Java tutorial
/* * ShootOFF - Software for Laser Dry Fire Training * Copyright (C) 2016 phrack * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javafx.geometry.Bounds; import javafx.geometry.Dimension2D; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import com.shootoff.config.Configuration; import com.shootoff.util.TimerPool; import com.xuggle.mediatool.IMediaWriter; import com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaListenerAdapter; import com.xuggle.mediatool.ToolFactory; import com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec; import com.xuggle.xuggler.IPixelFormat; import com.xuggle.xuggler.IVideoPicture; import; import; import javafx.embed.swing.SwingFXUtils; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.util.Callback; /** * This class is responsible for fetching frames from its assigned camera and * preprocessing them for shot detection. It also ensures the view showing the * camera frames is aware of any new frames from the camera. * * @author phrack and dmaul */ public class CameraManager { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CameraManager.class); public static final int DEFAULT_FEED_WIDTH = 640; public static final int DEFAULT_FEED_HEIGHT = 480; protected int feedWidth = DEFAULT_FEED_WIDTH; protected int feedHeight = DEFAULT_FEED_HEIGHT; public static final int MIN_SHOT_DETECTION_FPS = 5; public static final int DEFAULT_FPS = 30; protected final static int DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_DURATION = 1000; // ms private long lastCameraTimestamp = -1; private long lastFrameCount = 0; protected final ShotDetector shotDetector; protected final Optional<Camera> webcam; private final Optional<CameraErrorView> cameraErrorView; protected final CameraView cameraView; protected final Configuration config; protected Optional<Bounds> projectionBounds = Optional.empty(); private final AtomicBoolean isStreaming = new AtomicBoolean(true); private final AtomicBoolean isDetecting = new AtomicBoolean(true); private final AtomicBoolean isCalibrating = new AtomicBoolean(false); private boolean shownBrightnessWarning = false; private boolean cropFeedToProjection = false; private boolean limitDetectProjection = false; protected Optional<Integer> minimumShotDimension = Optional.empty(); protected Optional<CameraDebuggerListener> debuggerListener = Optional.empty(); protected boolean recordingStream = false; protected boolean isFirstStreamFrame = true; protected IMediaWriter videoWriterStream; protected long recordingStartTime; protected boolean recordingShots = false; protected RollingRecorder rollingRecorder; protected Map<Shot, ShotRecorder> shotRecorders = new ConcurrentHashMap<Shot, ShotRecorder>(); protected boolean[][] sectorStatuses; protected int frameCount = 0; protected long currentFrameTimestamp = -1; public long getCurrentFrameTimestamp() { return currentFrameTimestamp; } private double webcamFPS = DEFAULT_FPS; private boolean showedFPSWarning = false; private AutoCalibrationManager acm = null; private final AtomicBoolean isAutoCalibrating = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected boolean cameraAutoCalibrated = false; protected final DeduplicationProcessor deduplicationProcessor = new DeduplicationProcessor(this); private CameraCalibrationListener cameraCalibrationListener; public void setCalibrationManager(CameraCalibrationListener calibrationManager) { this.cameraCalibrationListener = calibrationManager; } public DeduplicationProcessor getDeduplicationProcessor() { return deduplicationProcessor; } public CameraManager(Camera webcam, CameraErrorView cameraErrorView, CameraView view, Configuration config) { if (webcam != null) = Optional.of(webcam); else = Optional.empty(); this.cameraErrorView = Optional.ofNullable(cameraErrorView); this.cameraView = view; this.config = config; this.cameraView.setCameraManager(this); initDetector(new VideoStreamer()); if (NativeShotDetector.loadNativeShotDetector()) { logger.debug("Using native shot detection"); this.shotDetector = new NativeShotDetector(this, config, view); } else { logger.debug("Native shot detection is not supported on this system, falling back to Java detector"); this.shotDetector = new JavaShotDetector(this, config, view); } } // For testing with videos protected CameraManager(CameraView view, Configuration config) { = Optional.empty(); this.cameraErrorView = Optional.empty(); this.cameraView = view; this.config = config; this.shotDetector = new JavaShotDetector(this, config, view); } public String getName() { if (webcam.isPresent()) { return webcam.get().getName(); } else { return "TestCamera"; } } private void initDetector(VideoStreamer detector) { sectorStatuses = new boolean[JavaShotDetector.SECTOR_ROWS][JavaShotDetector.SECTOR_COLUMNS]; // Turn on all shot sectors by default for (int x = 0; x < JavaShotDetector.SECTOR_COLUMNS; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < JavaShotDetector.SECTOR_ROWS; y++) { sectorStatuses[y][x] = true; } } new Thread(detector, "ShotDetector").start(); } public boolean isSectorOn(int x, int y) { return sectorStatuses[y][x]; } public void setSectorStatuses(boolean[][] sectorStatuses) { if (sectorStatuses == null) return; this.sectorStatuses = new boolean[sectorStatuses.length][sectorStatuses[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < sectorStatuses.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(sectorStatuses[i], 0, this.sectorStatuses[i], 0, sectorStatuses[i].length); } } public int getFeedWidth() { return feedWidth; } public int getFeedHeight() { return feedHeight; } // TODO: This doesn't handle potential side effects of modifying the feed // resolution // on the fly. public void setFeedResolution(int width, int height) { feedWidth = width; feedHeight = height; } // Used by click-to-shoot and tests to inject a shot via the shot detector public void injectShot(Color color, double x, double y, boolean scaleShot) { shotDetector.addShot(color, x, y, scaleShot); } public void clearShots() { cameraView.clearShots(); } public void reset() { shotDetector.reset(); cameraView.reset(); } public void close() { getCameraView().close(); setDetecting(false); setStreaming(false); if (webcam.isPresent()) webcam.get().close(); if (recordingStream) stopRecordingStream(); TimerPool.cancelTimer(brightnessDiagnosticFuture); TimerPool.cancelTimer(motionDiagnosticFuture); if (recordingCalibratedArea) stopRecordingCalibratedArea(); } public void setStreaming(boolean isStreaming) { this.isStreaming.set(isStreaming); } public void setDetecting(boolean isDetecting) { // Lock this to false during calibration if (isCalibrating.get() && isDetecting) {"Not changing detection to true during calibration"); return; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("setDetecting was {} now {}", this.isDetecting, isDetecting); this.isDetecting.set(isDetecting); } public void setCalibrating(final boolean isCalibrating) { this.isCalibrating.set(isCalibrating); if (isCalibrating) setDetecting(false); } public boolean isDetecting() { return isDetecting.get(); } public void setProjectionBounds(final Bounds projectionBounds) { this.projectionBounds = Optional.ofNullable(projectionBounds); } public void setCropFeedToProjection(final boolean cropFeed) { cropFeedToProjection = cropFeed; } public void setLimitDetectProjection(final boolean limitDetection) { limitDetectProjection = limitDetection; } public boolean isCroppingFeedToProjection() { return cropFeedToProjection; } public boolean isLimitingDetectionToProjection() { return limitDetectProjection; } public Optional<Bounds> getProjectionBounds() { return projectionBounds; } public void startRecordingStream(File videoFile) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Writing Video Feed To: {}", videoFile.getAbsoluteFile()); videoWriterStream = ToolFactory.makeWriter(videoFile.getName()); videoWriterStream.addVideoStream(0, 0, ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_H264, getFeedWidth(), getFeedHeight()); recordingStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); isFirstStreamFrame = true; recordingStream = true; } public void stopRecordingStream() { recordingStream = false; videoWriterStream.close(); } public void notifyShot(final Shot shot) { shotRecorders.put(shot, rollingRecorder.fork()); } public ShotRecorder getRevelantRecorder(Shot shot) { return shotRecorders.get(shot); } public void startRecordingShots() { String sessionName = null; if (config.getSessionRecorder().isPresent()) { sessionName = config.getSessionRecorder().get().getSessionName(); File sessionVideoFolder = new File(System.getProperty("shootoff.home") + File.separator + "sessions" + File.separator + config.getSessionRecorder().get().getSessionName()); if (!sessionVideoFolder.exists() && !sessionVideoFolder.mkdirs()) { logger.error("Could not create video folder for session: {}", sessionVideoFolder.getAbsolutePath()); } } String cameraName = "UNNAMED"; if (webcam.isPresent()) { Optional<String> userCameraName = config.getWebcamsUserName(webcam.get()); if (userCameraName.isPresent()) { cameraName = userCameraName.get(); } else { cameraName = webcam.get().getName(); } } setDetecting(false); rollingRecorder = new RollingRecorder(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MPEG4, ".mp4", sessionName, cameraName, this); recordingShots = true; } public void stopRecordingShots() { recordingShots = false; for (ShotRecorder r : shotRecorders.values()) r.close(); shotRecorders.clear(); if (rollingRecorder != null) { rollingRecorder.close(); rollingRecorder = null; } setDetecting(true); } public Image getCurrentFrame() { if (webcam.isPresent()) { return SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(webcam.get().getImage(), null); } else { return null; } } public CameraView getCameraView() { return cameraView; } public void setMinimumShotDimension(int minDim) { minimumShotDimension = Optional.of(minDim); logger.debug("Set the minimum dimension for shots to: {}", minDim); } public Optional<Integer> getMinimumShotDimension() { return minimumShotDimension; } public void setThresholdListener(CameraDebuggerListener thresholdListener) { this.debuggerListener = Optional.ofNullable(thresholdListener); } public Optional<CameraDebuggerListener> getDebuggerListener() { return debuggerListener; } public int getFrameCount() { return frameCount; } public void setFrameCount(int i) { frameCount = i; } public double getFPS() { return webcamFPS; } private ScheduledFuture<?> brightnessDiagnosticFuture = null; private ScheduledFuture<?> motionDiagnosticFuture = null; public Mat curFrameMask = null; private boolean recordCalibratedArea = false; private IMediaWriter videoWriterCalibratedArea; private long recordingCalibratedAreaStartTime; private boolean isFirstCalibratedAreaFrame; private boolean recordingCalibratedArea; public void startRecordingCalibratedArea(File videoFile, int width, int height) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Writing Video Feed To: {}", videoFile.getAbsoluteFile()); videoWriterCalibratedArea = ToolFactory.makeWriter(videoFile.getName()); videoWriterCalibratedArea.addVideoStream(0, 0, ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_H264, width, height); recordingCalibratedAreaStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); isFirstCalibratedAreaFrame = true; recordingCalibratedArea = true; } public void stopRecordingCalibratedArea() { recordingCalibratedArea = false; videoWriterCalibratedArea.close(); } protected class VideoStreamer extends MediaListenerAdapter implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { if (webcam.isPresent()) { if (!webcam.get().isOpen()) { webcam.get().setViewSize(new Dimension(getFeedWidth(), getFeedHeight())); webcam.get().open(); final Dimension openDimension = webcam.get().getViewSize(); if ((int) openDimension.getWidth() != getFeedWidth() || (int) openDimension.getHeight() != getFeedHeight()) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn( "Camera dimension differs from requested dimensions, requested {} {} actual {} {}", getFeedWidth(), getFeedHeight(), (int) openDimension.getWidth(), (int) openDimension.getHeight()); setFeedResolution((int) openDimension.getWidth(), (int) openDimension.getHeight()); shotDetector.setFrameSize((int) openDimension.getWidth(), (int) openDimension.getHeight()); } else { setFeedResolution((int) openDimension.getWidth(), (int) openDimension.getHeight()); } } streamCameraFrames(); } } } private void streamCameraFrames() { while (isStreaming.get()) { if (!webcam.isPresent() || !webcam.get().isImageNew()) continue; BufferedImage currentFrame = webcam.get().getImage(); currentFrameTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentFrame == null && webcam.isPresent() && !webcam.get().isOpen()) { // Camera appears to have closed if (cameraErrorView.isPresent()) cameraErrorView.get().showMissingCameraError(webcam.get()); return; } else if (currentFrame == null && webcam.isPresent() && webcam.get().isOpen()) { // Camera appears to be open but got a null frame logger.warn("Null frame from camera: {}", webcam.get().getName()); continue; } if ((int) (getFrameCount() % Math.min(getFPS(), 5)) == 0) { estimateCameraFPS(); } if (currentFrame == null) continue; currentFrame = processFrame(currentFrame); if (cropFeedToProjection && projectionBounds.isPresent()) { Bounds b = projectionBounds.get(); currentFrame = currentFrame.getSubimage((int) b.getMinX(), (int) b.getMinY(), (int) b.getWidth(), (int) b.getHeight()); } if (recordingShots) { rollingRecorder.recordFrame(currentFrame); List<Shot> removeKeys = new ArrayList<Shot>(); for (Entry<Shot, ShotRecorder> r : shotRecorders.entrySet()) { if (r.getValue().isComplete()) { r.getValue().close(); removeKeys.add(r.getKey()); } else { r.getValue().recordFrame(currentFrame); } } for (Shot s : removeKeys) shotRecorders.remove(s); } if (recordingStream) { BufferedImage image = ConverterFactory.convertToType(currentFrame, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); IConverter converter = ConverterFactory.createConverter(image, IPixelFormat.Type.YUV420P); IVideoPicture frame = converter.toPicture(image, (System.currentTimeMillis() - recordingStartTime) * 1000); frame.setKeyFrame(isFirstStreamFrame); frame.setQuality(0); isFirstStreamFrame = false; videoWriterStream.encodeVideo(0, frame); } final BufferedImage frame = currentFrame; if (cropFeedToProjection && projectionBounds.isPresent()) { cameraView.updateBackground(frame, projectionBounds); } else { cameraView.updateBackground(frame, Optional.empty()); } } } protected BufferedImage processFrame(BufferedImage currentFrame) { frameCount++; if (isAutoCalibrating.get() && ((getFrameCount() % Math.min(getFPS(), 3)) == 0)) { acm.processFrame(currentFrame); return currentFrame; } Mat matFrameBGR = Camera.bufferedImageToMat(currentFrame); Mat submatFrameBGR = null; if (cameraAutoCalibrated && projectionBounds.isPresent()) { if (acm != null) { // MUST BE IN BGR pixel format. matFrameBGR = acm.undistortFrame(matFrameBGR); } submatFrameBGR = matFrameBGR.submat((int) projectionBounds.get().getMinY(), (int) projectionBounds.get().getMaxY(), (int) projectionBounds.get().getMinX(), (int) projectionBounds.get().getMaxX()); if (recordingCalibratedArea) { BufferedImage image = ConverterFactory.convertToType(Camera.matToBufferedImage(submatFrameBGR), BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); IConverter converter = ConverterFactory.createConverter(image, IPixelFormat.Type.YUV420P); IVideoPicture frame = converter.toPicture(image, (System.currentTimeMillis() - recordingCalibratedAreaStartTime) * 1000); frame.setKeyFrame(isFirstCalibratedAreaFrame); frame.setQuality(0); isFirstCalibratedAreaFrame = false; videoWriterCalibratedArea.encodeVideo(0, frame); } if (debuggerListener.isPresent()) { debuggerListener.get().updateDebugView(Camera.matToBufferedImage(submatFrameBGR)); } } if ((isLimitingDetectionToProjection() || isCroppingFeedToProjection()) && getProjectionBounds().isPresent()) { if (submatFrameBGR == null) submatFrameBGR = matFrameBGR.submat((int) projectionBounds.get().getMinY(), (int) projectionBounds.get().getMaxY(), (int) projectionBounds.get().getMinX(), (int) projectionBounds.get().getMaxX()); shotDetector.processFrame(submatFrameBGR, isDetecting.get()); } else { shotDetector.processFrame(matFrameBGR, isDetecting.get()); } // matFrameBGR is showing the colored pixels for brightness and motion, // hence why we need to return the converted version return Camera.matToBufferedImage(matFrameBGR); } private void estimateCameraFPS() { if (lastCameraTimestamp > -1) { double estimateFPS = ((double) getFrameCount() - (double) lastFrameCount) / (((double) System.currentTimeMillis() - (double) lastCameraTimestamp) / 1000.0); setFPS(estimateFPS); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("fps comparison estimate {} reported {}", estimateFPS, webcam.get().getFPS()); } lastCameraTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastFrameCount = getFrameCount(); if (debuggerListener.isPresent()) { debuggerListener.get().updateFeedData(getFPS()); } checkIfMinimumFPS(); } protected void setFPS(double newFPS) { if (newFPS < 1.0) { logger.debug("New FPS read from webcam is very low: {}", newFPS); } // This just tells us if it's the first FPS estimate if (getFrameCount() > DEFAULT_FPS) webcamFPS = ((webcamFPS * 4.0) + newFPS) / 5.0; else webcamFPS = newFPS; deduplicationProcessor.setThresholdUsingFPS(getFPS()); } private void checkIfMinimumFPS() { if (getFPS() < MIN_SHOT_DETECTION_FPS && !showedFPSWarning) { logger.warn("[{}] Current webcam FPS is {}, which is too low for reliable shot detection", webcam.get().getName(), getFPS()); if (cameraErrorView.isPresent() && webcam.isPresent()) cameraErrorView.get().showFPSWarning(webcam.get(), getFPS()); showedFPSWarning = true; } } private Label brightnessDiagnosticWarning = null; public void showBrightnessWarning() { if (!TimerPool.isWaiting(brightnessDiagnosticFuture)) { brightnessDiagnosticWarning = cameraView.addDiagnosticMessage("Warning: Excessive brightness", Color.RED); } else { // Stop the existing timer and start a new one TimerPool.cancelTimer(brightnessDiagnosticFuture); } brightnessDiagnosticFuture = TimerPool.schedule(() -> { if (brightnessDiagnosticWarning != null) { cameraView.removeDiagnosticMessage(brightnessDiagnosticWarning); brightnessDiagnosticWarning = null; } }, DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_DURATION); if (webcam.isPresent() && !shownBrightnessWarning) { shownBrightnessWarning = true; if (cameraErrorView.isPresent()) cameraErrorView.get().showBrightnessWarning(webcam.get()); } } private Label motionDiagnosticWarning = null; public void showMotionWarning() { if (!TimerPool.isWaiting(motionDiagnosticFuture)) { motionDiagnosticWarning = cameraView.addDiagnosticMessage("Warning: Excessive motion", Color.RED); } else { // Stop the existing timer and start a new one TimerPool.cancelTimer(motionDiagnosticFuture); } motionDiagnosticFuture = TimerPool.schedule(() -> { if (motionDiagnosticWarning != null) { cameraView.removeDiagnosticMessage(motionDiagnosticWarning); motionDiagnosticWarning = null; } }, DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_DURATION); } private void fireAutoCalibration() { acm.reset(); acm.setCallback(new Callback<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void call(Void param) { autoCalibrateSuccess(acm.getBoundsResult(), acm.getPaperDimensions(), acm.getFrameDelayResult()); return null; } }); } protected void autoCalibrateSuccess(Bounds arenaBounds, Optional<Dimension2D> paperDims, long delay) { if (isAutoCalibrating.get() && cameraCalibrationListener != null) { isAutoCalibrating.set(false); logger.debug("autoCalibrateSuccess {} {} {} {} paper {}", (int) arenaBounds.getMinX(), (int) arenaBounds.getMinY(), (int) arenaBounds.getWidth(), (int) arenaBounds.getHeight(), paperDims.isPresent()); cameraAutoCalibrated = true; cameraCalibrationListener.calibrate(arenaBounds, paperDims, false); if (recordCalibratedArea && !recordingCalibratedArea) startRecordingCalibratedArea(new File("calibratedArea.mp4"), (int) arenaBounds.getWidth(), (int) arenaBounds.getHeight()); } } public void enableAutoCalibration(boolean calculateFrameDelay) { if (acm == null) acm = new AutoCalibrationManager(this, calculateFrameDelay); isAutoCalibrating.set(true); cameraAutoCalibrated = false; fireAutoCalibration(); } public void disableAutoCalibration() { isAutoCalibrating.set(false); } public void setArenaBackground(String resourceFilename) { if (cameraCalibrationListener == null) { logger.error("setArenaBackground called when controller is null"); return; } cameraCalibrationListener.setArenaBackground(resourceFilename); } }