Java tutorial
/* * copyright 2007, SkilRock Technologies, A division of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * All Rights Reserved * The contents of this file are the property of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * and are subject to a License agreement with Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd.; you may * not use this file except in compliance with that License. You may obtain a * copy of that license from: * Legal Department * Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * 6/35,WEA, Karol Bagh, * New Delhi * India - 110005 * This software is distributed under the License and is provided on an AS IS * basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, unless * otherwise provided in the License. See the License for governing rights and * limitations under the License. */ package com.skilrock.lms.web.scratchService.inventoryMgmt.common; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.skilrock.lms.GameContants; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.InvOrderBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrderBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrderedGameBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrgAddressBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.UserInfoBean; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.TableConstants; import com.skilrock.lms.common.exception.LMSException; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.inventoryMgmt.common.AgentOrderProcessHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.orderMgmt.common.GameDetailsHelper; /** * This class provides methods for handling the order process at Agent end * * @author Skilrock Technologies * */ public class AgentOrderProcessAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware { public static final String APPLICATION_ERROR = "applicationError"; static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AgentOrderProcessAction.class); /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static String roundTo2DecimalPlaces(double value) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); String doublevalue = df.format(value); System.out.println("------kfkdjd" + doublevalue + "--------"); return doublevalue; } private String date; private String edit = null; private String end = null; private int gameId; private String gameName = null; private String gameNumber; private boolean isDispatch; private java.sql.Date orderDate; private int orderId; private String orderNumber; private String orderStatus; private HttpServletRequest request; private int retOrgId; private String retOrgName; private String searchCriteria = ""; private int start = 0; /** * This method displays the details of the selected order * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String agentOrderDetail() throws Exception { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_GAME_LIST", null); session.setAttribute("Total_Approve_books", null); double currentBalance = 0.0; double totalAmount = 0.0; double creditrLimit = 0.0; double current = 0.0; double availableCredit = 0.0; double claimable = 0.0; double balance = 0.0; int retOrgId = getRetOrgId(); // try { AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); List<OrderedGameBean> orderdGameList = helper.fetchOrderDetails(getOrderId(), retOrgId); int total = helper.getTotalOrderedBooks(); System.out.println("TOTAL APPROVED BOOKS FOR THIS ORDER" + total); session.setAttribute("Total_Approve_books", total); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_GAME_LIST", orderdGameList); session.setAttribute("AGT_ORDER_ID", getOrderId()); // int retOrgId = getRetOrgId(); OrgAddressBean addrBean = helper.fetchAddress(retOrgId); if (addrBean != null) { session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_ADDR", addrBean); } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ // added by Hanu session.setAttribute("RETAILER_ORG_ID", retOrgId); GameDetailsHelper gameHelper = new GameDetailsHelper(); if (session.getAttribute("BALANCE") == null || session.getAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT") == null) { List<Double> accountList = gameHelper.fetchAgentRetailerAccDetail(getRetOrgName()); if (accountList != null) { creditrLimit = (Double) accountList.get(0); current = (Double) accountList.get(1); availableCredit = (Double) accountList.get(2); claimable = (Double) accountList.get(3); balance = availableCredit - claimable; System.out.println("**********************************available credit is ::" + availableCredit); } currentBalance = current; // System.out.println("Balance is not null and value // is"+((Double)session.getAttribute("BALANCE")).doubleValue()); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT", roundTo2DecimalPlaces(creditrLimit)); // session.setAttribute("TOTAL", totalAmount); // System.out.println("creditLimit"+creditrLimit); // System.out.println("BALANCE"+currentBalance); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT", roundTo2DecimalPlaces(currentBalance)); session.setAttribute("AVAILABLE_CREDIT_AMT_AGT", roundTo2DecimalPlaces(availableCredit)); session.setAttribute("REMAINING_AVAILABLE_CREDIT_AMT_AGT", availableCredit); session.setAttribute("AVAILABLE_BALANCE", roundTo2DecimalPlaces(balance));// added by amit System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@setttttttttt"); // session.setAttribute("BALANCE", 0.0); } System.out.println("Retailer Org Id::" + getRetOrgId()); session.setAttribute("AGT_ORDER_DATE", getOrderDate()); session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_NAME", getRetOrgName()); session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_ID", getRetOrgId()); List<InvOrderBean> invOrderList = new ArrayList<InvOrderBean>(); session.setAttribute("AGT_INV_ORDER_LIST", invOrderList); return SUCCESS; } /** * This method displays the games for the selected order * * @return String */ public String agentOrderGameDetail() throws LMSException { int countBooks = 0; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<OrderedGameBean> gameList = (List<OrderedGameBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_GAME_LIST"); OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = null; session.setAttribute("TOTAL_BOOKS", null); int gameId = getGameId(); System.out.println("GameId:" + gameId); if (gameList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < gameList.size(); i++) { orderedGameBean = gameList.get(i); if (gameId == orderedGameBean.getGameId()) { session.setAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME", orderedGameBean); break; } } } GameDetailsHelper gameHelper = new GameDetailsHelper(); countBooks = gameHelper.fetchAgentBooksWithRetailer(gameId, (String) session.getAttribute("RET_ORG_NAME")); System.out.println("Retailer Books ::" + countBooks); session.setAttribute("TOTAL_BOOKS", countBooks); return SUCCESS; } /** * This method takes the user back to the order detail page * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String backToAgentOrderDetail() throws Exception { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); int orderId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDER_ID"); int retOrgId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("RET_ORG_ID"); // try { AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); List<OrderedGameBean> orderdGameList = helper.fetchOrderDetails(orderId, retOrgId); List<InvOrderBean> invOrderList = (List<InvOrderBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_INV_ORDER_LIST"); System.out.println("In the backToOrderDetail() method orderDetail List " + orderdGameList); System.out.println("INV_ORDER_LIST " + invOrderList); InvOrderBean bean = null; if (invOrderList != null) { int orderSize = orderdGameList.size(); int invOrderSize = invOrderList.size(); System.out.println("Ordered game size" + orderSize + "and INV_ORDER_LIST" + invOrderSize); if (orderSize >= invOrderSize) { boolean isDispatch = true; for (int i = 0; i < invOrderList.size(); i++) { bean = invOrderList.get(i); isDispatch = isDispatch && bean.getOrderedGameBean().getIsReadyForDispatch(); System.out.println("isDispatch>>>>>>>>?????????/" + isDispatch); // // It checks wheather this order is completely dispatched // or not. if (isDispatch) { setDispatch(true); System.out.println("isDispatch>>>>>>>>"); break; } } } } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ return SUCCESS; } /** * This method dispatches the order for the retailer * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String assignAgentOrder() throws Exception { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<InvOrderBean> invOrderList = (List<InvOrderBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_INV_ORDER_LIST"); int orderId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDER_ID"); int retOrgId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("RETAILER_ORG_ID"); int totalApproveBooksForOrder = (Integer) session.getAttribute("Total_Approve_books"); // *******************remove this************ UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtId = userInfoBean.getUserId(); String loggedInUserOrgName = userInfoBean.getOrgName(); int userOrgID = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); // int agtId = 111111; String rootPath = (String) session.getAttribute("ROOT_PATH"); System.out.println("----------------InvOrderList::" + invOrderList.size()); if (invOrderList != null) { // try { AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); int DCId = helper.assignOrder(invOrderList, totalApproveBooksForOrder, orderId, retOrgId, agtId, rootPath, loggedInUserOrgName, userOrgID); session.setAttribute("DEL_CHALLAN_ID", DCId); /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ } return SUCCESS; } public String EditAgentOrdertatus() throws Exception { System.out.println("inside method --------- EditAgentOrdertatus()"); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_GAME_LIST", null); session.setAttribute("Total_Approve_books", null); double currentBalance = 0.0; double totalAmount = 0.0; double creditrLimit = 0.0; double current = 0.0; int retOrgId = getRetOrgId(); // try { AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); List<OrderedGameBean> orderdGameList = helper.fetchOrderDetails(getOrderId(), retOrgId); int total = helper.getTotalOrderedBooks(); System.out.println("TOTAL APPROVED BOOKS FOR THIS ORDER : " + total); session.setAttribute("Total_Approve_books", total); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_GAME_LIST", orderdGameList); session.setAttribute("AGT_ORDER_ID", getOrderId()); // int retOrgId =getRetOrgId(); OrgAddressBean addrBean = helper.fetchAddress(retOrgId); if (addrBean != null) { session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_ADDR", addrBean); } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ // added by Hanu session.setAttribute("RETAILER_ORG_ID", retOrgId); GameDetailsHelper gameHelper = new GameDetailsHelper(); if (session.getAttribute("BALANCE") == null || session.getAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT") == null) { List<Double> accountList = gameHelper.fetchAgentRetailerAccDetail(getRetOrgName()); if (accountList != null) { creditrLimit = (Double) accountList.get(0); current = (Double) accountList.get(1); } currentBalance = current; // System.out.println("Balance is not null and value // is"+((Double)session.getAttribute("BALANCE")).doubleValue()); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT", roundTo2DecimalPlaces(creditrLimit)); // session.setAttribute("TOTAL", totalAmount); // System.out.println("creditLimit"+creditrLimit); // System.out.println("BALANCE"+currentBalance); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT", roundTo2DecimalPlaces(currentBalance)); // session.setAttribute("BALANCE", 0.0); } System.out.println("Retailer Org Id::" + getRetOrgId()); session.setAttribute("AGT_ORDER_DATE", getDate()); System.out.println("oder date : ------------------------------------------------" + getDate()); session.setAttribute("date", getDate()); session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_NAME", getRetOrgName()); session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_ID", getRetOrgId()); return SUCCESS; } public String getDate() { return date; } public String getEdit() { return edit; } public String getEnd() { return end; } public int getGameId() { return gameId; } public String getGameName() { return gameName; } /** * This method is used for displaying approved orders * * @return String * @throws Exception */ /* * public String displayAppAgentOrders() throws Exception { HttpSession * session = getRequest().getSession(); * session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST", null); * * UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session * .getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); * //session.setAttribute("TOTAL",null); * //session.setAttribute("BALANCE",null); * session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT",null); * session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT",null); * * //try { AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); * List<AgentOrderBean> orderList = helper.getApprovedOrders(agtOrgId); * session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST", orderList); } catch * (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } * * return SUCCESS; } */ public String getGameNumber() { return gameNumber; } public boolean getIsDispatch() { return isDispatch; } public java.sql.Date getOrderDate() { return orderDate; } public int getOrderId() { return orderId; } public String getOrderNumber() { return orderNumber; } public String getOrderStatus() { return orderStatus; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } public int getRetOrgId() { return retOrgId; } public String getRetOrgName() { return retOrgName; } public String getSearchCriteria() { return searchCriteria; } public int getStart() { return start; } private String getStatusCondition() { String actualStatus = ""; boolean isPresent = false; if (orderStatus != null && !orderStatus.trim().equals("")) { if (orderStatus.equals("Semi Processed")) { actualStatus = new String("SEMI_PROCESSED"); } else if (orderStatus.equals("Approved")) { actualStatus = new String("APPROVED"); } else if (orderStatus.equals("Processed")) { actualStatus = new String("PROCESSED"); } } return actualStatus; } /** * This method handles the first,next,previous and last click on the order * request page * * @return String */ public String searchAjax() { int endValue = 0; int startValue = 0; // PrintWriter out = getResponse().getWriter(); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List ajaxList = (List) session.getAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST1"); List ajaxSearchList = new ArrayList(); // System.out.println("end "+getEnd()); if (ajaxList != null) { if (getEnd() != null) { end = getEnd(); } else { end = "first"; } System.out.println("List Size " + ajaxList.size()); startValue = (Integer) session.getAttribute("startValueOrderSearch"); if (end.equals("first")) { System.out.println("i m in first"); startValue = 0; endValue = startValue + 5; if (endValue > ajaxList.size()) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); } } else if (end.equals("Previous")) { System.out.println("i m in Previous"); startValue = startValue - 5; if (startValue < 5) { startValue = 0; } endValue = startValue + 5; if (endValue > ajaxList.size()) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); } } else if (end.equals("Next")) { System.out.println("i m in Next"); startValue = startValue + 5; endValue = startValue + 5; if (endValue > ajaxList.size()) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); } if (startValue > ajaxList.size()) { startValue = ajaxList.size() - ajaxList.size() % 5; } } else if (end.equals("last")) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); startValue = endValue - endValue % 5; } if (startValue == endValue) { startValue = endValue - 5; } System.out.println("End value" + endValue); System.out.println("Start Value" + startValue); for (int i = startValue; i < endValue; i++) { ajaxSearchList.add(ajaxList.get(i)); } session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST", ajaxSearchList); session.setAttribute("startValueOrderSearch", startValue); } return SUCCESS; } /** * This method provides the search order * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String SearchOrder() throws Exception { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST1", null); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST", null); session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", null); session.setAttribute("Total_Approve_books", null); // session.setAttribute("TOTAL",null); // session.setAttribute("BALANCE",null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT", null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT", null); session.setAttribute("REMAINING_AVAILABLE_CREDIT_AMT_AGT", null); // try { UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); String status = null; System.out.println("Game Name:" + gameName); System.out.println("Game Nbr:" + gameNumber); Map<String, String> searchMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); searchMap.put(GameContants.GAME_NAME, gameName); searchMap.put(GameContants.GAME_NBR, gameNumber); searchMap.put(TableConstants.ORG_NAME, retOrgName); searchMap.put(GameContants.ORDER_ID, orderNumber); status = getStatusCondition(); searchMap.put(TableConstants.SBO_ORDER_STATUS, status); // try { // BOOrderProcessHelper helper = new BOOrderProcessHelper(); AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); List<OrderBean> searchResults = helper.SearchOrder(searchMap, agtOrgId); if (searchResults != null && searchResults.size() > 0) { session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST1", searchResults); session.setAttribute("startValueOrderSearch", new Integer(0)); session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", "Yes"); } else { session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", "No"); } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ searchAjax(); return SUCCESS; } public void setDate(String date) { = date; } public void setDispatch(boolean isDispatch) { this.isDispatch = isDispatch; } public void setEdit(String edit) { this.edit = edit; } public void setEnd(String end) { this.end = end; } public void setGameId(int gameId) { this.gameId = gameId; } public void setGameName(String gameName) { this.gameName = gameName; } public void setGameNumber(String gameNumber) { this.gameNumber = gameNumber; } public void setOrderDate(java.sql.Date orderDate) { System.out.println("====order date " + orderDate); this.orderDate = orderDate; } public void setOrderId(int orderId) { System.out.println("==================== order id " + orderId); this.orderId = orderId; } public void setOrderNumber(String orderNumber) { this.orderNumber = orderNumber; } public void setOrderStatus(String orderStatus) { this.orderStatus = orderStatus; } public void setRetOrgId(int retOrgId) { System.out.println(" retailer org id : " + retOrgId); this.retOrgId = retOrgId; } public void setRetOrgName(String retOrgName) { System.out.println(" retailer org name : " + retOrgName); this.retOrgName = retOrgName; } public void setSearchCriteria(String searchCriteria) { this.searchCriteria = searchCriteria; } public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } public void setStart(int start) { this.start = start; } /** * This method is used to initialize Dispatch order process ,it used to make * all session attributes null. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String start() throws Exception { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST", null); session.setAttribute("AGT_APP_ORDER_LIST1", null); session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", null); // session.setAttribute("TOTAL",null); // session.setAttribute("BALANCE",null); // //credit limit and the current credit amount session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT", null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT", null); return SUCCESS; } public String SuccessStatusUpdate() throws Exception { AgentOrderProcessHelper helper = new AgentOrderProcessHelper(); if (orderStatus.equals("Close")) { orderStatus = "CLOSED"; } if (helper.SuccessStatusUpdate(orderId, orderStatus)) { return SUCCESS; } else { addActionError("There is some error to update the status"); return ERROR; } } }