Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2012 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.attachment.importExport; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import com.silverpeas.form.AbstractForm; import com.silverpeas.form.importExport.FormTemplateImportExport; import com.silverpeas.form.importExport.XMLModelContentType; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.ForeignPK; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileRepositoryManager; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileServerUtils; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.WAPrimaryKey; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.attachment.control.AttachmentController; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.attachment.ejb.AttachmentPK; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.attachment.model.AttachmentDetail; import java.util.Collection; import; /** * Classe de gestion des attachments dans le moteur d'importExport de silverpeas. * @author sdevolder */ public class AttachmentImportExport { // Methodes /** * Methode utilisee par l'import massive du moteur d'importExport de silverpeaseffectuant la copie * de fichier ainsi que sa liaison avec une publication cible. * @param pubId - publication dans laquelle creer l'attachement * @param componentId - id du composant contenant la publication (necessaire pour determiner le * chemin physique du fichier importe) * @param attachmentDetail - objet contenant les details necessaires a la creation du fichier * importe et a sa liaison avec la publication * @param indexIt */ public void importAttachment(String pubId, String componentId, AttachmentDetail attachmentDetail, boolean indexIt) { importAttachment(pubId, componentId, attachmentDetail, indexIt, true); } public void importAttachment(String pubId, String componentId, AttachmentDetail attachmentDetail, boolean indexIt, boolean updateLogicalName) { this.copyFile(componentId, attachmentDetail, updateLogicalName); if (attachmentDetail.getSize() > 0) { this.addAttachmentToPublication(pubId, componentId, attachmentDetail, AbstractForm.CONTEXT_FORM_FILE, indexIt); } } public AttachmentDetail importWysiwygAttachment(String pubId, String componentId, AttachmentDetail attachmentDetail, String context) { AttachmentDetail a_detail = null; this.copyFileWysiwyg(componentId, attachmentDetail, context); if (attachmentDetail.getSize() > 0) { a_detail = this.addAttachmentToPublication(pubId, componentId, attachmentDetail, context, false); } return a_detail; } public List<AttachmentDetail> importAttachments(String pubId, String componentId, List<AttachmentDetail> attachments, String userId) { return importAttachments(pubId, componentId, attachments, userId, false); } public List<AttachmentDetail> importAttachments(String pubId, String componentId, List<AttachmentDetail> attachments, String userId, boolean indexIt) { List<AttachmentDetail> copiedAttachments = copyFiles(componentId, attachments); FormTemplateImportExport xmlIE = null; for (AttachmentDetail attDetail : copiedAttachments) { attDetail.setAuthor(userId); XMLModelContentType xmlContent = attDetail.getXMLModelContentType(); if (xmlContent != null) { attDetail.setXmlForm(xmlContent.getName()); } this.addAttachmentToPublication(pubId, componentId, attDetail, AbstractForm.CONTEXT_FORM_FILE, indexIt); // Store xml content try { if (xmlContent != null) { if (xmlIE == null) { xmlIE = new FormTemplateImportExport(); } ForeignPK pk = new ForeignPK(attDetail.getPK().getId(), attDetail.getPK().getInstanceId()); xmlIE.importXMLModelContentType(pk, "Attachment", xmlContent, attDetail.getAuthor()); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.importAttachments()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", e); } if (attDetail.isRemoveAfterImport()) { boolean removed = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(attDetail.getOriginalPath())); if (!removed) { SilverTrace.error("attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.importAttachments()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Can't remove file " + attDetail.getOriginalPath()); } } } return copiedAttachments; } private AttachmentDetail copyFile(String componentId, AttachmentDetail a_Detail, boolean updateLogicalName) { String path = getPath(componentId); return copyFile(componentId, a_Detail, path, updateLogicalName); } private AttachmentDetail copyFileWysiwyg(String componentId, AttachmentDetail a_Detail, String context) { String path = getPathWysiwyg(componentId, context); a_Detail.setContext(context); return copyFile(componentId, a_Detail, path); } public List<AttachmentDetail> copyFiles(String componentId, List<AttachmentDetail> attachments) { return copyFiles(componentId, attachments, getPath(componentId)); } public List<AttachmentDetail> copyFiles(String componentId, List<AttachmentDetail> attachments, String path) { List<AttachmentDetail> copiedAttachments = new ArrayList<AttachmentDetail>(); for (AttachmentDetail attDetail : attachments) { this.copyFile(componentId, attDetail, path); if (attDetail.getSize() != 0) { copiedAttachments.add(attDetail); } } return copiedAttachments; } /** * Methode de copie de fichier utilisee par la methode * importAttachement(String,String,AttachmentDetail) * @param componentId - id du composant contenant la publication e laquelle est destine * l'attachement * @param a_Detail - objet contenant les informations sur le fichier e copier * @param path - chemin oe doit etre copie le fichier * @return renvoie l'objet des informations sur le fichier e copier complete par les nouvelles * donnees issues de la copie */ public AttachmentDetail copyFile(String componentId, AttachmentDetail a_Detail, String path) { return copyFile(componentId, a_Detail, path, true); } public AttachmentDetail copyFile(String componentId, AttachmentDetail a_Detail, String path, boolean updateLogicalName) { String fileToUpload = a_Detail.getPhysicalName(); // Get parameters of file to create String logicalName = fileToUpload.substring(fileToUpload.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); String type = logicalName.substring(logicalName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, logicalName.length()); String mimeType = AttachmentController.getMimeType(logicalName); String physicalName = System.currentTimeMillis() + "." + type; File fileToCreate = new File(path + physicalName); while (fileToCreate.exists()) {"attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.copyFile()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "fileToCreate already exists=" + fileToCreate.getAbsolutePath()); // To prevent overwriting physicalName = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + '.' + type; fileToCreate = new File(path + physicalName); }"attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.copyFile()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "fileName=" + logicalName); long size = 0; try { FileUtils.copyFile(new File(fileToUpload), fileToCreate); size = fileToCreate.length(); } catch (IOException e) { SilverTrace.error("attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.copyFile()", "attachment.EX_FILE_COPY_ERROR", e); } // Complements sur les attachmentDetail a_Detail.setSize(size); a_Detail.setType(mimeType); a_Detail.setPhysicalName(physicalName); if (updateLogicalName) { a_Detail.setLogicalName(logicalName); } a_Detail.setOriginalPath(fileToUpload); AttachmentPK pk = new AttachmentPK("unknown", "useless", componentId); a_Detail.setPK(pk); return a_Detail; } /** * Methode utilisee par la methode importAttachement(String,String,AttachmentDetail) pour creer un * attachement sur la publication creee dans la methode citee. * @param pubId - id de la publication dans laquelle creer l'attachment * @param componentId - id du composant contenant la publication * @param a_Detail - obejt contenant les informations necessaire e la creation de l'attachment * @return AttachmentDetail cree */ private AttachmentDetail addAttachmentToPublication(String pubId, String componentId, AttachmentDetail a_Detail, String context, boolean indexIt) { int incrementSuffixe = 0; AttachmentDetail ad_toCreate = null; AttachmentPK atPK = new AttachmentPK(null, componentId); AttachmentPK foreignKey = new AttachmentPK(pubId, componentId); Vector<AttachmentDetail> attachments = AttachmentController.searchAttachmentByCustomerPK(foreignKey); int i = 0; String logicalName = a_Detail.getLogicalName(); String userId = a_Detail.getAuthor(); String updateRule = a_Detail.getImportUpdateRule(); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(updateRule) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(updateRule)) { updateRule = AttachmentDetail.IMPORT_UPDATE_RULE_ADD; }"attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.addAttachmentToPublication()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "updateRule=" + updateRule); // Verification s'il existe un attachment de meme nom, si oui, ajout // d'un // suffixe au nouveau fichier while (i < attachments.size()) { ad_toCreate = attachments.get(i); if (ad_toCreate.getLogicalName().equals(logicalName)) { if ((ad_toCreate.getSize() != a_Detail.getSize()) && AttachmentDetail.IMPORT_UPDATE_RULE_ADD.equalsIgnoreCase(updateRule)) { logicalName = a_Detail.getLogicalName(); int extPosition = logicalName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extPosition != -1) { logicalName = logicalName.substring(0, extPosition) + "_" + (++incrementSuffixe) + logicalName.substring(extPosition, logicalName.length()); } else { logicalName += "_" + (++incrementSuffixe); } // On reprend la boucle au debut pour verifier que le nom // genere n est pas lui meme un autre nom d'attachment de la publication i = 0; } else {// on efface l'ancien fichier joint et on stoppe la boucle AttachmentController.deleteAttachment(ad_toCreate); break; } } else { i++; } } a_Detail.setLogicalName(logicalName); // On instancie l'objet attachment e creer ad_toCreate = new AttachmentDetail(atPK, a_Detail.getPhysicalName(), a_Detail.getLogicalName(), null, a_Detail.getType(), a_Detail.getSize(), context, new Date(), foreignKey, userId); ad_toCreate.setTitle(a_Detail.getTitle()); ad_toCreate.setInfo(a_Detail.getInfo()); ad_toCreate.setXmlForm(a_Detail.getXmlForm()); AttachmentController.createAttachment(ad_toCreate, indexIt); return ad_toCreate; } /** * Methode de recuperation des attachements et de copie des fichiers dans le dossier d'exportation * @param pk - PrimaryKey de l'obijet dont on veut les attachments? * @param exportPath - Repertoire dans lequel copier les fichiers * @param relativeExportPath chemin relatif du fichier copie * @param extensionFilter * @return une liste des attachmentDetail trouves */ public List<AttachmentDetail> getAttachments(WAPrimaryKey pk, String exportPath, String relativeExportPath, String extensionFilter) { // Recuperation des attachments Collection<AttachmentDetail> listAttachment = AttachmentController.searchAttachmentByCustomerPK(pk); List<AttachmentDetail> listToReturn = new ArrayList<AttachmentDetail>(); if (listAttachment != null && listAttachment.isEmpty()) { listAttachment = null; } if (listAttachment != null) { // Pour chaque attachment trouve, on copie le fichier dans le dossier // d'exportation for (AttachmentDetail attDetail : listAttachment) { if (!attDetail.getContext().equals(AbstractForm.CONTEXT_FORM_FILE)) { // ce n est pas un fichier joint mais un fichier appartenant surement // au wysiwyg si le context // est different de images et ce quelque soit le type du fichier continue;// on ne copie pas le fichier } if (extensionFilter == null) { try { copyAttachment(attDetail, pk, exportPath); // Le nom physique correspond maintenant au fichier copie attDetail.setPhysicalName(relativeExportPath + File.separator + FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(attDetail.getLogicalName())); } catch (IOException ex) { // TODO: gerer ou ne pas gerer telle est la question ex.printStackTrace(); } listToReturn.add(attDetail); } else if (attDetail.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase(extensionFilter)) { try { copyAttachment(attDetail, pk, exportPath); // Le nom physique correspond maintenant au fichier copi attDetail.setLogicalName(FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(attDetail.getLogicalName())); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: gerer ou ne pas gerer telle est la question ex.printStackTrace(); } listToReturn.add(attDetail); } } } return listToReturn; } private void copyAttachment(AttachmentDetail attDetail, WAPrimaryKey pk, String exportPath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String fichierJoint = AttachmentController.createPath(pk.getInstanceId(), attDetail.getContext()) + File.separator + attDetail.getPhysicalName(); String fichierJointExport = exportPath + File.separator + FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(attDetail.getLogicalName()); FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(fichierJoint, fichierJointExport); } /** * Methode recuperant le chemin d'acces au dossier de stockage des fichiers importes dans un * composant. * @param componentId - id du composant dont on veut recuperer le chemin de stockage de ses * fichiers importes * @return le chemin recherche */ private String getPath(String componentId) { String path = AttachmentController.createPath(componentId, AbstractForm.CONTEXT_FORM_FILE);"attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.getPath()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "path=" + path); return path; } private String getPathWysiwyg(String componentId, String context) { String path = AttachmentController.createPath(componentId, context);"attachment", "AttachmentImportExport.getPath()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "path=" + path); return path; } }