Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * All rights reserved * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.seer.datacruncher.validation; import com.seer.datacruncher.constants.StreamStatus; import com.seer.datacruncher.datastreams.DatastreamDTO; import com.seer.datacruncher.jpa.ReadList; import com.seer.datacruncher.jpa.dao.DaoSet; import com.seer.datacruncher.jpa.entity.ChecksTypeEntity; import com.seer.datacruncher.jpa.entity.SchemaFieldEntity; import com.seer.datacruncher.jpa.entity.SchemaXSDEntity; import com.seer.datacruncher.utils.generic.CommonUtils; import com.seer.datacruncher.utils.generic.I18n; import com.seer.datacruncher.utils.language.LanguagesList; import com.seer.datacruncher.utils.validation.MultipleValidation; import com.seer.datacruncher.utils.validation.SingleValidation; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.*; public class Logical implements DaoSet { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); public static Map<String, Set<String>> mapExtraCheck = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); private boolean isWarningField(SchemaFieldEntity fieldEntity) { return fieldEntity.getErrorType() == StreamStatus.Warning.getCode(); } /** * Cool method that invoked when schemaField validation fails. Used for * values adding to ResultStepValidation result. * * @param fieldEntity * @param retValue * @param errMsg * - for failed schemaField */ private void setErrorOrWarn(SchemaFieldEntity fieldEntity, ResultStepValidation retValue, String errMsg) { boolean isErrorExists = !retValue.isValid && !retValue.isWarning; retValue.setValid(false); retValue.addFailedNodePath(fieldEntity.getOrigPath("\\") + "$$" + errMsg); retValue.setWarning(isWarningField(fieldEntity) && !isErrorExists); } private void appendStrToResult(ResultStepValidation retValue, String str) { retValue.setMessageResult(retValue.getMessageResult() + str + "\n"); } /** * Gets 'Warning: ' or 'Error: ' * * @param fieldEntity * @return */ private String getPrefix(SchemaFieldEntity fieldEntity) { return (isWarningField(fieldEntity) ? I18n.getMessage("success.validationWarning") : I18n.getMessage("error.error")).concat(": "); } public ResultStepValidation logicalValidation(DatastreamDTO datastreamDTO, Object jaxbObject) { long idSchema = datastreamDTO.getIdSchema(); Set<String> keys; ResultStepValidation retValue = new ResultStepValidation(); retValue.setValid(true); retValue.setMessageResult(""); SchemaXSDEntity schemaXSDEntity =; Class<?> validationClass; Object validationObj; Method factoryMethod; try { if (mapExtraCheck.keySet().size() == 0 || !mapExtraCheck.keySet().iterator().next() .contains(String.valueOf(datastreamDTO.getIdSchema()))) { mapExtraCheck = schemaFieldsDao.getMapExtraCheck(idSchema); } keys = mapExtraCheck.keySet(); Map<String, List<String>> mapMultiClass = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String fieldPath : keys) { try { boolean isValid = false; Set<String> setClass = mapExtraCheck.get(fieldPath); SchemaFieldEntity fieldEntity = schemaFieldsDao.getFieldByPath(fieldPath, idSchema, "/"); String suggestions = ""; String elementValue = CommonUtils.parseXMLandInvokeDoSomething( new ByteArrayInputStream(datastreamDTO.getOutput().getBytes()), fieldPath, jaxbObject); if (elementValue == null) { isValid = true; } else { if (setClass != null && setClass.size() > 0) { for (String checkInfo : setClass) { String checkType = checkInfo.substring(checkInfo.indexOf(":") + 1, checkInfo.lastIndexOf("_")); String extraCheckType = checkInfo.substring(checkInfo.indexOf("_") + 1, checkInfo.lastIndexOf("-")); String className = checkInfo.substring(checkInfo.lastIndexOf("-") + 1); if (checkType.contains("@spellcheck")) { long idCheckType = Long.parseLong(className); ChecksTypeEntity checksTypeEntity = checksTypeDao.find(idCheckType); if (checksTypeEntity == null) { continue; } String description = checksTypeEntity.getName(); Locale locale = Locale.ENGLISH; for (LanguagesList langs : LanguagesList.values()) { if (description.endsWith(langs.toString())) { locale = langs.getLocale(); break; } } SpellChecker spellChecker = new SpellChecker(locale.getLanguage()); if (!spellChecker.exist(elementValue)) { String suggestion = MessageFormat .format(I18n.getMessage("message.spellCheckError"), getPrefix(fieldEntity), elementValue, Arrays.toString(spellChecker.getSuggestions(elementValue))) .concat("\n"); suggestions += suggestion; } else { isValid = true; break; } } else if (checkType.contains("singleValidation")) { if (!extraCheckType.equalsIgnoreCase("Custom code") && !className.contains("com.seer.datacruncher.validation.")) className = "com.seer.datacruncher.validation." + className; if (extraCheckType.equalsIgnoreCase("Custom Code")) { validationObj = getCustomCodeInstance(checkType, className); } else { validationClass = Class.forName(className); try { factoryMethod = validationClass.getDeclaredMethod("getInstance"); validationObj = factoryMethod.invoke(null, (Object[]) null); } catch (Exception exception) { validationObj = validationClass.newInstance(); } } if (validationObj != null && validationObj instanceof SingleValidation) { SingleValidation singleValidation = (SingleValidation) validationObj; ResultStepValidation localRetValue = singleValidation .checkValidity(elementValue); if (localRetValue != null && !localRetValue.isValid()) { suggestions += getPrefix(fieldEntity) + localRetValue.getMessageResult() + "\n"; } else { isValid = true; break; } } else { suggestions += getPrefix(fieldEntity) + MessageFormat .format(I18n.getMessage("error.validationClass"), className) + "\n"; } } else if (checkType.contains("multipleValidation")) { if (!className.contains("com.seer.datacruncher.validation.")) className = "com.seer.datacruncher.validation." + className; if (mapMultiClass.size() > 0 && mapMultiClass.containsKey(className)) { List<String> info = mapMultiClass.get(className); if (info.get(0) != null && info.get(0).equals("true")) { isValid = true; break; } else { if (info.get(1) != null) suggestions += info.get(1); } } else { validationClass = Class.forName(className); validationObj = validationClass.newInstance(); if (validationObj != null && validationObj instanceof MultipleValidation) { List<String> info; MultipleValidation multipleValidation = (MultipleValidation) validationObj; ResultStepValidation localRetValue = multipleValidation .checkValidity(datastreamDTO, jaxbObject, schemaXSDEntity); if (!localRetValue.isValid()) { String msg = localRetValue.getMessageResult(); String postfix = msg.endsWith("\n") ? msg.substring(0, msg.length() - 2) : msg; msg = getPrefix(fieldEntity) + postfix + "\n"; suggestions += msg; info = new ArrayList<String>(); info.add(0, "false"); info.add(1, ""); mapMultiClass.put(className, info); } else { info = new ArrayList<String>(); info.add(0, "true"); info.add(1, ""); mapMultiClass.put(className, info); isValid = true; break; } } else { suggestions += getPrefix(fieldEntity) + MessageFormat.format( I18n.getMessage("error.validationClass"), className) + "\n"; } } } } } if (!isValid) { setErrorOrWarn(fieldEntity, retValue, suggestions); if (!suggestions.equals("")) { if (suggestions.endsWith("\n")) suggestions = suggestions.substring(0, suggestions.length() - 1); appendStrToResult(retValue, suggestions); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { log.error("Logical Validation - Exception : " + exception); retValue.setValid(false); appendStrToResult(retValue, I18n.getMessage("error.system")); return retValue; } } if (retValue.getMessageResult() != null && retValue.getMessageResult().equals("")) { retValue.setMessageResult(I18n.getMessage("success.validationOK")); } } catch (Exception exception) { retValue.setValid(false); appendStrToResult(retValue, I18n.getMessage("error.system")); log.error("Logical Validation - Exception : " + exception); return retValue; } return retValue; } private Object getCustomCodeInstance(String checkType, String className) { try { ReadList list = checksTypeDao.findCustomCodeByName(className); if (list == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list.getResults())) { return null; } ChecksTypeEntity checksTypeEntity = (ChecksTypeEntity) list.getResults().get(0); String sourceCode = checksTypeEntity.getValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sourceCode)) { return null; } Class<?> implementedClass; String classFullName; if (checkType.equalsIgnoreCase("singleValidation")) { implementedClass = SingleValidation.class; classFullName = "com.seer.datacruncher.utils.validation.SingleValidation"; } else { implementedClass = MultipleValidation.class; classFullName = "com.seer.datacruncher.utils.validation.MultipleValidation"; } return CommonUtils.getClassInstance(className, classFullName, implementedClass, sourceCode); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }