Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.scheduler.simple; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.trigger.CronJobTrigger; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.JobExecutionContext; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.ScheduledJob; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerEvent; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerEventListener; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerException; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.trigger.JobTrigger; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import java.text.Format; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat; import static com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerFactory.*; /** * This is the base class of all scheduler job classes. This class is abstract. If you will * implement your own special job class, you have to overrite the method 'execute' and add your own * job generation method in the class 'SimpleScheduler' */ @Deprecated abstract public class SchedulerJob implements Runnable, ScheduledJob { // Environment variables protected Format logDateFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); private SchedulerEventListener theOwner; // private File theLogBaseFile; private String sJobName; // private String sJobLogFileName; // Converted cron string private List<Integer> vMinutes; private List<Integer> vHours; private List<Integer> vDaysOfMonth; private List<Integer> vMonths; private List<Integer> vDaysOfWeek; // Next timestamp private Integer currentMinute; private Integer currentHour; private Integer currentDayOfMonth; private Integer currentMonth; private Integer currentYear; // Runtime variables private long nextTimeStamp = 0; private volatile boolean bRunnable; private JobTrigger trigger; /** * This method returns the owner (or creator) of the job * @return The owner of the job */ public SchedulerEventListener getOwner() { return theOwner; } public void initTimeStamp(long nextTime) { if (nextTime != 0) { nextTimeStamp = nextTime; } else { nextTimeStamp = getNextTimeStamp(); } } public long readNextTimeStamp() { return nextTimeStamp; } @Override public Date getNextExecutionTime() { return new Date(nextTimeStamp); } @Override public long getNexExecutionTimeInMillis() { return nextTimeStamp; } /** * This method returns the name of the job * @return The name of the job */ public String getJobName() { return sJobName; } /** * This method handles the thread execution */ @Override public void run() { long sleepTime; // Get next schedule time if (nextTimeStamp == 0) { nextTimeStamp = getNextTimeStamp(); }, "", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", ": Job '" + sJobName + "' starts without errors.");, "", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", ": Next schedule time: " + logDateFormat.format(new Date(nextTimeStamp))); while (bRunnable) { try { // Calculate the delay time sleepTime = nextTimeStamp - (new Date()).getTime();, "", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", ": Sleeptime = " + sleepTime); if (sleepTime < 0) { // Yields if there are problems with the date. Should normaly not // occour. Thread.currentThread().sleep(0); } else { // Sleeps up to the next schedule time Thread.currentThread().sleep(sleepTime); } } catch (InterruptedException aException) { } if (bRunnable && ((new Date()).getTime() >= nextTimeStamp)) { try {, "", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", ": ---------------- Start of job '" + sJobName + "' -------------------"); // Execute the functionality of the job and gets a new schedule time nextTimeStamp = getNextTimeStamp(); Date now = new Date(); JobExecutionContext ctx = JobExecutionContext.createWith(sJobName, now); try { // execute (logStream, new Date ()); execute(now); // logStream.flush (); theOwner.jobSucceeded(SchedulerEvent.jobSucceeded(ctx)); } catch (SchedulerException aException) { theOwner.jobFailed(SchedulerEvent.jobFailed(ctx, aException)); }, "", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", ": ---------------- End of job '" + sJobName + "' -------------------");, "", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", ": Next schedule time: " + logDateFormat.format(new Date(nextTimeStamp))); } catch (Exception aException) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_NAME, "", "root.EX_NO_MESSAGE", aException); } } } theOwner = null; sJobName = null; } /** * Stops the scheduling of the job */ public synchronized void stop() { bRunnable = false; } /** * This method holds the logic of the job. It has to be overwriten in subclasses of this class * @param log A PrintStream for text writings in the log file for this job * @param theExecutionDate The date of the execution * @throws SchedulerException */ abstract protected void execute(Date theExecutionDate) throws SchedulerException; /** * The constructor has proteceted access, because the generation of jobs should be done in a * central way by the class 'SimpleScheduler' * @param aController The controller, that controls all job executions * @param aOwner The owner of the job * @param aJobName The name of the job * @param aLogBaseFile The log file for the job */ protected SchedulerJob(SimpleScheduler aController, SchedulerEventListener aOwner, String aJobName) throws SchedulerException { if (aController == null) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerJob.SchedulerJob: Parameter 'aController' is null"); } if (aOwner == null) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerJob.SchedulerJob: Parameter 'aOwner' is null"); } if (aJobName == null) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerJob.SchedulerJob: Parameter 'aJobName' is null"); } theOwner = aOwner; sJobName = aJobName; vMinutes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vHours = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vDaysOfMonth = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vMonths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vDaysOfWeek = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Instead Calendar calInit = Calendar.getInstance(); currentMinute = 0; currentHour = 0; if (calInit.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == calInit.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { currentDayOfMonth = calInit.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (calInit.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MONTH) == calInit.get(Calendar.MONTH)) { currentMonth = calInit.getActualMaximum(Calendar.MONTH); currentYear = calInit.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1; } else { currentMonth = calInit.get(Calendar.MONTH) - 1; currentYear = calInit.get(Calendar.YEAR); } } else { currentDayOfMonth = calInit.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1; currentMonth = calInit.get(Calendar.MONTH); currentYear = calInit.get(Calendar.YEAR); } if (calInit.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MONTH) == currentMonth) { currentMonth = calInit.getActualMaximum(Calendar.MONTH); currentYear = currentYear - 1; } else { currentMonth = currentMonth - 1; } nextTimeStamp = 0; bRunnable = true; } /** * This method sets the scheduling parameter. The time settings are given by vectors. Each vector * holds a list of Integer objects (currently ordered). Every Integer represents a element of a * timestamp (cron like). * @param startMinutes A list of minutes (0-59) * @param startHours A list of hours (0-23) * @param startDaysOfMonth A list of days of a month (1-31) * @param startMonths A list of months (1-12; starts with 1 for January) * @param startDaysOfWeek A list of day of a week (0-6; starts with 0 for Sunday) */ protected synchronized void setSchedulingParameter(List<Integer> startMinutes, List<Integer> startHours, List<Integer> startDaysOfMonth, List<Integer> startMonths, List<Integer> startDaysOfWeek) throws SchedulerException { Enumeration vectorEnumerator; List<Integer> workVector; int workInt; // Check minute values if (startMinutes == null) { startMinutes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } for (Integer minute : startMinutes) { try { workInt = minute; if ((workInt < 0) || (workInt > 59)) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: A minute value is out of range"); } } catch (ClassCastException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: Can't convert a minute value"); } } // Check hour values if (startHours == null) { startHours = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } for (Integer hours : startHours) { try { workInt = hours; if ((workInt < 0) || (workInt > 23)) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: A hour value is out of range"); } } catch (ClassCastException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: Can't convert a hour value"); } } // Check day of month values if (startDaysOfMonth == null) { startDaysOfMonth = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } for (Integer days : startDaysOfMonth) { try { workInt = days; if ((workInt < 1) || (workInt > 31)) { throw new SchedulerException( "SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: A day of month value is out of range"); } } catch (ClassCastException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: Can't convert a day of month value"); } } // Check month values and normalize them for internal usage if (startMonths == null) { startMonths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } workVector = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer month : startMonths) { try { workInt = month; if ((workInt < 1) || (workInt > 12)) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: A month value is out of range"); } workVector.add(workInt - 1); // Internal: zero based } catch (ClassCastException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: Can't convert a month value"); } } startMonths = workVector; // Check day of week values if (startDaysOfWeek == null) { startDaysOfWeek = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } workVector = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer daysOfWeek : startDaysOfWeek) { try { workInt = daysOfWeek; if ((workInt < 0) || (workInt > 6)) { throw new SchedulerException( "SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: A day of week value is out of range"); } // Conversion not realy necessary, but what if SUN changes the // implementation .... :-)) switch (workInt) { case 0: workVector.add(Calendar.SUNDAY); break; case 1: workVector.add(Calendar.MONDAY); break; case 2: workVector.add(Calendar.TUESDAY); break; case 3: workVector.add(Calendar.WEDNESDAY); break; case 4: workVector.add(Calendar.THURSDAY); break; case 5: workVector.add(Calendar.FRIDAY); break; case 6: workVector.add(Calendar.SATURDAY); break; } } catch (ClassCastException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerMethodJob.setParameter: Can't convert a day of week value"); } } startDaysOfWeek = workVector; // Assign the calculated values vMinutes = startMinutes; vHours = startHours; vDaysOfMonth = startDaysOfMonth; vMonths = startMonths; vDaysOfWeek = startDaysOfWeek; // Sort the calculated vectors sortCronVectors(); } /** * This method sets the scheduling parameter. It is given by a cron like string (currently ranges * are not allowed). So the string '* 3,21 * 3 0' starts the execution every Sunday in March on * 03:00 and 21:00. The allowed ranges are: minutes (0-59), hours (0-23), days of a month (1-31), * months (1-12; starts with 1 for January), day of a week (0-6; starts with 0 for Sunday). * Currently the parsing of the cron string ist not done by a state machine but by * StringTokenizers so this method is <B>very</B> sensitive for syntax failures! * @param aCronString */ protected synchronized void setSchedulingParameter(CronJobTrigger trigger) throws SchedulerException { setTrigger(trigger); String aCronString = trigger.getCronExpression(); StringTokenizer fieldSeparator; StringTokenizer fieldContentSeparator; String workString; int workInt; if (aCronString == null) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Parameter 'aCronString' is null"); } if (aCronString.contains("-") || aCronString.contains("/")) { throw new SchedulerException( "This scheduler backend doesn't support yet the range and the increment instructions " + "in cron expressions"); } aCronString = aCronString.replaceAll("\\?", "*"); // Reset current values vMinutes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vHours = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vDaysOfMonth = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vMonths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vDaysOfWeek = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // This StringTokenizer splits the cron string into time fields fieldSeparator = new StringTokenizer(aCronString); // Get minute values if (fieldSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { // This StringTokenizer splits each timefield list into single numbers fieldContentSeparator = new StringTokenizer(fieldSeparator.nextToken(), ","); while (fieldContentSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { workString = fieldContentSeparator.nextToken(); // Check ingnore token if (workString.equals("*")) { vMinutes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); break; } // Check integer value try { workInt = Integer.parseInt(workString); } catch (NumberFormatException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Can't convert a minute value"); } if ((workInt < 0) || (workInt > 59)) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: A minute value is out of range"); } vMinutes.add(workInt); } } // Get hour values if (fieldSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { fieldContentSeparator = new StringTokenizer(fieldSeparator.nextToken(), ","); while (fieldContentSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { workString = fieldContentSeparator.nextToken(); // Check ingnore token if (workString.equals("*")) { vHours = new ArrayList<Integer>(); break; } // Check iteger value try { workInt = Integer.parseInt(workString); } catch (NumberFormatException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Can't convert a hour value"); } if ((workInt < 0) || (workInt > 23)) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: A hour value is out of range"); } vHours.add(workInt); } } // Get day of month values and normalize them for internal usage if (fieldSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { fieldContentSeparator = new StringTokenizer(fieldSeparator.nextToken(), ","); while (fieldContentSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { workString = fieldContentSeparator.nextToken(); // Check ingnore token if (workString.equals("*")) { vDaysOfMonth = new ArrayList<Integer>(); break; } // Check iteger value try { workInt = Integer.parseInt(workString); } catch (NumberFormatException aException) { throw new SchedulerException( "SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Can't convert a day of month value"); } if ((workInt < 1) || (workInt > 31)) { throw new SchedulerException( "SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: A day of month value is out of range"); } vDaysOfMonth.add(workInt); } } // Get month values if (fieldSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { fieldContentSeparator = new StringTokenizer(fieldSeparator.nextToken(), ","); while (fieldContentSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { workString = fieldContentSeparator.nextToken(); // Check ingnore token if (workString.equals("*")) { vMonths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); break; } // Check iteger value try { workInt = Integer.parseInt(workString); } catch (NumberFormatException aException) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Can't convert a month value"); } if ((workInt < 1) || (workInt > 12)) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: A month value is out of range"); } vMonths.add(workInt - 1); // Internal: zero based } } // Get day of week values if (fieldSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { fieldContentSeparator = new StringTokenizer(fieldSeparator.nextToken(), ","); while (fieldContentSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { workString = fieldContentSeparator.nextToken(); // Check ingnore token if (workString.equals("*")) { vDaysOfWeek = new ArrayList<Integer>(); break; } // Check iteger value try { workInt = Integer.parseInt(workString); } catch (NumberFormatException aException) { throw new SchedulerException( "SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Can't convert a day of week value"); } if ((workInt < 0) || (workInt > 6)) { throw new SchedulerException( "SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: A day of week value is out of range"); } switch (workInt) { case 0: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.SUNDAY); break; case 1: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.MONDAY); break; case 2: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.TUESDAY); break; case 3: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.WEDNESDAY); break; case 4: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.THURSDAY); break; case 5: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.FRIDAY); break; case 6: vDaysOfWeek.add(Calendar.SATURDAY); break; } } } if (fieldSeparator.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Too much time fields in cron string"); } if (vDaysOfWeek == null) { throw new SchedulerException("SchedulerShellJob.setCronString: Not enough time fields in cron string"); } // Sort the calculated vectors sortCronVectors(); } /** * Generates a new timestamp * @return */ protected long getNextTimeStamp() { Calendar calcCalendar; long currentTime; boolean validTimeStamp; boolean carryMinute; boolean carryHour; boolean carryDayOfMonth; boolean carryMonth; boolean firstYearAccess; calcCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_NAME, "SchedulerJob.getNextTimeStamp", "Current TimeStamp: " + logDateFormat.format(new Date(getMillisecondsOfCalendar(calcCalendar)))); currentTime = getMillisecondsOfCalendar(calcCalendar); calcCalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, currentYear); calcCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, currentMonth); calcCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, currentDayOfMonth); calcCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, currentHour); calcCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, currentMinute); SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_NAME, "SchedulerJob.getNextTimeStamp", "Start TimeStamp: " + logDateFormat.format(new Date(getMillisecondsOfCalendar(calcCalendar)))); // !!!!!! The values must be ordered ascend !!!!! validTimeStamp = false; carryMinute = false; carryHour = false; carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; firstYearAccess = true; while (!validTimeStamp) { // Get new minute if (vMinutes.isEmpty()) { // Default ('*') -> Hit every minute // If the cron setting for minutes is *, we don't have to care about // incrementing minutes // So do a carryHour carryMinute = true; } else { // Special handling for lists with one element if (vMinutes.size() == 1) { currentMinute = vMinutes.get(0); carryMinute = !carryMinute; if (!carryMinute) { carryHour = false; carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } } else { int indexOfMinutes = vMinutes.indexOf(currentMinute); if ((indexOfMinutes == -1) || (indexOfMinutes == (vMinutes.size() - 1))) { currentMinute = vMinutes.get(0); carryMinute = true; } else { currentMinute = vMinutes.get(indexOfMinutes + 1); carryMinute = false; carryHour = false; carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } } } calcCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, currentMinute); // Get new hour if (carryMinute) { if (vHours.isEmpty()) // Default ('*') -> Hit every hour { int maxHour = calcCalendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (currentHour < maxHour) { currentHour = currentHour + 1; carryHour = false; carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } else { currentHour = calcCalendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); carryHour = true; } } else { // Special handling for lists with one element if (vHours.size() == 1) { currentHour = vHours.get(0); carryHour = !carryHour; if (!carryHour) { carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } } else { int indexOfHours = vHours.indexOf(currentHour); if ((indexOfHours == -1) || (indexOfHours == (vHours.size() - 1))) { currentHour = vHours.get(0); carryHour = true; } else { currentHour = vHours.get(indexOfHours + 1); carryHour = false; carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } } } calcCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, currentHour); } // Get new day of month if (carryHour) { if (vDaysOfMonth.isEmpty()) // Default ('*') -> Hit every month { int maxMonth = calcCalendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (currentDayOfMonth < maxMonth) { currentDayOfMonth = currentDayOfMonth + 1; carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } else { currentDayOfMonth = calcCalendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); carryDayOfMonth = true; } } else { // Special handling for lists with one element if (vMinutes.size() == 1) { currentDayOfMonth = vDaysOfMonth.get(0); carryDayOfMonth = !carryDayOfMonth; if (!carryDayOfMonth) { carryMonth = false; } } else { int indexOfMonths = vDaysOfMonth.indexOf(currentDayOfMonth); if ((indexOfMonths == -1) || (indexOfMonths == (vDaysOfMonth.size() - 1))) { currentDayOfMonth = vDaysOfMonth.get(0); carryDayOfMonth = true; } else { currentDayOfMonth = vDaysOfMonth.get(indexOfMonths + 1); carryDayOfMonth = false; carryMonth = false; } } } calcCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, currentDayOfMonth); } // Get new month if (carryDayOfMonth) { if (vMonths.isEmpty()) // Default ('*') -> Hit every month { int maxMonth = calcCalendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.MONTH); if (currentMonth < maxMonth) { currentMonth = currentMonth + 1; carryMonth = false; } else { currentMonth = calcCalendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MONTH); carryMonth = true; } } else { // Special handling for lists with one element if (vMinutes.size() == 1) { currentMonth = vMonths.get(0); carryMonth = !carryMonth; } else { int indexOfMonths = vMonths.indexOf(currentMonth); if ((indexOfMonths == -1) || (indexOfMonths == (vMonths.size() - 1))) { currentMonth = vMonths.get(0); carryMonth = true; } else { currentMonth = vMonths.get(indexOfMonths + 1); carryMonth = false; } } } calcCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, currentMonth); } // Get new year if (carryMonth) { // Prevent Check for the 'ever carry' of one element lists if ((!firstYearAccess) || ((currentMinute == 0) && (currentHour == 0) && (currentDayOfMonth == 1) && (currentMonth == 0))) { // Hit every year currentYear = currentYear + 1; calcCalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, currentYear); } firstYearAccess = false; } // If time stamp is greater than the current time check the day of week if (getMillisecondsOfCalendar(calcCalendar) > currentTime) { // Check eventualy day movement while calculations if (calcCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == currentDayOfMonth) { // Check for correct day of week if (vDaysOfWeek.isEmpty()) { validTimeStamp = true; } else { for (Integer dayOfWeek : vDaysOfWeek) { if (calcCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == dayOfWeek) { validTimeStamp = true; break; } } } } } } // while (getMillisecondsOfCurrentTimeStamp (calcCalendar) < currentTime) SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_NAME, "SchedulerJob.getNextTimeStamp", "New TimeStamp: " + logDateFormat.format(new Date(getMillisecondsOfCalendar(calcCalendar)))); return getMillisecondsOfCalendar(calcCalendar); } /** * Wraps calender date access * @param aCalendar * @return */ protected long getMillisecondsOfCalendar(Calendar aCalendar) { return aCalendar.getTime().getTime(); } /** * Sorts the internal cron vectors nad remove doubled entries. This is necessary to calculate the * correct schedule time */ private void sortCronVectors() { Collections.sort(vMinutes); Collections.sort(vHours); Collections.sort(vDaysOfMonth); Collections.sort(vMonths); Collections.sort(vDaysOfWeek); removeDoubled(vMinutes); removeDoubled(vHours); removeDoubled(vDaysOfMonth); removeDoubled(vMonths); removeDoubled(vDaysOfWeek); } /** * Removes doubled entries (Comparable) , if the list is sorted */ private void removeDoubled(List<? extends Comparable> aList) { Comparable currentComparable; Comparable lastComparable = null; for (Iterator listIterator = aList.iterator(); listIterator.hasNext();) { try { if (lastComparable == null) { lastComparable = (Comparable); } else { currentComparable = (Comparable); if (lastComparable.compareTo(currentComparable) == 0) { listIterator.remove(); } else { lastComparable = currentComparable; } } } catch (Exception aException) { // Unequal } } } @Override public String getName() { return getJobName(); } @Override public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws Exception { execute(new Date()); } @Override public SchedulerEventListener getSchedulerEventListener() { return this.getOwner(); } @Override public JobTrigger getTrigger() { return this.trigger; } protected void setTrigger(final JobTrigger trigger) { this.trigger = trigger; } }