Java tutorial
/*** * * copyright 2007, SkilRock Technologies, A division of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * All Rights Reserved * The contents of this file are the property of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * and are subject to a License agreement with Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd.; you may * not use this file except in compliance with that License. You may obtain a * copy of that license from: * Legal Department * Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * 6/35,WEA, Karol Bagh, * New Delhi * India - 110005 * This software is distributed under the License and is provided on an AS IS * basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, unless * otherwise provided in the License. See the License for governing rights and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.skilrock.lms.web.scratchService.orderMgmt.common; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrderRequestBean; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.DBConnect; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.QueryManager; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.TableConstants; import com.skilrock.lms.common.exception.LMSException; /** * * This class used to approve or Deny the request. * * @author SkilRock Technology * */ public class RequestApproveAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RequestApproveAction.class); /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int[] allowedBooks; private int[] differenceBtAgentandApprBooks; // for retailer request private int[] differenceBtBOndApprBooks; private int[] gameId; private String[] gameName; private int[] gameNumber; private int[] nbrOfBooksAtAgent; // for retailer request private int[] nbrOfBooksAtBO; private int[] nbrOfBooksReq; OrderRequestBean orderBean; private int orderId; private HttpServletRequest request = null; private String requestApproval = null; private int[] totalApproved; /** * * This method is used to Deny the request from the Agent * * @author SkilRock Technologies * @Param * @Return String(SUCCESS or ERROR) throws LMSException */ public String Deny() throws LMSException { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); orderId = ((Integer) session.getAttribute("OrgId")).intValue(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null; try { conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String query = QueryManager.getST5OrderRequest5Query(); // String query = "update st_se_bo_order set order_status='DENIED' // WHERE order_id=?"; pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement(query); System.out.println("Query1 from Request Deny Action " + query); System.out.println("OrderId>>>>" + orderId); pstmt1.setInt(1, orderId); pstmt1.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); return SUCCESS; } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("We got an exception while preparing a statement:" + "Probably bad SQL."); se.printStackTrace(); setRequestApproval("No"); throw new LMSException(se); } finally { try { if (pstmt1 != null) { pstmt1.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LMSException(se); } } } public String denyRetailer() throws LMSException { System.out.println("denie order for retailer"); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); orderId = ((Integer) session.getAttribute("OrgId")).intValue(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null; try { conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String query = QueryManager.getST5RetOrderRequest5Query(); // String query = "update st_se_bo_order set order_status='DENIED' // WHERE order_id=?"; pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement(query); System.out.println("Query1 from Request Deny Action " + query); System.out.println("OrderId>>>>" + orderId); pstmt1.setInt(1, orderId); pstmt1.executeUpdate(); System.out.println(pstmt1); conn.commit(); return SUCCESS; } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("We got an exception while preparing a statement:" + "Probably bad SQL."); se.printStackTrace(); setRequestApproval("No"); throw new LMSException(se); } finally { try { if (pstmt1 != null) { pstmt1.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LMSException(se); } } } /** * * This method is used to approve the request by the BO Admin * * @author SkilRock Technologies * @Param takes * the parameters coming from jsp Page * @Return String throws LMSException */ @Override public String execute() throws LMSException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null; String orgQuery = null; PreparedStatement orgPstmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; double currCreditAmt = 0.0; double creditLimit = 0.0; String stt = null; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); orderId = ((Integer) session.getAttribute("OrgId")).intValue(); System.out.println("gameNumber" + gameNumber.length); if (gameNumber.length > 0) { totalApproved = new int[gameNumber.length]; } else { totalApproved = new int[1]; } // From the front end allowed books for each game will come in the // allowedBooks[] array. If total approved books are greater than the // min boks b/w the total no of books at the BO and the remaining books. for (int i = 0; i < gameNumber.length; i++) { System.out.println("Game Number" + gameNumber[i]); if (allowedBooks[i] > findMin(nbrOfBooksAtBO[i], differenceBtBOndApprBooks[i])) { addActionError("Enter valid Alloted book value for game" + gameName[i]); setRequestApproval("No"); System.out.println("There is ERROR"); return ERROR; } System.out.println("allowedBooks[i] " + allowedBooks[i]); totalApproved[i] = allowedBooks[i]; System.out.println("Approved for game" + totalApproved[i]); } try { conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); /* * check if available credit is <0 */ orgQuery = QueryManager.getST1OrgCreditQuery(); orgPstmt = conn.prepareStatement(orgQuery); orgPstmt.setInt(1, orderId); resultSet = orgPstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { currCreditAmt = resultSet.getDouble(TableConstants.SOM_CURR_CREDIT_AMT); creditLimit = resultSet.getDouble(TableConstants.SOM_CREDIT_LIMIT); } /* * end */ String query1 = QueryManager.getST5OrderRequest4Query(); // pstmt1=conn.prepareStatement("update st_se_bo_order set // order_status='APPROVED' WHERE order_id=?"); // / if agent is having the less credit amt than he wont be allowed // for the order approved if (currCreditAmt > creditLimit) { stt = Deny(); addActionError("You Do not have enough Credit Available "); } else { pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement(query1); // String query2 ="update st_se_bo_ordered_games set // nbr_of_books_appr="+totalApproved+" WHERE // order_id="+orderId+"and game_id="; System.out.println("Query1 from Request Aprove Action " + query1); System.out.println("OrderId>>>>" + orderId); pstmt1.setInt(1, orderId); pstmt1.executeUpdate(); String query2 = QueryManager.getST5OrderRequest3Query(); // pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE st_se_bo_ordered_games // SET nbr_of_books_appr = ? WHERE order_id ="+orderId+" and // game_id=?"); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query2); for (int i = 0; i < gameNumber.length; i++) { System.out.println("gameId" + gameId[i]); pstmt.setInt(1, totalApproved[i]); pstmt.setInt(2, orderId); pstmt.setInt(3, gameId[i]); pstmt.executeUpdate(); System.out.println("gameId" + gameId[i]); } conn.commit(); setRequestApproval("Yes"); stt = "SUCCESS"; } return stt; } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("We got an exception while preparing a statement:" + "Probably bad SQL."); se.printStackTrace(); setRequestApproval("No"); throw new LMSException(se); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) { pstmt.close(); } if (pstmt1 != null) { pstmt1.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LMSException(se); } } } public String executeAgent() throws LMSException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null; String orgQuery = null; PreparedStatement orgPstmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; double currCreditAmt = 0.0; double creditLimit = 0.0; String stt = null; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); orderId = ((Integer) session.getAttribute("OrgId")).intValue(); System.out.println("gameNumber" + gameNumber.length); if (gameNumber.length > 0) { totalApproved = new int[gameNumber.length]; } else { totalApproved = new int[1]; } // From the front end allowed books for each game will come in the // allowedBooks[] array. If total approved books are greater than the // min boks b/w the total no of books at the BO and the remaining books. for (int i = 0; i < gameNumber.length; i++) { System.out.println("Game Number" + gameNumber[i]); System.out.println("ssssss " + getAllowedBooks()); System.out.println("11 " + allowedBooks[i] + "22 " + findMin(nbrOfBooksAtAgent[i], differenceBtAgentandApprBooks[i])); if (allowedBooks[i] > findMin(nbrOfBooksAtAgent[i], differenceBtAgentandApprBooks[i])) { addActionError("Enter valid Alloted book value for game" + gameName[i]); setRequestApproval("No"); System.out.println("There is ERROR"); return ERROR; } System.out.println("allowedBooks[i] " + allowedBooks[i]); totalApproved[i] = allowedBooks[i]; System.out.println("Approved for game" + totalApproved[i]); } try { conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); /* * check if available credit is <0 */ orgQuery = QueryManager.getST1OrgCreditQuery(); orgPstmt = conn.prepareStatement(orgQuery); orgPstmt.setInt(1, orderId); resultSet = orgPstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { currCreditAmt = resultSet.getDouble(TableConstants.SOM_CURR_CREDIT_AMT); creditLimit = resultSet.getDouble(TableConstants.SOM_CREDIT_LIMIT); } /* * end */ String query1 = QueryManager.getST5RetailerOrderRequest4Query(); // pstmt1=conn.prepareStatement("update st_se_bo_order set // order_status='APPROVED' WHERE order_id=?"); // / if agent is having the less credit amt than he wont be allowed // for the order approved if (currCreditAmt > creditLimit) { stt = Deny(); addActionError("You Do not have enough Credit Available "); } else { pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement(query1); // String query2 ="update st_se_bo_ordered_games set // nbr_of_books_appr="+totalApproved+" WHERE // order_id="+orderId+"and game_id="; System.out.println("Query1 from Request Aprove Action " + query1); System.out.println("OrderId>>>>" + orderId); pstmt1.setInt(1, orderId); pstmt1.executeUpdate(); String query2 = QueryManager.getST5RetailerOrderRequest3Query(); // pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE st_se_bo_ordered_games // SET nbr_of_books_appr = ? WHERE order_id ="+orderId+" and // game_id=?"); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query2); for (int i = 0; i < gameNumber.length; i++) { System.out.println("gameId" + gameId[i]); pstmt.setInt(1, totalApproved[i]); pstmt.setInt(2, orderId); pstmt.setInt(3, gameId[i]); pstmt.executeUpdate(); System.out.println("gameId" + gameId[i]); } conn.commit(); setRequestApproval("Yes"); stt = "SUCCESS"; } return stt; } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("We got an exception while preparing a statement:" + "Probably bad SQL."); se.printStackTrace(); setRequestApproval("No"); throw new LMSException(se); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) { pstmt.close(); } if (pstmt1 != null) { pstmt1.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LMSException(se); } } } /** * * This method is used to find minimum. * * @author SkilRock Technologies * @Param a * is no of books at BO,b total remaining books * @Return int (minimum b/w books at BO and total remaining books ) * */ public int findMin(int a, int b) { int min = 0; if (a < b) { min = a; } else if (b < a) { min = b; } else { min = a; } return min; } public int[] getAllowedBooks() { return allowedBooks; } public int[] getDifferenceBtAgentandApprBooks() { return differenceBtAgentandApprBooks; } public int[] getDifferenceBtBOndApprBooks() { return differenceBtBOndApprBooks; } public int[] getGameId() { return gameId; } public String[] getGameName() { return gameName; } public int[] getGameNumber() { return gameNumber; } public int[] getNbrOfBooksAtAgent() { return nbrOfBooksAtAgent; } public int[] getNbrOfBooksAtBO() { return nbrOfBooksAtBO; } public int[] getNbrOfBooksReq() { return nbrOfBooksReq; } public int getOrderId() { return orderId; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } public String getRequestApproval() { return requestApproval; } public void setAllowedBooks(int[] allowedBooks) { this.allowedBooks = allowedBooks; } public void setDifferenceBtAgentandApprBooks(int[] differenceBtAgentandApprBooks) { this.differenceBtAgentandApprBooks = differenceBtAgentandApprBooks; } public void setDifferenceBtBOndApprBooks(int[] differenceBtBOndApprBooks) { this.differenceBtBOndApprBooks = differenceBtBOndApprBooks; } public void setGameId(int[] gameId) { this.gameId = gameId; } /** * * This method is used to get Sql date from Date in String format. * * * @author SkilRock Technologies * @Param Date(string * format) * @Return java.sql.Date throws LMSException */ /* * private java.sql.Date getDate(String date) throws LMSException{ * * DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(); try { * * Date parsedDate = dateFormat.parse(date); return new * java.sql.Date(parsedDate.getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { * * e.printStackTrace(); throw new LMSException(e); } } */ public void setGameName(String[] gameName) { this.gameName = gameName; } public void setGameNumber(int[] gameNumber) { this.gameNumber = gameNumber; } public void setNbrOfBooksAtAgent(int[] nbrOfBooksAtAgent) { this.nbrOfBooksAtAgent = nbrOfBooksAtAgent; } public void setNbrOfBooksAtBO(int[] nbrOfBooksAtBO) { this.nbrOfBooksAtBO = nbrOfBooksAtBO; } public void setNbrOfBooksReq(int[] nbrOfBooksReq) { this.nbrOfBooksReq = nbrOfBooksReq; } public void setOrderId(int orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; } public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } public void setRequestApproval(String requestApproval) { this.requestApproval = requestApproval; } public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } }