Java tutorial
/* * Serposcope - SEO rank checker * * Copyright (c) 2016 SERP Hacker * @author Pierre Nogues <> * @license MIT License */ package; import; import; import; import com.serphacker.serposcope.di.CaptchaSolverFactory; import com.serphacker.serposcope.di.ScrapClientFactory; //import com.serphacker.serposcope.di.ScraperFactory; import com.serphacker.serposcope.models.base.Proxy; import com.serphacker.serposcope.models.base.Run; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.serphacker.serposcope.scraper.captcha.solver.CaptchaSolver; import; import; import com.serphacker.serposcope.scraper.http.ScrapClient; import com.serphacker.serposcope.scraper.http.proxy.DirectNoProxy; import com.serphacker.serposcope.scraper.http.proxy.ProxyRotator; import com.serphacker.serposcope.task.AbstractTask; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.serphacker.serposcope.scraper.http.proxy.ScrapProxy; import; import com.serphacker.serposcope.di.GoogleScraperFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class GoogleTask extends AbstractTask { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoogleTask.class); GoogleScraperFactory googleScraperFactory; CaptchaSolverFactory captchaSolverFactory; ScrapClientFactory scrapClientFactory; GoogleDB googleDB; ProxyRotator rotator; Run previousRun; final Map<Short, Integer> previousRunsByDay = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Map<Integer, List<GoogleTarget>> targetsByGroup = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Map<Integer, GoogleTargetSummary> summariesByTarget = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); LinkedBlockingQueue<GoogleSearch> searches; GoogleSettings googleOptions; protected final AtomicInteger searchDone = new AtomicInteger(); final AtomicInteger captchaCount = new AtomicInteger(); Thread[] threads; volatile int totalSearch; volatile boolean interrupted; CaptchaSolver solver; String httpUserAgent; int httpTimeoutMS; boolean updateRun; boolean shuffle = true; Run run; @Inject public GoogleTask(GoogleScraperFactory googleScraperFactory, CaptchaSolverFactory captchaSolverFactory, ScrapClientFactory scrapClientFactory, GoogleDB googleDB, @Assisted Run run) { super(run); this.googleScraperFactory = googleScraperFactory; this.captchaSolverFactory = captchaSolverFactory; this.scrapClientFactory = scrapClientFactory; this.googleDB = googleDB; = run; this.updateRun = run.getId() == 0 ? false : true; httpUserAgent = ScrapClient.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT; httpTimeoutMS = ScrapClient.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS; } @Override public Run.Status doRun() { solver = initializeCaptchaSolver(); googleOptions = googleDB.options.get(); initializeSearches(); initializePreviousRuns(); initializeTargets(); int nThread = googleOptions.getMaxThreads(); List<ScrapProxy> proxies = baseDB.proxy.list().stream().map(Proxy::toScrapProxy) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (proxies.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("no proxy configured, using direct connection"); proxies.add(new DirectNoProxy()); } if (proxies.size() < nThread) {"less proxy ({}) than max thread ({}), setting thread number to {}", new Object[] { proxies.size(), nThread, nThread }); nThread = proxies.size(); } rotator = new ProxyRotator(proxies); totalSearch = searches.size(); startThreads(nThread); waitForThreads(); finalizeSummaries(); if (solver != null) { try { solver.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } LOG.warn("{} proxies failed during the task", proxies.size() - rotator.list().size()); int remainingSearch = totalSearch - searchDone.get(); if (remainingSearch > 0) { run.setErrors(remainingSearch); LOG.warn("{} searches have not been checked", remainingSearch); return Run.Status.DONE_WITH_ERROR; } return Run.Status.DONE_SUCCESS; } protected void startThreads(int nThread) { threads = new Thread[nThread]; for (int iThread = 0; iThread < threads.length; iThread++) { threads[iThread] = new Thread(new GoogleTaskRunnable(this), "google-" + iThread); threads[iThread].start(); } } protected void waitForThreads() { while (true) { try { for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.join(); } return; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { interruptThreads(); } } } protected void interruptThreads() { interrupted = true; for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.interrupt(); } } protected boolean shouldStop() { if (searchDone.get() == totalSearch) { return true; } if (interrupted) { return true; } return false; } protected void incCaptchaCount(int captchas) { run.setCaptchas(captchaCount.addAndGet(captchas));; } protected void onSearchDone(GoogleSearch search, GoogleScrapResult res) { insertSearchResult(search, res); incSearchDone(); } protected void incSearchDone() { run.setProgress((int) (((float) searchDone.incrementAndGet() / (float) totalSearch) * 100f));; } protected void insertSearchResult(GoogleSearch search, GoogleScrapResult res) { Map<Short, GoogleSerp> history = getHistory(search); GoogleSerp serp = new GoogleSerp(run.getId(), search.getId(), run.getStarted()); for (String url : res.urls) { GoogleSerpEntry entry = new GoogleSerpEntry(url); entry.fillPreviousPosition(history); serp.addEntry(entry); } googleDB.serp.insert(serp); List<Integer> groups =; for (Integer group : groups) { List<GoogleTarget> targets = targetsByGroup.get(group); if (targets == null) { continue; } for (GoogleTarget target : targets) { int best = googleDB.rank.getBest(group, target.getId(), search.getId()).getRank(); int rank = GoogleRank.UNRANKED; String rankedUrl = null; for (int i = 0; i < res.urls.size(); i++) { if (target.match(res.urls.get(i))) { rankedUrl = res.urls.get(i); rank = i + 1; break; } } int previousRank = GoogleRank.UNRANKED; if (previousRun != null) { previousRank = googleDB.rank.get(previousRun.getId(), group, target.getId(), search.getId()); } GoogleRank gRank = new GoogleRank(run.getId(), group, target.getId(), search.getId(), rank, previousRank, res.googleResults, rankedUrl); googleDB.rank.insert(gRank); GoogleTargetSummary summary = summariesByTarget.get(target.getId()); summary.addRankCandidat(gRank); if (rank != GoogleRank.UNRANKED && rank <= best) { googleDB.rank.insertBest(new GoogleBest(group, target.getId(), search.getId(), rank, run.getStarted(), rankedUrl)); } String url = baseDB.config.getConfig().getTaskNotificationUrl(); //"serposcope-agent sending notification to: "+url); if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) { try {"serposcope-agent sending notification to: " + url); CloseableHttpClient httpNotifiyClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); // add header post.setHeader("User-Agent", "serposcope-agent"); List<NameValuePair> urlParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("keyword", search.getKeyword())); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("rank", rank + "")); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("best", best + "")); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("hits", res.googleResults + "")); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("url", rankedUrl)); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("previousRank", previousRank + "")); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("target", target.getPattern() + "")); //urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("try", searchTry+"")); //urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("done", controller.getSearchDone()+"")); //urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("total", controller.totalSearch+"")); post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(urlParameters, "UTF-8")); HttpResponse response = httpNotifiyClient.execute(post);"serposcope-agent response code : " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent())); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); String line = ""; while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { result.append(line); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("serposcope-agent unhandled exception", e); } } } } } protected void initializeSearches() { List<GoogleSearch> searchList; if (updateRun) { searchList =; } else if (run.getGroup() != null) { Collection<Integer> groups = new ArrayList<Integer>(); groups.add(run.getGroup().getId()); searchList =; } else { searchList =; } if (shuffle) { Collections.shuffle(searchList); } searches = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(searchList);"{} searches to do", searches.size()); } protected void initializeTargets() { Map<Integer, Integer> previousScorePercent = new HashMap<>(); if (previousRun != null) { previousScorePercent = googleDB.targetSummary.getPreviousScore(previousRun.getId()); } List<GoogleTarget> targets =; for (GoogleTarget target : targets) { targetsByGroup.putIfAbsent(target.getGroupId(), new ArrayList<>()); targetsByGroup.get(target.getGroupId()).add(target); summariesByTarget.put(target.getId(), new GoogleTargetSummary(target.getGroupId(), target.getId(), run.getId(), previousScorePercent.getOrDefault(target.getId(), 0))); } if (updateRun) { List<GoogleTargetSummary> summaries = googleDB.targetSummary.list(run.getId()); for (GoogleTargetSummary summary : summaries) { summariesByTarget.put(summary.getTargetId(), summary); } } } protected void initializePreviousRuns() { previousRun =; if (previousRun == null) { return; } short[] days = new short[] { 1, 7, 30, 90 }; for (short day : days) { List<Run> pastRuns =, run.getDay().minusDays(day)); if (!pastRuns.isEmpty()) { previousRunsByDay.put(day, pastRuns.get(0).getId()); } } } protected Map<Short, GoogleSerp> getHistory(GoogleSearch search) { Map<Short, GoogleSerp> history = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Short, Integer> entry : previousRunsByDay.entrySet()) { GoogleSerp serp = googleDB.serp.get(entry.getValue(), search.getId()); if (serp != null) { history.put(entry.getKey(), serp); } } return history; } protected void finalizeSummaries() { Map<Integer, Integer> searchCountByGroup =; for (GoogleTargetSummary summary : summariesByTarget.values()) { summary.computeScoreBP(searchCountByGroup.getOrDefault(summary.getGroupId(), 0)); } googleDB.targetSummary.insert(summariesByTarget.values()); } protected GoogleScraper genScraper() { return googleScraperFactory.get(scrapClientFactory.get(httpUserAgent, httpTimeoutMS), solver); } @Override protected void onCrash(Exception ex) { } protected final CaptchaSolver initializeCaptchaSolver() { solver = captchaSolverFactory.get(baseDB.config.getConfig()); if (solver != null) { if (!solver.init()) {"failed to init captcha solver {}", solver.getFriendlyName()); return null; } return solver; } else {"no captcha service configured"); return null; } } int getSearchDone() { return searchDone != null ? searchDone.get() : 0; } }