Java tutorial
/* * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Reveal Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * LICENSE.txt file. */ package com.sitewhere.hbase.device; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.sitewhere.core.SiteWherePersistence; import com.sitewhere.hbase.ISiteWhereHBase; import com.sitewhere.hbase.ISiteWhereHBaseClient; import com.sitewhere.hbase.common.HBaseUtils; import com.sitewhere.hbase.common.MarshalUtils; import com.sitewhere.hbase.common.Pager; import com.sitewhere.hbase.uid.IdManager; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sitewhere.spi.SiteWhereException; import com.sitewhere.spi.SiteWhereSystemException; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.IDeviceAlert; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.IDeviceAssignment; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.IDeviceEvent; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.IDeviceLocation; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.IDeviceMeasurements; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.request.IDeviceAlertCreateRequest; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.request.IDeviceEventCreateRequest; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.request.IDeviceLocationCreateRequest; import com.sitewhere.spi.device.request.IDeviceMeasurementsCreateRequest; import com.sitewhere.spi.error.ErrorCode; import com.sitewhere.spi.error.ErrorLevel; import; /** * HBase specifics for dealing with SiteWhere device events. * * @author Derek */ public class HBaseDeviceEvent { /** Static logger instance */ private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(HBaseDeviceEvent.class); /** Time interval in seconds to use for buckets */ private static final int BUCKET_INTERVAL = 60 * 60; /** * Create a new device measurements entry for an assignment. * * @param hbase * @param assignment * @param request * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static IDeviceMeasurements createDeviceMeasurements(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, IDeviceAssignment assignment, IDeviceMeasurementsCreateRequest request) throws SiteWhereException { long time = getEventTime(request); byte[] assnKey = IdManager.getInstance().getAssignmentKeys().getValue(assignment.getToken()); if (assnKey == null) { throw new SiteWhereSystemException(ErrorCode.InvalidDeviceAssignmentToken, ErrorLevel.ERROR); } byte[] rowkey = getRowKey(assnKey, time); byte[] qualifier = getQualifier(DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Measurement, time); // Create measurements object and marshal to JSON. DeviceMeasurements measurements = SiteWherePersistence.deviceMeasurementsCreateLogic(request, assignment); String id = getEncodedEventId(rowkey, qualifier); measurements.setId(id); byte[] json = MarshalUtils.marshalJson(measurements); HTableInterface events = null; try { events = hbase.getTableInterface(ISiteWhereHBase.EVENTS_TABLE_NAME); Put put = new Put(rowkey); put.add(ISiteWhereHBase.FAMILY_ID, qualifier, json); events.put(put); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to create measurements.", e); } finally { HBaseUtils.closeCleanly(events); } return measurements; } /** * List measurements associated with an assignment based on the given criteria. * * @param hbase * @param assnToken * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static SearchResults<IDeviceMeasurements> listDeviceMeasurements(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String assnToken, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Pager<byte[]> matches = getEventRowsForAssignment(hbase, assnToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Measurement, criteria); return convertMatches(matches, DeviceMeasurements.class); } /** * List device measurements associated with a site. * * @param hbase * @param siteToken * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static SearchResults<IDeviceMeasurements> listDeviceMeasurementsForSite(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String siteToken, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Pager<byte[]> matches = getEventRowsForSite(hbase, siteToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Measurement, criteria); return convertMatches(matches, DeviceMeasurements.class); } /** * Create a new device location entry for an assignment. * * @param hbase * @param assignment * @param request * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static IDeviceLocation createDeviceLocation(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, IDeviceAssignment assignment, IDeviceLocationCreateRequest request) throws SiteWhereException { long time = getEventTime(request); byte[] assnKey = IdManager.getInstance().getAssignmentKeys().getValue(assignment.getToken()); if (assnKey == null) { throw new SiteWhereSystemException(ErrorCode.InvalidDeviceAssignmentToken, ErrorLevel.ERROR); } byte[] rowkey = getRowKey(assnKey, time); byte[] qualifier = getQualifier(DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Location, time); DeviceLocation location = SiteWherePersistence.deviceLocationCreateLogic(assignment, request); String id = getEncodedEventId(rowkey, qualifier); location.setId(id); byte[] json = MarshalUtils.marshalJson(location); HTableInterface events = null; try { events = hbase.getTableInterface(ISiteWhereHBase.EVENTS_TABLE_NAME); Put put = new Put(rowkey); put.add(ISiteWhereHBase.FAMILY_ID, qualifier, json); events.put(put); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to create location.", e); } finally { HBaseUtils.closeCleanly(events); } return location; } /** * List locations associated with an assignment based on the given criteria. * * @param hbase * @param assnToken * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static SearchResults<IDeviceLocation> listDeviceLocations(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String assnToken, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Pager<byte[]> matches = getEventRowsForAssignment(hbase, assnToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Location, criteria); return convertMatches(matches, DeviceLocation.class); } /** * List device locations associated with a site. * * @param hbase * @param siteToken * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static SearchResults<IDeviceLocation> listDeviceLocationsForSite(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String siteToken, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Pager<byte[]> matches = getEventRowsForSite(hbase, siteToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Location, criteria); return convertMatches(matches, DeviceLocation.class); } /** * Create a new device alert entry for an assignment. * * @param hbase * @param assignment * @param request * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static IDeviceAlert createDeviceAlert(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, IDeviceAssignment assignment, IDeviceAlertCreateRequest request) throws SiteWhereException { long time = getEventTime(request); byte[] assnKey = IdManager.getInstance().getAssignmentKeys().getValue(assignment.getToken()); if (assnKey == null) { throw new SiteWhereSystemException(ErrorCode.InvalidDeviceAssignmentToken, ErrorLevel.ERROR); } byte[] rowkey = getRowKey(assnKey, time); byte[] qualifier = getQualifier(DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Alert, time); // Create alert and marshal to JSON. DeviceAlert alert = SiteWherePersistence.deviceAlertCreateLogic(assignment, request); String id = getEncodedEventId(rowkey, qualifier); alert.setId(id); byte[] json = MarshalUtils.marshalJson(alert); HTableInterface events = null; try { events = hbase.getTableInterface(ISiteWhereHBase.EVENTS_TABLE_NAME); Put put = new Put(rowkey); put.add(ISiteWhereHBase.FAMILY_ID, qualifier, json); events.put(put); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to create alert.", e); } finally { HBaseUtils.closeCleanly(events); } return alert; } /** * List alerts associated with an assignment based on the given criteria. * * @param hbase * @param assnToken * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static SearchResults<IDeviceAlert> listDeviceAlerts(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String assnToken, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Pager<byte[]> matches = getEventRowsForAssignment(hbase, assnToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Alert, criteria); return convertMatches(matches, DeviceAlert.class); } /** * List device alerts associated with a site. * * @param hbase * @param siteToken * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static SearchResults<IDeviceAlert> listDeviceAlertsForSite(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String siteToken, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Pager<byte[]> matches = getEventRowsForSite(hbase, siteToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType.Alert, criteria); return convertMatches(matches, DeviceAlert.class); } /** * Find all event rows associated with a device assignment and return cells that match * the search criteria. * * @param hbase * @param assnToken * @param eventType * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static Pager<byte[]> getEventRowsForAssignment(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String assnToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType eventType, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { byte[] assnKey = IdManager.getInstance().getAssignmentKeys().getValue(assnToken); if (assnKey == null) { throw new SiteWhereSystemException(ErrorCode.InvalidDeviceAssignmentToken, ErrorLevel.ERROR); } // Note: Because time values are inverted, start and end keys are reversed. byte[] startKey = null, endKey = null; if (criteria.getStartDate() != null) { startKey = getRowKey(assnKey, criteria.getEndDate().getTime()); } else { startKey = getAbsoluteStartKey(assnKey); } if (criteria.getEndDate() != null) { endKey = getRowKey(assnKey, criteria.getStartDate().getTime()); } else { endKey = getAbsoluteEndKey(assnKey); } HTableInterface events = null; ResultScanner scanner = null; try { events = hbase.getTableInterface(ISiteWhereHBase.EVENTS_TABLE_NAME); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(startKey); scan.setStopRow(endKey); scanner = events.getScanner(scan); Pager<byte[]> pager = new Pager<byte[]>(criteria); Iterator<Result> results = scanner.iterator(); while (results.hasNext()) { Result current =; Map<byte[], byte[]> cells = current.getFamilyMap(ISiteWhereHBase.FAMILY_ID); for (byte[] qual : cells.keySet()) { byte[] value = cells.get(qual); if ((qual.length > 3) && (qual[3] == eventType.getType())) { Date eventDate = getDateForEventKeyValue(current.getRow(), qual); if ((criteria.getStartDate() != null) && (eventDate.before(criteria.getStartDate()))) { continue; } if ((criteria.getEndDate() != null) && (eventDate.after(criteria.getEndDate()))) { continue; } pager.process(value); } } } return pager; } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Error scanning event rows.", e); } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } HBaseUtils.closeCleanly(events); } } /** * Decodes the event date encoded in the rowkey and qualifier for events. * * @param kv * @return */ protected static Date getDateForEventKeyValue(byte[] key, byte[] qualifier) { byte[] work = new byte[8]; work[4] = (byte) ~key[7]; work[5] = (byte) ~key[8]; work[6] = (byte) ~key[9]; work[7] = (byte) ~key[10]; long base = Bytes.toLong(work); work = new byte[8]; work[5] = (byte) ~qualifier[0]; work[6] = (byte) ~qualifier[1]; work[7] = (byte) ~qualifier[2]; long offset = Bytes.toLong(work); return new Date((base + offset) * 1000); } /** * Find all event rows associated with a site and return values that match the search * criteria. TODO: This is not optimized at all and will take forever in cases where * there are ton of assignments and events. It has to go through every record * associated with the site. It works for now though. * * @param hbase * @param siteToken * @param eventType * @param criteria * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static Pager<byte[]> getEventRowsForSite(ISiteWhereHBaseClient hbase, String siteToken, DeviceAssignmentRecordType eventType, IDateRangeSearchCriteria criteria) throws SiteWhereException { Long siteId = IdManager.getInstance().getSiteKeys().getValue(siteToken); if (siteId == null) { throw new SiteWhereSystemException(ErrorCode.InvalidSiteToken, ErrorLevel.ERROR); } byte[] startPrefix = HBaseSite.getAssignmentRowKey(siteId); byte[] afterPrefix = HBaseSite.getAfterAssignmentRowKey(siteId); HTableInterface events = null; ResultScanner scanner = null; try { events = hbase.getTableInterface(ISiteWhereHBase.EVENTS_TABLE_NAME); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(startPrefix); scan.setStopRow(afterPrefix); scanner = events.getScanner(scan); List<DatedByteArray> matches = new ArrayList<DatedByteArray>(); Iterator<Result> results = scanner.iterator(); while (results.hasNext()) { Result current =; byte[] key = current.getRow(); if (key.length > 7) { Map<byte[], byte[]> cells = current.getFamilyMap(ISiteWhereHBase.FAMILY_ID); for (byte[] qual : cells.keySet()) { byte[] value = cells.get(qual); if ((qual.length > 3) && (qual[3] == eventType.getType())) { Date eventDate = getDateForEventKeyValue(key, qual); if ((criteria.getStartDate() != null) && (eventDate.before(criteria.getStartDate()))) { continue; } if ((criteria.getEndDate() != null) && (eventDate.after(criteria.getEndDate()))) { continue; } matches.add(new DatedByteArray(eventDate, value)); } } } } Collections.sort(matches, Collections.reverseOrder()); Pager<byte[]> pager = new Pager<byte[]>(criteria); for (DatedByteArray match : matches) { pager.process(match.getJson()); } return pager; } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Error scanning event rows.", e); } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } HBaseUtils.closeCleanly(events); } } /** * Used for ordering events without having to unmarshal all of the byte arrays to do * it. * * @author Derek */ private static class DatedByteArray implements Comparable<DatedByteArray> { private Date date; private byte[] json; public DatedByteArray(Date date, byte[] json) { = date; this.json = json; } protected Date getDate() { return date; } protected byte[] getJson() { return json; } public int compareTo(DatedByteArray other) { return this.getDate().compareTo(other.getDate()); } } /** * Converts matching rows to {@link SearchResults} for web service response. * * @param matches * @param jsonType * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static <I extends IDeviceEvent, D extends DeviceEvent> SearchResults<I> convertMatches( Pager<byte[]> matches, Class<D> jsonType) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); List<I> results = new ArrayList<I>(); for (byte[] jsonBytes : matches.getResults()) { try { D event = mapper.readValue(jsonBytes, jsonType); results.add((I) event); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to read JSON value into event object.", e); } } return new SearchResults<I>(results, matches.getTotal()); } /** * Gets the absolute first possible event key for cases where a start timestamp is not * specified. * * @param assnKey * @return */ protected static byte[] getAbsoluteStartKey(byte[] assnKey) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(assnKey.length + 4); buffer.put(assnKey); buffer.put((byte) 0x00); buffer.put((byte) 0x00); buffer.put((byte) 0x00); buffer.put((byte) 0x00); return buffer.array(); } /** * Gets the absolute first possible event key for cases where a start timestamp is not * specified. * * @param assnKey * @return */ protected static byte[] getAbsoluteEndKey(byte[] assnKey) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(assnKey.length + 4); buffer.put(assnKey); buffer.put((byte) 0xff); buffer.put((byte) 0xff); buffer.put((byte) 0xff); buffer.put((byte) 0xff); return buffer.array(); } /** * Get the event time used to calculate row key and qualifier. * * @param event * @return */ protected static long getEventTime(IDeviceEventCreateRequest event) { return (event.getEventDate() != null) ? event.getEventDate().getTime() : System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Get row key for a given event type and time. * * @param assnToken * @param eventType * @param time * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ public static byte[] getRowKey(byte[] assnKey, long time) throws SiteWhereException { time = time / 1000; long bucket = time - (time % BUCKET_INTERVAL); byte[] bucketBytes = Bytes.toBytes(bucket); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(assnKey.length + 4); buffer.put(assnKey); buffer.put((byte) ~bucketBytes[4]); buffer.put((byte) ~bucketBytes[5]); buffer.put((byte) ~bucketBytes[6]); buffer.put((byte) ~bucketBytes[7]); return buffer.array(); } /** * Get column qualifier for storing the event. * * @param type * @param time * @return */ public static byte[] getQualifier(DeviceAssignmentRecordType eventType, long time) { time = time / 1000; long offset = time % BUCKET_INTERVAL; byte[] offsetBytes = Bytes.toBytes(offset); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); buffer.put((byte) ~offsetBytes[5]); buffer.put((byte) ~offsetBytes[6]); buffer.put((byte) ~offsetBytes[7]); buffer.put(eventType.getType()); return buffer.array(); } /** * Creates a base 64 encoded String for unique event key. * * @param rowkey * @param qualifier * @return */ public static String getEncodedEventId(byte[] rowkey, byte[] qualifier) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(rowkey.length + qualifier.length); buffer.put(rowkey); buffer.put(qualifier); return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(buffer.array()); } }