Java tutorial
/*** * * copyright 2007, SkilRock Technologies, A division of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * All Rights Reserved * The contents of this file are the property of Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * and are subject to a License agreement with Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd.; you may * not use this file except in compliance with that License. You may obtain a * copy of that license from: * Legal Department * Sugal & Damani Lottery Agency Pvt. Ltd. * 6/35,WEA, Karol Bagh, * New Delhi * India - 110005 * This software is distributed under the License and is provided on an AS IS * basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, unless * otherwise provided in the License. See the License for governing rights and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.skilrock.lms.web.accMgmt.common; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.skilrock.lms.beans.UserInfoBean; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.DBConnect; import com.skilrock.lms.common.db.QueryHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.common.exception.LMSErrors; import com.skilrock.lms.common.exception.LMSException; import com.skilrock.lms.common.utility.CommonMethods; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.accMgmt.common.AgentPaymentSubmitHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.accMgmt.common.CashRegisterHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.accMgmt.common.RetailerPaymentSubmitHelper; import com.skilrock.lms.coreEngine.reportsMgmt.common.GraphReportHelper; /** * This class is used to submit the total payment from Agent. Agent * * @author Skilrock Technologies * */ public class AgentPaymentSubmit extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AgentPaymentSubmit.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1271130427666936592L; private HttpServletRequest request = null; private int orgId; private String orgType = null; private double cashAmnt; private double totalAmount; private double totalPay; int transaction_id; private int id; private String[] multiples; private String[] retDenoType; private String[] retMultiples; private String agentNameValue;// it can be organization name/code/code_name etc private Map<Integer, String> agentInfoMap; private String isCashRegister; private String retOrgName; /** * This method is used to submit the payment made by the Agent * * @return SUCCESS * @throws LMSException */ public String start() { HttpSession session = null; String isCREnable = "INACTIVE"; try { session = getRequest().getSession(); ServletContext sc = ServletActionContext.getServletContext(); UserInfoBean userBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); "REQUEST_CASH_PAYMENT_MENU-" + request.getAttribute("AUDIT_ID") + ":" + userBean.getUserId()); isCREnable = (String) sc.getAttribute("IS_CASH_REGISTER"); if ("ACTIVE".equalsIgnoreCase(isCREnable)) { QueryHelper qp = new QueryHelper(); isCREnable = qp.checkDrawerAvailablity(userBean.getUserId()); if ("INACTIVE".equals(isCREnable)) { throw new LMSException(LMSErrors.DRAWER_NOT_ASSIGN_ERROR_CODE, LMSErrors.DRAWER_NOT_ASSIGN_ERROR_MESSAGE); } } isCashRegister = isCREnable; //session.setAttribute("isCashRegister",isCREnable); agentInfoMap = CommonMethods.getOrgInfoMap(userBean.getUserOrgId(), "AGENT", userBean.getRoleId());"RESPONSE_CASH_PAYMENT_MENU-: cash register" + isCREnable); } catch (LMSException le) { logger.error("Exception", le);"RESPONSE_CASH_PAYMENT_MENU-: ErrorCode:" + le.getErrorCode() + " ErrorMessage:" + le.getErrorMessage()); request.setAttribute("LMS_EXCEPTION", le.getErrorMessage()); return "applicationException"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"RESPONSE_CASH_PAYMENT_MENU-: ErrorCode:" + LMSErrors.GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE + " ErrorMessage:" + LMSErrors.GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE); request.setAttribute("LMS_EXCEPTION", LMSErrors.GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE); return "applicationException"; } return SUCCESS; } public String agentPayment() throws Exception {"REQUEST_CASH_PAYMENT_SUBMIT-" + this); HttpSession session = null; UserInfoBean userBean = null, agentInfoBean = null; String[] denoType = null; Connection con = null; try { session = getRequest().getSession(); userBean = (UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); agentInfoBean = CommonMethods.fetchUserData(orgId); "REQUEST_CASH_PAYMENT_SUBMIT-" + request.getAttribute("AUDIT_ID") + ":" + userBean.getUserId()); String currencySymbol = (String) ServletActionContext.getServletContext() .getAttribute("CURRENCY_SYMBOL");"user_id is-" + userBean.getUserId()); ServletContext sc = ServletActionContext.getServletContext(); String isCREnable = (String) sc.getAttribute("IS_CASH_REGISTER"); if (totalAmount != cashAmnt) { throw new LMSException(LMSErrors.CASH_PAYMENT_INVALIDATE_DATA_ERROR_CODE, LMSErrors.CASH_PAYMENT_INVALIDATE_DATA_ERROR_MESSAGE); } if ("ACTIVE".equalsIgnoreCase(isCREnable)) { CashRegisterHelper drawerHelper = new CashRegisterHelper(); List<String> denoList = drawerHelper.getReceivedDenoList(); denoType = (String[]) denoList.toArray(new String[denoList.size()]); } con = DBConnect.getConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); int retOrgId = Integer.parseInt(retOrgName); int agentId = agentInfoBean.getUserId(); AgentPaymentSubmitHelper helper = new AgentPaymentSubmitHelper(); String autoGeneRecieptNoAndId = helper.submitCashAgentAmt(orgId, "AGENT", totalAmount, userBean.getUserId(), userBean.getUserOrgId(), userBean.getUserType(), denoType, multiples, retDenoType, retMultiples, con); if (orgType.equalsIgnoreCase("RETAILER")) { RetailerPaymentSubmitHelper retailerPaymentSubmit = new RetailerPaymentSubmitHelper(); autoGeneRecieptNoAndId = retailerPaymentSubmit.retailerCashPaySubmit(retOrgId, "RETAILER", retOrgId, totalAmount, agentId, orgId, "AGENT", con); } con.commit(); String[] autoGeneReceipt = autoGeneRecieptNoAndId.split("#"); String autoGeneRecieptNo = autoGeneReceipt[0]; int id = Integer.parseInt(autoGeneReceipt[1]); java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String generationTime = sdf.format(d.getTime());"Generation time:" + generationTime); boolean isThermalRcptRequired = "true".equals((String) ServletActionContext.getServletContext() .getAttribute("IS_CASH_RCPT_ON_THERMAL_PRINTER")); if (isThermalRcptRequired) { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); String amountCash = nf.format(totalAmount); String data = "data=0|txType=RECEIPT|address=" + CommonMethods.getOrgAddress(String.valueOf(userBean.getUserOrgId())) + "|genTime=" + generationTime + "|mode=Voucher|voucherNo=" + autoGeneRecieptNo + "|txDate=" + sdf.format(d.getTime()) + "|amount=" + amountCash + "|orgName=" + agentNameValue + "|ctr=200|parentOrgName=" + userBean.getOrgName() + "|curSymbol=" + currencySymbol; session.setAttribute("APP_DATA", data); } session.setAttribute("totalPay", totalAmount); session.setAttribute("orgName", agentNameValue); session.setAttribute("Receipt_Id", autoGeneRecieptNo); GraphReportHelper graphReportHelper = new GraphReportHelper(); if ("AGENT".equalsIgnoreCase(orgType)) { String parentOrgName = null; int userOrgID = 0; parentOrgName = userBean.getOrgName(); userOrgID = userBean.getUserOrgId(); graphReportHelper.createTextReportBO(id, parentOrgName, userOrgID, (String) session.getAttribute("ROOT_PATH")); } else { graphReportHelper.createTextReportAgent(id, (String) session.getAttribute("ROOT_PATH"), orgId, agentInfoBean.getOrgName()); } } catch (LMSException le) {"RESPONSE_CASH_PAYMENT_SUBMIT-: ErrorCode:" + le.getErrorCode() + " ErrorMessage:" + le.getErrorMessage()); request.setAttribute("LMS_EXCEPTION", le.getErrorMessage()); return "applicationException"; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e);"RESPONSE_CASH_PAYMENT_SUBMIT-: ErrorCode:" + LMSErrors.GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE + " ErrorMessage:" + LMSErrors.GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE); request.setAttribute("LMS_EXCEPTION", LMSErrors.GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE); return "applicationException"; } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return SUCCESS; } public int getOrgId() { return orgId; } public void setOrgId(int orgId) { this.orgId = orgId; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getOrgType() { return orgType; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } public double getTotalAmount() { return totalAmount; } public double getCashAmnt() { return cashAmnt; } public double getTotalPay() { return totalPay; } public int getTransaction_id() { return transaction_id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public void setCashAmnt(double cashAmnt) { this.cashAmnt = cashAmnt; } public void setOrgType(String orgType) { this.orgType = orgType; } public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } public void setTotalAmount(double totalAmount) { this.totalAmount = totalAmount; } public void setTotalPay(double totalPay) { this.totalPay = totalPay; } public void setTransaction_id(int transaction_id) { this.transaction_id = transaction_id; } public String[] getMultiples() { return multiples; } public void setMultiples(String[] multiples) { this.multiples = multiples; } public String[] getRetDenoType() { return retDenoType; } public void setRetDenoType(String[] retDenoType) { this.retDenoType = retDenoType; } public String[] getRetMultiples() { return retMultiples; } public void setRetMultiples(String[] retMultiples) { this.retMultiples = retMultiples; } public String getAgentNameValue() { return agentNameValue; } public void setAgentNameValue(String agentNameValue) { this.agentNameValue = agentNameValue; } public Map<Integer, String> getAgentInfoMap() { return agentInfoMap; } public void setAgentInfoMap(Map<Integer, String> agentInfoMap) { this.agentInfoMap = agentInfoMap; } @Override public String toString() { return "AgentPaymentSubmit [agentNameValue=" + agentNameValue + ", agentOrgMap=" + agentInfoMap + ", cashAmnt=" + cashAmnt + ", multiples=" + Arrays.toString(multiples) + ", orgId=" + orgId + ", orgType=" + orgType + ", retDenoType=" + Arrays.toString(retDenoType) + ", retMultiples=" + Arrays.toString(retMultiples) + ", totalAmount=" + totalAmount + ", totalPay=" + totalPay + ", transaction_id=" + transaction_id + "]"; } public void setIsCashRegister(String isCashRegister) { this.isCashRegister = isCashRegister; } public String getIsCashRegister() { return isCashRegister; } public void setRetOrgName(String retOrgName) { this.retOrgName = retOrgName; } public String getRetOrgName() { return retOrgName; } }