Java tutorial
/* * WorldGuard, a suite of tools for Minecraft * Copyright (C) sk89q <> * Copyright (C) WorldGuard team and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import static; /** * Calculates the value of a flag given a list of regions and an optional * global region. * * <p>Since there may be multiple overlapping regions, regions with * differing priorities, regions with inheritance, flags with region groups * assigned to them, and much more, the task of calculating the "effective" * value of a flag is far from trivial. This class abstracts away the * difficult with a number of methods for performing these calculations.</p> */ public class FlagValueCalculator { private final List<ProtectedRegion> regions; @Nullable private final ProtectedRegion globalRegion; private final Iterable<ProtectedRegion> applicable; /** * Create a new instance. * * @param regions a list of applicable regions that must be sorted according to {@link NormativeOrders} * @param globalRegion an optional global region (null to not use one) */ public FlagValueCalculator(List<ProtectedRegion> regions, @Nullable ProtectedRegion globalRegion) { checkNotNull(regions); this.regions = regions; this.globalRegion = globalRegion; if (globalRegion != null) { applicable = Iterables.concat(regions, Arrays.asList(globalRegion)); } else { applicable = regions; } } /** * Returns an iterable of regions sorted by priority (descending), with * the global region tacked on at the end if one exists. * * @return an iterable */ private Iterable<ProtectedRegion> getApplicable() { return applicable; } /** * Return the membership status of the given subject, indicating * whether there are no (counted) regions in the list of regions, * whether the subject is a member of all regions, or whether * the region is not a member of all regions. * * <p>A region is "counted" if it doesn't have the * {@link Flags#PASSTHROUGH} flag set to {@code ALLOW}. (The * explicit purpose of the PASSTHROUGH flag is to have the region * be skipped over in this check.)</p> * * <p>This method is mostly for internal use. It's not particularly * useful.</p> * * @param subject the subject * @return the membership result */ public Result getMembership(RegionAssociable subject) { checkNotNull(subject); int minimumPriority = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Result result = Result.NO_REGIONS; Set<ProtectedRegion> ignoredRegions = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ProtectedRegion region : getApplicable()) { // Don't consider lower priorities below minimumPriority // (which starts at Integer.MIN_VALUE). A region that "counts" // (has the flag set OR has members) will raise minimumPriority // to its own priority. if (getPriority(region) < minimumPriority) { break; } // If PASSTHROUGH is set, ignore this region if (getEffectiveFlag(region, Flags.PASSTHROUGH, subject) == State.ALLOW) { continue; } if (ignoredRegions.contains(region)) { continue; } minimumPriority = getPriority(region); boolean member = RegionGroup.MEMBERS.contains(subject.getAssociation(Arrays.asList(region))); if (member) { result = Result.SUCCESS; addParents(ignoredRegions, region); } else { return Result.FAIL; } } return result; } /** * Get the effective value for a list of state flags. The rules of * states is observed here; that is, {@code DENY} overrides {@code ALLOW}, * and {@code ALLOW} overrides {@code NONE}. * * <p>A subject can be provided that is used to determine whether the value * of a flag on a particular region should be used. For example, if a * flag's region group is set to {@link RegionGroup#MEMBERS} and the given * subject is not a member, then the region would be skipped when * querying that flag. If {@code null} is provided for the subject, then * only flags that use {@link RegionGroup#ALL}, * {@link RegionGroup#NON_MEMBERS}, etc. will apply.</p> * * @param subject an optional subject, which would be used to determine the region group to apply * @param flags a list of flags to check * @return a state */ @Nullable public State queryState(@Nullable RegionAssociable subject, StateFlag... flags) { State value = null; for (StateFlag flag : flags) { value = StateFlag.combine(value, queryValue(subject, flag)); if (value == State.DENY) { break; } } return value; } /** * Get the effective value for a list of state flags. The rules of * states is observed here; that is, {@code DENY} overrides {@code ALLOW}, * and {@code ALLOW} overrides {@code NONE}. * * <p>This method is the same as * {@link #queryState(RegionAssociable, StateFlag...)}.</p> * * @param subject an optional subject, which would be used to determine the region group to apply * @param flag a flag to check * @return a state */ @Nullable public State queryState(@Nullable RegionAssociable subject, StateFlag flag) { return queryValue(subject, flag); } /** * Get the effective value for a flag. If there are multiple values * (for example, if there are multiple regions with the same priority * but with different farewell messages set, there would be multiple * completing values), then the selected (or "winning") value will depend * on the flag type. * * <p>Only some flag types actually have a strategy for picking the * "best value." For most types, the actual value that is chosen to be * returned is undefined (it could be any value). As of writing, the only * type of flag that can consistently return the same 'best' value is * {@link StateFlag}.</p> * * <p>A subject can be provided that is used to determine whether the value * of a flag on a particular region should be used. For example, if a * flag's region group is set to {@link RegionGroup#MEMBERS} and the given * subject is not a member, then the region would be skipped when * querying that flag. If {@code null} is provided for the subject, then * only flags that use {@link RegionGroup#ALL}, * {@link RegionGroup#NON_MEMBERS}, etc. will apply.</p> * * @param subject an optional subject, which would be used to determine the region group to apply * @param flag the flag * @return a value, which could be {@code null} */ @Nullable public <V> V queryValue(@Nullable RegionAssociable subject, Flag<V> flag) { Collection<V> values = queryAllValues(subject, flag, true); return flag.chooseValue(values); } /** * Get the effective values for a flag, returning a collection of all * values. It is up to the caller to determine which value, if any, * from the collection will be used. * * <p>A subject can be provided that is used to determine whether the value * of a flag on a particular region should be used. For example, if a * flag's region group is set to {@link RegionGroup#MEMBERS} and the given * subject is not a member, then the region would be skipped when * querying that flag. If {@code null} is provided for the subject, then * only flags that use {@link RegionGroup#ALL}, * {@link RegionGroup#NON_MEMBERS}, etc. will apply.</p> * * @param subject an optional subject, which would be used to determine the region group to apply * @param flag the flag * @return a collection of values */ public <V> Collection<V> queryAllValues(@Nullable RegionAssociable subject, Flag<V> flag) { return queryAllValues(subject, flag, false); } /** * Get the effective values for a flag, returning a collection of all * values. It is up to the caller to determine which value, if any, * from the collection will be used. * * <p>A subject can be provided that is used to determine whether the value * of a flag on a particular region should be used. For example, if a * flag's region group is set to {@link RegionGroup#MEMBERS} and the given * subject is not a member, then the region would be skipped when * querying that flag. If {@code null} is provided for the subject, then * only flags that use {@link RegionGroup#ALL}, * {@link RegionGroup#NON_MEMBERS}, etc. will apply.</p> * * @param subject an optional subject, which would be used to determine the region group to apply * @param flag the flag * @param acceptOne if possible, return only one value if it doesn't matter * @return a collection of values */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <V> Collection<V> queryAllValues(@Nullable RegionAssociable subject, Flag<V> flag, boolean acceptOne) { checkNotNull(flag); // Can't use this optimization with flags that have a conflict resolution strategy if (acceptOne && flag.hasConflictStrategy()) { acceptOne = false; } // Check to see whether we have a subject if this is BUILD if (flag.requiresSubject() && subject == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The " + flag.getName() + " flag is handled in a special fashion and requires a non-null subject parameter"); } int minimumPriority = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Map<ProtectedRegion, V> consideredValues = new HashMap<>(); Set<ProtectedRegion> ignoredParents = new HashSet<>(); for (ProtectedRegion region : getApplicable()) { if (getPriority(region) < minimumPriority) { break; } if (ignoredParents.contains(region)) { continue; } V value = getEffectiveFlag(region, flag, subject); int priority = getPriority(region); if (value != null) { minimumPriority = priority; if (acceptOne) { return Arrays.asList(value); } else { consideredValues.put(region, value); } } addParents(ignoredParents, region); // The BUILD flag is implicitly set on every region where // PASSTHROUGH is not set to ALLOW if (priority != minimumPriority && flag.implicitlySetWithMembership() && getEffectiveFlag(region, Flags.PASSTHROUGH, subject) != State.ALLOW) { minimumPriority = getPriority(region); } } if (flag.usesMembershipAsDefault() && consideredValues.isEmpty()) { switch (getMembership(subject)) { case FAIL: return ImmutableList.of(); case SUCCESS: return (Collection<V>) ImmutableList.of(State.ALLOW); } } if (consideredValues.isEmpty()) { V fallback = flag.getDefault(); return fallback != null ? ImmutableList.of(fallback) : (Collection<V>) ImmutableList.of(); } return consideredValues.values(); } /** * Get the effective priority of a region, overriding a region's priority * when appropriate (i.e. with the global region). * * @param region the region * @return the priority */ public int getPriority(final ProtectedRegion region) { if (region == globalRegion) { return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { return region.getPriority(); } } /** * Get a region's state flag, checking parent regions until a value for the * flag can be found (if one even exists). * * @param region the region * @param flag the flag * @param subject an subject object * @return the value */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <V> V getEffectiveFlag(final ProtectedRegion region, Flag<V> flag, @Nullable RegionAssociable subject) { if (region == globalRegion) { if (flag == Flags.PASSTHROUGH) { // Has members/owners -> the global region acts like // a regular region without PASSTHROUGH if (region.hasMembersOrOwners() || region.getFlag(Flags.PASSTHROUGH) == State.DENY) { return null; } else { return (V) State.ALLOW; } } else if (flag instanceof StateFlag && ((StateFlag) flag).preventsAllowOnGlobal()) { // Legacy behavior -> we can't let people change BUILD on // the global region State value = region.getFlag((StateFlag) flag); return value != State.ALLOW ? (V) value : null; } } ProtectedRegion current = region; List<ProtectedRegion> seen = new ArrayList<>(); while (current != null) { seen.add(current); V value = current.getFlag(flag); if (value != null) { boolean use = true; if (flag.getRegionGroupFlag() != null) { RegionGroup group = current.getFlag(flag.getRegionGroupFlag()); if (group == null) { group = flag.getRegionGroupFlag().getDefault(); } if (group == null) { use = false; } else if (subject == null) { use = group.contains(Association.NON_MEMBER); } else if (!group.contains(subject.getAssociation(seen))) { use = false; } } if (use) { return value; } } current = current.getParent(); } return null; } /** * Clear a region's parents for getFlag(). * * @param ignored The regions to ignore * @param region The region to start from */ private void addParents(Set<ProtectedRegion> ignored, ProtectedRegion region) { ProtectedRegion parent = region.getParent(); while (parent != null) { ignored.add(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } } /** * Describes the membership result from * {@link #getMembership(RegionAssociable)}. */ public static enum Result { /** * Indicates that there are no regions or the only regions are * ones with {@link Flags#PASSTHROUGH} enabled. */ NO_REGIONS, /** * Indicates that the player is not a member of all overlapping * regions. */ FAIL, /** * Indicates that the player is a member of all overlapping * regions. */ SUCCESS } }