Java tutorial
/* * ShootOFF - Software for Laser Dry Fire Training * Copyright (C) 2015 phrack * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.shootoff.config; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.shootoff.plugins.TrainingProtocol; public class Configuration { private static final String WEBCAMS_PROP = "shootoff.webcams"; private static final String DETECTION_RATE_PROP = "shootoff.detectionrate"; private static final String LASER_INTENSITY_PROP = "shootoff.laserintensity"; private static final String MARKER_RADIUS_PROP = "shootoff.markerradius"; private static final String IGNORE_LASER_COLOR_PROP = "shootoff.ignorelasercolor"; private static final String USE_RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP = "shootoff.redlasersound.use"; private static final String RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP = "shootoff.redlasersound"; private static final String USE_GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP = "shootoff.greenlasersound.use"; private static final String GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP = "shootoff.greenlasersound"; private static final String USE_VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_PROP = "shootoff.virtualmagazine.use"; private static final String VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_CAPACITY_PROP = "shootoff.virtualmagazine.capacity"; private static final String USE_MALFUNCTIONS_PROP = "shootoff.malfunctions.use"; private static final String MALFUNCTIONS_PROBABILITY_PROP = "shootoff.malfunctions.probability"; protected static final String DETECTION_RATE_MESSAGE = "DETECTION_RATE has an invalid value: %d. Acceptable values are " + "greater than 0."; protected static final String LASER_INTENSITY_MESSAGE = "LASER_INTENSITY has an invalid value: %d. Acceptable values are " + "between 1 and 255."; protected static final String MARKER_RADIUS_MESSAGE = "MARKER_RADIUS has an invalid value: %d. Acceptable values are " + "between 1 and 20."; protected static final String LASER_COLOR_MESSAGE = "LASER_COLOR has an invalid value: %s. Acceptable values are " + "\"red\" and \"green\"."; protected static final String LASER_SOUND_MESSAGE = "LASER_SOUND has an invalid value: %s. Sound file must exist."; protected static final String VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_MESSAGE = "VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE has an invalid value: %d. Acceptable values are " + "between 1 and 45."; protected static final String INJECT_MALFUNCTIONS_MESSAGE = "INJECT_MALFUNCTIONS has an invalid value: %f. Acceptable values are " + "between 0.1 and 99.9."; private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = ""; private InputStream configInput; private String configName; private Map<String, Camera> webcams = new HashMap<String, Camera>(); private int detectionRate = 70; private int laserIntensity = 230; private int markerRadius = 4; private boolean ignoreLaserColor = false; private String ignoreLaserColorName = "None"; private boolean useRedLaserSound = false; private File redLaserSound = new File("sounds/walther_ppq.wav"); private boolean useGreenLaserSound = false; private File greenLaserSound = new File("sounds/walther_ppq.wav"); private boolean useVirtualMagazine = false; private int virtualMagazineCapacity = 7; private boolean useMalfunctions = false; private float malfunctionsProbability = (float) 10.0; private boolean debugMode = false; private TrainingProtocol currentProtocol = null; private final Set<ShotProcessor> shotProcessors = new HashSet<ShotProcessor>(); private VirtualMagazineProcessor magazineProcessor = null; private MalfunctionsProcessor malfunctionsProcessor = null; protected Configuration(InputStream configInputStream, String name) throws IOException, ConfigurationException { configInput = configInputStream; configName = name; readConfigurationFile(); shotProcessors.add(new DeduplicationProcessor()); } public Configuration(String name) throws IOException, ConfigurationException { configName = name; readConfigurationFile(); shotProcessors.add(new DeduplicationProcessor()); } protected Configuration(InputStream configInputStream, String name, String[] args) throws IOException, ConfigurationException { configInput = configInputStream; configName = name; parseCmdLine(args); readConfigurationFile(); parseCmdLine(args); // Parse twice so that we guarantee debug is set and override config file shotProcessors.add(new DeduplicationProcessor()); } /** * Loads the configuration from a file named <tt>name</tt> and then * updates the configuration using the programs arguments stored in * <tt>args</tt>. * * @param name the configuration file to load properties from * @param args the command line arguments for this program * @throws IOException <tt>name</tt> doesn't exist on the file system * @throws ConfigurationException a specific property value is out of spec */ public Configuration(String name, String[] args) throws IOException, ConfigurationException { configName = name; parseCmdLine(args); readConfigurationFile(); parseCmdLine(args); shotProcessors.add(new DeduplicationProcessor()); } public Configuration(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException { configName = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; parseCmdLine(args); shotProcessors.add(new DeduplicationProcessor()); } private void readConfigurationFile() throws IOException, ConfigurationException { Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream inputStream; if (configInput != null) { inputStream = configInput; } else { inputStream = new FileInputStream(configName); } if (inputStream != null) { prop.load(inputStream); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not read configuration file " + configName); } if (prop.containsKey(WEBCAMS_PROP)) { List<String> webcamNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> webcamInternalNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String nameString : prop.getProperty(WEBCAMS_PROP).split(",")) { String[] names = nameString.split(":"); if (names.length > 1) { webcamNames.add(names[0]); webcamInternalNames.add(names[1]); } } for (Camera webcam : Camera.getWebcams()) { int cameraIndex = webcamInternalNames.indexOf(webcam.getName()); if (cameraIndex >= 0) { webcams.put(webcamNames.get(cameraIndex), webcam); } } } if (prop.containsKey(DETECTION_RATE_PROP)) { setDetectionRate(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(DETECTION_RATE_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(LASER_INTENSITY_PROP)) { setLaserIntensity(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(LASER_INTENSITY_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(MARKER_RADIUS_PROP)) { setMarkerRadius(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(MARKER_RADIUS_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(IGNORE_LASER_COLOR_PROP)) { String colorName = prop.getProperty(IGNORE_LASER_COLOR_PROP); if (!colorName.equals("None")) { setIgnoreLaserColor(true); setIgnoreLaserColorName(colorName); } } if (prop.containsKey(USE_RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP)) { setUseRedLaserSound(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(USE_RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP)) { setRedLaserSound(new File(prop.getProperty(RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(USE_GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP)) { setUseGreenLaserSound(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(USE_GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP)) { setGreenLaserSound(new File(prop.getProperty(GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(USE_VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_PROP)) { setUseVirtualMagazine(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(USE_VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_CAPACITY_PROP)) { setVirtualMagazineCapacity(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_CAPACITY_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(USE_MALFUNCTIONS_PROP)) { setMalfunctions(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(USE_MALFUNCTIONS_PROP))); } if (prop.containsKey(MALFUNCTIONS_PROBABILITY_PROP)) { setMalfunctionsProbability(Float.parseFloat(prop.getProperty(MALFUNCTIONS_PROBABILITY_PROP))); } validateConfiguration(); } public void writeConfigurationFile() throws ConfigurationException, IOException { validateConfiguration(); Properties prop = new Properties(); StringBuilder webcamList = new StringBuilder(); for (String webcamName : webcams.keySet()) { if (webcamList.length() > 0) webcamList.append(","); webcamList.append(webcamName); webcamList.append(":"); webcamList.append(webcams.get(webcamName).getName()); } prop.setProperty(WEBCAMS_PROP, webcamList.toString()); prop.setProperty(DETECTION_RATE_PROP, String.valueOf(detectionRate)); prop.setProperty(LASER_INTENSITY_PROP, String.valueOf(laserIntensity)); prop.setProperty(MARKER_RADIUS_PROP, String.valueOf(markerRadius)); prop.setProperty(IGNORE_LASER_COLOR_PROP, ignoreLaserColorName); prop.setProperty(USE_RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP, String.valueOf(useRedLaserSound)); prop.setProperty(RED_LASER_SOUND_PROP, redLaserSound.getPath()); prop.setProperty(USE_GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP, String.valueOf(useGreenLaserSound)); prop.setProperty(GREEN_LASER_SOUND_PROP, greenLaserSound.getPath()); prop.setProperty(USE_VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_PROP, String.valueOf(useVirtualMagazine)); prop.setProperty(VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_CAPACITY_PROP, String.valueOf(virtualMagazineCapacity)); prop.setProperty(USE_MALFUNCTIONS_PROP, String.valueOf(useMalfunctions)); prop.setProperty(MALFUNCTIONS_PROBABILITY_PROP, String.valueOf(malfunctionsProbability)); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(configName);, "ShootOFF Configuration"); } private void parseCmdLine(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("d", "debug", false, "turn on debug log messages"); options.addOption("r", "detection-rate", true, "sets the rate at which shots are detected in milliseconds. " + "this should be set to about the length of time your laser trainer " + "stays on for each shot, typically about 100 ms"); options.addOption("i", "laser-intensity", true, "sets the intensity threshold for detecting the laser [1,255]. " + "this should be as high as you can set it while still detecting " + "shots"); options.addOption("m", "marker-radius", true, "sets the radius of shot markers in pixels [1,20]"); options.addOption("c", "ignore-laser-color", true, "sets the color of laser that should be ignored by ShootOFF (green " + "or red). No color is ignored by default"); options.addOption("u", "use-virtual-magazine", true, "turns on the virtual magazine and sets the number rounds it holds [1,45]"); options.addOption("f", "use-malfunctions", true, "turns on malfunctions and sets the probability of them happening"); try { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption("d")) setDebugMode(true); if (cmd.hasOption("r")) setDetectionRate(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("r"))); if (cmd.hasOption("i")) setLaserIntensity(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("i"))); if (cmd.hasOption("m")) setMarkerRadius(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("m"))); if (cmd.hasOption("c")) { setIgnoreLaserColor(true); setIgnoreLaserColorName(cmd.getOptionValue("c")); } if (cmd.hasOption("u")) { setUseVirtualMagazine(true); setVirtualMagazineCapacity(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("u"))); } if (cmd.hasOption("f")) { setMalfunctions(true); setMalfunctionsProbability(Float.parseFloat(cmd.getOptionValue("f"))); } } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("com.shootoff.Main", options); System.exit(-1); } validateConfiguration(); } protected void validateConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException { if (detectionRate < 1) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(DETECTION_RATE_MESSAGE, detectionRate)); } if (laserIntensity < 1 || laserIntensity > 255) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(LASER_INTENSITY_MESSAGE, laserIntensity)); } if (markerRadius < 1 || markerRadius > 20) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(MARKER_RADIUS_MESSAGE, laserIntensity)); } if (useRedLaserSound && !redLaserSound.exists()) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(LASER_SOUND_MESSAGE, redLaserSound.getPath())); } if (useGreenLaserSound && !greenLaserSound.exists()) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(LASER_SOUND_MESSAGE, greenLaserSound.getPath())); } if (ignoreLaserColor && !ignoreLaserColorName.equals("red") && !ignoreLaserColorName.equals("green")) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(LASER_COLOR_MESSAGE, ignoreLaserColorName)); } if (virtualMagazineCapacity < 1 || virtualMagazineCapacity > 45) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(VIRTUAL_MAGAZINE_MESSAGE, virtualMagazineCapacity)); } if (malfunctionsProbability < (float) 0.1 || malfunctionsProbability > (float) 99.9) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(INJECT_MALFUNCTIONS_MESSAGE, malfunctionsProbability)); } } public void setWebcams(List<String> webcamNames, List<Camera> webcams) { this.webcams.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < webcamNames.size(); i++) { this.webcams.put(webcamNames.get(i), webcams.get(i)); } } public void setDetectionRate(int detectionRate) { this.detectionRate = detectionRate; } public void setLaserIntensity(int laserIntensity) { this.laserIntensity = laserIntensity; } public void setMarkerRadius(int markRadius) { this.markerRadius = markRadius; } public void setIgnoreLaserColor(boolean ignoreLaserColor) { this.ignoreLaserColor = ignoreLaserColor; } public void setIgnoreLaserColorName(String ignoreLaserColorName) { this.ignoreLaserColorName = ignoreLaserColorName; } public void setUseRedLaserSound(Boolean useRedLaserSound) { this.useRedLaserSound = useRedLaserSound; } public void setRedLaserSound(File redLaserSound) { this.redLaserSound = redLaserSound; } public void setUseGreenLaserSound(Boolean useGreenLaserSound) { this.useGreenLaserSound = useGreenLaserSound; } public void setGreenLaserSound(File greenLaserSound) { this.greenLaserSound = greenLaserSound; } public void setUseVirtualMagazine(boolean useVirtualMagazine) { this.useVirtualMagazine = useVirtualMagazine; if (!useVirtualMagazine && magazineProcessor != null) { shotProcessors.remove(magazineProcessor); magazineProcessor = null; } } public void setVirtualMagazineCapacity(int virtualMagazineCapacity) { this.virtualMagazineCapacity = virtualMagazineCapacity; if (useVirtualMagazine) { if (magazineProcessor != null) { shotProcessors.remove(magazineProcessor); } magazineProcessor = new VirtualMagazineProcessor(this); shotProcessors.add(magazineProcessor); } } public void setMalfunctions(boolean injectMalfunctions) { this.useMalfunctions = injectMalfunctions; if (!useMalfunctions && malfunctionsProcessor != null) { shotProcessors.remove(malfunctionsProcessor); malfunctionsProcessor = null; } } public void setMalfunctionsProbability(float injectMalfunctionsProbability) { this.malfunctionsProbability = injectMalfunctionsProbability; if (useMalfunctions) { if (malfunctionsProcessor != null) { shotProcessors.remove(malfunctionsProcessor); } malfunctionsProcessor = new MalfunctionsProcessor(this); shotProcessors.add(malfunctionsProcessor); } } public void setDebugMode(boolean debugMode) { this.debugMode = debugMode; if (debugMode) { String logLevel = System.getProperty(org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY); if (logLevel == null) { System.setProperty(org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "DEBUG"); } else if (!logLevel.toLowerCase().equals("trace")) { System.setProperty(org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "DEBUG"); } // Ensure WebcamDefaultDriver's logger stays at info because it is quite noisy // and doesn't output information we care about. System.setProperty(org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.LOG_KEY_PREFIX + WebcamDefaultDriver.class.getName(), "INFO"); } else { System.setProperty(org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "INFO"); } } public void setProtocol(TrainingProtocol protocol) { if (currentProtocol != null) currentProtocol.destroy(); currentProtocol = protocol; } public Map<String, Camera> getWebcams() { return webcams; } public Optional<String> getWebcamsUserName(Camera webcam) { for (String userName : webcams.keySet()) { if (webcams.get(userName).equals(webcam)) return Optional.of(userName); } return Optional.empty(); } public int getDetectionRate() { return detectionRate; } public int getLaserIntensity() { return laserIntensity; } public int getMarkerRadius() { return markerRadius; } public boolean ignoreLaserColor() { return ignoreLaserColor; } public Optional<Color> getIgnoreLaserColor() { if (ignoreLaserColorName.equals("red")) { return Optional.of(Color.RED); } else if (ignoreLaserColorName.equals("green")) { return Optional.of(Color.GREEN); } return Optional.empty(); } public String getIgnoreLaserColorName() { return ignoreLaserColorName; } public boolean useRedLaserSound() { return useRedLaserSound; } public File getRedLaserSound() { return redLaserSound; } public boolean useGreenLaserSound() { return useGreenLaserSound; } public File getGreenLaserSound() { return greenLaserSound; } public boolean useVirtualMagazine() { return useVirtualMagazine; } public int getVirtualMagazineCapacity() { return virtualMagazineCapacity; } public boolean useMalfunctions() { return useMalfunctions; } public float getMalfunctionsProbability() { return malfunctionsProbability; } public boolean inDebugMode() { return debugMode; } public Set<ShotProcessor> getShotProcessors() { return shotProcessors; } public Optional<TrainingProtocol> getProtocol() { if (currentProtocol == null) return Optional.empty(); return Optional.of(currentProtocol); } }