Java tutorial
/** * Sencha GXT 4.0.0 - Sencha for GWT * Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Sencha Inc. * * * * * ================================================================================ * Open Source License * ================================================================================ * This version of Sencha GXT is licensed under the terms of the Open Source GPL v3 * license. You may use this license only if you are prepared to distribute and * share the source code of your application under the GPL v3 license: * * * If you are NOT prepared to distribute and share the source code of your * application under the GPL v3 license, other commercial and oem licenses * are available for an alternate download of Sencha GXT. * * Please see the Sencha GXT Licensing page at: * * * For clarification or additional options, please contact: * * ================================================================================ * * * ================================================================================ * Disclaimer * ================================================================================ * THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS-IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND * REPRESENTATIONS WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, PERFORMANCE AND * THOSE ARISING BY STATUTE OR FROM CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. * ================================================================================ */ package com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.GXT; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.ValueProvider; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XElement; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Point; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Util; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.messages.client.DefaultMessages; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CheckChangeEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CheckChangeEvent.CheckChangeHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CollapseItemEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CollapseItemEvent.CollapseItemHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CollapseItemEvent.HasCollapseItemHandlers; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.ExpandItemEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.ExpandItemEvent.ExpandItemHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.ExpandItemEvent.HasExpandItemHandlers; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <code>GridView</code> that groups data based on a given grouping column. * * @param <M> the model type */ public class GroupingView<M> extends GridView<M> implements HasCollapseItemHandlers<List<M>>, HasExpandItemHandlers<List<M>> { /** * Wrapper describing a given group, with the items in the group, and the value they hold in common. These are not * presently persisted, but only analyzed when changes occur to the grid's data. * * @param <M> the type of row in the grid */ public static class GroupingData<M> { private final Object value; private final int startRow; private final List<M> items = new ArrayList<M>(); private boolean collapsed; public GroupingData(Object value, int startRow) { this.value = value; this.startRow = startRow; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof GroupingData) { return Util.equalWithNull(((GroupingData<?>) other).value, value); } return false; } public List<M> getItems() { return items; } public int getStartRow() { return startRow; } public Object getValue() { return value; } @Override public int hashCode() { return value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode(); } public boolean isCollapsed() { return collapsed; } public void setCollapsed(boolean collapsed) { this.collapsed = collapsed; } } public interface GroupingViewAppearance { XElement findHead(XElement element); XElement getGroup(XElement head); ImageResource groupByIcon(); boolean isCollapsed(XElement group); void onGroupExpand(XElement group, boolean expanded); SafeHtml renderGroupHeader(GroupingData<?> groupInfo); GroupingViewStyle style(); } public interface GroupingViewStyle extends CssResource { String bodyCollapsed(); String group(); String groupCollapsed(); String groupHead(); } public interface GroupSummaryTemplate<M> { SafeHtml renderGroupSummary(GroupingData<M> groupInfo); } protected ColumnConfig<M, ?> lastGroupField; protected ColumnConfig<M, ?> groupingColumn; protected boolean enableGrouping; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private GroupSummaryTemplate<M> groupSummaryTemplate; private final GroupingViewAppearance groupAppearance; private boolean enableGroupingMenu = true; private boolean enableNoGroups = true; private boolean showGroupedColumn = true; private boolean startCollapsed = false; protected final Map<Object, Boolean> state = new HashMap<Object, Boolean>(); private boolean isUpdating = false; private StoreSortInfo<M> lastStoreSort; private SortInfo lastSort; /** * Creates a new grouping view instance. */ public GroupingView() { this(GWT.<GridAppearance>create(GridAppearance.class), GWT.<GroupingViewAppearance>create(GroupingViewAppearance.class)); } /** * Creates a new grouping view instance. * * @param appearance the grid appearance * @param groupingAppearance the grouping appearance */ public GroupingView(GridAppearance appearance, GroupingViewAppearance groupingAppearance) { super(appearance); this.groupAppearance = groupingAppearance; } /** * Creates a new grouping view instance. * * @param groupAppearance the group appearance */ public GroupingView(GroupingViewAppearance groupAppearance) { this(GWT.<GridAppearance>create(GridAppearance.class), groupAppearance); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addCollapseHandler(CollapseItemHandler<List<M>> handler) { return addHandler(CollapseItemEvent.getType(), handler); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addExpandHandler(ExpandItemHandler<List<M>> handler) { return addHandler(ExpandItemEvent.getType(), handler); } /** * Collapses all groups. */ public void collapseAllGroups() { toggleAllGroups(false); } /** * Expands all groups. */ public void expandAllGroups() { toggleAllGroups(true); } /** * Returns the grouping view appearance. * * @return the grouping appearance */ public GroupingViewAppearance getGroupingAppearance() { return groupAppearance; } @Override public StoreSortInfo<M> getSortState() { if (groupingColumn != null) { if (ds.getSortInfo().size() > 1) { return ds.getSortInfo().get(1); } } return super.getSortState(); } public void groupBy(ColumnConfig<M, ?> column) { if (grid == null) { // if still being configured, save the grouping column for later groupingColumn = column; } if (column != groupingColumn) { // remove the existing group, if any if (groupingColumn != null) { if (grid.getLoader() == null || !grid.getLoader().isRemoteSort()) { assert lastStoreSort != null && ds.getSortInfo().contains(lastStoreSort); // remove the lastStoreSort from the listStore ds.getSortInfo().remove(lastStoreSort); } else { assert lastSort != null; grid.getLoader().removeSortInfo(lastSort); } } else {// groupingColumn == null; assert lastStoreSort == null && lastSort == null; } // set the new one groupingColumn = column; if (column != null) { if (grid.getLoader() == null || !grid.getLoader().isRemoteSort()) { lastStoreSort = createStoreSortInfo(column, SortDir.ASC); ds.addSortInfo(0, lastStoreSort);// this triggers the sort } else { lastSort = new SortInfoBean(column.getValueProvider(), SortDir.ASC); grid.getLoader().addSortInfo(0, lastSort); grid.getLoader().load(); } } else {// new column == null lastStoreSort = null; lastSort = null; // full redraw without groups refresh(false); } } if (column == null) { doLastSort(); } } /** * Returns true if the grouping menu is enabled. * * @return the enable grouping state */ public boolean isEnableGroupingMenu() { return enableGroupingMenu; } /** * True to enable the the grouping menu items in the header context menu (defaults to true). * * @param enableGroupingMenu true to enable the grouping menu items */ public void setEnableGroupingMenu(boolean enableGroupingMenu) { this.enableGroupingMenu = enableGroupingMenu; } /** * Returns true if the user can turn off grouping. * * @return the enable no groups state */ public boolean isEnabledNoGroups() { return enableNoGroups; } /** * Returns true if the group is expanded. * * @param group the group * @return true if expanded */ public boolean isExpanded(Element group) { return !groupAppearance.isCollapsed(group.<XElement>cast()); } /** * Returns true if the grouped column is visible. * * @return the show grouped column */ public boolean isShowGroupedColumn() { return showGroupedColumn; } /** * Sets whether the grouped column is visible (defaults to true). * * @param showGroupedColumn true to show the grouped column */ public void setShowGroupedColumn(boolean showGroupedColumn) { this.showGroupedColumn = showGroupedColumn; } /** * Returns true if start collapsed is enabled. * * @return the start collapsed state */ public boolean isStartCollapsed() { return startCollapsed; } /** * Sets whether the groups should start collapsed (defaults to false). * * @param startCollapsed true to start collapsed */ public void setStartCollapsed(boolean startCollapsed) { this.startCollapsed = startCollapsed; } /** * True to enable the no groups menu item in the header context menu (defaults to true). * * @param enableNoGroups true to enable no groups menu item */ public void setEnableNoGroups(boolean enableNoGroups) { this.enableNoGroups = enableNoGroups; } /** * Toggles all groups. * * @param expanded true to expand */ public void toggleAllGroups(boolean expanded) { NodeList<Element> groups = getGroups(); List<GroupingData<M>> groupData = createGroupingData(); for (int i = 0; i < groups.getLength(); i++) { toggleGroup(groups.getItem(i), expanded); GroupingData<M> groupingData = groupData.get(i); if (expanded) { fireEvent(new ExpandItemEvent<List<M>>(groupingData.getItems())); } else { fireEvent(new CollapseItemEvent<List<M>>(groupingData.getItems())); } } } @Override protected void afterRender() { ColumnConfig<M, ?> column = groupingColumn; // set groupingColumn to null to force regrouping only if grouping // hasn't already occurred if (lastStoreSort == null && lastSort == null && column != null) { groupingColumn = null; } groupBy(column); super.afterRender(); } @Override protected Menu createContextMenu(final int colIndex) { Menu menu = super.createContextMenu(colIndex); if (menu != null && enableGroupingMenu) { if (cm.isGroupable(colIndex)) { MenuItem groupBy = new MenuItem(DefaultMessages.getMessages().groupingView_groupByText()); groupBy.setIcon(groupAppearance.groupByIcon()); groupBy.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Item>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Item> event) { groupBy(cm.getColumn(colIndex)); } }); menu.add(new SeparatorMenuItem()); menu.add(groupBy); groupBy.setEnabled(cm.getColumnCount(true) > 1); initMenuColumnShowHideHandling(menu, groupBy); } if (enableGrouping && enableNoGroups) { final CheckMenuItem showInGroups = new CheckMenuItem( DefaultMessages.getMessages().groupingView_showGroupsText()); showInGroups.setChecked(true); showInGroups.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Item>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Item> event) { if (showInGroups.isChecked()) { groupBy(cm.getColumn(colIndex)); } else { groupBy(null); } } }); menu.add(showInGroups); } } return menu; } /** * @see #createGroupingData(java.util.List, int) * @return the group data for the current store */ protected List<GroupingData<M>> createGroupingData() { List<GroupingData<M>> groups = new ArrayList<GroupingData<M>>(); GroupingData<M> curGroup = null; for (int i = 0, len = ds.size(); i < len; i++) { M m = ds.get(i); final Object gvalue; if (ds.hasRecord(m)) { gvalue = ds.getRecord(m).getValue(groupingColumn.getValueProvider()); } else { gvalue = groupingColumn.getValueProvider().getValue(m); } if (curGroup == null || !valueBelongsInGroup(curGroup, gvalue)) { curGroup = makeGroupForRow(i, m, gvalue); verifyNewGroup(groups, curGroup); groups.add(curGroup); } else { curGroup.getItems().add(m); } } return groups; } /** * @see #createGroupingData() * @param rows set of rows in the store to build into groups * @param startGroupIndex the index to use for the first group in the returned list * @return a list of groups */ protected List<GroupingData<M>> createGroupingData(List<M> rows, int startGroupIndex) { List<GroupingData<M>> groups = new ArrayList<GroupingData<M>>(); // iterate through each item, creating a new group as needed. Assumes the // list is sorted GroupingData<M> curGroup = null; for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); j++) { M model = rows.get(j); int rowIndex = (j + startGroupIndex); // the value for the group field final Object gvalue; if (ds.hasRecord(model)) { gvalue = ds.getRecord(model).getValue(groupingColumn.getValueProvider()); } else { gvalue = groupingColumn.getValueProvider().getValue(model); } if (curGroup == null || !valueBelongsInGroup(curGroup, gvalue)) { curGroup = makeGroupForRow(rowIndex, model, gvalue); verifyNewGroup(groups, curGroup); groups.add(curGroup); } else { curGroup.getItems().add(model); } } return groups; } protected void doLastSort() { StoreSortInfo<M> info = getSortState(); if (info == null) { return; } ValueProvider<? super M, ?> vp = info.getValueProvider(); if (vp == null) { return; } String p = vp.getPath(); if (p == null) { return; } ColumnConfig<M, ?> config = cm.findColumnConfig(p); if (config == null) { return; } int index = cm.indexOf(config); doSort(index, info.getDirection()); } @Override protected SafeHtml doRender(List<ColumnData> cs, List<M> rows, int startRow) { enableGrouping = groupingColumn != null; if (!enableGrouping || isUpdating) { return super.doRender(cs, rows, startRow); } List<GroupingData<M>> groups = createGroupingData(rows, startRow); SafeHtmlBuilder buf = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); String styles = "width:" + getTotalWidth() + "px;"; SafeStyles tableStyles = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString(styles); for (int i = 0, len = groups.size(); i < len; i++) { GroupingData<M> g = groups.get(i); SafeHtml renderedRows = tpls.table(getAppearance().styles().dataTable(), tableStyles, super.doRender(cs, g.getItems(), g.getStartRow()), renderHiddenHeaders(getColumnWidths())); renderGroup(buf, g, renderedRows); } return buf.toSafeHtml(); } @Override protected void doSort(int colIndex, SortDir sortDir) { ColumnConfig<M, ?> column = cm.getColumn(colIndex); if (groupingColumn != null) { if (grid.getLoader() == null || !grid.getLoader().isRemoteSort()) { // first sort is lastStoreSort assert lastStoreSort != null; ds.getSortInfo().clear(); StoreSortInfo<M> sortInfo = createStoreSortInfo(column, sortDir); if (sortDir == null && storeSortInfo != null && storeSortInfo.getValueProvider().getPath().equals(column.getValueProvider().getPath())) { sortInfo.setDirection(storeSortInfo.getDirection() == SortDir.ASC ? SortDir.DESC : SortDir.ASC); } else if (sortDir == null) { sortInfo.setDirection(SortDir.ASC); } ds.getSortInfo().add(0, lastStoreSort); ds.getSortInfo().add(1, sortInfo); if (GWT.isProdMode()) { ds.applySort(false); } else { try { // applySort will apply its sort when called, which might trigger an // exception if the column passed in's data isn't Comparable ds.applySort(false); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { GWT.log("Column can't be sorted " + column.getValueProvider().getPath() + " is not Comparable. ", ex); throw ex; } } } else { assert lastSort != null; ValueProvider<? super M, ?> vp = column.getValueProvider(); grid.getLoader().clearSortInfo(); grid.getLoader().addSortInfo(0, lastSort); grid.getLoader().addSortInfo(1, new SortInfoBean(vp, sortDir)); grid.getLoader().load(); } } else { super.doSort(colIndex, sortDir); } } protected int getGroupIndex(XElement group) { return group.getParentElement().<XElement>cast().indexOf(group) / 2; } protected NodeList<Element> getGroups() { if (!enableGrouping) { return JsArray.createArray().cast(); } return dataTable.<XElement>cast().select("." +; } @Override protected NodeList<Element> getRows() { if (!enableGrouping || !hasRows()) { return super.getRows(); } return dataTable.<XElement>cast().select("." + styles.row()); } /** * @param groupIndex the index of this group * @param firstModel the first model to add to the group * @param value the value that this group is based on * @return the newly created group */ protected GroupingData<M> makeGroupForRow(int groupIndex, M firstModel, Object value) { GroupingData<M> curGroup; curGroup = new GroupingData<M>(value, groupIndex); curGroup.setCollapsed(state.containsKey(value) ? state.get(value) : isStartCollapsed()); curGroup.getItems().add(firstModel); return curGroup; } @Override protected void onAdd(List<M> models, int index) { if (enableGrouping) { Point ss = getScrollState(); refresh(false); restoreScroll(ss); } else { super.onAdd(models, index); } } @Override protected void onMouseDown(Event ge) { super.onMouseDown(ge); XElement head = ge.getEventTarget().cast(); head = groupAppearance.findHead(head); if (head != null) { ge.stopPropagation(); XElement group = groupAppearance.getGroup(head); int index = getGroupIndex(group); toggleGroup(index, groupAppearance.isCollapsed(group)); } } @Override protected void onRemove(M m, int index, boolean isUpdate) { Element parentToRemove = null; if (enableGrouping) { Element row = getRow(index).cast(); // TODO appearance this Element groupContainer = row.getParentElement().cast(); if (groupContainer.getChildCount() == 1) { parentToRemove = groupContainer.getParentElement().cast(); } } super.onRemove(m, index, isUpdate); if (parentToRemove != null) { parentToRemove.removeFromParent(); } } @Override protected void refreshRow(int row) { isUpdating = true; super.refreshRow(row); isUpdating = false; } protected void renderGroup(SafeHtmlBuilder buf, GroupingData<M> g, SafeHtml renderedRows) { String groupClass =; String bodyClass = ""; if (g.isCollapsed()) { groupClass += " " +; bodyClass =; } String headClass =; final SafeHtml groupHtml; String cellClasses = headClass + " " + styles.cell() + " " + states.cell(); if (selectable) { groupHtml = (, tpls.tdWrap(cm.getColumnCount(), cellClasses, styles.cellInner() + " " + states.cellInner(), renderGroupHeader(g)))); } else { String innerCellClasses = styles.cellInner() + " " + states.cellInner() + " " + styles.noPadding(); if (GXT.isIE()) { groupHtml = (, tpls.tdWrapUnselectable(cm.getColumnCount(), cellClasses, innerCellClasses, renderGroupHeader(g)))); } else { groupHtml = (, tpls.tdWrap(cm.getColumnCount(), cellClasses, innerCellClasses, renderGroupHeader(g)))); } } buf.append(groupHtml); buf.append(, tpls.tdWrap(cm.getColumnCount(), "", "", renderedRows))); } protected SafeHtml renderGroupHeader(GroupingData<M> groupInfo) { return groupAppearance.renderGroupHeader(groupInfo); } @Override protected SafeHtml renderRows(int startRow, int endRow) { boolean eg = groupingColumn != null; if (!showGroupedColumn) { int colIndex = cm.indexOf(groupingColumn); if (!eg && lastGroupField != null) { dataTableBody.removeChildren(); cm.setHidden(cm.indexOf(lastGroupField), false); cm.getColumn(cm.indexOf(lastGroupField)).setHideable(true); lastGroupField = groupingColumn; } else if (eg && (lastGroupField == null || lastGroupField == groupingColumn)) { lastGroupField = groupingColumn; cm.setHidden(colIndex, true); cm.getColumn(colIndex).setHideable(false); } else if (eg && lastGroupField != null && !groupingColumn.equals(lastGroupField)) { dataTableBody.removeChildren(); int oldIndex = cm.indexOf(lastGroupField); cm.setHidden(oldIndex, false); cm.getColumn(oldIndex).setHideable(true); lastGroupField = groupingColumn; cm.setHidden(colIndex, true); cm.getColumn(colIndex).setHideable(false); } } return super.renderRows(startRow, endRow); } /** * Toggles the given group index, dealing with all logical and view details. */ protected void toggleGroup(int i, boolean expanded) { GroupingData<M> groupingData = createGroupingData().get(i); Object key = groupingData.getValue(); state.put(key, !expanded); toggleGroup(getGroups().getItem(i), expanded); if (expanded) { fireEvent(new ExpandItemEvent<List<M>>(groupingData.getItems())); } else { fireEvent(new CollapseItemEvent<List<M>>(groupingData.getItems())); } } /** * Toggles the visibility of the group elements, but does not handle the internal state details or events. */ protected void toggleGroup(Element group, boolean expanded) { assert group != null; groupAppearance.onGroupExpand(group.<XElement>cast(), expanded); calculateVBar(false); } /** * @param group a group that the value might match * @param value an object which may match the data in group.getValue() * @return true if a row with the given value belongs in the group */ protected boolean valueBelongsInGroup(GroupingData<M> group, Object value) { return Util.equalWithNull(group.getValue(), value); } /** * Ensures that items which belong in the same group are not fragmented across multiple groups. It is technically * possible to override this to do nothing, but doing so is unsupported. * This method should be an assertion - use {@code assert} or {@link Class#desiredAssertionStatus()} to ensure that * this won't be in the compiled app if assertions are disabled. * * @param groups all groups created before the current one * @param nextGroup the next group to add to the list, assuming it shouldn't already be listed there */ protected void verifyNewGroup(List<GroupingData<M>> groups, GroupingData<M> nextGroup) { assert !groups.contains( nextGroup) : "List didn't appear to be correctly sorted, group exists in more than one place in the list"; } private void initMenuColumnShowHideHandling(Menu menu, final MenuItem groupBy) { // Loop through the menu and find the columns for (int i = 0; i < menu.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget subMenuWidget = menu.getWidget(i); // Only work with the columns MenuItem instances if (subMenuWidget instanceof MenuItem) { MenuItem columnsMenu = (MenuItem) subMenuWidget; String hasColumns = columnsMenu.getData("gxt-columns"); // Find the columns and add handlers onto the CheckMenuItems columns if (hasColumns != null && hasColumns.equals("true")) { Menu colMenu = columnsMenu.getSubMenu(); for (int b = 0; b < colMenu.getWidgetCount(); b++) { CheckMenuItem colItem = (CheckMenuItem) colMenu.getWidget(b); // Observe column events 'showing' and 'hiding' events colItem.addCheckChangeHandler(new CheckChangeHandler<CheckMenuItem>() { @Override public void onCheckChange(CheckChangeEvent<CheckMenuItem> event) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { // Disable the group by option when only *one* column is displayed groupBy.setEnabled(cm.getColumnCount(true) > 1); } }); } }); } } } } } }