Java tutorial
/** * Copyright(C) 2013-2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.sec.ose.osi.thread.job.analysis; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.blackducksoftware.sdk.fault.SdkFault; import com.blackducksoftware.sdk.protex.common.AnalysisPhase; import com.blackducksoftware.sdk.protex.common.AnalysisStatus; import; import; import com.sec.ose.osi.sdk.SDKInterfaceImpl; import com.sec.ose.osi.sdk.protexsdk.ProtexSDKAPIManager; import com.sec.ose.osi.sdk.protexsdk.codetree.CodeTreeAPIWrapper; import com.sec.ose.osi.sdk.protexsdk.discovery.ProjectDiscoveryControllerMap; import com.sec.ose.osi.sdk.protexsdk.project.ProjectAPIWrapper; import com.sec.ose.osi.thread.job.BackgroundJobManager; import; import com.sec.ose.osi.ui.frm.main.identification.IdentifyMediator; import com.sec.ose.osi.ui.frm.main.manage.DirectoryInfo; import com.sec.ose.osi.ui.frm.main.manage.ManageMediator; /** * AnalyzeExecutionThread * @author sjh.yoo, hankido.lee, * */ public class AnalyzeExecutionThread extends SwingWorker<String, String> { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AnalyzeExecutionThread.class); ManageMediator mediator; public AnalyzeExecutionThread(ArrayList<OSIProjectInfo> projectLists, ManageMediator mediator) { this.projectList = projectLists; this.mediator = mediator; } ArrayList<OSIProjectInfo> projectList; private String projectName = null; private String projectID = null; private int totalFileCnt = 0; @Override public String doInBackground() throws InterruptedIOException { try { for (OSIProjectInfo projectInfo : projectList) { projectName = projectInfo.getProjectName(); mediator.setProjectAnalysisStatus(projectName, ProjectAnalysisInfo.STATUS_PROCESSING); projectID = SDKInterfaceImpl.getInstance().getProjectID(projectName); log.debug("Analysis ProjectName : " + projectName + " , projectID : " + projectID); mediator.setStatusText("Checking " + projectName + " Directory ..."); if (checkTargetDirChanged(projectInfo)) { totalFileCnt = projectInfo.getTotalFileCount() + 2; // add 1 for Root Directory , add 1 for Finish setProgress(0); mediator.setStatusText("Analyzing " + projectName + " ..."); mediator.setProgressBarVisible(true); publish("<-- Start to analyze Project [" + projectName + "] total " + totalFileCnt + " files -->"); } else { mediator.setProjectAnalysisStatus(projectName, ProjectAnalysisInfo.STATUS_COMPLETE); publish("<-- Project [" + projectName + "] is not Changed -->"); continue; } IdentifiedController.setProjectStatus(projectName, AnalysisMonitorThread.STATUS_EXECUTING); ProjectAPIWrapper.analyzeProject(projectID); publish("Start assessing " + projectInfo.getSourcePath()); publish("Analyzing project " + projectName + " (" + projectID + ")"); int totalFileCount = -1; AnalysisPhase prePhase = null; int PrePhasePercent = -1; int curProgress = 0; boolean finished = false; while (!finished) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } try { // TODO: if Source Location is changed, then have to change "AnalysisSourceLocation" AnalysisStatus status = ProtexSDKAPIManager.getProjectAPI().getAnalysisStatus(projectID); AnalysisPhase currPhase = status.getAnalysisPhase(); int currPhasePercent = status.getCurrentPhasePercentCompleted(); if (prePhase != currPhase || PrePhasePercent != currPhasePercent) { mediator.setStatusText(currPhase + " (" + currPhasePercent + "%)"); if (currPhase == AnalysisPhase.INITIALIZING || currPhase == AnalysisPhase.ASSESSING) { } else if (currPhase == AnalysisPhase.SCANNING) { curProgress = (int) (currPhasePercent * 0.5); if (totalFileCount == -1) { totalFileCount = status.getTotalFileCount(); publish("Files pending identification: " + totalFileCount); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(currPhase).append(" (").append(currPhasePercent).append("%) - ") .append(status.getCurrentFile()) .append(" (" + status.getAnalyzedFileCount()).append("/") .append(totalFileCount).append(")"); mediator.setStatusText(sb.toString()); } else if (currPhase == AnalysisPhase.ANALYZING) { if (prePhase != AnalysisPhase.SCANNING) { // After Scanning, still 100% curProgress = 50 + (int) (currPhasePercent * 0.5); } } setProgress(curProgress); } prePhase = currPhase; PrePhasePercent = currPhasePercent; finished = status.isFinished(); } catch (SdkFault e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } curProgress = 100; setProgress(curProgress); if (finished) { mediator.setStatusText("(" + totalFileCnt + "/" + totalFileCnt + ") " + "analyzed sucessfully and will identify string search automatically."); setProgress(100); IdentifyMediator.getInstance().refreshComboProjectName(projectName); projectInfo.updateAnalysisSuccessInfo(); mediator.setProjectAnalysisStatus(projectName, ProjectAnalysisInfo.STATUS_COMPLETE); IdentifiedController.setProjectStatus(projectName, AnalysisMonitorThread.STATUS_READY); projectInfo.setSourcePathChange(false); publish("<-- Finish project [" + projectName + "] Analyze -->"); log.debug("refesh loaded project START..."); ProjectDiscoveryControllerMap.loadProjectDiscoveryControllerFromProtexServer(projectName, null); CodeTreeAPIWrapper.refreshCodeTree(projectName, null); log.debug("refesh loaded project END..."); mediator.showPopupFrame("Finish project [" + projectName + "] Analyze"); } else { mediator.setProjectAnalysisStatus(projectName, ProjectAnalysisInfo.STATUS_READY); IdentifiedController.setProjectStatus(projectName, AnalysisMonitorThread.STATUS_READY); publish("<-- Error project [" + projectName + "] Analyze -->"); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } return "Analysis Completed"; } @Override protected void process(List<String> progress) { for (String tmpstr : progress) { mediator.appendMessageToConsole(tmpstr); } } @Override protected void done() { if (isCancelled()) { if (projectID != null) ProjectAPIWrapper.cancelAnalyzeProject(projectID); mediator.appendMessageToConsole("<-- Project [" + projectName + "] Analysis is Cancelled -->"); mediator.setStatusText("Analysis is Cancelled"); } else { mediator.setStatusText("Analysis is Done"); } mediator.setProgressBarVisible(false); AnalysisMonitorThread monitor = BackgroundJobManager.getInstance().startAnalysisMonitoThread(); monitor.setStatus(AnalysisMonitorThread.STATUS_READY); mediator.updateUIForFinishAnalysis(); } private boolean checkTargetDirChanged(OSIProjectInfo projectInfo) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(projectInfo.getSourcePath()); long lastAnalysisDate = projectInfo.getLastAnalyzedDate(); if (di.isFileModified(lastAnalysisDate) || projectInfo.isSourcePathChange()) { projectInfo.getProjectAnalysisInfo().setTotalFileCount(di.getFileCount()); if (IdentifiedController.getProjectStatus(projectName) == AnalysisMonitorThread.STATUS_IDENTIFING) { log.debug("\nProject [" + projectName + "] is identifing !!!\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e); } if (IdentifiedController.getProjectStatus(projectName) == AnalysisMonitorThread.STATUS_READY) { return true; } } return false; } } else { log.debug("\nProject [" + projectName + "] is not Changed !!!\n"); return false; } return true; } }