Java tutorial
/* * This file is distributed as part of the MariaDB Manager. It is free * software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Copyright 2012-2014 SkySQL Corporation Ab */ package com.skysql.manager.api; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.skysql.manager.ManagerUI; import com.skysql.manager.MonitorRecord; import com.skysql.manager.ui.ErrorDialog; import com.vaadin.addon.timeline.Timeline; import; import; /** * The Class MonitorDataRaw gets the raw, unprocessed monitor data from the API for the TimeLine. */ public class MonitorDataRaw { private MonitorRecord monitor; private ArrayList<Double> dataPoints; private ArrayList<Long> timeStamps; private String system, node; private Long timeEnd; /** * Gets the data points. * * @return the data points */ public ArrayList<Double> getDataPoints() { return dataPoints; } /** * Sets the data points. * * @param dataPoints the new data points */ public void setDataPoints(ArrayList<Double> dataPoints) { this.dataPoints = dataPoints; } /** * Gets the time stamps. * * @return the time stamps */ public ArrayList<Long> getTimeStamps() { return timeStamps; } /** * Sets the time stamps. * * @param timeStamps the new time stamps */ public void setTimeStamps(ArrayList<Long> timeStamps) { this.timeStamps = timeStamps; } /** * Gets the latest time. * * @return the latest time */ public Long getLatestTime() { return (timeStamps == null || timeStamps.size() == 0) ? null : timeStamps.get(timeStamps.size() - 1); } /** * Updates the monitor data from the API. * * @param system the system * @param node the node * @param time the time * @param interval the interval * @return true, if successful */ public boolean update(String system, String node, String time, String interval) { MonitorDataRaw newMonitorData; if ((system != null && system.equals(this.system)) || (node != null && node.equals(this.node))) { this.system = system; this.node = node; newMonitorData = new MonitorDataRaw(monitor, system, node, timeEnd, interval); if (newMonitorData != null && newMonitorData.getDataPoints() != null) { dataPoints = newMonitorData.dataPoints; timeStamps = newMonitorData.timeStamps; return true; } else { return false; } } else { newMonitorData = new MonitorDataRaw(monitor, system, node, timeEnd + 1, interval); } return false; } /** * Fill data source. * * @param container the container */ public void fillDataSource(IndexedContainer container) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.size(); i++) { // Create a point in time cal.setTimeInMillis(timeStamps.get(i) * 1000L); Item item = container.addItem(cal.getTime()); if (item == null) { ManagerUI.error("point in time is null"); } else { item.getItemProperty(Timeline.PropertyId.TIMESTAMP).setValue(cal.getTime()); double value = dataPoints.get(i); item.getItemProperty(Timeline.PropertyId.VALUE).setValue((float) value); } } } /** * Instantiates a new MonitorDataRaw. */ public MonitorDataRaw() { } /** * Instantiates a new monitor data raw. * * @param monitor the monitor * @param system the system * @param node the node * @param timeEnd the time end * @param interval the interval */ public MonitorDataRaw(MonitorRecord monitor, String system, String node, Long timeEnd, String interval) { if (timeEnd == null) { timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; } Long timeStart = timeEnd - Long.valueOf(interval); this.monitor = monitor; this.system = system; this.node = node; this.timeEnd = timeEnd; APIrestful api = new APIrestful(); String uri = "system/" + system + (node.equals(SystemInfo.SYSTEM_NODEID) ? "" : "/node/" + node) + "/monitor/" + monitor.getID() + "/rawdata"; String params = "?start=" + (timeStart != null ? String.valueOf(timeStart) : "") + "&finish=" + String.valueOf(timeEnd); if (api.get(uri, params)) { try { MonitorDataRaw monitorData = APIrestful.getGson().fromJson(api.getResult(), MonitorDataRaw.class); this.dataPoints = monitorData.dataPoints; this.timeStamps = monitorData.timeStamps; } catch (NullPointerException e) { new ErrorDialog(e, "API did not return expected result for:" + api.errorString()); throw new RuntimeException("API response"); } catch (JsonParseException e) { new ErrorDialog(e, "JSON parse error in API results for:" + api.errorString()); throw new RuntimeException("API response"); } } } } /** * The Class MonitorDataRawDeserializer. */ class MonitorDataRawDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MonitorDataRaw> { public MonitorDataRaw deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException, NullPointerException { MonitorDataRaw monitorData = new MonitorDataRaw(); JsonElement jsonElement = json.getAsJsonObject().get("monitor_rawdata"); if (jsonElement.isJsonNull() || jsonElement.isJsonArray()) { return monitorData; } JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); if (jsonObject.has("timestamp")) { JsonElement jsonTime = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("timestamp"); if (jsonTime != null && !jsonTime.isJsonNull()) { JsonArray array = jsonTime.getAsJsonArray(); int length = array.size(); ArrayList<Long> timeStamps = new ArrayList<Long>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Long timeStamp = array.get(i).getAsLong(); timeStamps.add(timeStamp); } monitorData.setTimeStamps(timeStamps); } } if (jsonObject.has("value")) { JsonElement jsonValue = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("value"); if (jsonValue != null && !jsonValue.isJsonNull()) { JsonArray array = jsonValue.getAsJsonArray(); int length = array.size(); ArrayList<Double> dataPoints = new ArrayList<Double>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Double dataPoint = array.get(i).getAsDouble(); dataPoints.add(dataPoint); } monitorData.setDataPoints(dataPoints); } } return monitorData; } }