Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
 * for Silverwrist Design Studios.  Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): 
package com.silverwrist.venice.core.impl;

import java.sql.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.log4j.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
import com.silverwrist.util.*;
import com.silverwrist.venice.core.ConferenceContext;
import com.silverwrist.venice.core.internals.EngineBackend;
import com.silverwrist.venice.db.*;
import com.silverwrist.venice.except.*;

class ConferencingImporter {
     * Inner class containing topic data

    private class TopicData {
         * Attributes

        private int m_index; // topic index
        private boolean m_frozen = false; // are we frozen?
        private boolean m_archived = false; // are we archived?
        private StringBuffer m_name; // topic name buffer

         * Constructor

        TopicData(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            boolean index_seen = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { // grind the attributes into information
                String name = resolveName(attrs.getLocalName(i), attrs.getQName(i));
                if (name.equals("index")) { // saw the index attribute
                    try { // handle parsing the topic index
                        if (index_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<topic> index specified twice");
                        m_index = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue(i));
                        index_seen = true;

                    } // end if
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { // this sucks!
                        throw new SAXException("invalid numeric format for <topic> index");

                    } // end catch

                } // end if
                else if (name.equals("frozen")) { // parse the "frozen" attribute
                    if (StringUtil.isBooleanTrue(attrs.getValue(i)))
                        m_frozen = true;
                    else if (StringUtil.isBooleanFalse(attrs.getValue(i)))
                        m_frozen = false;
                        throw new SAXException("invalid boolean format for <topic> frozen");

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("archived")) { // parse the "archived" attribute
                    if (StringUtil.isBooleanTrue(attrs.getValue(i)))
                        m_archived = true;
                    else if (StringUtil.isBooleanFalse(attrs.getValue(i)))
                        m_archived = false;
                        throw new SAXException("invalid boolean format for <topic> archived");

                } // end else if
                  // else ignore any unknown attributes

            } // end for

            if (!index_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<topic> index not specified");

            m_name = new StringBuffer();

        } // end constructor

         * External operations

        final void appendNameData(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
            m_name.append(ch, start, length);

        } // end appendNameData

        final void resolveTopic() throws SAXException {
            Statement stmt_x = null;
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            boolean mid_create = false;

            try { // lock the tables we need
                stmt_x = m_conn.createStatement();
                stmt_x.executeUpdate("LOCK TABLES confs WRITE, topics WRITE;");

                // determine how to try to match the topic
                switch (m_match_method) {
                case ConferenceContext.IMPORT_MATCH_NUM:
                    stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT topicid FROM topics WHERE confid = ? AND num = ?;");
                    stmt.setInt(2, m_index);

                case ConferenceContext.IMPORT_MATCH_NAME:
                    stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT topicid FROM topics WHERE confid = ? AND name = ?;");
                    stmt.setString(2, m_name.toString());

                    throw new SAXException("internal error: invalid match method");

                } // end switch

                stmt.setInt(1, m_conf_id);
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                if ( { // found a matching topic - save the ID and return
                    m_cur_topic = rs.getInt(1);

                } // end if

                if (!m_create_new) { // the topic was not matched and cannot be created - ignore it
                    recordEvent("Topic <" + m_index + ".> (" + m_name.toString()
                            + ") not matched or created - skipped.");
                    m_cur_topic = -1;

                } // end if

                mid_create = true;

                // get the proper topic index
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT top_topic + 1 FROM confs WHERE confid = ?;");
                stmt.setInt(1, m_conf_id);
                rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                if (
                    m_index = rs.getInt(1);
                    m_index = 1;

                // prepare the new topic entry
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(
                        "INSERT INTO topics (confid, num, creator_uid, top_message, frozen, archived, "
                                + "createdate, lastupdate, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, -1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
                stmt.setInt(1, m_conf_id);
                stmt.setInt(2, m_index);
                stmt.setInt(3, m_uid);
                stmt.setInt(4, m_frozen ? 1 : 0);
                stmt.setInt(5, m_archived ? 1 : 0);
                java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 6, now);
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 7, now);
                stmt.setString(8, m_name.toString());

                // get the new topic ID
                rs = stmt_x.executeQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();");
                if (
                    m_cur_topic = rs.getInt(1);
                    throw new SAXException("internal error: can\'t get new topic ID");

                // update the last update and top topic fields
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE confs SET lastupdate = ?, top_topic = ? WHERE confid = ?;");
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 1, now);
                stmt.setInt(2, m_index);
                stmt.setInt(3, m_conf_id);

            } // end try
            catch (SQLException e) { // record the event and continue
                if (mid_create)
                    recordEvent("error creating topic \"" + m_name.toString() + "\"", e);
                    recordEvent("error resolving topic <" + m_index + ".> (" + m_name.toString() + ")", e);
                m_cur_topic = -1;

            } // end catch
            finally { // shut down things

            } // end finally

        } // end resolveTopic

    } // end class TopicData

     * Inner class containing post data

    private class PostData {
         * Attributes

        private long m_id_in;
        private long m_parent_in;
        private int m_index;
        private int m_line_count;
        private String m_author;
        private java.util.Date m_date;
        private boolean m_hidden = false;
        private String m_scribble_by = null;
        private java.util.Date m_scribble_date = null;
        private StringBuffer m_pseud;
        private StringBuffer m_text;
        private int m_att_length = -1;
        private String m_att_type = null;
        private String m_att_filename = null;
        private File m_att_data = null;

         * Constructor

        PostData(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            boolean id_seen = false, parent_seen = false, index_seen = false, linecount_seen = false,
                    author_seen = false;
            boolean date_seen = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { // grind the attributes into information
                String name = resolveName(attrs.getLocalName(i), attrs.getQName(i));
                if (name.equals("id")) { // get the post ID
                    try { // handle parsing the topic index
                        if (id_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<post> ID specified twice");
                        m_id_in = Long.parseLong(attrs.getValue(i));
                        id_seen = true;

                    } // end if
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { // this sucks!
                        throw new SAXException("invalid numeric format for <post> ID");

                    } // end catch

                } // end if
                else if (name.equals("parent")) { // get the parent ID
                    try { // handle parsing the topic index
                        if (parent_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<post> parent ID specified twice");
                        m_parent_in = Long.parseLong(attrs.getValue(i));
                        parent_seen = true;

                    } // end if
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { // this sucks!
                        throw new SAXException("invalid numeric format for <post> parent ID");

                    } // end catch

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("index")) { // get the index
                    try { // handle parsing the topic index
                        if (index_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<post> index specified twice");
                        m_index = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue(i));
                        index_seen = true;

                    } // end if
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { // this sucks!
                        throw new SAXException("invalid numeric format for <post> index");

                    } // end catch

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("lines")) { // get the number of lines
                    try { // handle parsing the topic index
                        if (linecount_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<post> line count specified twice");
                        m_line_count = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue(i));
                        linecount_seen = true;

                    } // end if
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { // this sucks!
                        throw new SAXException("invalid numeric format for <post> line count");

                    } // end catch

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("author")) { // get the post author as a string
                    if (author_seen)
                        throw new SAXException("<post> author name specified twice");
                    m_author = attrs.getValue(i);
                    author_seen = true;

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("date")) { // get the post date
                    try { // parse the ISO 8601 date
                        if (date_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<post> date specified twice");
                        m_date = s_datefmt.parse(attrs.getValue(i));
                        date_seen = true;

                    } // end try
                    catch (ParseException e) { // date parsing failed
                        throw new SAXException("invalid date format for <post> date", e);

                    } // end catch

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("hidden")) { // parse the "hidden" attribute
                    if (StringUtil.isBooleanTrue(attrs.getValue(i)))
                        m_hidden = true;
                    else if (StringUtil.isBooleanFalse(attrs.getValue(i)))
                        m_hidden = false;
                        throw new SAXException("invalid boolean format for <post> hidden");

                } // end else if
                  // else ignore any unknown attributes

            } // end for

            if (!id_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<post> ID not specified");
            if (!parent_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<post> parent ID not specified");
            if (!index_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<post> index not specified");
            if (!linecount_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<post> line count not specified");
            if (!author_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<post> author name not specified");
            if (!date_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<post> date not specified");

            m_pseud = new StringBuffer();
            m_text = new StringBuffer();

        } // end constructor

         * External operations

        final void dispose() {
            if (m_att_data != null) { // delete the temp file
                m_att_data = null;

            } // end if

        } // end dispose

        final void markScribbled(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            boolean by_seen = false, date_seen = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { // grind the attributes into information
                String name = resolveName(attrs.getLocalName(i), attrs.getQName(i));
                if (name.equals("by")) { // get the user name that scribbled it
                    if (by_seen)
                        throw new SAXException("<scribbled> user name specified twice");
                    m_scribble_by = attrs.getValue(i);
                    by_seen = true;

                } // end if
                else if (name.equals("date")) { // get the scribbled date
                    try { // parse the ISO 8601 date
                        if (date_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<scribbled> date specified twice");
                        m_scribble_date = s_datefmt.parse(attrs.getValue(i));
                        date_seen = true;

                    } // end try
                    catch (ParseException e) { // date parsing failed
                        throw new SAXException("invalid date format for <scribbled> date", e);

                    } // end catch

                } // end else if
                  // else ignore any unknown attributes

            } // end for

            if (!by_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<scribbled> user name not specified");
            if (!date_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<scribbled> date not specified");

        } // end markScribbled

        final void appendPseud(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
            m_pseud.append(ch, start, length);

        } // end appendPseud

        final void appendText(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
            m_text.append(ch, start, length);

        } // end appendText

        final OutputStream openAttachment(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            boolean length_seen = false, type_seen = false, filename_seen = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { // grind the attributes into information
                String name = resolveName(attrs.getLocalName(i), attrs.getQName(i));
                if (name.equals("length")) { // get the length
                    try { // handle parsing the length
                        if (length_seen)
                            throw new SAXException("<attachment> length specified twice");
                        m_att_length = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue(i));
                        length_seen = true;

                    } // end if
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { // this sucks!
                        throw new SAXException("invalid numeric format for <attachment> length");

                    } // end catch

                } // end if
                else if (name.equals("type")) { // get the MIME type
                    if (type_seen)
                        throw new SAXException("<attachment> MIME type specified twice");
                    m_att_type = attrs.getValue(i);
                    type_seen = true;

                } // end else if
                else if (name.equals("filename")) { // get the filename
                    if (filename_seen)
                        throw new SAXException("<attachment> filename specified twice");
                    m_att_filename = attrs.getValue(i);
                    filename_seen = true;

                } // end else if
                  // else ignore any unknown attributes

            } // end for

            if (!length_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<attachment> length not specified");
            if (!type_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<attachment> MIME type not specified");
            if (!filename_seen)
                throw new SAXException("<attachment> filename not specified");

            boolean need_delete = false;
            try { // create the attachment data file and open it
                m_att_data = File.createTempFile("Attachment", null);
                need_delete = true;
                return new FileOutputStream(m_att_data);

            } // end try
            catch (IOException e) { // record the event and continue
                recordEvent("unable to open temporary file for attachment \"" + m_att_filename + "\"", e);
                m_att_length = -1;
                m_att_type = null;
                m_att_filename = null;
                if (need_delete)
                m_att_data = null;

            } // end catch

            return null;

        } // end openAttachment

        final void postThis() throws SAXException {
            private String m_att_type = null;
            private String m_att_filename = null;

            // get the creator UID
            int creator_uid = getUIDForUser(m_author);
            if (creator_uid == -1) { // add a note to the beginning of the text and change the creator UID
                m_text.insert(0, "<i>(Originally posted by \"" + m_author + "\")</i>\r\n\r\n");
                m_line_count += 2;
                creator_uid = m_uid;

            } // end if

            // get the scribble UID
            int scribble_uid = -1;
            if (m_scribble_by != null) { // get the UID of the scribbling user
                scribble_uid = getUIDForUser(m_scribble_by);
                if (scribble_uid == -1)
                    scribble_uid = m_uid;

            } // end if

            Statement stmt_x = null;
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            try { // lock the tables we'll need
                stmt_x = m_conn.createStatement();
                        "LOCK TABLES confs WRITE, confsettings WRITE, topics WRITE, topicsettings WRITE, "
                                + "posts WRITE, postdata WRITE, postattach WRITE;");

                // get the new index for the post
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT top_message + 1 FROM topics WHERE topicid = ?;");
                stmt.setInt(1, m_cur_topic);
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                if (
                    m_index = rs.getInt(1);
                    m_index = 0;

                // prepare the initial post entry
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(
                        "INSERT INTO posts (parent, topicid, num, linecount, creator_uid, posted, "
                                + "hidden, pseud) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
                stmt.setLong(1, getPostMapping(m_parent_in));
                stmt.setInt(2, m_cur_topic);
                stmt.setInt(3, m_index);
                stmt.setInt(4, m_line_count);
                stmt.setInt(5, creator_uid);
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 6, m_date);
                stmt.setInt(7, m_hidden ? 1 : 0);
                stmt.setString(8, m_pseud.toString());

                // get the new post ID
                long pid;
                rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();");
                if (
                    pid = rs.getLong(1);
                    throw new SAXException("internal error: cannot get new post ID");
                setPostMapping(m_id_in, pid);

                // add the post data
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO postdata(postid, data) VALUES (?, ?);");
                stmt.setLong(1, pid);
                stmt.setString(2, m_text.toString());

                if (m_scribble_date != null) { // update the post to reflect scribble dates
                    stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(
                            "UPDATE posts SET scribble_uid = ?, scribble_date = ? WHERE postid = ?;");
                    stmt.setInt(1, scribble_uid);
                    SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 2, m_scribble_date);
                    stmt.setLong(3, pid);

                } // end if

                // update the topic to reflect the last update
                stmt = m_conn
                        .prepareStatement("UPDATE topics SET top_message = ?, lastupdate = ? WHERE topicid = ?;");
                stmt.setInt(1, m_index);
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 2, m_date);
                stmt.setInt(3, m_cur_topic);

                // update the topic settings to reflect the last post date
                stmt = m_conn
                        .prepareStatement("UPDATE topicsettings SET last_post = ? WHERE topicid = ? AND uid = ?;");
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 1, m_date);
                stmt.setInt(2, m_cur_topic);
                stmt.setInt(3, creator_uid);
                if (stmt.executeUpdate() < 1) { // We didn't have a topic settings record yet; create one.   
                    stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(
                            "INSERT INTO topicsettings (topicid, uid, last_post) VALUES (?, ?, ?);");
                    stmt.setInt(1, m_cur_topic);
                    stmt.setInt(2, creator_uid);
                    SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 3, m_date);

                } // end if

                // Update the "last update" date of the conference.
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE confs SET lastupdate = ? WHERE confid = ?;");
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 1, m_date);
                stmt.setInt(2, m_conf_id);

                // Update the "last post" timestamp in conference settings.
                stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(
                        "UPDATE confsettings SET last_read = ?, last_post = ? WHERE confid = ? " + "AND uid = ?;");
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 1, m_date);
                SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 2, m_date);
                stmt.setInt(3, m_conf_id);
                stmt.setInt(4, creator_uid);
                if (stmt.executeUpdate() < 1) { // no "confsettings" record found - create one
                    stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO confsettings (confid, uid, last_read, last_post) "
                            + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);");
                    stmt.setInt(1, m_conf_id);
                    stmt.setInt(2, creator_uid);
                    SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 3, m_date);
                    SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 4, m_date);

                } // end if

                if (m_att_type != null) { // there's an attachment to be stored!  First see if we need to compress the data.
                    InputStream stm = null;
                    int stg_method, stmlen;
                    try { // handle all the IO manipulations here
                        if (m_engine.isNoCompressMimeType(m_att_type)) { // don't compress, just copy the file data directly
                            stm = new FileInputStream(m_att_data);
                            stmlen = m_att_length;
                            stg_method = 0;

                        } // end if
                        else { // create the buffer to compress into
                            ByteArrayOutputStream bytestm = new ByteArrayOutputStream(m_att_length);
                            GZIPOutputStream gzipstm = new GZIPOutputStream(bytestm);
                            IOUtil.copy(new FileInputStream(m_att_data), gzipstm);
                            byte[] buffer = bytestm.toByteArray();
                            stmlen = buffer.length;
                            stm = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
                            stg_method = 1;

                        } // end else

                        // add the attachment record to the database!
                        stmt = m_conn
                                .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO postattach(postid, datalen, last_hit, stgmethod, "
                                        + "filename, mimetype, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
                        stmt.setLong(1, pid);
                        stmt.setInt(2, m_att_length);
                        SQLUtil.setFullDateTime(stmt, 3, new java.util.Date());
                        stmt.setInt(4, stg_method);
                        stmt.setString(5, m_att_filename);
                        stmt.setString(6, m_att_type);
                        stmt.setBinaryStream(7, stm, stmlen);

                    } // end try
                    catch (IOException e) { // bail out from attachment if we screw this up
                        recordEvent("error getting/compressing attachment data", e);

                    } // end catch

                } // end if

            } // end try
            catch (SQLException e) { // record a database error here
                recordEvent("error posting message", e);

            } // end catch
            finally { // close everything down

            } // end finally

        } // end postThis

    } // end class PostData

     * Inner class containing XML listener

    private class Listener extends DefaultHandler {
         * Attributes

        private TopicData m_topicdata = null;
        private PostData m_postdata = null;
        private OutputStream m_attachment = null;
        private byte[] m_leftover = null;

         * Constructor

        Listener() {

        } // end constructor

         * Internal operations

        private final void handleAttachmentChars(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
            if (m_attachment == null)
                return; // no attachment - don't bother

            byte[] code_data = null;
            try { // convert from an array of characters to an array of bytes
                String tmp = new String(ch, start, length);
                code_data = tmp.getBytes("US-ASCII");

            } // end try
            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // this should never happen
                throw new SAXException("?!?!?!? WTF? US-ASCII is OK!", e);

            } // end catch

            int len_leftover = (m_leftover != null) ? m_leftover.length : 0;
            if (len_leftover == 0)
                m_leftover = null;
            int t = (len_leftover + code_data.length) / 4;
            int ilen = t * 4;
            int len_new_leftover = (len_leftover + code_data.length) - ilen;

            byte[] input_data = null;
            if (ilen > 0) { // create a perfect input group of 4-byte blocks
                input_data = new byte[ilen];
                if (len_leftover > 0)
                    System.arraycopy(m_leftover, 0, input_data, 0, len_leftover);
                System.arraycopy(code_data, 0, input_data, len_leftover, ilen - len_leftover);

            } // end if

            if (len_new_leftover > 0) { // set the leftovers aside
                m_leftover = new byte[len_new_leftover];
                System.arraycopy(code_data, code_data.length - len_new_leftover, m_leftover, 0, len_new_leftover);

            } // end if
            else // no leftovers
                m_leftover = null;

            if (ilen == 0)
                return; // no data to write

            try { // decode the base-64 data and write it!

            } // end try
            catch (IOException e) { // error during the decode or write
                throw new SAXException("error decoding and writing attachment data", e);

            } // end catch

        } // end handleAttachmentChars

        private final void finishAttachment() throws SAXException {
            if ((m_leftover != null) && (m_leftover.length == 0))
                m_leftover = null;
            if (m_leftover == null)

            try { // decode the base-64 data and write it!

            } // end try
            catch (IOException e) { // error during the decode or write
                throw new SAXException("error decoding and writing attachment data", e);

            } // end catch
            finally { // null out the leftover array
                m_leftover = null;

            } // end finally

        } // end finishAttachment

         * Overrides from class DefaultHandler

        public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
            m_locator = locator;

        } // end setDocumentLocator

        public void startDocument() {
            m_state = ST_PRESTART;
            m_cur_topic = -1;

        } // end startDocument

        public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
            if (m_state != ST_END)
                throw new SAXException("no content found");
            m_locator = null;

        } // end endDocument

        public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
                throws SAXException {
            String name = resolveName(localName, qName);
            switch (m_state) {
            case ST_PRESTART:
                if (!(name.equals("vcif")))
                    throw new SAXException("<vcif> expected");
                m_state = ST_INSTART;

            case ST_INSTART:
                if (!(name.equals("topic")))
                    throw new SAXException("<topic> expected");
                m_topicdata = new TopicData(attributes);
                m_state = ST_INTOPIC_1;

            case ST_INTOPIC_1:
                if (!(name.equals("topicname")))
                    throw new SAXException("<topicname> expected");
                m_state = ST_INTOPIC_NAME;

            case ST_INTOPIC:
                if (!(name.equals("post")))
                    throw new SAXException("<post> expected");
                if (m_cur_topic > 0)
                    m_postdata = new PostData(attributes);
                m_state = ST_INPOST;

            case ST_INPOST:
                if (name.equals("scribbled")) { // mark post as scribbled
                    if (m_postdata != null)
                    m_state = ST_SCRIBBLETAG;

                } // end if
                else if (name.equals("pseud"))
                    m_state = ST_PSEUD;
                else if (name.equals("text"))
                    m_state = ST_TEXT;
                else if (name.equals("attachment")) { // open the attachment
                    if (m_postdata != null)
                        m_attachment = m_postdata.openAttachment(attributes);
                    m_state = ST_ATTACHMENT;

                } // end else if
                    throw new SAXException("<scribbled>, <pseud>, <text>, or <attachment> expected");

                throw new SAXException(
                        "startElement state error (state = " + m_state + ", elt = \"" + name + "\")");

            } // end switch

        } // end startElement

        public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
            String name = resolveName(localName, qName);
            switch (m_state) {
            case ST_INSTART:
                if (!(name.equals("vcif")))
                    throw new SAXException("</vcif> expected");
                m_state = ST_END;

            case ST_INTOPIC_NAME:
                if (!(name.equals("topicname")))
                    throw new SAXException("</topicname> expected");
                if (m_topicdata == null)
                    throw new SAXException("internal error: no topic data");
                m_topicdata = null;
                m_state = ST_INTOPIC;

            case ST_INTOPIC:
                if (!(name.equals("topic")))
                    throw new SAXException("</topic> expected");
                m_cur_topic = -1;
                m_state = ST_INSTART;

            case ST_INPOST:
                if (!(name.equals("post")))
                    throw new SAXException("</post> expected");
                if (m_postdata != null) { // post complete - make it
                    try { // post the message!

                    } // end try
                    finally { // make sure we dispose the postdata
                        m_postdata = null;

                    } // end finally

                } // end if

                m_state = ST_INTOPIC;

            case ST_SCRIBBLETAG:
                if (!(name.equals("scribbled")))
                    throw new SAXException("</scribbled> expected");
                m_state = ST_INPOST;

            case ST_PSEUD:
                if (!(name.equals("pseud")))
                    throw new SAXException("</pseud> expected");
                m_state = ST_INPOST;

            case ST_TEXT:
                if (!(name.equals("text")))
                    throw new SAXException("</text> expected");
                m_state = ST_INPOST;

            case ST_ATTACHMENT:
                if (!(name.equals("attachment")))
                    throw new SAXException("</attachment> expected");
                try { // finish the attachment

                } // end try
                finally { // close it all down
                    m_attachment = null;
                    m_state = ST_INPOST;

                } // end finally

                throw new SAXException("endElement state error (state = " + m_state + ", elt = \"" + name + "\")");

            } // end switch

        } // end endElement

        public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
            switch (m_state) {
            case ST_INTOPIC_NAME:
                if (m_topicdata != null)
                    m_topicdata.appendNameData(ch, start, length);

            case ST_PSEUD:
                if (m_postdata != null)
                    m_postdata.appendPseud(ch, start, length);

            case ST_TEXT:
                if (m_postdata != null)
                    m_postdata.appendText(ch, start, length);

            case ST_ATTACHMENT:
                handleAttachmentChars(ch, start, length);

                break; // ignore characters

            } // end switch

        } // end characters

        public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
            recordEvent("parser warning", e);

        } // end warning

        public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
            recordEvent("parser error", e);

        } // end error

        public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
            recordEvent("parser fatal error", e);

        } // end fatalError

    } // end class Listener

     * Static data members

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConferencingImporter.class);

    private static final DateFormat s_datefmt;

    private static final int ST_PRESTART = 0;
    private static final int ST_INSTART = 1;
    private static final int ST_END = 2;
    private static final int ST_INTOPIC_1 = 3;
    private static final int ST_INTOPIC_NAME = 4;
    private static final int ST_INTOPIC = 5;
    private static final int ST_INPOST = 6;
    private static final int ST_SCRIBBLETAG = 7;
    private static final int ST_PSEUD = 8;
    private static final int ST_TEXT = 9;
    private static final int ST_ATTACHMENT = 10;

     * Attributes

    private int m_uid; // UID we're creating stuff with
    private int m_conf_id; // conference ID we're importing to
    private int m_match_method; // conference match method
    private boolean m_create_new; // create new topic if it doesn't exist?
    private Connection m_conn; // SQL database connection
    private EngineBackend m_engine; // the engine
    private LinkedList m_events = null; // the events reported by the parser
    private Locator m_locator = null; // locator for events
    private int m_state; // current state of the parser
    private int m_cur_topic; // current topic ID
    private HashMap m_post_map; // mapping from old to new post IDs

     * Constructor

    ConferencingImporter(int uid, int conf_id, int match_method, boolean create_new, Connection conn,
            EngineBackend engine) {
        m_uid = uid;
        m_conf_id = conf_id;
        m_match_method = match_method;
        m_create_new = create_new;
        m_conn = conn;
        m_engine = engine;
        m_post_map = new HashMap();

    } // end constructor

     * Internal operations

    private static final String resolveName(String local_name, String q_name) {
        if ((local_name != null) && (local_name.length() > 0))
            return local_name;
            return q_name;

    } // end resolveName

    private final int getUIDForUser(String username) {
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try { // straightforward query
            stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE username = ?;");
            stmt.setString(1, username);
            rs = stmt.executeQuery();
            if (
                return rs.getInt(1);
                return -1;

        } // end try
        catch (SQLException e) { // whoops: big error!
            recordEvent("error getting UID for user name \"" + username + "\"", e);
            return -1;

        } // end catch
        finally { // shut everything down

        } // end finally

    } // end getUIDForUser

    private final void recordEvent(String message) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("[");
        buf.append(m_locator.getLineNumber()).append(", ").append(m_locator.getColumnNumber()).append("] ");
        if (m_events == null)
            m_events = new LinkedList();

    } // end recordEvent

    private final void recordEvent(String message, Throwable t) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("[");
        buf.append(m_locator.getLineNumber()).append(", ").append(m_locator.getColumnNumber()).append("] ");
        buf.append(message).append(" - ").append(t.getMessage());
        if (m_events == null)
            m_events = new LinkedList();

    } // end recordEvent

    private final long getPostMapping(long old) {
        if (old == 0)
            return 0;
        Long rc = (Long) (m_post_map.get(new Long(old)));
        return (rc == null) ? 0 : rc.longValue();

    } // end getPostMapping

    private final void setPostMapping(long old, long nu) {
        m_post_map.put(new Long(old), new Long(nu));

    } // end setPostMapping

     * External operations

    final List importMessages(InputStream xmlstm) throws DataException {
        try { // create a SAX parser and let it loose on the input data with our listener
            SAXParserFactory fact = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser parser = fact.newSAXParser();
            parser.parse(xmlstm, new Listener());

        } // end try
        catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // configuration error
            throw new DataException("Error configuring XML parser for message import: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        } // end catch
        catch (SAXException e) { // give an error message
            throw new DataException("Error importing messages: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        } // end catch
        catch (IOException e) { // I/O error in parsing!
            throw new DataException("Error importing messages: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        } // end catch

        if (m_events == null)
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        ArrayList rc = new ArrayList(m_events);
        m_events = null;
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(rc);

    } // end importMessages

     * Static initializer

    static { // create an ISO 8601 date formatter
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss");
        df.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "UTC"));
        s_datefmt = df;

    } // end static initializer

} // end class ConferencingImporter