Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - - MIT license */ package com.sikulix.api; import com.sikulix.core.*; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; public class Element extends SXElement { private static eType eClazz = eType.ELEMENT; private static SXLog log = SX.getLogger("SX." + eClazz.toString()); //<editor-fold desc="***** construction, info"> public Element() { setClazz(); init(); } protected void setClazz() { clazz = eClazz; } protected void copy(Element elem) { x = elem.x; y = elem.y; w = elem.w; h = elem.h; } protected void initAfter() { initName(eClazz); } public Element(int x, int y, int w, int h) { setClazz(); init(x, y, w, h); } public Element(int x, int y, int wh) { setClazz(); init(x, y, wh, wh); } public Element(int x, int y) { setClazz(); init(x, y, 0, 0); } public Element(int[] rect) { setClazz(); init(rect); } public Element(Rectangle rect) { setClazz(); init(rect); } public Element(Point p) { setClazz(); init(p); } public Element(Dimension dim) { setClazz(); init(0, 0, (int) dim.getWidth(), (int) dim.getHeight()); } public Element(Element elem) { this(); x = elem.x; y = elem.y; w = elem.w; h = elem.h; copy(elem); } public Element(Element elem, double score) { this(elem); setScore(score); } public Element(Element elem, double score, Element off) { this(elem); setScore(score); setTarget(off); } public Element(Element elem, Element off) { this(elem); setTarget(off); } public Element(int id) { if (id < 0) { // hack: special for even margin all sides and for onChange() init(-id, -id, -id, -id); } else { Rectangle rect = SX.getMonitor(id); init(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } } public Element(Core.MinMaxLocResult mMinMax, Target target, Rect rect) { setClazz(); init((int) mMinMax.maxLoc.x + target.getTarget().x + rect.x, (int) mMinMax.maxLoc.y + target.getTarget().y + rect.y, target.w, target.h); setScore(mMinMax.maxVal); } public boolean isMatch() { return score > -1; } protected String toStringPlus() { if (isMatch()) { return " %" + score * 100; } return ""; } /** * returns -1, if outside of any screen <br> * * @return the sequence number of the screen, that contains the given point */ public int isOn() { Rectangle r; for (int i = 0; i < SX.getNumberOfMonitors(); i++) { r = SX.getMonitor(i); if (r.contains(this.x, this.y)) { return i; } } return -1; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** content"> protected URL urlImg = null; public BufferedImage get() { return getBufferedImage(getContent()); } public Mat getContent() { return content; } public Mat getContent(Element elem) { return content.submat(new Rect(elem.x, elem.y, elem.w, elem.h)); } public void setContent(Mat content) { this.content = content; } public boolean hasContent() { return SX.isNotNull(content) && !content.empty(); } private Mat content = null; protected boolean plainColor = false; protected boolean blackColor = false; protected boolean whiteColor = false; public boolean isPlainColor() { return isValid() && plainColor; } public boolean isBlack() { return isValid() && blackColor; } public boolean isWhite() { return isValid() && blackColor; } public double getResizeFactor() { return isValid() ? resizeFactor : 1; } protected double resizeFactor; protected Element setContent() { capture(); return this; } public Element load() { setContent(); return this; } public boolean save(String name) { return save(name, Picture.getBundlePath()); } public boolean save(String name, String path) { URL url = Content.makeURL(new File(path, name).getAbsolutePath()); if (SX.isNull(url)) { return false; } try { url = Content.makeURL(new File(path, name).getCanonicalPath()); return save(url, name); } catch (IOException e) { } log.error("save: invalid: %s / %s", path, name); return false; } public boolean save(String name, URL urlPath) { URL url = Content.makeURL(urlPath, name); if (SX.isNotNull(url)) { return save(url, name); } else { log.error("save: invalid: %s / %s", urlPath, name); } return false; } public boolean save(URL url, String name) { if (!hasContent()) { load(); } urlImg = null; if (SX.isNotNull(url) && hasContent()) { if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) { log.trace("save: %s", url); String imgFileName = SX.getValidImageFilename(url.getPath()); Mat imgContent = getContent(); if (Imgcodecs.imwrite(imgFileName, imgContent)) { urlImg = url; setName(name); return true; } } else { //TODO save: http and jar log.error("save: not implemented: %s", url); } } return false; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** capture"> public Picture getAsPicture() { if (!hasContent()) { return new Picture(); } return new Picture(this); } public Picture capture() { return capture(this); } public Picture capture(Element elem) { content = new Mat(); Picture img = new Picture(); if (isSpecial()) { SX.terminate(1, "capture: special not implemented"); } else { Robot robot = SX.getSXROBOT(); img = new Picture(robot.createScreenCapture(elem.getRectangle())); } if (img.hasContent()) { content = img.getContent(); } return img; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** show, highlight"> public void highlight() { highlight((int) SX.getOptionNumber("DefaultHighlightTime")); } public void highlight(int time) { //TODO Element.highlight not implemented log.error("highlight not implemented"); } public static void fakeHighlight(boolean state) { //TODO implement fakeHighlight } private Color lineColor = Story.getLineColor(); public Color getLineColor() { return lineColor; } public void setLineColor(Color lineColor) { this.lineColor = lineColor; } private int highLightLine = Story.getLineThickness(); public int getHighLightLine() { return highLightLine; } public void setHighLightLine(int highLightLine) { this.highLightLine = highLightLine; } private int showTime = (int) SX.getOptionNumber("SXShow.showTime", 3); public int getShowTime() { return showTime; } public void setShowTime(int showTime) { this.showTime = showTime; } public Story showStart(int... times) { showing = new Story(this, times); showing.setWaitForFrame(); showing.start(); return showing; } public void showStop() { if (isShowing()) { showing.stop(); } showing = null; } public void show() { show(showTime); } public void show(int time, int... times) { if (hasContent()) { showing = new Story(this, times); showing.setBorder();; showing = null; } } public void show(Element elem) { show(elem, showTime); } public void show(Element elem, int time, int... times) { showing = new Story(this, times); showing.add(elem);; showing = null; } public void showMatch(int... times) { if (hasMatch()) { showing = new Story(this); showing.add(getLastMatch()).show(times.length > 0 ? times[0] : showTime); showing = null; } } public void showVanish(int... times) { if (SX.isNotNull(getLastVanish())) { showing = new Story(this); showing.add(getLastVanish()).show(times.length > 0 ? times[0] : showTime); showing = null; } } public void showMatches(int... times) { if (hasMatches()) { showing = new Story(this); for (Element match : getLastMatches()) { showing.add(match); } > 0 ? times[0] : showTime); showing = null; } } public boolean isShowing() { return SX.isNotNull(showing); } private Story showing = null; //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** target"> public Element getLastTarget() { return lastTarget; } public void setLastTarget(Element lastTarget) { this.lastTarget = lastTarget; } private Element lastTarget = null; public void setTarget(Element elem) { target = elem.getCenter(); } public void setTarget(int x, int y) { target = getCenter().offset(x, y); } public void setTarget(int[] pos) { target = getCenter().offset(new Element(pos)); } public Element getTarget() { if (SX.isNull(target)) { target = getCenter(); } return target; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** score"> public double getScore() { return score; } public void setScore(double score) { this.score = score; } private double score = -1; public double getWantedScore() { return wantedScore; } public void setWantedScore(double wantedScore) { this.wantedScore = wantedScore; } private double wantedScore = -1; //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** lastMatch"> public Element getLastSeen() { if (SX.isNull(lastSeen)) { return new Element(); } return lastSeen; } public void setLastSeen(Element lastSeen) { this.lastSeen = lastSeen; } private Element lastSeen = null; private Element lastMatch = null; private Element lastVanish = null; private java.util.List<Element> lastMatches = new ArrayList<Element>(); private int matchIndex = -1; public void resetMatches() { lastMatch = null; lastMatches = new ArrayList<Element>(); matchIndex = -1; lastScores = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } public boolean hasMatch() { return SX.isNotNull(lastMatch); } public boolean hasVanish() { return SX.isNotNull(lastVanish); } public boolean hasMatches() { return lastMatches.size() > 0; } public Element getLastMatch() { return lastMatch; } public Element getLastVanish() { return lastVanish; } public java.util.List<Element> getLastMatches() { return lastMatches; } public void setLastMatch(Element match) { lastMatch = match; } public void setLastVanish(Element match) { if (SX.isNotNull(match)) { lastMatch = null; lastVanish = match; } } private double[] lastScores = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; public void setLastScores(double[] scores) { for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { lastScores[i] = scores[i]; } } public double[] getLastScores() { return lastScores; } public void setLastMatches(java.util.List<Element> lastMatches) { this.lastMatches = lastMatches; } public int getMatchIndex() { return matchIndex; } public void setMatchIndex(int matchIndex) { this.matchIndex = matchIndex; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** write, paste"> public boolean write(String text) { //TODO implement write(String text) return true; } public boolean paste(String text) { //TODO implement paste(String text) return true; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** keyboard"> //TODO implement keyboard //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** mouse"> public static Element at() { PointerInfo mp = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); if (mp != null) { return new Element(mp.getLocation()); } else { log.error("MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(): null"); return new Element(); } } public IRobot getDeviceRobot() { //TODO implement special Robots return SX.getLocalRobot(); } /** * Move the mouse to this element's target * * @return this */ public SXElement hover() { Device.move(this.getTarget()); return this; } /** * Move the mouse to this element's target and click left * * @return this */ public SXElement click() {, "L"); return this; } /** * Move the mouse to this element's target and double click left * * @return this */ public SXElement doubleClick() {, "LD"); return this; } /** * Move the mouse to this element's target and click right * * @return this */ public SXElement rightClick() {, "R"); return this; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="TODO be like Selenium"> public boolean isDisplayed() { return true; } public void sendKeys(CharSequence keys) { write(keys.toString()); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** handle FindFailed, ImageMissing"> public double getAutoWaitTimeout() { return autoWaitTimeout; } public void setAutoWaitTimeout(double autoWaitTimeout) { this.autoWaitTimeout = autoWaitTimeout; } double autoWaitTimeout = getWaitForMatch(); private Event.RESPONSE findFailedResponse = Event.RESPONSE.ABORT; public Event.RESPONSE getFindFailedResponse() { return findFailedResponse; } public void setFindFailedResponse(Event.RESPONSE response) { findFailedResponse = response; } private Handler findFaileHandler = null; public void setFindFaileHandler(Handler handler) { findFaileHandler = handler; } public void unsetFindFaileHandler() { findFaileHandler = null; } private Event.RESPONSE imageMissingResponse = Event.RESPONSE.ABORT; public Event.RESPONSE getImageMissingResponse() { return imageMissingResponse; } public void setImageMissingResponse(Event.RESPONSE response) { imageMissingResponse = response; } private Handler imageMissingHandler = null; public void setImageMissingHandler(Handler handler) { imageMissingHandler = handler; } public void unsetImageMissingHandler() { imageMissingHandler = null; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** observe"> private Map<Element, Event> events = new HashMap<>(); public long getObserveCount() { return observeCount; } private long observeCount = 0; private synchronized boolean setObserving(Integer state) { if (SX.isNotNull(state)) { if (state > 0) { observeCount++; } else if (state < 0) { observeCount--; } else { observeCount = 0; } } return observeCount > 0; } public boolean incrementObserveCount() { return setObserving(1); } public boolean decrementObserveCount() { return setObserving(-1); } public boolean isObserving() { return setObserving(null); } public void observe() { observeCount = 0; Events.add(this, events.values()); Events.startObserving(); } public void observeStop() { setObserving(0); } public void observeReset() { observeStop(); events.clear(); Events.remove(this); } private Event putEvent(Event.TYPE type, Object what, Handler handler) { if (what instanceof String) { Picture pWhat = new Picture((String) what); if (!pWhat.isValid()) { log.trace("handle image missing: %s", pWhat); if (!Picture.handleImageMissing(pWhat)) { log.error("Event: %s invalid what: %s", type, what); return null; } } what = pWhat; } else if (!(what instanceof Element)) { log.error("Event: invalid what: %s", what); return null; } Event evt = new Event(type, (Element) what, this, handler); if (events.containsKey(what)) { evt.setKey(events.get(what).getKey()); } else { evt.setKey(events.size() + 1); } events.put((Element) what, evt); return evt; } public Event onAppear(Object what, Handler handler) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONAPPEAR, what, handler); } public Event onAppear(Object what) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONAPPEAR, what, null); } public Event onVanish(Object what, Handler handler) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONVANISH, what, handler); } public Event onVanish(Object what) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONVANISH, what, null); } private int minimumSizeDefault = 50; public Event onChange() { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONCHANGE, new Element(-minimumSizeDefault), null); } public Event onChange(Handler handler) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONCHANGE, new Element(-minimumSizeDefault), handler); } public Event onChange(int minimumSize) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONCHANGE, new Element(-minimumSize), null); } public Event onChange(int minimumSize, Handler handler) { return putEvent(Event.TYPE.ONCHANGE, new Element(-minimumSize), handler); } public void removeEvent(Event evt) { events.remove(evt); } public void removeEvents() { events.clear(); } public boolean hasEvents() { return Events.hasHappened(this); } public Event nextEvent() { return Events.nextHappened(this); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="***** find, ..."> public Element find(Object... args) { return Do.find(target, this); } public Element wait(Object... args) { return Do.wait(target, this); } public boolean waitVanish(Object... args) { return Do.waitVanish(target, this); } public boolean exists(Object... args) { return Do.exists(target, this); } public List<Element> findAll(Object... args) { return Do.findAll(target, this); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="is clicked"> Element click = null; long clickedTime = 0; public boolean isClicked() { return SX.isNotNull(click); } public Element getClick() { return click; } public Element setClick(Element click) { = click; click.setClicked(new Date().getTime()); return this; } public void resetClick() { click = null; } public void setClicked(long clickedTime) { this.clickedTime = clickedTime; } public long getClicked() { return clickedTime; } //</editor-fold> }