Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may * redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS") * applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have recieved a copy of the * text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.silverpeas.util.ImageLoader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.MetadataExtractor; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.i18n.I18NHelper; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.SilverpeasRuntimeException; public class MediaHelper { final static ResourceLocator gallerySettings = new ResourceLocator( "", ""); /** * Saves uploaded sound file on file system * @param fileHandler * @param sound the current sound media * @param fileItem the current uploaded sound * @throws Exception */ public static void processSound(final FileHandler fileHandler, Sound sound, final FileItem fileItem) throws Exception { if (fileItem != null) { String name = fileItem.getName(); if (name != null) { try { sound.setFileName(FileUtil.getFilename(name)); final HandledFile handledSoundFile = getHandledFile(fileHandler, sound); handledSoundFile.copyInputStreamToFile(fileItem.getInputStream()); setInternalMetadata(handledSoundFile, sound, MediaMimeType.SOUNDS); } finally { fileItem.delete(); } } } } /** * Saves uploaded sound file on file system (In case of drag And Drop upload) * @param fileHandler * @param sound the current sound media * @param uploadedFile the current uploaded sound * @throws Exception */ public static void processSound(final FileHandler fileHandler, Sound sound, final File uploadedFile) throws Exception { if (uploadedFile != null) { try { sound.setFileName(uploadedFile.getName()); final HandledFile handledSoundFile = getHandledFile(fileHandler, sound); fileHandler.copyFile(uploadedFile, handledSoundFile); setInternalMetadata(handledSoundFile, sound, MediaMimeType.SOUNDS); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(uploadedFile); } } } /** * Saves uploaded video file on file system * @param fileHandler * @param video the current video media * @param fileItem the current uploaded video * @throws Exception */ public static void processVideo(final FileHandler fileHandler, Video video, final FileItem fileItem) throws Exception { if (fileItem != null) { String name = fileItem.getName(); if (name != null) { try { video.setFileName(FileUtil.getFilename(name)); final HandledFile handledVideoFile = getHandledFile(fileHandler, video); handledVideoFile.copyInputStreamToFile(fileItem.getInputStream()); setInternalMetadata(handledVideoFile, video, MediaMimeType.VIDEOS); generateVideoThumbnails(handledVideoFile.getFile()); } finally { fileItem.delete(); } } } } /** * Saves uploaded video file on file system (In case of drag And Drop upload) * @param fileHandler * @param video the current video media * @param uploadedFile the current uploaded video * @throws Exception */ public static void processVideo(final FileHandler fileHandler, Video video, final File uploadedFile) throws Exception { if (uploadedFile != null) { try { video.setFileName(uploadedFile.getName()); final HandledFile handledVideoFile = getHandledFile(fileHandler, video); fileHandler.copyFile(uploadedFile, handledVideoFile); setInternalMetadata(handledVideoFile, video, MediaMimeType.VIDEOS); generateVideoThumbnails(handledVideoFile.getFile()); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(uploadedFile); } } } /** * Saves uploaded photo file on file system with associated thumbnails and watermarks. * @param fileHandler * @param photo * @param image * @param watermark * @param watermarkHD * @param watermarkOther * @throws Exception */ public static void processPhoto(final FileHandler fileHandler, final Photo photo, final FileItem image, final boolean watermark, final String watermarkHD, final String watermarkOther) throws Exception { if (image != null) { String name = image.getName(); if (name != null) { try { photo.setFileName(FileUtil.getFilename(name)); final HandledFile handledImageFile = getHandledFile(fileHandler, photo); handledImageFile.copyInputStreamToFile(image.getInputStream()); if (setInternalMetadata(handledImageFile, photo, MediaMimeType.PHOTOS)) { createPhoto(handledImageFile, photo, watermark, watermarkHD, watermarkOther); } } finally { image.delete(); } } } } /** * Saves uploaded photo file on file system with associated thumbnails and watermarks. (In case of * drag And Drop upload) * @param fileHandler * @param photo * @param image * @param watermark * @param watermarkHD * @param watermarkOther * @throws Exception */ public static void processPhoto(final FileHandler fileHandler, final Photo photo, final File image, final boolean watermark, final String watermarkHD, final String watermarkOther) throws Exception { if (image != null) { try { photo.setFileName(image.getName()); final HandledFile handledImageFile = getHandledFile(fileHandler, photo); fileHandler.copyFile(image, handledImageFile); if (setInternalMetadata(handledImageFile, photo, MediaMimeType.PHOTOS)) { createPhoto(handledImageFile, photo, watermark, watermarkHD, watermarkOther); } } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(image); } } } /** * Gets a handled file. * @param fileHandler * @param media * @return */ private static HandledFile getHandledFile(FileHandler fileHandler, InternalMedia media) { if (StringUtil.isNotDefined(media.getFileName())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("media.getFilename() must return a defined name"); } return fileHandler.getHandledFile(Media.BASE_PATH, media.getComponentInstanceId(), media.getWorkspaceSubFolderName(), media.getFileName()); } /** * Sets the internal metadata. If metadata * @param handledImageFile * @param iMedia * @param supportedMimeTypes * @return true if internal data have been set, false otherwise. */ private static boolean setInternalMetadata(HandledFile handledImageFile, InternalMedia iMedia, final Set<MediaMimeType> supportedMimeTypes) throws Exception { File fileForData = handledImageFile.getFile(); MediaMimeType mediaMimeType = MediaMimeType.fromFile(handledImageFile.getFile()); if (supportedMimeTypes.contains(mediaMimeType)) { iMedia.setFileName(fileForData.getName()); iMedia.setFileMimeType(mediaMimeType); iMedia.setFileSize(fileForData.length()); com.silverpeas.util.MetaData metaData = MetadataExtractor.getInstance() .extractMetadata(handledImageFile.getFile()); switch (iMedia.getType()) { case Photo: iMedia.getPhoto().setDefinition(metaData.getDefinition()); break; case Video: iMedia.getVideo().setDefinition(metaData.getDefinition()); break; } if (metaData.getDuration() != null) { switch (iMedia.getType()) { case Video: iMedia.getVideo().setDuration(metaData.getDuration().getTimeAsLong()); break; case Sound: iMedia.getSound().setDuration(metaData.getDuration().getTimeAsLong()); break; } } if (StringUtil.isNotDefined(iMedia.getTitle()) && StringUtil.isDefined(metaData.getTitle())) { iMedia.setTitle(metaData.getTitle()); } return true; } else { iMedia.setFileName(null); try { throw new GalleryRuntimeException("MediaHelper.setInternalMetadata", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "Mime-Type of " + handledImageFile.getFile().getName() + " is not supported (" + FileUtil.getMimeType(handledImageFile.getFile().getPath()) + ")"); } finally { handledImageFile.delete(); } } } /** * Creation treatment of all the preview image around a photo. * @param handledImageFile * @param photo * @param watermark * @param watermarkHD * @param watermarkOther * @throws Exception */ private static void createPhoto(final HandledFile handledImageFile, final Photo photo, final boolean watermark, final String watermarkHD, final String watermarkOther) throws Exception { String percent = gallerySettings.getString("percentSizeWatermark"); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(percent)) { percent = "1"; } int percentSize = Integer.parseInt(percent); if (percentSize <= 0) { percentSize = 1; } if (photo.isPreviewable()) { // Getting the size of the image final BufferedImage image = ImageLoader.loadImage(handledImageFile.getFile()); setResolution(image, photo); // Computing watermark data final String nameForWatermark = computeWatermarkText(handledImageFile, photo, watermark, watermarkHD, watermarkOther, percentSize); // Creating preview and thumbnails try { createThumbnails(handledImageFile, photo, image, watermark, nameForWatermark); } catch (final Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("gallery", "MediaHelper.createImage", "gallery.ERR_CANT_CREATE_THUMBNAILS", "image = " + photo.getTitle() + " (#" + photo.getId() + ")"); } } } public static void setMetaData(final FileHandler fileHandler, final Photo photo) throws IOException, MediaMetadataException { setMetaData(fileHandler, photo, I18NHelper.defaultLanguage); } public static void setMetaData(final FileHandler fileHandler, final Photo photo, final String lang) throws MediaMetadataException, IOException { if (MediaMimeType.JPG == photo.getFileMimeType()) { final HandledFile handledFile = fileHandler.getHandledFile(Media.BASE_PATH, photo.getInstanceId(), photo.getWorkspaceSubFolderName(), photo.getFileName()); if (handledFile.exists()) { try { final MediaMetadataExtractor extractor = new DrewMediaMetadataExtractor(photo.getInstanceId()); for (final MetaData meta : extractor.extractImageExifMetaData(handledFile.getFile(), lang)) { photo.addMetaData(meta); } for (final MetaData meta : extractor.extractImageIptcMetaData(handledFile.getFile(), lang)) { photo.addMetaData(meta); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { SilverTrace.error("gallery", "MediaHelper.computeWatermarkText", "root.MSG_BAD_ENCODING", "Bad metadata encoding in image " + photo.getTitle() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } } /** * Sets the resolution of a photo. * @param image * @param photo */ private static void setResolution(final BufferedImage image, final Photo photo) { if (image == null) { photo.setDefinition(Definition.fromZero()); } else { photo.setDefinition(Definition.of(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight())); } } /** * Creates all the thumbnails around a photo. * @param originalHandedImageFile * @param photo * @param originalImage * @param watermark * @param nameWatermark * @throws Exception */ private static void createThumbnails(final HandledFile originalHandedImageFile, final Photo photo, final BufferedImage originalImage, final boolean watermark, final String nameWatermark) throws Exception { // File name final String photoId = photo.getId(); // Preview image resizing only if the original image is larger than the preview int originalImageWidth = Math.max(photo.getDefinition().getWidth(), photo.getDefinition().getHeight()); // Processing order : // Large (preview without watermark) // Preview // Medium // Small // Tiny final MediaResolution[] mediaResolutions = new MediaResolution[] { LARGE, PREVIEW, MEDIUM, SMALL, TINY }; BufferedImage previewImage = null; for (MediaResolution mediaResolution : mediaResolutions) { // Current thumbnail HandledFile currentThumbnail = originalHandedImageFile.getParentHandledFile() .getHandledFile(photoId + mediaResolution.getThumbnailSuffix()); // Thumbnail creation resizePhoto((previewImage != null ? previewImage : originalImage), currentThumbnail, (originalImageWidth > mediaResolution.getWidth() ? mediaResolution.getWidth() : originalImageWidth), (watermark && mediaResolution.isWatermarkApplicable()), nameWatermark, (mediaResolution.getWatermarkSize() != null ? mediaResolution.getWatermarkSize() : 0)); // The first thumbnail that has to be created must be the larger one and without watermark. // This first thumbnail is cached and reused for the following thumbnail creation. if (previewImage == null) { previewImage = ImageLoader.loadImage(currentThumbnail.getFile()); } } } public static Size getWidthAndHeight(final String instanceId, final String subDir, final String imageName, final int baseWidth) throws IOException { return ImageUtility.getWidthAndHeight(instanceId, subDir, imageName, baseWidth); } /** * Return the written file * @param image * @param outputFile * @param widthParam * @param watermark * @param nameWatermark * @param sizeWatermark * @throws Exception */ private static void resizePhoto(final BufferedImage image, final HandledFile outputFile, final int widthParam, final boolean watermark, final String nameWatermark, final int sizeWatermark) throws Exception { OutputStream outputStream = null; try { outputStream = outputFile.openOutputStream(); final ImageResizer resizer = new ImageResizer(image, widthParam); if (watermark) { resizer.resizeImageWithWatermark(outputStream, nameWatermark, sizeWatermark); } else { resizer.resizeImage(outputStream); } } finally { if (outputStream != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputStream); } } } private static void createWatermark(final OutputStream watermarkedTargetStream, final String watermarkLabel, final BufferedImage image, final int percentSizeWatermark) throws IOException { final int imageWidth = image.getWidth(); final int imageHeight = image.getHeight(); // cration du buffer a la mme taille final BufferedImage outputBuf = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); final double max = Math.max(imageWidth, imageHeight); // recherche de la taille du watermark en fonction de la taille de la photo int size = 8; if (max < 600) { size = 8; } if (max >= 600 && max < 750) { size = 10; } if (max >= 750 && max < 1000) { size = 12; } if (max >= 1000 && max < 1250) { size = 14; } if (max >= 1250 && max < 1500) { size = 16; } if (max >= 1500 && max < 1750) { size = 18; } if (max >= 1750 && max < 2000) { size = 20; } if (max >= 2000 && max < 2250) { size = 22; } if (max >= 2250 && max < 2500) { size = 24; } if (max >= 2500 && max < 2750) { size = 26; } if (max >= 2750 && max < 3000) { size = 28; } if (max >= 3000) { size = (int) Math.rint(max * percentSizeWatermark / 100); } final Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker(imageWidth, imageHeight); watermarker.addWatermark(image, outputBuf, new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, size), watermarkLabel, size); ImageIO.write(outputBuf, "JPEG", watermarkedTargetStream); } public static void pasteInternalMedia(final FileHandler fileHandler, final MediaPK fromPK, final InternalMedia media, final boolean cut) { InternalMedia fromMedia = media.getType().newInstance(); fromMedia.setMediaPK(fromPK); fromMedia.setFileName(media.getFileName()); final HandledFile fromDir = getHandledFile(fileHandler, fromMedia).getParentHandledFile(); final HandledFile toDir = getHandledFile(fileHandler, media).getParentHandledFile(); // Copy and rename all media that exist into source folder if (fromDir.exists()) { // Copy thumbnails & watermark (only if it does exist) for (final MediaResolution mediaResolution : new MediaResolution[] { MEDIUM, SMALL, TINY, PREVIEW, LARGE, WATERMARK }) { pasteFile(fromDir.getHandledFile(fromPK.getId() + mediaResolution.getThumbnailSuffix()), toDir.getHandledFile(media.getId() + mediaResolution.getThumbnailSuffix()), cut); } // Copy original image pasteFile(fromDir.getHandledFile(media.getFileName()), toDir.getHandledFile(media.getFileName()), cut); // On cut operation, deleting the source repo if (cut && !fromPK.getInstanceId().equals(media.getInstanceId())) { try { fromDir.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("gallery", "MediaHelper.pasteInternalMedia", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Unable to delete source folder : folder path = " + fromDir.getFile().getPath(), e); } } } } private static void pasteFile(final HandledFile fromFile, final HandledFile toFile, final boolean cut) { if (fromFile.exists()) { try { if (cut) { fromFile.moveFile(toFile); } else { fromFile.copyFile(toFile); } } catch (final Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("gallery", "MediaHelper.pasteFile", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Unable to copy file : fromImage = " + fromFile.getFile().getPath() + ", toImage = " + toFile.getFile().getPath(), e); } } } private static String computeWatermarkText(final HandledFile image, final Photo photo, final boolean watermark, final String watermarkHD, final String watermarkOther, final int percentSize) throws Exception { String nameAuthor = ""; String nameForWatermark = ""; if (watermark && photo.getFileMimeType().isIPTCCompliant()) { final MediaMetadataExtractor extractor = new DrewMediaMetadataExtractor(photo.getInstanceId()); final List<MetaData> iptcMetadata; try { iptcMetadata = extractor.extractImageIptcMetaData(image.getFile()); final BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageLoader.loadImage(image.getFile()); if (StringUtil.isDefined(watermarkHD)) { // Photo duplication that is stamped with a Watermark. final String value = getWatermarkValue(watermarkHD, iptcMetadata); if (value != null) { nameAuthor = value; } if (!nameAuthor.isEmpty()) { OutputStream watermarkStream = null; try { watermarkStream = image.getParentHandledFile() .getHandledFile(photo.getId() + "_watermark.jpg").openOutputStream(); createWatermark(watermarkStream, nameAuthor, bufferedImage, percentSize); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(watermarkStream); } } } if (StringUtil.isDefined(watermarkOther)) { final String value = getWatermarkValue(watermarkOther, iptcMetadata); if (value != null) { nameAuthor = value; } if (!nameAuthor.isEmpty()) { nameForWatermark = nameAuthor; } } } catch (MediaMetadataException e) { SilverTrace.error("gallery", "MediaHelper.computeWatermarkText", "root.MSG_BAD_FILE_FORMAT", "Bad image file format " + image.getFile().getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { SilverTrace.error("gallery", "MediaHelper.computeWatermarkText", "root.MSG_BAD_ENCODING", "Bad metadata encoding in image " + image.getFile().getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } return nameForWatermark; } private static String getWatermarkValue(final String property, final List<MetaData> iptcMetadata) { String value = null; for (final MetaData metadata : iptcMetadata) { if (property.equalsIgnoreCase(metadata.getProperty())) { value = metadata.getValue(); } } return value; } private static void generateVideoThumbnails(File videoFile) { VideoThumbnailExtractor vte = VideoThumbnailExtractorFactory.getInstance().getVideoThumbnailExtractor(); if (vte.isActivated()) { vte.generateThumbnailsFrom(videoFile); } } private MediaHelper() { } }