Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may * redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS") * applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the * text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.importExport.control; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BadPdfFormatException; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PRAcroForm; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.SimpleBookmark; import com.silverpeas.admin.importExport.AdminImportExport; import com.silverpeas.coordinates.importExport.CoordinateImportExport; import com.silverpeas.coordinates.importExport.CoordinatesPositionsType; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.ImportExportErrorHandler; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.ImportExportException; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.PublicationType; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.PublicationsType; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.SilverPeasExchangeType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.silverpeas.node.importexport.NodeImportExport; import com.silverpeas.node.importexport.NodePositionType; import com.silverpeas.node.importexport.NodeTreesType; import com.silverpeas.pdc.importExport.PdcImportExport; import com.silverpeas.pdc.importExport.PdcPositionsType; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.ZipManager; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.pdc.model.ClassifyPosition; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.pdc.model.PdcException; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.util.ResourcesWrapper; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.ComponentInst; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.UserDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileRepositoryManager; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileServerUtils; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.WAAttributeValuePair; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.coordinates.model.Coordinate; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.coordinates.model.CoordinatePoint; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.UtilException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.fileFolder.FileFolderManager; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodeDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodePK; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodeRuntimeException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationDetail; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import; import org.exolab.castor.mapping.Mapping; import org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException; import org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException; import org.silverpeas.core.admin.OrganisationControllerFactory; import org.silverpeas.importExport.attachment.AttachmentDetail; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import static; import static org.silverpeas.util.Charsets.UTF_8; /** * Classe devant tre instancie au niveau controleur pour utiliser le moteur d'import export. * * @author sDevolder. */ public class ImportExport { private static final ResourceLocator settings = new ResourceLocator( "org.silverpeas.importExport.settings.mapping", ""); public final static String iframePublication = "publications"; public final static String iframeIndexPublications = "indexPublications"; public final static int EXPORT_FULL = 0; public final static int EXPORT_FILESONLY = 1; public final static int EXPORT_PUBLICATIONSONLY = 2; /** * Unique constructeur de la classe */ public ImportExport() { } /** * Mthode crant le fichier xml corespondant l'arbre des objets. * * @param silverPeasExchangeType - arbre des objets mapper sur le fichier xml * @param xmlToExportPath - chemin et nom du fichier xml crer * @throws ImportExportException */ void saveToSilverpeasExchangeFile(SilverPeasExchangeType silverPeasExchangeType, String xmlToExportPath) throws ImportExportException { Writer writer = null; Mapping mapping = new Mapping(); try { String mappingDir = settings.getString("mappingDir"); String mappingFileName = settings.getString("importExportMapping"); if (!mappingDir.endsWith("/")) { mappingDir += "/"; } // Load mapping and instantiate a Marshaller mapping.loadMapping(new URL(mappingDir + mappingFileName)); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(xmlToExportPath), UTF_8); Marshaller mar = new Marshaller(writer); // URI du schma et chemin du fichier XSD associ. String xsdPublicId = settings.getString("xsdPublicId"); String xsdSystemId = settings.getString("xsdDefaultSystemId"); mar.setSchemaLocation(xsdPublicId + " " + xsdSystemId); mar.setNamespaceMapping("sp", xsdPublicId); mar.setEncoding(; mar.setMapping(mapping); mar.marshal(silverPeasExchangeType); } catch (MappingException me) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_LOADING_XML_MAPPING_FAILED", "XML Filename : ", me); } catch (MarshalException me) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_UNMARSHALLING_FAILED", "XML Filename : ", me); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_PARSING_FAILED", "XML Filename : ", ve); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_LOADING_XML_MAPPING_FAILED", "XML Filename : ", ioe); } catch (Exception ioe) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.", "XML Filename : ", ioe); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(writer); } } /** * Mthode retournant l'arbre des objets mapps sur le fichier xml pass en paramtre. * * @param xmlFileName le fichier xml interprt par Castor * @return Un objet SilverPeasExchangeType contenant le mapping d'un fichier XML Castor * @throws ImportExportException */ SilverPeasExchangeType loadSilverpeasExchange(String xmlFileName) throws ImportExportException { SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExportSessionController.loadSilverpeasExchange", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "xmlFileName = " + xmlFileName); try { InputSource xmlInputSource = new InputSource(xmlFileName); String xsdPublicId = settings.getString("xsdPublicId"); String xsdSystemId = settings.getString("xsdDefaultSystemId"); // Load and parse default XML schema for import/export SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance("", "", null); Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new StreamSource(xsdSystemId)); // Create an XML parser for loading XML import file SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory .newInstance("", null); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); factory.setSchema(schema); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); // First try to determine to load the XML file using the default // XML-Schema ImportExportErrorHandler errorHandler = new ImportExportErrorHandler(); XMLReader xmlReader = parser.getXMLReader(); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(errorHandler); try { xmlReader.parse(xmlInputSource); } catch (SAXException ex) { SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExportSessionController.loadSilverpeasExchange", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", (new StringBuilder("XML File ")).append(xmlFileName) .append(" is not valid according to default schema").toString()); // If case the default schema is not the one specified by the // XML import file, try to get the right XML-schema and // namespace (this is done by parsing without validation) ImportExportNamespaceHandler nsHandler = new ImportExportNamespaceHandler(); factory.setSchema(null); parser = factory.newSAXParser(); xmlReader = parser.getXMLReader(); xmlReader.setContentHandler(nsHandler); xmlReader.setFeature("", true); xmlReader.parse(xmlInputSource); // If OK, extract the name and location of the schema String nsSpec = nsHandler.getNsSpec(); if (nsSpec == null || xsdPublicId.equals(nsSpec)) { throw ex; } String nsVersion = extractUriNameIndex(nsSpec); if (nsVersion.length() == 0) { throw ex; } String altXsdSystemId = settings.getStringWithParam("xsdSystemId", nsVersion); if ((altXsdSystemId == null) || (altXsdSystemId.equals(xsdSystemId))) { throw ex; } SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExportSessionController.loadSilverpeasExchange", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", (new StringBuilder("Trying again using schema specification located at ")) .append(altXsdSystemId).toString()); // Try again to load, parse and validate the XML import file, // using the new schema specification schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new StreamSource(altXsdSystemId)); factory.setSchema(schema); parser = factory.newSAXParser(); xmlReader = parser.getXMLReader(); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(errorHandler); xmlReader.parse(xmlInputSource); } SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExportSessionController.loadSilverpeasExchange", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "XML Validation complete"); // Mapping file for Castor String mappingDir = settings.getString("mappingDir"); String mappingFileName = settings.getString("importExportMapping"); String mappingFile = mappingDir + mappingFileName; Mapping mapping = new Mapping(); // Load mapping and instantiate a Unmarshaller mapping.loadMapping(mappingFile); Unmarshaller unmar = new Unmarshaller(SilverPeasExchangeType.class); unmar.setMapping(mapping); unmar.setValidation(false); // Unmarshall the process model SilverPeasExchangeType silverpeasExchange = (SilverPeasExchangeType) unmar.unmarshal(xmlInputSource); SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExportSessionController.loadSilverpeasExchange", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Unmarshalling complete"); return silverpeasExchange; } catch (MappingException me) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_LOADING_XML_MAPPING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + me.getLocalizedMessage(), me); } catch (MarshalException me) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_UNMARSHALLING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + me.getLocalizedMessage(), me); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_PARSING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + ve.getLocalizedMessage(), ve); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_LOADING_XML_MAPPING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + ioe.getLocalizedMessage(), ioe); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_PARSING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException snre) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_PARSING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + snre.getLocalizedMessage(), snre); } catch (SAXNotSupportedException snse) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_PARSING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + snse.getLocalizedMessage(), snse); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport.loadSilverpeasExchange", "importExport.EX_PARSING_FAILED", "XML Filename " + xmlFileName + ": " + se.getLocalizedMessage(), se); } } /** * Cherche et retourne un nom de ressource extrait du chemin d'un URI donn. * * @param uri l'URI dans lequel on cherche le nom de ressource. * @return le nom de ressource dans la chane uri ou chane vide (jamais null) sir uri est * <caode>null</code> ou vide ou s'il n'y a pas de ressource indique par uri. */ private String extractUriNameIndex(String uri) { if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0) { return ""; } int first = 0; int last = uri.length(); int i = uri.lastIndexOf('#'); if (i >= 0) { last = i; } i = uri.lastIndexOf('?', last); if (i >= 0) { last = i; } i = uri.lastIndexOf('/', last); if (i >= 0) { first = i + 1; } i = uri.indexOf("://") + 2; if (i >= 2 && i > first && i < last) { first = i + 1; } return uri.substring(first, last); } /** * Mthode faisant appel au moteur d'importExport de silver peas, des publications dfinie dans le * fichier xml pass en paramtre sont gnres grace l'outil castor. * * @param userDetail - information sur l'utilisateur utilisant le moteur importExport * @param xmlFileName - fichier xml dfinissant les import et/ou export effectuer * @return un rapport dtaill sur l'execution de l'import/export * @throws ImportExportException */ public ImportReport processImport(UserDetail userDetail, String xmlFileName) throws ImportExportException { SilverPeasExchangeType silverExType; ImportReportManager reportManager = new ImportReportManager(); // Cas du nom de fichier null ou vide if (!StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFileName)) { UnitReport unitReport = new UnitReport("No XML file specified"); unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_ERROR); unitReport.setStatus(UnitReport.STATUS_PUBLICATION_NOT_CREATED); reportManager.addUnitReport(unitReport, ""); } // Chargement du descripteur d'import partir d'un fichier XML silverExType = loadSilverpeasExchange(xmlFileName); // Crations unitaires des thmes et sous-thmes avant d'insrer // des publication ventuelles dans ces thmes et sous-thmes if (silverExType.getNodeTreesType() != null) { // Traitement de l'lment <topicTrees> NodeTreesTypeManager typeMgr = new NodeTreesTypeManager(); typeMgr.processImport(userDetail, silverExType.getNodeTreesType(), silverExType.getTargetComponentId(), reportManager); } // Crations unitaires de nouvelles publications ou modifications // de publications existantes if (silverExType.getPublicationsType() != null) { // Traitement de l'lment <publications> PublicationsTypeManager typeMgr = new PublicationsTypeManager(); ImportSettings importSettings = new ImportSettings(null, userDetail, silverExType.getTargetComponentId(), null, false, silverExType.isPOIUsed(), ImportSettings.FROM_XML); typeMgr.processImport(silverExType.getPublicationsType(), importSettings, reportManager); } // Cas des imports en masse de thmes et de publications if (silverExType.getRepositoriesType() != null) { // Traitement de l'lment <repositories> RepositoriesTypeManager typeMgr = new RepositoriesTypeManager(); ImportSettings importSettings = new ImportSettings(null, userDetail, silverExType.getTargetComponentId(), null, false, silverExType.isPOIUsed(), ImportSettings.FROM_XML); typeMgr.processImport(silverExType.getRepositoriesType(), importSettings, reportManager); } reportManager.reportImportEnd(); return reportManager.getImportReport(); } public ExportReport processExport(UserDetail userDetail, String language, List<WAAttributeValuePair> listItemsToExport, NodePK rootPK, int mode) throws ImportExportException { ExportReport report = null; switch (mode) { case ImportExport.EXPORT_FULL: report = processExport(userDetail, language, listItemsToExport, rootPK); break; case ImportExport.EXPORT_FILESONLY: report = processExportOfFilesOnly(userDetail, language, listItemsToExport, rootPK); break; case ImportExport.EXPORT_PUBLICATIONSONLY: report = processExportOfPublicationsOnly(userDetail, language, listItemsToExport, rootPK); } return report; } private ExportReport processExport(UserDetail userDetail, String language, List<WAAttributeValuePair> listItemsToExport, NodePK rootPK) throws ImportExportException { // pour le multilangue ResourceLocator resourceLocator = new ResourceLocator( "com.silverpeas.importExport.multilang.importExportBundle", language); PublicationsTypeManager pub_Typ_Mger = new PublicationsTypeManager(); PdcImportExport pdcIE = new PdcImportExport(); NodeImportExport nodeIE = new NodeImportExport(); AdminImportExport adminIE = new AdminImportExport(); SilverPeasExchangeType silverPeasExch = new SilverPeasExchangeType(); ExportReport exportReport = new ExportReport(); try { // Stockage de la date de dmarage de l'export dans l'objet rapport exportReport.setDateDebut(new Date()); // Cration du dossier d'export String thisExportDir = generateExportDirName(userDetail, "export"); String tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); File fileExportDir = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir); if (!fileExportDir.exists()) { try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(fileExportDir); } catch (UtilException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_FOLDER", ex); } } // Exportation des publications PublicationsType publicationsType; try { // cration des rpertoires avec le nom des thmes et des // publications publicationsType = pub_Typ_Mger.processExport(exportReport, userDetail, listItemsToExport, fileExportDir.getPath(), true, true, rootPK); if (publicationsType == null) { // les noms des thmes et des publication est trop long ou au moins > 200 caractres // cration des rpertoires avec les Id des thmes et des publications try { exportReport = new ExportReport(); exportReport.setDateDebut(new Date()); // dtruire le rpertoire et tout ce qu'il contient fileExportDir.delete(); try { FileFolderManager.deleteFolder(fileExportDir.getPath()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "importExport.EX_CANT_DELETE_FOLDER", ex); } thisExportDir = generateExportDirName(userDetail, "export"); tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); fileExportDir = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir); publicationsType = pub_Typ_Mger.processExport(exportReport, userDetail, listItemsToExport, fileExportDir.getPath(), false, true, rootPK); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e); } } } catch (IOException e1) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e1); } silverPeasExch.setPublicationsType(publicationsType); // Rcupration de la liste de id des composants Set<String> componentIds = new HashSet<String>(); List<ClassifyPosition> listClassifyPosition = new ArrayList<ClassifyPosition>(); List<PublicationType> listPubType = publicationsType.getListPublicationType(); for (PublicationType pubType : listPubType) { componentIds.add(pubType.getComponentId()); PdcPositionsType pdcPos = pubType.getPdcPositionsType(); if (pdcPos != null) { listClassifyPosition.addAll(pdcPos.getListClassifyPosition()); } } List<String> listComponentId = new ArrayList<String>(componentIds); // Exportation des composants lis aux publications exportes silverPeasExch.setComponentsType(adminIE.getComponents(listComponentId)); // Exportation des Arbres de topics lis aux publications exportes NodeTreesType nodeTreesType = nodeIE.getTrees(listComponentId); silverPeasExch.setNodeTreesType(nodeTreesType); // Exportation des pdcs lis aux publications exportes if (!listClassifyPosition.isEmpty()) { silverPeasExch.setPdcType(pdcIE.getPdc(listClassifyPosition)); } if (rootPK == null) { // dans le cas de l'export depuis le moteur de recherche, crer l'index "a plat" createSummary(exportReport, thisExportDir, tempDir, fileExportDir); } else { // dans le cas de l'export d'un composant ou d'un thme, crer l'index en treeview HtmlExportGenerator htmlGenerator = new HtmlExportGenerator(exportReport, fileExportDir.getName(), resourceLocator); Map<String, List<String>> topicIds = prepareTopicsMap(publicationsType); Set<String> keys = topicIds.keySet(); for (String topicId : keys) { createTopicHtmlFile(thisExportDir, tempDir, htmlGenerator, topicIds, topicId); } createEmptySummary(thisExportDir, tempDir, htmlGenerator); createTreeview(rootPK.getId(), thisExportDir, tempDir, nodeTreesType, htmlGenerator, topicIds); createExportDirectory(thisExportDir, tempDir); } // Cration du fichier XML de mapping try { saveToSilverpeasExchangeFile(silverPeasExch, fileExportDir.getPath() + File.separatorChar + "importExport.xml"); } catch (ImportExportException iex) { SilverTrace.error("ImportExport", "ImportExport.processExport()", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", iex); } // Cration du zip createZipFile(fileExportDir, exportReport); } catch (NodeRuntimeException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("importExport", "ImportExport.processExport()", ex); } catch (PdcException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("importExport", "ImportExport.processExport()", ex); } return exportReport; } private void createSummary(ExportReport exportReport, String thisExportDir, String tempDir, File fileExportDir) throws ImportExportException { File fileHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir + separator + "index.html"); HtmlExportGenerator h = new HtmlExportGenerator(exportReport, fileExportDir.getName()); Writer fileWriter = null; try { fileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(h.toHTML()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } private void createEmptySummary(String thisExportDir, String tempDir, HtmlExportGenerator htmlGenerator) throws ImportExportException { File fileTopicHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir + File.separatorChar + "indexTopicEmpty.html"); Writer fileWriter = null; try { fileTopicHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileTopicHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(htmlGenerator.toHTML(fileTopicHTML.getName())); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } private void createExportDirectory(String thisExportDir, String tempDir) throws ImportExportException { try { // crer le rpertoire pour le zip FileFolderManager.createFolder(tempDir + thisExportDir + separator + "treeview"); // le remplir avec le contenu du rpertoire "treeview" sur disque String chemin = (settings.getString("mappingDir")); if (chemin.startsWith("file:")) { chemin = chemin.substring(8); } chemin = chemin + "treeview"; Collection<File> files = FileFolderManager.getAllFile(chemin); for (File file : files) { File newFile = new File( tempDir + thisExportDir + separator + "treeview" + separator + file.getName()); FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(file.getPath(), newFile.getPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_FOLDER", e); } } private void createTreeview(String rootId, String thisExportDir, String tempDir, NodeTreesType nodeTreesType, HtmlExportGenerator htmlGenerator, Map<String, List<String>> topicIds) throws ImportExportException { Writer fileWriter; File fileHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir + separator + "index.html"); fileWriter = null; try { fileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); Set<String> topics = topicIds.keySet(); fileWriter.write(htmlGenerator.indexToHTML(fileHTML.getName(), topics, nodeTreesType, rootId)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } private Map<String, List<String>> prepareTopicsMap(PublicationsType publicationsType) { List<PublicationType> listPubType = publicationsType.getListPublicationType(); Map<String, List<String>> topicIds = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(listPubType.size()); for (PublicationType publicationType : listPubType) { String pubId = Integer.toString(publicationType.getId()); // pour chaque publication : parcourir ses noeuds List<NodePositionType> listNodePositionType = publicationType.getNodePositionsType() .getListNodePositionType(); for (NodePositionType nodePositionType : listNodePositionType) { // pour chaque topic : rcuprer l'Id String topicId = String.valueOf(nodePositionType.getId()); List<String> pubIds; if (topicIds.containsKey(topicId)) { pubIds = topicIds.get(topicId); } else { pubIds = new ArrayList<String>(listPubType.size()); } pubIds.add(pubId); topicIds.put(topicId, pubIds); } } return topicIds; } private void createTopicHtmlFile(String thisExportDir, String tempDir, HtmlExportGenerator h, Map<String, List<String>> topicIds, String topicId) throws ImportExportException { File fileTopicHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir, "indexTopic" + topicId + ".html"); Writer fileWriter = null; try { fileTopicHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileTopicHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(h.toHTML(fileTopicHTML.getName(), topicIds.get(topicId))); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } /** * @param userDetail * @param itemsToExport * @return * @throws ImportExportException */ public ExportPDFReport processExportPDF(UserDetail userDetail, List<WAAttributeValuePair> itemsToExport, NodePK rootPK) throws ImportExportException { ExportPDFReport report = new ExportPDFReport(); report.setDateDebut(new Date()); PublicationsTypeManager pubTypeManager = new PublicationsTypeManager(); String fileExportName = generateExportDirName(userDetail, "fusion"); String tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); File fileExportDir = new File(tempDir + fileExportName); if (!fileExportDir.exists()) { try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(fileExportDir); } catch (UtilException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_FOLDER", ex); } } File pdfFileName = new File(tempDir + fileExportName + ".pdf"); try { // cration des rpertoires avec le nom des thmes et des publications List<AttachmentDetail> pdfList = pubTypeManager.processPDFExport(report, userDetail, itemsToExport, fileExportDir.getPath(), true, rootPK); try { int pageOffset = 0; List master = new ArrayList(); Document document = null; PdfCopy writer = null; if (!pdfList.isEmpty()) { boolean firstPage = true; for (AttachmentDetail attDetail : pdfList) { PdfReader reader = null; try { reader = new PdfReader( fileExportDir.getPath() + File.separatorChar + attDetail.getLogicalName()); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Attached file is not physically present on disk, ignore it and log event SilverTrace.error("importExport", "PublicationTypeManager.processExportPDF", "CANT_FIND_PDF_FILE", "PDF file '" + attDetail.getLogicalName() + "' is not present on disk", ioe); } if (reader != null) { reader.consolidateNamedDestinations(); int nbPages = reader.getNumberOfPages(); List bookmarks = SimpleBookmark.getBookmark(reader); if (bookmarks != null) { if (pageOffset != 0) { SimpleBookmark.shiftPageNumbers(bookmarks, pageOffset, null); } master.addAll(bookmarks); } pageOffset += nbPages; if (firstPage) { document = new Document(reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(1)); writer = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(pdfFileName));; firstPage = false; } for (int i = 1; i <= nbPages; i++) { try { PdfImportedPage page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i); writer.addPage(page); } catch (Exception e) { // Can't import PDF file, ignore it and log event SilverTrace.error("importExport", "PublicationTypeManager.processExportPDF", "CANT_MERGE_PDF_FILE", "PDF file is " + attDetail.getLogicalName(), e); } } PRAcroForm form = reader.getAcroForm(); if (form != null) { writer.copyAcroForm(reader); } } } if (!master.isEmpty()) { writer.setOutlines(master); } writer.flush(); document.close(); } else { return null; } } catch (BadPdfFormatException e) { // Erreur lors de la copie throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e); } catch (DocumentException e) { // Impossible de copier le document throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e); } } catch (IOException e) { // Pb avec le rpertoire de destination throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e); } report.setPdfFileName(pdfFileName.getName()); report.setPdfFileSize(pdfFileName.length()); report.setPdfFilePath(FileServerUtils.getUrlToTempDir(pdfFileName.getName())); report.setDateFin(new Date()); return report; } /** * Export Kmax Publications * * @param userDetail * @param language * @param itemsToExport * @param combination * @param timeCriteria * @return * @throws ImportExportException */ public ExportReport processExportKmax(UserDetail userDetail, String language, List<WAAttributeValuePair> itemsToExport, List<String> combination, String timeCriteria) throws ImportExportException { ResourceLocator resourceLocator = new ResourceLocator( "com.silverpeas.importExport.multilang.importExportBundle", language); PublicationsTypeManager pub_Typ_Mger = new PublicationsTypeManager(); AdminImportExport adminIE = new AdminImportExport(); SilverPeasExchangeType silverPeasExch = new SilverPeasExchangeType(); ExportReport exportReport = new ExportReport(); CoordinateImportExport coordinateImportExport = new CoordinateImportExport(); GEDImportExport gedIE; try { // Stockage de la date de dmarage de l'export dans l'objet rapport exportReport.setDateDebut(new Date()); // Cration du dossier d'export String thisExportDir = generateExportDirName(userDetail, "export"); String tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); File fileExportDir = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir); if (!fileExportDir.exists()) { try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(fileExportDir); } catch (UtilException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_FOLDER", ex); } } // Exportation des publications PublicationsType publicationsType; try { // cration des rpertoires avec le nom des publications publicationsType = pub_Typ_Mger.processExport(exportReport, userDetail, itemsToExport, fileExportDir.getPath(), false, true, null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e); } // Rcupration de la liste de id des composants Set<String> listComponentId = new HashSet<String>(); List<PublicationType> listPubType = publicationsType.getListPublicationType(); String componentId = null; for (PublicationType pubType : listPubType) { listComponentId.add(pubType.getComponentId()); componentId = pubType.getComponentId(); } // Exportation des composants lis aux publications exportes silverPeasExch.setComponentsType(adminIE.getComponents(new ArrayList<String>(listComponentId))); // ================ EXPORT SELECTED PUBLICATIONS ====================== if (combination != null) { // Cration du sommaire HTML File fileHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir + separator + "index.html"); HtmlExportGenerator h = new HtmlExportGenerator(exportReport, fileExportDir.getName(), resourceLocator); Writer fileWriter = null; try { fileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); // Create header with axes and values selected List<String> positionsLabels = coordinateImportExport.getCombinationLabels(combination, componentId); fileWriter.write(h.kmaxPublicationsToHTML(positionsLabels, timeCriteria, iframePublication)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } else { // ================ EXPORT ALL PUBLICATIONS OF COMPONENT // Publication detail empty File emptyFileHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir + File.separatorChar + "empty.html"); Writer fileWriter = null; try { emptyFileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(emptyFileHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } // Create unbalanced file html index ComponentInst componentInst = OrganisationControllerFactory.getOrganisationController() .getComponentInst(componentId); gedIE = ImportExportFactory.createGEDImportExport(userDetail, componentId); String unbalancedFileNameRelativePath = "index-2.html"; File unclassifiedFileHTML = new File( tempDir + thisExportDir + File.separatorChar + unbalancedFileNameRelativePath); HtmlExportGenerator h = new HtmlExportGenerator(exportReport, fileExportDir.getName(), resourceLocator); try { unclassifiedFileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(unclassifiedFileHTML.getPath(), true), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(h.toHtmlPublicationsByPositionStart()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } String publicationFileNameRelativePath = null; // Fill unbalanced file html index List<PublicationDetail> unbalancedPublications = PublicationImportExport .getUnbalancedPublications(componentId); String componentLabel = FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(componentInst.getLabel()); for (PublicationDetail pubDetail : unbalancedPublications) { PublicationType publicationType = gedIE .getPublicationCompleteById(String.valueOf(pubDetail.getId()), componentId); publicationFileNameRelativePath = componentLabel + separator + pubDetail.getId() + separator + "index.html"; pub_Typ_Mger.fillPublicationType(gedIE, publicationType, null); int nbThemes = pub_Typ_Mger.getNbThemes(gedIE, publicationType, null); HtmlExportPublicationGenerator unbalanced = new HtmlExportPublicationGenerator(publicationType, null, null, publicationFileNameRelativePath, nbThemes); exportReport.addHtmlIndex(pubDetail.getId(), unbalanced); fileWriter = null; try { fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(unclassifiedFileHTML.getPath(), true), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(unbalanced.toHtmlSommairePublication(iframePublication)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } // Create HTML summary with the search axis File fileHTML = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir + separator + "index.html"); h = new HtmlExportGenerator(exportReport, fileExportDir.getName(), resourceLocator); try { fileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); // Create header with axes and values selected List<NodeDetail> axis = coordinateImportExport.getAxis(componentId); fileWriter.write(h.kmaxAxisToHTML(axis, language)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } // Create HTML summary // -------------------------------------- String exportPath = fileExportDir.getPath(); String exportSummaryPath = exportPath; List<NodeDetail> listAxis = coordinateImportExport.getAxisHeadersWithChildren(componentId, true, true); // Remove unclassified node listAxis.remove(0); int nbAxis = listAxis.size(); // Get list axis with values List<Collection<NodeDetail>> listAxisWithChildren = new ArrayList<Collection<NodeDetail>>(); for (NodeDetail currentAxisNodeDetail : listAxis) { Collection<NodeDetail> childrenNodeDetails = currentAxisNodeDetail.getChildrenDetails(); if (childrenNodeDetails != null && !childrenNodeDetails.isEmpty()) { listAxisWithChildren.add(childrenNodeDetails); } } // Create List with all nodes Details List<String> nodesIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Collection<NodeDetail> currentAxis : listAxisWithChildren) { for (NodeDetail axisNode : currentAxis) { String nodeId = String.valueOf(axisNode.getId()); nodesIds.add(nodeId); } } // Create List of index files positions (ex: index-2-3-x-y-z....html) List<String> indexFilesPositions = new ArrayList<String>(); // Process all filename combinations for (int i = 1; i <= nodesIds.size(); i++) { indexFilesPositions = coordinateImportExport.coupleIds(indexFilesPositions, nodesIds, 0, 0, i, null, nbAxis); } // Create positions index files for (String positionNameId : indexFilesPositions) { // fileName / index-x-x.html // Create positions index file fileHTML = new File(exportSummaryPath + separator + positionNameId); // Write file positions fileWriter = null; try { fileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileHTML.getPath()), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(h.toHtmlPublicationsByPositionStart()); } finally { try { fileWriter.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "PublicationTypeManager.processExport", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Exception = " + ex); } } } // Publications to export exportPath = fileExportDir.getPath(); exportSummaryPath = exportPath; for (WAAttributeValuePair attValue : itemsToExport) { List<String> filesPositionsHTMLToFill = new ArrayList<String>(); String pubId = attValue.getName(); componentId = attValue.getValue(); gedIE = ImportExportFactory.createGEDImportExport(userDetail, componentId); String positionFileNameHTML; // Rcupration du PublicationType PublicationType publicationType = gedIE.getPublicationCompleteById(pubId, componentId); pub_Typ_Mger.fillPublicationType(gedIE, publicationType, null); publicationType.setCoordinatesPositionsType(new CoordinatesPositionsType()); List<CoordinatePoint> listCoordinatesPositions = new ArrayList<CoordinatePoint>(); Collection<Coordinate> coordinates = gedIE.getPublicationCoordinates(pubId, componentId); for (Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) { positionFileNameHTML = "index"; Collection<CoordinatePoint> coordinatesPoints = coordinate.getCoordinatePoints(); for (CoordinatePoint coordinatePoint : coordinatesPoints) { positionFileNameHTML += "-" + coordinatePoint.getNodeId(); listCoordinatesPositions.add(coordinatePoint); } if (!filesPositionsHTMLToFill.contains(positionFileNameHTML + ".html")) { filesPositionsHTMLToFill.add(positionFileNameHTML + ".html"); } List<String> nodeIds = new ArrayList<String>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(positionFileNameHTML, "-"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String nodeId = st.nextToken(); if (!"index".equals(nodeId)) { NodeDetail currentNodeDetail = coordinateImportExport .getNodeHeader(new NodePK(String.valueOf(nodeId), componentId)); nodeIds.add(String.valueOf(currentNodeDetail.getId())); if (currentNodeDetail.getLevel() >= 3) { // if subvalue of axis, add this node nodeIds = addNodeToList(nodeIds, currentNodeDetail); } else { List<NodeDetail> axisChildren = coordinateImportExport .getAxisChildren(currentNodeDetail.getNodePK(), false); // if Axis, add all nodes of this axis for (NodeDetail nodeDetail : axisChildren) { nodeIds.add(String.valueOf(nodeDetail.getId())); } } } } List<String> otherPositionsFilesNameHTML = new ArrayList<String>(); otherPositionsFilesNameHTML = coordinateImportExport.coupleIds(otherPositionsFilesNameHTML, nodeIds, 0, 0, nbAxis, null, nbAxis); for (String otherPositionFileNameHTML : otherPositionsFilesNameHTML) { if (!filesPositionsHTMLToFill.contains(otherPositionFileNameHTML)) { filesPositionsHTMLToFill.add(otherPositionFileNameHTML); } } } publicationType.getCoordinatesPositionsType().setCoordinatesPositions(listCoordinatesPositions); SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExport.processExportKmax", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "coordinatePositions added"); publicationFileNameRelativePath = componentLabel + separator + pubId + separator + "index.html"; int nbThemes = pub_Typ_Mger.getNbThemes(gedIE, publicationType, null); HtmlExportPublicationGenerator s = new HtmlExportPublicationGenerator(publicationType, null, null, publicationFileNameRelativePath, nbThemes); exportReport.addHtmlIndex(pubId, s); for (String filePositions : filesPositionsHTMLToFill) { fileHTML = new File(exportSummaryPath + separator + filePositions); SilverTrace.debug("importExport", "ImportExport.processExportKmax", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "pubId = " + pubId); fileWriter = null; try { if (fileHTML.exists()) { fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileHTML.getPath(), true), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(s.toHtmlSommairePublication(iframePublication)); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } } } // Cration du fichier XML de mapping saveToSilverpeasExchangeFile(silverPeasExch, fileExportDir.getPath() + separator + "importExport.xml"); // Cration du zip createZipFile(fileExportDir, exportReport); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ImportExportException("importExport", "ImportExport.processExportKmax()", ex); } return exportReport; } /** * Mthode gnrant le nom de l'export nomm: "exportAAAA-MM-JJ-hh'H'mm'm'ss's'_userId" * * @param userDetail - UserDetail de l'utilisateur * @param name : nom du fichier final * @return - la chaine reprsentant le nom gnr du rpertoire d'exportation */ String generateExportDirName(UserDetail userDetail, String name) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name); Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH'H'mm'm'ss's'"); String dateFormatee = dateFormat.format(date); sb.append(dateFormatee); sb.append('_').append(userDetail.getId()); return sb.toString(); } public void writeImportToLog(ImportReport importReport, ResourcesWrapper resource) { if (importReport != null) { String reportLogFile = settings.getString("importExportLogFile"); ResourceBundle resources = FileUtil .loadBundle("com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.settings.silverTrace", new Locale("", "")); String reportLogPath = resources.getString("ErrorDir"); File file = new File(reportLogPath + separator + reportLogFile); Writer fileWriter = null; try { if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file.getPath(), true), UTF_8); fileWriter.write(importReport.writeToLog(resource)); } catch (IOException ex) { SilverTrace.error("ImportExport", "ImportExport.writeImportToLog()", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } } /** * Add father of nodeDetail to List * * @param nodesIds * @param nodeDetail * @return */ private List<String> addNodeToList(List<String> nodesIds, NodeDetail nodeDetail) { CoordinateImportExport cie = new CoordinateImportExport(); // Add father nodesIds.add(String.valueOf(nodeDetail.getFatherPK().getId())); if (nodeDetail.getLevel() >= 4) { NodeDetail parentNodeDetail = cie.getNodeHeader(nodeDetail.getFatherPK()); addNodeToList(nodesIds, parentNodeDetail); } return nodesIds; } private ExportReport processExportOfFilesOnly(UserDetail userDetail, String language, List<WAAttributeValuePair> listItemsToExport, NodePK rootPK) throws ImportExportException { PublicationsTypeManager pub_Typ_Mger = new PublicationsTypeManager(); ExportReport exportReport = new ExportReport(); // Creates export folder File fileExportDir = createExportDir(userDetail); // Export files attached to publications try { pub_Typ_Mger.processExportOfFilesOnly(exportReport, userDetail, listItemsToExport, fileExportDir.getPath(), rootPK); } catch (IOException e1) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_EXPORT_FILES", e1); } // Create ZIP file createZipFile(fileExportDir, exportReport); return exportReport; } private ExportReport processExportOfPublicationsOnly(UserDetail userDetail, String language, List<WAAttributeValuePair> listItemsToExport, NodePK rootPK) throws ImportExportException { PublicationsTypeManager pub_Typ_Mger = new PublicationsTypeManager(); ExportReport exportReport = new ExportReport(); // Stockage de la date de dmarrage de l'export dans l'objet rapport exportReport.setDateDebut(new Date()); File fileExportDir = createExportDir(userDetail); try { // cration des rpertoires avec le nom des thmes et des publications pub_Typ_Mger.processExport(exportReport, userDetail, listItemsToExport, fileExportDir.getPath(), true, rootPK != null, rootPK); } catch (IOException e1) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", e1); } // Cration du zip createZipFile(fileExportDir, exportReport); return exportReport; } private File createExportDir(UserDetail userDetail) throws ImportExportException { String thisExportDir = generateExportDirName(userDetail, "export"); String tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); File fileExportDir = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir); if (!fileExportDir.exists()) { try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(fileExportDir); } catch (UtilException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_FOLDER", ex); } } return fileExportDir; } private void createZipFile(File fileExportDir, ExportReport exportReport) throws ImportExportException { try { String zipFileName = fileExportDir.getName() + ".zip"; String tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); long zipFileSize = ZipManager.compressPathToZip(fileExportDir.getPath(), tempDir + zipFileName); exportReport.setZipFileName(zipFileName); exportReport.setZipFileSize(zipFileSize); exportReport.setZipFilePath(FileServerUtils.getUrlToTempDir(zipFileName)); exportReport.setDateFin(new Date()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportExportException("ImportExport", "root.EX_CANT_WRITE_FILE", ex); } } }