Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2018 by Andrew Charneski. * * The author licenses this file to you under the * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.*; import com.simiacryptus.util.FastRandom; import com.simiacryptus.util.JsonUtil; import com.simiacryptus.util.Util; import org.jblas.DoubleMatrix; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.DoubleSupplier; import java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction; import java.util.function.ToDoubleBiFunction; import java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction; import; import; /** * A dense matrix operator using vector-matrix multiplication. Represents a fully connected key of synapses, where all * inputs are connected to all outputs via seperate coefficients. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class FullyConnectedLayer extends LayerBase { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FullyConnectedLayer.class); /** * The Input dims. */ @Nullable public final int[] inputDims; /** * The Output dims. */ @Nullable public final int[] outputDims; @Nullable private final Tensor weights; /** * Instantiates a new Fully connected key. */ protected FullyConnectedLayer() { super(); outputDims = null; weights = null; inputDims = null; } /** * Instantiates a new Fully connected key. * * @param inputDims the input dims * @param outputDims the output dims */ public FullyConnectedLayer(@Nonnull final int[] inputDims, @Nonnull final int[] outputDims) { final int inputs = Tensor.length(inputDims); this.inputDims = Arrays.copyOf(inputDims, inputDims.length); this.outputDims = Arrays.copyOf(outputDims, outputDims.length); final int outs = Tensor.length(outputDims); weights = new Tensor(inputs, outs); set(() -> { final double ratio = Math.sqrt(6. / (inputs + outs + 1)); final double fate = Util.R.get().nextDouble(); final double v = (1 - 2 * fate) * ratio; return v; }); } /** * Instantiates a new Fully connected key. * * @param json the json * @param resources the resources */ protected FullyConnectedLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> resources) { super(json); outputDims = JsonUtil.getIntArray(json.getAsJsonArray("outputDims")); inputDims = JsonUtil.getIntArray(json.getAsJsonArray("inputDims")); weights = Tensor.fromJson(json.get("weights"), resources); } /** * Cross multiply. * * @param rows the rows * @param cols the cols * @param matrix the matrix */ public static void crossMultiply(@Nonnull final double[] rows, @Nonnull final double[] cols, final double[] matrix) { int i = 0; for (final double c : cols) { for (final double r : rows) { matrix[i++] = r * c; } } } /** * Cross multiply t. * * @param rows the rows * @param cols the cols * @param matrix the matrix */ public static void crossMultiplyT(@Nonnull final double[] rows, @Nonnull final double[] cols, final double[] matrix) { int i = 0; for (final double r : rows) { for (final double c : cols) { matrix[i++] = r * c; } } } /** * From json fully connected key. * * @param json the json * @param rs the rs * @return the fully connected key */ public static FullyConnectedLayer fromJson(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) { return new FullyConnectedLayer(json, rs); } /** * Multiply. * * @param matrix the matrix * @param in the in * @param out the out */ public static void multiply(final double[] matrix, @Nonnull final double[] in, @Nonnull final double[] out) { @Nonnull final DoubleMatrix matrixObj = new DoubleMatrix(out.length, in.length, matrix); matrixObj.mmuli(new DoubleMatrix(in.length, 1, in), new DoubleMatrix(out.length, 1, out)); } /** * Multiply t. * * @param matrix the matrix * @param in the in * @param out the out */ public static void multiplyT(final double[] matrix, @Nonnull final double[] in, @Nonnull final double[] out) { @Nonnull DoubleMatrix doubleMatrix = new DoubleMatrix(in.length, out.length, matrix); @Nonnull final DoubleMatrix matrixObj = FullyConnectedLayer.transpose(doubleMatrix); matrixObj.mmuli(new DoubleMatrix(in.length, 1, in), new DoubleMatrix(out.length, 1, out)); RecycleBin.DOUBLES.recycle(,; } /** * Transpose double matrix. * * @param doubleMatrix the double matrix * @return the double matrix */ @Nonnull public static DoubleMatrix transpose(@Nonnull final DoubleMatrix doubleMatrix) { @Nonnull final DoubleMatrix result = new DoubleMatrix(doubleMatrix.columns, doubleMatrix.rows, RecycleBin.DOUBLES.obtain(doubleMatrix.length)); for (int i = 0; i < doubleMatrix.rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < doubleMatrix.columns; ++j) { result.put(j, i, doubleMatrix.get(i, j)); } } return result; } @Override protected void _free() { weights.freeRef(); super._free(); } @Nonnull @Override public Result eval(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) { final TensorList indata = inObj[0].getData(); indata.addRef(); for (@Nonnull Result result : inObj) { result.addRef(); } FullyConnectedLayer.this.addRef(); assert Tensor.length(indata.getDimensions()) == Tensor.length(this.inputDims) : Arrays .toString(indata.getDimensions()) + " == " + Arrays.toString(this.inputDims); @Nonnull DoubleMatrix doubleMatrix = new DoubleMatrix(Tensor.length(indata.getDimensions()), Tensor.length(outputDims), this.weights.getData()); @Nonnull final DoubleMatrix matrixObj = FullyConnectedLayer.transpose(doubleMatrix); @Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray .wrap(IntStream.range(0, indata.length()).parallel().mapToObj(dataIndex -> { @Nullable final Tensor input = indata.get(dataIndex); @Nullable final Tensor output = new Tensor(outputDims); matrixObj.mmuli(new DoubleMatrix(input.length(), 1, input.getData()), new DoubleMatrix(output.length(), 1, output.getData())); input.freeRef(); return output; }).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i])); RecycleBin.DOUBLES.recycle(,; this.weights.addRef(); return new Result(tensorArray, (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<UUID> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList delta) -> { if (!isFrozen()) { final Delta<UUID> deltaBuffer = buffer.get(FullyConnectedLayer.this.getId(), this.weights.getData()); final int threads = 4; IntStream.range(0, threads).parallel().mapToObj(x -> x).flatMap(thread -> { @Nullable Stream<Tensor> stream = IntStream.range(0, indata.length()).filter(i -> thread == i % threads) .mapToObj(dataIndex -> { @Nonnull final Tensor weightDelta = new Tensor(Tensor.length(inputDims), Tensor.length(outputDims)); Tensor deltaTensor = delta.get(dataIndex); Tensor inputTensor = indata.get(dataIndex); FullyConnectedLayer.crossMultiplyT(deltaTensor.getData(), inputTensor.getData(), weightDelta.getData()); inputTensor.freeRef(); deltaTensor.freeRef(); return weightDelta; }); return stream; }).reduce((a, b) -> { @Nullable Tensor c = a.addAndFree(b); b.freeRef(); return c; }).map(data -> { @Nonnull Delta<UUID> layerDelta = deltaBuffer.addInPlace(data.getData()); data.freeRef(); return layerDelta; }); deltaBuffer.freeRef(); } if (inObj[0].isAlive()) { @Nonnull final TensorList tensorList = TensorArray .wrap(IntStream.range(0, indata.length()).parallel().mapToObj(dataIndex -> { Tensor deltaTensor = delta.get(dataIndex); @Nonnull final Tensor passback = new Tensor(indata.getDimensions()); FullyConnectedLayer.multiply(this.weights.getData(), deltaTensor.getData(), passback.getData()); deltaTensor.freeRef(); return passback; }).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i])); inObj[0].accumulate(buffer, tensorList); } }) { @Override protected void _free() { indata.freeRef(); FullyConnectedLayer.this.freeRef(); for (@Nonnull Result result : inObj) { result.freeRef(); } FullyConnectedLayer.this.weights.freeRef(); } @Override public boolean isAlive() { return !isFrozen() || -> x.isAlive()); } }; } @Nonnull @Override public JsonObject getJson(Map<CharSequence, byte[]> resources, @Nonnull DataSerializer dataSerializer) { @Nonnull final JsonObject json = super.getJsonStub(); json.add("outputDims", JsonUtil.getJson(outputDims)); json.add("inputDims", JsonUtil.getJson(inputDims)); json.add("weights", getWeights().toJson(resources, dataSerializer)); return json; } /** * Gets transpose. * * @return the transpose */ @Nonnull public Layer getTranspose() { throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented"); } /** * The Weights. */ /** * Gets weights. * * @return the weights */ @Nullable public Tensor getWeights() { return weights; } /** * Sets weights. * * @param f the f * @return the weights */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer set(@Nonnull final DoubleSupplier f) { Arrays.parallelSetAll(getWeights().getData(), i -> f.getAsDouble()); return this; } /** * Sets weights. * * @param f the f * @return the weights */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer set(@Nonnull final IntToDoubleFunction f) { getWeights().set(f); return this; } /** * Sets weights. * * @param f the f * @return the weights */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer setByCoord(@Nonnull final ToDoubleFunction<Coordinate> f) { getWeights().coordStream(true).forEach(c -> { getWeights().set(c, f.applyAsDouble(c)); }); return this; } /** * Init spacial. * * @param radius the radius * @param stiffness the stiffness * @param peak the peak */ public void initSpacial(final double radius, final double stiffness, final double peak) { setByCoord((@Nonnull final Coordinate in, @Nonnull final Coordinate out) -> { final double[] doubleCoords = IntStream.range(0, in.getCoords().length).mapToDouble(d -> { final double from = in.getCoords()[d] * 1.0 / FullyConnectedLayer.this.inputDims[d]; final double to = out.getCoords()[d] * 1.0 / FullyConnectedLayer.this.outputDims[d]; return from - to; }).toArray(); final double dist = Math.sqrt( -> x * x).sum()); final double factor = (1 + Math.tanh(stiffness * (radius - dist))) / 2; return peak * factor; }); } /** * Sets weights. * * @param data the data * @return the weights */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer set(final double[] data) { getWeights().set(data); return this; } /** * Set fully connected key. * * @param data the data * @return the fully connected key */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer set(@Nonnull final Tensor data) { getWeights().set(data); return this; } /** * Sets weights. * * @param f the f * @return the weights */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer setByCoord(@Nonnull final ToDoubleBiFunction<Coordinate, Coordinate> f) { new Tensor(inputDims).coordStream(true).forEach(in -> { new Tensor(outputDims).coordStream(true).forEach(out -> { getWeights().set(new int[] { in.getIndex(), out.getIndex() }, f.applyAsDouble(in, out)); }); }); return this; } /** * Sets weights log. * * @param value the value * @return the weights log */ @Nonnull public FullyConnectedLayer setWeightsLog(final double value) { getWeights().coordStream(false).forEach(c -> { getWeights().set(c, (FastRandom.INSTANCE.random() - 0.5) * Math.pow(10, value)); }); return this; } @Nonnull @Override public List<double[]> state() { return Arrays.asList(getWeights().getData()); } }