Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may
 * redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS")
 * applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the
 * text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
 * ""
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
 * Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
 * If not, see <>.
package com.silverpeas.whitePages.control;

import com.silverpeas.form.DataRecord;
import com.silverpeas.form.FieldTemplate;
import com.silverpeas.form.FormException;
import com.silverpeas.form.PagesContext;
import com.silverpeas.form.RecordTemplate;
import com.silverpeas.pdc.model.PdcClassification;
import com.silverpeas.pdc.model.PdcPosition;
import com.silverpeas.pdc.web.PdcClassificationEntity;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplate;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateException;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateManager;
import com.silverpeas.session.SessionInfo;
import com.silverpeas.session.SessionManagement;
import com.silverpeas.session.SessionManagementFactory;
import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil;
import org.silverpeas.servlet.FileUploadUtil;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.WhitePagesException;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.model.Card;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.model.SearchField;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.model.SearchFieldsType;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.model.WhitePagesCard;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.record.UserRecord;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.record.UserTemplate;
import com.silverpeas.whitePages.service.ServicesFactory;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.containerManager.ContainerContext;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.contentManager.ContentManager;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.contentManager.ContentManagerException;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.contentManager.GlobalSilverContent;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.notificationManager.NotificationManagerException;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.notificationManager.NotificationMetaData;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.notificationManager.NotificationSender;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.notificationManager.UserRecipient;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.pdc.control.PdcBm;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.pdc.control.PdcBmImpl;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.pdc.model.*;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.*;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.selection.Selection;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.util.PairObject;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.*;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.GeneralPropertiesManager;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.SilverpeasException;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.UtilException;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.silverpeas.servlet.HttpRequest;

import static com.silverpeas.pdc.model.PdcClassification.aPdcClassificationOfContent;

public class WhitePagesSessionController extends AbstractComponentSessionController {

    /*-------------- Attributs ------------------*/
    private CardManager cardManager = null;
    private Card currentCard = null; // fiche courante
    private Card currentCreateCard = null; // fiche en cours de cration
    private Collection<WhitePagesCard> currentUserCards = new ArrayList<WhitePagesCard>(); // liste des fiches
    // (Collection de
    // WhitePagesCard)
    // inter-instance du
    // user de la fiche
    // courante
    // (currentCard.getUserId())
    private Collection<String> userInstanceIds = null; // liste des id des instances
    // d'annuaire pour lequel
    // l'utilisateur courant
    // (getUserId()) a des droits
    // (admin ou user)
    private UserTemplate userTemplate = null; // permet de grer le modle
    // d'affichage de l'identit d'un
    // user  partir d'un modle html
    private PublicationTemplate cardTemplate = null; // permet la gestion du
    // modle des fiches
    private String[] hostParameters = null;
    private String returnURL = "";
    private ContainerContext containerContext;
    private Card notifiedUserCard;
    private PdcBm pdcBm = null;
    private static DomainDriverManager m_DDManager = new DomainDriverManager();

    public boolean isAdmin() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(getUserRoleLevel().equals("admin"));

     * Recherche une fiche Retourne currentCard si son id est le mme que celui de la fiche recherche
     * Demande au CardManager la fiche sinon Affecte l'attribut ReadOnly de Card  false si la fiche
     * fait partie de l'instance (instanceId) Recherche et affecte le cardRecord de la fiche
     * (getTemplate(currentCard .getInstanceId()).getRecordset().getRecord(userCardId)) Recherche et
     * affecte le userRecord de la fiche (userTemplate.getRecord(userCardId)) Affecte le cardViewForm
     * (getTemplate(currentCard.getInstanceId()).getViewForm()) Affecte le cardUpdateForm
     * (cardTemplate.getUpdateForm()) Affecte le userForm (userTemplate.getViewForm()) Appel
     * getWhitePagesCards pour mettre  jour la liste des fiches inter-instance portant sur le mme
     * user Met la fiche en session puis la retourne
     * @param userCardId id de la fiche
    public Card getCard(long userCardId) throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            if ((currentCard == null) || (currentCard.getPK() == null) || (currentCard.getPK().getId() == null)
                    || (currentCard.getPK().getId().equals(""))
                    || (new Long(currentCard.getPK().getId()).longValue() != userCardId)) {
                Card card = getCardManager().getCard(userCardId);

                if (card == null) {
                    return null;

                if (card.getInstanceId().equals(getComponentId())) {
                    // user can update card if he is admin or if it's his own card
                    card.writeReadOnly(!isAdmin() && !getUserId().equals(card.getUserId()));

                PublicationTemplate template = getTemplate(card.getInstanceId());
                UserTemplate templateUser = getUserTemplate(card.getInstanceId());
                UserRecord userRecord = templateUser.getRecord(card.getUserId());
                if (userRecord.getUserDetail() == null) {
                    Collection<String> cards = new ArrayList<String>();
                    cards.add(new Long(userCardId).toString());
                    return null;
                DataRecord cardRecord = template.getRecordSet().getRecord(Long.toString(userCardId));
                if (cardRecord == null) {
                    cardRecord = template.getRecordSet().getEmptyRecord();
                return card;
            return currentCard;
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.getCard", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.getCard", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);

     * Recherche une fiche en lecture seule pour accs externe ou rle user Retourne currentCard si
     * son id est le mme que celui de la fiche recherche Demande au CardManager la fiche sinon
     * Recherche et affecte le cardRecord de la fiche
     * (getTemplate(currentCard.getInstanceId()).getRecordset().getRecord( userCardId)) Recherche et
     * affecte le userRecord de la fiche (userTemplate.getRecord(userCardId)) Affecte le cardViewForm
     * (getTemplate(currentCard.getInstanceId()).getViewForm()) Affecte le userForm
     * (userTemplate.getViewForm()) Appel getWhitePagesCards pour mettre  jour la liste des fiches
     * inter-instance portant sur le mme user Met la fiche en session puis la retourne
     * @param userCardId id de la fiche
    public Card getCardReadOnly(long userCardId) throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            if ((currentCard == null) || (currentCard.getPK() == null) || (currentCard.getPK().getId() == null)
                    || (currentCard.getPK().getId().equals(""))
                    || (new Long(currentCard.getPK().getId()).longValue() != userCardId)) {
                Card card = getCardManager().getCard(userCardId);
                PublicationTemplate template = getTemplate(card.getInstanceId());
                UserTemplate templateUser = getUserTemplate(card.getInstanceId());
                DataRecord cardRecord = template.getRecordSet().getRecord(new Long(userCardId).toString());
                UserRecord userRecord = templateUser.getRecord(card.getUserId());
                if (userRecord.getUserDetail() == null) {
                    Collection<String> cards = new ArrayList<String>();
                    cards.add(new Long(userCardId).toString());
                    return null;
                if (cardRecord == null) {
                    cardRecord = template.getRecordSet().getEmptyRecord();
                return card;
            return currentCard;

        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.getCardReadOnly", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.getCardReadOnly", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);


     * Recherche une fiche  partir d'un userId (appel de WhitePages  partir d'un autre composant)
     * Rcupre le premier lement de la liste des fiches inter-instance portant sur le user
     * (getWhitePagesCards) Appel la recherche fiche (getCardReadOnly)  partir de l'id du premier
     * elment de currentUserCards
     * @param userId id d'un user
     * @return une Card ou NULL
    public Card getUserCard(String userId) throws WhitePagesException {
        Card card = null;
        Collection<WhitePagesCard> userCards = getWhitePagesCards(userId);
        Iterator<WhitePagesCard> it;
        if (userCards != null) {
            it = userCards.iterator();
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                WhitePagesCard wpc =;
                card = getCardReadOnly(wpc.getUserCardId());
        return card;

     * Charge la liste des fiches inter-instance portant sur le user (et non masques sauf instance
     * courante)et la met en session si le user est diffrent du user courant
     * (currentCard.getUserId()) Sinon retourne currentUserCards (Collection de WhitePagesCard)
     * @param userId id d'un user
    private Collection<WhitePagesCard> getHomeWhitePagesCards(String userId) throws WhitePagesException {
        if (currentCard == null || !currentCard.getUserId().equals(userId) || getCurrentUserCards().isEmpty()) {
            Collection<WhitePagesCard> cards = getCardManager().getHomeUserCards(userId, getUserInstanceIds(),
            Collections.sort((List) cards);
        return getCurrentUserCards();

     * Charge la liste des fiches inter-instance portant sur le user (et non masques) et la met en
     * session si le user est diffrent du user courant (currentCard.getUserId()) Sinon retourne
     * currentUserCards (Collection de WhitePagesCard)
     * @param userId id d'un user
    private Collection<WhitePagesCard> getWhitePagesCards(String userId) throws WhitePagesException {
        if (currentCard == null || !currentCard.getUserId().equals(userId) || getCurrentUserCards().isEmpty()) {
            Collection<WhitePagesCard> cards = getCardManager().getUserCards(userId, getUserInstanceIds());
            Collections.sort((List) cards);
        return getCurrentUserCards();

     * Cre une nouvelle fiche (new Card()) et affecte le UserRecord de la fiche et le userForm
     * (userTemplate.getViewForm()) Met la fiche en session et la retourne Ajoute un new
     * WhitePages(" fiche en cours de cration " )  la liste des fiches
     * @param userDetail dtail de l'utilisateur sur lequel porte la fiche
    public Card createCard(UserDetail userDetail) throws WhitePagesException {
        Card card = new Card(getComponentId());
        UserRecord userRecord = getUserTemplate().getRecord(userDetail.getId());
        if (userRecord.getUserDetail() == null) {
            return null;
        setCurrentUserCards(new ArrayList<WhitePagesCard>());
        ((ArrayList<WhitePagesCard>) getCurrentUserCards()).add(0,
                new WhitePagesCard("Fiche en cours de cration"));
        return getCurrentCreateCard();

     * Affecte un DataRecord vide (cardTemplate.getRecordset().getEmptyRecord()), le cardViewForm
     * (cardTemplate.getViewForm()) et le cardUpdateForm  la fiche courante Retourne la fiche
     * courante
    public Card setCardRecord() throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            return getCurrentCreateCard();
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setCardRecord", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setCardRecord", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);

     * Rempli le DataRecord de la fiche courante en cours de cration  partir de la request
    public void createCard(HttpServletRequest request) throws WhitePagesException, JAXBException {

        List<FileItem> items = HttpRequest.decorate(request).getFileItems();

        // get PDC classification
        String positions = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(items, "Positions");
        PdcClassification withClassification = null;
        PdcClassificationEntity classification;
        if (StringUtil.isDefined(positions)) {
            classification = PdcClassificationEntity.fromJSON(positions);

            List<PdcPosition> pdcPositions = classification.getPdcPositions();
            withClassification = aPdcClassificationOfContent(getCurrentCard().getPK().getId(), getComponentId())

         * Stores card, identity and data record.

        // update form
        try {
            PagesContext pageContext = new PagesContext("", getLanguage());
            getCardTemplate().getUpdateForm().update(items, getCurrentCreateCard().readCardRecord(), pageContext);
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setCardRecord", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setCardRecord", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);

        // save form

     * Rempli le DataRecord de la fiche courante  partir de la request
    public void updateCardRecord(HttpServletRequest request) throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            List<FileItem> items = HttpRequest.decorate(request).getFileItems();
            PagesContext pageContext = new PagesContext("", getLanguage());
            getCardTemplate().getUpdateForm().update(items, getCurrentCard().readCardRecord(), pageContext);
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.updateCardRecord", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.updateCardRecord", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);


     * Enregistre et cre la fiche courante : enregistrement de la fiche
     * (CardManager.create(currentCard)), recupration de l'id de la fiche cre (userCardId) et set
     * de l'id de la fiche courante Enregistre les donnes du modle de la fiche :
     * currentCard.readCardRecord().setId(userCardId), saveCard()
    private void insertCard(PdcClassification classification) throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            String userCardId = Long
                    .toString(getCardManager().create(getCurrentCreateCard(), getUserId(), classification));
            setCurrentUserCards(new ArrayList<WhitePagesCard>());
            SilverTrace.spy("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.insertCard", getSpaceId(), getComponentId(),
                    userCardId, getUserDetail().getId(), SilverTrace.SPY_ACTION_CREATE);

        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.insertCard", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.insertCard", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);


     * Enregistre la fiche courante : Enregistre les donnes du modle de la fiche
     * (cardTemplate.getRecordset().save(currentCard.readCardRecord()))
    public void saveCard() throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            SilverTrace.spy("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.saveCard", getSpaceId(), getComponentId(),
                    getCurrentCard().getPK().getId(), getUserDetail().getId(), SilverTrace.SPY_ACTION_UPDATE);
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.saveCard", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.saveCard", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);


     * Liste les fiches de l'annuaire
     * @return la liste de toutes les fiches de l'annuaire (Collection de Card)
    public Collection<Card> getCards() throws WhitePagesException {
        return setUserRecords(getCardManager().getCards(getComponentId()));

     * Liste les fiches de l'annuaire non masques
     * @return la liste de toutes les fiches de l'annuaire (Collection de Card) non masques
     * (hideStatus = 0)
    public Collection<Card> getVisibleCards() throws WhitePagesException {
        return setUserRecords(getCardManager().getVisibleCards(getComponentId()));

    public void indexVisibleCards() throws WhitePagesException {
        Collection<Card> visibleCards = setUserRecordsAndCardRecords(
        for (Card card : visibleCards) {

     * Affecte les UserRecord  chaque Card d'une liste
    private Collection<Card> setUserRecords(Collection<Card> cards) throws WhitePagesException {
        List<Card> listCards = new ArrayList<Card>();
        try {
            if (cards != null) {
                for (Card card : cards) {
                    if (getUserTemplate().getRecord(card.getUserId()).getUserDetail() == null) {// l'utilisateur
                        // n'existe
                        // plus
                        String idCard = card.getPK().getId();
                        List<String> listId = new ArrayList<String>();
                    } else {
        } catch (WhitePagesException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setUserRecords", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);

        Collections.sort(listCards, new Comparator<Card>() {
            public int compare(Card o1, Card o2) {
                int result = o1.readUserRecord().getUserDetail().getLastName()
                if (result == 0) {
                    result = o1.readUserRecord().getUserDetail().getFirstName()
                return result;

        return listCards;

     * Affecte les UserRecord & CardRecord  chaque Card d'une liste
    private Collection<Card> setUserRecordsAndCardRecords(Collection<Card> cards) throws WhitePagesException {
        List<Card> listCards = new ArrayList<Card>();
        try {
            if (cards != null) {
                PublicationTemplate template = getTemplate(getComponentId());
                DataRecord cardRecord;
                String idCard;
                for (Card card : cards) {
                    idCard = card.getPK().getId();
                    if (getUserTemplate().getRecord(card.getUserId()).getUserDetail() == null) {
                        // l'utilisateur n'existe plus
                        List<String> listId = new ArrayList<String>();
                    } else {

                        cardRecord = template.getRecordSet().getRecord(idCard);
                        if (cardRecord == null) {
                            cardRecord = template.getRecordSet().getEmptyRecord();
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setUserRecordsAndCardRecords",
                    SilverpeasException.ERROR, "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.setUserRecordsAndCardRecords",
                    SilverpeasException.ERROR, "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);
        return listCards;

     * Supprime une liste de fiches de l'annuaire + liste des cardRecord correspondant
     * @param userCardIds liste des identifiants des fiches  supprimer
    public void delete(Collection<String> userCardIds) throws WhitePagesException {

        try {
            if (userCardIds != null) {
                for (String userCardId : userCardIds) {
                    DataRecord data = getCardTemplate().getRecordSet().getRecord(userCardId);
                    SilverTrace.spy("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.delete", getSpaceId(),
                            getComponentId(), userCardId, getUserDetail().getId(), SilverTrace.SPY_ACTION_DELETE);
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.delete", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.delete", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_RECORD", "", e);


     * Masque une liste de fiches de l'annuaire
     * @param userCardIds liste des identifiants des fiches  masquer
    public void hide(Collection<String> userCardIds) throws WhitePagesException {
        getCardManager().setHideStatus(userCardIds, 1);

     * De Masque une liste de fiches de l'annuaire
     * @param userCardIds liste des identifiants des fiches  de masquer
    public void unHide(Collection<String> userCardIds) throws WhitePagesException {
        getCardManager().setHideStatus(userCardIds, 0);

     * Reverse le statut Masqu d'une liste de fiches de l'annuaire
     * @param userCardIds liste des identifiants des fiches
    public void reverseHide(Collection<String> userCardIds) throws WhitePagesException {

     * Indique si un utilisateur possde dj une fiche dans l'annuaire courant
     * @param userId l'identifiant d'un utilisateur
    public boolean existCard(String userId) throws WhitePagesException {
        return getCardManager().existCard(userId, getComponentId());

     * retourne la valeur d'un paramtre affect lors de l'instanciation
    private String getParam(String paramName) {
        return getComponentParameterValue(paramName);

     * retourne la valeur d'un paramtre affect lors de l'instanciation pour un annuaire donn
    private String getParam(String paramName, String instanceId) {
        return AdminReference.getAdminService().getComponentParameterValue(instanceId, paramName);

     * Retourne le cardTemplate d'un annuaire :
     * PublicationTemplateManager#getPublicationTemplate(instanceId, getParam("cardTemplate",
     * instanceId))
    private PublicationTemplate getTemplate(String instanceId) throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            return PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance().getPublicationTemplate(instanceId,
                    getParam("cardTemplate", instanceId));
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.getTemplate", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);

     * Retourne le userTemplate d'un annuaire :
     * PublicationTemplateManager#getPublicationTemplate(instanceId, getParam("userTemplate",
     * instanceId))
    private UserTemplate getUserTemplate(String instanceId) {
        ResourceLocator templateSettings = new ResourceLocator("com.silverpeas.whitePages.settings.template", "");
        String templateDir = templateSettings.getString("templateDir");
        return new UserTemplate(
                templateDir.replace('\\', '/') + "/" + getParam("userTemplate", instanceId).replace('\\', '/'),

     * Appel UserPannel pour set des users selectionnable (4 [] vides) :
    public String initUserPanel() {
        String m_context = GeneralPropertiesManager.getGeneralResourceLocator().getString("ApplicationURL");
        String hostSpaceName = getSpaceLabel();
        PairObject hostComponentName = new PairObject(getComponentLabel(),
                m_context + "/RwhitePages/" + getComponentId() + "/Main");
        PairObject[] hostPath = new PairObject[1];
        hostPath[0] = new PairObject(getString("whitePages.usersList"),
                "/RwhitePages/" + getComponentId() + "/Main");
        String hostUrl = m_context + "/RwhitePages/" + getComponentId() + "/createIdentity";

        Selection sel = getSelection();


        // Contraintes

        return Selection.getSelectionURL(Selection.TYPE_USERS_GROUPS);

     * Appel UserPannel pour rcup du user slectionn : UserDetail[]
     * UserPanel.getUserDetailSelected()
    public UserDetail getUserDetailSelected() {
        UserDetail user = null;
        String selUser = getSelection().getFirstSelectedElement();
        if (StringUtil.isDefined(selUser)) {
            user = getOrganisationController().getUserDetail(selUser);
        return user;

    /*-------------- Methodes elments en session------------*/
    private CardManager getCardManager() {
        if (cardManager == null) {
            cardManager = CardManager.getInstance();
        return cardManager;

    private void setCurrentCard(Card card) {
        this.currentCard = card;

    private void setCurrentCreateCard(Card card) {
        this.currentCreateCard = card;

    private void setCurrentUserCards(Collection<WhitePagesCard> userCards) {
        this.currentUserCards = userCards;

    public void initCurrentUserCards() {
        this.currentUserCards = new ArrayList<WhitePagesCard>();

    public Card getCurrentCard() {
        return currentCard;

    public Card getCurrentCreateCard() {
        return currentCreateCard;

    public Collection<WhitePagesCard> getCurrentUserCards() {
        return currentUserCards;

    private PublicationTemplate getCardTemplate() throws WhitePagesException {
        try {
            if (cardTemplate == null) {
                cardTemplate = PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance().getPublicationTemplate(getComponentId(),
            return cardTemplate;
        } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
            throw new WhitePagesException("WhitePagesSessionController.getCardTemplate", SilverpeasException.ERROR,
                    "whitePages.EX_CANT_GET_PUBLICATIONTEMPLATE", "", e);

    public void setHostParameters(String hostSpaceName, String hostComponentName, String hostUrl, String hostPath) {
        hostParameters = new String[4];
        hostParameters[0] = hostComponentName;
        hostParameters[1] = hostUrl;
        hostParameters[2] = hostSpaceName;
        hostParameters[3] = hostPath;

    public String[] getHostParameters() {
        if (hostParameters == null) {
            hostParameters = new String[4];
        if (hostParameters[0] == null) {
            hostParameters[0] = getComponentLabel();
        if (hostParameters[1] == null) {
            if (containerContext != null) {
                hostParameters[1] = containerContext.getReturnURL();
            } else {
                hostParameters[1] = "Main";
        if (hostParameters[2] == null) {
            hostParameters[2] = getSpaceLabel();
        if (hostParameters[3] == null) {
            hostParameters[3] = getString("whitePages.usersList") + " > " + getString("whitePages.consultCard");
        return hostParameters;

    private Collection<String> getUserInstanceIds() {
        if (userInstanceIds == null) {
            userInstanceIds = new ArrayList<String>();
            CompoSpace[] instances = getOrganisationController().getCompoForUser(getUserId(), "whitePages");
            for (CompoSpace instance : instances) {
        return userInstanceIds;

    private UserTemplate getUserTemplate() {
        if (userTemplate == null) {
            ResourceLocator templateSettings = new ResourceLocator("com.silverpeas.whitePages.settings.template",
            String templateDir = templateSettings.getString("templateDir");
            this.userTemplate = new UserTemplate(
                    templateDir.replace('\\', '/') + "/" + getParam("userTemplate").replace('\\', '/'),
        return this.userTemplate;

    public int getSilverObjectId(String objectId) {
        return new Integer(getCurrentCardContentId()).intValue();

    /*-------------- Methodes de la classe ------------------*/
    public WhitePagesSessionController(MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, ComponentContext context) {
        super(mainSessionCtrl, context, "com.silverpeas.whitePages.multilang.whitePagesBundle",
        if (context == null) {

    public String getCurrentCardContentId() {
        String contentId = null;

        if (currentCard != null) {
            try {
                ContentManager contentManager = new ContentManager();
                contentId = "" + contentManager.getSilverContentId(currentCard.getPK().getId(),
            } catch (ContentManagerException ignored) {
                SilverTrace.error("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController",
                        "whitePages.EX_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_MANAGER", ignored);
                contentId = null;

        return contentId;

    public void setContainerContext(ContainerContext containerContext) {
        this.containerContext = containerContext;

    public ContainerContext getContainerContext() {
        return containerContext;

    public void setReturnURL(String returnURL) {
        this.returnURL = returnURL;

    public String getReturnURL() {
        return returnURL;

    public void setNotifiedUserCard(Card card) {
        this.notifiedUserCard = card;


    public void sendNotification(String message) throws NotificationManagerException {
        NotificationMetaData notifMetaData = new NotificationMetaData();
        notifMetaData.addUserRecipient(new UserRecipient(notifiedUserCard.getUserId()));
        notifMetaData.setDate(new Date());

        String link = URLManager.getURL(null, getComponentId()) + "consultIdentity?userCardId="
                + notifiedUserCard.getPK().getId();

        NotificationSender sender = new NotificationSender(getComponentId());

    public boolean isCardClassifiedOnPdc() throws WhitePagesException, ContentManagerException, PdcException {
        Card card = getUserCard(getUserId());
        return getCardManager().isPublicationClassifiedOnPDC(card);

    public Boolean isEmailHidden() {
        // pour cacher ou non l'email pour les lecteurs
        return "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("isEmailHidden"));

    public Boolean isFicheVisible() {
        // pour afficher ou non l'onglet fiche pour les lecteurs
        return "no".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("isFicheVisible"));

    public int getDomainId() {
        int domainIdReturn = 0; // default value

        // pour recuprer le domainId auquel rattach l'annuaire
        String domainId = getComponentParameterValue("domainId");
        if (StringUtil.isDefined(domainId)) {
            try {
                domainIdReturn = Integer.parseInt(domainId);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nexp) {
                SilverTrace.error("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController", "whitePages.EX_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_ID",
        return domainIdReturn;


    public List<FieldTemplate> getAllXmlFieldsForSearch() throws WhitePagesException, PublicationTemplateException {
        PublicationTemplate template = getTemplate(getComponentId());
        RecordTemplate recordTemplate = template.getRecordTemplate();
        try {
            FieldTemplate[] fields = recordTemplate.getFieldTemplates();
            return Arrays.asList(fields);
        } catch (FormException e) {
            SilverTrace.error("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.getAllXmlFieldsForSearch",
                    "whitePages.CANT_GET_XML_FIELDS", e);
        return new ArrayList<FieldTemplate>();

    public List<SearchAxis> getUsedAxisList(SearchContext searchContext, String axisType) throws PdcException {
        List<SearchAxis> searchAxis = getPdcBm().getPertinentAxisByInstanceId(searchContext, axisType,
        if (searchAxis != null && !searchAxis.isEmpty()) {
            for (SearchAxis axis : searchAxis) {
                axis.setValues(getPdcBm().getDaughters(Integer.toString(axis.getAxisId()), "0"));
        return searchAxis;

    public List<SearchField> getLdapAttributesList() throws Exception {
        Map<String, String> properties = getDomainProperties();
        List<SearchField> fields = new ArrayList<SearchField>();
        for (String property : properties.keySet()) {
            SearchField field = new SearchField();
            field.setFieldId(SearchFieldsType.LDAP.getLabelType() + property);
        return fields;

    private Map<String, String> getDomainProperties() throws Exception {
        return m_DDManager.getDomainDriver(getDomainId()).getPropertiesLabels(getLanguage());

    public void confirmFieldsChoice(String[] fields) throws UtilException {
        ServicesFactory.getFactory().getWhitePagesService().createSearchFields(fields, getComponentId());

    public SortedSet<SearchField> getSearchFields() throws UtilException, WhitePagesException {
        SortedSet<SearchField> fields = ServicesFactory.getFactory().getWhitePagesService()
        if (!fields.isEmpty()) {
            PublicationTemplate template = null;
            Map<String, String> domainProperties = null;
            try {
                RecordTemplate recordTemplate = null;
                for (SearchField field : fields) {
                    if (field.getFieldId().startsWith(SearchFieldsType.XML.getLabelType())) {
                        if (template == null) {
                            template = getTemplate(getComponentId());
                            recordTemplate = template.getRecordTemplate();
                    } else if (field.getFieldId().startsWith(SearchFieldsType.LDAP.getLabelType())) {
                        if (domainProperties == null) {
                            domainProperties = getDomainProperties();
                    } else if (field.getFieldId().startsWith(SearchFieldsType.USER.getLabelType())) {
                        if (field.getFieldName().equals("name")) {
                        } else if (field.getFieldName().equals("surname")) {
                        } else if (field.getFieldName().equals("email")) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.error("whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.getSearchFields",
                        "whitePages.CANT_GET_XML_FIELDS", e);
        return fields;

    public Set<String> getSearchFieldIds() throws UtilException, WhitePagesException {
        Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
        SortedSet<SearchField> searchFields = getSearchFields();
        if (searchFields != null && !searchFields.isEmpty()) {
            for (SearchField field : searchFields) {
        return ids;

    public List<Card> getSearchResult(String query, SearchContext pdcContext, Map<String, String> xmlFields,
            List<FieldDescription> fieldsQuery) {
        List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>();
        Collection<GlobalSilverContent> contents = null;

        try {
            PublicationTemplate template = getTemplate(getComponentId());
            String xmlTemplate = template.getName();
            contents = ServicesFactory.getFactory().getMixedSearchService().search(getSpaceId(), getComponentId(),
                    getUserId(), query, pdcContext, xmlFields, xmlTemplate, fieldsQuery, getLanguage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
  "whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.getSearchResult",
                    "whitePages.EX_SEARCH_GETRESULT", e);

        if (contents != null) {
            try {
                Collection<Card> allCars = getCards();
                HashMap<String, Card> map = new HashMap<String, Card>();
                for (Card card : allCars) {
                    map.put(card.getPK().getId(), card);

                for (GlobalSilverContent content : contents) {
                    if (map.containsKey(content.getId())) {

                if (cards != null) {
                    for (Card card : cards) {
                        UserRecord userRecord = card.readUserRecord();
                        if (userRecord != null) {
                            SessionManagementFactory factory = SessionManagementFactory.getFactory();
                            SessionManagement sessionManagement = factory.getSessionManagement();
                            Collection<SessionInfo> sessionInfos = sessionManagement.getConnectedUsersList();
                            for (SessionInfo varSi : sessionInfos) {
                                if (varSi.getUserDetail().equals(userRecord.getUserDetail())) {

            } catch (Exception e) {
      "whitePages", "WhitePagesSessionController.getSearchResult",
                        "whitePages.EX_SEARCH_GETCARDS", e);
        return cards;

    private PdcBm getPdcBm() {
        if (pdcBm == null) {
            pdcBm = (PdcBm) new PdcBmImpl();
        return pdcBm;

    public HashMap<String, Set<ClassifyValue>> getPdcPositions(int cardId) throws PdcException {

        HashMap<String, Set<ClassifyValue>> result = new HashMap<String, Set<ClassifyValue>>();
        List<ClassifyPosition> listOfPositions = getPdcBm().getPositions(cardId, getComponentId());

        if (listOfPositions != null && listOfPositions.size() > 0) {
            for (ClassifyPosition position : listOfPositions) {
                for (ClassifyValue value : position.getValues()) {
                    List<Value> path = value.getFullPath();
                    if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
                        Value axis = path.get(0);
                        String category = axis.getName(getLanguage());
                        if (result.containsKey(category)) {
                        } else {
                            Set<ClassifyValue> values = new HashSet<ClassifyValue>();
                            result.put(category, values);
        return result;
