Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009 David Harrison. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * David Harrison - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package com.sfs.whichdoctor.formatter; import com.sfs.Formatter; import com.sfs.beans.ObjectTypeBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.AccreditationBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.AddressBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.DebitBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.EmailBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.ExamBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.FinancialSummaryBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.IsbEntityBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.ItemBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.MembershipBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.MemoBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.PersonBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.PhoneBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.PreferencesBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.RotationBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.SpecialtyBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.TagBean; import com.sfs.whichdoctor.beans.QualificationBean; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class PersonFormatter { public static String getField(final PersonBean person, final String field, final String format, final PreferencesBean preferences) { String value = ""; if (person == null || field == null) { return value; } if (field.compareTo("Tags") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toTagList(person.getTags()); } if (field.compareTo("GUID") == 0) { if (person.getGUID() > 0) { value = String.valueOf(person.getGUID()); } } if (field.compareTo("PersonId") == 0) { if (person.getId() > 0) { value = String.valueOf(person.getId()); } } if (field.compareTo("Gender") == 0) { value = person.getGender(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Title") || StringUtils.equals(field, "SALUTATION-1")) { value = person.getTitle(); } if (field.compareTo("First Name") == 0) { value = person.getFirstName(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "INVESTOR-GIVENNAME-1")) { value = person.getFirstName(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(person.getMiddleName())) { value += " " + person.getMiddleName(); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Preferred Name") || StringUtils.equals(field, "INVESTOR-PREFERREDNAME-1")) { value = person.getPreferredName(); } if (field.compareTo("Middle Name") == 0) { value = person.getMiddleName(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Last Name") || StringUtils.equals(field, "INVESTOR-SURNAME-1")) { value = person.getLastName(); } if (field.compareTo("Maiden Name") == 0) { value = person.getMaidenName(); } if (field.compareTo("Formatted Name") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toFormattedName(person); } if (field.compareTo("Honors") == 0) { value = person.getHonors(); } if (field.compareTo("Age") == 0) { value = person.getAge(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "MIN") || StringUtils.equals(field, "HOLDER-NUMBER") || StringUtils.equals(field, "ALTERNATE-ID")) { value = String.valueOf(person.getPersonIdentifier()); } String status = ""; if (person.getPrimaryMembership() != null) { MembershipBean membership = person.getPrimaryMembership(); status = membership.getField("Status"); if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Candidate Number")) { value = membership.getField("Candidate Number"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Status")) { value = status; } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Membership Class")) { ObjectTypeBean object = membership.getObjectTypeField("Membership Type"); value = object.getClassName(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Membership Type") || StringUtils.equals(field, "RACP-MEMBERSHIP-TYPE")) { ObjectTypeBean object = membership.getObjectTypeField("Membership Type"); value = object.getName(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Date Registered")) { if (membership.getJoinedDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(membership.getJoinedDate()); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Date Retired")) { if (membership.getLeftDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(membership.getLeftDate()); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Financial Exemption")) { value = membership.getField("Financial Excemption"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Division")) { value = membership.getField("Division"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Supervisor Status")) { value = membership.getField("Supervisor Status"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Training Type")) { value = membership.getField("Training Type"); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Works Overseas")) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(person.getWorksOverseas()); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Exam Deadline")) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(person.getExamDeadline()); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Birthdate") && person.getBirthDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(person.getBirthDate()); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "DATE-OF-BIRTH") && person.getBirthDate() != null) { value = Formatter.numericDate(person.getBirthDate(), "yyyyMMdd"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Date Deceased") && person.getDeceasedDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(person.getDeceasedDate()); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "INVESTOR-DECEASED")) { value = "N"; if (person.getDeceasedDate() != null) { value = "Y"; } } /** Training curriculum year **/ if (field.compareTo("Training Curriculum Year") == 0 && person.getSpecialtyList() != null) { value = person.getCurriculumYear(); } if (field.compareTo("Training Status") == 0) { value = person.getTrainingStatus(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(person.getTrainingStatusDetail())) { value += " - " + person.getTrainingStatusDetail(); } } if (field.compareTo("CHCCH-TRAINEE") == 0) { value = "N"; if (isCCHTrainee(person)) { value = "Y"; } } /** Fellowship information **/ if (person.getMembershipDetails() != null) { for (MembershipBean membership : person.getMembershipDetails()) { if (StringUtils.equals(membership.getMembershipClass(), "RACP") && StringUtils.equals(membership.getMembershipType(), "Fellowship Details")) { if (StringUtils.equals(field, "FRACP")) { if (value.length() > 0) { value += " and "; } value += membership.getField("FRACP"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Admitting S.A.C.")) { if (value.length() > 0) { value += " and "; } value += membership.getField("Admitting SAC"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Admitting Country") || StringUtils.equals(field, "RACP-ADMITTING-COUNTRY")) { if (value.length() > 0) { value += " and "; } value += membership.getField("Admitting Country"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Fellowship Date") && membership.getDateField("Fellowship Date") != null) { if (value.length() > 0) { value += " and "; } value += Formatter.conventionalDate(membership.getDateField("Fellowship Date")); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "DATE-FIRST-REGISTERED") && membership.getDateField("Fellowship Date") != null) { value = Formatter.numericDate(membership.getDateField("Fellowship Date"), "yyyyMMdd"); } } if (StringUtils.equals(membership.getMembershipClass(), "RACP") && StringUtils.equals(membership.getMembershipType(), "Affiliation")) { if (StringUtils.equals(field, "RACP-FACULTY")) { ObjectTypeBean affiliation = membership.getObjectTypeField("Affiliation"); if (value.length() > 0) { value += " and "; } value = affiliation.getAbbreviation(); } } } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "CLASSIFICATION-CODE")) { String subType = ""; // Is a trainee if (person.getPrimaryMembership() != null) { String membershipType = person.getPrimaryMembership().getObjectTypeField("Membership Type") .getName(); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(membershipType, "Trainee")) { subType = "C"; if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(person.getTrainingStatus(), "Training") && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(person.getTrainingStatusDetail(), "Post-FRACP")) { // The person is a Post-FRACP trainee, so they qualify as a 'B' subType = "B"; } } } // Is a Fellow if (person.getMembershipDetails() != null) { for (MembershipBean membership : person.getMembershipDetails()) { if (StringUtils.equals(membership.getMembershipClass(), "RACP") && StringUtils.equals(membership.getMembershipType(), "Fellowship Details")) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(status, "Active") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(status, "Life Fellow") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(status, "Retired") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(status, "Semi-retired")) { subType = "B"; } } } } // Is a Community Child Health trainee if (isCCHTrainee(person)) { subType = "D"; } // Is an Honorary Fellow if (person.getTags() != null) { for (TagBean tag : person.getTags()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tag.getTagName(), "Honorary Fellow")) { subType = "A"; } } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subType)) { value = "RACP-" + subType; } } if (field.compareTo("Last Workplace") == 0 && person.getEmployers() != null) { String workplaceName = ""; for (String identifier : person.getEmployers().keySet()) { final ItemBean workplace = person.getEmployers().get(identifier); if (workplace != null && StringUtils.isBlank(workplaceName)) { workplaceName = workplace.getName(); } } value = workplaceName; } if (field.compareTo("Last Rotation Description") == 0 && person.getRotations() != null) { for (RotationBean rotation : person.getRotations()) { if (rotation.getDescription() != null) { value = rotation.getDescription(); } } } if (field.compareTo("Last Rotation Date") == 0 && person.getRotations() != null) { for (RotationBean rotation : person.getRotations()) { if (rotation.getEndDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(rotation.getEndDate()); } } } if (field.compareTo("Accred: Basic (wks)") == 0) { value = calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(person.getTrainingSummary("Basic Training"), false); } if (field.compareTo("Accred: Basic (mths)") == 0) { value = calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(person.getTrainingSummary("Basic Training"), true); } if (field.compareTo("Accred: Advanced (wks)") == 0) { value = calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(person.getTrainingSummary("Advanced Training"), false); } if (field.compareTo("Accred: Advanced (mths)") == 0) { value = calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(person.getTrainingSummary("Advanced Training"), true); } if (field.compareTo("Accred: Post-FRACP (wks)") == 0) { value = calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(person.getTrainingSummary("Post-FRACP Training"), false); } if (field.compareTo("Accred: Post-FRACP (mths)") == 0) { value = calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(person.getTrainingSummary("Post-FRACP Training"), true); } if (field.compareTo("Opening Balance") == 0) { FinancialSummaryBean openResults = person.getFinancialSummary(); FinancialSummaryBean restrictedResults = person.getRestrictedFinancialSummary(); double balance = 0; if (openResults != null) { balance += openResults.getOpeningBalance(); } if (restrictedResults != null) { balance += restrictedResults.getOpeningBalance(); } value = Formatter.toCurrency(balance, "$"); } if (field.compareTo("Closing Balance") == 0) { FinancialSummaryBean openResults = person.getFinancialSummary(); FinancialSummaryBean restrictedResults = person.getRestrictedFinancialSummary(); double balance = 0; if (openResults != null) { balance += openResults.getClosingBalance(); } if (restrictedResults != null) { balance += restrictedResults.getClosingBalance(); } value = Formatter.toCurrency(balance, "$"); } if (field.compareTo("Outstanding Summary") == 0) { final StringBuffer debits = new StringBuffer(); if (person.getDebits() != null) { for (DebitBean debit : person.getDebits()) { if (debits.length() > 0) { debits.append(", "); } debits.append(debit.getAbbreviation()); debits.append(" "); debits.append(debit.getNumber()); } } value = debits.toString(); } if (field.compareTo("Country B.M.Q. Awarded") == 0 && person.getQualifications() != null) { for (QualificationBean qualification : person.getQualifications()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(qualification.getQualificationSubType(), "Basic medical qualification")) { // Qualification is flagged as BMQ, record value of BMQ country if (value.compareTo("") != 0 && value.compareTo(qualification.getCountry()) != 0) { // BMQ country has already been set, add an ' and ' as a delimiter value += " and "; } if (value.compareTo(qualification.getCountry()) != 0) { // Only add to value if qualification country is unique value += qualification.getCountry(); } } } } if (field.compareTo("Year B.M.Q. Awarded") == 0 && person.getQualifications() != null) { for (QualificationBean qualification : person.getQualifications()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(qualification.getQualificationSubType(), "Basic medical qualification")) { // Qualification is flagged as BMQ, record value of BMQ year if (value.compareTo("") != 0 && value.compareTo(String.valueOf(qualification.getYear())) != 0) { // BMQ year has already been set, add an ' and ' as a delimiter value += " and "; } if (value.compareTo(String.valueOf(qualification.getYear())) != 0) { // Only add to value if qualification year is unique value += qualification.getYear(); } } } } if (field.compareTo("ISB Targets") == 0) { if (person.getIsbEntities() != null) { for (IsbEntityBean isbEntity : person.getIsbEntities()) { if (value.length() > 0) { value += ", "; } value += isbEntity.getTarget(); } } } // Contact details if (person.getFirstEmailAddress() != null) { if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Email Address") || StringUtils.equals(field, "EMAIL-ADDR")) { value = person.getFirstEmailAddress().getEmail(); if (StringUtils.equals(format, "html")) { value = "<a href=\"mailto:" + value + "\">" + value + "</a>"; } } } if (field.compareTo("Phone Number") == 0 && person.getFirstPhoneNo() != null) { value = Formatter.getPhone(String.valueOf(person.getFirstPhoneNo().getCountryCode()), String.valueOf(person.getFirstPhoneNo().getAreaCode()), person.getFirstPhoneNo().getNumber()); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "PHONE-NO") || StringUtils.equals(field, "MOBILE-NO") || StringUtils.equals(field, "FAX-NO")) { String phoneNumber = ""; boolean phonePreferred = false; String mobileNumber = ""; boolean mobilePreferred = false; String faxNumber = ""; boolean faxPreferred = false; if (person.getPhone() != null) { for (PhoneBean phone : person.getPhone()) { String type = phone.getContactType(); StringBuffer number = new StringBuffer(); if (phone.getCountryCode() > 0) { number.append(phone.getCountryCode()); number.append(" "); } if (phone.getAreaCode() > 0) { number.append(phone.getAreaCode()); number.append(" "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(phone.getNumber())) { number.append(phone.getNumber()); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "Home") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "Work")) { if (!phonePreferred) { phoneNumber = number.toString(); if (phone.getPrimary()) { phonePreferred = true; } } } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "Mobile")) { if (!mobilePreferred) { mobileNumber = number.toString(); if (phone.getPrimary()) { mobilePreferred = true; } } } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "Home Fax") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "Work Fax")) { if (!faxPreferred) { faxNumber = number.toString(); if (phone.getPrimary()) { faxPreferred = true; } } } } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "PHONE-NO")) { value = phoneNumber; } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "MOBILE-NO")) { value = mobileNumber; } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "FAX-NO")) { value = faxNumber; } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Region")) { value = person.getRegion(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Resident Country") || StringUtils.equals(field, "RESIDENT-COUNTRY")) { value = person.getResidentCountry(); } if (person.getFirstAddress() != null) { if (field.compareTo("Street Address") == 0) { AddressBean address = person.getFirstAddress(); for (int y = 0; y < address.getAddressFieldCount(); y++) { if (value.compareTo("") != 0) { value += ", "; } value += address.getAddressField(y); } } if (field.compareTo("State") == 0) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getState(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "STATE-CODE")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(person.getFirstAddress().getState())) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getState(); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(person.getFirstAddress().getStateAbbreviation())) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getStateAbbreviation(); } } if (field.compareTo("Country") == 0) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getCountry(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "DOMICILE-CODE")) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getCountryAbbreviation(); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Postcode") || StringUtils.equals(field, "POST-CODE")) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getPostCode(); } if (field.compareTo("Formatted Address") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toAddress(person.getFirstAddress(), preferences); } if (field.compareTo("Address (mail merge)") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toAddress(person.getFirstAddress(), preferences); } if (field.compareTo("Street Address (mail merge)") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toStreetAddress(person.getFirstAddress(), preferences); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "ADDR-LINE-1")) { if (displayAddressField(person.getFirstAddress(), 0)) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getAddressField(0); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "ADDR-LINE-2")) { if (displayAddressField(person.getFirstAddress(), 1)) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getAddressField(1); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "ADDR-LINE-3")) { if (displayAddressField(person.getFirstAddress(), 2)) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getAddressField(2); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "ADDR-LINE-4")) { if (displayAddressField(person.getFirstAddress(), 3)) { value = person.getFirstAddress().getAddressField(3); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "SUBURB")) { value = PersonFormatter.getCityValue(person.getFirstAddress()); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "RETURN-MAIL")) { value = "N"; if (person.getFirstAddress().getReturnedMail() || person.getFirstAddress().getRequestNoMail()) { value = "Y"; } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "NO-MAIL-FLAG")) { value = "N"; if (person.getFirstAddress().getRequestNoMail()) { value = "Y"; } } } if (field.compareTo("Created By") == 0) { value = person.getCreatedBy(); } if (field.compareTo("Date Created") == 0 && person.getCreatedDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(person.getCreatedDate()); } if (field.compareTo("Modified By") == 0) { value = person.getModifiedBy(); } if (field.compareTo("Date Modified") == 0 && person.getModifiedDate() != null) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(person.getModifiedDate()); } if (value == null) { value = ""; } return value.trim(); } public static String getField(final PersonBean person, final Object object, final String section, final String field, final String format, final PreferencesBean preferences) { String value = ""; if (section == null || field == null) { return value; } if (field.compareTo("GUID") == 0) { value = String.valueOf(person.getGUID()); } if (field.compareTo("GUID") == 0) { if (person.getGUID() > 0) { value = String.valueOf(person.getGUID()); } } if (field.compareTo("Title") == 0) { value = person.getTitle(); } if (field.compareTo("Preferred Name") == 0) { value = person.getPreferredName(); } if (field.compareTo("Last Name") == 0) { value = person.getLastName(); } if (field.compareTo("Formatted Name") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toFormattedName(person); } if (field.compareTo("MIN") == 0) { value = String.valueOf(person.getPersonIdentifier()); } if (field.compareTo("Training Status") == 0) { value = person.getTrainingStatus(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(person.getTrainingStatusDetail())) { value += " - " + person.getTrainingStatusDetail(); } } if (person.getPrimaryMembership() != null) { MembershipBean mb = person.getPrimaryMembership(); if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Candidate Number")) { value = mb.getField("Candidate Number"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Status")) { value = mb.getField("Status"); } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Membership Class")) { ObjectTypeBean membershipType = mb.getObjectTypeField("Membership Type"); if (membershipType != null) { value = membershipType.getClassName(); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Membership Type")) { ObjectTypeBean membershipType = mb.getObjectTypeField("Membership Type"); if (membershipType != null) { value = membershipType.getName(); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Division")) { ObjectTypeBean membershipType = mb.getObjectTypeField("Division"); if (membershipType != null) { value = membershipType.getClassName(); } } if (StringUtils.equals(field, "Training Type")) { value = mb.getField("Training Type"); } } if (section.compareTo("Specialties") == 0) { SpecialtyBean specialty = (SpecialtyBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Training Organisation") == 0) { value = specialty.getTrainingOrganisation(); } if (field.compareTo("Training Program") == 0) { value = specialty.getTrainingProgram(); } if (field.compareTo("Curriculum Year") == 0) { if (specialty.getTrainingProgramYear() > 0) { value = String.valueOf(specialty.getTrainingProgramYear()); } } if (field.compareTo("Specialty Status") == 0) { value = specialty.getStatus(); } } if (section.compareTo("Addresses") == 0) { AddressBean address = (AddressBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Type") == 0) { value = address.getContactClass() + " - " + address.getContactType(); } if (field.compareTo("Description") == 0) { value = address.getDescription(); } if (field.compareTo("Address") == 0) { for (int y = 0; y < address.getAddressFieldCount(); y++) { if (value.compareTo("") != 0) { value += ", "; } value += address.getAddressField(y); } } if (field.compareTo("State") == 0) { value = address.getState(); } if (field.compareTo("Country") == 0) { value = address.getCountry(); } if (field.compareTo("Postcode") == 0) { value = address.getPostCode(); } if (field.compareTo("Formatted Address") == 0) { value = OutputFormatter.toAddress(address, preferences); } if (field.compareTo("Preferred") == 0) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(address.getPrimary()); } if (field.compareTo("Returned Mail") == 0) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(address.getReturnedMail()); } if (field.compareTo("Request No Mail") == 0) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(address.getRequestNoMail()); } } if (section.compareTo("Phone Numbers") == 0) { PhoneBean phone = (PhoneBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Description") == 0) { value = phone.getDescription(); } if (field.compareTo("Phone Number") == 0) { value = Formatter.getPhone(String.valueOf(phone.getCountryCode()), String.valueOf(phone.getAreaCode()), phone.getNumber()); } if (field.compareTo("Preferred") == 0) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(phone.getPrimary()); } } if (section.compareTo("Email Addresses") == 0) { EmailBean email = (EmailBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Type") == 0) { value = email.getContactType(); } if (field.compareTo("Description") == 0) { value = email.getDescription(); } if (field.compareTo("Email Address") == 0) { value = email.getEmail(); } if (field.compareTo("Preferred") == 0) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(email.getPrimary()); } if (field.compareTo("Email CME Questions") == 0) { value = Formatter.convertBoolean(email.getEmailQuestions()); } } if (section.compareTo("Workplaces") == 0) { ItemBean workplace = (ItemBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Workplace") == 0) { value = workplace.getName(); } if (field.compareTo("Position") == 0) { value = workplace.getDescription(); } if (field.compareTo("Started Employment") == 0) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(workplace.getStartDate()); } if (field.compareTo("Ceased Employment") == 0) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(workplace.getEndDate()); } } if (section.compareTo("Exams") == 0) { ExamBean exam = (ExamBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Exam Type") == 0) { value = exam.getType(); } if (field.compareTo("Date Sat") == 0) { value = Formatter.conventionalDate(exam.getDateSat()); } if (field.compareTo("Exam Location") == 0) { value = exam.getLocation(); } if (field.compareTo("Exam Mark") == 0) { if (exam.getAwardedMarks() > 0 && exam.getTotalMarks() > 0) { value = Formatter.toPercent(exam.getResultPercentage(), 2, "%"); } } if (field.compareTo("Exam Status") == 0) { value = exam.getStatus(); if (exam.getStatusLevel().compareTo("") != 0) { value += " - " + exam.getStatusLevel(); } } } if (section.compareTo("Qualifications") == 0) { QualificationBean qualification = (QualificationBean) object; if (field.compareTo("Qualification Level") == 0) { value = qualification.getQualificationType(); } if (field.compareTo("Qualification Type") == 0) { value = qualification.getQualificationSubType(); } if (field.compareTo("Qualification Name") == 0) { value = qualification.getQualification(); } if (field.compareTo("Institution") == 0) { value = qualification.getInstitution(); } if (field.compareTo("Graduated") == 0) { value = String.valueOf(qualification.getYear()); } if (field.compareTo("Country") == 0) { value = qualification.getCountry(); } } if (section.compareTo("Affiliations") == 0) { MembershipBean membership = (MembershipBean) object; ObjectTypeBean affiliation = membership.getObjectTypeField("Affiliation"); if (affiliation != null) { if (field.compareTo("Aff. Abbreviation") == 0) { value = affiliation.getAbbreviation(); } if (field.compareTo("Aff. Organisation") == 0) { value = affiliation.getName(); } if (field.compareTo("Aff. Type") == 0) { value = affiliation.getClassName(); } if (field.compareTo("Aff. Website") == 0) { value = affiliation.getSecurity(); } } } if (value == null) { value = ""; } return value.trim(); } public static Collection<Object> getCollection(final PersonBean person, final String section) { Collection<Object> collection = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (section != null) { if (section.compareTo("Specialties") == 0 && person.getSpecialtyList() != null) { for (SpecialtyBean specialty : person.getSpecialtyList()) { collection.add(specialty); } } if (section.compareTo("Addresses") == 0 && person.getAddress() != null) { for (AddressBean address : person.getAddress()) { collection.add(address); } } if (section.compareTo("Phone Numbers") == 0 && person.getPhone() != null) { for (PhoneBean phone : person.getPhone()) { collection.add(phone); } } if (section.compareTo("Email Addresses") == 0 && person.getEmail() != null) { for (EmailBean email : person.getEmail()) { collection.add(email); } } if (section.compareTo("Exams") == 0 && person.getExams() != null) { for (ExamBean exam : person.getExams()) { collection.add(exam); } } if (section.compareTo("Qualifications") == 0 && person.getMembershipDetails() != null) { for (QualificationBean qualification : person.getQualifications()) { collection.add(qualification); } } if (section.compareTo("Affiliations") == 0 && person.getMembershipDetails() != null) { for (MembershipBean membership : person.getMembershipDetails()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(membership.getMembershipClass(), "RACP") && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(membership.getMembershipType(), "Affiliation")) { collection.add(membership); } } } if (section.compareTo("Workplaces") == 0 && person.getEmployers() != null) { for (String index : person.getEmployers().keySet()) { ItemBean employer = person.getEmployers().get(index); collection.add(employer); } } if (section.compareTo("Memos") == 0 && person.getMemo() != null) { for (MemoBean memo : person.getMemo()) { collection.add(memo); } } } return collection; } /** * Calculate training summary total. * * @param summary the summary * @param inMonths the in months flag * @return the string */ private static String calculateTrainingSummaryTotal(final TreeMap<String, AccreditationBean[]> summary, final boolean inMonths) { StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(); int coreTotal = 0; int nonCoreTotal = 0; if (summary != null) { for (String key : summary.keySet()) { try { AccreditationBean[] details = summary.get(key); AccreditationBean core = details[0]; AccreditationBean nonCore = details[1]; coreTotal += core.getWeeksCertified(); nonCoreTotal += nonCore.getWeeksCertified(); } finally { } } } if (inMonths) { coreTotal = Formatter.getWholeMonths(coreTotal); nonCoreTotal = Formatter.getWholeMonths(nonCoreTotal); } value.append(coreTotal); value.append(" ("); value.append(nonCoreTotal); value.append(")"); return value.toString(); } /** * Gets the city value. * * @param address the address * @return the city value */ private static String getCityValue(final AddressBean address) { String city = ""; if (address != null) { city = address.getCity(); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(address.getCountry(), "Australia")) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(city, "Sydney") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(city, "Adelaide") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(city, "Melbourne") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(city, "Darwin") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(city, "Canberra")) { city = address.getSuburb(); } } } return city; } /** * Display address field. * * @param address the address * @param id the id * @return true, if successful */ private static boolean displayAddressField(final AddressBean address, final int id) { boolean displayField = false; if (address != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(address.getAddressField(id))) { String city = address.getCity(); String derivedCity = getCityValue(address); if (!StringUtils.equals(address.getAddressField(id), derivedCity)) { displayField = true; } if (!StringUtils.equals(city, derivedCity)) { // The city and derived city fields do not match, perform a second test if (StringUtils.equals(address.getAddressField(id), city)) { displayField = false; } } } return displayField; } /** * Checks if is Community Child Health (CCH) trainee. * * @param person the person * @return true, if is a CCH trainee */ private static boolean isCCHTrainee(final PersonBean person) { boolean cchTrainee = false; if (person.getSpecialtyList() != null) { for (SpecialtyBean sp : person.getSpecialtyList()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sp.getTrainingOrganisation(), "RACP") && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sp.getTrainingProgram(), "Community Child Health")) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sp.getStatus(), "In training")) { cchTrainee = true; } } } } return cchTrainee; } }