Java tutorial
/* * copyright 2007, SkilRock Technologies, A division of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * All Rights Reserved * The contents of this file are the property of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * and are subject to a License agreement with Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd.; you may * not use this file except in compliance with that License. You may obtain a * copy of that license from: * Legal Department * Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * 6/35,WEA, Karol Bagh, * New Delhi * India - 110005 * This software is distributed under the License and is provided on an AS IS * basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, unless * otherwise provided in the License. See the License for governing rights and * limitations under the License. */ package com.skilrock.lms.web.scratchService.inventoryMgmt.common; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseAware; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.skilrock.lms.GameContants; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.BookBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.BookSeriesBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.DispatchOrderResponse; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.InvOrderBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrderBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrderedGameBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.OrgAddressBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.PackBean; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.UserInfoBean; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.DBConnect; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.TableConstants; import com.skilrock.lms.common.exception.LMSException; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.inventoryMgmt.common.AgentDispatchGameHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.inventoryMgmt.common.AgentOrderProcessHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.inventoryMgmt.common.BODispatchGameHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.orderMgmt.common.BOOrderProcessHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.scratchService.orderMgmt.common.GameDetailsHelper; /** * This class provides methods for handling the order dispatch at Agent end * * @author Skilrock Technologies * */ public class AgentDispatchGameAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware, ServletResponseAware { public static final String APPLICATION_ERROR = "applicationError"; static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AgentDispatchGameAction.class); /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int bookCountId; private List<BookBean> bookList; private String[] bookNbr; String[] bookNbrFrmStr = null; private Object bookNbrFromArr; private Object bookNbrToArr; String[] bookNbrToStr = null; private String bookNbrToVerify; private double bookPrice; private List bookSeriesAll; private List<BookBean> bookSeriesList; private int defaultNbrOfBooks = 2; private int gameId; private int gameNbr; private boolean isAddBookEnabled; private boolean isInValidEntry; private boolean isProceedNext; private int noOfBooksToDispatch; private OrderedGameBean orderdedGame; private int packCountId; private List<PackBean> packList; private String[] packNbr; private String packNbrToVerify; private HttpServletRequest request; private HttpServletResponse response; /** * This method is called when the Add Book button is pressed * * @return String */ public String addBook() { System.out.println("---------I am in ADD Book--------------"); // reInitialize(); HttpServletResponse response = getResponse(); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // prevents caching at the proxy // server response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-stale=0"); // HTTP 1.1 // System.out.println("add bookkkkkkkkkkkkk::" + // request.getParameter("hidBookNbr")); // System.out.println("add bookkkkkkkkkkkkk::" + getHidBookNbr()); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); BookBean bookBean = null; // copy values and add another book to the list if (bookList != null) { copyBookValues(bookList); bookBean = new BookBean(); bookBean.setValid(true); bookList.add(bookBean); setBookList(bookList); } /* * try { PrintWriter out = getResponse().getWriter(); out.write("This is * Aman Chawla"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch * block e.printStackTrace(); } */ return SUCCESS; } private void changeDispatchBooks() { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookSeriesList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_LIST"); // for books String bookNbr = null; System.out .println("-----:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" + getNoOfBooksToDispatch()); if (bookList != null) { for (BookBean bean : bookList) { bookNbr = bean.getBookNumber(); if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { if (bean.getIsValid()) { setNoOfBooksToDispatch(getNoOfBooksToDispatch() + 1); System.out.println( "-----:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::after add book" + getNoOfBooksToDispatch()); } } } } // for book Series List if (bookSeriesList != null) { for (BookBean bean : bookSeriesList) { bookNbr = bean.getBookNumber(); if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { if (bean.getIsValid()) { setNoOfBooksToDispatch(getNoOfBooksToDispatch() + 1); } } } } // for packs String packNbr = null; if (packList != null) { OrderedGameBean gameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); int booksPerPack = gameBean.getNbrOfBooksPerPack(); for (PackBean bean : packList) { packNbr = bean.getPackNumber(); if (packNbr != null && !packNbr.trim().equals("")) { if (bean.getIsValid()) { setNoOfBooksToDispatch(getNoOfBooksToDispatch() + booksPerPack); } } } } System.out .println("-----:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" + getNoOfBooksToDispatch()); } public void checkValidBookInseries(List<BookBean> bookSeriesList) { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List bookSeriesAll = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_ALL"); String bookNbr = null; if (bookSeriesList != null) { for (BookBean bean : bookSeriesList) { bookNbr = bean.getBookNumber(); if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { // System.out.println("--in // book=series---"+bean.getIsValid()); if (!bean.getIsValid()) { int bookNum = Integer.parseInt(bookNbr.replaceAll("-", "")); BookSeriesBean bookSeBean; for (int i = 0; i < bookSeriesAll.size(); i++) { bookSeBean = (BookSeriesBean) bookSeriesAll.get(i); System.out.println(bookSeBean.getBookNbrFrom() + "--in bookserieslist---" + bookNum + "--------" + bookSeBean.getBookNbrTo()); if (Integer.parseInt(bookSeBean.getBookNbrFrom().replaceAll("-", "")) <= bookNum && Integer.parseInt(bookSeBean.getBookNbrTo().replaceAll("-", "")) >= bookNum) { // System.out.println(bookSeBean.getBookNbrFrom()+"--in // bookserieslist---"+bookNum); bookSeBean.setStatus("Tickets in Series are Already in Pack"); setBookSeriesAll(bookSeriesAll); } } } } } } session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_ALL", bookSeriesAll); // System.out.println("--in bookserieslist-after // sett--"+((BookSeriesBean)bookSeriesAll.get(0)).getStatus()); } private void copyBookValues(List<BookBean> bookList) { BookBean bookBean = null; System.out.println("Agent BookNbr Array::" + getBookNbr()); System.out.println("Nbr of boks to dispatch" + getNoOfBooksToDispatch()); String[] bookNbr = getBookNbr(); System.out.println("Agent BookNbr.length:" + bookNbr.length); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); OrderedGameBean agtOrderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); // create tokens and set values in the book list if (bookNbr != null) { if (bookNbr.length == 1) { String bookVal = null; StringTokenizer bookTokens = new StringTokenizer(bookNbr[0], ","); System.out.println("Agent Value Passed::" + bookNbr[0]); System.out.println("Agent BookTokens::" + bookTokens.countTokens()); int i = 0; while (bookTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { bookVal = bookTokens.nextToken(); System.out.println(bookVal); bookVal = bookVal.trim(); if (bookVal.indexOf("-") == -1 && bookVal.length() > agtOrderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) { bookVal = bookVal.substring(0, agtOrderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) + "-" + bookVal.substring(agtOrderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()); bookBean = new BookBean(); bookBean.setValid(true); bookBean.setBookNumber(bookVal); bookList.add(bookBean); } i = i + 1; // bookBean = bookList.get(i++); // bookBean.setBookNumber(bookVal); } setBookList(bookList); System.out.println("After Setting BookList in copyBookValues::" + bookList); } } /* * for(String b : bookNbr) { System.out.println("Book:::" + b); } * * * * if (bookNbr != null) { System.out.println("Inside NOt Null ---BookNbr * Array::" + getBookNbr()); for (int i = 0; i < bookNbr.length; i++) { * if (!bookNbr[i].trim().equals("")) { bookBean = new BookBean(); * bookBean.setBookNumber(bookNbr[i]); bookList.add(bookBean); } } } */ } private void copyPackValues(List<PackBean> packList) { PackBean packBean = null; System.out.println("Agent PackNbr Array::" + getPackNbr()); String[] packNbr = getPackNbr(); System.out.println("Agent PackNbr.length:" + packNbr.length); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); OrderedGameBean agtOrderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); // create tokens and set values in the pack list if (packNbr != null) { if (packNbr.length == 1) { String packVal = null; StringTokenizer packTokens = new StringTokenizer(packNbr[0], ","); System.out.println("Agent Value Passed::" + packNbr[0]); System.out.println("Agent PackTokens::" + packTokens.countTokens()); int i = 0; while (packTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { packVal = packTokens.nextToken(); packVal = packVal.trim(); if (packVal.indexOf("-") == -1 && packVal.length() > agtOrderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) { packVal = packVal.substring(0, agtOrderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) + "-" + packVal.substring(agtOrderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()); } System.out.println(packVal); packBean = packList.get(i++); packBean.setPackNumber(packVal); } } } } /** * This method is used to display the dispatch game page * * @return String */ public String assignAgentGame() { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); // get the ordered game from session OrderedGameBean bean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); double remainingAvailableCreditLimit = ((Double) session.getAttribute("REMAINING_AVAILABLE_CREDIT_AMT_AGT")) .doubleValue(); remainingAvailableCreditLimit = remainingAvailableCreditLimit - getBookPrice() * getNoOfBooksToDispatch(); session.setAttribute("REMAINING_AVAILABLE_CREDIT_AMT_AGT", remainingAvailableCreditLimit); System.out.println("ramaining amount is &&&&&&&&&&&&& " + remainingAvailableCreditLimit); List<PackBean> packList = null; List<BookBean> bookList = null; List<BookBean> bookSeriesList = new ArrayList<BookBean>(); List bookSeriesAll = new ArrayList(); int nbrOfAppBooks; int nbrOfBooksPerPack; int nbrOfAppBooksRemain; if (bean != null) { setOrderdedGame(bean); nbrOfAppBooks = bean.getNbrOfBooksApp(); nbrOfAppBooksRemain = bean.getRemainingBooksToDispatch(); nbrOfBooksPerPack = bean.getNbrOfBooksPerPack(); // create the pack list and set packs if (nbrOfAppBooksRemain >= nbrOfBooksPerPack) { int nbrOfPacks = nbrOfAppBooksRemain / nbrOfBooksPerPack; if (nbrOfPacks > 0) { packList = new ArrayList<PackBean>(); /* * if (nbrOfPacks > defaultNbrOfPacks) { nbrOfPacks = * defaultNbrOfPacks; } */ PackBean packBean = null; for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfPacks; i++) { packBean = new PackBean(); packBean.setValid(true); packList.add(packBean); } setPackList(packList); // session.setAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST", packList); } } /* * List<BookBean> bookList = new ArrayList<BookBean>(); BookBean * bookBean = null; for (int i = 0; i < defaultNbrOfBooks; i++) { * bookBean = new BookBean(); //bookBean.setValid(true); * * bookList.add(bookBean); } setBookList(bookList); * session.setAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST", bookList); */ // create the book list and set books bookList = new ArrayList<BookBean>(); BookBean bookBean = null; int nbrOfBooksToAdd = 0; if (nbrOfAppBooks > defaultNbrOfBooks) { nbrOfBooksToAdd = defaultNbrOfBooks; setAddBookEnabled(true); } else { nbrOfBooksToAdd = nbrOfAppBooks; } for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfBooksToAdd; i++) { bookBean = new BookBean(); bookBean.setValid(true); bookList.add(bookBean); } setBookList(bookList); // session.setAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST", bookList); } setNoOfBooksToDispatch(0); session.setAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST", packList); session.setAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST", bookList); session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_LIST", bookSeriesList); session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_ALL", bookSeriesAll); return SUCCESS; } public int getBookCountId() { return bookCountId; } /* * public String addBook() { * * reInitialize(); System.out.println("add bookkkkkkkkkkkkk"); HttpSession * session = getRequest().getSession(); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) * session .getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) * session .getAttribute("AGT_AGT_PACK_LIST"); * * BookBean bookBean = null; if (bookList != null) { * * copyBookValues(bookList); bookBean = new BookBean(); * //bookBean.setValid(true); bookList.add(bookBean); setBookList(bookList); } * * if (packList != null) { * * copyPackValues(packList); setPackList(packList); } * * return SUCCESS; } * * public String addPack() { * * reInitialize(); System.out.println("add bookkkkkkkkkkkkk"); HttpSession * session = getRequest().getSession(); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) * session .getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) * session .getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); * * if (packList != null) { * * copyPackValues(packList); packList.add(new PackBean()); * setPackList(packList); } * * if (bookList != null) { copyBookValues(bookList); setBookList(bookList); } * * return SUCCESS; } * * * * private void reInitialize() { HttpSession session = * getRequest().getSession(); OrderedGameBean bean = (OrderedGameBean) * session .getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); if (bean != null) { * setOrderdedGame(bean); } * * List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) session * .getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) * session .getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); * * if (packList != null) { setPackList(packList); } if (bookList != null) { * setBookList(bookList); } } */ public List<BookBean> getBookList() { return bookList; } /* * * public String verifyBook() throws Exception { * * HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); boolean isValid = false; * int gameId = getGameId(); String bookNbr = getBookNbrToVerify(); // * ********* remove this hard-coded value*********** UserInfoBean * userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session .getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int * agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); //int agtOrgId = 2; * //**************************************************** * * //System.out.println("BookNbr:::::::" + getBookNbrToVerify()); * * //try { if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { * //System.out.println("Inside eee BookNbr:::::::" + getBookNbrToVerify()); * AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); isValid = * helper.verifyBook(gameId, agtOrgId, bookNbr); } else { isValid = true; } * * //} catch (LMSException le) { //return APPLICATION_ERROR; //} * * try { PrintWriter out = getResponse().getWriter(); if (isValid) { * out.write("valid"); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated * catch block e.printStackTrace(); } * * return null; } */ public String[] getBookNbr() { return bookNbr; } public String[] getBookNbrFrmStr() { return bookNbrFrmStr; } public Object getBookNbrFromArr() { return bookNbrFromArr; } public Object getBookNbrToArr() { return bookNbrToArr; } public String[] getBookNbrToStr() { return bookNbrToStr; } public String getBookNbrToVerify() { return bookNbrToVerify; } /* * public String verifyPack() throws Exception { * * boolean isValid = false; int gameId = getGameId(); String packNbr = * getPackNbrToVerify(); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); // * ********* remove this hard-coded value*********** UserInfoBean * userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session .getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int * agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); //int agtOrgId = 2; * //**************************************************** * * //try { if (packNbr != null && !packNbr.trim().equals("")) { * AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); isValid = * helper.verifyPack(gameId, agtOrgId, packNbr); } else { isValid = true; } * //*} catch (LMSException le) { // return APPLICATION_ERROR; //} * * try { PrintWriter out = getResponse().getWriter(); if (isValid) { * out.write("valid"); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated * catch block e.printStackTrace(); } * * return null; } */ /* * private void copyBookValues(List<BookBean> bookList) { BookBean bookBean = * null; * * String[] bookNbr = getBookNbr(); * * if (bookNbr != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bookNbr.length; i++) { if * (!bookNbr[i].trim().equals("")) { bookBean = new BookBean(); * bookBean.setBookNumber(bookNbr[i]); bookList.add(bookBean); } } } } * */ /* * private void copyPackValues(List<PackBean> packList) { PackBean packBean = * null; System.out.println("---" + getPackNbr()); for (int i = 0; i < * packList.size(); i++) { packBean = packList.get(i); * System.out.println("PackBean::" + packBean); * packBean.setPackNumber(getPackNbr()[i]); * System.out.println("PackBean11::" + packBean); } } */ public double getBookPrice() { return bookPrice; } public List getBookSeriesAll() { return bookSeriesAll; } /* * public String verifyAgentDispatchEntry() throws Exception { * * boolean isVerified = false; setProceedNext(true); System.out.println("In * Verify Dispatch--------------------@@@"); HttpSession session = * getRequest().getSession(); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) * session .getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); //List<BookBean> bookList = * (List<BookBean>) session // .getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); // * * List<BookBean> bookList = new ArrayList<BookBean>(); * * if (packList != null) { copyPackValues(packList); setPackList(packList); } * if (bookList != null) { copyBookValues(bookList); setBookList(bookList); } * * OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session * .getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); System.out.println("OrderedGameBean::" + * orderedGameBean); if (orderedGameBean != null) { * orderedGameBean.setNbrOfBooksToDispatch(getNoOfBooksToDispatch()); } // * ********* remove this hard-coded value*********** UserInfoBean * userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session .getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int * agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); //int agtOrgId = 2; * //**************************************************** * * AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); * * //try { if (orderedGameBean != null && bookList != null) { isVerified = * helper.verifyDispatchEntry(orderedGameBean, packList, bookList, * agtOrgId); * * System.out.println("IsVerified::" + isVerified); } //} catch * (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; //} * * if (isVerified) { saveInvData(orderedGameBean, bookList, packList); * return SUCCESS; } else { //reInitialize(); return ERROR; } /* if(packList != * null && packList.size() > 0){ for(int i=0;i<packList.size();i++){ * PackBean b = packList.get(i); System.out.println("Packnum:" + * b.getPackNbr()); System.out.println("Packnum Valid:" + b.getIsValid()); } } * * if(bookList != null && bookList.size() > 0){ for(int i=0;i<bookList.size();i++){ * BookBean b = bookList.get(i); System.out.println("Booknum:" + * b.getBookNbr()); System.out.println("Booknum Valid:" + b.getIsValid()); } } */ /* * } */ public List<BookBean> getBookSeriesList() { return bookSeriesList; } public int getGameId() { return gameId; } public int getGameNbr() { return gameNbr; } public boolean getIsAddBookEnabled() { return isAddBookEnabled; } public boolean getIsInValidEntry() { return isInValidEntry; } public boolean getIsProceedNext() { return isProceedNext; } public int getNoOfBooksToDispatch() { return noOfBooksToDispatch; } public OrderedGameBean getOrderdedGame() { return orderdedGame; } public int getPackCountId() { return packCountId; } public List<PackBean> getPackList() { return packList; } public String[] getPackNbr() { return packNbr; } public String getPackNbrToVerify() { return packNbrToVerify; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } public HttpServletResponse getResponse() { return response; } private void reInitialize() { // re-initialize all the values displayed on the page HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); OrderedGameBean bean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); if (bean != null) { setOrderdedGame(bean); } List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); System.out.println("-----booklist---" + bookList); if (packList != null) { setPackList(packList); } if (bookList != null) { if (bookList.size() == 0) { OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); int nbrOfAppBooks = orderedGameBean.getNbrOfBooksApp(); int nbrOfBooksToAdd = 0; if (nbrOfAppBooks > defaultNbrOfBooks) { nbrOfBooksToAdd = defaultNbrOfBooks; setAddBookEnabled(true); } else { nbrOfBooksToAdd = nbrOfAppBooks; } BookBean bookBean = null; for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfBooksToAdd; i++) { bookBean = new BookBean(); bookBean.setValid(true); bookList.add(bookBean); } } setBookList(bookList); } } private void saveInvData(OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean, List<BookBean> bookList, List<PackBean> packList) { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<InvOrderBean> invOrderList = (List<InvOrderBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_INV_ORDER_LIST"); orderedGameBean.setReadyForDispatch(true); InvOrderBean invOrderBean = null; if (invOrderList != null) { invOrderBean = new InvOrderBean(); invOrderBean.setOrderedGameBean(orderedGameBean); if (bookList != null) { invOrderBean.setBookList(bookList); } if (packList != null) { invOrderBean.setPackList(packList); } invOrderList.add(invOrderBean); } } public void setAddBookEnabled(boolean isAddBookEnabled) { this.isAddBookEnabled = isAddBookEnabled; } public void setBookCountId(int bookCountId) { this.bookCountId = bookCountId; } public void setBookList(List<BookBean> bookList) { this.bookList = bookList; } public void setBookNbr(String[] bookNbr) { this.bookNbr = bookNbr; } public void setBookNbrFrmStr(String[] bookNbrFrmStr) { this.bookNbrFrmStr = bookNbrFrmStr; } public void setBookNbrFromArr(Object bookNbrFromArr) { this.bookNbrFromArr = bookNbrFromArr; } public void setBookNbrToArr(Object bookNbrToArr) { this.bookNbrToArr = bookNbrToArr; } public void setBookNbrToStr(String[] bookNbrToStr) { this.bookNbrToStr = bookNbrToStr; } public void setBookNbrToVerify(String bookNbrToVerify) { this.bookNbrToVerify = bookNbrToVerify; } public void setBookPrice(double bookPrice) { this.bookPrice = bookPrice; } public void setBookSeriesAll(List bookSeriesAll) { this.bookSeriesAll = bookSeriesAll; } public void setBookSeriesList(List<BookBean> bookSeriesList) { this.bookSeriesList = bookSeriesList; } public void setGameId(int gameId) { this.gameId = gameId; } public void setGameNbr(int gameNbr) { this.gameNbr = gameNbr; } public void setInValidEntry(boolean isInValidEntry) { this.isInValidEntry = isInValidEntry; } public void setNoOfBooksToDispatch(int noOfBooksToDispatch) { this.noOfBooksToDispatch = noOfBooksToDispatch; } public void setOrderdedGame(OrderedGameBean orderdedGame) { this.orderdedGame = orderdedGame; } public void setPackCountId(int packCountId) { this.packCountId = packCountId; } public void setPackList(List<PackBean> packList) { this.packList = packList; } public void setPackNbr(String[] packNbr) { this.packNbr = packNbr; } public void setPackNbrToVerify(String packNbrToVerify) { this.packNbrToVerify = packNbrToVerify; } public void setProceedNext(boolean isProceedNext) { this.isProceedNext = isProceedNext; } public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse response) { this.response = response; } /** * This method is used for verifying the book and pack entries and * dispatching the game if entries are correct * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String verifyAgentDispatchEntry() throws Exception { boolean isVerified = false; System.out.println("In Agent Verify Dispatch--------------------@@@"); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); List<BookBean> bookSeriesList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_LIST"); // List<PackBean> packList = new ArrayList<PackBean>(); // List<BookBean> bookList = new ArrayList<BookBean>(); // ********* remove this hard-coded value*********** UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); // int agtOrgId = 2; // **************************************************** if (packList != null) { // copyPackValues(packList); setPackList(packList); } if (bookList != null) { // copyBookValues(bookList); setBookList(bookList); } if (bookSeriesList != null) { setBookSeriesList(bookSeriesList); /* * if(!bookList.containsAll(bookSeriesList)){ * bookList.addAll(bookSeriesList); } * setBookSeriesList(bookSeriesList); */ } System.out.println("Nbr of Books to dispatch::" + noOfBooksToDispatch); OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); System.out.println("OrderedGameBean::" + orderedGameBean); if (orderedGameBean != null) { orderedGameBean.setNbrOfBooksToDispatch(getNoOfBooksToDispatch()); } AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); // try { // validate book and pack data if (orderedGameBean != null && bookList != null) { isVerified = helper.isBookAndPackValid(packList, bookList, bookSeriesList); System.out.println("First IsVerified::" + isVerified); if (isVerified) { isVerified = helper.verifyDispatchEntry(orderedGameBean, packList, bookList, agtOrgId, bookSeriesList); System.out.println("2nd IsVerified::" + isVerified); } System.out.println("IsVerified::" + isVerified); } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ // if data is valid, save the inventory data if (isVerified) { setProceedNext(true); bookList.addAll(bookSeriesList); setBookList(bookList); saveInvData(orderedGameBean, bookList, packList); return SUCCESS; } else { reInitialize(); checkValidBookInseries(bookSeriesList); int validBookCount = helper.recalculateDispatchBooks(packList, bookList, bookSeriesList, orderedGameBean.getNbrOfBooksPerPack()); setNoOfBooksToDispatch(validBookCount); if (orderedGameBean != null) { if (validBookCount < orderedGameBean.getNbrOfBooksApp()) { setAddBookEnabled(true); } } setInValidEntry(true); return ERROR; } /* * if(packList != null && packList.size() > 0){ for(int i=0;i<packList.size();i++){ * PackBean b = packList.get(i); System.out.println("Packnum:" + * b.getPackNbr()); System.out.println("Packnum Valid:" + * b.getIsValid()); } } * * if(bookList != null && bookList.size() > 0){ for(int i=0;i<bookList.size();i++){ * BookBean b = bookList.get(i); System.out.println("Booknum:" + * b.getBookNbr()); System.out.println("Booknum Valid:" + * b.getIsValid()); } } */ } /** * This method verifies the book entered by the user * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String verifyBook() throws Exception { boolean isValid = false; int gameId = getGameId(); boolean isBlank = false; boolean isDuplicate = false; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<BookBean> bookList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST"); String bookNbr = getBookNbrToVerify(); System.out.println("Bokkkkkkkk To verify::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" + bookNbr); // ********* remove this hard-coded value*********** UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); // int agtOrgId = 2; // **************************************************** // try { // verify if the entered book is valid if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { // System.out.println("Inside eee BookNbr:::::::" + // getBookNbrToVerify()); System.out.println(":::::::::" + bookNbr.indexOf("-")); if (bookNbr.indexOf("-") == -1) { OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); bookNbr = bookNbr.substring(0, orderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) + "-" + bookNbr.substring(orderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()); System.out.println("New book nbr:::" + bookNbr); } AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); Connection conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); try { isValid = helper.verifyBook(gameId, agtOrgId, bookNbr, conn, gameNbr); } finally { conn.close(); } } else { isValid = true; } // when the user changes the bookNbr to blanks if (bookNbr != null && bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { System.out.println("--For Blank--------"); isBlank = true; BookBean blankBean = bookList.get(bookCountId - 1); blankBean.setBookNumber(""); blankBean.setValid(true); blankBean.setStatus(null); } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ if (!isBlank) { System.out.println("--Agent Book If Not Blank--------"); if (bookList != null) { copyBookValues(bookList); // for duplicate check int dupCount = 0; int bookCountId = getBookCountId(); System.out.println("Agent BookCountId:::::::::::" + bookCountId); for (BookBean bean : bookList) { if (bookNbr.equals(bean.getBookNumber())) { dupCount++; } if (dupCount > 1) { isDuplicate = true; BookBean dupBean = bookList.get(bookCountId - 1); dupBean.setValid(false); dupBean.setStatus("Duplicate Book"); break; } } if (dupCount <= 1) { BookBean dupBean = bookList.get(bookCountId - 1); dupBean.setValid(true); dupBean.setStatus(null); } if (!isDuplicate) { for (BookBean bean : bookList) { if (bookNbr.equals(bean.getBookNumber())) { if (!isValid) { bean.setValid(false); bean.setStatus("Wrong Book Number"); break; } else { bean.setValid(true); bean.setStatus(null); break; } } } } } } setBookList(bookList); // change the value of no of books to dispatch changeDispatchBooks(); System.out.println("---------Agent Book Trying to prevent caching------"); HttpServletResponse response = getResponse(); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // prevents caching at the proxy // server response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-stale=0"); // HTTP 1.1 return SUCCESS; } /** * This method verifies the book entered by the user * * @param bookList * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public void verifyBook(String bookNbr, List<BookBean> bookList, Connection conn) throws Exception { boolean isValid = false; int gameId = getGameId(); boolean isBlank = false; boolean isDuplicate = false; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<BookBean> bookSeriesList = (List<BookBean>) session.getAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_LIST"); UserInfoBean userBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userBean.getUserOrgId(); System.out.println("Bokkkkkkkk To verify::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" + bookNbr); // try { if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { // add hyphens if necessary System.out.println(":::::::::" + bookNbr.indexOf("-")); if (bookNbr.indexOf("-") == -1) { OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session.getAttribute("ORDERED_GAME"); bookNbr = bookNbr.substring(0, orderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) + "-" + bookNbr.substring(orderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()); System.out.println("New book nbr:::" + bookNbr); } System.out.println("---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv----------" + bookNbr); AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); isValid = helper.verifyBook(gameId, agtOrgId, bookNbr, conn, gameNbr); } else { System.out.println("---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv----------"); isValid = true; } // when the user changes the bookNbr to blanks /* * if (bookNbr != null && bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { * System.out.println("--For Blank--------"); isBlank = true; BookBean * blankBean = bookList.get(bookCountId - 1); * blankBean.setBookNumber(""); blankBean.setValid(true); * blankBean.setStatus(null); } */ /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ if (!isBlank) { System.out.println("--If Not Blank--------"); if (bookList != null) { // copyBookValues(bookList); // for duplicate check int dupCount = 0; int bookCountId = getBookCountId(); System.out.println("BookCountId:::::::::::" + bookCountId); for (BookBean bean : bookList) { if (bookNbr.equals(bean.getBookNumber())) { dupCount++; System.out.println("----in dup counter----" + dupCount); } if (dupCount > 1) { isDuplicate = true; bean.setValid(false); bean.setStatus("Duplicate Book"); System.out.println("----in dup counter-if block---" + dupCount); break; } } /* * if (dupCount <= 1) { BookBean dupBean = * bookList.get(bookCountId - 1); dupBean.setValid(true); * dupBean.setStatus(null); } */ if (!isDuplicate) { for (BookBean bean : bookList) { if (bookNbr.equals(bean.getBookNumber())) { if (!isValid) { bean.setValid(false); bean.setStatus("Wrong Book Number"); break; } else { bean.setValid(true); bean.setStatus(null); break; } } } } } } setBookList(bookList); // changeDispatchBooks(); } public String verifyBookSeries() throws Exception { // update by arun Connection conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); try { boolean isValid = false; boolean isSeriesValid = true; int gameId = getGameId(); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); List<BookBean> bookList = new ArrayList(); List<BookBean> bookSeriesList = new ArrayList(); List bookSeriesAll = new ArrayList(); session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_ALL", bookSeriesAll); session.setAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST", bookList); session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_LIST", bookSeriesList); StringTokenizer bookNbrFrmTok = new StringTokenizer(((String[]) bookNbrFromArr)[0], ","); StringTokenizer bookNbrToTok = new StringTokenizer(((String[]) bookNbrToArr)[0], ","); bookNbrFrmStr = new String[bookNbrFrmTok.countTokens()]; bookNbrToStr = new String[bookNbrToTok.countTokens()]; int frmTok = 0; while (bookNbrFrmTok.hasMoreTokens()) { bookNbrFrmStr[frmTok] = bookNbrFrmTok.nextToken(); bookNbrToStr[frmTok] = bookNbrToTok.nextToken(); frmTok = frmTok + 1; } System.out.println("---Series length" + bookNbrFrmStr); if (bookNbrFrmStr != null) { for (int seriesNo = 0; seriesNo < bookNbrFrmStr.length; seriesNo++) { if (bookNbrFrmStr[seriesNo] != "") { String bookNbrFrom = bookNbrFrmStr[seriesNo]; String bookNbrTo = bookNbrToStr[seriesNo]; int bookNbrFrmInt = Integer.parseInt(bookNbrFrom.replaceAll("-", "")); int bookNbrToInt = Integer.parseInt(bookNbrTo.replaceAll("-", "")); int noOfbooks = bookNbrToInt - bookNbrFrmInt; BookSeriesBean bookSeBean = new BookSeriesBean(); bookSeBean.setBookNbrFrom(bookNbrFrom); bookSeBean.setBookNbrTo(bookNbrTo); bookSeBean.setStatus(""); bookSeBean.setValid(isValid); for (int i = 0; i < noOfbooks + 1; i++) { String bookNbr = String.valueOf(bookNbrFrmInt); if (bookNbr != null && !bookNbr.trim().equals("")) { // add hyphens if necessary System.out.println(":::::::::" + bookNbr.indexOf("-")); if (bookNbr.indexOf("-") == -1) { OrderedGameBean orderedGameBean = (OrderedGameBean) session .getAttribute("AGT_ORDERED_GAME"); bookNbr = bookNbr.substring(0, orderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()) + "-" + bookNbr.substring(orderedGameBean.getGameNbrDigits()); System.out.println("New book nbr:::" + bookNbr); } System.out.println("---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv----------" + bookNbr); AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); isValid = helper.verifyBook(gameId, agtOrgId, bookNbr, conn, gameNbr); if (isValid) { BookBean bookBean = new BookBean(); bookBean.setValid(true); bookBean.setBookNumber(bookNbr); for (BookBean bean : bookSeriesList) { if (bookNbr.equals(bean.getBookNumber())) { isSeriesValid = false; bookSeBean.setStatus("Series Contains Tickets of Another Series"); break;// New series contains // ticket of old series } } if (isSeriesValid) { bookSeriesList.add(bookBean); } } else { isSeriesValid = false; bookSeBean.setStatus("Series Not Valid"); break;// Series not valid } } System.out.println("inside for of verifyBookSeries"); bookNbrFrmInt++; } if (isSeriesValid) { bookSeBean.setValid(true); session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_LIST", bookSeriesList); } bookSeriesAll.add(bookSeBean); session.setAttribute("BOOK_SERIES_ALL", bookSeriesAll); // changeDispatchBooks(); // System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@################$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"); } } } verifyIndividualBooks(bookList); for (int i = 0; i < bookSeriesList.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bookList.size(); j++) { // System.out.println(bookSeriesList.size()+"-Gaura // Test--"+bookList.size()); if (((BookBean) bookList.get(j)).getBookNumber() .equals(((BookBean) bookSeriesList.get(i)).getBookNumber())) { BookBean bean = (BookBean) bookList.get(j); bean.setValid(false); bean.setStatus("Book Number already in Book Series"); } } } setBookList(bookList); session.setAttribute("AGT_BOOK_LIST", bookList); changeDispatchBooks(); System.out.println("---------Trying to prevent caching------" + bookList); HttpServletResponse response = getResponse(); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // prevents caching at the // proxy server response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-stale=0"); // HTTP 1.1 return SUCCESS; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void verifyIndividualBooks(List<BookBean> bookList) throws SQLException { // updated by arun Connection conn = DBConnect.getConnection(); try { copyBookValues(bookList); for (BookBean bean : bookList) { try { verifyBook(bean.getBookNumber(), bookList, conn); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * This method verifies the pack entered by the user * * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String verifyPack() throws Exception { boolean isValid = false; int gameId = getGameId(); boolean isBlank = false; boolean isDuplicate = false; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List<PackBean> packList = (List<PackBean>) session.getAttribute("AGT_PACK_LIST"); String packNbr = getPackNbrToVerify(); System.out.println("============== " + getPackNbrToVerify() + "===" + gameNbr); if (packNbr.indexOf(gameNbr + "") != -1 && packNbr.indexOf("-") == -1) { String str = packNbr.substring(("" + gameNbr).length(), packNbr.length()); packNbr = gameNbr + "-" + str; System.out.println("str == " + packNbr); } else { System.out.println("=======================else"); } // ********* remove this hard-coded value*********** UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int agtOrgId = userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(); // int agtOrgId = 2; // **************************************************** // try { // check if the entered pack is valid if (packNbr != null && !packNbr.trim().equals("")) { AgentDispatchGameHelper helper = new AgentDispatchGameHelper(); isValid = helper.verifyPack(gameId, agtOrgId, packNbr, gameNbr); } else { isValid = true; } // when the user changes the packNbr to blanks if (packNbr != null && packNbr.trim().equals("")) { System.out.println("--For Blank--------"); isBlank = true; PackBean blankBean = packList.get(packCountId - 1); blankBean.setPackNumber(""); blankBean.setValid(true); blankBean.setStatus(null); } /* * } catch (LMSException le) { return APPLICATION_ERROR; } */ /* * try { PrintWriter out = getResponse().getWriter(); if (isValid) { * out.write("valid"); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO * Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } */ if (!isBlank) { System.out.println("--Agent If Not Blank--------"); if (packList != null) { copyPackValues(packList); // for duplicate check int dupCount = 0; int packCountId = getPackCountId(); System.out.println("Agent PackCountId:::::::::::" + packCountId); for (PackBean bean : packList) { if (packNbr.equals(bean.getPackNumber())) { dupCount++; } if (dupCount > 1) { isDuplicate = true; PackBean dupBean = packList.get(packCountId - 1); dupBean.setValid(false); dupBean.setStatus("Duplicate Pack"); break; } } if (dupCount <= 1) { PackBean dupBean = packList.get(packCountId - 1); dupBean.setValid(true); dupBean.setStatus(null); } if (!isDuplicate) { for (PackBean bean : packList) { System.out.println(isValid + "==" + bean.getPackNumber() + "===" + packNbr.equals(bean.getPackNumber())); if (packNbr.equals(bean.getPackNumber())) { if (!isValid) { bean.setValid(false); bean.setStatus("Wrong Pack Number"); break; } else { bean.setValid(true); bean.setStatus(null); break; } } } } } } setPackList(packList); // change the value of no of books to dispatch changeDispatchBooks(); System.out.println("---------Trying to prevent caching------"); HttpServletResponse response = getResponse(); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // prevents caching at the proxy // server response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); // HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-stale=0"); // HTTP 1.1 return SUCCESS; } /* Agent Dispatch Order Starts */ private String gameNumber; private String gameName; private String challanId; private int retailerOrgId; private String retailerOrgName; private int orderId; private String orderNumber; private String orderDate; private String end; private String searchResultsAvailable; public String getGameNumber() { return gameNumber; } public void setGameNumber(String gameNumber) { this.gameNumber = gameNumber; } public String getGameName() { return gameName; } public void setGameName(String gameName) { this.gameName = gameName; } public String getChallanId() { return challanId; } public void setChallanId(String challanId) { this.challanId = challanId; } public int getRetailerOrgId() { return retailerOrgId; } public void setRetailerOrgId(int retailerOrgId) { this.retailerOrgId = retailerOrgId; } public String getRetailerOrgName() { return retailerOrgName; } public void setRetailerOrgName(String retailerOrgName) { this.retailerOrgName = retailerOrgName; } public int getOrderId() { return orderId; } public void setOrderId(int orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; } public String getOrderNumber() { return orderNumber; } public void setOrderNumber(String orderNumber) { this.orderNumber = orderNumber; } public String getOrderDate() { return orderDate; } public void setOrderDate(String orderDate) { this.orderDate = orderDate; } public String getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(String end) { this.end = end; } public String getSearchResultsAvailable() { return searchResultsAvailable; } public void setSearchResultsAvailable(String searchResultsAvailable) { this.searchResultsAvailable = searchResultsAvailable; } public String dispatchOrderMenu() throws LMSException { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); session.setAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST1", null); session.setAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST", null); session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT", null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT", null); return SUCCESS; } public String dispatchOrderSearch() throws LMSException { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); session.setAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST1", null); session.setAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST", null); session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", null); session.setAttribute("Total_Approve_books", null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_LIMIT", null); session.setAttribute("CREDIT_AMT", null); session.setAttribute("REMAINING_AVAILABLE_CREDIT_AMT", null); UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); Map<String, String> searchMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); searchMap.put(GameContants.GAME_NAME, gameName); searchMap.put(GameContants.GAME_NBR, gameNumber); searchMap.put(TableConstants.ORG_NAME, retailerOrgName); searchMap.put(GameContants.ORDER_ID, orderNumber); List<OrderBean> searchResults = new AgentDispatchGameHelper().dispatchOrderSearch(gameName, gameNumber, retailerOrgName, orderNumber, userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(), challanId); if (searchResults != null && searchResults.size() > 0) { session.setAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST1", searchResults); session.setAttribute("startValueOrderSearch", new Integer(0)); session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", "Yes"); } else { session.setAttribute("SearchResultsAvailable", "No"); } searchAjax(); return SUCCESS; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String searchAjax() { int startValue = 0; int endValue = 0; HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); List ajaxList = (List) session.getAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST1"); List ajaxSearchList = new ArrayList(); if (ajaxList != null) { if (getEnd() != null) end = getEnd(); else end = "first"; startValue = (Integer) session.getAttribute("startValueOrderSearch"); if (end.equals("first")) { startValue = 0; endValue = startValue + 5; if (endValue > ajaxList.size()) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); } } else if (end.equals("Previous")) { startValue = startValue - 5; if (startValue < 5) { startValue = 0; } endValue = startValue + 5; if (endValue > ajaxList.size()) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); } } else if (end.equals("Next")) { startValue = startValue + 5; endValue = startValue + 5; if (endValue > ajaxList.size()) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); } if (startValue > ajaxList.size()) { startValue = ajaxList.size() - ajaxList.size() % 5; } } else if (end.equals("last")) { endValue = ajaxList.size(); startValue = endValue - endValue % 5; } if (startValue == endValue) { startValue = endValue - 5; } for (int i = startValue; i < endValue; i++) { ajaxSearchList.add(ajaxList.get(i)); } session.setAttribute("APP_ORDER_LIST", ajaxSearchList); session.setAttribute("startValueOrderSearch", startValue); setSearchResultsAvailable("Yes"); } return SUCCESS; } public String dispatchOrderDetails() throws LMSException { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); OrgAddressBean addrBean = new AgentOrderProcessHelper().fetchAddress(retailerOrgId); if (addrBean != null) session.setAttribute("ORG_ADDR", addrBean); DispatchOrderResponse dispatchOrderResponse = new AgentDispatchGameHelper().getBookListFromOrderId(orderId); session.setAttribute("ORDER_ID", getOrderId()); session.setAttribute("ORDER_DATE", getOrderDate()); session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_NAME", getRetailerOrgName()); session.setAttribute("RET_ORG_ID", retailerOrgId); session.setAttribute("CHALLAN_ID", getChallanId()); session.setAttribute("BOOK_LIST", dispatchOrderResponse); return SUCCESS; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String dispatchOrderSave() throws Exception { HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); UserInfoBean userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); int orderId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("ORDER_ID"); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> gameMap = ((DispatchOrderResponse) session.getAttribute("BOOK_LIST")) .getOrderData(); new AgentDispatchGameHelper().dispatchOrder(orderId, userInfoBean.getUserOrgId(), userInfoBean.getUserType(), gameMap); return SUCCESS; } /*private static String roundTo2DecimalPlaces(double value) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); String doublevalue = df.format(value); return doublevalue; }*/ /* BO Dispatch Order End */ }