Java tutorial
/** * Orignal work: Copyright 2015 * Modified work: Copyright 2016 * Copyright 2017-2019 B.Hecquet * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.seleniumtests.uipage.aspects; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.DeclarePrecedence; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.UnhandledAlertException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException; import com.seleniumtests.core.SeleniumTestsContextManager; import com.seleniumtests.core.aspects.LogAction; import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ConfigurationException; import com.seleniumtests.customexception.DatasetException; import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ScenarioException; import com.seleniumtests.driver.WebUIDriver; import com.seleniumtests.reporter.logger.TestAction; import com.seleniumtests.reporter.logger.TestLogging; import com.seleniumtests.uipage.ReplayOnError; import com.seleniumtests.uipage.htmlelements.GenericPictureElement; import com.seleniumtests.uipage.htmlelements.HtmlElement; import com.seleniumtests.util.helper.WaitHelper; /** * Aspect to intercept calls to methods of HtmlElement. It allows to retry discovery and action * when something goes wrong with the driver * * @author behe * */ @Aspect @DeclarePrecedence("LogAction, ReplayAction") public class ReplayAction { private static Clock systemClock = Clock.systemUTC(); /** * Replay all HtmlElement actions annotated by ReplayOnError. * Classes which are not subclass of HtmlElement won't go there * See javadoc of the annotation for details * @param joinPoint * @throws Throwable */ @Around("execution(public * com.seleniumtests.uipage.htmlelements.HtmlElement+.* (..))" + "&& execution(@com.seleniumtests.uipage.ReplayOnError public * * (..)) && @annotation(replay)") public Object replayHtmlElement(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, ReplayOnError replay) throws Throwable { Instant end = systemClock.instant() .plusSeconds(SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getReplayTimeout()); Object reply = null; // update driver reference of the element // corrects bug of waitElementPresent which threw a SessionNotFoundError because driver reference were not // updated before searching element (it used the driver reference of an old test session) HtmlElement element = (HtmlElement) joinPoint.getTarget(); element.setDriver(WebUIDriver.getWebDriver()); String targetName = joinPoint.getTarget().toString(); TestAction currentAction = null; String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName(); if (methodName != "getCoordinates") { List<String> pwdToReplace = new ArrayList<>(); String actionName = String.format("%s on %s %s", methodName, targetName, LogAction.buildArgString(joinPoint, pwdToReplace, new HashMap<>())); currentAction = new TestAction(actionName, false, pwdToReplace); } // log action before its started. By default, it's OK. Then result may be overwritten if step fails // order of steps is the right one (first called is first displayed) if (currentAction != null && isHtmlElementDirectlyCalled(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) && TestLogging.getParentTestStep() != null) { TestLogging.getParentTestStep().addAction(currentAction); } boolean actionFailed = false; boolean ignoreFailure = false; try { while (end.isAfter(systemClock.instant())) { // in case we have switched to an iframe for using previous webElement, go to default content if (element.getDriver() != null && SeleniumTestsContextManager.isWebTest()) { element.getDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); // TODO: error when clic is done, closing current window } try { reply = joinPoint.proceed(joinPoint.getArgs()); WaitHelper.waitForMilliSeconds(200); break; } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) { throw e; } catch (WebDriverException e) { // don't prevent TimeoutException to be thrown when coming from waitForPresent // only check that cause is the not found element and not an other error (NoSucheSessionError for example) if ((e instanceof TimeoutException && joinPoint.getSignature().getName().equals("waitForPresent") && e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchElementException) // issue #104: do not log error when waitForPresent raises TimeoutException || (e instanceof NoSuchElementException && isFromExpectedConditions(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace())) // issue #194: return immediately if the action has been performed from ExpectedConditions class // This way, we let the FluentWait process to retry or re-raise the exception ) { ignoreFailure = true; throw e; } if (end.minusMillis(200).isAfter(systemClock.instant())) { WaitHelper.waitForMilliSeconds(replay.replayDelayMs()); continue; } else { if (e instanceof NoSuchElementException) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Searched element could not be found"); } else if (e instanceof UnreachableBrowserException) { throw new WebDriverException("Browser did not reply, it may have frozen"); } throw e; } } } return reply; } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof NoSuchElementException && joinPoint.getTarget() instanceof HtmlElement && (joinPoint.getSignature().getName().equals("findElements") || joinPoint.getSignature().getName().equals("findHtmlElements"))) { return new ArrayList<WebElement>(); } else { actionFailed = true && !ignoreFailure; throw e; } } finally { if (currentAction != null && isHtmlElementDirectlyCalled(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) && TestLogging.getParentTestStep() != null) { currentAction.setFailed(actionFailed); } } } /** * Replay all actions annotated by ReplayOnError if the class is not a subclass of * HtmlElement * @param joinPoint * @throws Throwable */ @Around("!execution(public * com.seleniumtests.uipage.htmlelements.HtmlElement+.* (..))" + "&& execution(@com.seleniumtests.uipage.ReplayOnError public * * (..)) && @annotation(replay)") public Object replay(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, ReplayOnError replay) throws Throwable { int replayDelayMs = replay != null ? replay.replayDelayMs() : 100; Instant end = systemClock.instant() .plusSeconds(SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getReplayTimeout()); Object reply = null; String targetName = joinPoint.getTarget().toString(); TestAction currentAction = null; if (joinPoint.getTarget() instanceof GenericPictureElement) { String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName(); List<String> pwdToReplace = new ArrayList<>(); String actionName = String.format("%s on %s %s", methodName, targetName, LogAction.buildArgString(joinPoint, pwdToReplace, new HashMap<>())); currentAction = new TestAction(actionName, false, pwdToReplace); // log action before its started. By default, it's OK. Then result may be overwritten if step fails // order of steps is the right one (first called is first displayed) if (isHtmlElementDirectlyCalled(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) && TestLogging.getParentTestStep() != null) { TestLogging.getParentTestStep().addAction(currentAction); } } boolean actionFailed = false; try { while (end.isAfter(systemClock.instant())) { try { reply = joinPoint.proceed(joinPoint.getArgs()); WaitHelper.waitForMilliSeconds(200); break; } catch (Throwable e) { // do not replay when error comes from test writing or configuration if (e instanceof ScenarioException || e instanceof ConfigurationException || e instanceof DatasetException) { throw e; } if (end.minusMillis(200).isAfter(systemClock.instant())) { WaitHelper.waitForMilliSeconds(replayDelayMs); continue; } else { throw e; } } } return reply; } catch (Throwable e) { actionFailed = true; throw e; } finally { if (currentAction != null && isHtmlElementDirectlyCalled(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) && TestLogging.getParentTestStep() != null) { currentAction.setFailed(actionFailed); if (joinPoint.getTarget() instanceof GenericPictureElement) { currentAction.setDurationToExclude( ((GenericPictureElement) joinPoint.getTarget()).getActionDuration()); } } } } /** * Replays the composite action in case any error occurs * @param joinPoint */ @Around("execution(public void org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions.BuiltAction.perform ())") public Object replayCompositeAction(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable { return replay(joinPoint, null); } /** * Check whether this action has directly been performed on the HtmlElement (e.g: click) * or through an other type of element (e.g: clic on LinkElement, redirected to HtmlElement) * In this last case, do not log action as it has already been logged by the specific type of * element * @param stack * @return */ private boolean isHtmlElementDirectlyCalled(StackTraceElement[] stack) { // disabled as action logging is now done only on @ReplayAction annotations. So there will not be 2 calls to the same action (effect of issue #62) // TODO: should be removed return true; // String stackClass = null; // boolean specificElementFound = false; // boolean htmlElementFound = false; // // for(int i=0; i < stack.length; i++) { // // // when using aspects, class name may contain a "$", remove everything after that symbol // stackClass = stack[i].getClassName().split("\\$")[0]; // if (stackClass.equals("com.seleniumtests.uipage.htmlelements.HtmlElement")) { // htmlElementFound = true; // } else if (stackClass.startsWith("com.seleniumtests.uipage.htmlelements.")) { // specificElementFound = true; // } // } // if (htmlElementFound && specificElementFound) { // return false; // } else { // return true; // } } /** * issu #194: Returns true if the call to element action has been done from the selenium class * * @param stack * @return */ private boolean isFromExpectedConditions(StackTraceElement[] stack) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { // when using aspects, class name may contain a "$", remove everything after that symbol String stackClass = stack[i].getClassName().split("\\$")[0]; if (stackClass.equals("")) { return true; } } return false; } }