Java tutorial
/** * Orignal work: Copyright 2015 * Modified work: Copyright 2016 * Copyright 2017-2019 B.Hecquet * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.seleniumtests.uipage; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByXPath; import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ScenarioException; public class ByC extends By { @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) { return null; } /** * Search first 'input' element after label referenced by name * @param label * @return */ public static ByC labelForward(final String label) { return labelForward(label, null, false, null); } /** * Search first element for <code>tagName</code> after label referenced by name * @param label * @param tagName * @return */ public static ByC labelForward(final String label, final String tagName) { return labelForward(label, tagName, false, null); } /** * Search first element for {@code tagName} after label referenced by partial name * Use case is {@code <h2>some label</h2><input type="text" value="" />} * @param label label to search * @param tagName tag name after this label. The element we really search * @param labelTagName if label is not in a {@code <label>} tag, define this tag name * @return */ public static ByC labelForward(final String label, final String tagName, final String labelTagName) { return labelForward(label, tagName, false, labelTagName); } /** * Search first 'input' element after label referenced by partial name * @param label * @return */ public static ByC partialLabelForward(final String label) { return labelForward(label, null, true, null); } /** * Search first element for {@code tagName} after label referenced by partial name * Use case is {@code <label>some label</label><input type="text" value="" />} * @param label * @param tagName * @return */ public static ByC partialLabelForward(final String label, final String tagName) { return labelForward(label, tagName, true, null); } /** * Search first element for {@code tagName} after label referenced by partial name * Use case is {@code <h2>some label</h2><input type="text" value="" />} * @param label label to search * @param tagName tag name after this label. The element we really search * @param labelTagName if label is not in a {@code <label>} tag, define this tag name * @return */ public static ByC partialLabelForward(final String label, final String tagName, final String labelTagName) { return labelForward(label, tagName, true, labelTagName); } private static ByC labelForward(final String label, String tagName, boolean partial, final String labelTagName) { return new ByLabelForward(label, tagName, partial, labelTagName); } /** * Search first 'input' element before label referenced by name * @param label * @return */ public static ByC labelBackward(final String label) { return labelBackward(label, null, false, null); } /** * Search first element for <code>tagName</code> before label referenced by name * @param label * @param tagName * @return */ public static ByC labelBackward(final String label, final String tagName) { return labelBackward(label, tagName, false, null); } public static ByC labelBackward(final String label, final String tagName, final String labelTagName) { return labelBackward(label, tagName, false, labelTagName); } /** * Search first 'input' element before label referenced by partial name * @param label * @return */ public static ByC partialLabelBackward(final String label) { return labelBackward(label, null, true, null); } /** * Search first element for <code>tagName</code> before label referenced by partial name * Use case is {@code <input type="text" value="" /><label>some label<label>} * @param label * @param tagName * @return */ public static ByC partialLabelBackward(final String label, final String tagName) { return labelBackward(label, tagName, true, null); } /** * Search first element for {@code tagName} before label referenced by partial name * Use case is {@code <input type="text" value="" /><h2>some label</h2>} * @param label label to search * @param tagName tag name after this label. The element we really search * @param labelTagName if label is not in a {@code <label>} tag, define this tag name * @return */ public static ByC partialLabelBackward(final String label, final String tagName, final String labelTagName) { return labelBackward(label, tagName, true, labelTagName); } private static ByC labelBackward(final String label, String tagName, boolean partial, final String labelTagName) { return new ByLabelBackward(label, tagName, partial, labelTagName); } /** * Search element by attribute name and attribute value * Name and value can have some value accepted for CSS selector: <a></a> * 'attributeName*' => attribute value contains the provided value * 'attributeName^' => attribute value starts with the provided value * 'attributeName$' => attribute value ends with the provided value * 'attributeName' => attribute value equals the provided value * * @param attributeName * @param attributeValue * @return */ public static ByC attribute(final String attributeName, final String attributeValue) { return new ByAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); } /** * Search first element of <code>tagName</code> with text * @param label * @param tagName * @return */ public static ByC partialText(final String textToSearch, final String tagName) { return text(textToSearch, tagName, true); } public static ByC text(final String textToSearch, final String tagName) { return text(textToSearch, tagName, false); } private static ByC text(final String textToSearch, String tagName, boolean partial) { return new ByText(textToSearch, tagName, partial); } /** * Search an element with several criteria * Only returns element(s) which matches all criteria * @param bies * @return */ public static ByC and(By... bies) { return new And(bies); } public static class ByLabelForward extends ByC implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5341968046120372161L; private final String label; private final String tagName; private final String labelTagName; // tag of the label we are searching. default is label private final boolean partial; /** * * @param label Content of the label to search * @param tagName Tag name of the element following label, we want to get. Default is "input" * @param partial do we search for partial of full label name * @param labelTagName tag name of the label element. Default is "label" */ public ByLabelForward(String label, String tagName, boolean partial, String labelTagName) { if (label == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements with a null label attribute."); } this.label = label; this.tagName = tagName == null ? "input" : tagName; this.partial = partial; this.labelTagName = labelTagName == null ? "label" : labelTagName; } @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) { String escapedLabel = escapeQuotes(label); if (partial) { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath(String .format(".//%s[contains(text(),%s)]/following::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } else { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath( String.format(".//%s[text() = %s]/following::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } } @Override public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context) { String escapedLabel = escapeQuotes(label); if (partial) { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementByXPath(String .format(".//%s[contains(text(),%s)]/following::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } else { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementByXPath( String.format(".//%s[text() = %s]/following::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } } @Override public String toString() { return "By.label forward: " + label; } } public static class ByLabelBackward extends ByC implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5341968046120372162L; private String label; private final String tagName; private final boolean partial; private final String labelTagName; // tag of the label we are searching. default is label /** * * @param label Content of the label to search * @param tagName Tag name of the element following label, we want to get. Default is "input" * @param partial do we search for partial of full label name * @param labelTagName tag name of the label element. Default is "label" */ public ByLabelBackward(String label, String tagName, boolean partial, String labelTagName) { if (label == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements with a null label attribute."); } this.label = label; this.tagName = tagName == null ? "input" : tagName; this.partial = partial; this.labelTagName = labelTagName == null ? "label" : labelTagName; } @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) { String escapedLabel = escapeQuotes(label); if (partial) { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath(String .format(".//%s[contains(text(),%s)]/preceding::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } else { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath( String.format(".//%s[text() = %s]/preceding::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } } @Override public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context) { String escapedLabel = escapeQuotes(label); List<WebElement> elements; if (partial) { elements = ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath(String .format(".//%s[contains(text(),%s)]/preceding::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } else { elements = ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath( String.format(".//%s[text() = %s]/preceding::%s", labelTagName, escapedLabel, tagName)); } List<WebElement> elementsReverse = elements.subList(0, elements.size()); Collections.reverse(elementsReverse); return elementsReverse.get(0); } @Override public String toString() { return "By.label backward: " + label; } } public static class ByAttribute extends ByC implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5341968046120372161L; private String attributeName; private String attributeValue; public ByAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue) { if (attributeName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements with a null attribute."); } if (attributeValue == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements with a null attribute value."); } this.attributeName = attributeName; this.attributeValue = attributeValue; } /** *Build a xpath selector so that we understand the CSS syntax: * '*' => contains * '^' => starts with * '$' => ends with * @return */ private String buildSelector() { String escapedAttributeValue = escapeQuotes(attributeValue); if (attributeName.endsWith("*")) { String tmpAttributeName = attributeName.substring(0, attributeName.length() - 1); return String.format("[contains(@%s,%s)]", tmpAttributeName, escapedAttributeValue); } else if (attributeName.endsWith("^")) { String tmpAttributeName = attributeName.substring(0, attributeName.length() - 1); return String.format("[starts-with(@%s,%s)]", tmpAttributeName, escapedAttributeValue); } else if (attributeName.endsWith("$")) { String tmpAttributeName = attributeName.substring(0, attributeName.length() - 1); //return String.format("[ends-with(@%s,%s)]", attributeName, escapedAttributeValue); // would by valid with xpath 2.0 return String.format("[substring(@%s, string-length(@%s) - string-length(%s) +1) = %s]", tmpAttributeName, tmpAttributeName, escapedAttributeValue, escapedAttributeValue); } else { return String.format("[@%s=%s]", attributeName, escapedAttributeValue); } } @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementsByXPath(String.format(".//*%s", buildSelector())); } @Override public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context) { return ((FindsByXPath) context).findElementByXPath(String.format(".//*%s", buildSelector())); } @Override public String toString() { return "By.attribute: " + attributeName; } } /** * Find element with the text content given * @author s047432 * */ public static class ByText extends ByC implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5341968046120372161L; private final String text; private final String tagName; private final boolean partial; public ByText(String text, String tagName, boolean partial) { if (text == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements with a null text content."); } if (tagName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements with a null tagName."); } this.text = text; this.tagName = tagName; this.partial = partial; } @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) { String escapedText = escapeQuotes(text); if (partial) { return ((FindsByXPath) context) .findElementsByXPath(String.format(".//%s[contains(text(),%s)]", tagName, escapedText)); } else { return ((FindsByXPath) context) .findElementsByXPath(String.format(".//%s[text() = %s]", tagName, escapedText)); } } @Override public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context) { String escapedText = escapeQuotes(text); if (partial) { return ((FindsByXPath) context) .findElementByXPath(String.format(".//%s[contains(text(),%s)]", tagName, escapedText)); } else { return ((FindsByXPath) context) .findElementByXPath(String.format(".//%s[text() = %s]", tagName, escapedText)); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s By.text: %s", tagName, text); } } /** * Allow to search elements with several criteria * It will create intersection between a search for each criteria * @author s047432 * */ public static class And extends ByC implements Serializable { private By[] bies; public And(By... bies) { if (bies.length == 0) { throw new ScenarioException("At least on locator must be provided"); } this.bies = bies; } @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) { List<WebElement> elements = bies[0].findElements(context); for (int i = 1; i < bies.length; i++) { elements = ListUtils.retainAll(elements, bies[i].findElements(context)); } return elements; } @Override public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context) { try { return findElements(context).get(0); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Cannot find element with such criteria " + toString()); } } @Override public String toString() { List<String> biesString = new ArrayList<>(); for (By by : bies) { biesString.add(by.toString()); } return String.join(" and ", biesString); } } protected String escapeQuotes(String aString) { if (!aString.contains("'")) { return "'" + aString + "'"; } else { String newString = "concat("; for (String part : aString.split("'")) { newString += "'" + part + "',\"'\","; } return newString.substring(0, newString.length() - 5) + ")"; } } }