Java tutorial
package com.sijobe.console; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import; import net.minecraft.util.ChatAllowedCharacters; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ChatLine; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityClientPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPlayerInfo; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import; import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraftforge.event.ServerChatEvent; import com.kitsinger.console.MCConsole; import com.kitsinger.console.cfg.ConfigGuiFactory; import com.kitsinger.console.cfg.ConfigHandler; import com.kitsinger.console.cfg.ConfigGui; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import com.vayner.console.ConsoleChatCommands; import com.vayner.console.external.ExternalGuiConsole; import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.client.GuiIngameModOptions; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; //import net.minecraft.src.GuiModScreen; //import com.vayner.console.guiapi.ConsoleSettings; /** * @formatter:off * TODO: P1 - Only save logs for the current world * TODO: p1 - Per world / server configuration file * TODO: P1 - Output filtering - allow blocking of certain text/people * DONE: p2 - Text selection in the chat-history field (copy text) * DONE: P2 - Spinner (tab auto complete) (more or less) * TODO: P3 - Drop down menus? * TODO: P2 - Improve look and feel * TODO: P2 - Custom text color support. Holding CTRL then type a number will set the text to that color [0-f] - (0-15) * TODO: P1 - Add ability to disable settings loader (in code) and ability to reset the settings ingame * TODO: P3 - Dynamic settings screen, configure any setting in an easy to use GUI (partly complete) * TODO: p2 - Improve text highlighting to be less buggy * DONE: p1 - Add external window / console * TODO: p1 - Add tab completion to external console * TODO: p2 - Rewrite / improve text highlight system * DONE: p1 - Fix message splitting incorrectly * FIXME:p2 - Add option for 1 tick unpause - pause for singleplayer. * * @author simo_415, tellefma, SwooshyCueb * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * @formatter:on */ public class GuiConsole extends GuiScreen implements Runnable { /* @formatter:off */ private String playername; // The name of the current player protected String message; // The current user input protected String input; // The current input line to draw (includes prefix) private int updateCounter; // The tick count - used for cursor blink rate private int slider; // Position of the scroll bar private int cursor; // Position of the cursor private int inputOffset; // Position in the message string where the input goes private int sliderHeight; // Height of the scroll bar private int currentChatWidth = 128; // Current chat space width private boolean isHighlighting; // Keeps track of the highlight mouse click private int[] firstHighlighting = new int[2]; // Position of the mouse (at character) initially for highlighting private int[] lastHighlighting = new int[2]; // Position of the mouse (at character) at end of highlighting private boolean isSliding; // Keeps track of the slider mouse click private int lastSliding; // Position of mouse at last frame for slider private int initialSliding; // Position of mouse initially for slider private int historyPosition; // Position of where in the history you are at private boolean isGuiOpen; // When the console is open this is true private boolean rebuildLines; // Keeps track of whether the lines list needs to be rebuilt private volatile Vector<String> log; // The log messages private SimpleDateFormat sdf; // The date format for logs private boolean pauseGame = true; private int pauseCountDown = 0; private int tabListPos; // Where you have tabbed to through word list private int tabMaxPos; // Max size of the list private boolean tabbing = false; // Is tabbing private boolean tabMatchPlayerNamesOnly = false; // Is matching for player names private int tabWordPos; // start place of tabWord private String tabMatchingWord; // The current word checking to private String tabMatchedWord; // The current word matched to private String tabBeforeCursor; // The string before the cursor when completing private String tabAfterCursor; // The string after the cursor when completing private ArrayList<String> tabCurrentList; // The current List matching words private volatile HashMap<String, String> keyBindings; // All the current key bindings private volatile List<Integer> keyDown; // List of all the keys currently held down private static boolean BACKGROUND_BINDING_EVENTS = false; // Allows the bindings to run ingame with different GUIs open private String logName; // The name of the log file to write private long lastWrite; // The time of the last log write private static final int CHARHEIGHT = 10; // Character height - used to quickly determine number of lines per view private static final String ALLOWED_CHARACTERS; // A list of permitted characters public static Vector<String> INPUT_HISTORY; // All the input which went into the console private static Vector<String> LINES; // All of the lines to output private static Vector<String> MESSAGES; // All of the input/output private static Vector<ConsoleListener> LISTENERS; // All of the console listeners which were registered private static int[] TOP; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn scrollbar top button private static int[] BOTTOM; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn scrollbar bottom button private static int[] BAR; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn scrollbar private static int[] EXIT_BUTTON; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn exit button private static int[] OPTION_BUTTON; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn option button private static int[] EXTERNAL_BUTTON; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn external console button private static int[] TEXT_BOX; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn text box private static int[] HISTORY; // Poor implementation to keep track of drawn history field private static GuiConsole INSTANCE; // Instance of the class for singleton pattern /* @formatter:on */ /** * Initialises all of the instance variables */ static { if (!ConfigHandler.LOG_DIR.exists()) ConfigHandler.LOG_DIR.mkdirs(); ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = String.valueOf(ChatAllowedCharacters.allowedCharacters); MESSAGES = new Vector<String>(); MESSAGES.add("\2476[MCC] Minecraft Console version: \2473" + MCConsole.VERSION + "\2476 for Minecraft version: \24731.4.4"); MESSAGES.add("\2476Developers: \2472simo_415 \2476, \2474fsmv \2476and \2471tellefma"); MESSAGES.add(""); INPUT_HISTORY = new Vector<String>(); LISTENERS = new Vector<ConsoleListener>(); TOP = new int[4]; BOTTOM = new int[4]; BAR = new int[4]; EXIT_BUTTON = new int[4]; OPTION_BUTTON = new int[4]; EXTERNAL_BUTTON = new int[4]; TEXT_BOX = new int[4]; INSTANCE = new GuiConsole(); if (!ConfigHandler.MOD_DIR.exists()) { try { ConfigHandler.MOD_DIR.mkdirs(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (!ConfigHandler.LOG_DIR.exists()) { try { ConfigHandler.LOG_DIR.mkdirs(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /** * Constructor should only be initialised from within the class ( currently via static{ } ) */ private GuiConsole() {"Trying to get username...");"Try 1..."); mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); EntityPlayer player = mc.thePlayer; if (player != null) { playername = player.getDisplayName();"Success? Fetched " + playername); } else {"FAILED!"); }"Try 2..."); playername = mc.getSession().getUsername(); if (playername != null) {"Success? Fetched " + playername); } else {"FAILED!"); }"Try 3..."); mc = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient(); player = mc.thePlayer; if (player != null) { playername = player.getDisplayName();"Success? Fetched " + playername); } else {"FAILED!"); }"Try 4..."); playername = mc.getSession().getUsername(); if (playername != null) {"Success? Fetched " + playername); } else {"FAILED!"); } (new Thread(this)).start(); isGuiOpen = false; log = new Vector<String>(); sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ConfigHandler.DATE_FORMAT_LOG); keyBindings = generateKeyBindings(); keyDown = new Vector<Integer>(); loadCoreCommands(); } /** * Loads the core set of classes which handle player input/output. */ private void loadCoreCommands() { addConsoleListener(new ConsoleSettingCommands()); addConsoleListener(new ConsoleChatCommands()); addConsoleListener(new ExternalGuiConsole()); } /** * SingleTon pattern to get an instance of the GUI * * @return An instance of the GUI */ public static GuiConsole getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new GuiConsole(); } return INSTANCE; } /** * returns the current directory Minecraft console saves it files. * * @return Minecraft console current mod directory */ public static File getModDir() { return ConfigHandler.MOD_DIR; } /** * Generates a hashmap containing all of the configured key bindings from file * * @return A hashmap containing all the keybindings */ public HashMap<String, String> generateKeyBindings() { Properties p = new Properties(); HashMap<String, String> bindings = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { p.load(new FileInputStream(new File(ConfigHandler.MOD_DIR, ""))); Iterator i = p.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String o = (String); bindings.put(o, (String) p.get(o)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println( "[MCC] Could not find in " + ConfigHandler.MOD_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().raiseException(e, "something broke!", true); } return bindings; } /** * Rebuilds the line list so that the text input and slider can be correctly * rendered without missing parts and dynamically resize if required. */ public void buildLines() { LINES = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> temp = (Vector<String>) MESSAGES.clone(); //There were problems with the run method modifying MESSAGES while this loop works. See issue #17 for (String message : temp) { addLine(message); } rebuildLines = false; } /** * Adds a line to the line render list * * @param message - The line message to add */ private void addLine(String message) { if (LINES == null) { buildLines(); } if (message == null) { return; } //using minecraft's methods instead, seems to work fine for the moment LINES.addAll(mc.fontRenderer.listFormattedStringToWidth(message, currentChatWidth)); } /** * Called when Minecraft initialises the GUI * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#initGui() */ @Override public void initGui() { Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(true); isSliding = false; lastSliding = -1; slider = 0; initialSliding = 0; isHighlighting = false; clearHighlighting(); cursor = 0; message = ""; updateCounter = 0; historyPosition = 0; isGuiOpen = true; rebuildLines = true; } /** * Called when the GUI is closed by Minecraft - useful for cleanup * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#onGuiClosed() */ @Override public void onGuiClosed() { Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(false); isGuiOpen = false; } /** * Called to update the screen on frame * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#updateScreen() */ @Override public void updateScreen() { updateCounter++; } @Override public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() { if (ConfigHandler.MISC_PASUE_GAME && ConfigHandler.CHAT_UNPASUE_PAUSE_WITH_MESSAGE && !pauseGame) { pauseGame = (pauseCountDown-- <= 0) ? true : false; return false; } return ConfigHandler.MISC_PASUE_GAME; } /** * Called when a key is typed, handles all input into the console * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#keyTyped(char, int) */ @Override protected void keyTyped(char key, int id) { // Multi key validation // Control + ? if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_RCONTROL)) { if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_C)) { if (firstHighlighting[0] != -1 && lastHighlighting[0] != -1) { String clipboard = ""; int firstInLINES = firstHighlighting[0] <= lastHighlighting[0] ? firstHighlighting[0] : lastHighlighting[0]; if (firstHighlighting[0] == lastHighlighting[0]) { int firsti, lasti; if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { firsti = firstHighlighting[1]; lasti = lastHighlighting[1]; } else { firsti = lastHighlighting[1]; lasti = firstHighlighting[1]; } clipboard = LINES.get(firstInLINES).substring(firsti, lasti); } else { for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(firstHighlighting[0] - lastHighlighting[0]); i++) { String temp = LINES.get(firstInLINES + i); if (firstInLINES + i == firstHighlighting[0]) { if (firstHighlighting[0] < lastHighlighting[0]) { temp = temp.substring(firstHighlighting[1]); } else { temp = temp.substring(0, firstHighlighting[1]); } } else if (firstInLINES + i == lastHighlighting[0]) { if (firstHighlighting[0] > lastHighlighting[0]) { temp = temp.substring(lastHighlighting[1]); } else { temp = temp.substring(0, lastHighlighting[1]); } } clipboard += temp + " "; } } setClipboardString(clipboard.trim()); } else { if (lastHighlighting[1] != firstHighlighting[1] && firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { setClipboardString(message.substring(firstHighlighting[1], lastHighlighting[1])); } else { setClipboardString(message.substring(lastHighlighting[1], firstHighlighting[1])); } } } } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_V)) { paste(); } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_X)) { if (firstHighlighting[1] != lastHighlighting[1] && firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { String start, end; if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { setClipboardString(message.substring(firstHighlighting[1], lastHighlighting[1])); start = message.substring(0, firstHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(lastHighlighting[1]); } else { setClipboardString(message.substring(lastHighlighting[1], firstHighlighting[1])); start = message.substring(0, lastHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(firstHighlighting[1]); } message = start + end; firstHighlighting[0] = lastHighlighting[0] = -1; firstHighlighting[1] = lastHighlighting[1] = 0; } } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_A)) { if (!ConfigHandler.EMACS_KEYS) { if (firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { firstHighlighting[1] = 0; lastHighlighting[1] = message.length(); } else { firstHighlighting[0] = 0; firstHighlighting[1] = 0; lastHighlighting[0] = LINES.size() - 1; lastHighlighting[1] = LINES.get(LINES.size() - 1).length(); } } else { // go to beginning of line cursor = 0; } } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_E)) { if (ConfigHandler.EMACS_KEYS) { // go to end of line cursor = message.length(); } } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_K)) { if (ConfigHandler.EMACS_KEYS && firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { // Cut to end of line setClipboardString(message.substring(cursor, message.length())); message = message.substring(0, cursor); clearHighlighting(); } } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_Y)) { if (ConfigHandler.EMACS_KEYS) { paste(); } } else if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_D)) { if (ConfigHandler.EMACS_KEYS) { delete(); } } return; } if (tabbing) { if (id == ConfigHandler.KEY_AUTONEXT) { updateTabPos(1); return; } else if (id == ConfigHandler.KEY_AUTOPREV) { updateTabPos(-1); return; } } if (id != ConfigHandler.KEY_AUTOCOMPLETE && id != ConfigHandler.KEY_AUTONEXT && id != ConfigHandler.KEY_AUTOPREV && id != Keyboard.KEY_BACK) { resetTabbing(); } else if (id == ConfigHandler.KEY_AUTOCOMPLETE) { clearHighlighting(); /*if (message.startsWith("@get ") || message.startsWith("@list ") || message.startsWith("@set ")) { String[] str = message.split(" "); String match = ""; if (str.length > 1) { if (tabListPos == 0) { match = str[1]; } else { match = tabMatchingWord; } } if (tabListPos < 0) { tabListPos = 0; } if (cursor >= str[0].length() + 1 && cursor <= str[0].length() + 1 + match.length() || tabListPos > 0) { ArrayList<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(ConsoleSettingCommands.list("").split("\n"))); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) { if (tempList.get(i).startsWith(match.toUpperCase())) { list.add(tempList.get(i)); //Can't delete from a list in a loop; workaround } } if (list.size() > 0) { tabMatchingWord = match; if (tabListPos == 0) { message = message.substring(0, str[0].length() + 1) + list.get(tabListPos) + message.substring(str[0].length() + 1 + match.length(), message.length()); } else if (tabListPos > 0) { message = message.substring(0, str[0].length() + 1) + list.get(tabListPos) + message.substring(str[0].length() + 1 + list.get(tabListPos - 1).length(), message.length()); } cursor = str[0].length() + 1 + list.get(tabListPos).length(); tabListPos++; if (tabListPos >= list.size()) { tabListPos = -1; } } } } else {*/ updateTabPos(1); //} return; } // Single key validation switch (id) { case Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE: // Exits the GUI mc.displayGuiScreen(null); break; case Keyboard.KEY_RETURN: // Submits the message String s = message.trim(); if (s.length() > 0) { addInputMessage(s); } if (ConfigHandler.CLOSE_ON_SUBMIT) { mc.displayGuiScreen(null); } if (ConfigHandler.SCROLL_TO_BOTTOM_ON_SUBMIT) { slider = 0; } message = ""; cursor = 0; inputOffset = 0; historyPosition = 0; clearHighlighting(); resetTabbing(); break; case Keyboard.KEY_LEFT: // Moves the cursor left if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT)) { if (firstHighlighting[1] == lastHighlighting[1]) { if (firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { firstHighlighting[1] = cursor; lastHighlighting[1] = cursor; } } lastHighlighting[1]--; if (lastHighlighting[1] < 0) { lastHighlighting[1] = 0; if (lastHighlighting[0] > 0) { lastHighlighting[0]--; } } validateHighlighting(); } else { clearHighlighting(); } cursor--; break; case Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT: // Moves the cursor right if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT)) { if (firstHighlighting[1] == lastHighlighting[1]) { if (firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { firstHighlighting[1] = cursor; lastHighlighting[1] = cursor; } } lastHighlighting[1]++; if (lastHighlighting[0] == -1 && firstHighlighting[0] == -1) { if (lastHighlighting[1] > message.length()) { lastHighlighting[1] = message.length(); } } else { if (lastHighlighting[1] > LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).length()) { lastHighlighting[1] = LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).length(); if (lastHighlighting[0] < LINES.size() - 1) { lastHighlighting[0]++; } } } validateHighlighting(); } else { clearHighlighting(); } cursor++; break; case Keyboard.KEY_DOWN: // Moves the history position down message = getInputHistory(--historyPosition); cursor = message.length(); clearHighlighting(); break; case Keyboard.KEY_UP: // Moves the history position down message = getInputHistory(++historyPosition); cursor = message.length(); clearHighlighting(); break; case Keyboard.KEY_DELETE: resetTabbing(); delete(); break; case Keyboard.KEY_BACK: // Backspace if (tabbing) { message = message.substring(0, tabWordPos) + tabMatchingWord; resetTabbing(); break; } if (message.length() > 0) { if (firstHighlighting[1] == lastHighlighting[1] || firstHighlighting[0] != -1 || lastHighlighting[0] != -1) { validateCursor(); String start = message.substring(0, cursor); String end = message.substring(cursor, message.length()); this.message = start.substring(0, (start.length() - 1 > -1 ? start.length() - 1 : 0)) + end; cursor--; inputOffset--; if (inputOffset < 0) { inputOffset = 0; } } else { String start, end; if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { start = message.substring(0, firstHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(lastHighlighting[1]); } else { start = message.substring(0, lastHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(firstHighlighting[1]); } inputOffset -= Math.abs(lastHighlighting[1] - firstHighlighting[1]); if (inputOffset < 0) { inputOffset = 0; } message = start + end; } clearHighlighting(); } break; case Keyboard.KEY_HOME: cursor = 0; clearHighlighting(); break; case Keyboard.KEY_END: cursor = message.length(); clearHighlighting(); break; default: resetTabbing(); // Verifies that the character is in the character set before adding if (updateCounter != 0) { if (ConfigHandler.CLOSE_WITH_OPEN_KEY && id == MCConsole.openKey.getKeyCode()) { MCConsole.closeConsole(); break; } if (ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.indexOf(key) >= 0 && this.message.length() < ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_MAX && !(message.startsWith("/") && message.length() > ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX - 1)) { insertChar(key); } } } } private void insertChar(char key) { if (firstHighlighting[1] == lastHighlighting[1] || firstHighlighting[0] != -1 || lastHighlighting[1] != 1) { validateCursor(); clearHighlighting(); String start = message.substring(0, cursor); String end = message.substring(cursor, message.length()); this.message = start + key + end; cursor++; } else { String start, end; if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { start = message.substring(0, firstHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(lastHighlighting[1]); } else { start = message.substring(0, lastHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(firstHighlighting[1]); } message = start + key + end; cursor = start.length() + 1; clearHighlighting(); } } private int highlightMoveEnd(int diff) { //TODO fill out and rearrange code return 0; } private int highlightSetEnd(int line, int pos) { //TODO fill out and rearrange code return 0; } /** * Resets tabbing values an progress */ private void resetTabbing() { tabbing = false; tabMatchPlayerNamesOnly = false; tabListPos = 0; tabWordPos = 0; tabMatchingWord = ""; tabMatchedWord = ""; } /** * Updates / starts the tabbing progress with appropriate offset * @param Diff is the offset value for the list */ private void updateTabPos(int Diff) { if (tabbing == false) { //find the last word, defined via the cursor tabBeforeCursor = message.substring(0, cursor); tabAfterCursor = (cursor < message.length()) ? message.substring(cursor) : ""; if (tabBeforeCursor == null || tabBeforeCursor.length() == 0) { tabMatchingWord = ""; tabWordPos = 0; } else if (tabBeforeCursor.startsWith("@")) { tabMatchingWord = tabBeforeCursor.substring(1); tabWordPos = 1; tabMatchPlayerNamesOnly = true; } else if (tabBeforeCursor.endsWith(" ")) { tabMatchingWord = ""; tabWordPos = tabBeforeCursor.length(); } else if (tabBeforeCursor.contains(" ")) { String[] splitMessage = tabBeforeCursor.split(" "); tabMatchingWord = splitMessage[splitMessage.length - 1]; tabWordPos = tabBeforeCursor.length() - tabMatchingWord.length(); } else { tabMatchingWord = tabBeforeCursor; tabWordPos = 0; } } List<String> autoWords; if (tabMatchPlayerNamesOnly) autoWords = getPlayerNames(); //list of player names only else autoWords = getAutoPossibility(); //list of all possible words if (autoWords == null) return; tabCurrentList = new ArrayList<String>(); tabMaxPos = 0; if (tabMatchingWord == null) { tabMaxPos = autoWords.size(); tabCurrentList.addAll(autoWords); } else { for (int i = 0; i < autoWords.size(); i++) { String currentWord = autoWords.get(i); // Tests if a autoword starts with the matching word if (currentWord.toLowerCase().startsWith(tabMatchingWord.toLowerCase())) { tabCurrentList.add(currentWord); } } tabMaxPos = tabCurrentList.size(); } if (tabCurrentList.size() > 0) { if (tabbing) tabListPos += Diff; else tabbing = true; //check for see if out of bound tabListPos = (tabListPos >= tabMaxPos) ? 0 : tabListPos; tabListPos = (tabListPos < 0) ? tabMaxPos - 1 : tabListPos; //tabListPos = (tabListPos > tabMaxPos)? tabMaxPos : tabListPos; //if player leaves whiles browsing words tabMatchedWord = tabCurrentList.get(tabListPos); if (message.length() > 0) message = message.substring(0, tabWordPos) + tabMatchedWord + tabAfterCursor; else message = tabMatchedWord; cursor = message.length(); } } /** * Returns true if the current game is being player on a server * * @return True is returned when the current game is being played on a * Minecraft server */ public boolean isMultiplayerMode() { return !mc.isSingleplayer(); } /** * Returns true/false depending on if the integrated server is running * * @return True if the integrated server is running. */ public boolean isLocalMultiplayerServer() { return mc.isIntegratedServerRunning(); } /** * * @link{ GuiConsole.cleanString } * @return cleaned servername or "" */ // mc.func_147104_D() = mc.getServerData() public String getServerName() { if (isMultiplayerMode()) { String name = mc.func_147104_D().serverName; return (name.equals(null)) ? "" : cleanString(name); } return ""; } public String getServerIp() { if (isMultiplayerMode()) return mc.func_147104_D().serverIP; return ""; } /** * Gets all the usernames on the current server you're on * * @return A list in alphabetical order of players logged onto the server */ public List<String> getPlayerNames() { List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); if (isMultiplayerMode() && mc.thePlayer instanceof EntityClientPlayerMP) { NetHandlerPlayClient netclienthandler = ((EntityClientPlayerMP) mc.thePlayer).sendQueue; List<GuiPlayerInfo> tempList = netclienthandler.playerInfoList; for (GuiPlayerInfo info : (List<GuiPlayerInfo>) tempList) { String name =; //There were some problems with bukkit plugins adding prefixes or suffixes to the names list. This cleans the strings. Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\\[[\\{[\\(]]]+?.*?[\\][\\}[\\)]]]"); //Get rid of everything between the brackets (), [], or {} Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(name); name = matcher.replaceAll(""); String cleanName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { //Get rid of every invalid character for minecraft usernames if (name.charAt(i) == '\u00a7') { //Gets rid of color codes i++; continue; } if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(name.charAt(i)) || name.charAt(i) == '_') { cleanName += name.charAt(i); } } if (!cleanName.equals("")) { names.add(cleanName); } } } else { names.add(playername); } return names; } /** * Gets all possible autocomplete words, including playernames * * @return A list of all possible word completions for autoword */ public List<String> getAutoPossibility() { List<String> autowords = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> players = getPlayerNames(); if (players != null && players.size() > 0) { autowords.addAll(players); } autowords.addAll(ConsoleChatCommands.getChatCommands()); return autowords; } /** * Changes the highlighting bounds so nothing is highlighted */ public void clearHighlighting() { lastHighlighting[0] = -1; lastHighlighting[1] = 0; firstHighlighting[0] = -1; firstHighlighting[1] = 0; } /** * Cleans a dirty string of any invalid characters then returns the clean * string to the user. Verifies that the string doesn't go beyond the maximum * length as well * * @param dirty - The string to clean * @return A nice clean string */ public static String cleanString(String dirty) { String clean = ""; if (dirty == null) { return ""; } char letters[] = dirty.toCharArray(); for (char letter : letters) { if (ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.indexOf(letter) >= 0) { clean += letter; } } if (clean.length() >= ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_MAX) { clean = clean.substring(0, ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_MAX - 1); } return clean; } /** * Gets the String on the system clip board, if it exists. Otherwise null is * returned * * @return Returns the String on the clip board */ public static String getClipboardString() { try { Transferable t = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null); if (t != null && t.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { return cleanString((String) t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); } } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } /** * Sets a String onto the system clip board. * * @param str - The string to copy onto the clip board */ public static void setClipboardString(String str) { try { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new StringSelection(str), null); } catch (Exception e) { } } public static String getInputPrefix() { return ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX; } /** * Command history implementation, sets the historyPosition pointer to * position based on its validity. The validity is verified by the method * and the pointer is kept between the bounds of the history * * @param position - The position to set the pointer to * @return The input at this position in history */ private String getInputHistory(int position) { if (INPUT_HISTORY.size() == 0) { return ""; } if (position <= 0) { position = 0; return ""; } if (position > INPUT_HISTORY.size()) { position = INPUT_HISTORY.size(); } historyPosition = position; return INPUT_HISTORY.elementAt(INPUT_HISTORY.size() - historyPosition); } /** * Validates that the cursor is in a valid position, if the cursor isn't * then the cursor is moved into the closest valid position. */ private void validateCursor() { if (cursor > message.length()) { cursor = message.length(); } else if (cursor < 0) { cursor = 0; } } /** * Sets the inputOffset value to the appropriate place */ private void validateOffset() { String start = message.substring(0, cursor); String end = message.substring(cursor, message.length()); input = ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + start + ((updateCounter / 8) % 2 != 0 ? "." : "!") + end; if (mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(input) >= TEXT_BOX[2] - TEXT_BOX[0] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2) { int upperbound = input.length(); int boxsize = TEXT_BOX[2] - TEXT_BOX[0] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2; if (inputOffset < 0) { inputOffset = 0; } if (inputOffset > ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()) { while (cursor < inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length() && inputOffset > 0) { inputOffset--; } } else { while (cursor < inputOffset && inputOffset > 0) { inputOffset--; } } while (mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(input.substring(inputOffset, cursor + ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length() + 1)) >= boxsize) { inputOffset++; } while (mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(input.substring(inputOffset, upperbound)) >= boxsize) { upperbound--; } if (upperbound > input.length()) { upperbound = input.length(); } input = input.substring(inputOffset, upperbound); } } /** * Makes sure the highlighting values are within the string bounds */ private void validateHighlighting() { if (firstHighlighting[0] < -1) { firstHighlighting[0] = -1; } else if (firstHighlighting[0] > LINES.size()) { firstHighlighting[0] = LINES.size(); } if (lastHighlighting[0] < -1) { lastHighlighting[0] = -1; } else if (lastHighlighting[0] > LINES.size()) { lastHighlighting[0] = LINES.size(); } if (firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { if (lastHighlighting[1] < 0) { lastHighlighting[1] = 0; } else if (lastHighlighting[1] > message.length()) { lastHighlighting[1] = message.length(); } if (firstHighlighting[1] < 0) { firstHighlighting[1] = 0; } else if (firstHighlighting[1] > message.length()) { firstHighlighting[1] = message.length(); } } else { if (lastHighlighting[1] < 0) { lastHighlighting[1] = 0; } else if (lastHighlighting[1] > LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).length()) { lastHighlighting[1] = LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).length(); } if (firstHighlighting[1] < 0) { firstHighlighting[1] = 0; } else if (firstHighlighting[1] > LINES.get(firstHighlighting[0]).length()) { firstHighlighting[1] = LINES.get(firstHighlighting[0]).length(); } } } /** * Paste clipboard at cursor position. */ private void paste() { String clipboard = getClipboardString(); if (clipboard != null) { if (lastHighlighting[1] == firstHighlighting[1] || firstHighlighting[0] != -1 || lastHighlighting[0] != -1) { String start = ""; String end = ""; validateCursor(); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { start = message.substring(0, cursor); end = message.substring(cursor); } int limit = ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_MAX - message.length(); if (limit < clipboard.length()) { clipboard = clipboard.substring(0, limit); } message = start + clipboard + end; cursor = (start + clipboard).length() + 1; } else { String start, end; if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { start = message.substring(0, firstHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(lastHighlighting[1]); } else { start = message.substring(0, lastHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(firstHighlighting[1]); } int limit = ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_MAX - message.length(); if (limit < clipboard.length()) { clipboard = clipboard.substring(0, limit); } message = start + clipboard + end; cursor = (start + clipboard).length() + 1; clearHighlighting(); } } } /** * Delete the next character. */ private void delete() { // Delete if (message.length() > 0) { if (firstHighlighting[1] == lastHighlighting[1] || firstHighlighting[0] != -1 || lastHighlighting[0] != -1) { validateCursor(); String start = message.substring(0, cursor); String end = message.substring(cursor, message.length()); this.message = start + (end.length() > 0 ? end.substring(1) : end); } else if (firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1) { String start, end; if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { start = message.substring(0, firstHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(lastHighlighting[1]); } else { start = message.substring(0, lastHighlighting[1]); end = message.substring(firstHighlighting[1]); } message = start + end; } clearHighlighting(); } } /** * Called per frame to draw the new frame * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#drawScreen(int, int, float) */ @Override public void drawScreen(int mousex, int mousey, float f) { // Background int minx = ConfigHandler.SCREEN_PADDING_LEFT; int miny = ConfigHandler.SCREEN_PADDING_TOP; int maxx = width - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_PADDING_RIGHT; int maxy = height - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_PADDING_BOTTOM; drawRect(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_BASE); // Input Text box int textbox_minx = minx + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int textbox_maxx = maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int textbox_miny = maxy - CHARHEIGHT - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int textbox_maxy = maxy - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; if (ConfigHandler.SCREEN_MESSAGE_LENGHT_DISPLAY) { String currentChars = String.valueOf(message.length()); String maxLenght = String.valueOf(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX); int charDiff = maxLenght.length() - currentChars.length(); for (int i = 0; i < charDiff; i++) { currentChars = "0" + currentChars; } String messageLenght = currentChars + "/" + maxLenght; int indent = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(messageLenght) + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2; int messageLenghtBox_maxx = textbox_maxx; int messageLenghtBox_minx = textbox_maxx - indent + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; drawRect(messageLenghtBox_minx, textbox_miny, messageLenghtBox_maxx, textbox_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_MESSAGE_LENGTH_BACKGROUND); drawRect(textbox_minx, textbox_miny, textbox_maxx - indent, textbox_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_INPUT_BACKGROUND); TEXT_BOX = new int[] { textbox_minx, textbox_miny, textbox_maxx - indent, textbox_maxy }; drawString(mc.fontRenderer, messageLenght, messageLenghtBox_minx + 1, textbox_miny + 1, ConfigHandler.COLOR_INPUT_TEXT); } else { drawRect(textbox_minx, textbox_miny, textbox_maxx, textbox_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_INPUT_BACKGROUND); TEXT_BOX = new int[] { textbox_minx, textbox_miny, textbox_maxx, textbox_maxy }; } // Input text highlighting if (firstHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[0] == -1 && lastHighlighting[1] != firstHighlighting[1]) { int firstH, lastH; //First letter position, last letter position if (firstHighlighting[1] < lastHighlighting[1]) { firstH = firstHighlighting[1]; lastH = lastHighlighting[1]; } else { firstH = lastHighlighting[1]; lastH = firstHighlighting[1]; } if (firstH < 0) { firstH = 0; } if (lastH > message.length()) { lastH = message.length(); } String messageSection; validateCursor(); validateOffset(); validateHighlighting(); if (inputOffset < ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()) { messageSection = (ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + message.substring(0, firstH)) .substring(inputOffset); } else { messageSection = message .substring((inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()) > firstH ? firstH : inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length(), firstH); } int highlighting_minx = 1 + TEXT_BOX[0] + mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(messageSection); if (firstH < inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()) { messageSection = message.substring(inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length(), lastH); } else { messageSection = message.substring(firstH, lastH); } int highlighting_maxx = 1 + highlighting_minx + mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(messageSection); int highlighting_miny = TEXT_BOX[1]; int highlighting_maxy = highlighting_miny + CHARHEIGHT; int ExclamationStringWidth = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth("!"); if (cursor > firstH && cursor < lastH) highlighting_maxx += ExclamationStringWidth; else if (cursor <= firstH) { highlighting_minx += ExclamationStringWidth; highlighting_maxx += ExclamationStringWidth; } if (highlighting_maxx > TEXT_BOX[2]) { highlighting_maxx = TEXT_BOX[2]; } drawRect(highlighting_minx, highlighting_miny, highlighting_maxx, highlighting_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT); } // Past messages - dialog int message_miny = miny + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int message_maxy = textbox_miny - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int chatTemp = maxx - (ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2) - 10 - textbox_minx; if (currentChatWidth != chatTemp) { currentChatWidth = chatTemp; buildLines(); } HISTORY = new int[] { textbox_minx, message_miny, textbox_minx + currentChatWidth, message_maxy }; if (LINES == null || rebuildLines) { buildLines(); } drawRect(textbox_minx, message_miny, textbox_minx + currentChatWidth, message_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_OUTPUT_BACKGROUND); // Past messages - highlighting if (firstHighlighting[0] > -1 && lastHighlighting[0] > -1 && !Arrays.equals(firstHighlighting, lastHighlighting)) { int maxDisplayedLines = (HISTORY[3] - HISTORY[1]) / (CHARHEIGHT - 1); int linesDisplayed = LINES.size() >= maxDisplayedLines ? maxDisplayedLines : LINES.size(); int lineAtOnScreen_i; if (linesDisplayed < maxDisplayedLines) { lineAtOnScreen_i = maxDisplayedLines - LINES.size() + firstHighlighting[0]; } else { lineAtOnScreen_i = firstHighlighting[0] - LINES.size() + linesDisplayed + slider; } int lineAtOnScreen_f; if (linesDisplayed < maxDisplayedLines) { lineAtOnScreen_f = maxDisplayedLines - LINES.size() + lastHighlighting[0]; } else { lineAtOnScreen_f = lastHighlighting[0] - LINES.size() + linesDisplayed + slider; } int[] rect = new int[4]; int xoffset = HISTORY[0] + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int yoffset = HISTORY[1] + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; //initial int h_minx = xoffset + mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(LINES.get(firstHighlighting[0]).substring(0, firstHighlighting[1])) - 1; int h_miny = yoffset + ((CHARHEIGHT - 1) * lineAtOnScreen_i) - 2; int h_maxx = h_minx + mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(LINES.get(firstHighlighting[0]).substring(firstHighlighting[1])) + 2; int h_maxy = h_miny + CHARHEIGHT; if (lastHighlighting[0] != firstHighlighting[0]) { if (lastHighlighting[0] < firstHighlighting[0]) { h_maxx = xoffset - 1; } drawRect(h_minx, h_miny, h_maxx, h_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT); //inbetween int firstOnScreen = lineAtOnScreen_i <= lineAtOnScreen_f ? lineAtOnScreen_i : lineAtOnScreen_f; int firstInLINES = firstHighlighting[0] <= lastHighlighting[0] ? firstHighlighting[0] : lastHighlighting[0]; for (int i = 1; i < Math.abs(lineAtOnScreen_i - lineAtOnScreen_f); i++) { h_minx = xoffset - 1; h_miny = yoffset + ((CHARHEIGHT - 1) * (firstOnScreen + i)) - 2; h_maxx = h_minx + mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(LINES.get(firstInLINES + i)) + 2; h_maxy = h_miny + CHARHEIGHT; drawRect(h_minx, h_miny, h_maxx, h_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT); } //final h_minx = xoffset + mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).substring(0, lastHighlighting[1])) - 1; h_miny = yoffset + ((CHARHEIGHT - 1) * lineAtOnScreen_f) - 2; h_maxx = h_minx + mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).substring(lastHighlighting[1])) + 2; h_maxy = h_miny + CHARHEIGHT; if (lastHighlighting[0] > firstHighlighting[0]) { h_maxx = xoffset - 1; } drawRect(h_minx, h_miny, h_maxx, h_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT); } else { h_maxx = xoffset + mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(LINES.get(lastHighlighting[0]).substring(0, lastHighlighting[1])) - 1; drawRect(h_minx, h_miny, h_maxx, h_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT); } } // Past messages - text int max = (message_maxy - message_miny) / (CHARHEIGHT - 1); if (slider != 0) { slider = LINES.size() - slider > max ? (LINES.size() - slider < LINES.size() ? slider : 0) : LINES.size() - max; } if (slider < 0) slider = 0; int oversize = 0; for (int i = 0; i + oversize < LINES.size() && i + oversize < max; i++) { int element = LINES.size() - 1 - i - slider; if (LINES.size() <= element) continue; drawString(, LINES.elementAt(element), textbox_minx + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, textbox_miny - CHARHEIGHT + 1 - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE - ((i + oversize) * (CHARHEIGHT - 1)), ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_OUTPUT); } // Scroll - background int scroll_minx = textbox_minx + currentChatWidth + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int scroll_maxx = textbox_maxx; int scroll_miny = message_miny; int scroll_maxy = textbox_miny - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; drawRect(scroll_minx, scroll_miny, scroll_maxx, scroll_maxy, ConfigHandler.COLOR_SCROLL_BACKGROUND); // Scroll - button top TOP = new int[] { scroll_minx + 1, scroll_miny + 1, scroll_maxx - 1, scroll_miny + 9 }; drawRect(TOP[0], TOP[1], TOP[2], TOP[3], ConfigHandler.COLOR_SCROLL_FOREGROUND); drawString(, "^", TOP[0] + 2, TOP[1] + 2, ConfigHandler.COLOR_SCROLL_ARROW); // Scroll - button bottom BOTTOM = new int[] { scroll_minx + 1, scroll_maxy - 9, scroll_maxx - 1, scroll_maxy - 1 }; drawRect(BOTTOM[0], BOTTOM[1], BOTTOM[2], BOTTOM[3], ConfigHandler.COLOR_SCROLL_FOREGROUND); drawStringFlipped(, "^", BOTTOM[0] + 1, BOTTOM[1] - 3, ConfigHandler.COLOR_SCROLL_ARROW, true); // Scroll - bar int scrollable_minx = scroll_minx + 1; int scrollable_maxx = scroll_maxx - 1; int scrollable_miny = scroll_miny + 11; int scrollable_maxy = scroll_maxy - 10; sliderHeight = scrollable_maxy - scrollable_miny; double heightpercentage = (double) max / (double) LINES.size(); double barheight = (sliderHeight) * heightpercentage; barheight = (barheight < 5) ? 5 : barheight; double stepsize = (sliderHeight - barheight) / (double) (LINES.size() - max); double position = slider * stepsize; if (LINES.size() < max) BAR = new int[] { scrollable_minx, scrollable_miny, scrollable_maxx, scrollable_maxy }; else BAR = new int[] { scrollable_minx, (int) (scrollable_maxy - position - barheight), scrollable_maxx, (int) (scrollable_maxy - position) }; drawRect(BAR[0], BAR[1], BAR[2], BAR[3], ConfigHandler.COLOR_SCROLL_FOREGROUND); // Input validateCursor(); validateOffset(); drawString(, input, textbox_minx + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, textbox_miny + 1, ConfigHandler.COLOR_INPUT_TEXT); //autocomplete wordmatch visual int linesToShow = (int) Math.floor(ConfigHandler.SCREEN_PADDING_BOTTOM / CHARHEIGHT) - 1; if (tabbing && ConfigHandler.SCREEN_AUTOPREVIEW && linesToShow > 0) { int tabStartPos = mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + " " + message.substring(0, tabWordPos)); if (tabStartPos + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_AUTOPREVIEWAREA > width) tabStartPos = width - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_AUTOPREVIEWAREA; drawRect(textbox_minx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2 + tabStartPos, textbox_maxy + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, tabStartPos + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_AUTOPREVIEWAREA, height, ConfigHandler.COLOR_BASE); String currentPos = String.valueOf(tabListPos + 1); String endPos = String.valueOf(tabMaxPos); int charDiff = endPos.length() - currentPos.length(); for (int i = 0; i < charDiff; i++) { currentPos = "0" + currentPos; } String positionText = "[" + currentPos + "/" + endPos + "]"; for (int i = 0; i < linesToShow; i++) { drawString(, tabCurrentList.get((tabListPos + i + 1) % (tabMaxPos)), textbox_minx + tabStartPos - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, textbox_maxy + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE + i * CHARHEIGHT, ConfigHandler.COLOR_INPUT_TEXT); } drawString(, positionText, textbox_minx + tabStartPos - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, textbox_maxy + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE + linesToShow * CHARHEIGHT, ConfigHandler.COLOR_INPUT_TEXT); } // Titlebar drawRect(maxx / 2, 0, maxx, miny, ConfigHandler.COLOR_BASE); // Title drawString(, MCConsole.MODNAME, (maxx / 2) + ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, ConfigHandler.COLOR_TEXT_TITLE); // Options button //if(MCConsole.GuiApiInstalled()) { OPTION_BUTTON = new int[] { maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 3 - 30, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 3 - 20, miny }; drawRect(OPTION_BUTTON[0], OPTION_BUTTON[1], OPTION_BUTTON[2], OPTION_BUTTON[3], ConfigHandler.COLOR_EXIT_BUTTON); drawString(, "|:.", maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 3 - 28, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE + 2, ConfigHandler.COLOR_EXIT_BUTTON_TEXT); //} // External window button EXTERNAL_BUTTON = new int[] { maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2 - 20, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2 - 10, miny }; drawRect(EXTERNAL_BUTTON[0], EXTERNAL_BUTTON[1], EXTERNAL_BUTTON[2], EXTERNAL_BUTTON[3], ConfigHandler.COLOR_EXIT_BUTTON); drawString(, "[]", maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE * 2 - 19, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE + 2, ConfigHandler.COLOR_EXIT_BUTTON_TEXT); // Exit button EXIT_BUTTON = new int[] { maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE - 10, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE, miny }; drawRect(EXIT_BUTTON[0], EXIT_BUTTON[1], EXIT_BUTTON[2], EXIT_BUTTON[3], ConfigHandler.COLOR_EXIT_BUTTON); drawString(, "X", maxx - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE - 7, ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE + 2, ConfigHandler.COLOR_EXIT_BUTTON_TEXT); super.drawScreen(mousex, mousey, f); } /** * Draws the specified String flipped upside down * * @param fontrenderer * @param s string to draw * @param i position of the x coordinate * @param j position of the y coordinate * @param k colour of the render * @param flag if true draw with shadow, if false draw without shadow */ public void drawStringFlipped(FontRenderer fontrenderer, String s, int i, int j, int k, boolean flag) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glScalef(-1F, -1F, 1F); GL11.glTranslatef((-i * 2) - fontrenderer.getStringWidth(s), (-j * 2) - fontrenderer.FONT_HEIGHT, 0.0F); if (flag) { fontrenderer.drawString(s, i - 1, j - 1, (k & 0xfcfcfc) >> 2 | k & 0xff000000); //Took the last argument from FrontRenderer.renderString() because it's private and I want the shadow on the correct side when flipped } fontrenderer.drawString(s, i, j, k); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } /** * Tests whether the (x, y) coordinate is within the rectangle or not * * @param x x coordinate * @param y y coordinate * @param rect integer array in the form of {mix x, min y, max x, max y} * @return true if point is in rect false if point is not in rect */ public boolean hitTest(int x, int y, int[] rect) { if (x >= rect[0] && x <= rect[2] && y >= rect[1] && y <= rect[3]) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns the mouse position as an index within the string line * * @param x The mouse's x position relative to the start of the string line * @param line The string to find the index in * @return the character index the mouse clicked at. */ public int mouseAt(int x, String line) { int left = 0; int right = line.length(); if (x >= mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(line)) { return line.length(); } while (left <= right) { int middle = (left + right) / 2; int length = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(line.substring(0, middle)); double upper, lower; if (middle < line.length() - 1) { upper = length + (mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(Character.toString(line.charAt(middle))) / 2.0); } else { upper = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(line); } if (middle >= 1) { lower = length - (mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(Character.toString(line.charAt(middle - 1))) / 2.0); } else { lower = 0; } if ((x <= upper && x >= lower)) { return middle; } else if (x < lower) { right = middle - 1; } else if (x > upper) { left = middle + 1; } } return 0; } /** * Called on mouse clicked and processes the button clicks and actions * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#mouseClicked(int, int, int) */ @Override protected void mouseClicked(int mousex, int mousey, int button) { if (button == 0) { // Bad implementation which checks for clicks on exit button if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, EXIT_BUTTON)) { mc.displayGuiScreen(null); resetTabbing(); return; } else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, EXTERNAL_BUTTON)) { ExternalGuiConsole.toggleExternalWIndow(); //} else if (mod_Console.GuiApiInstalled() && hitTest(mousex, mousey, OPTION_BUTTON)){ } else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, OPTION_BUTTON)) { //mc.displayGuiScreen(null); // GuiModScreen(INSTANCE, ConsoleSettings.getMainWindow())); mc.displayGuiScreen(new ConfigGui(new GuiIngameModOptions(mc.currentScreen))); //mc.displayGuiScreen(ConfigGuiFactory.mainConfigGuiClass()); resetTabbing(); return; // Bad implementation which checks for clicks on scrollbar } else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, TOP)) slider++; else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, BOTTOM)) slider--; else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, BAR)) { isSliding = true; lastSliding = mousey; initialSliding = slider; } else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, TEXT_BOX)) { resetTabbing(); isHighlighting = true; firstHighlighting[0] = lastHighlighting[0] = -1; int mousexCorrected = mousex - TEXT_BOX[0] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int startStringIndex = 0; int cutPrefixChars = (inputOffset <= ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length() ? inputOffset : ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()); if (inputOffset < ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()) { mousexCorrected -= mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.substring(inputOffset)); } else { startStringIndex = inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length(); } if (mousexCorrected > mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(message.substring(startStringIndex, cursor) + "!")) { mousexCorrected -= mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth("!"); } int charat = mouseAt(mousexCorrected, message.substring(startStringIndex)) + startStringIndex; if (message.length() < charat) firstHighlighting[1] = message.length(); else firstHighlighting[1] = charat; cursor = lastHighlighting[1] = firstHighlighting[1]; } else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, HISTORY)) { resetTabbing(); isHighlighting = true; int mousexCorrected = mousex - HISTORY[0] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int lineAt = correctYlineAt(mousey); firstHighlighting[0] = lineAt; int charAt = mouseAt(mousexCorrected, LINES.get(lineAt)); firstHighlighting[1] = charAt; } super.mouseClicked(mousex, mousey, button); } } /** * Method is called on mouse movement and used to determine slider movement * * @see net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen#mouseMovedOrUp(int, int, int) */ @Override protected void mouseMovedOrUp(int mousex, int mousey, int button) { int wheel = Mouse.getDWheel(); if (wheel != 0) { slider += wheel / 120 * ConfigHandler.SCREEN_LINES_PER_SCROLL; } // Moves the slider position if (isSliding) { if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { int diff = lastSliding - mousey; if (diff != 0) { slider = initialSliding + (int) ((diff / (double) sliderHeight) * (LINES.size())); } } else { isSliding = false; lastSliding = 0; initialSliding = 0; } } else if (isHighlighting) { if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, TEXT_BOX) || firstHighlighting[0] == -1) { int mousexCorrected = mousex - TEXT_BOX[0] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int startStringIndex = 0; if (inputOffset < ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length()) { mousexCorrected -= mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.substring(inputOffset)); } else { startStringIndex = inputOffset - ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX.length(); } if (mousexCorrected > mc.fontRenderer .getStringWidth(message.substring(startStringIndex, cursor) + "!")) { mousexCorrected -= mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth("!"); } int charat = mouseAt(mousexCorrected, message.substring(startStringIndex)) + startStringIndex; if (charat < 0) { charat = 0; } if (message.length() < charat) { lastHighlighting[1] = message.length(); } else { lastHighlighting[1] = charat; } if (firstHighlighting[0] == lastHighlighting[0] && firstHighlighting[0] == -1) { cursor = lastHighlighting[1]; validateCursor(); } validateOffset(); } else if (hitTest(mousex, mousey, HISTORY)) { resetTabbing(); isHighlighting = true; int mousexCorrected = mousex - HISTORY[0] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int lineAt = correctYlineAt(mousey); lastHighlighting[0] = lineAt; lineAt = (lineAt >= LINES.size()) ? LINES.size() - 1 : lineAt; int charAt = mouseAt(mousexCorrected, LINES.get(lineAt)); lastHighlighting[1] = charAt; } if (!Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { isHighlighting = false; } } } private int correctYlineAt(int mousey) { int maxDisplayedLines = (HISTORY[3] - HISTORY[1]) / (CHARHEIGHT - 1); int linesDisplayed = LINES.size() >= maxDisplayedLines ? maxDisplayedLines : LINES.size(); int mouseyCorrected = mousey - HISTORY[1] - ConfigHandler.SCREEN_BORDERSIZE; int lineAt = mouseyCorrected / (CHARHEIGHT - 1) + LINES.size() - linesDisplayed - slider; if (lineAt >= LINES.size()) { lineAt = LINES.size() - maxDisplayedLines + lineAt; if (lineAt < 0) { lineAt = 0; } else if (lineAt >= LINES.size()) { lineAt = LINES.size() - 1; } } return lineAt; } /** * Returns true if the GUI is open * * @return Returns whether the GUI is open or not */ public boolean isGuiOpen() { return isGuiOpen; } /** * Adds a console listener to the console. When events are triggered they * are then sent to all the listeners in the order which they are registered * in * * @param cl - The listener to add */ public void addConsoleListener(ConsoleListener cl) { if (!LISTENERS.contains(cl)) { LISTENERS.add(cl); } } /** * Adds an input message to the console * * @param message - The input message */ private void addInputMessage(String innMessage) { String message = innMessage; if (ConfigHandler.CHAT_PRINT_INPUT) { MESSAGES.add(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + message); addLine(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + message); } INPUT_HISTORY.add(message); if ((ConfigHandler.LOGGING & ConfigHandler.LOGGING_INPUT) > 0) { log.add(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + message); } boolean post = true; for (ConsoleListener cl : LISTENERS) { if (!cl.processInput(message)) { post = false; } } if (post) { int lastLen = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= message.length() / ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX; i++) { int end = (lastLen + ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX) > message.length() ? message.length() : (lastLen + ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX); if (message.length() > ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX && message.substring(lastLen, end).length() >= ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX) { for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++) { if (message.charAt(end - j) == ' ') { //Wrap at space if it's within 10 characters end = end - j; break; } } } mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage(message.substring(lastLen, end)); if (message.length() == ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_LENGTH_SERVER_MAX) { break; //Fix for displaying an extra line when length is exactly at the limit } lastLen = end; } } if (ConfigHandler.CHAT_UNPASUE_PAUSE_WITH_MESSAGE && isGuiOpen) { pauseGame = false; pauseCountDown = 2; } } /** * Handles unclean messages from other * * @param message */ public void sendUncleanMessage(String message) { String cleanMessage = cleanString(message); if (!cleanMessage.isEmpty() && ConfigHandler.VALID_MESSAGE.matcher(cleanMessage).find()) { addInputMessage(cleanMessage); } } /** * Handles messages received as client * * @param message - the message */ public void addClientMessage(String message) { addOutputMessage(message); } /** * Handles message sent as server * * @param handler - who sent the message * @param message - the message */ public void addServerMessage(ServerChatEvent event) { if (!event.username.equals(playername)) addOutputMessage(ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_PREFIX + event.message); } /** * Adds an output message to the console * * @param message - The output message */ public void addOutputMessage(String message) { if (ConfigHandler.CHAT_PRINT_OUTPUT) { MESSAGES.add(message); addLine(message); } if ((ConfigHandler.LOGGING & ConfigHandler.LOGGING_OUTPUT) > 0) { log.add(message); } for (ConsoleListener cl : LISTENERS) { cl.processOutput(message); } } /** * Not anymore, new default at 100ms. * (Runs a thread which automatically pulls the chat line into the console * on a configurable interval, by default 20ms. It uses Object.equals * against the ChatLine object to determine the previous message which was * copied across.) * * This method also clears the history and output lists once they reach * capacity * * This method also handles key bindings * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { if (logName == null) { logName = (new SimpleDateFormat(ConfigHandler.DATE_FORMAT_FILENAME)).format(new Date()); } if (lastWrite + ConfigHandler.LOG_WRITE_INTERVAL < System.currentTimeMillis()) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(ConfigHandler.LOG_DIR, logName), true); while (log.size() > 0) { String line = sdf.format(new Date()) + log.elementAt(0) + ConfigHandler.LINE_BREAK; fos.write(line.getBytes()); log.remove(0); } fos.close(); lastWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } } // Empties message list when it hits maximum size while (ConfigHandler.CHAT_OUTPUT_MAX != 0 && MESSAGES.size() > ConfigHandler.CHAT_OUTPUT_MAX) { MESSAGES.remove(0); rebuildLines = true; } // Empties input history list when it hits maximum size while (INPUT_HISTORY.size() > ConfigHandler.CHAT_INPUT_HISTORY_MAX) { INPUT_HISTORY.remove(0); } // Verify key down list items are still down - repeat event workaround for (int i = 0; i < keyDown.size(); i++) { if (!Keyboard.isKeyDown(keyDown.get(i))) { keyDown.remove(keyDown.get(i)); } } // Key bindings // String <code,code,code,...> : value > HashMap<String(codes),String(value)> Iterator<String> i = keyBindings.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k =; if (k == null) { continue; } String keys[] = k.split(","); try { boolean execute = true; int keydown = 0; for (String key : keys) { int keyvalue = Integer.parseInt(key); if (!Keyboard.isKeyDown(keyvalue)) { execute = false; break; } if (keyDown.contains(keyvalue)) { keydown++; } keyDown.add(keyvalue); } if (execute && keydown < keys.length) { if (BACKGROUND_BINDING_EVENTS || mc.currentScreen == null) { // Adds binding message to input: addInputMessage(keyBindings.get(k)); mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage(keyBindings.get(k)); } } } catch (Exception e) { // If the number can't parse it is invalid anyway } } Thread.sleep(ConfigHandler.POLL_DELAY); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Reads the settings from the specified file and sets them to their * applicable variables * * @param base - The class to set the settings in * @param settings - The settings file to load the values from */ public static void readSettings(Class<?> base, File settings) { Properties p = new Properties(); try { File CanonicalFile = settings.getCanonicalFile(); p.load(new FileInputStream(CanonicalFile)); Field[] declaredFields = base.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : declaredFields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) { try { if (!field.isAccessible()) { field.setAccessible(true); } if (field.getType().equals(String.class)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, property); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Integer.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Integer.decode(property).intValue()); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Double.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Double.parseDouble(property)); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Boolean.parseBoolean(property)); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Long.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Long.decode(property).longValue()); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Byte.TYPE)) { // new String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Byte.parseByte(property)); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Float.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Float.parseFloat(property)); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Short.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, Short.decode(property)); } } else if (field.getType().equals(Character.TYPE)) { String property = (String) p.get(field.getName()); if (property != null) { field.set(null, property.charAt(0)); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Writes the variables from the specified class into the specified file * in a .properties format * * @param base - The class to get the settings from * @param settings - The settings file to save the values to */ public static void writeSettings(Class<?> base, File settings) { Properties p = new Properties(); try { File CanonicalFile = settings.getCanonicalFile(); try { p.load(new FileInputStream(CanonicalFile)); } catch (Exception e) { } Field[] declaredFields = base.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : declaredFields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) { try { if (!field.isAccessible()) { field.setAccessible(true); } if (field.getType().equals(Integer.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getInt(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(Double.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getDouble(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getBoolean(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(Long.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getLong(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(String.class)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), (String) field.get(null)); } else if (field.getType().equals(Byte.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getByte(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(Short.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getShort(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(Float.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getFloat(null) + ""); } else if (field.getType().equals(Character.TYPE)) { p.setProperty(field.getName(), field.getChar(null) + ""); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } FileOutputStream(CanonicalFile), ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Reads the static non final fields and return all of type * String, Double, Boolean, Long, Byte, Float, Short, Character * * @param base - The class to get the fields from * @return ArrayList<Field> containing all option fields */ public static ArrayList<Field> returnSettingsFields(Class<?> base) { ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); try { Field[] declaredFields = base.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : declaredFields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) { try { if (!field.isAccessible()) { field.setAccessible(true); } if (field.getType().equals(String.class) || field.getType().equals(Integer.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Double.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Boolean.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Long.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Byte.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Float.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Short.TYPE) || field.getType().equals(Character.TYPE)) { fields.add(field); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return fields; } }