Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may * redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS") * applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the * text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.importExport.control; import com.silverpeas.form.DataRecord; import com.silverpeas.form.Field; import com.silverpeas.form.FieldDisplayer; import com.silverpeas.form.FieldTemplate; import com.silverpeas.form.PagesContext; import com.silverpeas.form.RecordSet; import com.silverpeas.form.TypeManager; import com.silverpeas.form.fieldType.FileField; import com.silverpeas.form.importExport.FormTemplateImportExport; import com.silverpeas.form.importExport.XMLField; import com.silverpeas.formTemplate.ejb.FormTemplateBm; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.ImportExportException; import com.silverpeas.importExport.model.PublicationType; import; import; import; import com.silverpeas.node.importexport.NodePositionType; import com.silverpeas.publication.importExport.DBModelContentType; import com.silverpeas.publication.importExport.PublicationContentType; import com.silverpeas.publication.importExport.XMLModelContentType; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplate; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateManager; import com.silverpeas.thumbnail.control.ThumbnailController; import com.silverpeas.thumbnail.model.ThumbnailDetail; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.ForeignPK; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.i18n.I18NHelper; import com.silverpeas.wysiwyg.importExport.WysiwygContentType; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.OrganizationController; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.UserDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.EJBUtilitaire; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileRepositoryManager; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.JNDINames; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.coordinates.model.Coordinate; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.UtilException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.fileFolder.FileFolderManager; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.control.NodeBm; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodeDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodePK; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.control.PublicationBm; import; import; import; import; import; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.Alias; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.CompletePublication; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationPK; import; import org.silverpeas.attachment.AttachmentServiceFactory; import org.silverpeas.attachment.model.SimpleDocument; import org.silverpeas.importExport.attachment.AttachmentDetail; import org.silverpeas.importExport.attachment.AttachmentImportExport; import; import org.silverpeas.wysiwyg.WysiwygException; import org.silverpeas.wysiwyg.control.WysiwygController; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Classe metier de creation d'entites silverpeas utilisee par le moteur d'importExport. * * @author sDevolder. */ public abstract class GEDImportExport extends ComponentImportExport { // Variables private static final OrganizationController organizationController = new OrganizationController(); private PublicationBm publicationBm = null; private FormTemplateBm formTemplateBm = null; private NodeBm nodeBm = null; private AttachmentImportExport attachmentIE; /** * Constructeur public de la classe * * @param curentUserDetail - informations sur l'utilisateur faisant appel au moteur d'importExport * @param currentComponentId - composant silverpeas cible */ public GEDImportExport(UserDetail curentUserDetail, String currentComponentId) { super(curentUserDetail, currentComponentId); attachmentIE = new AttachmentImportExport(curentUserDetail); } /** * @return l'EJB PublicationBM * @throws ImportExportException */ protected PublicationBm getPublicationBm() throws ImportExportException { if (publicationBm == null) { try { publicationBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.PUBLICATIONBM_EJBHOME, PublicationBm.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.getPublicationBm()", "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } return publicationBm; } protected FormTemplateBm getFormTemplateBm() throws ImportExportException { if (formTemplateBm == null) { try { formTemplateBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.FORMTEMPLATEBM_EJBHOME, FormTemplateBm.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.getPublicationBm()", "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } return formTemplateBm; } /** * @return l'EJB NodeBM * @throws ImportExportException */ protected NodeBm getNodeBm() throws ImportExportException { if (nodeBm == null) { try { nodeBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.NODEBM_EJBHOME, NodeBm.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.getNodeBm()", "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } return nodeBm; } private List<NodePositionType> processTopics(String userId, List<NodePositionType> topics, String componentId) { if (isKmax()) { return topics; } return getExistingTopics(userId, topics, componentId); } /** * Methode de creation ou mise a jour d'une publication utilisee par le manager d'importation de * repository du * moteur d'importExport. Cas particulier: si une publication de meme nom existe * deja dans le composant, alors une nouvelle publication ne sera creee que si le premier node a * lier ne contient pas la publication de meme nom. * * @param pubDetailToCreate - publication a creer ou a mettre a jour. * @return l'objet PublicationDetail contenant les informations de la publication creee ou mise a * jour. * @throws ImportExportException */ private PublicationDetail processPublicationDetail(UnitReport unitReport, ImportSettings settings, PublicationDetail pubDetailToCreate, List<NodePositionType> listOfNodeTypes) { // checking topics List<NodePositionType> existingTopics = processTopics(settings.getUser().getId(), listOfNodeTypes, pubDetailToCreate.getPK().getInstanceId()); if (existingTopics.isEmpty() && !isKmax()) { // Ids are not corresponding to any topics // Classification is not possible unitReport.setStatus(UnitReport.STATUS_PUBLICATION_NOT_CREATED); unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_TOPIC); return null; } else { PublicationDetail pubDet_temp = null; boolean pubAlreadyExist = true; if (isKmax()) { pubAlreadyExist = false; } String pubId = null; // check if publication with same name exists into first topic boolean pubIdExists = false; if (pubDetailToCreate.getId() != null) { pubIdExists = StringUtil.isInteger(pubDetailToCreate.getId()); } if (!pubIdExists) { if (!settings.isPublicationMergeEnabled()) { pubAlreadyExist = false; } else { try { Iterator<NodePositionType> itListNode_Type = existingTopics.iterator(); if (itListNode_Type.hasNext()) { NodePositionType node_Type =; pubDet_temp = getPublicationBm().getDetailByNameAndNodeId(pubDetailToCreate.getPK(), pubDetailToCreate.getName(), node_Type.getId()); } } catch (Exception pre) { pubAlreadyExist = false; } } } else { try { pubDet_temp = getPublicationBm().getDetail(pubDetailToCreate.getPK()); } catch (Exception ex) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_PUBLICATION_FOR_ID); return null; } } if (isKmax()) { try { pubDet_temp = getPublicationBm().getDetailByName(pubDetailToCreate.getPK(), pubDetailToCreate.getName()); if (pubDet_temp != null) { pubAlreadyExist = true; } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } if (pubAlreadyExist) { try { updatePublication(pubDet_temp, pubDetailToCreate, settings.getUser()); unitReport.setStatus(UnitReport.STATUS_PUBLICATION_UPDATED); } catch (Exception e) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_ERROR); return null; } } else { // la publication n'existe pas pubDet_temp = pubDetailToCreate; } // Processing thumbnail... if (pubIdExists && StringUtil.isDefined(pubDetailToCreate.getImage())) { processThumbnail(pubDetailToCreate.getImage(), pubDet_temp); } // Specific Kmax: create Publication with no nodes attached. if (isKmax() && !pubAlreadyExist) { try { pubDet_temp = createPublication(pubDet_temp); unitReport.setStatus(UnitReport.STATUS_PUBLICATION_CREATED); } catch (Exception e) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_ERROR); } } else { // Adding publication into topics Iterator<NodePositionType> itListNode_Type = existingTopics.iterator(); if (!pubAlreadyExist) { // creating new publication in first topic NodePositionType node_Type =; try { NodePK topicPK = new NodePK(Integer.toString(node_Type.getId()), pubDetailToCreate.getPK()); pubId = createPublicationIntoTopic(pubDet_temp, topicPK, settings.getUser()); pubDet_temp.getPK().setId(pubId); } catch (Exception e) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_ERROR); } unitReport.setStatus(UnitReport.STATUS_PUBLICATION_CREATED); } if (isKmelia()) { while (itListNode_Type.hasNext()) { // Adding publication into other topics NodePositionType node_Type =; try { NodePK topicPK = new NodePK(Integer.toString(node_Type.getId()), pubDetailToCreate.getPK()); PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(pubId, pubDetailToCreate.getPK()); if (pubAlreadyExist) { // check if existing publication is already in this topic try { getPublicationBm().getDetailByNameAndNodeId(pubDet_temp.getPK(), pubDet_temp.getName(), node_Type.getId()); } catch (Exception ex) { // this publication is not in this topic. Adding it... addPublicationToTopic(pubPK, topicPK); } } else { addPublicationToTopic(pubPK, topicPK); } } catch (Exception ex) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_ERROR); } } } } return pubDet_temp; } } private boolean isKmelia() { return getCurrentComponentId().startsWith("kmelia"); } public boolean isKmax() { return getCurrentComponentId().startsWith("kmax"); } /** * Methode de creation du contenu d une publication importee * * @param unitReport * @param pubId - id de la publication pour laquelle on importe un contenu * @param pubContent - object de mapping castor contenant les informations d importation du * contenu * @param userId * @param language * @throws ImportExportException */ public void createPublicationContent(ImportReportManager reportManager, UnitReport unitReport, int pubId, PublicationContentType pubContent, String userId, String language) throws ImportExportException { WysiwygContentType wysiwygType = pubContent.getWysiwygContentType(); XMLModelContentType xmlModel = pubContent.getXMLModelContentType(); try { if (wysiwygType != null) { // Contenu Wysiwyg createWysiwygContent(reportManager, unitReport, pubId, wysiwygType, userId, language); } else if (xmlModel != null) { createXMLModelContent(xmlModel, java.lang.Integer.toString(pubId), userId); } } catch (ImportExportException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.createPublicationContent()", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_CONTENT", "pubId = " + pubId, ex); } } private void createXMLModelContent(XMLModelContentType xmlModel, String pubId, String userId) throws Exception { PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(pubId, getCurrentComponentId()); PublicationDetail pubDetail = getPublicationBm().getDetail(pubPK); // Is it the creation of the content or an update ? String infoId = pubDetail.getInfoId(); PublicationTemplateManager publicationTemplateManager = PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance(); if (infoId == null || "0".equals(infoId)) { String xmlFormShortName = xmlModel.getName(); // The publication have no content // We have to register xmlForm to publication pubDetail.setInfoId(xmlFormShortName); pubDetail.setIndexOperation(IndexManager.NONE); getPublicationBm().setDetail(pubDetail); publicationTemplateManager.addDynamicPublicationTemplate( getCurrentComponentId() + ':' + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormShortName + ".xml"); } PublicationTemplate pub = publicationTemplateManager .getPublicationTemplate(getCurrentComponentId() + ':' + xmlModel.getName()); RecordSet set = pub.getRecordSet(); // Form form = pub.getUpdateForm(); DataRecord data = set.getRecord(pubId); if (data == null) { data = set.getEmptyRecord(); data.setId(pubId); } PagesContext formContext = new PagesContext(); formContext.setComponentId(getCurrentComponentId()); formContext.setObjectId(pubId); for (XMLField xmlField : xmlModel.getFields()) { String xmlFieldName = xmlField.getName(); String xmlFieldValue = xmlField.getValue(); String fieldValue; try { Field field = data.getField(xmlFieldName); if (field != null) { FieldTemplate fieldTemplate = pub.getRecordTemplate().getFieldTemplate(xmlFieldName); if (fieldTemplate != null) { FieldDisplayer fieldDisplayer = TypeManager.getInstance().getDisplayer(field.getTypeName(), fieldTemplate.getDisplayerName()); if (field.getTypeName().equals(FileField.TYPE) && StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFieldValue)) { fieldValue = new FormTemplateImportExport().manageFileField(new ForeignPK(pubPK), userId, xmlFieldValue, fieldTemplate); } else { fieldValue = xmlFieldValue; } //noinspection unchecked fieldDisplayer.update(fieldValue, field, fieldTemplate, formContext); } } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn("importExport", "GEDImportExport.createXMLModelContent", "importExport.EX_CANT_IMPORT_XML_FIELD", "xmlField = " + xmlFieldName, e); } }; } /** * Methode de creation d'un contenu de type wysiwyg * * @param pubId - id de la publication pour laquelle on cree le contenu wysiwyg * @param wysiwygType - objet de mapping castor contenant les informations de contenu de type * Wysiwyg */ private void createWysiwygContent(ImportReportManager reportManager, UnitReport unitReport, int pubId, WysiwygContentType wysiwygType, String userId, String lang) throws UtilException, WysiwygException, ImportExportException { // Recuperation du nouveau contenu wysiwyg File wysiwygFile = null; String wysiwygText; try { wysiwygFile = new File(FileUtil.convertPathToServerOS(wysiwygType.getPath())); if (!wysiwygFile.exists() && !wysiwygFile.isFile()) { String baseDir = resources.getString("importRepository"); wysiwygFile = new File( FileUtil.convertPathToServerOS(baseDir + File.separatorChar + wysiwygType.getPath())); } wysiwygText = FileFolderManager.getCode(wysiwygFile.getParent(), wysiwygFile.getName()); } catch (UtilException ex) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_OR_INACCESSIBLE_FILE_FOR_CONTENT); if (wysiwygFile != null) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.createPublicationContent()", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_CONTENT", "file = " + wysiwygFile.getPath(), ex); } else { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.createPublicationContent()", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_CONTENT", "file = null", ex); } } if (wysiwygText == null) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_OR_INACCESSIBLE_FILE_FOR_CONTENT); throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.createPublicationContent()", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_CONTENT", "file = " + wysiwygFile.getPath()); } // Suppression de tout le contenu wysiwyg s il existe if (WysiwygController.haveGotWysiwyg(getCurrentComponentId(), String.valueOf(pubId), lang)) { // TODO: verifier d abord que la mise a jour est valide?! try { WysiwygController.deleteWysiwygAttachmentsOnly("useless", getCurrentComponentId(), String.valueOf(pubId)); } catch (WysiwygException ignored) { } } // Creation du fichier de contenu wysiwyg sur les serveur String imagesContext = WysiwygController.getImagesFileName(String.valueOf(pubId)); String newWysiwygText = replaceWysiwygImagesPathForImport(reportManager, unitReport, pubId, wysiwygFile.getParent(), wysiwygText, imagesContext); newWysiwygText = removeWysiwygStringsForImport(newWysiwygText); newWysiwygText = replaceWysiwygStringsForImport(newWysiwygText); WysiwygController.createFileAndAttachment(newWysiwygText, new ForeignPK(String.valueOf(pubId), getCurrentComponentId()), WysiwygController.WYSIWYG_CONTEXT, userId, lang); } /** * Methode chargee de copier les fichiers images references par le contenu wysiwyg sur le serveur * et de mettre a jour le contenu wysiwyg avec ces nouveaux liens * * @param wysiwygText - contenu wysiwyg passe en parametre * @return - le contenu wysiwyg mis a jour */ private String replaceWysiwygImagesPathForImport(ImportReportManager reportManager, UnitReport unitReport, int pubId, String wysiwygImportedPath, String wysiwygText, String imageContext) throws ImportExportException { int finPath = 0; int debutPath; StringBuilder newWysiwygText = new StringBuilder(); if (wysiwygText.indexOf("img src=\"", finPath) == -1) { newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText); } else { // Algorithme d extraction des fichiers images du contenu while ((debutPath = wysiwygText.indexOf("img src=\"", finPath)) != -1) { debutPath += 9; newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText.substring(finPath, debutPath)); finPath = wysiwygText.indexOf('"', debutPath); String imageSrc = wysiwygText.substring(debutPath, finPath); if (imageSrc.indexOf("http://") != 0) { AttachmentDetail attDetail = new AttachmentDetail(); attDetail.setPhysicalName(imageSrc); File f = new File(imageSrc); if (!f.isAbsolute()) { // si le wysiwyg est issu d une export, les liens image ne comporte que leur nom(donc // pour l import, l utilisateur doit placer // les images wysiwyg dans le meme dossier que le wysiwyg OU remplacer leur chemin par // l absolu attDetail.setPhysicalName( wysiwygImportedPath + File.separator + attDetail.getPhysicalName()); } // TODO: chercher autres infos utiles pour la creation des attachments ensuite try { attDetail = attachmentIE.importWysiwygAttachment(String.valueOf(pubId), getCurrentComponentId(), attDetail, imageContext); reportManager.addNumberOfFilesProcessed(1); if (attDetail == null || attDetail.getSize() == 0) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_OR_INACCESSIBLE_FILE_FOR_CONTENT); throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.replaceWysiwygImagesPathForImport()", "importExport.EX_CANT_CREATE_CONTENT", "pic = " + imageSrc); } // On additionne la taille des fichiers importes au niveau du rapport reportManager.addImportedFileSize(attDetail.getSize(), getCurrentComponentId()); //TODO FEATURE 82 newWysiwygText.append(webContext).append(attDetail.getAttachmentURL // ()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("importExport", "GEDImportExport.replaceWysiwygImagesPathForImport()", "importExport.CANNOT_FIND_FILE", e); newWysiwygText.append(imageSrc); } } else { newWysiwygText.append(imageSrc); } } newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText.substring(finPath)); } return newWysiwygText.toString(); } private String replaceWysiwygStringsForImport(String wysiwygText) { ResourceLocator mapping = new ResourceLocator("com.silverpeas.importExport.settings.stringsMapping", ""); String newWysiwygText = wysiwygText; Enumeration<String> classes = mapping.getKeys(); while (classes.hasMoreElements()) { String oldString = classes.nextElement(); String newString = mapping.getString(oldString); newWysiwygText = replaceWysiwygStringForImport(oldString, newString, newWysiwygText); } return newWysiwygText; } /** * Methode chargee de remplacer une classe Css par une autre * * @param wysiwygText - contenu wysiwyg passe en parametre * @param oldCssClass - la classe CSS a remplacer * @param newCssClass - la nouvelle classe CSS a utiliser * @return - le contenu wysiwyg mis a jour */ private String replaceWysiwygStringForImport(String oldCssClass, String newCssClass, String wysiwygText) { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(wysiwygText)) { return ""; } return wysiwygText.replaceAll(oldCssClass, newCssClass); } private String removeWysiwygStringsForImport(String wysiwygText) { String currentWysiwygText = wysiwygText; ResourceLocator resource = new ResourceLocator("com.silverpeas.importExport.settings.mapping", ""); String dir = resource.getString("mappingDir"); if (StringUtil.isDefined(dir)) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dir + File.separator + "strings2Remove.txt")); String ligne; while ((ligne = reader.readLine()) != null) { if ("$$removeAnchors$$".equalsIgnoreCase(ligne)) { currentWysiwygText = removeAnchors(currentWysiwygText); } else { currentWysiwygText = currentWysiwygText.replaceAll(ligne, ""); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"importExport", "GEDImportExport", "importExport.FILE_NOT_FOUND", e); } catch (IOException e) {"importExport", "GEDImportExport", "importExport.FILE_NOT_FOUND", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } return currentWysiwygText; } private static String removeAnchors(String wysiwygText) { int fin = 0; int debut; StringBuilder newWysiwygText = new StringBuilder(); if (wysiwygText.indexOf("<a name=", fin) == -1) { newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText); } else { while ((debut = wysiwygText.indexOf("<a name=", fin)) != -1) { newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText.substring(fin, debut)); debut += 8; fin = wysiwygText.indexOf('>', debut); debut = wysiwygText.indexOf("</a>", fin); newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText.substring(fin + 1, debut)); fin = debut + 4; } newWysiwygText.append(wysiwygText.substring(fin)); } return newWysiwygText.toString(); } /** * Methode de copie des images DBModel d'un contenu dans le dossier d'exportation d'une * publication * * @param exportPublicationPath - dossier d'exportation de la publication * @param listImageParts - liste des images du contenu DBModel * @param exportPublicationRelativePath * @return - la liste des images mise ajour */ public List<String> copyDBmodelImagePartsForExport(String exportPublicationPath, List<String> listImageParts, String exportPublicationRelativePath) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if ((listImageParts != null) && !listImageParts.isEmpty()) { Iterator<String> iter = listImageParts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String imagePath =; File f = new File(imagePath); try {// TODO: a revoir FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(imagePath, exportPublicationPath + File.separator + f.getName()); iter.remove(); result.add(exportPublicationRelativePath + File.separator + f.getName()); } catch (IOException ex) { // TODO: gerer l exception!! } } } return result; } /** * Methode copiant les images contenues dans le dossier d'exportation de la publication. Cette * methode met a jour le fichier wysiwyg avec les nouveaux chemins d'images avant de le copier * dans l'exportation * * @param pubId - id de la publication a exporter * @param componentId - id du composant contenant la publication a exporter * @param exportPublicationPath - dossier d'exportation de la publication * @return le contenu du fichier wysiwyg */ public void copyWysiwygImageForExport(String pubId, String componentId, String exportPublicationPath) { ForeignPK foreignKey = new ForeignPK(pubId, componentId); Collection<SimpleDocument> documents = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService() .listDocumentsByForeignKey(foreignKey, null); for (SimpleDocument attDetail : documents) { try { if (attDetail.isDownloadAllowedForRolesFrom(getCurentUserDetail())) { FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(attDetail.getAttachmentPath(), exportPublicationPath + File.separator + attDetail.getFilename()); } } catch (IOException ex) { // TODO: gerer l exception!! } } } private List<NodePositionType> getExistingTopics(String userId, List<NodePositionType> nodeTypes, String componentId) { List<NodePositionType> topics = new ArrayList<NodePositionType>(); for (NodePositionType node : nodeTypes) { if (node.getId() >= 0) { // defined node must exists if (isTopicExist(node.getId(), componentId)) { topics.add(node); } } else if (StringUtil.isDefined(node.getExplicitPath()) && node.getId() == -1) { // explicit mode is used. Topics must be created on-the-fly if needed. String[] path = node.getExplicitPath().substring(1).split("/"); NodePK nodePK = new NodePK("unknown", componentId); String parentId = NodePK.ROOT_NODE_ID; for (String name : path) { NodeDetail existingNode = null; try { existingNode = getNodeBm().getDetailByNameAndFatherId(nodePK, name, Integer.parseInt(parentId)); } catch (Exception e) {"importExport", "GEDImportExport.getExistingTopics", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "node named '" + name + "' in path '" + node.getExplicitPath() + "' does not exist"); } if (existingNode != null) { // topic exists parentId = existingNode.getNodePK().getId(); } else { // topic does not exists, creating it NodeDetail newNode = new NodeDetail(); newNode.setName(name); newNode.setNodePK(new NodePK("unknown", componentId)); newNode.setFatherPK(new NodePK(parentId, componentId)); newNode.setCreatorId(userId); NodePK newNodePK; try { newNodePK = getNodeBm().createNode(newNode); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("importExport", "GEDImportExport.getExistingTopics", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Can't create node named '" + name + "' in path '" + node.getExplicitPath() + "'", e); return new ArrayList<NodePositionType>(); } parentId = newNodePK.getId(); } } node.setId(Integer.parseInt(parentId)); topics.add(node); } } return topics; } private boolean isTopicExist(int nodeId, String componentId) { try { getNodeBm().getHeader(new NodePK(Integer.toString(nodeId), "useless", componentId)); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Methode ajoutant un theme a un theme deja existant. Si le theme a ajouter existe lui aussi * (par exemple avec un meme ID), il n'est pas modifie et la methode ne fait rien et ne leve * aucune exception. * * @param nodeDetail le detail du noeud a ajouter. * @param topicId l'identifiant du noeud parent, ou 0 pour designer le noeud racine. * @param unitReport le rapport d'import unitaire. * @return un objet cle primaire du nouveau theme cree ou du theme deja existant (theme de meme * identifiant non modifie). * @throws ImportExportException en cas d'anomalie lors de la creation du noeud. */ protected abstract NodePK addSubTopicToTopic(NodeDetail nodeDetail, int topicId, UnitReport unitReport) throws ImportExportException; /** * Methode ajoutant un theme a un theme deja existant. Si le theme a ajouter existe lui aussi * (par exemple avec un meme ID), il n'est pas modifie et la methode ne fait rien et ne leve * aucune exception. * * @param nodeDetail l'objet node correspondant au theme a creer. * @param topicId l'ID du theme dans lequel creer le nouveau theme. * @param massiveReport * @return un objet cle primaire du nouveau theme cree. * @throws ImportExportException en cas d'anomalie lors de la creation du noeud. */ protected abstract NodePK addSubTopicToTopic(NodeDetail nodeDetail, int topicId, MassiveReport massiveReport) throws ImportExportException; /** * Ajoute un sous-noeud a un noeud existant a partir d'un repertoire du systeme de fichiers. Le * nom de ce repertoire represente le noeud a creer. Utile pour les imports massifs de noeuds et * de publications a partir d'une hierarchie de dossiers et de fichiers. * * @param unitReport le rapport d'import unitaire. * @param nodeDetail le detail du noeud a creer. * @param parentTopicId l'identifiant du noeud parent, ou 0 pour designer le noeud racine. * @return l'objet qui represente le detail du nouveau noeud cree ou du noeud existant (en * particulier si un noeud de meme ID existe deja). * @throws ImportExportException en cas d'anomalie lors de la creation du noeud. */ public NodeDetail createTopicForUnitImport(UnitReport unitReport, NodeDetail nodeDetail, int parentTopicId) throws ImportExportException { unitReport.setItemName(nodeDetail.getName()); NodePK nodePk = addSubTopicToTopic(nodeDetail, parentTopicId, unitReport); try { return getNodeBm().getDetail(nodePk); } catch (Exception ex) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_TOPIC); SilverTrace.error("importExport", "GEDImportExport.createTopicForUnitImport()", "root.EX_NO_MESSAGE", ex); throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.createTopicForUnitImport", "importExport.EX_NODE_CREATE", ex); } } /** * Methode de creation d'une publication dans le cas d'une importation unitaire avec meta-donnees * definies dans le fichier xml d'importation. * * @param unitReport * @param settings * @param pubDetail * @param listNode_Type * @return */ public PublicationDetail createPublicationForUnitImport(UnitReport unitReport, ImportSettings settings, PublicationDetail pubDetail, List<NodePositionType> listNode_Type) { unitReport.setItemName(pubDetail.getName()); // On cree la publication return processPublicationDetail(unitReport, settings, pubDetail, listNode_Type); } /** * Methode de creation d'une publication dans le cas d'une importation massive * * @param unitReport * @param pubDetail * @param settings * @return * @throws ImportExportException */ public PublicationDetail createPublicationForMassiveImport(UnitReport unitReport, PublicationDetail pubDetail, ImportSettings settings) throws ImportExportException { unitReport.setItemName(pubDetail.getName()); NodePositionType nodePosType = new NodePositionType(); nodePosType.setId(Integer.valueOf(settings.getFolderId())); List<NodePositionType> listNode_Type = new ArrayList<NodePositionType>(1); listNode_Type.add(nodePosType); return processPublicationDetail(unitReport, settings, pubDetail, listNode_Type); } /** * Ajoute un sous-noeud a un noeud existant a partir d'un repertoire du systeme de fichiers. Le * nom de ce repertoire represente le noeud a creer. Utile pour les imports massifs de noeuds et * de publications a partir d'une hierarchie de dossiers et de fichiers. * * @param directory le repertoire dont le nom represente le nouveau noeud. * @param topicId l'identifiant du noeud parent. * @param massiveReport le rapprt d'import. * @return un objet qui represente le nouveau noeud cree. * @throws ImportExportException en cas d'anomalie lors de la creation du noeud. */ public NodeDetail addSubTopicToTopic(File directory, int topicId, MassiveReport massiveReport) throws ImportExportException { try { String directoryName = directory.getName(); NodeDetail nodeDetail = new NodeDetail("unknow", directoryName, directoryName, null, null, null, "0", "useless"); nodeDetail.setNodePK(addSubTopicToTopic(nodeDetail, topicId, massiveReport)); return nodeDetail; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.addSubTopicToTopic", "importExport.EX_NODE_CREATE", ex); } } /** * Methode recuperant le silverObjectId d'un objet d'id id * * @param id - id de la publication * @return le silverObjectId de l'objet d'id id * @throws Exception */ public abstract int getSilverObjectId(String id) throws Exception; /** * Methode de recuperation de la publication complete utilisee pour l'exportation * * @param pubId * @param componentId * @return * @throws ImportExportException */ public PublicationType getPublicationCompleteById(String pubId, String componentId) throws ImportExportException { PublicationType publicationType = new PublicationType(); try { CompletePublication pubComplete = getCompletePublication( new PublicationPK(pubId, getCurrentComponentId())); // Recuperation de l'objet PublicationDetail PublicationDetail publicationDetail = pubComplete.getPublicationDetail(); InfoDetail infoDetail = pubComplete.getInfoDetail(); PublicationContentType pubContent = null; if (infoDetail != null && !(infoDetail.getInfoImageList().isEmpty() && infoDetail.getInfoTextList().isEmpty())) { // la publication a un contenu de type DBModel pubContent = new PublicationContentType(); DBModelContentType dbModel = new DBModelContentType(); pubContent.setDBModelContentType(dbModel); // Recuperation des textes Collection<InfoTextDetail> listInfoText = infoDetail.getInfoTextList(); if (listInfoText != null && !listInfoText.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<String> listTextParts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (InfoTextDetail infoText : listInfoText) { listTextParts.add(infoText.getContent()); } dbModel.setListTextParts(listTextParts); } // Recuperation des images Collection<InfoImageDetail> listInfoImage = infoDetail.getInfoImageList(); if (listInfoImage != null && !listInfoImage.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<String> listImageParts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (InfoImageDetail imageDetail : listInfoImage) { String path = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentId) + File.separator + "images"; listImageParts.add(path + File.separator + imageDetail.getPhysicalName()); } dbModel.setListImageParts(listImageParts); } // Recuperation du model ModelDetail modelDetail = pubComplete.getModelDetail(); dbModel.setId(Integer.parseInt(modelDetail.getId())); } else if (!StringUtil.isInteger(publicationDetail.getInfoId())) { // la publication a un contenu de type XMLTemplate (formTemplate) pubContent = new PublicationContentType(); List<XMLField> xmlFields = getFormTemplateBm().getXMLFieldsForExport( publicationDetail.getPK().getInstanceId() + ":" + publicationDetail.getInfoId(), pubId);"importExport", "GEDImportExport.getPublicationCompleteById()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "# of xmlField = " + xmlFields.size()); XMLModelContentType xmlModel = new XMLModelContentType(publicationDetail.getInfoId()); xmlModel.setFields(xmlFields); pubContent.setXMLModelContentType(xmlModel); } else if (WysiwygController.haveGotWysiwyg(publicationDetail.getPK().getInstanceId(), pubId, I18NHelper.checkLanguage(publicationDetail.getLanguage()))) { pubContent = new PublicationContentType(); WysiwygContentType wysiwygContentType = new WysiwygContentType(); String wysiwygFileName = WysiwygController.getWysiwygFileName(pubId, I18NHelper.checkLanguage(publicationDetail.getLanguage())); wysiwygContentType.setPath(wysiwygFileName); pubContent.setWysiwygContentType(wysiwygContentType); } publicationType.setPublicationContentType(pubContent); publicationType.setPublicationDetail(publicationDetail); publicationType.setId(Integer.parseInt(pubId)); publicationType.setComponentId(componentId); // Recherche du nom et du prenom du createur de la pub pour le marschalling UserDetail userDetail = organizationController.getUserDetail(publicationDetail.getCreatorId()); if (userDetail != null) { String nomPrenomCreator = userDetail.getDisplayedName().trim(); publicationDetail.setCreatorName(nomPrenomCreator); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ImportExportException("importExport", "", "", ex); } return publicationType; } /** * Methode renvoyant la liste des topics de la publication sous forme de NodePK * * @param pubPK - pk de la publication dont on veut les topics * @return - liste des nodesPk de la publication * @throws ImportExportException */ public List<NodePK> getAllTopicsOfPublication(PublicationPK pubPK) throws ImportExportException { Collection<NodePK> listNodePk = getPublicationBm().getAllFatherPK(pubPK); return new ArrayList<NodePK>(listNodePk); } public List<NodePK> getAliases(PublicationPK pubPK) throws ImportExportException { List<NodePK> pks = new ArrayList<NodePK>(); Collection<Alias> aliases = getPublicationBm().getAlias(pubPK); for (Alias alias : aliases) { if (!alias.getInstanceId().equals(pubPK.getInstanceId())) { pks.add(new NodePK(alias.getId(), alias.getInstanceId())); } } return pks; } public List<NodePK> getTopicTree(NodePK pk) throws ImportExportException { List<NodePK> listNodePk = new ArrayList<NodePK>(); Collection<NodeDetail> path = getNodeBm().getPath(pk); for (NodeDetail detail : path) { listNodePk.add(detail.getNodePK()); } return listNodePk; } public ModelDetail getModelDetail(int idModelDetail) throws ImportExportException { return getPublicationBm().getModelDetail(new ModelPK(String.valueOf(idModelDetail))); } /** * @param string */ @Override public void setCurrentComponentId(String string) { super.setCurrentComponentId(string); } public abstract void publicationNotClassifiedOnPDC(String pubId) throws Exception; /** * Specific Kmax: Create publication with no nodeFather * * @param pubDetail * @return pubDetail */ protected abstract PublicationDetail createPublication(PublicationDetail pubDetail) throws Exception; public Collection<Coordinate> getPublicationCoordinates(String pubId, String componentId) throws ImportExportException { try { return getPublicationBm().getCoordinates(pubId, componentId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportExportException("GEDImportExport.getPublicationCoordinates(String)", "importExport.EX_GET_SILVERPEASOBJECTID", "pubId = " + pubId, e); } } private void processThumbnail(String filePath, PublicationDetail pubDetail) { // Preparation des parametres du fichier a creer String logicalName = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); String type = FileRepositoryManager.getFileExtension(logicalName); String mimeType = FileUtil.getMimeType(logicalName); String physicalName = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "." + type; if (FileUtil.isImage(logicalName)) { String dest = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(pubDetail.getPK().getInstanceId()) + "images" + File.separator + physicalName; try { FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(filePath, dest); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("importExport", "GEDImportExport.processThumbnail()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "filePath = " + filePath, e); } ThumbnailDetail thumbnailDetail = new ThumbnailDetail(pubDetail.getPK().getComponentName(), Integer.valueOf(pubDetail.getPK().getId()), ThumbnailDetail.THUMBNAIL_OBJECTTYPE_PUBLICATION_VIGNETTE); thumbnailDetail.setOriginalFileName(physicalName); thumbnailDetail.setOriginalFileName(mimeType); ThumbnailController.createThumbnail(thumbnailDetail, 50, 50); } } protected abstract void updatePublication(PublicationDetail pubDet_temp, PublicationDetail pubDetailToCreate, UserDetail userDetail) throws Exception; protected abstract String createPublicationIntoTopic(PublicationDetail pubDet_temp, NodePK topicPK, UserDetail userDetail) throws Exception; protected abstract void addPublicationToTopic(PublicationPK pubPK, NodePK topicPK) throws Exception; protected abstract CompletePublication getCompletePublication(PublicationPK pk) throws Exception; }