Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.form; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.silverpeas.core.admin.OrganisationControllerFactory; import com.silverpeas.form.record.GenericFieldTemplate; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.ComponentInstLight; /** * This abstract class implements the form interface and provides for all concretes classes a * default implementation of some displaying methods. */ public abstract class AbstractForm implements Form { private List<FieldTemplate> fieldTemplates; private String title = ""; private String name = ""; private String formName = ""; public static final String CONTEXT_FORM_FILE = "Images"; public static final String CONTEXT_FORM_IMAGE = "XMLFormImages"; public static final String REPEATED_FIELD_CSS_SHOW = "field-occurrence-shown"; public static final String REPEATED_FIELD_CSS_HIDE = "field-occurrence-hidden"; public static final String REPEATED_FIELD_SEPARATOR = "__SSPP__"; /** * Creates a new form from the specified template of records. * @param template the record template. * @throws FormException if an error occurs while setting up the form. */ public AbstractForm(final RecordTemplate template) throws FormException { if (template != null) { fieldTemplates = Arrays.asList(template.getFieldTemplates()); } else { fieldTemplates = new ArrayList<FieldTemplate>(); } } @Override public void setFormName(String name) { formName = name; } public String getFormName() { return formName; } /** * Gets the template of all of the fields that made this form. * @return */ public List<FieldTemplate> getFieldTemplates() { return fieldTemplates; } /** * Gets the title of this form. * @return the title of this form or an empty string if it isn't set. */ @Override public String getTitle() { return (title == null ? "" : title); } /** * Sets the form title. * @param title the new title of the form. */ public void setTitle(final String title) { this.title = title; } /** * Prints the javascripts which will be used to control the new values given to the data record * fields. The error messages may be adapted to a local language. The RecordTemplate gives the * field type and constraints. The RecordTemplate gives the local label too. Never throws an * Exception but log a silvertrace and writes an empty string when : * <UL> * <LI>a field is unknown by the template. * <LI>a field has not the required type. * </UL> * @param jw the JSP writer into which the javascript is written. * @param pagesContext the JSP page context. */ @Override public void displayScripts(final JspWriter jw, final PagesContext pagesContext) { try { String language = pagesContext.getLanguage(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw, true); boolean jsAdded = false; if (StringUtil.isDefined(pagesContext.getComponentId()) && StringUtil.isDefined(getName())) { ComponentInstLight component = OrganisationControllerFactory.getOrganisationController() .getComponentInstLight(pagesContext.getComponentId()); if (component != null && component.isWorkflow()) { out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/weblib/workflows/") .append(component.getName()).append("/").append(getName()).append(".js\"></script>\n"); jsAdded = true; } } if (!jsAdded) { if (!fieldTemplates.isEmpty()) { FieldTemplate fieldTemplate = fieldTemplates.get(0); if (StringUtil.isDefined(fieldTemplate.getTemplateName())) { out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/weblib/xmlForms/") .append(fieldTemplate.getTemplateName()).append(".js\"></script>\n"); } } } PagesContext pc = new PagesContext(pagesContext); pc.incCurrentFieldIndex(1); out.append(Util.getJavascriptIncludes(language)).append("\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n") .append(" var errorNb = 0;\n").append(" var errorMsg = \"\";\n") .append("function addXMLError(message) {\n").append(" errorMsg+=\" - \"+message+\"\\n\";\n") .append(" errorNb++;\n").append("}\n").append("function getXMLField(fieldName) {\n") .append(" return document.getElementById(fieldName);\n").append("}\n") .append("function isCorrectForm() {\n").append(" errorMsg = \"\";\n") .append(" errorNb = 0;\n").append(" var field;\n").append(" \n\n"); for (FieldTemplate fieldTemplate : fieldTemplates) { if (fieldTemplate != null) { String fieldDisplayerName = fieldTemplate.getDisplayerName(); String fieldType = fieldTemplate.getTypeName(); String fieldName = fieldTemplate.getFieldName(); boolean mandatory = fieldTemplate.isMandatory(); FieldDisplayer fieldDisplayer = null; try { if (fieldDisplayerName == null || fieldDisplayerName.isEmpty()) { fieldDisplayerName = getTypeManager().getDisplayerName(fieldType); } fieldDisplayer = getTypeManager().getDisplayer(fieldType, fieldDisplayerName); if (fieldDisplayer != null) { int nbFieldsToDisplay = fieldTemplate.getMaximumNumberOfOccurrences(); for (int i = 0; i < nbFieldsToDisplay; i++) { String currentFieldName = Util.getFieldOccurrenceName(fieldName, i); ((GenericFieldTemplate) fieldTemplate).setFieldName(currentFieldName); if (i > 0) { ((GenericFieldTemplate) fieldTemplate).setMandatory(false); } out.append(" field = document.getElementById(\"").append(currentFieldName) .append("\");\n"); out.append(" if (field == null) {\n"); // try to find field by name out.append(" field = $(\"input[name=").append(currentFieldName).append("]\");\n"); out.println("}"); out.append(" if (field != null) {\n"); fieldDisplayer.displayScripts(out, fieldTemplate, pc); out.println("}"); pc.incCurrentFieldIndex( fieldDisplayer.getNbHtmlObjectsDisplayed(fieldTemplate, pc)); } // set original data ((GenericFieldTemplate) fieldTemplate).setFieldName(fieldName); ((GenericFieldTemplate) fieldTemplate).setMandatory(mandatory); } } catch (FormException fe) { SilverTrace.error("form", "AbstractForm.display", "form.EXP_UNKNOWN_FIELD", null, fe); } } } out.append(" \n\n").append(" switch(errorNb)\n").append(" {\n").append(" case 0 :\n") .append(" result = true;\n").append(" break;\n").append(" case 1 :\n") .append(" errorMsg = \"").append(Util.getString("GML.ThisFormContains", language)) .append(" 1 ").append(Util.getString("GML.error", language)).append(" : \\n \" + errorMsg;\n") .append(" window.alert(errorMsg);\n").append(" result = false;\n") .append(" break;\n").append(" default :\n").append(" errorMsg = \"") .append(Util.getString("GML.ThisFormContains", language)).append(" \" + errorNb + \" ") .append(Util.getString("GML.errors", language)).append(" :\\n \" + errorMsg;\n") .append(" window.alert(errorMsg);\n").append(" result = false;\n") .append(" break;\n").append(" }\n").append(" return result;\n").append("}\n") .append(" \n\n"); out.append("function showOneMoreField(fieldName) {\n"); out.append("$('.field_'+fieldName+' ." + REPEATED_FIELD_CSS_HIDE + ":first').removeClass('" + REPEATED_FIELD_CSS_HIDE + "').addClass('" + REPEATED_FIELD_CSS_SHOW + "');\n"); out.append("if ($('.field_'+fieldName+' ." + REPEATED_FIELD_CSS_HIDE + "').length == 0) {\n"); out.append(" $('#form-row-'+fieldName+' #moreField-'+fieldName).hide();\n"); out.append("}\n"); out.append("}\n"); out.append("</script>\n"); out.flush(); jw.write(sw.toString()); } catch ( fe) { SilverTrace.error("form", "AbstractForm.display", "form.EXP_CANT_WRITE", null, fe); } } /** * Prints this form into the specified JSP writer according to the specified records of data that * populate the form fields. * @param out the JSP writer. * @param pagesContext the JSP page context. * @param record the record the data records embbed the form fields. */ @Override public abstract void display(JspWriter out, PagesContext pagesContext, DataRecord record); /** * Updates the values of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extra control information * (readOnly or mandatory status). The fieldName must be used to retrieve the HTTP parameter from * the request. * @param items the item of a form in which is embbeded multipart data. * @param record the record of data. * @param pagesContext the page context. * @throw FormException if the field type is not a managed type. * @throw FormException if the field doesn't accept the new value. */ @Override public List<String> update(List<FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext) { return update(items, record, pagesContext, true); } /** * Updates the values of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extra control information * (readOnly or mandatory status). The fieldName must be used to retrieve the HTTP parameter from * the request. * @param items the item of a form in which is embbeded multipart data. * @param record the record of data. * @param pagesContext the page context. * @param updateWysiwyg flag indicating if all of WYSIWYG data can be updated. * @throw FormException if the field type is not a managed type. * @throw FormException if the field doesn't accept the new value. */ @Override public List<String> update(List<FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext, boolean updateWysiwyg) { List<String> attachmentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FieldTemplate fieldTemplate : fieldTemplates) { // Have to check if field is not readonly, if so no need to update if (!fieldTemplate.isReadOnly()) { if (fieldTemplate != null) { String fieldName = fieldTemplate.getFieldName(); String fieldType = fieldTemplate.getTypeName(); String fieldDisplayerName = fieldTemplate.getDisplayerName(); try { if (fieldDisplayerName == null || fieldDisplayerName.isEmpty()) { fieldDisplayerName = getTypeManager().getDisplayerName(fieldType); } if ((!"wysiwyg".equals(fieldDisplayerName) || updateWysiwyg)) { FieldDisplayer fieldDisplayer = getTypeManager().getDisplayer(fieldType, fieldDisplayerName); if (fieldDisplayer != null) { for (int occ = 0; occ < fieldTemplate.getMaximumNumberOfOccurrences(); occ++) { attachmentIds.addAll(fieldDisplayer.update(items, record.getField(fieldName, occ), fieldTemplate, pagesContext)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("form", "AbstractForm.update", "form.EXP_UNKNOWN_FIELD", null, e); } } } else {"form", "AbstractForm.update", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", fieldTemplate.getFieldName() + " : field value is ignored as field is read only"); } } return attachmentIds; } /** * Updates the values of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extra control information * (readOnly or mandatory status). The fieldName must be used to retrieve the HTTP parameter from * the request. * @param items the item of a form in which is embbeded multipart data. * @param record the record of data. * @param pagesContext the page context. * @throw FormException if the field type is not a managed type. * @throw FormException if the field doesn't accept the new value. */ @Override public List<String> updateWysiwyg(List<FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext) { List<String> attachmentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FieldTemplate fieldTemplate : fieldTemplates) { FieldDisplayer fieldDisplayer = null; if (fieldTemplate != null) { String fieldName = fieldTemplate.getFieldName(); String fieldType = fieldTemplate.getTypeName(); String fieldDisplayerName = fieldTemplate.getDisplayerName(); try { if ((fieldDisplayerName == null) || (fieldDisplayerName.isEmpty())) { fieldDisplayerName = getTypeManager().getDisplayerName(fieldType); } if ("wysiwyg".equals(fieldDisplayerName)) { fieldDisplayer = getTypeManager().getDisplayer(fieldType, fieldDisplayerName); if (fieldDisplayer != null) { attachmentIds.addAll(fieldDisplayer.update(items, record.getField(fieldName), fieldTemplate, pagesContext)); } } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("form", "AbstractForm.update", "form.EXP_UNKNOWN_FIELD", null, e); } } } return attachmentIds; } /** * Is the form is empty? A form is empty if all of its fields aren't valued (no data associated * with them). * @param items the items embbeding multipart data in the form. * @param record the record of data. * @param pagesContext the page context. * @return true if one of the form field has no data. */ @Override public boolean isEmpty(List<FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext) { boolean isEmpty = true; for (FieldTemplate fieldTemplate : fieldTemplates) { FieldDisplayer fieldDisplayer = null; if (fieldTemplate != null) { String fieldType = fieldTemplate.getTypeName(); String fieldDisplayerName = fieldTemplate.getDisplayerName(); try { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(fieldDisplayerName)) { fieldDisplayerName = getTypeManager().getDisplayerName(fieldType); } fieldDisplayer = getTypeManager().getDisplayer(fieldType, fieldDisplayerName); if (fieldDisplayer != null) { String itemName = fieldTemplate.getFieldName(); FileItem item = getParameter(items, itemName); if (item != null && !item.isFormField() && StringUtil.isDefined(item.getName())) { isEmpty = false; } else { String itemValue = getParameterValue(items, itemName, pagesContext.getEncoding()); isEmpty = !StringUtil.isDefined(itemValue); } } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("form", "AbstractForm.isEmpty", "form.EXP_UNKNOWN_FIELD", null, e); } } if (!isEmpty) { break; } } return isEmpty; } /** * Gets the value of the specified parameter from the specified items. * @param items the items of the form embbeding multipart data. * @param parameterName the name of the parameter. * @param encoding the encoding at which the value must be in. * @return the value of the specified parameter in the given encoding. or null if no such * parameter is defined in this form. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding at which the value should be in isn't * supported. */ private String getParameterValue(List<FileItem> items, String parameterName, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { SilverTrace.debug("form", "AbstractForm.getParameterValue", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "parameterName = " + parameterName); FileItem item = getParameter(items, parameterName); if (item != null && item.isFormField()) { SilverTrace.debug("form", "AbstractForm.getParameterValue", "root.MSG_GEN_EXIT_METHOD", "parameterValue = " + item.getString()); return item.getString(encoding); } return null; } /** * Gets the multipart data of the specified parameter. * @param items the items of the form with all of the multipart data. * @param parameterName the name of the parameter. * @return the item corresponding to the specified parameter. */ private FileItem getParameter(final List<FileItem> items, final String parameterName) { FileItem fileItem = null; for (FileItem item : items) { if (parameterName.equals(item.getFieldName())) { fileItem = item; break; } } return fileItem; } private TypeManager getTypeManager() { return TypeManager.getInstance(); } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } protected Field getSureField(FieldTemplate fieldTemplate, DataRecord record, int occurrence) { Field field = null; try { field = record.getField(fieldTemplate.getFieldName(), occurrence); if (field == null) { field = fieldTemplate.getEmptyField(occurrence); } } catch (FormException fe) { SilverTrace.error("form", "AbstractForm.display", "form.EX_CANT_GET_FORM", null, fe); } return field; } }