Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have recieved a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.classifieds.control; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.silverpeas.classifieds.model.ClassifiedDetail; import com.silverpeas.classifieds.model.ClassifiedsRuntimeException; import com.silverpeas.classifieds.model.Subscribe; import com.silverpeas.comment.service.CommentService; import com.silverpeas.form.DataRecord; import com.silverpeas.form.FormException; import com.silverpeas.form.RecordSet; import com.silverpeas.form.record.GenericFieldTemplate; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplate; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateException; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateManager; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.silverpeas.comment.model.Comment; import com.silverpeas.comment.model.CommentPK; import com.silverpeas.comment.service.CommentServiceFactory; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.AbstractComponentSessionController; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.ComponentContext; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.MainSessionController; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.util.ResourcesWrapper; import org.silverpeas.wysiwyg.control.WysiwygController; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.UserDetail; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.silverpeas.attachment.AttachmentServiceFactory; import org.silverpeas.attachment.model.DocumentType; import org.silverpeas.attachment.model.SimpleAttachment; import org.silverpeas.attachment.model.SimpleDocument; import org.silverpeas.attachment.model.SimpleDocumentPK; import; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.WAPrimaryKey; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.SilverpeasRuntimeException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.viewGenerator.html.pagination.Pagination; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public final class ClassifiedsSessionController extends AbstractComponentSessionController { private int currentPage = 0; private Map<String, String> fields1 = null; private Map<String, String> fields2 = null; private CommentService commentService = null; private ResourcesWrapper resources = null; private ClassifiedService classifiedService; private SearchContext searchContext = null; private List<ClassifiedDetail> sessionClassifieds = null; Pagination pagination = null; /** * Standard Session Controller Constructeur * @param mainSessionCtrl The user's profile * @param componentContext The component's profile * @see */ public ClassifiedsSessionController(MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, ComponentContext componentContext) { super(mainSessionCtrl, componentContext, "org.silverpeas.classifieds.multilang.classifiedsBundle", "org.silverpeas.classifieds.settings.classifiedsIcons", "org.silverpeas.classifieds.settings.classifiedsSettings"); // affectation du formulaire String xmlFormName = getXMLFormName(); String xmlFormShortName = null; if (StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFormName)) { xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf("/") + 1, xmlFormName.indexOf(".")); try { getPublicationTemplateManager() .addDynamicPublicationTemplate(getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormName); } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.super()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } } public void setPagination(Pagination pagination) { this.pagination = pagination; } public Pagination getPagination() { return pagination; } /** * Gets the resources associated with this session controller. * @return all of the resources (messages, settings, icons, ...) */ public synchronized ResourcesWrapper getResources() { if (resources == null) { resources = new ResourcesWrapper(getMultilang(), getIcon(), getSettings(), getLanguage()); } return resources; } /** * get classified corresponding to classifiedId * @param classifiedId : String * @return classified : ClassifiedDetail */ public ClassifiedDetail getClassified(String classifiedId) { ClassifiedDetail classified = new ClassifiedDetail(); classified = getClassifiedService().getContentById(classifiedId); classified.setCreatorName(getUserDetail(classified.getCreatorId()).getDisplayedName()); classified.setCreatorEmail(getUserDetail(classified.getCreatorId()).geteMail()); if (StringUtil.isDefined(classified.getValidatorId())) { classified.setValidatorName((getUserDetail(classified.getValidatorId()).getDisplayedName())); } return classified; } /** * get the number of classifieds for this instance * @return number : String */ public String getNbTotalClassifieds() { return getClassifiedService().getNbTotalClassifieds(getComponentId()); } /** * search all classifieds corresponding to the query * @param query : QueryDescription * @return a collection of ClassifiedDetail */ public void search(QueryDescription query) { sessionClassifieds = getClassifieds(query); } private List<ClassifiedDetail> getClassifieds(QueryDescription query) { query.setSearchingUser(getUserId()); query.addComponent(getComponentId()); return getClassifiedService().search(query); } public List<ClassifiedDetail> getClassifieds(QueryDescription query, int nb) { List<ClassifiedDetail> classifieds = getClassifieds(query); List<ClassifiedDetail> result = new ArrayList<ClassifiedDetail>(); for (int i = 0; i < nb && i < classifieds.size(); i++) { ClassifiedDetail classified = classifieds.get(i); enrichClassified(classified); result.add(classified); } return result; } public Collection<ClassifiedDetail> getSessionClassifieds() { return sessionClassifieds; } public Collection<ClassifiedDetail> getPage(int itemIndex) { pagination.init(sessionClassifieds.size(), getSettings().getInteger("nbElementsPerPage", 10), itemIndex); List<ClassifiedDetail> classifieds = sessionClassifieds.subList(pagination.getFirstItemIndex(), pagination.getLastItemIndex()); // enrich displayed classifieds for (ClassifiedDetail classified : classifieds) { enrichClassified(classified); } return classifieds; } private void enrichClassified(ClassifiedDetail classified) { setImagesToClassified(classified); getClassifiedService().setClassification(classified, getSearchFields1(), getSearchFields2(), getXMLFormName()); } /** * get all classifieds for the current user and this instance * @return a collection of ClassifiedDetail */ public Collection<ClassifiedDetail> getClassifiedsByUser() { return getClassifiedService().getClassifiedsByUser(getComponentId(), getUserId()); } /** * get all classifieds to validate for this instance * @return a collection of ClassifiedDetail */ public Collection<ClassifiedDetail> getClassifiedsToValidate() { Collection<ClassifiedDetail> classifieds = new ArrayList<ClassifiedDetail>(); classifieds = getClassifiedService().getClassifiedsToValidate(getComponentId()); return classifieds; } /** * get all comments for the classified corresponding to classifiedId * @param classifiedId : String * @return */ private Collection<Comment> getAllComments(String classifiedId) { CommentPK foreign_pk = new CommentPK(classifiedId, getComponentId()); return getCommentService().getAllCommentsOnPublication(ClassifiedDetail.getResourceType(), foreign_pk); } /** * take out draft mode the classified corresponding to classified * @param classifiedId : String * @param highestRole : ClassifiedsRole * @throws PublicationTemplateException * @throws FormException */ public synchronized void draftOutClassified(String classifiedId, ClassifiedsRole highestRole) throws PublicationTemplateException, FormException { getClassifiedService().draftOutClassified(classifiedId, highestRole.getName(), isValidationEnabled()); if (highestRole == ClassifiedsRole.MANAGER) { sendSubscriptionsNotification(classifiedId); } } /** * pass the classified corresponding to classifiedId in draft mode * @param classifiedId : String */ public synchronized void draftInClassified(String classifiedId) { getClassifiedService().draftInClassified(classifiedId); } /** * pass to status validate because the user corresponding to userId validated the classified * corresponding to classifiedId * @param classifiedId : String * @throws PublicationTemplateException * @throws FormException */ public synchronized void validateClassified(String classifiedId) throws PublicationTemplateException, FormException { getClassifiedService().validateClassified(classifiedId, getUserId()); sendSubscriptionsNotification(classifiedId); } /** * pass to status refused because the user corresponding to userId refused the classified * corresponding to classifiedId for the motive ResusalMotive * @param classifiedId : String * @param motive : String */ public synchronized void refusedClassified(String classifiedId, String motive) { getClassifiedService().refusedClassified(classifiedId, getUserId(), motive); } /** * get the name of xmlForm * @return name : String */ public String getXMLFormName() { return getComponentParameterValue("XMLFormName"); } /** * get the name of search field1 * @return search field1 name : String */ public String getSearchFields1() { return getComponentParameterValue("searchFields1"); } /** * get the name of search field2 * @return search field2 name : String */ public String getSearchFields2() { return getComponentParameterValue("searchFields2"); } /** * create classified * @param classified : classifiedDetail * @param profile : ClassifiedsRole * @return classifiedId : String */ public synchronized String createClassified(ClassifiedDetail classified, Collection<FileItem> listImage, ClassifiedsRole profile) { UserDetail user = getUserDetail(); classified.setCreatorId(getUserId()); classified.setCreationDate(new Date()); classified.setCreatorName(user.getDisplayedName()); classified.setCreatorEmail(user.geteMail()); classified.setInstanceId(getComponentId()); // status if (isDraftEnabled()) { classified.setStatus(ClassifiedDetail.DRAFT); } else { if (profile == ClassifiedsRole.MANAGER || !isValidationEnabled()) { classified.setStatus(ClassifiedDetail.VALID); } else { classified.setStatus(ClassifiedDetail.TO_VALIDATE); } } String classifiedId = getClassifiedService().createClassified(classified); createClassifiedImages(listImage, classifiedId); return classifiedId; } /** * delete the classified corresponding to classifiedId * @param classifiedId : String */ public void deleteClassified(String classifiedId) { //supprime la petite annonce et ses images getClassifiedService().deleteClassified(this.getComponentId(), classifiedId); //supprime les commentaires Collection<Comment> comments = getAllComments(classifiedId); for (Comment comment : comments) { getCommentService().deleteComment(comment.getCommentPK()); } } /** * update the classified and send notification if isUpdate is true and, if isAdmin is true and * classified is in status valid * @param classified : ClassifiedDetail * @param isUpdate : boolean * @param isAdmin : boolean */ public synchronized void updateClassified(ClassifiedDetail classified, boolean isUpdate, boolean isAdmin) { try { boolean notify = false; if (isUpdate) { classified.setUpdateDate(new Date()); // That's a real update if (isDraftEnabled()) { if (classified.getStatus().equals(ClassifiedDetail.VALID)) { notify = true; } } if (!isAdmin && isValidationEnabled() && classified.getStatus().equals(ClassifiedDetail.VALID)) { classified.setStatus(ClassifiedDetail.TO_VALIDATE); } // special case : status is UNPUBLISHED, user requested classified republication if (classified.getStatus().equals(ClassifiedDetail.UNPUBLISHED)) { if (!isAdmin && isValidationEnabled()) { classified.setStatus(ClassifiedDetail.TO_VALIDATE); } else { classified.setStatus(ClassifiedDetail.VALID); } } } getClassifiedService().updateClassified(classified, notify); // for newly created classifieds by admin : need to force notification if (!isUpdate && classified.getStatus().equals(ClassifiedDetail.VALID)) { sendSubscriptionsNotification(Integer.toString(classified.getClassifiedId())); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifedsSessionController.updateClassified()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } /** * send a notification for subscribers when classified (corresponding to classifiedId) is modified * @param classifiedId : String * @throws PublicationTemplateException * @throws FormException */ public void sendSubscriptionsNotification(String classifiedId) throws PublicationTemplateException, FormException { ClassifiedDetail classified = getClassified(classifiedId); DataRecord data = null; PublicationTemplate pubTemplate = getPublicationTemplate(); if (pubTemplate != null) { RecordSet recordSet = pubTemplate.getRecordSet(); data = recordSet.getRecord(classifiedId); } String field1 = data.getField(getSearchFields1()).getValue(); String field2 = data.getField(getSearchFields2()).getValue(); getClassifiedService().sendSubscriptionsNotification(field1, field2, classified); } /** * create a subscription * @param subscribe : Subscribe */ public synchronized void createSubscribe(Subscribe subscribe) { try { subscribe.setUserId(getUserId()); subscribe.setInstanceId(getComponentId()); // ajouter les libells des zones du formulaire if (fields1 == null) { fields1 = createListField(getSearchFields1()); } if (fields2 == null) { fields2 = createListField(getSearchFields2()); } subscribe.setFieldName1(fields1.get(subscribe.getField1())); subscribe.setFieldName2(fields2.get(subscribe.getField2())); getClassifiedService().createSubscribe(subscribe); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifedsSessionController.createSubscribe()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } /** * delete the subscription corresponding to subscribeId * @param subscribeId : String */ public void deleteSubscribe(String subscribeId) { getClassifiedService().deleteSubscribe(subscribeId); } /** * create a map of fields corresponding to listName * @param listName : String * @return a Hashtable of <String, String> */ private Map<String, String> createListField(String listName) { Map<String, String> fields = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, String>()); if (StringUtil.isDefined(listName)) { // cration de la hashtable (key,value) try { PublicationTemplate pubTemplate = getPublicationTemplate(); GenericFieldTemplate field = (GenericFieldTemplate) pubTemplate.getRecordTemplate() .getFieldTemplate(listName); return field.getKeyValuePairs(getLanguage()); } catch (Exception e) { // ERREUR : le champ de recherche renseign n'est pas une liste droulante throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifedsSessionController.createListField()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } } else { // ERREUR : le champs de recherche n'est pas renseign } return fields; } /** * get all subscriptions for the current user and this instance * @return a collection of Subscribe */ public Collection<Subscribe> getSubscribesByUser() { Collection<Subscribe> subscribes = new ArrayList<Subscribe>(); try { subscribes = getClassifiedService().getSubscribesByUser(getComponentId(), getUserId()); if (fields1 == null) { fields1 = createListField(getSearchFields1()); } if (fields2 == null) { fields2 = createListField(getSearchFields2()); } for (Subscribe subscribe : subscribes) { // ajout des libells subscribe.setFieldName1(fields1.get(subscribe.getField1())); subscribe.setFieldName2(fields2.get(subscribe.getField2())); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifedsSessionController.getSubscribesByUser()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.EX_CANT_GET_REMOTE_OBJECT", e); } return subscribes; } public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) { this.currentPage = currentPage; } public int getCurrentPage() { return this.currentPage; } /** * return true if draft mode is enabled * @return boolean */ public boolean isDraftEnabled() { return "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("draft")); } public boolean isValidationEnabled() { return "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("validation")); } private ClassifiedService getClassifiedService() { if (classifiedService == null) { classifiedService = ClassifiedServiceFactory.getFactory().getClassifiedService(); } return classifiedService; } /** * Gets a service providing operations on comments. * @return a DefaultCommentService instance. */ private CommentService getCommentService() { if (commentService == null) { commentService = CommentServiceFactory.getFactory().getCommentService(); } return commentService; } /** * Gets an instance of PublicationTemplateManager. * @return an instance of PublicationTemplateManager. */ private PublicationTemplateManager getPublicationTemplateManager() { return PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance(); } /** * return true if comments feature is enabled * @return boolean */ public boolean isCommentsEnabled() { return !"no".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("comments")); } /** * return true if wysiwyg header feature is enabled * @return boolean */ public boolean isWysiwygHeaderEnabled() { return "yes".equals(getComponentParameterValue("wysiwygHeader").toLowerCase()); } /** * return wysiwyg header html code * * @return wysiwyg header html code */ public String getWysiwygHeader() { if (isWysiwygHeaderEnabled()) { return WysiwygController.load(getComponentId(), "Node_0", getLanguage()); } return ""; } /** * create classified image * @param fileImage : FileItem * @param classifiedId : String */ public synchronized void createClassifiedImage(FileItem fileImage, String classifiedId) { try { // create SimpleDocumentPK with componentId SimpleDocumentPK sdPK = new SimpleDocumentPK(null, getComponentId()); // create SimpleDocument Object Date creationDate = new Date(); String fileName = FileUtil.getFilename(fileImage.getName()); long size = fileImage.getSize(); String mimeType = FileUtil.getMimeType(fileName); SimpleDocument sd = new SimpleDocument(sdPK, classifiedId, 0, false, new SimpleAttachment(fileName, getLanguage(), "", "", size, mimeType, getUserId(), creationDate, null)); sd.setDocumentType(DocumentType.attachment); AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService().createAttachment(sd, fileImage.getInputStream(), true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.createClassifiedImage()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "classifieds.MSG_CLASSIFIED_IMAGE_NOT_CREATE", e); } } /** * create classified images * @param listImage : Collection de FileItem * @param classifiedId : String */ private synchronized void createClassifiedImages(Collection<FileItem> listImage, String classifiedId) { for (FileItem fileImage : listImage) { createClassifiedImage(fileImage, classifiedId); } } /** * get classified corresponding to classifiedId including images * @param classifiedId : String * @return classified : ClassifiedDetail */ public ClassifiedDetail getClassifiedWithImages(String classifiedId) { ClassifiedDetail classified = getClassified(classifiedId); setImagesToClassified(classified); return classified; } private void setImagesToClassified(ClassifiedDetail classified) { if (classified != null) { try { WAPrimaryKey classifiedForeignKey = new SimpleDocumentPK(classified.getId(), getComponentId()); List<SimpleDocument> listSimpleDocument = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService() .listDocumentsByForeignKeyAndType(classifiedForeignKey, DocumentType.attachment, null); classified.setImages(listSimpleDocument); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.setImagesToClassified()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "classifieds.MSG_ERR_GET_IMAGES", e); } } } /** * update classified image * @param fileImage : FileItem * @param imageId : String * @param classifiedId : String */ public void updateClassifiedImage(FileItem fileImage, String imageId, String classifiedId) { SimpleDocument classifiedImage = null; try { SimpleDocumentPK sdPK = new SimpleDocumentPK(imageId, getComponentId()); classifiedImage = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService().searchDocumentById(sdPK, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.updateClassifiedImage()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "classifieds.MSG_ERR_GET_IMAGE", e); } if (classifiedImage != null) { Date updateDate = new Date(); String fileName = FileUtil.getFilename(fileImage.getName()); long size = fileImage.getSize(); String mimeType = FileUtil.getMimeType(fileName); classifiedImage.setDocumentType(DocumentType.attachment); classifiedImage.setFilename(fileName); classifiedImage.setLanguage(null); classifiedImage.setTitle(""); classifiedImage.setDescription(""); classifiedImage.setSize(size); classifiedImage.setContentType(mimeType); classifiedImage.setUpdatedBy(getUserId()); classifiedImage.setUpdated(updateDate); try { AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService().updateAttachment(classifiedImage, fileImage.getInputStream(), true, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.updateClassifiedImage()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "classifieds.MSG_CLASSIFIED_IMAGE_NOT_UPDATE", e); } } else { createClassifiedImage(fileImage, classifiedId); } } /** * delete classified image * @param imageId : String */ public void deleteClassifiedImage(String imageId) { SimpleDocument classifiedImage = null; try { SimpleDocumentPK sdPK = new SimpleDocumentPK(imageId, getComponentId()); classifiedImage = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService().searchDocumentById(sdPK, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.deleteClassifiedImage()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "classifieds.MSG_ERR_GET_IMAGE", e); } if (classifiedImage != null) { //delete the actual picture file in the file server and database AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService().deleteAttachment(classifiedImage); } else { throw new ClassifiedsRuntimeException("ClassifiedsSessionController.deleteClassifiedImage()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "classifieds.MSG_CLASSIFIED_IMAGE_NOT_DELETE", imageId + " does not exist"); } } /** * return true if Home page displays classifieds organized by category * @return boolean */ public boolean isHomePageDisplayCategorized() { String parameterHomePage = getComponentParameterValue("homePage"); if (StringUtil.isDefined(parameterHomePage)) { return "0".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("homePage")); } return true; } /** * get all valid classifieds * @param currentPage * @return a collection of ClassifiedDetail */ public Collection<ClassifiedDetail> getAllValidClassifieds(int currentPage) { if (fields1 == null) { fields1 = createListField(getSearchFields1()); } if (fields2 == null) { fields2 = createListField(getSearchFields2()); } int nbElementsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(getResources().getSetting("nbElementsPerPage")); return getClassifiedService().getAllValidClassifieds(getComponentId(), fields1, fields2, getSearchFields1(), getSearchFields2(), currentPage, nbElementsPerPage); } /** * get the number of pages to display * @return number : String */ public String getNbPages(String nbClassifieds) { int nbClassifiedsInt = Integer.parseInt(nbClassifieds); int nbElementsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(getResources().getSetting("nbElementsPerPage")); int nbPages = nbClassifiedsInt / nbElementsPerPage; if (nbClassifiedsInt % nbElementsPerPage != 0) { nbPages = nbPages + 1; } return Integer.toString(nbPages); } /** * Gets the template of the publication based on the classified XML form. * @param classifiedsSC the session controller. * @return the publication template for classifieds. * @throws PublicationTemplateException if an error occurs while getting the publication template. */ public PublicationTemplate getPublicationTemplate() throws PublicationTemplateException { PublicationTemplate pubTemplate = null; String xmlFormName = getXMLFormName(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFormName)) { String xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf("/") + 1, xmlFormName.indexOf(".")); pubTemplate = getPublicationTemplateManager() .getPublicationTemplate(getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormName); } return pubTemplate; } public void setSearchContext(SearchContext context) { this.searchContext = context; } public SearchContext getSearchContext() { return searchContext; } }