Log error messages. * * @param msg the msg */ public static void error(String msg) { if (Debug.ON) { System.err.println(msg); } Logging.error(msg); } }