Source code

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 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
 * for Silverwrist Design Studios.  Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): 
package com.silverwrist.dynamo.index;

import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.collections.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import com.silverwrist.util.xml.*;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.db.NamespaceCache;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.except.*;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.iface.*;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.util.*;

public class IndexManagerObject
        implements NamedObject, ComponentInitialize, ComponentShutdown, IndexManager, IndexManagerConfig {
     * Internal class which scans the cleanup queue

    private class CleanupQueueTask implements BackgroundTask {
         * Constructor

        CleanupQueueTask() {
        } // end constructor

         * Implementations from itnerface BackgroundTask

        public void run(ServiceProvider services) {
            Reference r = null;
            while ((r = m_cleanupqueue.poll()) != null) { // do the cleanup!
                DirectoryAutoCleanup dac = (DirectoryAutoCleanup) r;

            } // end while

        } // end run

    } // end class CleanupQueueTask

     * Static data members

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IndexManagerObject.class);

    private static final String DEFAULT_ANALYZER = "org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer";

     * Attributes

    private String m_name; // name of this object
    private IndexManagerOps m_ops; // database operations object
    private NamespaceCache m_ns_cache; // namespace cache object
    private ComponentShutdown m_shut_runtime; // shutdown runtime service
    private ComponentShutdown m_shut_init; // shutdown init service
    private ComponentShutdown m_shut_task; // shutdown background task
    private Hashtable m_resolvers; // resolvers list
    private ReferenceMap m_indexcache; // index cache
    private ReferenceQueue m_cleanupqueue; // cleanup object queue

     * Constructor

    public IndexManagerObject() {
        m_resolvers = new Hashtable();
        m_indexcache = new ReferenceMap(ReferenceMap.HARD, ReferenceMap.SOFT);
        m_cleanupqueue = new ReferenceQueue();

    } // end constructor

     * Implementations from interface NamedObject

    public String getName() {
        return m_name;

    } // end getName

     * Implementations from interface ComponentInitialize

     * Initialize the component.
     * @param config_root Pointer to the section of the Dynamo XML configuration file that configures this
     *                    particular component.  This is to be considered "read-only" by the component.
     * @param services An implementation of {@link com.silverwrist.dynamo.iface.ServiceProvider ServiceProvider}
     *                 which provides initialization services to the component.  This will include an implementation
     *                 of {@link com.silverwrist.dynamo.iface.ObjectProvider ObjectProvider} which may be used to
     *                 get information about other objects previously initialized by the application.
     * @exception com.silverwrist.dynamo.except.ConfigException If an error is encountered in the component
     *            configuration.
    public void initialize(Element config_root, ServiceProvider services) throws ConfigException {"IndexManagerObject initializing");
        XMLLoader loader = XMLLoader.get();
        String conn_name = null;
        String nscache_name = null;
        try { // verify the right node name
            loader.verifyNodeName(config_root, "object");

            // get the object's name
            m_name = loader.getAttribute(config_root, "name");

            // get the database configuration connection
            DOMElementHelper config_root_h = new DOMElementHelper(config_root);
            Element elt = loader.getSubElement(config_root_h, "database");
            conn_name = loader.getAttribute(elt, "connection");
            nscache_name = loader.getAttribute(elt, "namespaces");

        } // end try
        catch (XMLLoadException e) { // error loading XML config data
            throw new ConfigException(e);

        } // end catch

        // Get the database connection pool and namespace cache.
        DBConnectionPool pool = GetObjectUtils.getDatabaseConnection(services, conn_name);
        m_ns_cache = (NamespaceCache) (GetObjectUtils.getDynamoComponent(services, NamespaceCache.class,

        // Get the database access object.
        m_ops = IndexManagerOps.get(pool);

        // Hook up IndexManager as a runtime service.
        SingletonServiceProvider ssp = new SingletonServiceProvider("IndexManagerObject", IndexManager.class, this);
        HookServiceProviders hooker = (HookServiceProviders) (services.queryService(HookServiceProviders.class));
        m_shut_runtime = hooker.hookRuntimeServiceProvider(ssp);

        // Hook up IndexManagerConfig as an initialization service.
        ssp = new SingletonServiceProvider("IndexManagerObject", IndexManagerConfig.class, this);
        m_shut_init = hooker.hookInitServiceProvider(ssp);

        // Set up a background task to poll the reference queue.
        BackgroundScheduler sched = (BackgroundScheduler) (services.queryService(BackgroundScheduler.class));
        m_shut_task = sched.runTaskPeriodic(new CleanupQueueTask(), 5000, 5000);

    } // end initialize

     * Implementations from interface ComponentShutdown

    public void shutdown() {
        m_shut_task = null;
        m_shut_init = null;
        m_shut_runtime = null;
        m_ns_cache = null;
        m_ops = null;

    } // end shutdown

     * Implementations from interface IndexManager

    public Object resolveObjectReference(String namespace, String name, String tag) throws IndexException {
        return getResolver(namespace, name).resolveObject(tag);

    } // end resolveObjectReference

    public synchronized IndexService openIndex(String namespace, String name)
            throws DatabaseException, IndexException {
        PropertyKey key = new PropertyKey(m_ns_cache.namespaceNameToId(namespace), name);
        IndexServiceImpl rc = (IndexServiceImpl) (m_indexcache.get(key));
        if (rc == null) { // look up the index of the particular index service
            int ndx = m_ops.getIndexID(key.getNamespaceID(), key.getName());
            if (ndx == -1) { // the index is not present - bail out
                IndexException ie = new IndexException(IndexManagerObject.class, "IndexMessages", "no.such.index");
                ie.setParameter(0, namespace);
                ie.setParameter(1, name);
                throw ie;

            } // end if

            rc = new IndexServiceImpl(this, new QualifiedNameKey(namespace, name), ndx, m_ops.getIndexOps(),
                    m_cleanupqueue, false);
            m_indexcache.put(key, rc);

        } // end if

        return rc;

    } // end openIndex

     * Implementations from interface IndexManagerConfig

    public ComponentShutdown registerResolver(String namespace, String name, IndexedObjectResolver res) {
        QualifiedNameKey key = new QualifiedNameKey(namespace, name);
        m_resolvers.put(key, res);
        return new ShutdownHashtableRemove(m_resolvers, key);

    } // end registerResolver

    public void createIndex(String namespace, String name, String analyzer)
            throws DatabaseException, IndexException {
        if (analyzer == null)
            analyzer = DEFAULT_ANALYZER;
        PropertyKey key = new PropertyKey(m_ns_cache.namespaceNameToId(namespace), name);
        synchronized (this) { // call down to database to create index
            int ndx = m_ops.createIndexID(key.getNamespaceID(), key.getName(), analyzer);
            if (ndx == -1) { // this index already exists
                IndexException ie = new IndexException(IndexManagerObject.class, "IndexMessages", "index.exists");
                ie.setParameter(0, namespace);
                ie.setParameter(1, name);
                throw ie;

            } // end if

            // now create the index service object and put it in the cache
            IndexServiceImpl tmp = new IndexServiceImpl(this, new QualifiedNameKey(namespace, name), ndx,
                    m_ops.getIndexOps(), m_cleanupqueue, true);
            m_indexcache.put(key, tmp);

        } // end synchronized block

    } // end createIndex

    public void deleteIndex(String namespace, String name) throws DatabaseException, IndexException {
        PropertyKey key = new PropertyKey(m_ns_cache.namespaceNameToId(namespace), name);
        synchronized (this) { // see what the index ID is first
            int ndx = m_ops.getIndexID(key.getNamespaceID(), key.getName());
            if (ndx == -1) { // the index is not present - bail out
                IndexException ie = new IndexException(IndexManagerObject.class, "IndexMessages", "no.such.index");
                ie.setParameter(0, namespace);
                ie.setParameter(1, name);
                throw ie;

            } // end if

            // is there an IndexServiceImpl for this index?  if so, take it down
            IndexServiceImpl tmp = (IndexServiceImpl) (m_indexcache.get(key));
            if (tmp != null) { // abandon this index

            } // end if

            // now blow away the database data

        } // end synchronized block

    } // end deleteIndex

     * External operations

    IndexedObjectResolver getResolver(String namespace, String name) throws IndexException {
        QualifiedNameKey key = new QualifiedNameKey(namespace, name);
        IndexedObjectResolver res = (IndexedObjectResolver) (m_resolvers.get(key));
        if (res == null) { // the resolver could not be found
            IndexException e = new IndexException(IndexManagerObject.class, "IndexMessages", "no.such.resolver");
            e.setParameter(0, namespace);
            e.setParameter(1, name);
            throw e;

        } // end if

        return res;

    } // end getResolver

} // end class IndexManagerObject