Java tutorial
/** * Sencha GXT 4.0.0 - Sencha for GWT * Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Sencha Inc. * * * * * ================================================================================ * Open Source License * ================================================================================ * This version of Sencha GXT is licensed under the terms of the Open Source GPL v3 * license. You may use this license only if you are prepared to distribute and * share the source code of your application under the GPL v3 license: * * * If you are NOT prepared to distribute and share the source code of your * application under the GPL v3 license, other commercial and oem licenses * are available for an alternate download of Sencha GXT. * * Please see the Sencha GXT Licensing page at: * * * For clarification or additional options, please contact: * * ================================================================================ * * * ================================================================================ * Disclaimer * ================================================================================ * THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS-IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND * REPRESENTATIONS WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, PERFORMANCE AND * THOSE ARISING BY STATUTE OR FROM CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. * ================================================================================ */ package com.sencha.gxt.theme.base.client.widget; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XElement; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.resources.StyleInjectorHelper; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.DatePicker.DatePickerAppearance; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.DatePicker.DatePickerMessages; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.DatePicker.DateState; public abstract class DatePickerBaseAppearance implements DatePickerAppearance { public interface DatePickerResources { DatePickerStyle css(); @ImageOptions(preventInlining = true) ImageResource downIcon(); @ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal) ImageResource footer(); @ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal) ImageResource header(); ImageResource leftButton(); @ImageOptions(preventInlining = true, repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.None) ImageResource leftIcon(); ImageResource rightButton(); @ImageOptions(preventInlining = true, repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.None) ImageResource rightIcon(); } public interface DatePickerStyle extends CssResource { String date(); String dateAnchor(); String dateActive(); String dateDisabled(); String dateNext(); String dateOver(); String datePicker(); String datePrevious(); String dateSelected(); String dateToday(); String inner(); String leftYearIcon(); String middle(); String month(); String monthSep(); String monthSelected(); String year(); String yearButton(); String monthButtons(); String monthLeft(); String monthRight(); String monthButton(); String monthButtonText(); String monthLeftButton(); String monthRightButton(); String rightYearIcon(); String daysWrap(); String bottom(); String header(); String monthPicker(); String downIcon(); String cancel(); String ok(); } protected final DatePickerResources resources; protected final DatePickerStyle style; public DatePickerBaseAppearance(DatePickerResources resources) { this.resources = resources; = resources.css(); StyleInjectorHelper.ensureInjected(, true); } @Override public String dateSelector() { return "." +; } @Override public String daySelector() { return "." + style.dateAnchor(); } @Override public NodeList<Element> getDateCells(XElement parent) { return"." +; } @Override public boolean isDisabled(Element cell) { return cell.<XElement>cast().hasClassName(style.dateDisabled()); } @Override public String leftMonthSelector() { return "." + style.monthLeftButton(); } @Override public String leftYearSelector() { return "." + style.leftYearIcon(); } @Override public String monthButtonSelector() { return "." + style.monthButton(); } @Override public String monthPickerCancelSelector() { return "." + style.cancel(); } @Override public String monthPickerMonthSelector() { return "." + style.month(); } @Override public String monthPickerOkSelector() { return "." + style.ok(); } @Override public String monthPickerYearSelector() { return "." + style.year(); } @Override public void onMonthButtonHtmlChange(XElement parent, SafeHtml html) { parent.selectNode("." + style.monthButtonText()).setInnerSafeHtml(html); } @Override public void onMonthSelected(Element cell, boolean select) { cell.<XElement>cast().setClassName(style.monthSelected(), select); } @Override public void onHtmlChange(Element cell, SafeHtml html) { cell.getFirstChildElement().getFirstChildElement().setInnerSafeHtml(html); } @Override public void onUpdateDateStyle(Element cell, DateState type, boolean add) { String cls = ""; switch (type) { case ACTIVE: cls = style.dateActive(); break; case DISABLED: cls = style.dateDisabled(); break; case NEXT: cls = style.dateNext(); break; case PREVIOUS: cls = style.datePrevious(); break; case OVER: cls = style.dateOver(); break; case SELECTED: cls = style.dateSelected(); break; case TODAY: cls = style.dateToday(); break; } XElement elem = cell.cast(); elem.setClassName(cls, add); } @Override public void onUpdateDayOfWeeks(XElement parent, List<SafeHtml> days) { NodeList<Element> elems ="." + style.daysWrap() + " span"); for (int i = 0; i < elems.getLength(); i++) { Element elem = elems.getItem(i); SafeHtml day = days.get(i); elem.setInnerSafeHtml(day); } } @Override public void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=" + style.datePicker() + " style='width: 177px'>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=" + style.header() + "><tr>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant( "<td class=" + style.monthLeft() + "><div class=" + style.monthLeftButton() + "></div></td>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class=" + style.middle() + " align=center>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=" + style.monthButton() + "><tr>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class=" + style.monthButtonText() + "></td><td><div class=" + style.downIcon() + "> </div></td></tr></table>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class=" + style.monthRight() + "><div class=" + style.monthRightButton() + "></div></td></tr></table>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant( "<div role=grid><table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=" + style.daysWrap() + "><tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td><span>" + i + "</span></td>"); } sb.appendHtmlConstant("</tr></table>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=" + style.inner() + ">"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<tr>"); for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class=" + + "><a href=# class=" + style.dateAnchor() + "><span></span></a></td>"); } sb.appendHtmlConstant("</tr>"); } sb.appendHtmlConstant("</table></div>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=" + style.bottom() + " align=center></td></tr></table>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); } @Override public void renderMonthPicker(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, DatePickerMessages messages, String[] monthNames) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=" + style.monthPicker() + "><table border=0 cellspacing=0>"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<tr><td class=" + style.month() + "><a href=#>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant(monthNames[i]); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</a></td>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class='" + style.month() + " " + style.monthSep() + "'><a href=#>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant(monthNames[i + 6]); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</a></td>"); if (i == 0) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class=" + style.yearButton() + " align=center>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=" + style.leftYearIcon() + "></div>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td><td class='" + style.yearButton() + "' align=center>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=" + style.rightYearIcon() + "></div>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td></tr>"); } else { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td class='" + style.year() + "'><a href='#'></a></td><td class='" + style.year() + "'><a href='#'></a></td></tr>"); } } sb.appendHtmlConstant("<tr class=" + style.monthButtons() + "><td colspan='4'>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class='" + style.ok() + "'></div>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=" + style.cancel() + "></div>"); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td></tr></table></div>"); } @Override public String rightMonthSelector() { return "." + style.monthRightButton(); } @Override public String rightYearSelector() { return "." + style.rightYearIcon(); } @Override public String todayButtonSelector() { return "." + style.bottom(); } @Override public void onMonthPickerSize(XElement monthPicker, int width, int height) { monthPicker.setSize(width, height); monthPicker.getFirstChildElement().getFirstChildElement().<XElement>cast().setSize(width, height, true); } }