Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2014 Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.servioticy.dispatcher.bolts; import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector; import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext; import backtype.storm.topology.IRichBolt; import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.servioticy.datamodel.UpdateDescriptor; import com.servioticy.datamodel.serviceobject.SO; import com.servioticy.datamodel.serviceobject.SOGroup; import com.servioticy.datamodel.sensorupdate.SensorUpdate; import com.servioticy.dispatcher.DispatcherContext; import com.servioticy.dispatcher.SOProcessor; import com.servioticy.dispatcher.SOProcessor010; import com.servioticy.dispatcher.SUCache; import com.servioticy.queueclient.KestrelThriftClient; import com.servioticy.queueclient.QueueClient; import com.servioticy.queueclient.QueueClientException; import com.servioticy.restclient.*; import javax.script.ScriptException; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; /** * @author ?lvaro Villalba Navarro <> * */ public class StreamProcessorBolt implements IRichBolt { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private OutputCollector collector; private TopologyContext context; private SUCache suCache; private QueueClient qc; private RestClient restClient; private DispatcherContext dc; private ObjectMapper mapper; public StreamProcessorBolt() { } // For testing purposes public StreamProcessorBolt(DispatcherContext dc, QueueClient qc, RestClient restClient) { this.dc = dc; this.qc = qc; this.restClient = restClient; } public StreamProcessorBolt(DispatcherContext dc, RestClient restClient) { this.restClient = restClient; this.dc = dc; String kestrelAddresses = ""; for (String addr : dc.updatesAddresses) { kestrelAddresses += addr + ":" + dc.updatesPort + " "; } KestrelThriftClient ktc = new KestrelThriftClient(); ktc.setBaseAddress(kestrelAddresses); ktc.setRelativeAddress(dc.updatesQueue); ktc.setExpire(0); this.qc = ktc; } public StreamProcessorBolt(DispatcherContext dc, QueueClient qc) { this.dc = dc; this.qc = qc; } public StreamProcessorBolt(DispatcherContext dc) { this(dc, (RestClient) null); } public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) { this.mapper = new ObjectMapper(); this.collector = collector; this.context = context; this.suCache = new SUCache(25); try { if (this.qc == null) { qc = QueueClient.factory(); } qc.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO log error e.printStackTrace(); } if (restClient == null) { restClient = new RestClient(); } } private Map<String, SensorUpdate> getGroupSUs(Map<String, FutureRestResponse> rrs) throws IOException, RestClientException, RestClientErrorCodeException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { Map<String, SensorUpdate> groupDocs = new HashMap<String, SensorUpdate>(); for (Map.Entry<String, FutureRestResponse> frrEntry : rrs.entrySet()) { FutureRestResponse frr = frrEntry.getValue(); String docId = frrEntry.getKey(); RestResponse rr; try { rr = frr.get(); } catch (RestClientErrorCodeException e) { // TODO Log the error e.printStackTrace(); if (e.getRestResponse().getHttpCode() >= 500) { throw e; } groupDocs.put(docId, null); continue; } // In case there is no update. if (rr.getHttpCode() == 204) { groupDocs.put(docId, null); continue; } groupDocs.put(docId, this.mapper.readValue(rr.getResponse(), SensorUpdate.class)); } return groupDocs; } private Map<String, FutureRestResponse> getGroupSUAsyncResponses(Set<String> groupIds, SO so) throws RestClientException, RestClientErrorCodeException, JsonProcessingException { Map<String, FutureRestResponse> rrs = new HashMap(); if (so.getGroups() == null) { return rrs; } for (String groupId : groupIds) { if (!so.getGroups().containsKey(groupId)) { continue; } rrs.put(groupId, getGroupSUAsyncResponse(groupId, so)); } return rrs; } private FutureRestResponse getGroupSUAsyncResponse(String groupId, SO so) throws RestClientException, RestClientErrorCodeException, JsonProcessingException { FutureRestResponse frr; SOGroup group = so.getGroups().get(groupId); // TODO Resolve dynsets String glurstr = this.mapper.writeValueAsString(group); frr = restClient.restRequest(dc.restBaseURL + "private/groups/lastUpdate", glurstr, RestClient.POST, null); return frr; } private Map<String, SensorUpdate> getStreamSUs(Map<String, FutureRestResponse> frrs) throws IOException, RestClientException, RestClientErrorCodeException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { Map<String, SensorUpdate> streamDocs = new HashMap<String, SensorUpdate>(); for (Map.Entry<String, FutureRestResponse> frrEntry : frrs.entrySet()) { FutureRestResponse frr = frrEntry.getValue(); String docId = frrEntry.getKey(); RestResponse rr; streamDocs.put(docId, getStreamSU(frr)); } return streamDocs; } private Map<String, FutureRestResponse> getStreamSUAsyncResponses(Set<String> streamIds, SO so) throws RestClientException, RestClientErrorCodeException { Map<String, FutureRestResponse> rrs = new HashMap(); Map<String, SensorUpdate> streamDocs = new HashMap<String, SensorUpdate>(); for (String streamId : streamIds) { if (!so.getStreams(this.mapper).containsKey(streamId)) { continue; } rrs.put(streamId, getStreamSUAsyncResponse(streamId, so)); } return rrs; } private SensorUpdate getStreamSU(FutureRestResponse frr) throws RestClientErrorCodeException, IOException, RestClientException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { RestResponse rr; try { rr = frr.get(); } catch (RestClientErrorCodeException e) { // TODO Log the error e.printStackTrace(); if (e.getRestResponse().getHttpCode() >= 500) { throw e; } return null; } // In case there is no update. if (rr.getHttpCode() == 204) { return null; } return this.mapper.readValue(rr.getResponse(), SensorUpdate.class); } private FutureRestResponse getStreamSUAsyncResponse(String streamId, SO so) throws RestClientException, RestClientErrorCodeException { FutureRestResponse frr; frr = restClient.restRequest( dc.restBaseURL + "private/" + so.getId() + "/streams/" + streamId + "/lastUpdate", null, RestClient.GET, null); return frr; } public void execute(Tuple input) { SensorUpdate su; FutureRestResponse previousSURR; SensorUpdate previousSU; SO so; String soId = input.getStringByField("soid"); String streamId = input.getStringByField("streamid"); String suDoc = input.getStringByField("su"); String soDoc = input.getStringByField("so"); String originId = input.getStringByField("originid"); SOProcessor sop; long timestamp; Map<String, SensorUpdate> sensorUpdates; Map<String, FutureRestResponse> streamSURRs; Map<String, FutureRestResponse> groupSURRs; try { su = this.mapper.readValue(suDoc, SensorUpdate.class); so = this.mapper.readValue(soDoc, SO.class); sop = SOProcessor.factory(so, this.mapper); // Begin all HTTP requests previousSURR = this.getStreamSUAsyncResponse(streamId, so); Set<String> docIds = sop.getSourceIdsByStream(streamId); // Remove the origin for which we already have the SU docIds.remove(originId); docIds.add(streamId); streamSURRs = this.getStreamSUAsyncResponses(docIds, so); groupSURRs = this.getGroupSUAsyncResponses(docIds, so); /*if(suCache.check(soId + ";" + streamId, su.getLastUpdate())){ // This SU or a posterior one has already been sent, do not send this one. this.collector.emit("benchmark", input, new Values(suDoc, System.currentTimeMillis(), "sucache") ); collector.ack(input); return; }*/ if (sop.getClass() == SOProcessor010.class) { // It is not needed to replace the alias, it has been already done in the previous bolt. ((SOProcessor010) sop).compileJSONPaths(); } // Get the last update from the current stream previousSU = this.getStreamSU(previousSURR); // There is already a newer generated update than the one received if (previousSU != null) { if (su.getLastUpdate() <= previousSU.getLastUpdate()) { BenchmarkBolt.send(collector, input, dc, suDoc, "old"); collector.ack(input); return; } } // At this point we know for sure that at least one input SU is newer sensorUpdates = new HashMap<String, SensorUpdate>(); try { sensorUpdates.putAll(this.getStreamSUs(streamSURRs)); sensorUpdates.put(streamId, previousSU); sensorUpdates.putAll(this.getGroupSUs(groupSURRs)); sensorUpdates.put(originId, su); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Log the error e.printStackTrace();; return; } // Obtain the highest timestamp from the input docs timestamp = su.getLastUpdate(); for (Map.Entry<String, SensorUpdate> doc : sensorUpdates.entrySet()) { SensorUpdate inputSU; inputSU = doc.getValue(); if (inputSU == null) { continue; } timestamp = inputSU.getLastUpdate() > timestamp ? inputSU.getLastUpdate() : timestamp; } SensorUpdate resultSU; String resultSUDoc; try { resultSU = sop.getResultSU(streamId, sensorUpdates, originId, timestamp); if (resultSU == null) { BenchmarkBolt.send(collector, input, dc, suDoc, "filtered"); collector.ack(input); return; } resultSUDoc = this.mapper.writeValueAsString(resultSU); } catch (ScriptException e) { // TODO Log the error e.printStackTrace(); BenchmarkBolt.send(collector, input, dc, suDoc, "script-error"); collector.ack(input); return; } if (dc.benchmark) { String[] fromStr = { so.getId(), streamId }; resultSU.setTriggerPath(su.getTriggerPath()); resultSU.setPathTimestamps(su.getPathTimestamps()); resultSU.setOriginId(su.getOriginId()); resultSU.getTriggerPath().add(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(fromStr))); resultSU.getPathTimestamps().add(System.currentTimeMillis()); } resultSUDoc = this.mapper.writeValueAsString(resultSU); // generate opid String opid = Integer.toHexString(resultSUDoc.hashCode()); // The output update descriptor UpdateDescriptor ud = new UpdateDescriptor(); ud.setSoid(soId); ud.setStreamid(streamId); ud.setOpid(opid); ud.setSu(resultSU); String upDescriptorDoc = this.mapper.writeValueAsString(ud); // Put to the queue try { if (!qc.isConnected()) { qc.connect(); } if (!qc.put(upDescriptorDoc)) { // TODO Log the error System.err.println("Error trying to queue a SU");; return; } qc.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Log the error e.printStackTrace();; return; } // Remove the data that doesn't need to be stored. resultSU.setTriggerPath(null); resultSU.setPathTimestamps(null); resultSU.setOriginId(null); resultSUDoc = this.mapper.writeValueAsString(resultSU); // Send to the API restClient.restRequest(dc.restBaseURL + "private/" + soId + "/streams/" + streamId + "/" + opid, resultSUDoc, RestClient.PUT, null); } catch (RestClientErrorCodeException e) { // TODO Log the error e.printStackTrace(); if (e.getRestResponse().getHttpCode() >= 500) {; return; } BenchmarkBolt.send(collector, input, dc, suDoc, "error"); collector.ack(input); return; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Log the error BenchmarkBolt.send(collector, input, dc, suDoc, "error"); collector.ack(input); return; } //suCache.put(soId+";"+streamId, su.getLastUpdate()); collector.ack(input); return; } public void cleanup() { try { this.qc.disconnect(); } catch (QueueClientException e) { // TODO log error e.printStackTrace(); } } public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { if (dc.benchmark) declarer.declareStream("benchmark", new Fields("su", "stopts", "reason")); } public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() { return null; } }